I’d planned to get the “Hug a Fruit” tribute post up today, but I was a little too tired to finish it, thanks to…
A certain date with Sports Store hottie!
(The appropriate Africard of the day)
I don’t want to bore you, so I’ll simply say I had an awesome time. We have so much in common it’s scary, and I don’t think there was a single awkward silence the whole night. (That may be partially due to the fact that I’m a bit of a chatterbox.) Unfortunately, I have no photos for you… Although I feel really comfortable sharing with SSH, I just wasn’t ready to bring up the blog. We talked about running, about our rescue dogs, about high school and college and working out and politics… but I still felt weird saying, “Oh by the way, guy that I just met, I like to take pictures of food.”
Question for other bloggers: how long after you’re dating someone do you tell him/her about your blog?
Sharon says
omg i’m trying to find the right time to tell people i know about my blog too! sometimes it gets awkward if i dont know the person too well so i put if all until i’ve hung with them maybe once or twice. even my best friends thinks my food-picture taking is slightly peculiar but i enjoy doing it so much that it doesnt bother me too much. plus if you feel comfortable with the person/people your with taking the pics in public becomes less of a big deal. congrats on the SSH 🙂
Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) says
So glad your date went well! Yay! That’s awesome!
amandatrombley says
Oh my! I’ve been offline a bit this summer and just catching up on your blog. Yay for SSH!! That is wonderful, Katie. It’s definitely a good sign that the two of you can chat for hours. I love hearing about it..makes me smile so please do keep up with the updates! Hugs from Boston!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww Amanda, huge hugs back!!!