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My “go-to” chocolate cupcake recipe

This is a chocolate-covered blog

Yet, up until a few weeks ago, it included neither a recipe for chocolate brownies nor one for chocolate cupcakes. Some chocolate blog!

Last month, I took on the brownies: Ultimate Fudge Brownies.

(Side note: I wish I’d created those brownies a long time ago! They’re so fudgey and chocolatey that they have quickly turned into one of my absolute favorite desserts.) Today it’s time to tackle the cupcakes.

healthy chocolate cupcakes

These cupcakes are so soft and fluffy! No one will ever guess they’re healthy.

They’d also be really good with some Cashew Butter Frosting.

Chocoholic Cupcakes

  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup flour (I used white-whole-wheat. You can use white or spelt.)
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup sugar or evaporated cane juice (see note below, for sugar-free version)
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 and 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt of choice (such as SoDelicious)
  • 1/4 cup applesauce
  • 3 tbsp coconut or canola/veg oil (See note below, for a fat-free option)
  • optional: add a few handfuls chocolate chips to the batter!
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice

Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients, then add wet. Don’t overmix. Pour into cupcake tins, and bake for 15-20 minutes.

I put in 3/4 cup sugar, because these cupcakes were being served to people who are used to standard cupcakes. However, if you prefer a less-sweet baked good, or if you want more of a chocolate muffin, feel free to cut back on the amount of sugar. If you like the taste of stevia-sweetened baked goods, you can use 5 Nunatural stevia packs, or a combination of sugar and stevia. These cupcakes might work with liquid sweetener: just cut back on the other liquid a little bit.

Notes about the oil:

You can leave out the oil completely if you want to make these cupcakes even lower in fat and calories. Add extra applesauce in the amount of the oil. However, do know that the cupcakes will taste much less light and fluffy. I opted to use some oil for a few reasons: First, I believe healthy fats are extremely important to our bodies. Also, my recipes are healthier versions of traditional recipes, not necessarily low-calorie versions. And finally… taste! Fat-free baked goods can sometimes be gummy. So to those of you who are watching your fat intakes: Leaving the oil in only adds about 3 grams of fat (healthy fat) to each cupcake.

vegan chocolate cupcakes

Have you ever made cupcakes?
And do you like to decorate cupcakes?

I’ve made everything from penguins to Mermaid Cupcakes.

Published on July 10, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Heather says

    I made these Gluten free successfully. I used 3/4 cup Bob’s Red Mill GF All Purpose flour and 1/4 cup sorghum flour. I am sure you could use all Bob’s Red Mill, but I prefer the texture with the sorghum. Also, I subbed vegan sour cream for the yogurt so I wouldn’t have to run to the store and the results were great. Thanks for the recipe!!

  2. Ingrid says

    These look amazing! I only have whole wheat pastry flour at home, would that work as a decent substitute? Or would the texture be off?

  3. Lisa says

    I always struggle to be able to print the recipes on this site. It’s easy to pull the recipe up, but strangely lacking in the ability to print. Help!

  4. Chloe says

    I tried these out. They’re so good except the chocolate flavor wasn’t strong enough for me Next time I will double the cocoa powder. Otherwise they were very good! My parents thought I was lying when I said they were healthy so I would have an excuse to eat another one! 🙂

  5. Tina K. says

    Looking for a healthy chocolate cupcake recipe today to make with my young sons for Valentine’s Day, we found yours. We had everything on hand, and an hour later, we ate them! Yum! We’ll definitely be making these again, and again, and again. While they’re napping now, I’m going to eat another. I’m looking forward to trying more of your recipes, so glad I found your blog.

  6. Willow says

    Hello! These look delish! I was wondering, can I use coconut sugar in place of white sugar/evaporated cane juice? Also, do you think I could sub plain yogurt for vanilla? Last question- how many cupcakes does this recipe make?

    Thanks in advance!


  7. nina says

    Delicious cupcakes, but they taste more like red velvet rather than chocolate to me. I replaced the applesauce with an egg and used sesame seed oil. Maybe that makes a difference? Next time, I’m replacing the yogurt+milk with buttermilk or kefir. I bet it’ll taste just as good.

  8. JayceTheBakerMan says

    Hi there Katie!
    My question is sort of short notice, but I’m wondering, How many cupcakes does it make?
    I need to find out before tomorrow!
    I’m a bit rushed, sadly!
    But if you can get back to me that’d be amazing!

    Best wishes~ Jayce

  9. Lindsay says

    I used this to make chocolate donuts today. Glazed, and with toasted coconut. I did use non-glutinous rice flour and had to substitute the yogurt for an over ripe banana but it all turned out amazing, moist, perfect!!! I need to stop coming here. Yesterday I made the vanilla cupcake recipe into donuts, and gingerbread cake the day before.

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