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Raw Mounds Bars

Who doesn’t love Mounds Bars???

I could’ve simply included these raw mounds bars as a variation in the Raw Macaroon post.

But they’re just way too good to be a side note. Chocolate always deserves its own post, don’t you think?

raw mounds bars

Besides, the Mounds Bar was one of my favorite candy bars as a kid.  (I also loved Reeses peanut butter cups.)

Raw Mounds Bars

  • 80g dates (scant 2/3 cup)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cacao bliss or Homemade Chocolate Butter
  • Optional: shredded coconut, chopped almonds, cocoa powder, or almond extract (for Almond Joy babies)

A few readers have successfully subbed coconut oil for the coconut butter, but I haven’t tried it. Blend, using a small blending gadget. (I use the Magic Bullet short cup. Or you can triple the ingredients and use a food processor. It might be too sticky in a blender.) Form in shapes of your choice. You can use the plastic bag trick. If you find the mixture too crumbly, put the bag in the fridge for a while before forming shapes. Due to the melty nature of coconut butter, store the Babies in the fridge or freezer (that is if ya don’t eat them all first!).

Published on November 5, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. tabitha says

    we’ve done the pb babies and the fudge babies so far
    loved by myself–kiddos and husband!

    tonight we’ll be making almond joy babies
    “because, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t…
    almond joy’s got nuts, mounds don’t!”
    (even though yours do)

  2. Katie says

    LOL You and Hulk have been busy 😉 You have some yummy looking recipes and I do love chocolate… Doesn’t chocolate make everything better?

  3. Jessica says

    I’m making babies like crazy too! At least these guys don’t cry 😉

    I linked up to “OCCK” on my blog — hope it brings a little more traffic your way.

  4. Jenny says

    oh Katie, sweet sweet Katie — you have officially stolen my heart with those fudge PB sammies.. I am officially obsessed with you.

    Mounds were one of my fav. candies as a youngin — fortunately, my brother hated them so we always traded around halloween time.. I gave him all my dum dums 🙂 such an unfair exchange but he was young and I took advantage of his ignorance… 😡

    happy day to you beauty queen!

  5. The voracious Vegan says

    Darn right chocolate always deserves its own post! Chocolate deserves its own blog, its own day of celebration, its own whatever it wants! (Can you tell I love chocolate? I think so!)

    You have such a gorgeous family, Katie! You are the greatest mom….but I kind of want to eat all of your children!

  6. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    You know girl the PB Sammy’s are my fave 🙂
    But mounds bar…gosh, how to pick, how to pick??!!

  7. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    Can I come over and baby-sit? 😉

    As soon as I drive cross country with my U-haul full o’ Artisana products, I will be making these!

  8. Daria @ Daria Can Cook says

    Mounds bars were my absolute favorite when I was a kid! Peanut butter cups were second. Those are still my favorite candies. 🙂

  9. Demelza says

    I’m glad my last comment made you smile. ^^
    Seeing I got a response from you made me smile, too!

    Hee hee. Mounds was one of my favorite candy bars, also.
    Second probably to Twix. Kind of funny, because I’ve never really liked caramel.
    I’d totally be up for making these, but like a few other people commented coconut butter is not very cheap…x.x;
    I’ll just have to find a way around that or stick to the other fudge baby variations. Not a problem, since the recipe’s so versatile. <3

  10. candice says

    Hi Katie. I’ve been following your blog for awhile, but I haven’t commented until now. I can’t WAIT to try these “baby” recipes out–especially these, since Mounds and Almond Joys are some of my favorite candies!

  11. Kate says

    Holy wow! I’m getting some dates and making every possible variation ASAP! Especially the peanut butter sandwich ones. I bet they are a lot cheaper than Lara Bars and Jocalats (although I still love them too of course).

    May I say, you have such beautiful (and delicious) children. Hahah.

  12. Michelle says

    Just curious Katie, where do you get this “Artisana” brand of chocolate and coconut butter? I have never seen it before.

    Excellent creations you’ve got going there- I am kinda drooling like my dog right now xD

  13. Clay says

    Girl, i swear… if i didnt know you better i would think you were part rabbit the way these babies are popping up all over the place. We might just have to put you in a seperate cage… away from the blogging world.

    Just kidding, loving the babies. Reeses and Mounds were always my faves as well. I also love how, much like the rabbit, we can ‘eat our young’

  14. Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl says

    Hi, Katie!

    I followed over from Heather’s blog (HEAB).

    I’m a HUGE fan of chocolate, and these desserts you’ve made look and sound soooooooooooooooooo yummy!

    My favorite candy bar as a kid? ZERO!! Ever heard of those? I’d say Snickers was next in line, and then Butterfinger. 😉


  15. jrsimon56 says

    You’ve caught me with a choco-craving! Bah! Those look awesome. Any chance of vegan 3 musketeers? I would strategically take those apart when I was little…savoring every bit.

  16. BroccoliHut says

    Mounds are pretty much my favorite candy bar ever, but I didn’t get any this Halloween…guess I’ll just have to make some instead!

  17. emi s. says

    If I had a vitamix, these would be the first recipe i’d make! i don’t have a food processor/blender/magic bullet at all (hopefully one will be a bday present this summer) so i haven’t been able to make any babies at all, sadly.

  18. Jenna says

    I know the first recipe I’d make in a VitaMix is some fruit ice cream. My poor blender has taken such a beating from trying to pulverize enough fruit to feed my cravings, and even then I can only succeed in a thick smoothie, haha.

  19. Paula says

    If I won a Vita-Mix, the first thing I’d make would be quick and easy–an awesome super green fruit smoothie. Then later, I’d love to try my hand at these Mounds Bar Babies.

  20. Luv2CUSmile says

    Okay now, I think I have this. These Mounds Bar Babies would be scrumptious but If I won the Vitamix the first thing i would have to make is Butternut Squash soup. I just bought two more after making a butternut squash casserole. Soup would be scrumptious!
    LuvMoeDog2 at aol dot com

  21. Aileen says

    The first thing I’d make in a Vita-Mix would be an awesome green monster smoothie! And then I’d definitely try this fudge baby recipe 🙂 Chocolate and coconut is one of my favorite combinations!

  22. courtney says

    I have trouble following directions… the first thing I would make in the Vita-Mix is either fudge babies (Mounds is first on the list!!) or banana bread in a bowl… or maybe banana butter… bascially anything Katie-inspired 🙂

  23. Linda Ocasio says

    This is definitely the first thing I would make in a VitaMix blender — but definitely coated in coconut because I am a lover of flaky goodness!

  24. Jill says

    Nom nom mmmounds! Hehe. I would definitely make a huge super green smoothie to wash down one of these yummy coconut treats if I won the Vita-Mix!

  25. Aimee says

    Would definitely make these if I won the Vitamix but not first; I would love to make protein ice cream like HEAB makes!

  26. Alexandra says

    Hola! Decisions, decisions….I think I’d try making all of the Fudge Babies with a Vitamix but first it would have to be the Baby Mounds. Why? Because, Mounds candy bars were my favorite growing up and I haven’t had one since highschool. I’m 40 now so that’s heck of a long time of deprivation! 🙂

  27. Kristin says

    The Mounds bar babies look AMAZING. Absolute favorite candy bar and obvi don’t eat them anymore. YUM. Will make these immediately! But first things first, if I had a Vita-Mix, I would make huge batches of green smoothies to my heart’s delight and then dive into the wonder that is the Vita-Mix with amazing new recipes and experiments!

  28. Laura G says

    If I had a Vitamix I’d make a huge batch of Mounds Fudge Babies every week! But they wouldn’t be the first thing I made. It’s been so cold in my office that I’ve been eating soup everyday. So the first thing I would make is Curried Butternut Squash soup. With a Vitamix it would be warm and yummy in a flash 🙂

  29. Jamie says

    I think anything with chocolate and coconut is DIVINE!
    I would have to try these if I had a Vitamix, however I think it would be easiest to start with some green smoothies. A regular blender doesn’t do them justice.

  30. Kayla says

    If I had a vitamix I’d make my first green monster! I’ve never had one as I’m without a blender :(!! *crosses fingers*

  31. Jayne Chandler says

    Mmmm healthy Mounds and Almond JOY bars! The Vita-Mix would have to have premium space on my kitchen counter and would first be used to make raw almond butter, then I’d make the Almond Joy Babies with an almond butter center, surrounded by chocolate butter rolled in coconut, surrounded by chocolate butter with cocoa nibs mixed in and lastly rolled in almond bits. These end up more like Joyful logs, which for festive occasions could be sliced, after cooling.

  32. Michelle R says

    I made your raw mounds bar babies today – YUMMMMMMM! Thank you for giving me a guilt-free (or at least less guilt) in having a delicious treat when my sweet tooth calls for it. You’re the best!!

  33. melanie says

    Hi Katie – I finally got some cacao butter and tried my own babies – here’s what I did:

    my o my o my o – they are so good! I made a double batch and gave them to several friends – I can’t wait to try a few more and make up my own. I was thinking about adding some greens next time. This is such a beautifully creative idea – I love it!

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