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Big Men have Little…


Don’t think I didn’t know where your minds were going! 😉


When I’m out running in the mornings, I pass quite a few people walking their dogs. And I’ve noticed a pattern: Oddly enough, the women seem to favor larger dogs, while I encounter more men with little pups.  One day, I brought the subject up with my guy friends.

For future reference: SGFs = stupid guy friends 😉

CCK: Why is it that I always see men walking little dogs like Chihuahuas, while the women I pass have manly dogs, like Golden Retrievers?

SGFs: (Sounding all cocky, as SGFs often sound) Because poor, weakling women need protection from big dogs.

CCK: Hmmm, well I guess that means they’re not getting it from their men!

(Remind me why I’m friends with these guys again…)

Of course, my logic goes out the window when I look at my own dogs.  But what Henry and Molly lack in stature, they make up for in bravery.  The little puppies have no qualms about barking at dogs three times their size.  Who says you need a big dog for protection?

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Above, Henry wrestles the Pillow Monster… I think the Pillow Monster is winning 😕

And Molly the television addict!

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Question of the Day:

Is there a resemblance—be it one of physical traits or personality—between you and your pets?  (Anyone remember the opening scene from 101 Dalmations?)

Published on November 24, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Runningwriter says

    I can’t get my dog interested in TV at all. I always thought it would be cute to watch him with that tilted head, questioning look, trying to figure out who his new TV friend was. But no, he won’t oblige. Hmm, I probably share the ‘not obliging’ trait with him 🙂

  2. Cecilia says

    They have little peeee …… ts???? HAH! ‘Don’t think I didn’t know where your minds were going!’ Katie!!! Nooty nooty little vegan you are :O

    We currently have goldfishes in the tank. I don’t think I look like them though, do I? DO I?!! I look like a – FISH???

    Sorry Katie, I’m high from all that sugar in ze fudge babies. Yeeehawwwwww.

    U still there?

  3. Melinda says

    My dog loves TV, and she would sit in front of it all day if she could. We usually leave it on for her so she is not lonely when we are at work. I don’t think my pets resemble me, my dog is pretty hairy! But as far as personality, my cat talks just as much as I do and she is very independent just like me.

  4. Melanie says

    Love your blog:). Sadly, Shelli and I share the fact that we are neurotic. I’m not sure if she already had the genetic propensity for this or if I royally screwed her up because we got her when she was only eight weeks old. She’s got anxiety issues. But, like me, she’s really goofy and silly, too.

  5. hotflashbang says

    My dog Lucy totally watches TV!! It’s bizarre… she will go sit directly in front of the TV and watch it. I can no longer watch animal planet because Lucy goes trippy!! Don’t ask me why but she seems to really enjoy Criminal Minds.. eh? I have some great pics of her licking the TV screen.. awwwwww she’s such a cutie! Oh! And guess what?? My dogs are BIG.. LOL two goldendoodles, one black girl named Lucy (the TV watcher) who’s 60lbs and a red male named Rusty (dough-dee-dough) who I call “big lummox” most of the time who’s about 75 heading towards 80lbs…

  6. jcd says

    Our dog-human mix is pretty mixed, no real trend that I see. And my cats will stop and watch TV if they hear animal sounds. One of the cats really likes to watch Disney animation classics like Beauty and the Beast or Little Mermaid. He’s a strange one…

  7. Chrysta says

    hahaha i love this post. I see this all the time around where I live. There is actually a guy that I see walking around my neighborhood a lot that has a tiny little chihuahua pup with a pink bow and a sparkly leash. Hes a big muscular guy so it just kind of makes me smile a bit when I see him=) To each his own though!! I have cats right now, but if I could choose any dog to have I would pick a big German Shepard or a husky of some kind.

  8. Sarah A says

    When I took a self defense course, a lot of us commented on the very phenomenon of women with big dogs. Our instructor gave an intriguing answer. The fact that we knew how to defend ourselves wasn’t readily apparent to a would-be attacker, and men, in general, tend to be cocky about being stronger than us poor females. Men who would actually attack women unconsciously think of the situation as a cost/benefit analysis – meaning how hard they’d have to work to achieve what they’re after. A larger sized dog, from an attackers’ viewpoint, is a potential hurdle. It’s not so much the dog protecting its owner that stops them. Rather, the feeling of not being in complete control of the situation stops them. Male egos: all bark and no bite : )

  9. JessicaR says

    It’s funny that you bring this up — my boyfriend always jokes that the only men who like big dogs are ones who are insecure 😉

    My boyfriend, like me, loooooves little dogs. Yorkies and chihuahuas are our favorite. We hope to eventually get a chorkie (yorkie/chihuahua mix). 🙂

  10. Bianca- Vegan Crunk says

    Molly watching the kitty on TV is so cute! My boyfriend’s mom’s dogs love watching Animal Planet too…they bark when they see other dogs on TV. My Datsun isn’t at all interested in TV, but he does bark every time he hears the “ding” sound on Wheel of Fortune.

  11. Quix says

    Ummm, yum. We’re celebrating thanksgiving with a fairly traditional dinner (being cooked by my friend’s mom, a professional chef), and then traditional board/card games into the night.

    Your dog watching TV is so cute! We have two lizards, and one stays under the sand most of the time, but will poke his head out and watch TV if we are watching sci-fi. He likes the rumble of the spaceships, we think. 🙂

  12. Kate says

    Funny, whenever I see a man walking a tiny dog I assume it is under duress and that the dog belongs to a wife or girlfriend…totally sexist of me, I know.

    Pumpkin pie babies look scrummy! Will have to try!

  13. sisrocks1996 says

    My pup is me slightly neurotic with short dog syndrome 😉 LOL And very very busy minded. And stubborn and smart 😉

    And yes i’ve noticed the same thing maybe they are just secure in their masculinity, but it looks odd I think 😉

    And I do want a big dog for protection. I would feel better running w/ one!

  14. Spotty Prep says

    I have a Dalmatian (hence my blog name)! I think he is much better looking than me 🙂 He used to bark at the Nextel beep commercials, but that’s about the extent of his tv interaction.

    Love the opening scene from 101 Dalmatians- my favorite is the poodle and prissy lady!

  15. Anonymous says

    My dog and I have so many similar personality traits that it’s disturbing, lol. I think lots of men are getting small dogs now because they are trying to attract women. They want women to stop and start fussing over the cute little dog. Kind of like men pushing a baby stroller.

  16. Andrea says

    The only time my dog, Steve, pays attention to the TV is when there is a cat on. He gets SO bent out of shape, it’s hilarious!

  17. Megan says

    I have a small-ish dog, but she thinks she’s big!! And she loves watching TV– while she lays upside-down on the couch! Maybe TV looks better upside down? 😉

  18. Maria says

    Hmmm, my pup is smallish with a pretty face and long legs…I hope there’s a resemblance 😉 Haha, no I have a long torso, not long legs, so maybe not. She doesn’t pay attention to the tv unless some other dog is barking. That gets her attention!

  19. Crystal says

    I am such fan of HUGE dogs.. though I have a small fry – 20lb-er and a medium 65 lb-er… I am trying to convince the husband to let me get another dog 🙂 I just cant’t help the fact that I just love them! I do think it’s so funny when huge biker dudes have 5lb dogs.. haha I guess they are completely secure in their manhood! Cute pooches!

  20. tabitha says

    hmmm…i think men get the little dogs to try to lure women in
    i would be quite hesitant to marry a man with a little dog and he’d be totally out if he had a cat (unless he had a good story)
    little dogs are lovely–though i don’t like the accessory type
    but i LOVE my big dogs
    yes–they do make me feel safe
    and since there are currently 13 dogs at our house (including fosters)-7 of our own big dogs i feel pretty safe
    plus–little dogs often have that syndrome that they’ve got something to prove
    with experience in grooming/training/vet tech/k-9 sports and foster care…i’ve had the most problems with little nippy dogs 🙂

    i like my dogs like i like my men–strong, confident, athletic, loyal, smart, low maintenence, protective, loving (but not all over me) and with a good sense of humor 🙂

  21. Christina says

    I don’t have a dog yet but I do want a larger one so he/she can protect me while running! Maybe the SGF is right?

    Molly is so adorable watching TV. I’ve never seen a dog do that!

  22. Jenny R. says

    cute cute cute pics!!! i love this post hehe. I’ve noticed the same thing! BUT then there’s my father and his favourite line is “that is not a dog, it’s a rat” (referring to any small dog).

  23. Kristie Lynn says

    Oh my goodness… I love the opening sign from 101 Dalmatians and had completely forgotten about it 😀

    As far as looks go, I’d have to say it’s hard to see a resemblance with my cat. However, her willingness to eat practically anything does remind me of myself 😉

  24. Bethany says

    Well, my old dog, Chrissy Belle, that died a couple of years ago she had blonde fur, and then once we had her for a few months it changed to red. Which is kind of funny because my brother and I have red hair, and my mom always wanted blonde children, hence the reason she picked out that dog.

    Then there is my turtle, Rick Nash or Little Ricky, who will not pay attention to anything on television until I turn on a hockey game. He gets that from me 🙂

  25. Janna says

    That pug is so adorable!!!

    It’s true though, here is NYC, I see big men with little dogs all the time!

    It’s funny when people look like their pets. I actually am very drawn to the little dark Maltese or maltipoo puppies because they have dark curly hair like me! hehe

  26. Jenny says

    Dogs, of course I knew that was what you were going to say. I mean, what else could you possibly have been talking about?

    p.s. what the heck is George Clooney doing with Paris Hiltons dog.

  27. Colleen says

    Hey Katie,

    Although I am a daily reader I think this may be the first time I’ve ever written in. Your blog is wonderful. I want to make those Pumpkin Pie Babies, I love anything pumpkin!
    I think it is so admirable that you are such an animal lover!
    I have three dogs, a picanese poodle, a bijon frise, and a big black Lab/Pit Bull mix. The little picanese, He’s an old grumpus, but he is fun and playful. The Bijon is a little neurotic and a tid-bit dumb, but she wouldn’t hurt a fly, and if she wore clothes, think she’d take them off her back for you. Shes so caring and loving! And the big guy, he looks intimidating, but like the bijon he wouldn’t hurt a fly! He has a big heart and loves to play. I think I see a little bit of myself in all of my little babies!
    Your little TV-watching Scottie is the cutest!


  28. Clay says

    We just adopted a chihuaua and my mother is friggin in love with it. ITs nice though cause it takes the focus off of me. Coincidently, shes upset with me now since i dropped the dog to the floor when i got a look at those Punkin Pie Babies.

  29. Jess says

    I had a chocolate brownie CLIF bar for the first time today – MMMMM. Too bad they are pricey. 🙁

    Love this post, LOL. I see that a lot too, in the city. . . I want a dog so bad but we don’t have the space for one . . . and my husband is not a fluffy pet person 🙁

    I LOVED 101 Dalmations growing up because I loved dogs. We have two turtles. They do not resemble us. 🙂

  30. Michal says

    Your puppies are little cuties! I sadly dont have any pets… unless you count my nintendogs which I havent played with in about two years 🙂 pumpkin pie babies sound delish their on my menu for thanksgiving!

  31. Jessica says

    Sadly, I don’t have a doggie of my own. I don’t think my cats and I resemble one another – one pukes all the time and the other is terrified of everything, lol.

  32. Heather Eats Almond Butter says

    Our dogs love watching TV when they hear dogs barking or see them on the screen. So funny b/c we usually DVR everything, CD will play a dog scene over and over for the pups entertainment, but then won’t me watch Robert Pattinson interviews. So not fair. 😉

    Totally been slacking on my Operations Chocolate Covered Kindness recipes. Will get on that tomorrow. How’s the fundraising going?

  33. Emily says

    I’ve seen so many guys with little dogs lately, too! So funny, Katie. I also notice that a lot of people kinda resemble their dogs, too.

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  34. tiffanie says

    That is too funny. Just this past Saturday on my run I was thinking the same thing. There is this very large man who walks on the same trail I run and he always has his itty bitty minature dog walking next to him. I don’t even know what it is, but was curious his thought that went into getting that particular dog!

    And YES….one of my dogs is hilarious when we have action scenes on the TV. He cocks his little head from side to side to watch the action. It always cracks us up!

  35. Katie says

    I have a huge german shepherd, but it was my husband’s choice of dog. I don’t see a resemblance, but maybe from an outsider’s point of view? And yes I totally know the 101 Dalmatians scene you are referring too! 🙂

  36. JavaChick says

    My cats and I like to curl up with a warm blanket and sleep.

    My cats and I like to play outside in the garden.

    My cats and I shed all over the house, causing the vacuum to get all clogged which makes my Husband cranky.

    Fortunately, my cats and I are cute so my Husband keeps us anyway. 🙂

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