Sunshine Baked Oatmeal
I’m in love and it’s a sunny day.
This healthy breakfast recipe is like the love child of oatmeal and pineapple cobbler. The fruit caramelizes as it bakes, which tastes so amazingly good… and the kitchen feels like a tropical island paradise!
It was inspired by the wildly popular Oatmeal Breakfast Cupcakes.
The first time I made this vegan baked oatmeal was back in December: an apple pie version. Recently, I found myself with quite a large amount of leftover pineapple (after making the Dole Whip Recipe I posted earlier). For Mothers’ Day breakfast this year, I adapted my apple pie baked oatmeal to work with pineapple… this tropical version turned out to be even better!
Sunshine Breakfast Baked Oatmeal Recipe

- 2 1/2 cups ripe pineapple or mango, chopped small (350g)
- 1 cup rolled oats (85g)
- 3-4 tbsp Sucanat or brown sugar (depending on desired sweetness) (30g)
- 1/16 tsp uncut stevia, or 2 extra tbsp Sucanat or brown sugar (or 2 NuNaturals packets)
- 3 tbsp ground flaxmeal (or ground chia) (18g)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 1/2 tbsp coconut or vegetable oil (35g)
- 2/3 cup milk of choice (160g)
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract (2g)
- optional ingredients: 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 1/2 cup more milk of choice (120g)
Preheat oven to 375 F and lightly grease an 8-in square baking pan. Combine first two ingredients in a bowl, then pour in an even layer into the bottom of the pan. In a mixing bowl, combine all remaining ingredients but the last 1/2 cup milk, and stir to combine. Spread this evenly over the pineapple or mango, then pour the remaining 1/2 cup milk evenly on top. Bake 35 minutes, then let sit 5 minutes before cutting into slices, using a knife or a very-large cookie cutter. Makes 4-6 servings. For a piña colada oatmeal variation: add 1/2 cup shredded coconut to the mixing bowl. Use canned coconut milk as your milk of choice.
Do you prefer to see larger recipes or single-serving recipes?
I will still post a mix of both, but seeing the majority vote is helpful when I’m developing recipes, so I can know which types of recipes to focus on more often.
Link of the day: Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Nausheen says
How big is the serving size in the nutritional facts? From 4 or 6 people?
Caitlyn @ City and the Cubicle says
ah i need to learn to stop going on your blog when i’m at work and hungry! this is adorable. i like single-serving, but i also like to know how to make a large batch of it when we have work potlucks, so that doesn’t help…
Bethany says
I love the single-serving recipes – I make them more than anything!
Heidi Lynn says
It depends on what the recipe is for me. I like the larger potions for things that will keep as leftovers for a while or freeze well, but I love the single serving recipes especially for desserts and using those I feel I eat a wider variety of things. My overall choice is single serving.
This recipe looks delicious!
Nancy says
Love single serving since a lot of these recipes taste better fresh and being able to pop a quick dessert in the microwave is just the best.
Cindy says
Personally, with a family of 5, and often cooking for potlucks, and freezer cooking, I prefer larger-scale recipes. It is just a challenge to quadruple/quintuple/higher a recipe to make cookies for a larger group.
kathy says
I love both single and larger recipes. Being the only vegan in the house, I like to make stuff just for me on occasion, but when I see something that looks like the hubby might like to try, a larger recipe is helpful, but then I just double the batch and make one for each of us.
Paula@Paula's Plate says
I love your single serving recipes; they are so perfect when I want to cook something just for myself. It is always easier to double or tripe a recipe when I want to feed a crowd than it is to reduce a recipe to a single serving. Keep doing what you do!
JoAnn says
I love your site. I like larger scale recipes as I like to have left overs.
Amanda says
Larger quantity recipies. : )
I love how your recipies are low-sugar and are so adaptable in terms of sweetness, flour, milk, etc. Thanks!
Frances says
I just made this and it was soooooo good! So hard to believe it isn’t higher in sugar. Thanks for the recipe 🙂
anonymous says
We loved this recipe. Thanks!
Meg says
I’d love to see more larger recipes. Your single serving recipes are great because not very,many blogs do that, but I find myself often looking for larger recipes and when I’m lazy instead of doing the math to adapt yours I just go to other sites. 🙁
Toni says
I love the single-serve recipes to keep my chocolate urges under control but I also love the full-sized recipes for family gatherings.
Sheila Stevenson says
Single serving recipes work well for me. I need to find the apple pie version of this oatmeal, however…
Kelly says
In answer to your Q today…I personally prefer full size recipes, as opposed to single serve.
M says
Haha Angela at Oh She Glows just posted something similar last week! Looks like y’all are on the same page 🙂
mrsluckypants says
This recipe looks delicious. I can’t wait to try it. It will be perfect for breakfast and the heart is too cute. I find that I don’t have time to make baked oatmeal singles in the morning before work so I’ve been resorting to bread and bagels for breakfast which means I’m starving by 10:00 a.m.. Oats are great and they keep me full till lunch! I can’t wait to make this and hooray I’m going grocery shopping today. Hope the pineapples are ripe! I have a family of four so I prefer the larger scale recipes, but I’ve been multiplying to adjust your recipes for quite some time and don’t find it to be a bother. In fact, sometimes it is quite wonderful to make a single dessert simply so I won’t overeat. However, even a single dessert ends up being 4 single desserts in my house and I have one household member who “gasp” doesn’t like chocolate. That is why I love ramekins!!!!! You could certainly put directions for both on each recipe, but that may take more time than you can spare. I think we’d all agree that it’s most important that you keep coming up with yummy creations and I agree with another who said that the single servings are unique!
Kym says
Love your site! I like both single and larger portion recipes. I have a small family (3), but some things my family just won’t eat. So, I will make those items for myself. We like to do healthy pot lucks at the office so the larger portions are helpful, as I like to try out a new recipe each time. [They’re basically my guinea pigs. 🙂 ] Larger servings are also great to save and freeze for later.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent and good taste!!
Pat B says
I prefer single serve. I can always double or triple a recipe but for whatever reason making a recipe smaller is difficult for me. JMO keep up all the great work you do for us. Love your posts!
Amanda says
This recipie looks delicious! I will definitly have to try this one. I just recently found your blog, and one of my favorite parts (besdies all the yummy looking photos & recipies of course) are the single-serving recipies! As a single girl I really appreciate not having a bunch of left-over goodies, and it’s always easy enough to make several ‘single serve’ recipies for when I have people over. Sometimes that’s even better, because then everyone can have a taste of several different things! Keep up the wonderful work, can’t wait to see what else you come up with. Thank You!
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
Haha well being terminally single I prefer single serving recipes!
Bailey says
This look yummy! I love anything oatmeal.. I love trying new types. Before this blog it was only oats, milk, and honey.. now I have options!
I like your single recipes, not because I’m single but my boyfriend does not like many foods and it is only the two of us in the house, so if I do find a recipe he will eat, doubling is so much easier!
Anonymous says
larger scale recipes, I like leftovers and giving extras away to friends
Jessica says
My vote is for the single serving desserts, it’s one of my favorite things about your site. I do like seeing full size desserts too but in general I like the single serving ones because more often than not I’m just making it for myself and its easier to multiply your recipes on the rare occassion that I do want more than to cut them down on a regular basis to just feed myself lol.
Jessica says
I must say though, my exception would be when you post non-dessert recipes. I love it when I make one of your meal recipes and have a whole weeks worth of dinners/lunches leftover to put in the freezer 🙂
Barb says
Single servings! I usually multiply your recipe by 2-3 to make that many servings, but I love how your website is one of the only ones to post really good single serving recipes!
The recipes I’d like to see in non-single serving form are generally muffins and baked oatmeals like this! Some of those recipes I make for a crowd!
Olivia@ OmNom Love says
I love pineapple so this looks right up my alley! Pineapple truly is sunshine in the form of a fruit. 😉
I like to see larger recipes, because I have a family of four and it’s easier to “cook once, eat twice” that way.
Cindy says
I prefer larger recipes.
Happy national chocolate chip cookie day! Guess what’s for dinner tonight?!? Well, after our lentil kale soup anyway. 🙂
Thanks for the great recipes!
Kaira says
This oatmeal recipe looks good. I much prefer large quantity recipes so I don’t need to do it times ten. 🙂
Brenda says
I vote for single serve recipes. Love your site, looking for the apple version of this.
lostrack621 says
I rarely make single serving recipes and instead prefer the “normal” recipes (batch-style), because it is much easier for me to make a batch of something and refrigerate/freeze for later. I like to have a small dessert every night (keeps me from waking up in the wee hours), so having something I can pop in the microwave quickly to take the fridge-cool off is a must – I do all my cooking for the week on Sunday afternoon/evening.
Also, I live in a pretty small apartment (=small kitchen) so taking out all my baking stuff (ingredients, materials, etc) for a single serving is not efficient for me. I find it much easier to experiment with decreasing recipes than increasing, but I rarely do either…I just freeze, “forget”, and then remember that I’ve got treats in the freezer (or fridge, whatever)!
Sarah (appifanie) says
SINGLE SERVING! I have no self control. I come to this blog a lot looking for single serving things.
Vienna says
Single serving, and the portion sizes you have been doing already (pie, etc.) It helps with portion control.
Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl says
Such a sweet recipe, love the shape cut out.
Even though I usually cook for 2, I love the single serving recipes as well as I’m a go to dessert eater while my husband would rather nom on potato chips. Keep em coming!
Aline says
You and Angela from Oh she glows are really conected!! She also posted a recipe of Pineapple Baked Oatmeal. I guess that must be great!! So I’m gonna try… both!! Hmmmm!!!
Cecilia says
I definitely prefer full size recipes. I have a large family and it would be very tedious to multiply tsp and such by 10. 😉 We love many of your recipes although we are not vegan.
Veronica says
This sounds wonderful! Bring on more full-size recipes! 😀
Michele says
I prefer single serving recipes. I live alone, so I really appreciate that. There a gazillion food blogs that cater to families, but it’s rare to see one that doesn’t assume everyone has a large household. I’m always a bit discouraged reading all the cooking blogs that feature family-sized recipes, because it creates a lot of waste if it can’t be frozen or saved. (And some recipes can’t.) Thanks for asking!
andrea says
I’m more of a single recipe person!
Laura Willis says
I prefer single recipes; it’s easier for me to double/triple/quadruple a recipe than it is to divide 🙂
Autumn says
I prefer to see full size recipes–my kids love your recipes almost as much as I do!
christina.vd says
I’m a single lady but I still prefer larger recipes.
Sarah S says
i prefer larger scale recipes – thanks for asking!!
Anonymous says
Larger size recipes!
Kelly @ Hidden Fruits and Veggies says
This sounds amazing! I’ll occasionally make a single serve recipe, but usually I want something that can feed several people. Just two of us at home, but there’s nothing like bringing in treats to butter up your coworkers when you need a favor 🙂
Laure Ricketts says
Hi Katie,
The only two fruits I cannot eat are pineapple and mango, so do you think I can substitute bananas or blueberries instead? Looks really good!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry, I haven’t tried it so I really can’t say. I would think you’d need less sweetener if you use bananas…
lauren says
Ok thank you for the response Katie! I will keep in mind your suggestion on the sweeteners too!
Liz says
I prefer the larger serving recipes. If I’m going to make a mess in the kitchen, I like it to last me a while. Plus I live with a boy so there’s no way I can get away with making something for myself and not sharing!
Michelle says
I prefer single-serving recipes!
Kristen says
Single serve please! Perfect for eating a different dessert every day!
slvenn says
This looks great. We love baked oatmeal in this house. I prefer the larger recipes as I am cooking for a family of four and we love leftovers.
Kim says
I love your single serving recipes so much! They are perfect for portion control. You are my go-to site for breakfast and dessert ideas that are meant for one.
Amy says
I like the single serving recipes. Having larger is good too for parties, but for myself, single is best or I tend overeat the good stuff, which ruins the whole point of the healthy part. Love your recipes!
Paige says
Single serving, because most people that use your blog are vegan, gluten free, on a diet, or just want to be healthy. And not everyday do you find a family that all falls under that category. So for the people that are health freaks amidst the family, it’s nice to be able to just make something for yourself because nobody else will eat tofu milkshakes no matter how good they may taste.
Sarah says
I love a bit of both…. but I vote larger! I have a family of 8 to feed, and I normally have to quadruple (or more) your recipes. I really do hope to see bigger recipes, and this is Saturday’s breakfast (got some mangoes I gotta use up)!
Thanks for asking us- but either way, the taste is what counts 🙂
Carrie Rocha says
I MUCH prefer larger sized recipes. I have never in my life made a single serving dessert, even when I was single.
Lisa says
This is too cute! I love the heart shaped baked oatmeal. Mine are always just round which totally aren’t as fun. I also love that there is mango or pineapple. I always stick to banana and pumpkin, but I should branch out to other fruits! Yum.
I always prefer and love to see single serve recipes! Just makes it much easier for me!
I mean that way it’s so easy to double or triple them! Just my opinion though 🙂
Katy @ Katy's Kitchen says
This oatmeal recipe just makes me smile, for the name and for the ingredients! I bet the caramelized fruit just makes it taste so amazing and would brighten up anyones day. I love that I can come to your website for single serving recipes and smaller recipes, it’s definitely something unique about your site. But once in a while it’s great to have a larger recipe (especially when you post meals) so I vote for the mix!
Sarah says
I like single serving recipes but it’s easy to cut the recipe down if you post how many servings the recipe caters for.
Sheena says
Hi! First I will answer your question and say that I like both but mostly single serving recipes. I did just make the white bean blondies for a family dinner though so it is good to have multiple-serving recipes as well. Next I want to say that I love your blog. I am a breastfeeding mommy who struggles to keep myself from losing weight. Your recipes makes that fun. Every night right before bed, I eat another meal and I usually make it from one if your recipes. My favorite is the coconut cookie dough boatoatmeal with coconut butter and dark chocolate. I just ordered some cacao nibs. Do you ever use these? How does the taste compare to dark chocolate chips when in a recipe? I already use raw cacao powder but haven’t tried the nibs…
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I sprinkle them on things. I wouldn’t recommend using them in place of chips in a recipe, though.The taste is completely different.
Susan says
My recipe preference is for ones that feed one or two (for things like smoothies that you can’t really save for another day). For things that keep in the fridge, 4 or 6 servings is good. This recipe sounds like fun (I’d do it with mango), but I would have to find a protein source to balance out the carbs.
Rachel says
Single serving for sure! There are lots of other websites that give recipes for family-sized yields, and your blog is unique in how it has a lot of single serving recipes.
Another idea could be to add a calculator that adjusts the recipes based on how many servings you want, like on
Danielle says
This sounds amazing! I’m going to have to make it. I could use a more tropical breakfast haha. Thanks, Katie!
– Danielle
Anonymous says
I love your single serve recipes because my hubby doesn’t like everything that I do. But am glad you will still post larger recipes too because he will try some and nummy leftovers are always good!
Chadwin says
So yummy!!!
I like the larger versions of recipes. I make them once per week, cut them up and freeze them to heat on a daily basis!
Tracy says
Larger recipes please. I love your site, but I have a family of four, so the single serve recipes aren’t practical for me and I usually don’t try them even though they look good. Even when I’m making something just for me, I prefer to make a few servings and have extra for the next few days. I’m busy, so if I’m going to get out a lot of ingredients and cook, I want more than one serving to show for my effort. The oatmeal looks awesome!
Olivia @ Liv Lives Life says
Love the Beatles lyrics. 😉 And this recipe! I’ve been looking for an egg and nut free baked oatmeal recipe for a while now!
Ashley says
I like the larger quantity recipes. I don’t know how this is done, but I have seen cooking websites ( is one) where you can input the number of servings you want and it automatically changes the quantities in the recipes for you. Would be helpful for those of us who’d like to turn single recipes into food for a family of 4.
Kristy says
I prefer larger-scale recipes simply because I’m making them for a family of 4. Your recipes are all so good that I can never just keep them for myself. 😉
Lisa says
Looks wonderfully yummy!!! I definately prefer the larger serving recipes ’cause there are 6 of us! Also prefer the conventional oven cooking, rather than microwave.
Brienne says
larger recipes, mostly because I like as little work as possible, so when it comes to something like a breakfast recipe, I want something large I can bake on Sunday and eat all week 🙂
kimmythevegan says
Mmm this looks so super tasty! Can’t wait to try it out. Scanned this post quickly before heading to the grocery store and picked up pineapple so I can give it a go =)
Cathy says
I love single serving recipes! It’s just me for half the year, and then me and the bf for the other half, so it’s easy enough to make 2 of a single serving recipe for those times. I never know what to do with a recipe that serves 6 so I either don’t make it, or throw most of it away if it doesn’t freeze well. So better to make smaller sized recipes for me personally. 🙂
Zanita says
Large quantity, I bake for my family and I don’t like to do the math. 🙂
Amy says
Looks delicious! I just baked a pineapple dessert over the weekend too, and because of the picky eaters in my house, I had to eat all of it by myself… Oh darn! 😉
I think it’d be interesting to do a compromise of single-lady and multiple-serving desserts. Maybe adapt recipes for 4 servings, since that seems to be the average size of a household? Just a thought!
Nancy Renn says
Love, love, your site!!!! I keep several of your single serving recipes on the kitchen counter — always. I would like to see more dinner single serving. Some of my favorite recipes are:pumpkin pie stir fry, sweet potato shepherd’s pie,blueberry pie pancakes and pumpkin boatmeal for one. To die for after working out…. one-minute chocolate cake!!!! Keep the recipes coming.
bethany says
Looks delicious. I prefer single serve.
Jeannette says
I prefer a bigger recipe, like this one in an 8×8 pan, or a dozen muffins. If I’m going to cook, I like to have leftovers.
Melissa says
I am cooking for 6 kiddos! Your site is so great for us vegan/vegetarians trying to survive cooking for families….so I will take anything you offer but admit that sometimes I skip the single serving recipes just because I would have to times them by 13 or 14 🙂 I love your stuff and those oatmeal breakfast muffins are beyond wildly popular in our house. I make a double batch about every 3-4 days along with tons of other things from your site. Thank you, thank you!!!
A. Cook says
Large recipes are always great, but I do love when you do the single-serving ones! So few other bloggers do it and yours are just awesome.
Molly says
I prefer single-serving recipes.
Lyndsey says
I love the single-serving recipes…. They are easy because I am the only one who eats oatmeal in my family!
Tara says
I vote for single serving recipes because I try those much more often and they are rare to find (CCK’s niche-and yours are the best).
Larger servings I usually reserve for special occasions. Although I wish it were different, it’s been about 40/60 chance other people have loved a healthier version. The overdose of butter, sugar and cream I’ve come to dislike are still really popular 🙁
Emily J says
I enjoy both, but I’ll go with single-serving. Thanks!
Christina says
I was wondering if you can sub honey or maple syrup for any of the sugars in the recipes. I’m not supposed to eat sugar so I was wondering if anyone has tried it without other sweeteners besides sugar or stevia? Thanks
Marta says
I am on an unaccompanied military tour in Korea, so I appreciate the single servings. Also, I introduced my college-aged daughter back in the States, who is vegetarian and interested in going vegan, to your recipes and she loves the single serving sizes as well. I make different variations of your boatmeal about every other day! Thank you for your delicious recipes!
Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake says
It looks so pretty 🙂
I like a mix of single-serve and larger recipes. I often cook a lot of one person meals but I also love to make goodies and dinners for my family.
Alex @ Cookie Dough Katzen says
What a great way to change up oatmeal! I’ve been eating a lot of pb +chia overnight oats so I’ll have to switch it up with fruit soon.
I like both serving size recipes but I prefer single serving desserts for sure! 😀
Regine says
Love this! And I say single recipes… easier to multiply than divide 🙂
Dawn says
I love the smaller recipes! If you do not like something for some reason, you do not feel like you wasted a lot of money. If you like something, then you can just double the recipe yourself!
Dawn says
I love the smaller recipes, if you don’t like something, you don’t feel like you wasted a lot of money, and if it is tasty, you can just double it up! I have really only not cared for 1 recipe I have tried of yours, they all rock, but it is always nice to taste first!
Natalie (@fashionatalie) says
SINGLE SERVE RECIPES, please!! They are SO hard to come by and you really fill a niche, especially since yours are healthful 🙂 Please don’t stop!
mary says
Hi Katie, I like single serving recipes a LOT for about 72 reasons (well, maybe not 72, but lots). 1) They’re quick to put together. 2) they’re always freshly baked. 3) I don’t eat too much. 4) I don’t get bored eating the same thing day after day. 4) With the current obesity crisis in this country, it can help people be moderate and have reasonable portions (instead of eating the whole pie, cake, brownies, et al.) since so many people seem to be out of control about food, besides not eating well. 5) they bake quickly, so I can put something together at the last minute and I don’t have to wait for a whole pan of goodies to cool (not that I would, wait, that is) or burn my tongue. 6) It helps me determine if I’m gonna like something before making a big batch. 7) It keeps my freezer from being too full of baked goods that end up not as yummy upon reheating as fresh (although I do freeze cookies before baking for a fresh one every time). 8) It makes your blog/recipes more unique because it’s rare to find other baked-goods recipes on line for single servings. 9) It lets me taste and test combinations that I might not be willing to experiment with for a big recipe.
I even flag the single serving recipes in my card file so I can find one easily when the desire hits. Well, I didn’t come up with 72, but 9’s pretty good, right?
mark says
larger recipes but single serving is ok too.
Mary says
I prefer single size servings.
Peggy Nelson says
Single serve recipes please! Love your recipes and looking forward to your cookbook!
Jenna says
Love It! Like usual Katie you took a beautiful picture to make us want it more. Totally vouch for single serving. Keep the yum coming:]
Casie Schlueter says
I would like the larger quantity recipies. My family is Vegan including all my kids (2,4,6). I can definitely double recipes, but it would be nice if you would give both versions for your recipes! Thank you. Looks like I will be making this in the morning.
Bing says
Would this recipe work as cupcakes? Perhaps, it would be too mushy in the bottom? I love cupcakes on the go! So large batches but single-servings I vote for.
Unofficial CCK Helper says
It’s worth a try, and you might find another way to prepare a great CCK recipe.
Julie says
I prefer multi-serving recipes. It can be a bit of a hassle to have to clean out a bunch of bowl and spoons for one tiny serving . It feels more rewarding to have enough dessert to last the whole week. =) But I love all your recipes!
Julie T. says
Larger scale works better for me and the family, but I haven’t had any trouble doing the multiplication and adjustments.
My kids have your Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Cookies (as bars with some cacao nibs on top) almost every day, so I make a x4 of that one about once a week. 🙂
Rachel says
For me, the single serving recipes are a big part of what draws me to your blog. During the week I’m mostly just cooking for myself, and if I make a recipe with more than 4 servings, I get sick of the leftovers before I can finish them unless it’s either breakfasty food (like this) or something ridiculously delicious (like that chocolate pie with the silken tofu…I could probably eat a whole one of those in a day…). That being said, it’s nice to see the larger-scale recipes once in a while if I’m making something for my boyfriend too or bringing it to a girls night or something. I am glad there will still be a mix of both, but the single-serving recipes have my heart 🙂
Question about this recipe for either Katie or other commenters… has anyone made this (or the apple one) and reheated portions throughout the week? I like the idea of making a big batch of this on Sunday night and portioning it out into single servings. For some reason I have never made baked oatmeal (which is weird considering all the baking and oatmeal-eating I do independent of one another) so I have no idea how it keeps in the fridge or reheats. Thanks!!
Bethany says
Yeah I find that it reheats really well in the microwave.
Bethany says
I much prefer larger recipes! It makes it SO much easier for me since I would never make something for me and not my family & I love leftovers just my opinion though:) I love all your recipes, I have a big long list of ones that I’m going to try one day!
Melissa says
This sounds awesome! I will be trying it for sure! I prefer larger recipes. Even though I don’t always share with my family, I like to cook and have leftovers for later. Then I have quick snacks for work or when we travel. Thanks so much for sharing! I love your blog!
sissy says
larger recipes are great…love making desserts and am so glad I found your healthy blog..thank you so much
Rebecca says
Hi Katie!
I love smaller servings that are easily doubled.
But I never miss a chance to make a big batch and store. What I ask is to please keep us up to date on the best way to store big batches! Whether tightly sealed in fridge or freezer or how long they might be good for!
Thanks for letting us weigh in!
Sarah says
I prefer single-serving recipes!
Elle says
Larger please, at least 4-6.
Pixie says
I appreciate larger quantities in recipes. While I can double, triple, etc., a recipe, it is easier if it is already somewhat bigger. I would make a double recipe of your 8″ pan here. I have 2 teen boys that eat a LOT. 😀
Rebecca says
Definitely the larger batches. The recipes are so yummy that they never seem to last in my house…whether its the three of us munching or just me! I’ve already made your banana bread recipe twice this week!
Alanna says
Oh my; ths looks/sounds amazing! I went on a granola bar baking binge last week so I’ll probably hold off until next weekend to try this, but I have a can of pineapple and a mango in my fridge that are earmarked! 🙂
As for your question, I like that you have a mix of both! Personally I love the single portion cake and dessert recipes because I also can’t be trusted with leftovers, but for breakfasts and items that freeze well (like the baked oatmeal) I always scale up to make a larger batch so I have yummy and healthy breakfasts ready for the week. I think I’m also more inclined to want a larger scale recipe for anything that uses the oven, because I feel like it’s wasting electricity to make small recipes there.
Amanda says
I like the single serving recipes the best. But I’m definitely trying this one tomorrow morning!
Bethany W says
This is so cute!!! I love your single serve recipes, and I have to say my vote definitely goes to them!!! I have never tried any of the larger recipes to be honest actually, but I am supposed to bring a dessert to an end of the school year party and am definitely gonna make something from your blog! Any suggestions?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hmmm… the deep dish cookie pie? Or the peanut butter secret cookies? Or German chocolate fudge babies?
Rowena says
I prefer the larger recipes. If I am going to get out all the ingredients & make the effort to bake something, I am not going to make just one. Who can eat just one cookie?
But, I am sure there are people who want the single serving. If it isn’t a huge effort, perhaps you could give instructions on how to modify for those people who just want to make a smaller portion.
Kiran @ says
I love a hearty and simple baked oatmeal recipe. A great twist to the regular oatmeal we usually consume for our daily breakfast!
Bee says
Hi Katie!
I love this so much! It is delicious I made it exactly to the recipe last night and ate nearly half of it (4 servings – what you oon?)! I’m trying to gain weight at the moment but the healthy way, and your website it perfect so thank you 🙂 as for your question, I prefer single-serving recipes and make them the most as there is only 1 of me here and things taste best fresh! Also, there are loads of big recipes out there but single-serving recipes seem exclusive to CCK so you can make something for yourself on a night in instead of raiding the pantry or grabbing a pint of ice cream. 😉 But all your recipes are great, my favourite so far is the cookie pie and the pumpkin pie but yet to try lots of recipes here still 🙂
bob says
Single serving for sure! There are not many single serving recipes out there, compared to ‘normal’ size recipes. And personally, I always find addition or multiplication of a recipe easier than division. One of the reasons I prefer to look on your site as one of the first is because I know I’ll find something I want for a snack or dessert in a single serving, or at least find a recipe close.
Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
Cynthia says
Large recipes please! Thanks 🙂
Lyn says
This is a wonderful recipe that looks appetizing and healthy. Oats is a good source of fiber that helps flush out toxins and helps with digestion. Thank you for sharing this recipe!!
Bonnie says
This looks absolutely delicious and will definitely test it out. I was wondering if Sucanat is actually sugar, I have been using xylatol recently but it really isn’t that sweet. I made under 100 calories brownies last night using oats, low fat yoghurt, almond milk, coco powder, egg and xylatol and although it looked like a brownie, smelt like a brownie and even had the texture of one, it didn’t taste much like one. Do you have any other suggestion of sweeteners that are sugar free?
Oh and I also prefer larger servings, as I give them to my friends, or at dinner parties or even freeze for an other time!
Kelly says
This looks yummy! Oh, and I prefer recipes for larger sizes. Gotta feed the crew! 🙂
Jessica says
I love pineapple in my oatmeal. That’s actually a regular meal for me.
I’d like not necessarily big batch (I generally have to cook/bake for 3), but recipes that can be adapted for larger servings. That would be wonderful!
sab says
looks tasteful
Ashley Bee (Quarter Life Crisis Cuisine) says
I am one of those terrible Breakfast Skippers. While I love pineapple I feel like I might prefer the apple version. Maybe if I make it I’ll be more inclined to eat some breakfast!
KL says
Love your recipes. Many of your recipes I would prefer larger recipes versus single-serving. For your cookies, I often double or triple the ingredients for larger quantities. Would love your single serve carrot cake recipe in a large recipe!
Mandie Marie @ The Fruitful Turtle says
I love the heart shape! So adorable 🙂 . I prefer single serving recipes otherwise I would eat the entire cake, brownies or batch of cookies 😉 .
chantal says
single-serving recipes! i find myself making those way more than the larger portion desserts.
anonymous says
I vote for more single serving recipes! They are good for those of us with no self-control:) Plus, I can always double the recipe if I want to share it!
P.S I really love your blog:)
Julie says
I admit I am more of a rapt reader than a maker of your recipes, but I am definitely trying this recipe this weekend. I will be cooking for 3 and this recipe size is attractive. However, I do like the fact that most of your recipes are single serves. I can always double it for hubby to enjoy as well.
sarah says
Katie, im a huge fan of yours! I eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast because I teach and it keeps me nice and full until lunch time :). This is a fun twist on baked oatmeal and I cant wait to try it. Personally I like to see the full size recipes, its easier for me to bake a large batch and dish it out through out the week then individually. Keep the awesome recipes coming..especially if they involve chocolate 🙂
Therezia says
Larger scale recipes.
Danica @ It's Progression says
I think a mix of big recipes and single-serving is perfect…half and half maybe 🙂
Jennifer Peterson Fetherston says
I prefer the larger recipes but it is neat that you have single-serving recipes, too! Thanks for all you do! I’m a chiropractor who counsels patients on nutrition. Your recipes give people the tools to treat themselves without all the processed flour and sugar! Keep up the good work!
Allie says
As a single girl, single-size servings would be great! I get tired of making recipes and eating it for days or trying to convert serving sizes myself and having something totally yucky. Thank you! 🙂
janine collins says
I prefer larger size recipes, but I am quite happy to simply multiply the recipe x 4 to make more. I don’t have time to make single serves, I make a lot and eat it for the week. Cant wait to try sunshine baked oatmeal. I’m feasting on the cinnamon baked oatmeal this week! Love it! Love your recipes and photos Katie, finding your website has improved my very boring diabetic, dairy and egg free diet immensely! THANKS SO MUCH! 🙂
Sarah says
I prefer larger recipes because they are very practical. I have a family of 4 and it is difficult to double or triple or recipe, especially for recipes that call for leavening. A larger recipe can also be saved for single servings on busy mornings. Thank you for all you do!!!
Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy says
so incredibly cute!!! love the idea – especially the pineapple!
Lauren says
As a single lady who only cooks for herself, I’m a big fan of single-lady recipes. I make desserts a lot, and they just end up sitting in the fridge or getting moldy, since I really can’t eat all of those cookies, cupcakes, pumpkin bars, etc. all by myself!
Iris says
I prefer larger recipes so I can make them for my family. I love your recipes! Thank you for all your hard work!
nessa says
Looks yummy! Love the heart shape.
Donna says
Hi Katie,
Looks great! I’ll have to try this sometime, maybe next summer (I’m a southern hemisphere dweller).
In terms of recipes, I love the single serving ones – I can always double/triple/quadruple them really easily if I’m baking for more, but it’s a bit tiresome dividing the ingredients to work out how much to use when I’m just baking for one.
Harsha says
Love this recipe…I was thinking of trying your breakfast oatmeal cupcake with mango instead of banana today morning but I was not sure if it would work. This is the answer to my prayers.
Regarding the question, I love single serving recipes mainly because it is much easier to scale up than down. I mean say if the recipe says 2/3rd cup of milk, you can just pour 2/3rd cups four times into a bowl if you want to quadruple the recipe, but how do you take a quarter of 2/3rd cups if you want to scale down? Also, I often cook only for myself and I prefer freshly cooked food than frozen and reheated. So yeah, single serving wins hands down for me.
Laura says
I live alone, but I much prefer large recipes because I’m all about cook once, eat multiple times. Recipes that refrigerate or freeze well are super handy.
An exception to this would be any of your drink or milkshake recipes since I like to make those as a quick and yummy treat.
Rachel W says
Single serving recipes are my jam! Otherwise it’s just too much extra for me (as well as extra time & ingredients). I have your single serving muffins daily. Actually, sometimes more than once daily. I love them that much!!
sktaggart says
I love that you do a mixture of single-serving recipes and large recipes. I always find when I try to double or triple the single-serving I make mistakes along the way haha. I think you should keep the variety like you already do!
You are a star!
Andrea says
I would say I prefer seeing larger recipes. It’s just my husband and me, but I find it easier to make things in bigger batches. I do love your single serving recipes, though! Sometimes I need something sweet and my husband isn’t feeling it, so I just make one of your single-serving desserts!
Sandra says
This looks yummy! I prefer to have single serving recipes, which is one of the nice things that stand out about your site. Thanks for sharing them!
Kim says
I prefer single-serving recipes since I am the only health-conscious person in my family and the only vegan as well. I use to cook for myself and only myself. I don’t like what the rest likes an the other way around…
Cupcake girl says
Hi Katie, another great recipe as always! Larger servings definitely!
Kiki says
hey katie! all your single serving recipes make your blog unique, sometimes i even make them for lunch after school, so please post more single serving desserts! anyways, is there any substitution for ground flaxmeal/chia seeds? i don’t really feel like buying a packet of those since i don’t really use these ingredients.
Stephanie Abdallah says
Loved this recipe! And my kids gobbled it up! This is definitely a keeper. I love the larger sized recipes because I try to cook this way for my whole family and not just myself 🙂
Karen says
Hi Katie, this looks phenomenal. I’m going to make it this weekend! I love how all your recipes are fool-proof . As a single lady, I love the single servings! Maybe a single serving chocolate chip cookie? Of course a large portion won’t stop me from making one of your creations!
Camy says
This sounds amazing. I will for sure have to try this. I was wondering though, do you think it would also work in a slow cooker? As for the recipes, I enjoy both single serve and full recipes. Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful recipes with us. Camy
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry, I have never tried.
Kelly says
I prefer the family size (4-6 people) recipes.
It’s easier to cut a recipe in half then multiply up.
Samantha&Nicholas! says
This is true!
Harsha says
I actually find it the other way around. If I want to scale up a recipe and need to do something a bit muddling, like say double 1/3rd cup, I can simply pour out 1/3rd cups of the item twice. But how do I halve 1/3rd cup? To me, that seems more complex.
Alanna says
I have one of those refrigerator magnets with volume conversions between oz, cups, Tbsp, etc. that I rely on heavily when scaling recipes. The one I have looks like this:
But there are many variations. For example, while trying to figure out half of 1/3 cup is a little awkward (other than eyeballing a half full 1/3 cup measure), 8 tsp is much easier! I love that thing, lol.
Stephanie says
Larger recipes! I have two hungry boys, a ravenously hungry baby whom I still nurse (so I’m always eating), and a hubby who eats more than he realizes :). I’ve been doubling and tripling your recipes though. It’s easy to do, but sometimes I don’t figure it out until I see how little the recipe makes when I follow it to the “T”.
Sonja Norberg says
I have a family of 4 with a 14 year old son therefor I never use the single serving and it can be complicated increasing the recipes especially with pancakes. I understand the benefite of single servings for singles and would use it too if I was but family recipies would be nice for us. I have the mango oatmeal bake cooling now but I doubled it.
Nina says
Hi Katie, for desserts, I like to see single-servings, so I am not tempted to over-eat! But if it’s something like a breakfast dish (ie, baked oatmeal), I prefer large batch recipes. That way I can just cook up 5 servings at a time, then grab one serving in the morning on the way to work. That makes life much easier for me!
Samantha&Nicholas! says
Katie, does the flaxmeal serve to bind the recipe, or is that just for extra nutritional value? I love flax, but I’m all out and wanted to make this tomorrow morning. As for the recipe sizes, I like both: Usually, I make the single servings, because I have NO self esteem and will eat the whole batch of cookies, muffins, w/e before my boyfriend comes home. For special occasions, though, it’s good to have the larger scale recipes handy. And I love the heck out of chocolate, but I’d love to see more savory recipes- I’ve been stuck in a rut and you seem like the type of lady that knows how to keep it interesting! 🙂 Please, my poor toddler is refusing his same old veggie meals?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
It binds the recipe.
Michelle says
I love single servings for the desserts as variety. I sometimes make up two of them for me and my husband. I also like enough for a crowd if we’re having people over.
For breakfasts? I *love* bigger batches (I want to double this and try it in a 9×13″ pan) b/c I am generally cooking for a family, and even when I’m not, I like to do the prep work once and have several days of breakfast ready at a time.
Anonymous says
Large recipes mostly
Sheelagh says
Made this for breakfast today and it was absolutely delicious! Such a nice alternative to my usual bowl of oatmeal. I added walnuts which made for a nice crunch and might try adding coconut next time too. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Morgan says
Larger size please! Cuz I am lazy and like to make big batches.
nadia says
One of the things I love most about your blog is the single serving recipes. I have no self-control so making a single serving of something delicious is just what I need. 🙂
ilana says
I am always cooking for my family, so I have to multiply out your single recipes every time. Maybe you could keep the posts aimed toward the single serve, and have a box at the bottom with “family style” ingredient amounts?
Torri says
I made this for a party today and it was a big hit! I actually doubled it and used banana and pineapple (I got the idea from your link to the breakfast muffins). Thanks for another great recipe!
Sherri Herring says
Please continue with the larger sizes. I just started cooking vegan desserts. It is great to finally find vegan desserts that I do not have to look everything up or go to some special shop. Thank you so very much!
Anonymous says
I come to your blog almost daily. Every recipe of yours that I have made (and let me tell you thats a lot of recipes) we have absolutely loved. So you asked which we preferred- single or larger recipes..and because I have a family of three I am very grateful for the bigger batch recipes you post.
Thank you so much for sharing your yummy creativeness. We so enjoy it.
kym says
I just made this recipe and it did not turn out, despite me following the recipe to the ‘T’. My milk/flax mixture just sat on top of the oats and pineapple mixture and the pineapple did not caramelize. Is the flax/milk mixture supposed to be mixed through the oats and pineapple rather than just spreading on top? Your recipe only states to spread over the pineapple.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hi Kym,
Can you give me more specifics about what you did and what specific ingredients you used? It’s almost impossible to guess what might’ve gone wrong since I wasn’t there to see.
Also, what size pan did you use, and did you use rolled oats? The more specifics you can give, the better!
(And perhaps look over the “recipe troubleshooting” section in my FAQ page. Maybe that will help, too!)
Alanna says
I tried this over the weekend and ran into a similar problem… the flaxmeal just sort of floated and sat on top of everything without mixing in. Was I supposed to let it sit with the liquid for a while first? I feel like I’ve seen that before for “flax eggs”. My bake never really dried out properly and the oats were sort of lost in the pineapple… I used a 20 oz can of crushed pineapple which is 2.5 C, but maybe those measurements aren’t as equivalent as I thought and I should’ve used measuring cups to check? The only other sub I used was 1/4 C white sugar + 1 T molasses since I was out of brown sugar. Still tastes good… just doesn’t look anything like the pictures!
Alanna says
Edit: I did use an 8×8 pan, rolled oats (not quick), Canola oil, and almond milk. No optional ingredients were added (nuts/coconut).
Alanna says
Hmm, thought I added another comment but seems it didn’t show up… I did use an 8×8 pan, rolled oats (not quick), Canola oil, and almond milk. I didn’t add any of the optional ingredients (nuts/coconut).
Diana says
Maybe your flaxmeal was bad? I tried it this morning and didn’t have to stir the flax in or let it sit. It just kind of absorbed and came out looking like Katie’s. I added cinnamon but no extra optional ingredients.
Alanna says
I don’t know… I know the ground flaxmeal can go bad but I had flax seeds that I ground right before adding so they should’ve been okay. It seemed to work for the newer oatmeal cupcake recipe, so I have no idea why it came out weird for this one!
Jennifer L says
Is it okay to freeze leftovers?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Sorry, I’ve never tried
Katie Williams says
Could this be baked into cupcake form like your breakfast oatmeal cupcakes? I would love to do this if possible!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I’ve never tried so I don’t know.
Niki says
Larger scale – the single serving ones are great, but you have tons of those already, and I agree with those who like to have leftovers or for the recipe to make enough to share. 🙂 Love your site.
Amira says
Hi Katie, First off, I love your stuff (especially those black bean brownies!!!). I just made these tonight with pineapple. They tasted good but didn’t come out quite right. A bit soft and mushy. I got them brown enough by cooking them about 10 minutes longer. I used 4 T. brown sugar, coconut oil, unsweetened almond milk, and about a 1/4 c. coconut. It seems like they would have done better in a bigger pan so that there’s more surface area. Mine were definitely thicker than your photos. Maybe the pineapple needed to be minced instead of chopped? I did cut it small, but that first layer ended up pretty thick. I weighed the pineapple, so I know it was the right amount. I might try making it again. Any thoughts? I did use an 8″ square pan and rolled oats. I really do like the idea of these for breakfast.
Jessica says
I prefer the family sized meals. My son has recently been diagnosed with diary, wheat, and egg allergies which has removed many of his favorite foods from his diet, one of them being chocolate anything, so it’s nice to be able to make these treats for him and still be healthy. Although, if I were a single lady, I could definitely appreciate the ease of having just to be able to make one serving.
Chava Rosenbaum says
Hi Katie,
I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your website! So many really creative and tasty stuff on here- thank you!!
And in answer to your question about whether we prefer single serving or larger recipes, I definitely prefer larger recipes. I like to be able to give it to my family and have it last throughout the week (even if I do hoard it for my husband and I)!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Aw thanks, Chava!
Ragon says
Hi! Hoping I could find some help from creative folks here? We are a gluten free, egg free, peanut free house. We need fun breakfast snacks that would be good on the beach for my daughter’s 2nd birthday party. i have tried Katie’s zucchini muffins, which were amazing!! However, sorta got too hot and messy at the beach; also, my daughter wouldn’t eat them! Crazy girl! Also tried the oatmeal pineapple breakfast dish, but it wasn’t friendly enough for kids. Any ideas, folks?? The party’s Sunday and I’m starting to worry!!! :/
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hi Ragon,
Would any of these would work?
Sarah says
I LOVE that you post single serving sizes. The vast majority of all recipes are not single serving and it is so nice to see recipes that make me feel good about 1) being single and 2) make it easier to make a small batch of something sweet so I don’t have to keep myself from eating the whole batch in one go! 🙂
Debbie says
Love all the recipes! I like the single serving the most.
Anita says
I would love to see larger recipes. I like to entertain “healthily”! Thank you for all of you wonderful recipes.
Anita says
*your :/
Christina says
Hey Katie!!
Just found out I’m a celiac and your recipes have helped me transition well into my new diet :). Thank you so much for that! This recipe is absolutely amazing, I used strawberries instead of mango/pineapple and the result was DEE-licious!!
All the best.
Hanna says
Made this with strawberries and blueberries instead of the mango and pineapple- was delicious!!
Amber@BareNaturalMommy says
Great recipe! I can’t wait to try that and see if my 3-year-old will eat it.
Love the heart shape. 🙂
moi says
Hi Katie,
I know it won’t be near as good, but can one substitute canned pineapple in this recipe?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Shannon says
I love that you do a balance of single serve and bigger recipes. I love this recipe so much because I can make the big batch and keep it in the fridge for my breakfast for the week.
I tried subbing mangoes for berries and it was just as amazing as when I used mangoes. Oh Katie, you are so talented! It was Canadian Thanksgiving the other day and I am so thankful for your creativity and talent!
Karen says
I prefer single serve recipes. I am usually the only one who eats them!
Jeanette says
Hi Katie! What a surprise. I was out with a friend and we had baked oatmeal and wanted a recipe and I found you. Good Job. i have a question about the nutrition info. does it matter whether you use soy , skim or almond milk.XOXO Me
Michelle H. says
I like to have both single serving and large serving recipes. I have never thought about baking oatmeal like this. This would be great for a crowd.
Elma Goetz says
These receipes sound great, thank you
Tracy says
Hi Katie!
We love your recipes! We make something of yours daily! We would love larger yielding recipes- we have 4 kids and your goodies are so good we usually quadruple (at least) the recipe:). Love the nutritional info, too!
Chocolate covered thanks from Cape Cod, MA
Elsa says
I would like to see oatmeal recipes that use meat and vegatables instead of sweet stuff added to it. I like cut up leftover chichen and pea and corn added to it.
Felicity says
I just made this for breakfast! Pretty delicious. Aldi’s has been having whole pineapples on sale and I’d been looking for recipe to use my pineapple in. I added extra brown sugar because I found the original recipe wasn’t sweet enough for me and stirred in vanilla greek yogurt to cool it down and make it creamer. All my roommates woke up wondering what the wonderful smell was in the kitchen! success!
Ellie says
I like the smaller recipes…. it’s just my husband and me. If I bake 2 dozen cookies, we will have them eaten before the evening’s out. Four cookies, from scratch (not refrigerated or frozen dough) is really good portion control!
Christen Ryan says
Hi Katie! First – THANK YOU! My 13 month old baby boy is allergic to egg, peanuts, soy and wheat! I’ve been struggling to give him wholesome, creative, delicious food and your website is a godsend! 🙂 Second – You mentioned in this post that you did an apple pie version originally. Did you ever post that recipe? If not, is it basically the same just subbing the pineapple portion for apple? Thanks a bunch! New to this site and I apologize in advance if I missed it! Thanks again! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Unofficial CCK Helper says
I actually know the answer to this one :-). She has not yet posted it but is hoping to soon, or it might go in her cookbook.
Carli says
My immediate thought when seeing this post was “it’s not that hot here” (where I live).
Victoria says
I know it’s a pain, but I totally prefer seeing both. Some mornings I’m just making a single serving oatmeal bake for myself, but other days if the whole family is around I’m making enough for 4-6. I find the oatmeal recipes are easy to figure out how to enlarge since the bake times stay the same, but for the cakes (like that Lava Cake you posted recently! AMAZING! but how do I make it in regular cake size for a party?) I don’t know how to adjust baking times and temps. Thanks!
Anna says
I am absolutely in LOVE with all your baked oatmeal recipes but to answer your question, I really do prefer the individual oatmeal recipes because in my house I am the only one that eats breakfast! :-/ However, if you would recommend a good storing method for these so I could heat some up everyday…now that would be even better!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
You can freeze and reheat.
Loretta Franklin says
I am going to try your breakfast muffins. Took me a while to locate it after seeing it on my Facebook page. I finally remembered your online name.. k ‘re it was something I love—- chocolate. Lol. Question—Do you have a recipe for cooking steel cut oats?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Try this one 🙂
Debbe says
I simply adore your single serving recipes, but when I’m feeding my bf, too, servings for 4 come in handy. Add his son to the mix, and I know to double the recipe.
Love your site! I’m always sending people here!
Cherie says
I prefer larger serving sizes, works great!
Peggy Ahrens says
I love the single serve recipes!
Michelle says
Hi there! First let me tell you Thank You for taking the time to post your recipes! I have three children (& a husband) & I so want to make healthy meals for them. I, however, do NOT like to cook & have no talent on just “throwing” something together. So I appreciate a recipe to look at. You said to let you know if “we” preferred larger recipes. My vote is yes, please! Thank you 🙂
Shawnya Slattery says
Wow, this sounds terrific! I was looking for breakfast options for my egg – allergic daughter. Could you send me the apple pie baked oatmeal recipe you mentioned? She is also unfortunately allergic to pineapple (drat! ). Thank you for posting all these great recipes!
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Just replace the pineapple in the recipe with chopped apple 🙂
Peg says
Excellent recipe! I never would have thought breakfast oatmeal can ever be this good! I used pineapple, unsweetened shredded coconut, and coconut milk as well. The texture on top reminded me of a crumble topping while the main layer gets a chewiness that is just right. I mixed them all up in a bowl and only 20 min in the air fryer. How easy is that?! I can’t wait to try other fruits with this recipe 🙂
Stacey says
Terrific recipe! I have made it three times now!
Diana says
This was really good! I added some cinnamon, but otherwise followed the recipe to a T.
Adriana Flan says
What did I do wrong? I made this recipe and it tastes bitter. I used 2% milk and Milled Flaxseed. Thank you!
Frances says
This was soooooooooooooo good! Hard to believe it is so healthy and with so little sugar. Thanks for the recipe! 🙂
Sarah says
I tried this just this morning using unsweetened unflavored almost milk and two tablespoons of brown sugar with no stevia. It was very good! I used frozen pineapple and tried to drain it well, but the liquid content was a little high this way. Next time I’ll distribute it into a muffin tin so there’s more of the delicious crispy edges. Thank you for another tasty recipe!
Sarah says
Just made this. Looks awesome. Hope it firms up upon cooling….NO WAY could I use a cookie cutter on it….don’t know what I did wrong.
Caci says
I made this and I think the directions are either slightly incorrect or I did something horribly wrong. Says to mix the first two ingredients, which are pineapple and oats, and put in the bottom of the pan. Then mix the rest besides 1/2 cup milk, pour on top. Am I supposed to mix there too? Because all three layers just sat on top of each other through baking hahaha. The flavor was good after I mixed it all together though! But I definitely wasn’t able to use a cookie cutter for this.
Where did I go wrong?!
Caci says
I feel like it would be better if I mixed the fruit and sugars, and then mixed the oats with the second layer.