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Return of the Vegan Cupcakes

Once upon a time, I decorated cupcakes.


Such as the above vegan, personalized, 100%-edible Shopaholic Cupcake.

But sadly, life was just so busy this past year that my cupcake-decorating hobby fell by the wayside. Time for a resurrection! I was invited to a Halloween party, and I will not miss this opportunity to make more Halloweenie cakes.

Published on October 16, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Liz @ Blog is the New Black says

    I am OBSESSED with cute cupcakes, too! I am making some tomorrow, stay tuned. 😉 That shopaholic one is adorbs!

  2. Rachel says

    Ohh your cupcakes look so DELISH, Katie 😀

    I plan all the time… and then the plan goes out the window… so I’m gonna say I’m a planner but also a free spirit 😉

    I’m excited for your coconut butter giveaway and peanut butter recipe!!

  3. Shelby says

    I’m a planner! I write down a to-do list everyday. It’s not just things I have to do, but their in order too! I feel weird if I go out of order, but I’m working on letting go a little (:

  4. Caitlin says

    Haha I love that J. Crew shopping girl. Reminds me of so many of my friends!

    I like to plan, but did recently get a tattoo spur-of-the-moment and move to Manhattan on a whim. Must be a quarter life crisis!

  5. squigglefloey says

    Hi girlie 🙂 Love the blog you are ADORABLE (as are ur cuppy cakes). I am a total planner. But I’m trying to keep it down to a minimum because sometimes I think I plan too much and try to retain so much structure that I start becoming too much of a square. =/ I need to be more spontaneous!
    But, generally, I LOVE planning ahead haha.

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