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My Blog’s NEW Makeover

vegan recipes


Welcome to the new Chocolate Covered Katie.

This new blog makeover has been in the works for some time, and you might have noticed little changes along the way, as well as a brand new recipe page.

I’m always working on adding new features to the design, so if there’s anything you’d love to see, please feel free to let me know! But the biggest change is not design-related; the biggest change is going to be about the content:


As Of Today, Chocolate Covered Katie Is No Longer Just Desserts.

Based on all of your feedback over the past few months, it’s clear you want to see much more inspiration for healthy breakfast and dinner ideas, not just desserts.

Starting with my next post, you will begin to see healthy main meals take more of a starring role on the blog. It doesn’t mean the healthy dessert recipes are going away; I am as in love with dessert and chocolate as I always have been, and that’s not going to change any time soon. Now there will just be a bigger focus on healthy main meals so you’ll be getting the best of both worlds.

♥ I’m excited to start sharing all of the healthy non-dessert recipes with you that I’ve been saving up for years!


Other Changes You’ll Find On The New Blog:

A brand new recipe page – giving you the ability to search by category, by date, or by ingredient:






There’s also now an option to add your own photos to your comments.

If you’ve tried one of my recipes and want to post a picture, simply select the image you want and add it to your comment with just one click. And if there is anything else you want to see, please feel free to let me know!


How To Start A Blog – In Under 5 Minutes

Published on March 23, 2017

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Randi Tisdall says

    Very awesome Katie! You continue to be a source for my family when we need something sweet but healthy, and my girls have learned a lot about cooking by using your recipe book. As a blogger myself, you continue to inspire me, and I’ve enjoyed watching your blog evolve over time. Sending lots of love and congrats on the new features!

  2. Rachel says

    Amaaaaaazing!!! Your blog has helped me tremendously as I’ve gone from carnivorous to vegetarian to aaalllllmost vegan. I’m almost there and your recipes are a huge part of that. Can’t wait to see more of your main dishes!

  3. Rosie says

    Oh Katie how exciting! I’m not against the idea of you sharing non-dessert recipes but I did think you fitted into the healthy dessert niche very well. It’s great that you’re expanding though and I can’t wait to see what this exciting development brings for you in the future! Even more success, I’m sure 🙂

  4. Diana says

    I’m not sure if anyone’s already mentioned this, but I think it would be nice to have a feature where comments are separated by content. On at least one other food blog I’ve seen, the reader can choose to look at all comments, comments from people who actually made the recipe, or questions posed by readers. I think that would be very helpful. A lot of times I want to see what people thought of the recipe, but the comments are filled with people who haven’t even made it yet, which is frustrating. It would also be nice if people who haven’t actually made the recipe didn’t give star ratings, but I don’t think there’s a good way to prevent that from happening.

    • Jason Sanford says

      Tip for seeing the comments from people who have made the recipe: scroll to the LAST page of comments instead of the first page. That way you will mostly only see reviews. Hope that helps!

  5. amkreid says

    Love the new look! Your recipes are fabulous! (not meaning to be nit-picky, but thought you may want to check ….I think there’s an “a” missing from the name of the first item in the top left corner, it show’s “Pizza Quino Burgers” I think there might be an “a” missing from Quinoa)

  6. fluffberries says

    OMG i’m so excited for more main meals :’D (even tho i love the desserts so much)
    I’m not vegan but I like vegan cooking because a lot of the time it’s easier than non-vegan I think?? And you don’t have to worry about handling raw meat, eggs, etc. I got my mom into vegan cooking too (she loves homemade cashew cream as a substitute for cream)

  7. Suasan says

    Hi Katie,

    I have been using your recipes for a very long time and have to say they are delicious. My boss had a media blitz at the gym and the media especially loved your raspberry bars and asked me if I would make them to sell. One of my favorite recipes is the Creamy Key Lime bars. With or with a crust they are delicious.
    The new website is way more difficult for my liming with Pin It everywhere on it but I love your rexipes so will endure it.
    Love the factyou are doing more healthy meals. Making my boyfriend and his kids healthier. Can’t thank you enough.
    Is your new cook book going to ne in stores soon?

    • Jason Sanford says

      Unfortunately the new book isn’t going to be in stores. The closest thing we have is a PDF printable version for those who want to print it out and have a “hard’ copy.

      Jason (media relations)

  8. Olya says

    That’s great news, Katie! I really like how you provide ingredient alternatives in your recipes – very helpful! Keep it this way!

  9. De says

    I’m so happy you have search by ingredient now! Often times I want to make something with silken tofu or applesauce, or something else I have on hand and need to use, and try to go searching for recipes for that ingredient. FYI, the new recipes page is not linked to the recipe button in your header. So to get to the new search options, I have to come to this blog post and click on the link.

  10. Kim says

    So excited by this news. Your Coconut Curry recipe is my absolute favorite and makes an appearance every few weeks. Can’t wait to find some new favorites.

  11. V says

    I wanted to ask a question about the recipe index… When I click the links in this post, I am taken to the index. But I’m not sure how to get to it from anywhere else on your site. The “recipes” header under your blog’s title takes me to a different recipe page than the index. I’m also a little confused about how to search by ingredient, the search bar under the recipe index allows my to search through your posts, but I sometimes leaves out posts with a ingredient I searched for. For example, I searched for “puffed rice” but only got three hits when I know your Cake Batter Energy Bars and Cherry Granola bars have puffed rice too, but they were left out.

    So any tips on how to search better or find the recipe index? Thank you!

    • Jason Sanford says

      Thanks for the reminder. It’s a bit more complicated in terms of coding (having to add a new menu button and change colors), but Katie is going to tackle it now. Hopefully she does not crash the site in the process 😉

    • Jason Sanford says

      Ok should be fixed! She says those wouldn’t come up under the specific word you searched for because it looks like the ingredient is called “rice crispies” in the cake batter bar post, so there wouldn’t be a mention of “puffed rice” in that post for search to pull up. Hope that helps, and thanks again for the reminder to fix the site.

  12. Cassie Autumn Tran says

    Hooray for a new beginning to the blog, Katie! I’ve always loved your dessert recipes, but your talent really shines elsewhere in the culinary realm! Maybe one day, you can combine the elements of dessert and dinner together–like say, a chocolate peanut butter stir fry! 😉

  13. Tammy says

    Hi Katie, I just found your site and I love it. I’ve been in search of a healthier way of eating for years due to the medical problems I have. I can’t wait to try all of your recipes. My biggest vice is frozen frappes from places like Duncan Donuts and Tim Hortons. Could you please post some healthy recipes for them. My favorites are Mint Mocha and Pumpkin Spice. Thank you for all that you do to try to help others eat clean food that’s good for our bodies.

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