Do you know what day tomorrow is?It’s National Banana Lover’s Day! Seeing as I haven’t done a theme post in almost two months, I figured this was the perfect occasion to showcase my love for the fruit oft referred to as “nature’s candy bar.” Got extra bananas on hand? Here are 18 healthy banana recipes to use them up:
Healthy Banana Recipes:
Peanut Butter Breakfast Pudding
Oatmeal Raisin Breakfast Cookies
And a quick and easy recipe:
Banana Breakfast Pops
Healthy Banana Recipes

- 2 bananas
- yogurt of choice - I like nondairy coconut yogurt
- granola of choice OR Healthy Graham Crackers
- mini chocolate chips, coconut shreds, cinnamon sugar, etc.
- popsicle sticks or silverware to insert in the bananas
Pour granola or crushed crackers into a very shallow dish or plate. Peel the bananas, cut them in half, and insert popsicle sticks. Dip into the yogurt or coat with a knife, then roll into the granola or cracker crumbs and add-ons. I stuck the chips on by hand after rolling in the granola. Place on a parchment or wax-lined tray. Freeze. Keep uneaten banana pops in the freezer.
Will you celebrate Banana Lover’s day?
Or are you one of those people who absolutely HATES bananas? It seems like a polarizing food: people either love bananas or hate them. For all of the banana haters out there, rest assured tomorrow’s recipe will have nothing to do with bananas. But it might include chocolate chips. You don’t have a problem with them, right? 😉
Click for: More Healthy Banana Recipes.
Becca says
This is one of my new favorite posts! I love bananas! I think if I could eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be a peanut butter banana sandwich (okay, so if you want to get technical, that’s three things, but it makes one great thing). Yummm!
Tricia says
<3 bananas
Grace with Gracie's Green Kitchen says
Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!! I will definitely have to try some of these!:)
-Grace Gilbert
Kendra says
Banana Lover’s Day?? Now that is MY kind of holiday!! I love bananas, and am very glad I am not one of those people who can’t stand them:) Life without bananas would be a very sad one:D By the way, your banana bread recipe is the BEST banana bread I have ever made; it is sooooo moist and delicious! Though admittedly, I have never tried the fat-free version–I always prefer to add oil:) And your banana butter is amazing as well; I use it all the time on top of my pancakes and oatmeal.
Alex @ Brain, Body, Because says
I’ve tried the fat free version – it’s a little chewier but still very good!
JacquelineW says
I don’t HATE bananas, but I am very particular (read: strange) about how I eat them. I’ll only eat a green banana straight out of the peel, but I’ll use ripe bananas in recipes. For some reason, I don’t mind the taste of banana if it’s been baked, LOL.
Some of these look really good, I’ll have to check them out 🙂
jo @ including cake says
totally with you on that!! they can be as as ripe and as bashed as they like for baking but for straight eating they still need a slight green tinge and no bruises 🙂
JacquelineW says
I know, right? Good to know I’m not crazy 🙂
Bethany @ Bananas for Smoothies says
I love, love, love bananas. I eat at least 3 a day! One in my morning smoothie, and at least 2 frozen ones for snacks. I’ll definitely have to check out these recipes…the Chocolate-Chip Banana Bites look awesome!
Erica { } says
I was eating a banana a day for a while and recently fell off the bandwagon – I’ll have to pick a bunch up at the store today when I go stock up on hurricane snacks!
Jasmin says
Oh my Katie…. I love bananas! I must try out every recipe! I just finished eating a banana blended with peanut butter (kinda like your lower calorie pb) and then I saw that you had a banana split version with chocolate… I think I may have to try that right now too.
Olivia@ OmNom Love says
I actually despise bananas. I don’t know why. Something about their taste turns me off. Though I do like banana muffins and bread especially with chocolate chips, which I adore. So I’m all for tomorrow’s recipe! 😉
Debbie says
I love bananas. I want to make some chocolate chip banana pancakes. I need to go to the store to get some more bananas, I just froze the last of them.
Olivia says
Hooray for bananas! I’m a banana lover, too. That reminds me of a shirt that I bought a few years ago at Justice, that says “Let’s go bananas!” with a dancing banana on it 😛 (and I think I recall it used to be banana scented too, but that wore off after a while). Maybe I ought to wear it tomorrow!
kim@hungryhealthygirl says
Banana’s are one of my absolute favorite fruits and are definitely a favorite baking add-in! Thanks so much for sharing that tomorrow is banana day. I will definitely have to honor thy banana!! 😉
HollieisFueledByLOLZ says
I actually don’t care for bananas too much but these all look pretty good. I know baking with bananas especially you can’t even taste the bananas. (which for me is okay 🙂
Tanya @ Playful and hungry says
My all time favorite banana thing?
Banana with Almond butter! Simply love it. With homemade almond butter, it’s affordable, too 😉
Hazel says
So excited you posted these recipes! Think I might make a few this week with my abundance of bananas 🙂
Gabbie says
THANK YOU FOR THIS! BLESS THIS POST!! I didn’t know us banana lovers had a special day. Oh my gosh, this is perfect. Thanks Katie!!!!!
Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar says
I’m definitely a banana lover! Everything looks awesome!
theresa @ aspoonfulofsunshine says
I definitely used to be hater! But one day I decided to try a banana and I have been hooked ever since! I easily eat 2-3 bananas a day and with all these new recipes to try I might be upping that number to 4 today 🙂 Thanks Katie!
Katie L. says
I love bananas! I will eat them in almost any form (except in yogurt – that’s just weird). My go-to breakfast is usually a toasted English muffin with chunky natural peanut butter and sliced bananas (gotta get my protein!). I had no idea that Banana Lover’s Day existed! I’m so happy that you have put so many banana recipes all in one place!
Rynn says
I absolutely love bananas, they’ve been my favourite fruit since I was little. Unfortunately, both my mom and sister are allergic to them so I always have to be careful what I use them in. 🙁
Sarah (The Social Eater) says
I LOVE bananas. So does my son- so much so that I wouldn’t be surprised if his first real word is “banana.” <–It's helpful that they're sweet, soft, make great soft serve, and are still cheap even when purchased fair trade!
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
Yay for banana day! Haha. They are great plain, or in baked goods! All around pretty awesome.
Chelsea says
Hey there, Katie!
I just found your blog a few weeks ago and I’m in LOVE with your healthy chocolate chip cookies, carrot cupcakes and brownie batter dip! 😀 They’re all sooo yummy!
Anyway, I’m a self-proclaimed banana fanatic…haha. I love to freeze two bananas and puree them with peanut butter and silkin tofu in my food processor for breakfast. I had never heard of Banana Lover’s Day, but in honor of it – I’ll definitely have to whip up something to curb my cravings. Maybe your banana breakfast doughnuts will do the trick?
Hmmm…we’ll see….
Well, thanks for the tasty treats! 😉
Stay healthy.
Alison says
OMG this makes me so excited! Since my family is going out to eat dinner tomorrow night, I celebrated tonight instead by having some peanut butter banana soft serve! SOO GOOD! Never going back to PInkberry to have their peanut butter froyo. Also, I’ll probably have half a banana tomorrow morning in my breakfast, no matter what it is. 😉
Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy says
that banana chocolate butter sounds pretty darn amazing!
Shannon says
Katie I absolutely love bananas! Six days out of the week I eat peanut butter breakfast pudding while using your never-ending oatmeal trick. And the 7th day of the week, well I have your banana pancakes of course 🙂
Nichole says
I look up to you so much. You are an inspiration to my veganism and helped me realize blogging can be fun too! I love your blog and check it religiously lol. Thank you so much! 🙂
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles says
I do not understand people that hate bananas – HOW?!
They’re so good…and considering that I usually eat at least one banana a day I can pretty much guarantee I’ll be partaking.
Joyla says
If you could read the comments on the Internet about what the “Banana Haters” say, you might understand why. There are many, many reasons why. It’s pretty obvious to me too. My mother told me that I have hated bananas since I was a baby. So it’s not just a phase, it’s a fact. I can’t stand the smell, the texture (mushy, squishy, slimey), the looks, the stringiness, the rubbery skin, can soon turn BLACK, and most of all the TASTE. I have tried many, many ways to get a banana down….but no way. I also heard from a doctor that that is the worst fruit you can eat because of the concentration of carbs. As far as the vitamins are concerned, they can be found in other foods. So going by the description, it might be worth a second look at them.
holly says
Happy banana lovers day!
Wiarda says
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!! Your blog is my dream come true!!!!! I have five kids and myself that need to be kept sugar free. I dreamed about finding a blog like this. You’re it! You’re the one! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthsnkyou!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aw thank you, Wiarda!
shannonmarie (rawdorable) says
I can’t seem to go a day without eating bananas. I like to celebrate banana day everyday 🙂
Carissa says
I love love love bananas! They’re so versatile. I have a friend who used to be allergic to them. I felt so bad for her! At summer camp, she’d have to do apple boats instead of banana boats in the campfire.
Kelly says
Yum! I love bananas!!!
I have a question: did you ever decide a winner for the vitamix contest??
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Yes lol that page was updated long ago :).
Kelly says
Haha oops! Thank you (:
Alex @ Healthy Life Happy Wife says
I love banana soft serve! So delicious!! I will definitely be making it today!
Kerry says
I love bananas, and I eat at least one every day! All of these recipes look so good! I can’t wait to try them. There are several that I’ve wanted to try for a long time. I just seem to eat all of the bananas before they’re ripe enough to bake with. I guess I’ll have to hide a few from myself this time!
Jesann says
I hadn’t even known about this until I saw your email today — but the funny thing is, when I saw it, I had just gotten back from the grocery store where I had bought a few bananas in hopes of making chocolate-covered frozen bananas today….
Shaina says
I loooove bananas! I celebrated Banana Lover’s Day by making banana-nutella bread with lots of chocolate chips 🙂
Joanne @ threeunderthree says
How on earth have I missed the recipe for Microwave Banana Cake?!?!
Abbey G. says
My favorite way to eat bananas is eating dipped in peanut butter or frozen and pureed with almond milk for an after-dinner treat. Yummy. 🙂 And your recipes sound delish!
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers says
I didn’t even know it was banana lovers day and oddly enough i posted a banana recipe today! Everything looks out of this world!!
Alanna says
I’ve always loved bananas and banana bread, but I had no idea how fantastically versatile they were before finding this blog! I only like to eat them when they’re just past green (hate mushy bananas!), so living alone it’s tough to eat them all before they over-ripen. Now that I know I can freeze them (it seems so obvious now!) and use them to make shakes, “ice cream”, oatmeal, and all sorts of delicious baked goods, I buy them every time I go to the store! I love that they’re available all year round and aren’t expensive, too!
Chelsea @ Healthy In a Nutshell says
I celebrated with your banana pancakes for one! 🙂
sunidhi says
Yes u r right bannana is very good for healthy. but we can not have more bannana directly if we prepare some good items like this we can have espcecial for childrens. thanks a lot for some good posting.
Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner says
Bananas + Chocolate Chips = BEST THING EVER! Chocolate always makes me happy. 😉
Susan Nymeyer says
I repinned the 15 healthy banana recipes today, but I have frequently repinned your recipes in the past and I love getting your emails. Your recipes make me happy. Thank you! I’m hoping to win the food processor so that I can make even more Chocolate Covered Katie creations!
Alissa Chambers says
I repinned the Chocolate Soft Serve!!! YUMMY!! My family LOVED it!!!!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Thanks for trying it!
Misty says
I’ve got some ripe bananas, and I was trying to think of what I felt like making with them, so I headed over to CCK for some ideas. Love this post!
Isabel says
Hi Katie! I especially love the chocolate recipes. Thanks for posting this wonderful info. The pics are amazing! I tried the Banana Split and love the ease of preparing it, it finished in a jiffy, and the taste …. out of this world!!! I have recently switched to making my own chocolate after taking a chocolate making class with Benchic here in LA. Just want you to know I am simply in awe of the wealth of creativity you offer here. Late evenings in front of the tube are no longer reminiscing “the good old days” of store bought ice cream, cookies and sweet filled treats to soothe that nite-cap itch. Rather …. a rebirth to making home-made creative treats seals in the guarantee of food freshness and certainly chunks of health benefits and complemented by EXPLOSIVE PLEASURE! Tu tu tu!
Katie says
I am definitely a banana lover! I can’t wait to try your banana bread recipe! Banana bread is my absolute favorite and I have been on the search for a vegan version since going vegan a couple months ago. Yours looks absolutely delicious!
Tanya @ Playful and hungry says
Bananas are such a great fruit!
Tony says
Can vegetarians eat bananas? These recipes look nice, great work Katie!
Deepa Iyer says
I am doing a series on single portion microwave recipes. I have plenty of banana left over at home and your post on single portion banana muffin / bread is a savior 🙂 Cheers! Great blog and wonderful pics. Been looking at this all day at work 😉
Igor Ledochowski Hypnosis says
I found the healthy banana recipes a great gift for the banana lovers and I enjoyed reading.
Michelle says
Our favorite isn’t on here that is mostly sweetened with bananas- oatmeal breakfast cupcakes. We make them at least twice a month and put extras in the freezer. We also love the soft serve. I think the peanut butter pie is next. 🙂
Mead says
Healthy recipes but not low carb with all the bananas. There aresome places where I think cream cheese might be better.
Lisa @bitesforbabies says
Wow! Which to choose from…they all look delicious!!! How do you stay so thin?! lol!
Emma says
Wow, all of these look amazing. I have been looking for a healthy banana bread recipe for ages, so I really want to try all of these now. Thank you for sharing!