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Chocolate Nutella Milk

Liquid Nutella.

nutella milk

Who wouldn’t want to drink a thick glass of Nutella?

healthy nutella milk

Drink it, eat it, bathe in it… okay, maybe not the last one. Then again, perhaps a Nutella bath could be fun. I wonder if they sell such a thing as Nutella bubble bath. They should. I’d buy it.

In bulk.

chocolate hazelnut milk

Chocolate Nutella Milk

A Special Diet Recipe

  • 1/2 cup roasted or raw hazelnuts (Other nuts will work too.)
  • 2 tsp cocoa or cacao powder
  • 1/16 tsp salt
  • 1/4 plus 1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup water or milk of choice, or more if a thinner drink is desired. This also gets much thicker as it sits in the fridge
  • sweetener–such as stevia, sugar, maple syrup, or even a banana–to taste

Optional: roast hazelnuts 6-8 minutes at 400F. In a bowl, soak the nuts in water for at least 8 hours (or overnight), then drain. I didn’t bother to skin, but you can if desired. Combine all ingredients in a high-powered blender (like a Vita-Mix), and blend thoroughly until super-smooth. If you have cheesecloth, I highly recommend pouring the milk through a sieve lined with cheesecloth. But if you don’t mind a gritty-textured drink, you can skip this step. Before serving, it’s best to fridge until chilled, as it will be hot from blending. This will keep, covered in the fridge, for up to 4 days.

View Nutella Milk Nutrition Info


healthy nutella

……Homemade Healthy Nutella

Published on June 14, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Lindsey says

    We have a healthy version of Nutella that tastes even better! It’s our Go Lo Dark Hazelnut Spread, 0 sugar, gluten free, vegan, only 1 net carb, paleo, diabetic friendly, kosher, dairy and soy free, just to name a few! Check it out on our retail website!

  2. Karen says

    I just made this and am drinking a glass of it now and I am here to report that it really does taste like nuttella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I was to impatient to wait 8 hours for the nuts to soak so I just let them soak for about an hour and a half and it worked fine. Also, I wanted a relatively thin chocolate milk and I wanted it to make a lot so I used about 3 cups of liquid- 2 cups of water and about a cup of soy milk, also I increased the cocoa powder to about 3 tablespoons and sweetened with 2 rounded spoonfuls (or maybe 3, I don’t remember) of sugar and a squirt of agave. Otherwise I followed the recipe exactly, and in case I didn’t already make it clear, it is DELICIOUS! and it tastes exaclty like nuttella and even though my version made 3 cups, I will have trouble not drinking the whole thing over the course of this afternoon!

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