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My Favorite Summer Treats

Side note:

Feel free to still answer yesterday’s question.

The responses are some of the funniest comments ever!


One hundred and thirteen.

That was the high temperature here in Dallas last week. We’re experiencing the second-hottest summer on record, with 40 days in a row over 100 degrees. Therefore, everyone has been searching desperately for ways to cool off. Here are some of my favorite summer treats:

Healthy Starbucks Frappuccinos

Every time I’ve passed by a Starbucks this summer, there’s been a line out the door. Five bucks says no one’s ordering hot passion tea. Just a guess…


Chocolate-Grasshopper Pie

I haven’t made this pie in a long time. Need to remedy that! Chocolate-mint is one of my favorite combinations. That and chocolate-raspberry. And chocolate-coconut. And chocolate peanut butter. And… oh heck, I just like chocolate anything.


Healthy Milkshakes

Thick, creamy milkshakes that taste delicious and yet are sugar-free and healthy!


Frozen Hot Chocolate

Frozen hot chocolate > hot hot chocolate. And frozen hot chocolate covered in vegan whipped cream and cacao nibs > everything.


Raw Chocolate-Fudge Cake

One of my favorite desserts of all time.


Voluminous Ice Cream

In flavors such as vanilla, mint chocolate chip, and cake batter (pictured above).


Chocolate Fudge Pops

I’m still waiting for someone to try the almond milk version of these fudge pops and tell me how it tastes!

Upcoming Posts:

  • Thick Strawberry Milkshakes
  • Chocolate-Banana Bon Bons
  • Ice Cream Sandwiches… with a twist!
  • Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Question of the Day:

 Is it hot where you are?

I know it’s not just Texas. One day this summer, when I was in New York, it reached 106… hotter than it was in Dallas that day!

Published on August 14, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Tina says

    Oh my goodness katie. Today i was a whole foods, and i saw these vegan desserts. they were called “healthy junk food” and they were just like your fudge babies! Just thought i’d let you know. 😀 Also, does the agar base keep? can i use half and put the other half in the fridge for the next day?

  2. Kaitlyn says

    Those treats look wonderful! I’l love to try out the cookie dough milkshake!
    It was actually only around 70 degrees here today. It rained pretty hard, from last night through the afternoon! Me and my boyfriend walked around in blankets haha.

  3. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    So pumped for your upcoming posts!!! I thought it was hot here at 90 degrees, but today was a hot tea day. 70 and rainy!

  4. Lorin says

    Hmmm..I think I’m going to try and make your pb and j blondies into a pb and j pie. We’ll see how it works 🙂

  5. Namaste Gurl says

    Can I have something of everything (no really)? You are such a creative and amazing cook, girl! Can’t wait to try out your grasshopper pie 🙂

  6. Albizia says

    It is hot as hell! Maybe not as hot in Texas (about 95-97 during the day) but the famous Kyoto humidity is killing me. And what I hate the most is that it doesn’t get cooler even at night. The average low temperature for the last week is 86 degrees. I think only the mosquitoes like it and they bite like there is no tomorrow. Blah…

    I’ve been eating lot of frozen food too due to the heat. Ice cream, smoothies and huge amounts of almost unfrozen kabocha (just enough to be able to chew it) with vanilla yogurt.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      So funny… when I went to Kyoto it was freezing! Oh no wait, that was Sapporo. Kyoto was lovely, with the sakura trees! Wish I could go back… but maybe in the spring :). I didn’t realize you were in Japan!

      • Albizia says

        I’ve been here for a few months already and I still find the fact that I am here a little weird so… 😀
        And April is definitely the best time to visit Kyoto.

  7. A. Cook says

    Boston had a few high 90’s-low 100’s days in July (complete with full-on disgusting humidity!) but it has not been hot here at all recently. I wore a sweatshirt yesterday to my fiance’s softball game for cryin’ out loud! And as I’m typing this it is 68 degrees, gray, pouring rain, and windy. So basically it’s like a gross fall day here rather than summer. Wish I could send a little heat relief your way! Although it looks like you’ve got it covered with frozen hot chocolate and chocolate fudge pops–yum!

  8. EmilyK says

    I’m living in Seattle and it has been FREEZING all summer. I HATE IT!!! I’m not from here (I’m from Minneapolis where we have REAL summers and REAL seasons for that matter). I struggle every single day with these awful summers in Seattle. 65 and clouds everyday. yuk

  9. Marianne says

    Gonna be honest, I have no concept of how hot that actually is. Me and Fahrenheit don’t mesh. I can tell you it’s been in the low to mid 20’s (Celsius) here. Nothing crazy hot, that’s for sure, although I did manage one killer sunburn this weekend. Oops!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I think 20 is somewhere in the very-high 70s. I used to keep my room at around 18C in China, and my family made fun of me for it being so hot. But I really should learn C better. The metric system makes so much more sense!

  10. Sophie says

    Nope, no hot weather here! It hasn’t been hot in about a month!
    Seriously though Katie, why would you do a post like that, now I want to eat all of those things 😛
    The frozen hot chocolate looks amazing, my mouth’s practically watering at the sight of it!

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