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The Vegan Wonder Drug

Red Star Nutritional Yeast is amazing stuff. It’s high in so many nutrients!

Did you know that 1 and 1/2 tablespoons has EIGHT grams or protein? If you think you might be deficient in a certain nutrient, or even if you don’t, Red Star nutritional yeast can make a great addition to any diet—especially a vegan diet, thanks to the Vitamin B12 it contains.


Above, in: Christmas Quiche Soup.

Have you ever tried nutritional yeast? If you have, what are your favorite ways to eat it? If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?

Published on April 11, 2010

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Katherine: What About Summer? says

    Where do you get it? I would love to try it!
    Thanks for pointing out the protein source (I could use it!)

  2. lunchiemunchies says

    I love noosh! I much prefer calling it that, nutritional yeast just sounds weird :S I like it in savoury oatmeal and sprinkled on veggies. Thanks for linking to your quiche soup that looks so yummers and monster-mashed cauli. On the must-try list 🙂

    I saw the pizzert on Maggie’s blog and didnt’ catch on that it was “pizza” + “dessert”!! Oops! Looks fab though.
    Love ya Katie.xx

  3. Kelsey says

    i agree, its pretty amazing stuff that yeast. and its so crazy how it seems to go with everything!!!definite superfood for vegans, veg, omnis, and everyone in between.

  4. nutmeg86 says

    I put nutritional yeast on everything, it’s a good thing its so healthy!! I can’t wait to try the quiche soup, it sounds delicious!

  5. Gaby says

    woah! That’s a ton of protein! I knew it had a lot of B-12 and that’s important. This is good to know because I used like half a cup or more in a bowl of savory oats tonight 🙂
    I also make vegan mac and cheese with it about once a week, use it on pasta, kale chips, and many other things.
    Dessert pizza basically just seems like a mini cake, and I do make “single serving” cakes (meaning serves 4-5 normal people and one Gaby). They are quite tasty and convenient!

  6. Amanda says

    Hello chocolate friend! Passing along something that I just learned recently (you may already be savvy to this..I wasn’t)..I am working on a vegan nutrition guide with the local vegan association here in Boston..we hired a nutritionist to write it and when covering B12, she told me that you have to make sure that you are buying a fortified B12 nutritional yeast..there are indeed some out there that are not fortified. I think all the Whole Foods brands ones are but Red Star has a variety that is not fortified. You may already know this but I didn’t..I was actually a little shocked. Thought I’d just pass it along if it’s helpful!

    CCV’s note:
    Amanda’s 100% right. Not all nutritional yeast is fortified. Look for the “Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula” when buying. I *think* that’s the one Whole Foods always sells. But obviously I can’t speak for every Whole Foods, so if you get your nutritional yeast from the Whole Foods bulk bin, make sure that it says “Lessafre” or “Red Star” on the bin (or ask).
    Also: B12 is light-sensitive, so it’s also best to keep the yeast in the refrigerator or freezer, out of the light.

    I’d meant to mention this in my post, but forgot. So thanks a ton, Amanda, for pointing it out! 🙂

  7. Lauren says

    I love this stuff too! At first I didn’t really think it was anything special but it has really grown on me. I almost crave it these days! I use it to make “cheeze” sauce, as flavoring on kale chips, extra protein on my salads, you name it I’ve probably sprinkled it on there!

  8. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    I did a MASSIVE post on nooch about 2 weeks ago. Glad to see you tackling it too 🙂 And I got your other email reply, one post at a time girl, changing minds and attitudes. Even though I dont set out to do that, if i can in the process, it’s a good thing 🙂

  9. Rebecca says

    Hmm..doesn’t it seem odd to use something for B12 purposes that only has B12 because it is fortified? I always thought nutritional yeast was a natural form of B12…and although I adore the taste, I feel somewhat conflicted in using it as a B12 source if it is only added in there (why not just take a vitamin in that case?) hmm..quite a conundrum indeed!

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