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The “Anything-but-Oatmeal” Breakfast

This morning, the unthinkable happened:
I came in from running and did not feel like oatmeal. So I left my oats for tomorrow. Then, I made a quick breakfast to reflect what I was craving:

vegan english muffin 3

Peanut Butter and Maple on a toasted vegan English muffin.

This was perfection. I hate meals that take longer to make than to eat. Especially when you’ve just exercised, the last thing you wanna do is exercise more in the kitchen! Plus, there’s just something so comforting about creamy peanut butter, a soft muffin, and warm maple syrup.

vegan english muffin
vegan english muffin 2

I washed my muffin down with a big glass of Homemade Cashew Milk.
(No lack of healthy fats in this meal!)

Published on December 9, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Tara says

    I have been craving a really good molasses cookie. I am terrible at modifying recipes myself, so I haven’t been able to make a vegan one!

  2. Liz @ IHeartVegetables says

    I love sugar cookies for decorating, because I loooove decorating cookies. But for consuming, I like those little pretzel twists with the hug and M&M on top! I’m not sure if that counts as a cookie… but its like my favorite christmas treat!

  3. kristine says

    I used to eat oatmeal everyday, until I realized that it was one of the the culprits to all of my digestive and health issues. Found out I am gluten intolerant and the oats I was using where not gluten free (cheap bulk bag), Now I have this “hate” for oats because of the way it made me feel for so long! Even though there is gluten free oats, I just dont think I can ever eat it again, haha.

    More for you, right :)?

  4. BroccoliHut says

    Haha, I have that same strawberry plate! Pier One, right?
    As for Christmas cookies, my favorite is one I don’t know the name of–a family friend sends us an assortment of cookies every year, and I always hide the thumbprint ones with some sort of green icing in the middle. The cookie itself is rolled in granola–YUM!

  5. Alyson says

    Yay! I (shockingly) didn’t feel like oatmeal this morning either! So crazy, right?!!! But, I know whatcha mean. IT’s sooooo good just to be able to throw something together after you’re done running! I need to go running again because I have definitely slacked off due to the cold weather (and colds!). It’s super lame when I feel like I don’t want to exercise (I mean, what’s wrong with me lately?!). Whenever winter comes around, something inside of me just wants to lay back under the blankets and drink hot chocolate all day long! (Maybe I was a bear or something in the past life and want hibernation? Well, a vegan bear…) 🙂

    Much love Katie!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      No, girl, I totally know where you’re coming from! I loooove running… but I sometimes have to force myself out there in the wintertime, which is something I NEVER have to do when it’s warm. In warm weather, I am excited right before a run, but when it’s cold I procrastinate indoors before my run, simply because I don’t want to face the cold. Even in 30 degrees, I don’t wear a jacket, because I know I’ll get hot quickly and regret it, but for the first 5 minutes or so (til I warm up), it’s not so fun. If only every morning could be 60!

  6. katia says

    i happen to looooove white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies. they’re my favorite. I’m not so sure if they make vegan white chocolate 🙁 but You always seem to find a way to “veganize” things, which is awesome 🙂

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