Do you ever plan your dream wedding?
Really, I don’t need a big wedding affair that costs tons of money. Just as long as I’m with the man I love… oh, and as long as there’s chocolate involved.
And maybe some cute and festive Strawberry Shortcakes.
Vegan at a Wedding
One of the reasons weddings are on my mind is that my old college roomie just got married. It’s so weird, seeing my friends—people my age—getting married. Makes me feel like perhaps I should be thinking about marriage too… No, never mind! I’m still young. There’s plenty of time to be married! 🙂
For my wedding-survival tips and tricks, see: Wedding on a Special Diet.
As it turned out, the venue was well-equipped with vegan fare. Above is my first plate: balsamic portabella mushrooms and roasted asparagus, steamed broccoli, and fresh fruit. I also had a plate with hummus and whole-wheat flatbread. And then another veggie dish. The asparagus and raspberries were so good!
Above, with my second veggie dish. This one also had jicama, which I finally learned to say correctly: it’s pronounced hi-ca-ma. Like hiccups!
What would be your dream proposal? Or, how did your significant other (or you) propose?
Mine: He writes out “Will you marry me” in chocolate syrup.
Or maybe he stuffs the ring inside a chocolate cupcake. Heck, forget the ring. I’ll just take the chocolate. What’s so great about diamonds anyway?
Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner says
How about if he spelled “Will you marry me?” in Chocolate Bars? 🙂
I like to look at wedding dresses online. It is so much fun to dream about it! 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
That would be even better! ‘Cause it’d probably take more total chocolate to do so with bars than syrup, huh? 🙂
bitt of raw says
I should have spent more time planning my dream wedding, it was a lot of work once I got engaged! Luckily my dad had spent his whole life dreaming of his daughter’s wedding and so I let him do a lot of the work.
I love the idea of a chocolate dessert with a ring. my husband got a ring case shaped like a strawberry and put it into a bowl of strawberries. Super cute.
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
Jason took me on a picnic and I had no clue anything was coming. After we were done eating he started saying all of this mushy gushy stuff and then reached into his pocket. Then I knew it was coming!
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
The Husband proposed to me by writing “will you marry me” in the snow! 🙂
Ashley says
Wow i have not even though about the proposal, Im always just dreaming about the wedding!! (the location, the first song, MY DRESS) Oh and I have to say you always look simply glowing all the pictures you post of yourself, your skin is so pretty 😉
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thank you so so much, Ashley!!!
kaila @ healthy helper! says
That food from the wedding looks awesome! Totally what I would have chosen! I love grilled veggies…I definitely would have been loving that asparagus too!
tina @ vanillandspice says
My dad asked my mom the exact same way yours did! They’ve been married 28 years so maybe its the way to do it ahah.
PS That strawberry shortcake looks soo good.
Babs says
I just did a post about how it’s been 6months of married life and how people need to wait until they find the one. The Aussie started saving for a ring 3wks after he met me! He proposed 2 yrs after we started dating. He wrote a letter stating all the reasons he was madly in love with me, filled a hotel room with candles and roses, and wrapped a ring around a puppy dog (stuffed animal version) because one time I mentioned how it would be cute if a proposal involved a dog. We didn’t have a dog, so he made do.
Find your person and he’ll make all your dreams come true 🙂
Emily says
This is such a cute post! I’m actually kind of terrified of marriage and not sure I will ever be ready for it. But regardless, I love weddings and can’t wait for all my friends to get married!
Katy says
My husband (we just celebrated our first wedding anniversary yesterday!) proposed in bed. No, we weren’t doing THAT… lol!… it was a Sunday and had been a very early, very long morning at church for both of us, so we went back to my apartment and crashed on the bed for a couple hours. When we woke up, we laid there talking for a while, and he asked me “how much do you love me?”… then “do you think you love me enough to marry me?” and pulled the ring out of his pocket (he had put it in there before I picked him up that morning for church, thinking “just in case”… he didn’t have anything planned.) It wasn’t what I had always dreamed of (he wasn’t even down on one knee!), but it was his style, and that’s what matters I suppose! We’ve known each other for almost 7 years, dated for 3 1/2 years before getting married, and I can’t imagine life without him beside me!
Melissa says
I want manfriend to propose from the sidelines of one of my marathon races – with a big sign! Preferably after mile 20 when I’ll need a distraction from my body wanting me to die. Hah.
sam says
LOL! i burst out laughing so hard when I read what your Dad said to your Mum; cos that is EXACTLY what my Dad said to my Mum! So romantic lols 😛
On another note, excellent blog! Love your work, keep it up! 🙂
Me says
Well, i am sorry, you are talking about “healthy and highly nutricional” recipes like all the time and you seem extremely underweight. You are only taking care about the low calorie part, and you really are not a very nice healthy example…
Sally Vala says
Your arm scares me. Looks like it is going to snap in half.
Anna Banana says
My husband dressed my guinea pig up in a tuxedo (complete with top hat) and put the ring around his little arm. Surprised me with the pro-offered pig while I was in the middle of doing some work-related essay. I think I made him pose for a picture before I said yes.
(Found this looking for your avocado-free guacamole which is also stellar.)
Laurie Wegemann says
How long will the cookie dough keep in the fridge? I made a VERY big batch to enjoy a chocolate-chip-cookie-dough-breakfast the next few days and if I can restrict myself not eat it all until tomorrow (which I highly doubt, though) how many days could I keep it?
Laurie Wegemann says
Oh no, I just realized I posted the comment on the wrong site! I was refering to the healthy cookie dough dip. So sorry!
Julie Dove says
3-4 days