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Pumpkin Doughnut Holes: Vegan-Style

Hello vegan chocolate doughnuts!

Normally, when I think about doughnuts, I think about Boston Cream Pie. Boston Cream Pie was one of my sister’s and my favorite doughnut flavors when we were little. I even turned it into oatmeal one day:

boston cream pie oatmeal

Boston Cream Pie Oatmeal

But today’s little creations are more along the lines of Dunkin Donuts’ munchkins. Do you remember those? Kids often brought them in for birthdays, at least in my elementary school. I actually didn’t like the chocolate ones. Can you believe it? They tasted too cake-y and not chocolate-y enough. Hehe even as a little kid, it was all about the chocolate with me! So my favorite munchkins were the glazed doughnut holes. And now that Alexandra’s planted the doughnut idea in my mind, I’m thinking I should perhaps try my hand at healthy glazed doughnuts… stay tuned!

Honestly, today’s recipe doesn’t really taste doughnut-like. But the pumpkin balls sure do look like doughnut holes. Observe:

pumpkin doughnut holes

They were fantastic! I might like ’em better than the 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Balls!

I wasn’t the only one who loved the doughnut holes, though. A friend stopped by in the afternoon, so I gave her a few to take home. She could not stop raving about them. I think she sent no fewer than three text messages thanking me for the little gems.

pumpkin donut holes

Pumpkin Doughnut Holes

  • Very scant 2 tbsp oats or oat bran (12g)
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter OR allergy-friendly alternative (30g)
  • Optional, depending on the sweetness of your nut butter: 1-2 tsp agave or a few stevia drops
  • 1-2 tsp canned pumpkin (5-10g)
  • Optional: salt (once again, depending on your pb)

Directions: First measure the oats into a bowl and crush them a bit (with your hands, a fork, or even the Magic Bullet). Then add the pnb, pumpkin, and optional sweetener. If you take the pb straight from the fridge, you might want to microwave 20-30 seconds (or just leave the pb out for a bit so it gets soft enough to mix). Mix well, then form into balls… or eat the dough! Here are the ingredients I used for the doughnut holes I made yesterday:

doughnut ingredients

I also added a dash of salt, so my doughnut holes were really four-ingredient balls. I can’t recommend the Cinnamon-Raisin Swirl variation highly enough!! If PB&Co butters aren’t available in your area, simply use regular pb and add cinnamon and sugar (and raisins if desired).

If you’re still in the mood for balls…


Don’t forget Pumpkin Pie Babies.


Published on October 21, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Frances says

    I actually really hated donuts growing up…and I continue to dislike them. What is my PROBLEM? Ha! I guess I never really had much of a sweet tooth. That said, I can really put away certain dessert-y things now… Larabars and other raw-type bars, and the occasional sweet-potato muffin from a favorite local cafe… ack!

  2. Bianca- Vegan Crunk says

    Yummers! I must try this! My Whole Foods actually sells vegan pumpkin donut holes, but these are more guilt-free….and I’ve been totally pigging out on birthday cake, margaritas, beer, pizza, chips, everything bad. I need a guilt-free snack!

  3. Kelly says

    Ha, I was all about the glazed Munchkins, too! I’d eat the chocolate ones, too, but I never loved them as much as I wanted to. Glazed, on the other hand… ooh boy; I could eat tons in one sitting!

  4. Kiersten says

    You are very creative Katie! I used to like doughnuts as a kid (plain with chocolate frosting, maybe sprinkles). I haven’t had one in so long though I don’t even know if I like them anymore. My boyfriend keeps saying he wants to make homemade vegan doughnuts sometime, so I guess I will find out then.

  5. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    The donuts look awesome! And thanks for your email yesterday…too sweet 🙂

    I noticed that you only used 1 tsp of canned pumpkin…isn’t it amazing how adding too much can just turn the whole recipe into…mush. haha! I may have done that once or twice 🙂 Clearly you perfected your recipe..the look awesome!

    And I love the last pic of the pumpkin pie ball. I can almost see flecks of zucchini maybe (need to check the recipe) in it…sort of like a healthy carrotcake, zucchini bread, all in one type thing. YUM!!!

  6. Moni'sMeals says

    Perfect! I am going to try them out. Simple and fast, my type of treat.
    Was never a big doughnut type. I love the ideal of holes just like your taunting “babies” that you show us-the perfect size it what I like. 😉

  7. Namaste Gurl says

    I have so many memories as a kid with donuts– sunday school, rewards, having sleepovers. Ahhh, memories. I used to look forward to when my dad would bring home those doughy, sugary holes. Now, however, I look forward to other, healthier things. Like new nut butters, getting free samples in the mail, eating yummy veggies, pumpkin oats…. 🙂

  8. caronae says

    For some reason I have always hated doughnuts! I love desserts, as you might know, hehe :), but would rather use my dessert budget on cookies or chocolate. But doughnuts involving pumpkin and peanut butter are a whole other ball game…hmmmmm…I just might have to try it!

  9. BroccoliHut says

    I actually just wrote an assignment about doughnuts a few weeks ago–we were to describe our earliest food memory. Mine was going to Graham’s Bakery every Sunday after church where I ALWAYS got a jelly doughnut, with powdered sugar of course:)

  10. Rachael says

    It might be sacrilegious, but I don’t like doughnuts. Never have, though the amount that people wax poetic over them makes me feel like I’m missing something. I’ve veganized cake doughnuts before (my grandmother loved apple cider and gingerbread doughnuts, so I made them for her) but the texture of the pastry kind creeps me out…

  11. Rachel says

    Tried the recipe out, but it turned out strange. The two tablespoons of peanut butter and two tablespoons of oats made for a very messy pumpkin ball especially once the pumpkin was added. Stuck to my hands. Tasted relatively good, but not completely sure that the measurements were correct. They look so good on your blog, wish they would turn out the same for me 🙁

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hmmm, maybe it’s a difference in pbs? My pb is very dry (whole foods brand). And when I used the cinnamon one, I didn’t add any of the raisins, so it was all pb. But if it is still too wet for your liking, add less pumpkin and more oats. Or, did you use a liquid sweetener?

  12. Taylor says

    Katie, I would love to see you tackle the challenge of making a doughnut reminiscent of Dunkin’s munchkins. Since becoming vegan a little over a month ago, the ONLY food I’ve been craving that’s not vegan is a doughnut! Specifically munchkins! (Made harder by the fact that there’s a Dunkin on my campus!) Any flavor you make would be grand, I’d love to see what you come up with!

    Thank you for being my vegan support everyday! =)

  13. gill says

    Hi Katie,
    Your blog is MY favorite! I want to make these for a Vegan Bakesale this weekend in Chicago. How many balls does this recipe make & can I double it? Thanks for making my Vegan tummy happy 🙂 Peace & Love, Gill

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