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Super-Cute Dishes!

Moving Day!

No, not for me. For Jessica.

A few days ago, Jessica asked if I’d mind accompanying her to Crate and Barrel to buy supplies for her new apartment. Um, mind? Really now, Jessica, do you know me at all? Of course I will go with you. And what’s more, I will buy a ton of items for myself, so you don’t have to stand alone at the cash register when it’s time to pay. Ah, what a good friend I am.

Henry wanted in on the action. He was jumping up, trying to figure out, “What’s Mom photographing up there on the table?” So I put a glass down to his level. (I thoroughly washed it afterwards!!)


As soon as he saw there was no food, Henry lost interest in the glass. Clearly, he does not share my appreciation for pretty dishware.


Above, my favorite of the day’s purchases. Isn’t it cute? Good for soba, perhaps? And below, all the purchases:


Guess how much I paid for all of this…

$50? $100? $100?

How about $30? Deal of the century!! Smile

(I love a good bargain!)

So how did miss Jessica fare? Well, she definitely spent a considerable amount more than me. But hey, furniture costs more than dishware. What’s a girl to do? At least I stocked her up with free dessert:

samoas balls sharp

Raw Samoas Truffles

See? I told you I was a good friend! (I always make sure to have some sort of fudge babies for Jessica; she likes them more than anyone else I know!)

Question of the Day:
Do you like stores such as Pier One or Pottery Barn?

I used to think these kinds of stores were the most boring places on the face of the earth!

By the way, the best store for dishware is the Pearl River Mart.

Tomorrow: Carrot Cake in a Bowl! 🙂

Published on April 12, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Albizia says

    I think I’d love Ikea but next time I need something, I’d rather check the Sayonara sale at the university first 🙂 . They offer some pretty good stuff. And right now I definitely need a dish but they don’t have anything for me at the Hyaku yen shops 🙁

  2. McKella says

    I loooove Ikea and Pier 1! Sam and I love to go on dates to Ikea. We like to look around and imagine what our house will be like some day, then get food in the cafeteria. Ikea has really good dark chocolate too. I also just moved within walking distance of a Pier 1, but so far I haven’t gone there yet.

  3. Haylee says

    $30?? Wow excellent work. I love them too, especially the smaller bowl.
    I loove Ikea except for the fact that it takes HOURS to get through the whole thing. But for cute dishes, Anthropologie is my favorite by far. Too bad one little teacup costs an arm and a leg. (which I definitely don’t have to spare. hahah just kidding. 🙂

  4. Lyza says

    I’m a lame-o and I try to buy everything used just because there’s so much cute dishware out there already that people are selling, I’m a cheapskate, and kind of an environmentalist too…But I ADORE your new dishware. It’s gorgeous 🙂 If you’re going to buy it new, may as well be for a fantastic deal. 🙂

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