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The cutest post ever?

I love cute things.

Maybe it’s because I grew up in Tokyo, Japan: home of Hello Kitty, Super Mario, and world capital of all things super-cute. In any case, I now own the five most adorable animal figurines on what I’m pretty sure is the face of the entire planet.

It’s all thanks to my funny friend, Sarah.

We have a strange tradition of giving each other Easter presents instead of Christmas gifts (her idea). Last year she presented me with a hideous stuffed longhorn, and I’ve been making fun of her for it ever since. (The stuffed longhorn currently resides in my closet. Batman is terrified of it!) This year, Sarah promised she’d get me something much cuter. And I have no idea where she found them, but she was definitely true to her word:

animal figures

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Aren’t they fun? Apparently the company—Home Grown Foods—also makes a cabbage puppy, mushroom lion, carrot goldfish, parsnip giraffe, cantaloupe turtle, kiwi koala… I might have to go back and get more! Close ups:

banana dog

Banana Puppy!

I could so turn him into Chocolate-Chip Banana Bread.

What do you think? Too weird?

walrus grapes   cute strawberries

I named the purple guy John Lennon.

The rest still need monikers… suggestions??

sheep figurine

Ooh look: Cauliflower Chicken Nuggets!

Yum yum yum…

rabbit food

Speaking of things that are cute…


So which of the animal figurines is YOUR favorite?

I can’t seem to choose… If I must choose a favorite, I’ll go with the corn rabbit. No, the cauliflower sheep. Or the banana dog. Or… See? I can’t choose.

Published on April 19, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Samantha says

    “(The stuffed longhorn currently resides in my closet. Batman is terrified of it!)” LOL! How could you not put a photo of it up?!?!

    I love the bunny corn. 🙂

    That is great you got a tech person. You blog is growing so big and with so much traffic I can understanding wanting the outside help.

  2. Shuwen says

    So cute! I love them!

    You grew up in Japan? Tokyo? Which area? I have been there several times and I should say I love Japan…
    I mean the culture and art, also Disneyland is the best among the all.

  3. Andrea says

    Aww! The banana puppy and the strawberry chickens are my favorites! But I like the walrus too! It IS hard to choose!

    On another note: I made your cinnamon roll baked oatmeal for breakfast this morning – so good! I’m definately saving that recipe because it’s so simple! Love it! 🙂 Have a great day!

  4. Sunnie says

    I have the kiwi koala!!! My mom got it for me and she got my brother’s wife the banana dog! So funny to see these on here 🙂 Have you ever seen the calendars with pictures of food made to look like animals? They might be made by the same people who make the figures.

  5. kathy says

    Those are sooooo adorable. I’ll have to go to the website & check them all out. I think the banana puppy is adorable, but so is the sheep, and the bunny. Oh my. Too hard to choose.

    Let’s see… monikers? How about Peel the Puppy, Callie the Sheep, Kernal the Bunny, Concord the Walrus, and June Berry the Chick w/Berry Junior. What a hoot!

  6. Rachelle says

    My kids have a children’s book by an artist who makes dogs with real food (also all fruits and veggies)! The banana dog is in there. It is the cutest book, and I may enjoy looking at it even more than they do. 🙂

  7. Lisa says

    Yay! My husband used to have a retail store that sold those (among many other things)! I love Cauliflower Sheep…but I think you need to consider adopting the also-super-adorable Sweet Potato Pig and Russet Potato Hippo! =)

    • Brooke H. says

      I just went to the site and saw the potato hippo….CUTE! I also like the red bell pepper dog too. My favorite here is the walrus!

  8. Sarah the official CCK drooler says

    Aaaaaaww, I love the banana puppy! How cute! I want one. NOW. You could name him Naner. or Chico. And the rabbit could be Popcorn! And the chickens could be Mary Kate and Ashley- very appropriate. As for the sheep… Bob Dylan? Yes, definitely Bob Dylan. There you go- all the names you need.
    And I won’t charge 🙂
    But if you insist, you can pay me with a banana puppy. I’ll name him Chico.

  9. Rachel Christensen says

    I love the little SHEEP! maybe im biased..but its my favorite animal. I cannot express how much I love your site Katie!! I’ve been recommending it to a gazillion people, and have been spreading the love by bringing my creations to work, gym, friends..its the absolute best!! I have been doing one-two of your recipes a day and I have to say i’m addicted!! Thank you so much for your hard-work!! It is the highlight of my day making your goodies (my zen time), and then of course eating them!!! My family thanks you, my dog Roux, and me 🙂


  10. Katy says

    I was going to say definitely the corn rabbit, no contest. So cute! But then I followed the link and saw the bears … and the owl … and the peanut squirrel … and the adorable skunk! Now I’m thinking of ways to convince my apartment-mates that we totally need a vegetable-animal themed kitchen.

  11. Lisa Braodley says

    I love those!! I’m normally not a dog person but the banana dog is cute. Grape Walrus is cute too. From the site, the Eggplant Penguins are fun! I may have to buy some now! Or the Red Onion Cat Figurine…see I can’t pick just one either!!

  12. Kat Creamer says

    absolutely adorable! I need to find them. I love the cauliflower sheep the best….I think. Well, it was the one I was drawn to first.

  13. PBnJ Fam says

    All of those animals crack me up!! They made my day!! I totally want the walrus… he would make me smile EVERYDAY just looking at him :0) He’s my favorite hands down!! ALthough – I could see a whole village of funny animals taking over my kitchen… They would be in different places everyday! I would have so much fun playing…er…”arranging” them…

  14. Grati says

    Banana puppy!!!! I love him…wow,sounds like a possible manga character;)) maybe there already exists.
    You grew up in Tokyo??? My heart skipped a beat when i read that,since i´m obsessed with Japan:X I guess it´s destiny that made me fall in love with your blog like with no other;)))

  15. Sara Dane says

    I think most of us agree, the banana puppy wins! My baby (dog) looks just like the Cabbage Dog on teh Home Grown website…might have to order that one. Thanks for the adorable post, it made my day!

    I loved the childlike nature of Japan when I traveled there in college. I brought back the most adorable cartoon animal cell phone charms for my sorortiy sisters. They were super popular before smartphones took over.

  16. cucicucicoo says

    those are just hilarious! i’d say the corn bunny’s my favorite because at first it looks almost like a normal (but green) bunny, until you see the kernels coming out of its back/rear. lol!

    btw, yesterday i left you a comment about the coconut macaroons (and i saw you responded, thanks!). just an update: i couldn’t handle leaving them sitting around, so i polished them off. and when my hubby got home from work he was angry that i hadn’t left him one! big success!

  17. Alyssa says

    I love these! I actually have calendars called “Playing With Your Food” which have similar pictures. Every month is a different theme (December of 2011 was cherry tomato-people sliding down a hill of snow on lettuce leaves.)
    And a friend of mine recently flew to Tokyo on a Hello Kitty-themed airplane! How cool is that?!?!?!

  18. Lyza says

    Adore them all…how could I possibly choose? I guess I love the strawberry chickens and the grape walrus 🙂

  19. Rachel says

    I love the cauliflower sheep! They have these at Hallmark, I got my mother an adorable orange tabby for her birthday last year.

  20. Barefootcookingirl says

    The site for the figures is DB Collectibles…..really cute stuff. I love the strawberry ladybug and I gotta have the scallion cat! So cute!

  21. Amanda says

    I love these!!! My sister gets uncontrollable fits of laughter when she sees fruits and vegetables turned into people or animals. I will definitely have to get one of these little buddies for her!

    Banana puppy totally wins my heart. But I LOVE that you named the grape Walrus John Lennon.

  22. Marie Diane Mello says

    I think I like the sheep the best – and as for a name, what else could it be but…… 😀

    tah dah! Cab Cauliway!!!!

  23. Jessica says

    OHMYGOSH this really is the cutest post ever!!! I couldn’t possibly decide on a favourite. I think you should name the strawberry chickens Toodle and Pip (the smaller one would be pip, of course!)

  24. Kit-Kat says

    I like the puppy and the bunny best. Then it would be the walrus! <3
    But I love them all, like you do! So cute!!! 🙂

  25. Melissa (Better Fit) says

    Haha! I’m going to say banana dog OR John Lennon. (<– Never thought I'd write that sentence in my life!). It looks like the sheep has a mushroom head, so maybe she should have a mushroom cauliflower combi-name. I'm thinking: Mrs. Shiitake Flowers

  26. Melissa (Better Fit) says

    Adorable! I think my favourite is either banana dog OR John Lennon. (<– never thought I'd write that sentence!).
    The cauliflower sheep looks like she has a mushroom head, so I think she should have a combi-name. Maybe… Mrs. Shiitake Flowers?

  27. Sally @ sally's baking addiction says

    I love Cory from Zesty Blog Consulting! He just redd my entire website. I love my new design and would also recommend him to ANYONE for tech assistance or help with little anoying questions (i had plenty!).

    i love those cauliflower sheep. too cute!

  28. Patricia @ thecastironvegan says

    These are seriously adorable! I really like the hens and the sheep. They remind me of a series of books that takes real vegetables (and some fruit) and turns them into animals; there is minimal text to tell a story, with the vegetable-animals taking the main stage. The original book is called Playing with Your Food, and there are a few more books that follow – one is entirely about dogs made out of veggies. They are really clever, plus kids like them because they’re brightly colored and fun. So cute!

  29. Katie @ Nutrition in a Peanut Shell says

    Yes this DEFINITELY wins cutest post! I love the grape walrus, it’s got a total derp face 🙂

  30. Mai says

    Those animals are SO cute Katie!
    I have a quick question….. Is your internet host Bluehost?
    How much do they charge per year?

  31. Heather @ For the Love of Kale says

    ALRIGHT, I’m swooning like a mad woman over that walrus. And I may or may not be singing “I Am the Walrus” after you told us his name is John Lennon. You rock, Katie. It really is the little things. 🙂

  32. Audra says

    How long ago did you live in Japan? My husband and I live there now about an hour and a half from Tokyo. Any good food suggestions for out here?

    I love the banana dog! He’s adorable!!

  33. Sarah says

    OH MY GOODNESS! I love love love the banana dog. It is the combination of my two most favorite things…bananas and my Corgi puppy, Tina Fey! 🙂

  34. Liz says

    Ok, so this post comes a year later, but you should check out the book called Play With Your Food, by Joost Elffers. It’s just page after page of this kind of stuff made with real fruits and veggies! A great way to waste half an hour!

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