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Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream


What does marshmallow ice cream taste like?

marshmallow ice cream

It tastes like a big, fat, gooey, sticky marshmallow.

Big, fat, gooey, sticky.

And with just 4 ingredients, it can be yours in 10 minutes flat.

smores ice cream


Marshmallow Ice Cream

(Adapted from Vegan a la Mode)

  • 2 cups milk of choice
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • pinch salt
  • 1 container Ricemellow Crème, or 10 oz marshmallows (Sweet&Sara and Dandies both make vegan marshmallows) (You could probably use 10 oz Smuckers marshmallow fluff, which—albeit high in artificial ingredients—is vegan.)
  • option: 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
  • option: 1/2 cup graham crackers or Healthy Graham Crackers

CCK’s easy version: Combine all ingredients (except optional ingredients) and stir very well, being sure to break up any clumps of the marshmallow fluff. (My version uses the fluff. See Hannah’s version, below, if you’d prefer to use real marshmallows.)  If you have an ice cream maker, process according to manufacturer’s directions. See “nutrition” link below if you don’t have an ice cream maker. At the end, stir in optional ingredients, if using. Transfer to an airtight container, and chill in the freezer for an hour or so, until true ice-cream consistency is reached.

View Nutrition Info


Or you can try Hannah’s “toasted marshmallow” version (reprinted with permission from Vegan a la Mode): Heat the broiler of your oven to high and generously grease a jelly roll pan or rimmed baking sheet. Spread the marshmallow crème out in a thin, even layer or sprinkle on the marshmallows so that none overlap. Broil for 5-10 minutes, until the top is golden brown and bubbly and your kitchen smells like a sweet campfire. Keep a very close eye on the oven the whole time, because as any camper can tell you, marshmallows go from perfectly toasted and delicious to positively incinerated in no time. Cool 15-30 minutes before proceeding. Scrape the toasted marshmallow cream or plain marshmallows off the baking sheet and into your blender. Add the remaining ingredients, and puree until smooth. Transfer the base into a smaller pitcher, and chill thoroughly for at least 3 hours before churning in your ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s directions. Transfer the soft ice cream to an airtight container, and store it in the freezer for another three hours minimum, until frozen solid, before serving.

marshmallow ice cream

Above, marshmallow ice cream topped with “Healthy” Chocolate Syrup.

In a cute Anthropologie dish that was just three dollars!

vegan a la mode


Congrats to: Ellen!

And if you didn’t win, you can always buy a copy of Hannah’s book.

Published on August 12, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Eco Chic says

    Yum!! Every recipe you post makes my mouth water!! Both German chocolate and toffee crunch sound irresistible! But I think German chocolate would have to be my favorite!

  2. CanadianMama says

    Red Velvet! I just had red velvet soft serve at Menchies and I’d LOVE to know how to recreate it! Ps. Katie, when are you getting a book out? I would buy it in a heartbeat!!

  3. Anonymous says

    if eggwhites are vegan then i guess u r right katie , marshmellow fluff is vegan! plz stop telling people that its vegan , what if they have allgergy and just took your word for it ?

  4. Alanna says

    Oh my… I used Hannah’s version with mini marshmallows toasted in the oven and made a terrific mess trying to scrape the marshmallow “glue” off the pan and into my blender, but so worth it! Just be prepared that the toasted version will come out brown (depending on how dark your marshmallows are) and not white, lol. I took Katie’s suggestion and served with her graham crackers, and what a great flavor combo! I’m also happy to report that this recipe held up well in the freezer (didn’t get too hard to scoop and still tasted good two weeks later), even using Silk Pure Almond milk. Definitely a keeper!

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