This rich, creamy, and secretly healthy no bake chocolate pie will be THE hit of any party!
NO Heavy Cream
NO Cool Whip
NO Baking Required
Just a few ingredients, low calorie, oil free, gluten free, and just 5 minutes to make!
Also Try This Crustless Pumpkin Pie
Since I first posted the recipe back in 2011, so many people have made this secretly vegan pie that it has easily become one of the most popular recipes on my blog.
Readers from all over the world have tested it out on non-vegan friends and family members, with rave results!
Top with coconut whipped cream or Keto Ice Cream.
With just a few ingredients and barely any prep work, it’s no wonder the recipe is so popular!
Don’t let the secret ingredient scare you away – I’ve served this pie many, many times to non-vegetarians and people who have no interest in healthy desserts whatsoever, and even they go crazy for it every single time.
The pie is not only good for a healthy dessert, it is just really, ridiculously good!
No Bake Chocolate Pie
Adapted from my Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie
No Bake Chocolate Pie

- 12.3 oz silken or firm tofu (Soy-Free recipe here)
- 1 1/2 tsp cocoa powder
- 8-10 oz broken-up chocolate or 1 1/2 cup chocolate chips
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp milk of choice
- scant 1/8 tsp salt
- 2-3 tbsp pure maple syrup or sweetener of choice
Break up the chocolate and carefully melt, either on the stove or in the microwave. Then throw everything into a food processor and blend until completely smooth. Pour into a pie crust if desired. Refrigerate. It gets firmer the longer it sits and is firmer if you use firm tofu or more like mousse pie if you use silken. Have fun trying out different-flavored chocolate bars!
Recipe Of The Day:
Qi Ting @ Misadventures of Fat free Baking says
LOTS!!! Of bags of semi-sweet chocolate chips and a large carton of cocoa powder. Oreos in the cookie jar. 🙁 That reminds me… I need to get restocked in chocolate bars department…
PS: Your photography and the beauty of the things to make continues to amaze me 😀 (Gee I always seem to say the same thing. The next time I say something like this I’ll be using a thesaurus)
mariah rose windsor says
HEY WENDY IRGRAM Can selena marie windsor make thsi with you in apil 2024 ok its a no-bake chocolate pie helthy ok do you have chocolate chips no suger added ok love you mariah rose windsor ok
Cait @ Cait hates Cake says
Definitely chocolate in my pantry! Vegan chocolate chips and Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter which I can’t keep my fingers out of!
Ashley says
I always have something chocolately in my pantry, and mostly, I keep it dark chocolate. I love dark chocolate– anything 70 percent or darker is perfectly fine with me;)
Jennifer JCD says
Of course we have chocolate in our pantry: PC The Decadent chocolate chips and Enjoy Life mini chcoolate chips are in there right now, along with some unsweetened chocolate baking squares (which aren’t very good quality chocolate, sadly.) It’s really difficult to find vegan and nut-free chocolate bars in Canada.
Mmm… I’m definitely making chocolate pie for our anniversary next week! Yummy!
Ashley O. @ The Vegetable Life says
I think there are five different dark chocolate bars and a few bags of chocolate chips lurking in my pantry for when the chocolate monster strikes (aka every night!).
Megan says
YUM!!! That looks absolutely amazing Katie! Everyday I am absolutely astounded at the delicious treats you think up! Like others, I am thinking of the different chocolate things I have in my pantry…dark cocoa powder, Endangered Species dark chocolate bar with cocoa nibs, Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips, cocoa nibs…(notice a dark chocolate theme??) Have a blessed day!
Kim says
If there is, it doesn’t lurk for long!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Amy says
You bet there are chocolate bars in my pantry! At least 5 of them. 🙂
Miriam @ Overtime Cook says
Looks amazing! I saw a similar recipe recently from Alton Brown and I’m so intrigued by the idea that something healthy can be so delicious! Besides, anything with lots of chocolate is awesome in my book!
Sweet and Savvy says
Great recipe! Chocolate is ALWAYS lurking in my pantry! :o)
Liz @ Southern Charm says
YES! I have white chocolate chips, although my stash is dwindling and I have a chocolate bar from a local bakery in New Orleans .. Sucree. It is milk chocolate with pistachios crumbled on top and crystalized rose. Yea … that won’t last much longer either 😉
Yasmeen says
I always have a big container of Cocoa and Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter in the cupboard.
I also have 5 GIANT chocolate bars in my freezer from my last trip to Norway. I guess I should get started on one of those babies soon! :0)
Jenny says
I am in the process of attempting to eat everything on one shelf of my fridge to make room for this pie. I. NEED. It. As if the pictures from the initial appearance of the recipe weren’t enough… you post more? Love/hate you for that. 😛 But love how you have so many different types of chocolate in your pantry!
What do you let it set in, by the way, since you don’t use pie crusts? I don’t like them either, thus I usually avoid pies altogether. This looks too good to pass up, however. And does it set well in the freezer, or does the texture become funky because of the tofu?
Anyway… Have a great Thursday. 🙂 Haven’t been commenting as awesome because classes started again last week over here in Canada, but I’m definitely still reading and appreciating your recipes [by making + eating more of them…] and wonderful enthusiasm for delicious, healthy desserts!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
It works really well in a springform pan :).
Do NOT put it in the freezer lol… it turns really weird!
Rachel @ Eat, Learn, Discover! says
ahh yum! I love pie – beats cake every time! And yes, there is always chocolate lurking the the pantry. Unsweetened baker’s chocolate, and right now some extra dark chocolate covered ginger 🙂
steph - vegfortworth says
I have TONS of chocolate chips right now – both dark and vegan white chocolate ones. I’ve been stockpiling. I totally need to go on a baking spree!
Eden says
Ooh where did you find vegan white chocolate? I know this comment is from 2011 but I’m hoping you’ll see my question! Thanks!
Michaela says
omg! seriously, I want to make all of your recipes!! with every post I am like “I want to make this”, bc your recipes are fab! always delicious and soooo easy to throw together. I am already thinking on which recipes to choose for my birthday party… NOT an easy task!
I always have some chocolate in my pantry, though it´s always either 70 or 80 or 85% chocolate bars from a brand that is vegan, great for baking (I am only eating chocolate in baked goods) and also cheap 🙂
Jessy (squeezetheday) says
This looks much softer than the original version – is this just because it hasn’t set yet?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Actually, it’s because I wanted to try it with silken tofu this time. Originally, I’d specified “firm” in the recipe, but I changed it because it DOES work with silken–it’s just more of a mousse-like pie than a fudge one.
Jessy (squeezetheday) says
Oh, I’m glad I like the version with firm tofu better, haha, because silken tofu is a bit harder to get. Most dessert recipes tend to use silken tofu, so now I’m even more excited about your original fudge pie crecipe! 😀
Megan says
So your first pie uses just regular firm tofu and the second you tried silken, correct?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
In the first one, I used Mori Nu silken-firm. I also didn’t add any agave (I think it’s denser without the agave). In the second, yes, I used silken.
Kate says
Quick question – what is the “mousse” set in if it’s not pie crust?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Kate,
If you use firm tofu, you can put it in a springform pan. If you use silken, you’ll either want a pie crust or you’ll want to eat it like mousse.
Eric Jaffa says
Did you make it with pie crust for those pictures even though you “hate pie crust and therefore usually keep it crustless”?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I used silken tofu this time. If you use silken tofu, it needs a crust or needs to be eaten like mousse. (I just ate around the crust.)
Eric Jaffa says
What happened to the crust on your plate afterwards?
Kim says
Katie! Katie! Katie!!! I don’t know you at all, and I don’t want you to think I am a weirdo, but if I was anywhere near you, I would hug you!! This looks amazing!! I can’ wait to get off work. I’m going straight to the grocery store, buy these items and make this pie. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be able to COMPLETELY indulge my chocolate craving without any feelings of guilt or without totally wrecking my efforts to eat healthier.
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you for your blog!! Please stay with it…keep on blogging!!! You are a wonder!!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Can I hug you right back??? What, I’m not allowed to be a weirdo too? 😉
Sending you lots and lots (and lots) of chocolate hugs!
Amber K says
I actually just used up all of the Enjoy Life chips I have in the house and the only thing I have left is cocoa powder, lol!
Sophie @ LoveLiveAndLearn says
For a minute I thought you were being serious about the new blog! haha
It does look really amazing, I might have to make that before I leave 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh but I WAS being serious. 😉 What, it wouldn’t be a good idea? A blog all about chocolate pie? I’d read one of those for sure! (Hehe yeah I was kidding… but still, it sounds like a delicious blog idea.)
hey! do you think i could use plain greek yogurt instead of the silken tofu?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Sorry, no idea.
Anna @ The Guiltless Life says
I often use Greek yogurt as a replacement for silken tofu – works wonders 🙂 Just be careful of how much you use compared to tofu as Greek yogurt can have a strong taste. 🙂
Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says
Omigosh this looks so yummy! I really have to try using tofu in a pie- it’s such an interesting idea! I like how fluffy and this delicious this looks! And how great that you were able to make something this delicious from the assortment of chocolate bars you had around! YUM!
katie @KatieDid says
When I don’t have a dark chocolate bar waning in my freezer I feel incomplete. Right now it’s a lindt 90%, and I also usually have a box of bakers unsweetened, but I opted out this week to save a bit of money- those are expensive!
Janet Miller says
A quick glance at any of your Blog photo’s gets me in the mood to stir up something chocolatey. A staple of anyones kitchen, Chocolate is a neccesity of life. :o)
Jen says
Of course there is chocolate lurking in my pantry! Actually, it’s lurking in my fridge. I like to prevent my chocolate bars from getting melty on warm days. Must protect chocolate.
Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says
Ok, you’ve persuaded me. Your fave recipe EVER?! It must me amazing then!! Of course I’m gonna trust you on this one and make it tonight! 😀
Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries says
There is ALWAYS chocolate lurking my pantry! 🙂 Your pie looks delish!
Albizia says
There is always some chocolate lurking in the pantry (that I actually don’t have). But sometimes it lasts extraordinarily long. Like the bar of white chocolate that’s been hiding in the fridge for more than a month now. I love it. I am just not in a mood for it. Its younger brother – the dark Lindt bar with cranberries and almond pieces has better luck 🙂
Synne says
just wondering what you used as pie crust for the pictures, and also I have to say that if you ever stop blogging eating chocolate will never be the same!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL I don’t actually have a pie crust recipe (I never bothered to make one up, because I don’t like crust). So this was store-bought–oreo. It’s vegan, though :).
Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says
There is ALWAYS chocolate in my pantry-unsweetened, that is. Whenever I start getting low, I buy some, so there is a constant supply in my cupboard. Right now I have a few Baker’s Unsweetened Chocolate bars, extra dark Hershey’s cocoa powder, and some raw cacao nibs.
Anna @ The Guiltless Life says
Alexa – I can’t eat sugar either so I was wondering about your Unsweetened Chocolate bars from Baker’s. Are they a really high percentage of cocoa or are they literally unsweetened?? I can pretty much cope with anything over 70% but I usually buy 85% myself. Wanted to know if this was something different though. Thanks!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hey Anna!
The Bakers bars ARE 100% cocoa and completely unsweetened. Some other good unsweetened bars are Ghirardelli or Dagoba… Ghirardelli even makes discs, which I sometimes use in place of chocolate chips!
Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says
Yes, Like Katie said, they are 100% chocolate and unsweetened. I love them. It takes a bit to get used to. Just roll it around in your mouth and really taste the flavor-you’ll never go back to sweetened chocolate again.
Anna @ The Guiltless Life says
Thanks to you both! And Katie, shock horror when I realized you weren’t on my blogroll. Horrible omission on my part – corrected now :). And you’re welcome about Pinterest. They just look so darn good, your pics were made for Pinterest! xx
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awww thank you!!! 🙂
Aine @ Something to Chew Over says
This looks so good! 🙂
I’m actually a bit low on chocolate – just a few squares of 70% and some cocoa powder.
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
There isn’t as much chocolate as I wish there was! I have some Baker’s chocolate and that is about it! Usually I have a few bags of choc chips but I must have eaten them all, oops!
Lenna says
Currently there´s only one small lonely chocolate bar in my pantry (well, it wasn´t that small in the morning, but then snack times hit two or three times :). I need to go shopping and stock up!
GetSkinny GoVegan says
Geez, I was going to make a tofu sandwich from JL’s blog, but I read this afterwards, and I’m screwed. Hmmmmmm
Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says
I want to give this a whirl SOOOO bad! ….I always have chocolate somewhere within 10 feet of me. Only wish I were kidding. (or maybe not… 🙂 ) Purse, pantry, desk, car. You name it, it’s there!
Faith @ For the Health of It says
My chocolate stash is dwindled so badly right now! I usually have several bars in my freezer, choc chips in the cupboard and a few chocolate candies in my snack drawer, but it’s been a definitely chocolate-needy week so I’m down to just some lone cocoa powder!
Katherine says
Hmm…let’s do a chocolate rundown here…chocolate almond milk in the fridge, Dark Chocolate Dreams and Special Dark cocoa powder on my shelves (next to Heavenly Cocoa granola), and the remainder of a dark chocolate mint bar in my drawers. I also have an 85% dark bar and a Mexican-spiced dark chocolate bar waiting for me when I finish those.
Oh man, cinnamon-chai spiced chocolate pie would be delicious!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Woah, hold the phone. I will be right over ;).
Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather says
I bet that Chocolate raspberry bar was delicious in there! Topped with some fresh raspberries too… Mmmmm deliciousness!!
I have a dark chocolate bar + mini chocolate chips in my fridge. Need more!
Lauren says
I have a chocolate board on Pinterest with a ton of your recipes! That way I can look at a whole bunch of chocolate at once.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I have restrained myself from making a pintrest account… I could see myself wanting to be on there all day! LOL
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
YUM. THis is what I am making tonight now 🙂
Heather @ Bake, Run, Live says
Oh yes- there is chocolate in my pantry. And, about 25 pound of chocolate in my 2nd bedroom! Most important though, are the 3 bars of chocolate in my purse 🙂
Nathalie says
Whole chocolate I tend to be lacking, but I always have a hefty supply of cocoa powder! I have at least two kinds sitting in my cabinet. Also the crust in the picture looks amazing!
GrainFreeGroupie says
I love TJ’s 85% dark chocolate- their 72% is great too. Also have their unsweetened chocolate disks for baking which melt really easily. And of course a couple containers of cocoa. I can never find the hershey’s special dark though!
Lindsay @ biking before bed says
There is always chocolate lurking… It doesn’t last too long… Except this block of white chocolate I found this week that had been there for a year. Probably some kind of record.
Brittney says
Oh my goodness Katie, I made this recipe subbing the chocolate chips and with a chocolate crust last night! It’s almost like you read my mind! It was incredibly delicious 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I’m so excited you made it!!! 🙂 🙂
Mellie says
We are out of chocolate chips too! It is a stinking HERESY. Fortunately we have baking chocolate, cocoa powder, and Nutella.
Alexandra (Veggin' Out in the Kitchen) says
I love how you improvised!! 🙂 That first picture reminds me of my mom’s chocolate cream pie – my fave dessert ever!! (followed by chili’s molten lava cake – again chocolate-y 😛 ) And that crust looks incredible! It looks just like the oreo crust my mom uses for her pie!
And to answer the question, I ALWAYS have chocolate in my pantry! Baker’s unsweetened, chiradelli 60% chips, endangered species 88% (my fave!), and even some ginger chocolate! Plus some other random bars… one can never have too much chocolate 😉
Love you!! <3 <3
Dawn W. says
Guess I’m late getting around to reading today’s post.I’m new to your blog,and already I look forward to the e-mails everyday.I have Enjoy Life (I think that’s the brand,too lazy to go look)vegan chocolate chips,baking cocoa,and a partially used bar of Ghirardelli bittersweet baking chocolate.That’s on top of my ready-to-eat sweet stash (pb cups,choc. bars).Yes,I’m a choco fiend 🙂 BTW,do you have a single-serving recipe for a chocolate cupcake?I searched but didn’t find one.If you come up with a recipe,you’ll be my new best friend!Please & thank you!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh my word, how could I not have a single chocolate cupcake recipe?! I need to get on that! Thanks for telling me :).
Alexa @ Simple Eats says
Can I just say I love how this crust looks like it’s made out of Oreos, but it’s actually SO much healthier?! I also love the cream to crust ratio…more crust for me please!
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
Is there any chocolate lurking in your pantry? = Yes, just a wee bit 🙂
The pie looks delish! I loved french silk pie as a kid and haven’t had it in years. I need to give your version a whirl. You know, I’ve never tried tofu in sweets. Need to change that it looks like 🙂
Tina says
Oh yum!!! Do you have any ways/ideas of making this without soy?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Tina,
Try this one:
(or the banana version)
It is another chocolate fudge cake recipe. It’s not the same, but it’s just as good in its own right.
Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says
Yum!!! I bet this would be great with a minty chocolate bar. Or PEANUT BUTTER!
Kathy says
Of course I have chocolate in my pantry! If I didn’t…well…then I wouldn’t be me! And some odd creature is lurking in me if I don’t have a chocolate fix everyday o.e…ooh that isn’t good. Haha!
Patricia says
Holy Moly (is that a real term?) I made this tonight. It is FABULOUS. Rich, decadent and no one would ever suspect the tofu. Bless your chocolate covered heart for sharing this recipe. Love the blog and look forward to it everyday. Thanks!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thank you so much for trying it! And for such sweet words! Chocolate hugs 🙂 :).
kaila @ healthy helper! says
Omg this looks incredible! It reminds me of the pudding pie in an oreo crust that my mom always makes!!! What kind of crust did you use?! It looks so yummy and crumbly!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL there’s a reason it looks like an oreo crust… it IS an oreo crust! I hate crust, so I never bothered to develop my own recipe for one. This one was store-bought. But it is vegan, surprisingly enough!
Marianne says
I may have just bought a couple of new chocolate bars at Whole Foods after school today to ensure my chocolate stash is well stocked.
BroccoliHut says
I have some chocolate chips lurking in my pantry…from which I periodically grab a handful 🙂
Robin says
I’ve actually run out of most all of my chocolate. Big shock, I know. This afternoon will be chocolate-hunting!
Moni'sMeals says
Chocolate in my panty? Trick question right!?
I HAVE A flippin CHOCOLATE DRAWER! It is stocked always with…white, milk,dark, raw, peanut butter chips, toffee chips… you get the idea!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Moni'sMeals says
oh and…this looks like one SPECTACULAR Pie Katie!
Leashieloo says
Chocolate pie is my absolute faaavorite. That picture probably doesn’t even do it justice, it sounds TOO amazing!
amy @ lovetotrain says
i nearly fell off my chair the last time you posted the fudge pie… this should come with a warning girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reid says
I’m so glad I’m not alone on the crust hating thing. (especially the buttery ones with pumpkin pie). People look at me like I’m nuts… This recipe is getting made tonight ! I have all the ingredients lurking in my fridge, plus one piece of Godiva from my boss. 🙂
Jessica @ Jess Go Bananas says
Oh boy is there! I have 100% cacao disks, 96% cacao lindt bar-my fave, carob chips, and semisweet chips 🙂 I loooovvveeee very dark chocolate. Dark like night sky, dark !
Megan E. says
Just made this without the pie crust – how do you keep it from falling apart trying to get it out?? I have it in the freezer now to try and firm up more, what tips do you have though for cutting it up without a crust?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hey Megan,
I wouldn’t put it in the freezer! It might make the tofu turn really weird!!
As for the firmness issue, what kind of tofu did you use? And how much agave?
Megan E. says
Oops – too late for the freezer and I’m at work now…I’ll see how it turns out! :-/
I used firm tofu and 1 tbsp honey since we were out of agave…
I did put gluten free ginger cookies crunched up on the bottom of the pan, but some of those got mixed in when I tried to put in the mix.
We can eat it from the pan, but I didn’t know if there was a way to make it hard enough to slice…?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hmmm… I wonder why it didn’t firm up for you :(. Did you use Mori-Nu? That’s the only one I’ve tried it with. Also, maybe it has something to do with the percentage of chocolate in the chips? I can’t figure it out! When I make it with the firm Mori Nu, it’s SO dense… I don’t know why yours didn’t firm up :(.
Megan E. says
The pie was fine after being frozen (phew!) and everyone liked it. Getting it out without a crust was more like scooping than pie slices – but it’s the taste that really matters!
I used Azumaya firm tofu, as it was 4/$5 (16 oz per pack) and I don’t have a lot to spend on “extra foods” – plus it was all the store had!
I also used special dark hershey’s chocolate bars (4.25 oz each x 2 bars) so maybe that was too cheap of a chocolate to use??
I think I’ll try a crust next time, but the recipe flavor was great -even the “I don’t eat tofu” person enjoyed it!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww yay! I am so glad it worked! I really want to try it as mousse, putting it in fancy-schmancy cups with raspberries :).
shannonmarie (rawdorable) says
My mom is known for her chocolate pie (and Snickerdoodles) … around here that is. I just wish she’d make hers vegan, too.
Holly says
I love this pie! I just made it, so delicious. I added a bit of banana, because I’m not used to the tofu-ish flavor (it was barely there anyway)
I can’t wait for it to firm up in the fridge
Katie Kortman says
I swear half of my food pinboard has you on it:) and I made the other pie last week and my mom couldn’t stop eating it (she can only eat gluten free) there was barely any left for me! It was so stinking good. And oops, I ended up eating it for breakfast too….
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Maybe there’s something about the name “Katie” that forces us to eat the cake for breakfast. When it is in my fridge, I just can’t stay away from it :).
Kim says
Hi Katie!
Love your blog! I was wondering if the nutritional information you’ve listed includes pie crust or just the mousse?
PS: I fully support your choco-holism! 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Kim,
The crust is not included. I didn’t give a recipe for crust, so I couldn’t calculate any numbers in there for it. I usually eat it crustless anyway .
Anna says
I have dark chocolate from TJ lurking in my home. It usually doesn’t last very long though 😉
Maple says
Reading your post made me crave for CHOCOLATE PIES(<-because they deserve the capitals). But the thing is, I haven't got any blender. Is there anyway to make one without 'em? It had been Such a long time since I've had any decent vegan chocolate pie… and sadly it's not often you could find one outside where I live.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hmmm… I don’t know… maybe if you use silken tofu and whip everything together VERY well with a fork? 😕
Let me know how it goes if you try this!
Christine says
Awesome! Just made this over an hour ago. I was always interested in trying silken tofu in my dessert! I blended everything in my blender and couldnt help taking a spoonful to try before I let it set up! So thick and creamy! I love it! CCK have u thought of makin a pumpkin mousse to satisfy those pie cravings without the guilt? I would love to see ur spin on that!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I have a pumpkin pie mousse:
And my favorite kabocha mousse recipe:
Sorry, it’s a reeeeaally old post LOL!
Wendy says
I make a pie similar to this one. It’s called moo-less chocolate pie from Alton Brown. No dairy only silken tofu, coffee, honey, bag of chocolate chips and vanilla.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I love the idea to add coffee. Also, I wish I knew as much about the science of cooking as Alton Brown. That guy is amazing!
Natalie says
easy and delicious!
Alice says
Sounds amazing!! You have to come up with a healthy version of pecan pie!! 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Ooh agreed! I actually tried a few weeks ago… but it ws a HUGE failure! (Never try to make a pecan pie with blackstrap molasses subbed for the corn syrup lol!)
Alice says
Aww! ): I saw a recipe for one that had maple syrup instead of corn syrup!
Just passing by! (again) says
I have nothing BUT chocolate in my pantry — I work for a chocolate company in the UK! I buy it every week! I have lots of Green and Blacks.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Ah, you have my dream job! I always thought it’d be cool to work for Willy Wonka (the one in the story, in the actual chocolate factory, not Cadbury). I would eat chocolate all day. Oh wait, I do that anyway ;).
Jodi Theisen says
Hi Chocolate Covered Katie!
It’s Jodi from down-under again… one of your biggest fans I’m sure (I made your ultimate fudge pie this weekend and… I adore my husband, but I’m thinking of leaving him and running away with said pie… Anyway, it’s Jewish New Year on Wednesday night and I’m making dessert for my gluten/dairy/sugar-eating family – I can’t wait to blow their socks off with one of your divine vegan creations and later reveal the sugar/dairy/gluten-free ingredients!! If I was to make a crust for this pie, is there one which you could please recommend?
Thanks heaps, can’t wait to tell you how it goes!
Luv Jodi
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Jodi!!!! 🙂
I actually don’t have any pie crust recipes :(. I hate crust, and so I just have never gotten around to making one. For the photos, I just used a store-bought graham-cracker crust. But I’m sure you can find some good recipes if you google it. Sorry I can’t be more helpful! Ooh but Happy Jewish New Year!! 🙂
Jodi Theisen says
Hmmm, I’ll have to get my patisserie chef’s hat on this week and give it a crack! Thanks again for your heavenly blog, since I started reading it, I have to regularly wipe my laptop screen from my drool! Oh, and “L’shana Tova” to you too 🙂
tasha says
Wanting to give this a try soon, as I have some tofu chillin’ in my fridge at the moment. I don’t do much with tofu, so I’m wondering if you “drain” the tofu before throwing it into the blender?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Yes, definitely drain it first. But also be sure that you don’t use the whole package if it’s a 16oz package. My package is only 12.3oz.
Kathleen says
If I win the giveaway, I will use the chocolate to reward my 2 year old for good behavior….and for mommy’s good behavior too!
Angela McCluskey says
id like to use the bars to SHOVE DIRECTLY IN AND AROUND MY MOUTH 🙂
Michelle says
Hmmm….other than just eating it straight up…maybe make some vegan chocolate fudge or melting some on my sweet potato (sounds strange-tastes delicious), or make some chocolate coconut butter. The possibilities are endless:). Awesome giveaway!
Leigh says
yum! Endangered Species is my favorite chocolate too! I wish they made chocolate chips for even easier baking solutions. If I win the Box-of-Chocolates Giveaway I would love to try this Chocolate Pie and of course, I’d likely just eat much of this delicious, enviro-conscious chocolate just as it is! Since these bars are a bit of a splurge, I haven’t tried all the flavors in the giveaway box (I usually stick to the Supreme Dark and Dark Chocolate with Espresso Beans). I would love to win this!
Bee says
I’d share the chocolate at my next book club meeting! (It’s a small group, so I’d still get a good amount myself, too).
Aly says
Yum. I think I’d use the Endangered Species chocolate to make that pie too…and maybe some delicious vegan hot chocolate (especially with the Raspberry bar!). And I’d probably just eat some too 🙂
Tamara @ The Stretch Jean Incident says
I would use the chocolate bars for orange chocolate chip cookies!
Allie says
If I were to win, well, I’d love to say I’d try some fancy cooking, but I’d just plain ol’ eat that chocolate! Endangered Species is my favorite brand, no lie, but I haven’t tried a few of those flavors yet! Raspberry and blueberry? Yumm.
carmen says
yum, chocolate. 🙂
Amy J says
I definitely have chocolate in my cupboard. Amano right now, my current favorite. 🙂 I just found your blog from pinterest and can’t wait to try some recipes.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I’m so glad you found me!! 🙂
Rebecca @ Runner with an Appetite says
Is it wrong to just to want to eat it plain?! Yes, I’d bake cookies and brownies with it, but mostly, I’d just eat it straight up. 😀
Dyanna says
I would love to try the dark chocolate mint in the above pie
maija says
this looks great. maybe with a layer of peanut butter?!
Christine says
I’d use it to make some more of that chocolate bar pie.. I chilled it in my magic bullet for a couple hours and dolloped it in a bowl with some sliced strawberries.. DELICIOUS!!!
Tiffany A. says
What an awesome giveaway!!! I have never tried this brand but have always wanted to. If I won I would probably eat a couple of the bars but with the rest I would make cookies and your chocolate bar pie!!!!
Molly Armstrong says
Oh, I have seen that chocolate once before– and would love to win a sample set of it! I would probably just save it to eat alone–or make the chocolate pie you posted for your birthday. I have made that three times since you posted! However, not liking crust, I just eat it like a mousse! Even my roommates like it and don’t think it tastes “too healthy” haha (even though it is not bad for you at all!).
Amy says
If I won, I’d probably just devour the chocolate like the cookie monster would with his cookies.
Hahaha, but of course I’d have to try it with this recipe too! 😉
Jamie @ CollegeGirlCooking says
OOO OOOO OOO I want the chocolate bars! Pick me! Not going to lie, I would probably eat most of them straight up! I could definitely see myself melting some for drizzling over ice cream..or oatmeal…or bananas…or popcorn.
Kristi says
I would use it in baking… OK, let’s be honest, I would just eat it.
Melody says
I really need to get on this pie and make some myself! But I would probably just end up freezing it until a bad day and eating an entire bar!
PBnJ Fam says
MMMMmmm I LOVE endangered species chocolate!! It has been a long time since I have had any… no one in the near vicinity carries it 🙁 If I won… I would make your chocolate pie!! (with the dark chocolate and mint chocolate) My FAVORITE chocolate combination (along with chocolate and rasberry, oooh and chocolate and PB, and chocolate and coconut…) Uh – I guess I don’t have a favorite!
Colleen says
I would use the Endangered Species Chocolate bars IN MY BELLY!!!
Aisatsana says
If I won those amazing chocolate bars I would definitely try the recipe above with _some_ of them….but mostly, I just like eating chocolate. 🙂 I love your blog, Katie; your pictures, which have always been amazing, keep getting better and better!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww thank you!!
Crystal says
I would definitely make this chocolate pie….how could I not?
Bethany I. says
Oh that looks so delicious! I would definitely have to use one of the Endangered Species bars for this or I might just eat the whole bar before it could make it into this…oh well at least I’d still get my chocolate fix 🙂
Kelly J. R. says
I would really love to win the Endangered Species chocolate giveaway. How would I use the chocolate? I would keep it hidden in my desk at work and use it to lower my blood pressure after dealing with irritating customers. Yes, chocolate, GOOD chocolate, has healing properties.
Amanda says
that pie looks DELICIOUS!
the chocolate in my pantry consists of every type of chocolate chip available (mini, regular, dark, white) along with larabars, chocolate syrup and bakers chocolate, and a bar of dark chocolate with sea salt in the fridge for nightly treats after dinner…is that too much ?)
Morgan says
If I won the endangered species chocolate I would serve it at my next football Sunday party!
Kristin says
If I won the chocolate bars…hmmm, I COULD bake something with them, but in reality I’d probably just end up eating them. 🙂
Maura says
I would use the Endangered Species chocolate as a mental vacation on days when work is too stressful! Because chocolate answers emails and phone calls right!?
Amanda says
oh, and i would use the chocolate to get some sweetness into my husbands life…he was not a fan of sweets until i introduced him to dark chocolate !!!
Rachel says
I like my dark chocolate straight up, savored slowly after dinner or with a glass or red wine at night =)
Mary says
Yum! I will def. have to try this pie sometime soon. I’d love to use the winning chocolate to try it out 🙂 I would also probably just eat the chocolate straight off the bar! I’m not picky how I eat my chocolate, I just like to eat it often 🙂
Emilie says
I think some decadent brownies would be in order if I won the chocolate!
Yin says
Besides eating them on their own, I would make brownies with the Endangered Species chocolate.
Raina says
I’ll use the winnings as a secret splurge, a prize for being 3 months vegan this weekend to make cupcakes and brownies for my almost-cOnverted husband.
Kendra says
Hi Katie, wow those chocolate bars look amazing!! I have never tried Endangered Species chocolate before, but I would love to win some:) I would probably use some of the chocolate in recipes calling for vegan chocolate (if they are vegan chocolate bars….), and I would share the rest with my mom, dad, and four siblings, all who love chocolate! We rarely buy chocolate because it tends to be pricey, so it would be a wonderful treat to win this giveaway:)
Ellen @ Undercover Runner Eats says
If I had that box of chocolates I’d eat them plain, durh!
Katherine says
Does eating all the chocolate plain count as a use? 🙂 It just looks so good I don’t think I’d have the willpower to actually make a recipe before gobbling it up.
Inge says
I would love to win the chocolate and if I win I would it plain just as it is with a nice cup of tea while enjoying a nice book 🙂
Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner says
I would EAT those chocolate bars! 😀
KATIE — I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
Danielle says
hmm that chocolate bar box looks scrumptious!! I would use the chocolate to enjoy with a nice glass of red wine, or shaved over a chocolate martini 🙂
Debbie (Accidently Delish) says
ok i was going to say i would probably just eat the chocolate plain, but that pie looks amazing and i might just have to make it!!
Shaunna Ulrick says
I would just eat it…and happily
Ashley says
If I win the giveaway, I will share my chocolate with my boyfriend (a chocolate lover like me as well) and give some to my baby sister who is turning 20 in a week! And then of course, I’d eat the rest or make that chocolate pie!
Sarah says
Hmmmmm… If i get this chocolate, what would i do? Sorta like if i get that Dolce and Gabbana dress what would i do? I would wear it. So if i get this chocolate, what would i do? I would eat it. Plain and simlpe. And if you are nice to me, i might give you a millipiece. And if you’re nicer, you upgrade to a centipiece. I am a generous person by nature 🙂 Seriously though, i work in my church nursery every Tueday while the mothers have a Bible study and chat. I would bring in the chocolates to share with my fellow nursery workers! There are 4 babies and 10 toddlers! Oh, and there are us 4 teens ( and 1 hip adult 🙂 ) who could seriously use it!
Sarah says
Oh, Katie i forgot to ask something. It’s a special request i hope you will grant by November 15 (my bday). I was wondering if you could choose your fave or most popular recipe and do a video tutorial? I mean, if its fine with you. I would absolutely love it for my 15th birthday! I found your blog on my 14th birthday, which is one reason i’m asking! Please don’t feel you HAVE to do it- if you ever find time that’s all. As commercials put it ” You have no obligation” 🙂 I REALLY hope you consider this but even if you don’t i love you all the same 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL I actually don’t know how to do video posts! But happy early birthday! You’re almost birthday twins with my sister (Nov. 18th)!
Sarah says
That’s totally fine! And so cool that im almost bday twins with her! Actually, im called the Great Divide because my bday is the week between Miley Cyrus’ and Billy Graham’s bday weeks. Two people who are SO different having bdays in the same month! It’s sorta funny 🙂
RIANN says
I would love to win the Endangered Species chocolates so I can make the choc bar pie!!
I just discovered your site 2 wks ago and I’m havin a hard time deciding what to bake first! I hope I win!
Thank you!!!
Shiloh says
hmm… I think I’d use the chocolate in some gourmet cookies I’m making for a friend’s birthday. Fancy chocolate chunks would be the perfect touch 🙂
Vanessa says
If I win the Endangered Species giveaway, I’ll use chocolate in vegan cookie dough balls – yummm!!!
Elise says
I’d probably just eat the chocolate bars plain 🙂 Nothing to detract from their chocolatey goodness!
adria biasi says
I would use this chocolate in everyway possible!!! I loveeeeeeeeee dark chocolate
Stephanie M. says
Katie – I can’t believe you are giving these away!! It has to be difficult to part with those beautiful bars of pure joy! If I won, I would eat them in my PJ’s while watching Gossip Girl and Heart of Dixie 🙂
Emma says
oh my oh my oh my. If I win, I think i’ll use it by just eating it. Dark chocolate + green tea + a jane austen book = pure contentment.
Although I will definitely use some chocolate to make that crazy-good looking pie!
Ali @ Peaches and Football says
If I won the giveaway I think I’d run into a corner with my new chocolate stash and sniff all the chocolate still in the wrappers. Then I would carefully analyze each flavor, testing the bars for weight and heft, contemplating the chocolate deliciousness inside.
Once the first chocolate victim, err chocolate choice, had been selected I would rip open the bar and nibble a delectable bite – no doubt moaning in delight.
Assuming I ever got over it, I would try and put the rest away and then use some as decorative shavings on top of sweet eats, some to nibble on here and there, and I think some would be melted down into some icing or chocolate ganache of goodness.
This is a good plan. I really need to win now!
Shannon Roche says
i would use all of the chocolate to make huge piles of fancy smores! dark chocolate raspberry and orange smores, i swoon!
Barb says
well , if I win your chocolate giveaway I will absolutely make this pie. and eat the chocolate, obviously! chocolate gets me through my long days in lab!
VeggieGirl says
I will use the chocolate in a special batch of blondies.
Priscilla says
Wow, that is a fine-looking box of chocolates! If I won the chocolates, I would share them with others so everyone could know how yummy vegan chocolate is!!
Alex says
I’m just going to eat that chocolate everyday with my nightly mug of tea
Morgan says
How I would use the Endangered Species chocolate:
Easy answer: devour a few of the darkest bars and share the rest with my chocoholic friends!
More motivated answer: I COULD make a multi-flavor chocolate bar pie–with different layers for each type of chocolate bar. Which I’ve made with *chips* so far…it would be a difficult choice. 🙂
Whitney says
Recently changing my diet because of health reasons has made it VERY difficult to find things I can eat and enjoy at the same time… These chocolate bars are a God-send not only in the companies ethical business ways, but also on my tummy 🙂 First of all, I would enjoy these bars for simply what they are because I LOVE nothing more than coffee and a good bar of chocolate. I’m also passionate about wine (which has also been a difficult thing to love after getting sick), so I would sample what flavors go best with my favorite wines!
I really do love your site, it really has been a major help enjoying things I can eat and that taste just like the “real” thing 🙂 Thank you so much.
Barb says
OMG please give me some chocolate! then I can use it to make all your wonderful delicious recipes that are on my list to try (when I get some free time!)
Machelle says
Of course I have chocolate! I always have chocolate! I like to keep it in the freezer- dark, milk, semi-sweet, and more! I love, love, love, to make frozen chocolate pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mine have lots of dairy, though, with the Cool Whip and cream cheese, so unless you have an awesome one without dairy, that tastes like chocolate cheesecake, I’ll have to stick with old faithful for now.
Merrill says
I will use it to make this pie!! looks sooo delicious!
Alicia says
I love chocolate. I use chocolate in almost every dessert I make. Especially lately. I have a secret stash of chocolate chips in my pantry and I love to just grab a handful as I walk by. MMMMMM.
Lita says
If I win the giveaway I’ll probably just eat some of the chocolate, yes, I love chocolate that much. And I might experiment adding it to a recipe I have for a fat free angel chocolate cake, this chocolate may not be fat free, but I think it will add some nice rich flavor to the cake 🙂
VeggieGirl says
I would use the chocolate in a special batch of blondies. Sorry if this comment is shown twice! The connection got lost 🙁
Amy S says
I think I would just eat it. I love dark chocolate!
Leah says
(Hopefully this is the right place to post for the giveaway?)
I’d use the chocolate in some black bean brownies….but I think mostly I’d try to savor them on their own – the best way!!
Fernanda says
Oh my goodness these chocolate bars sounds like heaven!! If I win it, I’ll eat it as a reward after my long runs…yummmmm
Katie says
I’d use it to eat and bake with! 🙂
Heather says
If I won the chocolate bars I would enjoy them slowly as a relaxation treat after work. And probably try chopping some and throwing it into the chocolate chip cookie dough recipe.
Nizzy says
Yum Yum! I want to win some chocolate!! How would I use the Endangered Species chocolate? Simply unwrap and place in my mouth! 🙂
Shannon C. says
I would use shavings of it to adorn a tiramisu I am making at an upcoming supper club with friends!
Abeer e says
I would definitely try to make a dark chocolate pie with the chocolate and eat the rest within a minute, or maybe give some to my mom an sister… 🙂
Whit says
I’d stuff it in my mouth all at once like Augustus Gloop!
Taylor says
If I win the chocolate, I want to try experimenting more with making chocolate cream pies!! I also always have a nibble of chocolate once or twice a day to satisfy my sweet tooth! I would LOVE these!
Ally says
That looks INCREDIBLE! Goodness, if I recieved ES chocolate bars, I don’t know whether I’d do that, whole-wheat chocolate chip cookies, or just savor them to get over exam stress!
chantelle says
Totally making gourmet smores with them! We’ve been having some sweet bonfires this Fall and I’d love to spice (sweeten?) Things up!
Whit says
I’d pretend I was Augustus Gloop and I would stuff it in my mouth all at once.
Kelly says
Let’s be real – I’m just gonna eat these babies straight up! I might also share them to win friends… maybe… 😛
ellen says
wow, the chocolate giveaway sounds amazing! i would probably eat all of those chocolate bars just as they are =)
Whitney says
Recently having to change my diet for my health has made it difficult to find things I can eat AND enjoy… Products like these bars have been a God-send.. not only in the ethical business they run, but also on my tummy 🙂 There is nothing I love more than finding good chocolate and snacking on it with a glass of wine (which I am very passionate about!), so for my entry, I’m keeping it simple and I plan on experimenting with the different flavors to find which ones go best with my favorite wines!!
Thank you so much for all your yummy recipes. They have been such a help in getting through all the changes I have to make! Side note: just made the pumpkin cream cheese bars and FELL IN LOVE!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww I’m so excited you made them!!
Parita @ myinnershakti says
Hmmm…if I win all of those chocolate bars, I think I’m going to throw myself a little chocoholic party! I would definitely make some cookies or brownies. YUM!
Rhiannon W. says
Entering for the chocolate bar giveaway!
It’ll take a lot of effort not to just eat all of them haha, but I definitely want to try making this pie! The rest of my family isn’t vegan like I am, but they love when I cook for them. I’m positive this will definitely not be an exception, we adore anything chocolate over here!
Krysten says
You know, I very rarely CRAVE chocolate. I usually crave the really bad for you sweets like Sweettarts, etc., or I want fruit for a sweet tooth. But when I get a chocolate craving, watch out!! My favorite in the whole wide world is chocolate chip cookies, which is why I’m in love with your cookie dough dip. I’m ready to start experimenting with it using chocolate other than just chips!
Whitney says
P.s. ignore the double comment (or don’t and enjoy both!) I didn’t know it already posted 🙂
Susie says
Those sound delicious–I’ve been wanting to try endangered species chocolate for quite some time now! I’m sure some of the chocolate would make its way into a recipe, but chocolate on its own isn’t half bad either 🙂
andy says
Mmm. Chocolate pie sounds delicious, however, using those Endangered Species Bars, I would make dark chocolate vegan mousse or your ultimate fudge brownies 😀
GetSkinny GoVegan says
Um….it’s a G rated blog, right??? So I can’t tell you here how I would use the chocolate, but it may involve melting it, of course at “low” temperatures to maintain the integrity of the chocolate.
And it would involve a lot of pleasure, indeed, “mulltiple pleasures” of course because it would be compounded knowing that it was helping all the animals!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Ally says
(I think my previous comment isn’t showing up?)
I am dying to make this! Trying recipes like this, whole wheat chocolate chip cookies, and stashing it for exam week are what I would do if I won ES chocolate!
Cindy says
I like to melt chocolate bars into my hot cocoa!
rachel says
i LOVE this chocolate. i usually buy a bar a week. never tried those little square ones though. i would probably just eat them as is, as that is my favorite way. or i would try this pie, looks amazing ;D
AJ says
Hi CCK!! If I win your glorious giveaway, besides obviously eating most of the chocolate straight-up, I will break up the chocolate and use it in place of chocolate chips in your wonderful cookie dough dip, in chocolate chip cookies, in various oatmeal and oat-bran concoctions, in raw cookie dough bars, AND to make this delicious pie for my family — I made it for my dad last time I was home (he LOVES chocolate pudding pie, but is a steak and potatoes kind of guy so I neglected to tell him it was vegan until after he ate it) and he couldn’t get enough!
Susie says
Those look delicious! I’m sure some of the chocolate would make its way into a recipe, but chocolate on its own isn’t half bad either 🙂
Katherine D. says
I would made a huge bowl of chocolate brownie oats if I win the chocolate bars 🙂
katherinedibello (at) gmail (Dot) com
Samantha says
If I win the chocolate bars I’d save one (for me!) and give the rest to my father in law. He’s vegan and loves chocolate. We always try to give him some type of chocolate during the holidays.
AJ says
Hi CCK!! If I win your glorious giveaway, besides obviously eating most of the chocolate straight-up, I will break up the chocolate and use it in place of chocolate chips in your wonderful cookie dough dip, in chocolate chip cookies, in various oatmeal and oat-bran concoctions, in raw cookie dough bars, AND to make this delicious pie for my family — I made it for my dad last time I was home (he LOVES chocolate pudding pie, but is a steak and potatoes kind of guy so I neglected to tell him it was vegan until after he ate it) and he couldn’t get enough! 🙂
Heather says
If I win the giveaway I will bring some into work to share, eat it mixed/melted in my oatmeal in the morning!, and try to make some of these delicious looking recipes on your site! I love this brand of chocolate bars!!
Katherine D. says
I would make a huge batch of chocolate brownie oats if I win the chocolate 🙂
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
Pricilla says
If I were to win the giveaway I’d definitely use part of it to make this chocolate pie but the rest I would probably eat plain savoring each and every bite!
Taylor says
I would share all of (more realistically, some of) this delicious chocolate with my college cross country teammates after an exhausting workout! We need the fuel!
Dina says
Use it? Why I’d just eat it! The best way to enjoy chocolate in my opinion.
Kim says
I’m not familiar with this particular brand, however I’m hoping that the bars would be edible right out of the package. The flavor combinations sound really delicious. I’m not sure if I could resist them long enough to put them into a recipe. I’m thinking that I would rip the packages open and eat them right away.
Jenna says
I am a chocoholic! If I see it, I eat it. I’d love the chance to try some new flavors (I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, so we don’t have the availability of some of the neat products you use). If I win the giveaway, I’ll do one of two things with the prize:
1. Drive to see my sister (loves dark chocolate), and share with her over some wine, pedicures and girly movies.
2. Keep it all to myself (muah-ha-ha). Freeze it, so it isn’t in my face and I eat the whole kit-n-caboodle in one sitting. Savor every piece in moderation.
Jessoca Lawhern says
I’ll probably eat them right out of the package…with some red wine of course!!
Emily says
Chocolate is always EXTRA good around the beginning of the month and if my hunch is true this prize pack will save my hubby from some late night preggo craving runs to the store!
Christina Holzberger says
OMG I LOVEEEE endangered species chocolate! Their bars are DELICIOUS! I’m so glad my local Hannaford occasionally stocks them. Of course, my own gift box of bars would be much, MUCH better to have! I would probably keep most of them for myself to snack on, but the chocolate mint would definitely be used to make some chocolate mint black bean brownie cupcakes, and the chocolate with cranberries and almonds (and probably a few of the other fruit-added flavors) would get chopped up and baked into some dark chocolate “chip” oatmeal cookies!
Laura says
If I win those bars I am so using it for this recipe and many others. Thanks for this blog!!
Jae says
I’d eat that endangered species chocolate 🙂
Lindsey says
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably just eat most of it right out of the package instead of incorporating it into a recipe! I love chocolate, especially dark chocolate!
Emily says
If I win the giveaway I would have to save a few bars for those days when I just need a bite of pure chocolate. I would use the rest to bake some comforting fall desserts! Who doesn’t love pumpkin and chocolate?
Lori Z. says
Well, I would have to eat some of the Endangered Chocolate alone to see just how good it really is! And then I would make a Chocolate Bar Pie. I just made your Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie and absolutely love it! Now I have to try another chocolate pie…
Danielle says
that chocolate pie is practically screaming my name. i don’t know how i’ve resisted this long. if i won those candy bars, that is exactly what i would make.
Janey Johnson says
I have seen this chocolate and always wanted to try it!!!! I think i’ll start by snacking on one, and then eat another while making this pie. 🙂
samantha says
I would make vegan chcolate chip pancakes, and just eat it! ; )
Katie says
I’d probably end up just eating them as is! But your candy bar pie looks fabulous… I have a stash of Ghirardelli in the fridge right now and I keep telling myself I’m going to make it…
Katrina Cox says
I would LOVE to win the vegan chocolate bar giveaway… and if I win, I’ll obviously be using the chocolate to make your chocolate pie! I haven’t tried it yet but something tells me I will love it!
I’m brand new at this vegan dessert thing; just went plant-based a week or two ago. I’ve been scouring your blog for ideas and I love it. 🙂 Thanks Katie!
Breanne says
Umm… USING the chocolate might be a little bit of a struggle. I might want to just, you know, eat it.
But that Chocolate Bar Pie looks pretty tasty 😉 I could give that a try!
Christine says
Headed to the kitchen and whipping this up! The kids will never know about the tofu!! Mwahhahaha!!!!
Emily says
I’m pretty sure that if I had endangered species chocolate, I’d eat it all pretty quickly. If there was any left after a few days, then I’d try this 😉
dana says
mmm I would just eat them straight up (and share, of course!)
Rose says
If I were to win, I’d use the chocolate bars in single serving recipes or in my oatmeal … or you know, just on it’s own 😉
Crystal says
Um, if I win your giveaway I’ll use the chocolate by eating it, because I’m simple like that. I love Endangered Species!
Amy Bounds says
My daughter recently had to give up all dairy products. It has been a rough journey for everyone. UNTIL! we discovered your blog. We would use the candy as a treat and to make some of these delicious recipes. Thanks Katie for all your great recipes.
Diana says
Yum! I would just eat them. A square of really good dark chocolate is the perfect dessert.
Jillian @ DNA and Dessert says
Does eating the chocolate straight count? That dark chocolate and orange bar is calling my name!
Natasha says
Do I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;0
Ok – I would take some of the chocolate to my friends dad who is 78 – he can’t really have sweets too often, and he is an animal lover to boot.
With the rest – I would like to try making chocolate dipped orange peel that has been candied, and have some dipped strawberries as well.
THEN – I would make my vegan Tiramisu (of which I would share the recipe with you of course!), and finally….savour a piece each evening with my nightly glass of vino!
– Natasha
If I had all those chocolate bars…I make as many of your recipes as I could with it….starting with this one! I wish I could be your official taste-tester!!!
Emilia says
If I won the giveway, I’d eat some of the chocolate myself and share the rest with friends and family 🙂
Jenn says
If I won the chocolate, I would love to use it at our next wine tasting party to pair with wine! Also, your chocolate mouse pie (made with tofu) was a hit, so that will be repeated often:)
Kristin @ STUFT Mama says
This is the best giveaway EVER! I’ve never tried their bars and really need to get my hands on some. I think I’m going to have to make THIS pie if I win! I’m drooling over the picture right now!
Haley @ Health Freak College Girl says
if i win, i will eat chocolate until my stomach hurts 😉
Tricia says
I would love to try the chocolate pie recipe above with the chocolate bar giveaway and see if I could fool my in-laws at Thanksgiving with a healthy chocolate pie. Any time I try making something healthy for them (and they know before hand), I get many strange looks and very few takers. This recipe just might do the trick. For any of the “extra” bars, I will allow my husband first chance at them. He is a chocolate freak!!!
Anne says
Yum, endangered species chocolate is delish! I’d eat them straight up…but this pie might tempt me into saving a bar or two to make it!
Meredith says
I’ve never had endangered species chocolate! Usually with fancy chocolates, I save it for straight up eating. But perhaps I will make some peanut butter cups 🙂
Jocelyn says
I would use the chocolate for the monthly emergencies… girls nights… and i might even be nice enough to give some as a gift… ok… maybe not THAT nice! GREAT GIVEAWAY OFFER! hope I win!!!
Kim Sullivan says
Heck yeah there’s chocolate!!!!!! Love baking with it, shaving it and just plain ole eating it!!
Elle says
I would definitely have to share the chocolate with family and friends … what an awesome giveaway!
JEnny says
Lick lick it
Ashley B. says
I would probably eat them straight from the packaging, right from the box upon arrival….but I would definitely share with my dark-chocolate-loving-hubby, and would hopefully save enough to melt for the coating on my favorite bukeye babies!
Leanna C says
If I were to win the Endangered Species chocolate bars, I would probably just eat them, LOL! Gradually, of course, but since I lack a food processor (and, sadly, a working oven), a lot of your amazingly delicious-sounding chocolate recipes are things I can’t actually make! But things I can and very likely WOULD do include:
-dark chocolate pancakes (yum!)
-perhaps dark chocolate BANANA pancakes (even yummier!)
-dark hot chocolate with soy or almond milk (SUPER YUM)
-oh hey, I could put it into my coffee 😀
-take it to a friend’s house and go bake something there (because misery isn’t the only one who loves company… so does joy in the form of AMAZING free trade chocolate!)
-give it as a gift (October 5th is the most common birthday in the US. So not only do I know 4 October 5th birthdays… I know a whole lot of other people who missed the mark, but still landed in October and November! Not to mention Christmas is coming up!)
-find some savory recipes and shave it into something unexpected, such as spaghetti
…Wow, I guess I could do a lot more with them than I thought! 🙂 Mmm, now I’m really in the mood for your banana pancakes for one… with some dark chocolate added in… I think I’m going to have to try that, and soon!
Caitlin says
If I’d win I would probably keep it in my cupboard for months, because I wouldn’t want my super special chocolate stash to end..but then on a rainy day I’d probably break some chocolate in teeny tiny pieces and sprinkle them on my oatmeal, because I think we all can agree that oats+chocolate= comfort food!
Janice says
Maybe I would try to make this pie….if only they weren’t eaten before I could make a pie! Mmm
Kalyn says
If I won, I would eat some of the chocolate plain…and use the rest of it for baking! Probably in a combination of cookies and bars. Yum!
Amanda says
Ooooh chocolate bar contest! I think I’d either snack on them plain (seriously one of the best ways to enjoy chocolate IMO) or I’d give this pie a try!
Mindy Lord says
I would definitely use the chocolate in your giveaway to make this as I have a package of silken tofu in the fridge patiently waiting. I also would grate some up and make chocolate pancakes and cookies. Whew chocolate overload- no complaints here 🙂
Alyssa says
Ooooh, chocolate heaven!
Jill says
I would either eat the chocolate or make something from my chocolate cookbook with it!
Caroline says
Re: The vegan chocolate giveaway:
If I won the box ‘o chocolate, I would finally buy the vegan marshmallows I’ve been eyeing at Whole Foods and pair them w/ the chocolate for my first s’mores in over 8 years! Yum! ….And, of course, I’d make 1 or 2 (or 7) of your desserts. 🙂
Kris says
I love to have chocolate available in my pantry, but I sometimes find it hard to KEEP it there. If I were to receive the Endangered Species chocolate, I’d use some in my Christmas cookies this year.
: )
Thanks for the great recipes…found you on Pinterest and I’m addicted now!
Tara Beaird says
If I win, I will use my winnings to give my taste buds an indulgent chocolate bath! I recently found your blog Katie and I’m hooked! Instead of perusing my typical online haunts, I find myself chasing your chocolate links into the late-night hours! I really do have to resist the urge to lick the screen. Thanks for your amazing blog and making it fun to read too! 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Haha I’ve tried licking the screen before… it doesn’t taste very good ;).
(Ok not really, but I’ve come close!)
Kat @ a dash of fairydust says
If I’d be the lucky winner of this awesome chocolate,I’d use it in many different ways!
Some of it would be used for baking (flourless) chocolate-chip cookies,
some of it would be topping my oatmeal,
some of it would give my cereal an extra-kick
& the rest,I’d just enjoy on its own! 😛
Erin H. says
I would use the Endangered chocolate for a little cooking and a little eating. I would totally make some frozen hot chocolate, grate it over some delicious chocolate cream pie, and then eat the rest! Oh, and I guess I could share with my husband…
Elyssa says
break them up and use them in cookie and brownie recipes
Beth says
If I won the chocolate I would save it to eat a piece at a time, except for the orange chocolate bar, which I would probably melt and make almond bark with.
Anonymous says
I would use the chocolate to make desserts that I can actually eat at family get-togethers! …If it makes it that long in my pantry… 🙂
Robyn says
not sure if this is the right place to post regarding the endangered species chocolate giveaway, but it’s worth a shot! i’m studying abroad in Chile this semester, and have been without chocolate (since none of it is vegan here) the whole time! thus, i’d use some of it as therapy/a welcome gift to myself when i return to sweet home USA, and would share it with the family. I’d experiment with different flavors-perhaps using some for hot chocolate and shaving it on top of some coconut cool whip=]. the espresso bean one is my fave!
Natalie says
Endangered Species chocolate is THE BEST! I’ve always got tons of chocolate lurking in my dorm – Endangered Species, Divine chocolate, Dagoba (which I was devastated to discover isn’t vegan 🙁 ), etc. I’d love to win the Endangered Species giveaway and try some of the chocolate in this pie recipe (my best friend and I made the pie a few weeks ago using bittersweet chocolate chips and it was AMAZING, but I think it could be really fun to try with mint chocolate). Honestly though, is there anything you CAN’T add chocolate to? Cakes, cookies, ice cream, pancakes, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, oatmeal… the list goes on and on 🙂
melanie says
I’d use the chocolate to make all of your yummy chocolate recipes! =)
Rebecca Marchbanks says
I would use the chocolate to make desserts that I can actually eat at family get-togethers! …If it makes it that long in my pantry… 🙂
Allison says
I absolutely love Endangered Species dark chocolate with blueberries…makes me feel like I’m getting in my daily dose of antioxidants! Besides just eating it plain (obvi!), I would use the chocolate from the giveaway as mix-ins for yogurt and protein shakes.
Renata says
I would LOVE to win the chocolate…and what would I do with it? melt it, cook it, eat it, smell it, love it….
SheilaBmarie says
Soo much chocolate!!! Vegan chocolate heaven!!!!
………chocolate bananas, oatmeal, baked chocolate with blueberry oatmeal! double chocolate brownies( turning blondies into brunettes 😉
ohhh min spinach chocolate swirl ice cream, raspberry chocolate almond granola……ahhh, the possibilities are endless!!!!!
Angela says
I’d use the chocolate to make lots of cookies or just eat it straight up to power me through studying for the MCAT!
Theresa says
If I win the chocolate bar giveaway, I will use them to make the raspberry chocolate bar pie. Next weekend is FAMILY WEEKEND!! at my college and my parents are coming to visit! I want to impress them with this yummmmy pie! 🙂
Leah says
I would make chocolate dipped ginger snaps, and eat a bunch straight up.
Martha Jane says
I would LOVE to win the chocolate bars!
I can think of lots of ways to use them – but the first thing that pops to mind is Chocolate Banana Nut Muffins!
Hope you have a great day!
Soo says
I want to make this chocolate pie if i get to win!
krystle says
I will use the chocolate to satisfy my insane pregnancy cravings. Bring it on!
Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries says
For the giveaway, I’d eat the chocolate by itself!! Mmm love me some chocolate!!
Doreen Goodhue says
I would eat one a day and just enjoy each and every one. I may use one to make chocolate truffles too. :o) Thank you for this yummy opportunity and for your delicous and healthy recipes.
Tiffany says
If I won the chocolate bars, I would make s’mores! And chocolate chip cookies. And eat them by themselves. 🙂
Ashley says
I <3 chocolate lol def not as much as you but I'm ok with that! Now as far as how I'd use the chocolate bars….my hubby is about to deploy next week for 7 months so some yummy and fair trade and well come on CHOCOLATE would help when I wanna drown my sadness lol isn't chocolate good for loneliness? Hahaha kidding but a nice bar of chocolate would def make me feel better! 🙂
Kianni says
I actually just made this recipe! Lol, I’d probably use the chocoalte bar for this and just to eat! lol. or any other recipe that may require chocolate! I never have chocoalte bars or anything in my house, just cocoa powder xP; so when I made the chocolate bar pie I went to three different stores looking at chocolate bars to find the best prices, hehe^_^
julia says
If I won the box of chocolate, I would eat it! I make a popcorn trail mix and break up pieces of chocolate bar and put it in the mix. I also like adding chocolate bars to my pumpkin oatmeal raisin cookies. Sometimes, I just eat the candy bar with a glass of wine, which is nice too!
Faith Stromback says
I would eat a lot of it plain and make some yummy cookies from it as well.
Hannah says
I might try to make this pie…if I don’t just cram all the chocolate in my mouth first!
Lauren says
I would use chocolate in everything….really. Oatmeal, smoothies, vegetable stir frys ;), cookies, the list is endless. By the way, that pie looks devine!
Lisa says
That pie looks so yummy!
I would use the chocolate for hot chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate sauce, and oh man many other things!
Hanna says
Can I just eat all of it as is? But if you want me to get creative, I could make some fancy smores with it!
bebe says
is this right? leave a post here for a chance to recieve The endangeresd species chocolate? Oh man it’s a question as to whether or not i would share them with the family! Yum, i keep seeing these and rarely splurge on chocolate. hope i win.
melanie says
I would use the chocolate to make all of your yummy recipes! =)
Valorie says
Hi! I first found your recipes on Pinterest and I am hooked! I sure love a good chocolate pie (was seriously considering having a wedding PIE instead of cake for my wedding!) and my husband and I love to use fine chocolate bars, especially origin chocolates, as the primary ingredient for our pies. The bars in the giveaway (and I am hoping this counts as my entry!!) look delicious and would be great to use for the many chocolate desserts I make on a regular basis. Thanks for all your posts!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I am so glad you found me!! 🙂 🙂
Katy says
I have been craving chocolate for the past few days, and have none. Nothing! Nada. Zilch. It’s a crime, actually, but I cannot for the life of me find any “real” chocolate around here. So now you’ve introduced me to Endangered Species chocolate bars – and OMG! Certified gluten free and vegan? Raspberry filling? It’s almost too good to be true. That one will probably be eaten the moment the box is opened, not going to lie. Cherry, though, or cranberry almond – those want to go in some kind of brownie based dessert. Yummmmm. If I don’t win the giveaway, at least I have a jumpstart on my birthday wish list! Thanks.
Cari says
If I won the giveaway, I think this pie would definitely be at the top of my list of what to make with it! Looks delicious 🙂
Mandee says
I’d eat them! Straight up 😉
MJD says
I will share the chocolate with my college dormmates!! And, of course, make multiple recipes of yours…
Steph says
I think the question should be, what WOULDN’T I use this chocolate for! mmmm mmm would love to win the chocolate!
Meredith Bessey says
If I win, I will eat most of it plain… and make this pie with the rest :).
Tram says
Eat them straight from the box and wrapper!
lillian says
If I won I would maybe use them for baking some cookies or vegan chocolate pudding. But I probably would just end up wanting to eat the bars instead!
Sarah says
I’d eat some straight up and hand some out to my chocolate-loving buddies.
Eve B says
Aaaah chocolate, my kryptonite… XD
How I’d use the chocolate : knowing myself, I’d simply eat it square by square, letting and melt and appreciating the flavor. If I had to cook it in a recipe, it would either be this one (the chocolate bar pie) or plain little cupcakes. Anything that would not mask the flavor :3
Alicia K says
mmmm i’d use the chocolate to make this scrumptious thing!
Miranda says
I would make vegan chocolate chip (chocolate bar) cookies and brownies. I would also save some of the bars to eat by themselves (with a cup of coffee or a glass of red wine). Yum!
Alyssa says
hmmm….I would eat probably a bar on its own and the rest would go to baking some really delicious cookies, brownies, perhaps cupcakes, I don’t know the ideas are endless!!!! I just know I would reeeallly love to try this brand since I’ve never had it and it looks really delicious, if I did win I would probably try and make the chocolate last for as long as possible but not too long, wouldn’t want it to go bad:/
Amy S. of Naturally Sweet Surprises says
Thank you for talking about the chocolate bars. I found some a few weeks ago on sale at the grocery and picked up a few (still over $1 each…on sale!) but really wasn’t sure if it was good or not so it’s still sitting in my cupboard. So…I think I’ll head out and get some tofu and then make your pie! And…I’d love to win more chocolate 🙂
Jolene (Homespun Heritage) says
We’re adopting from China and honestly…as much as I LOVE LOVE LOVE their chocolate (like a bunch) I’d figure out a way to use this for a fundraiser for us. Ok, we might keep a LITTLE wittle bit for us to enjoy…Let the bidding begin?
Cellabella says
Wonderful giveaway! Aside from eating the chocolate straight from the package 😉 I’d also chop them up to put in cookies and brownies!
Abbie says
If I win this chocolate I will probably eat half and make this yummy pie with the other half. 🙂
Jodi S. says
I love those endangered species chocolate bars and would love to win. The chocolate mousse sounds interesting.
Jodi S. says
I love those endangered species chocolate bars and would love to win. The chocolate mousse sounds interesting. I would eat them yummy
Casey Clueless says
I’m gonna be honest with you; if I won that chocolate, I wouldn’t do a thing with it except savor it piece by piece for like two weeks. Sometimes good chocolate deserves to be left alone and just loved :p
Kristin Friesen says
I’m so excited for your chocolate bar giveaway! I’m in the process of going vegan right now, in fact this week was our first meatless grocery trip. I’m still trying to figure out what to cook (and how to cook it, um tofu???) so I can’t say that I’d use the bars for anything fancy. Not yet at least! I have big dreams of making everything from scratch but for now I’m just trying to make sure my husband and two kids are full and satisfied and not missing the comforts of our old lifestyle. If I win I will definitely savor every bite, and maybe even be brave enough to try out one of your amazing looking recipes 🙂
Lisa Fine says
I love to put chocolate on the table for dessert when friends come over. It’s the perfect accompaniment to wine, and it’s perfect for sharing!
Angela says
I’m thinking the chips would turn into chocolate ganache for my daughter’s birthday and the bars would end up in my belly!!
Renee says
The mint one – you’re pie, like a grasshopper version! The cranberry one sounds good in a cookie. The cherry one should go in a pumpkin biscotti or maybe scone? Oh now that I said the orange one could go in this muffin recipe I found on foodgawker the other day (it was an orange muffin with chocolate chips). The raspberry one might make a good truffle. And the blueberry one should be in pancakes! Man now I think I’ll have to find those bars and purchase them if I don’t win. I think I saw them at Target once? Whole Foods or TJ’s I’m sure has them right?
Kristie says
I don’t usually melt chocolate into things… I savour each piece all by itself! Yum!
I think my favourite of the Endangered bars is the mint.
Alyssa S says
I definitely would use the chocolate to make this pie! And I’m fairly sure it would be divine!
Angie says
I would love to try this recipe, but honestly, I see myself eating all of these chocolate bars before they make it to the pie :). I think I would probably eat them with a giant cup of coffee…sounds like a great way to start the day!
Robin says
I LOVE Endangered Species bars! Especially the blueberry. My favorite way to eat them? Straight up.
Melissa says
I might just have to make your chocolate bar pie . . . but honestly? I would probably make an individual coconut lava cake. It’s my absolute favorite way to use chocolate in a recipe and it makes me happy every time! 🙂
Christine says
Mmmm – I would have lots of good intentions to make some brownies or drizzle it over some fancy cookies or blend it into a smoothie. But honestly, I would probably just eat them right out of the wrapper. 🙂
Meredith says
If I don’t eat all the chocolate as it is by myself, I’ll use it in your lovely recipes! 🙂
Sara says
I would use the chocolate to get me through midterms. Nothing fixes stress like a chocolate bar!
Tina says
Is this really where the entries for the giveaway go? If so, the way I’d use the chocolate is to selfishly hoard it and tell the rest of my family who can eat chocolate with milk in it to go get their own!!! 🙂
Steph says
Endangered Species is my favorite chocolate also! I didn’t realize you used it in this delicious pie. I will definitely be trying it soon! I also may or may not eat it straight 😉
Heather says
Fellow chocoholics unite! =)
I’m entering to win all that delicious Endangered Special chocolate. Most likely they will all end up in my mouth (and maybe all at the same time), but I make these AMAZING cayenne pepper brownies, and I think that a few of the flavors would be delicious if they got mixed in the batter or sprinkled on top as soon as they came out of the oven.
I also have a recipe for some S’mores bars that I’ve been dying to try… methinks these would take them to the next level.
Mostly though, I’d probably just eat them 🙂
Tracie says
I would eat them just as they are!
Jessy (squeezetheday) says
Honestly, I would probably just straight up eat the chocolate! If there is any left, I might use it to try your chocolate chip cookie dough pancakes. Or your fudge pie!
Iridium says
Wow what a give away! If I won, I would like to eat everything with chocolate: chocolate oatmeal, chocolate cookie dough dip (of course following your recipe!), chocolate pancakes… I have been struggling eating chocolate during past couple years, but now I’m learning to eat it again – and I’m yearning it! So this give away would help a lot! 🙂
(ps. and I would also share some bites with my friends and relatives, food is good when shared)
Mary Kate says
I loved Endangered Species chocolate, especially their Supreme Dark Chocolate bar. I always have a bar of dark chocolate at my desk at work. Snacking on a couple of squares is helpful when afternoons get especially slow.
Yang says
Will give half of them to my lovely roommate and gorge on the rest right out of the package! 😀
Kalynn says
I highly doubt I’d be able to wait and use the chocolate as an actual ingredient. I’d probably just end up eating the bars by themselves! But this pie does look delicious, so I’d try to save enough chocolate to make this pie!
Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel says
Endangered Species Chocolate!! oh my, well the first thing i would do i probably break off a piece of each one to taste and then figure out which would be best in pancakes, muffins, cookies, and which would be good crumbled on top of cereal or oatmeal. And if i was feeling nice, I MAY let my mom have a little piece 😉
xoxo <3
Maryz says
I think I’ll use the chocolate to make this pie….or some brownies!
Rachael says
If I won the Endangered Species chocolate giveaway, I would crumble a piece or two over my slice banana with peanut butter. Or I would melt them and make some sort of chocolate mousse! So good. I absolutely love this brand!
Anna says
I plan on making a vegan chocolate silk pie with this chocolate, saving some for cuddles and movie time with my hubby. I might even give some to my fellow vegan friends if they’re nice 🙂
This giveaway rocks, hope i win!
Anna Healey says
Love it!!! Chocolate rocks, especially dark chocolate…
April says
The giveaway chocolate looks delish! I don’t normally just eat chocolate in bar form, but I would melt this down into hot chocolate or chop it up for some blondies!
Katie K says
How will I use that chocolate? I’ll put it right in my belly 😛
stephocracy says
This pie and the endagered spcies chocolate look AMAZING. I just want to eat it straight up. A lot of the time I’m not quite patient enough to ‘do something’ with the chocolate before it’s gone.
Mary says
Must try this soon!! Love me some chocolate pie!
Jen says
I love to melt the chocolate and add it to my almond butter or coconut butter and spread it on anything!
meredith says
Chocolate (and wine) are my favorite guilty pleasures! If I were to win this fantabulous gift basket full of ES bars I would try to contain myself from eating them all in one sitting and instead enjoy some every night during our next IVF (in vitro) cycle. I can’t have wine during a cycle (especially after transfer when we’re waiting anxiously to see if it worked – which it hasn’t yet), but i can have chocolate. And, it’s one of the only things that actually does make me feel better during that time. Love your blog!
Donna says
I would eat the Endangered Species chocolate bars as is to truly enjoy each flavor, along with some almond milk. I would also break off small pieces of the bars and put into Coconut Bliss frozen non-dairy “ice cream”.
Molly says
I would love to use the chocolate bars to crumble in some brownies to fancy them up a bit! Or eat them straight out of the package when pregnancy cravings hit 🙂
Leah says
Sign me up to win some chocolate! I’d probably use it to make Molly Wizenberg’s Winning Hearts and Minds chocolate cake, from her book “A Homemade Life”. I’ve been dying to try it since reading the book over a year ago, and this would be a perfect excuse!
Sonyanijntje says
(Box-of-Chocolates Giveaway.)
How would I use the chocolate… difficult question >.< …
I have never had that chocolate before (they don't sell it here), so for starters; I'd save a bit of each flavour to enjoy fully on its own. Then think of ways to use the chocolate were each flavour comes out the best (what makes the chocolate feel most proud of itself ;P ). Whether that's a cookie, pudding, cake, bread, icecream, hot chocolate, or maybe just shaved to sprinkle on top of something.. I don't know yet. Maybe I'll just do all the things I've just mentioned! But I'm planning to enjoy and savour every bit(e) of it :D.
Sarah says
This is a comment for the Endangered Species Chocolate Bar Giveaway…
I would probably use the chocolate in things like the Chocolate Bar Pie. I would also maybe try a chocolate cheesecake. I would definately eat some by itself, but I am planning a road trip, so I might incorporate some into some road snacks, like coat some granola.
It’s so hard to decide, I think I might love chocolate as much as you do Katie! 🙂
Sammy says
If I won, I would be in chocolate heaven. It would be necessary to ration out the bars of chocolate to make them last as long as possible!
Jane says
Hi Katie,
In regards to the chocolate give away…..I am a grandma who has been a carnivore for years and my son is a vegan. I am trying to wean myself and eat more healthy. Okay when Rob comes to visit it is always a dilema for me to feed him and I thought if I had some wonderful chocolate to feed my poor dear vegan then he could eat better when he comes down and not have to eat bean burritos at Moms every time……..okay I love chocolate too.
Adele says
In theory, I would use these bars in my recipes requiring chocolate, but I’m sure I would eat them right out of the wrappers before I got a chance to do that!
Chappie says
Chocolate in the pantry, check! Chocolate in the fridge, check! Chocolate in the bedroom, check! Chocolate stashed in various other places in the house, double check!
I enjoy using chocolate mostly in my homemade chocolate ricotta pie. FABULOUS! Chocolate, ricotta, and toasted pine nuts. Can’t go wrong there!
Shiona says
I would use it for breakfasts (might as well start the day off right, with chocolate in my oatmeal!), and for baking treats for lunches for myself and my husband 🙂
tracy says
i would use the chocolate to eat of course.
Alison (Fueling for Fitness) says
I’m obsessed with (good quality!) chocolate. IF the bars lasted long enough (since I eat multiple squares of chocolate throughout the day – every day), then I’d make chocolate chip pancakes and *definitely* this amazing looking pie in this post. Mmmmm!
Hannah says
I will likely eat the chocolate by itself to power through long nights of studying or in oatmeal, hot chocolate or chocolate bar pie(which I made with chocolate chips for the first time last week). Everyone at my bible study loved it!
kayleigh says
i would just eat it plain!
Rachel @ Eat, Learn, Discover! says
Endangered species is probably my favorite vegan chocolate! I probably would not be able to stop myself from just eating at least a few bites before I could do anything else with it. Then I would probably make homemade nutella. Or brownies. Or this fabulous pie!
grace says
If I won, I’d just eat each of them by the bar!
Stefany says
Endangered Species is my FAVORITE! If I won the chocolate giveaway, I would definitely be making this pie… plus some delish chocolate chip cookies (my Dad’s recipe) and I might even give some to my non-vegan friends. (I don’t think they know what they’re missing!)
Jessica K says
Re: Giveaway
I’d probably start out by trying this recipe! And just chocolate with blueberries? Yes!
PS – I retweeted your giveaway post for an extra entry.
Roxanna Myers says
I love your blog!!!! Thank you so much for the amazing recipes. We have 5 kiddos and I have recently made the decision to get even healthier in our eating. They love sweets and the health concerns that are facing children today are scary. So I went on the search for healthy yummy food and since finding you several weeks ago we have tried just about everything and love it all. I was shocked that they could love something with very little sugar and beans (giant chocolate chip cookie)!! You have, without a doubt, brought yummy to our house! We love the cookies, fudge, cookie dough, peanut butter bars, and so much more without compromising the health of my little ones. Thank you so much!
I decided to comment in hopes to win the box of amazing chocolate, but I got carried away with thankfulness in finding you! I should have told you this much earlier. But if I won the chocolate I would share it with my family just giving them one more reason as to why good for the environment and others is good for you too. And I have a dear elderly friend who is in the hospital and I would love to share some with her. And of course I’ll have plenty to make the chocolate pie I have been wanting to try forever I just haven’t bought any tofu yet and there might be some left over for me to hide in the closet and eat all by myself!! Thanks for all you do to bring health and yumminess to us all!
Roxanna 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awww 🙂
nanabella says
I was born with a chocolate bar in my mouth!!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE and really love your site – lots of inspiration for healthy indulgence of my favorite flavor… I wouldn’t do a thing with those chocolate bars until I tasted a bit from each bar – first, because I am laying claim to them as MINE! And second, because I want to taste each flavor to decide what to do with them … which, in my case, would most likely be to just outright EAT THEM!!! Keep those recipes and great photos coming! Nanabella 🙂
Avi D says
I have never tried Endangered Species chocolate before, and it sounds and looks amazing! I will likely bake with it and share the wealth with friends.
Holly says
I would use some of the chocolate to make this pie! Yummy! The rest I would keep in my several chocolate emergency hiding spots. Don’t worry though, I share emergency chocolate with others in crisis 🙂
Patricia says
HELP. I’ve gotten over 200 emails from this thread in my inbox. I tried to unsubscribe but they won’t stop. HELP. I don’t want 200 emails from folks telling me what they’d do with chocolate bars. Please please help.
Patricia says
Oh thank goodness, they’ve stopped. I love the blog but not that volume of emails LOL. 🙂 BTW folks: MAKE THIS PIE. It’s awesome!
Anne Raustol says
This looks really good! If I win I am going to share this chocolate with my sister-in-law who said I should check out your blog! And now I am a big fan!
becky says
I’d like to say i’d be nice and share the chocolate if I won (that’s a lot of chocolate) but most likely I’d go to town on it myself!
Nicole @ Giraffelegs says
you are killing me…i am dyingggggg 😉
claudia says
i would use it for this pie. YUM 🙂
Audrey says
Oops! I think I posted this on the wrong link. Here is the comment on the hopefully-correct post…
Is this the post we leave the comments on for the chocolate giveaway? If so, my answer to the question is: I’ll eat the chocolate! That’s how I’ll use it. I also might chop it up for baking or something.
Kayla says
Hi Katie! I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE your blog! I only just found it last weekend through Pinterest when your Cookie Dough Dip went viral. I’ve been sugar-free on and off for the last year due to some research I’ve done on sugar’s negative effects on the body. I’m still young and don’t have health problems, but I’m motivated to start healthy habits now. My friends think I’m crazy, but I say I enjoy life more without refined sugar. Your blog is beautiful proof that there IS hope for the healthy and sugar-free! Thank you so much for giving me a new plethora of amazing recipes to try! 🙂
I would absolutely love to win some chocolate! If I did, I’d savor it one bite at a time… or maybe I’d melt it and drizzle over some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pancakes! Yum!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I am so glad you found me!! 🙂
Nicole @ Giraffelegs says
os also retweeted
Arabella says
I think I would just eat it. And maybe share some with my husband 😀
Audrey says
I also retweeted the giveaway.
Kathy says
This recipe looks so good. I’m going to try this soon (maybe with Endangered Spcies Chocolate which is also one of my favourite brands). I will also need to look at the other recipes on your site.
Jennifer says
I’d probably end up just eating the chocolate…..though I have wanted to try this pie since I saw you post it. I even bought all the ingredients. Just have to get my act together…
a says
these bars sound SO yummy!
to be honest, we’d probably hold off for a month (while trying to resist the urge to eat all of the chocolate) and melt a bunch for our very first chocolate fondue in our very first place together!
that’s what i want to do. what the boyfriend wants me to do is let him pick 10 recipes from your delicious website & make them all.
decisions, decisions haha.
Cathy says
well, you said to leave a comment on this post for your Sept 28 giveaway of the chocolate package, but I don’t see anyone else’s comments, but blog on Sept 29 says comments are closed, so I’ll try!
If I win, I’d try your Chocolate Pie recipe. Sounds yummy!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I had to divide comments into pages, so you only see the first comments first. Otherwise the page would never load for you! But you’re in the right place!
kaitlin @4loveofcarrots says
Most likely eating it straight and making this pie and a thousand of ur other recipes b.c. everyday when I read ur blog I drool and want to make everything!
Rebecca says
Some people collect bottles of wine, but I seem to collect bars of chocolate! Most of them get eaten square by square as dessert, but I’d love to try this recipe if I win all that chocolate!
evan says
i will use the chocolate to convince my husband to go vegan with me!
Nicky says
LOVE this recipe Katie! But nothing new there! You’re a true inspiration for my vegan baking!
The chocolate bars you’re giving away would be either eaten straight up because chocolate is the perfect snack and I may use some to make muffins and cookies 🙂 I love dark chocolate with cherries and orange – my two faves!
Erica @ For the Sake of Cake says
In addition to eating the Edangered Species chocolate bars straight-up (yum!), I’d love to try your chocolate bar pie recipe!!!
Lenna says
I would use a couple of squares into my oatmeal and I would give the rest to my best friend who just have had a baby and who is the biggest chocolate lover ever (maybe after you, Katie :). Now she really deserves all the chocolate in the world 🙂
Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says
Oh boy, winning chocolate?? What would I do with it?? Perhaps this! Or…eat it? All? Without sharing? Of course, if you came to visit I might share a little. If you get here in time.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
New plan. How to rig the giveaway so Kaitlyn wins… Hmmm…
Liz @ Tip Top Shape says
I would eat it straight from the fridge!! No better way to enjoy chocolate!
Allyson says
I just found your site, and am really excited to make my favorite desserts more healthy, I could use any and all ways to make chocolate better for me since it’s one of my food groups. 🙂
Amanda @ the beauty notebooks says
What would I do with the chocolate if I won the giveaway?
Unwrap foil, break off a piece, and savor it in my mouth. 😉 I love dark chocolate at its simplest!
Eva says
I don’t mean to be boring, but I’d totally eat it straight up. Chocolate is perfect the way it is.
Ilene says
I’d eat a square of it whenever I needed a piece of chocolate…which is at least a couple of times a day!
carrie @ says
endangered species chocolate… I WANT IT! I love that it is sweetened with beet sugar and it is one of the best tasting chocolate’s ever.. I hope I win!! (carrie — gingerlemongirl @ gmail dot com)
carrie @ says
oops – I meant to tell you how I would USE the endangered species chocolate… I would simply eat it as is! I’m watching carbs/sugar, so I would just enjoy it plain right from the package! lol (carrie — gingerlemongirl at gmail dot com)
Jen says
I love Endangered Species chocolate! I would use the chocolate to make healthier bon bons, and to try out this pie!
Becca says
If I won, I’d cut up the chocolate to make chunks for cookies and brownies … and eat it plain, of course.
christie says
oh my gosh, I too am obsessed with chocolate. I love to win the chocolate giveaway to make chocolate-covered frozen banana bites! the best!
Kristie says
Holy MOLY what a wonderful giveaway Miss Katie. Look at all that chocolate! First I’d use it to get a massive chocolate buzz…. and then I’d probably bake some lovely chocolate chunk cookies with some of it! I’d also have to savour SOME for after dinner treats… if I could keep it hanging around long enough!
Jennifer says
I would like to say I would bake a bunch of amazing vegan treats, but I don’t know if the bars would last that long. I would probably just eat them straight up!
jc says
i love to use chocolate as dessert (obviously) hahah
Cat says
I would use the Vegan Chocolate bars to make chocolate pie. Yum! And I would probably eat some of it just…um…plain. And I am open to other suggestions!
Wendy says
If I won the Endangered Species box of chocolate, I would definitely make several of your recipes: this pie, buckeye babies, mint chocolate chip ice cream…
Esther says
I would just eat it straight up 🙂
Colleen says
I plan to make this pie asap w/ the endangered chocolate. I may top it w/ your cookie dough dip!
nadia says
I would use the chocolate from the giveaway to make myself some chocolate fondue with all the nice seasonal fruit that is still groing where I live : )
Maya says
I love this chocolate! And guess what? I happened to wander into a free sample festival and got a free bar of it. Yummm. But I would love a free box too, of course 🙂
PS: I posted vegan spicy queso on my blog that I think you will like!
Gen says
If I won, I’d first, EAT the chocolate bars, and then use some for baking! 😀
Erica says
I can’t have chocolate lurking in my pantry b/c I have no self control. LOL I love sweets esp chocolate too much. 🙂
sarah s says
quality dark chocolate is the kind of sweet treat that i savor and enjoy! i don’t find myself having trouble controlling myself around it since it’s so rich and even a small piece does the trick! so i’d use this giveaway to restock my stash of bars for my daily indulgence 🙂
Maya says
Not sure if my previous comment made it??? I can’t find it anywhere…but anyhow- LOVE this chocolate 🙂
Danielle says
I would share SOME of it with my 4 kids and then stash the rest away to use with voluminous ice cream and to just eat plain. (I like to sneak a handful of choc chips while the kids aren’t looking-it helps me get through the day and feel like an adult) 🙂
jc says
love your recipes katie!
i love dark chocolates !!!!!! especially mixed in baking.
Callie Roper says
If I were to win the box of delicious chocolate, I would run to my room, hide myself in a corner and stuff my face until every last morsel was devoured….*sigh*. Ok, but for real, I would make myself a large helping of that deep dish cookie pie, and would quite possibly put several bars of the chopped chocolate in there. Hey, you can never have too much chocolate, right??
Amanda @Fashionably Plate says
First off, let me say how much I love your blog! Being the chocolate lover that I am I would probably just eat the chocolate straight out of the package if I won it! I’ve never tried that brand before but it looks amazing!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thank you!!! 🙂
Christina says
Vegan chocolate bars:
I will: a) eat it by the bar, and b) have my boyfriend bake me some delicious treats with it. Hopefully that amazing looking chocolate pie! He takes care of me while I am in vet school <3
Maya says
Wow. I am slow this morning. 2 comments and I haven’t answered your question yet 🙂 Sorry for the bombard-ment.
I would use this chocolate to feed my face. While I love chocolate in desserts/recipes, when there’s a reeeally good chocolate bar I just like it plain. I would also post it on my blog, because it’s such a great cause.
Becky @ Skinnyfat Girls says
Oooh, pick me! Chocolate mint would go into chocolate mint brownies, chocolate raspberry into chocolate raspberry pie, and chocolate cherry would be melted into my next bowl of cherry walnut oatmeal! YUM!!!
Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather says
Endangered species is my favorite chocolate too! What a cool giveaway… I’d totally go overboard adding chocolate to everything… Pop corn, pb cookies, smoothies, oatmeal, granola bars… Anything!
Cassandra says
I would use the chocolate to share the love of fair trade chocolate of course! I just stumbled across your blog and I think it is fantastic! WOW to the cookie dough dip and this chocolate bar pie looks amazing!
Jennifer says
If I win, I’d make two ingredient chocolate mousse! H2O and good chocolate is all you need..crazy how it works 🙂
Linda Gabrilo says
Katie, you are adorable and it is hard to believe you eat all those scrumptious looking treats and stay so slender and beautiful!
I adore chocolate as well and look forward to trying out some of your recipes.
If I were to win the Endangered Species Chocolate Bars, I would eat as is, share with others and experiment with your recipes and some of my own!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs and great recipes.
Take care,
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awww thank you so much, Linda!!
Maegan says
CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY: I would probably eat most of the chocolate bars right out of their pretty little wrappers, but I would definitely make at least ONE chocolate bar pie. I love melting a square of dark chocolate into my morning oatmeal, too!!
Heather says
If I won the vegan chocolate bars giveaway, I promise to use the chocolate for good, not evil. I would share with my friends by having a chocolate tasting party! (And maybe throw in a wine tasting too). I bet they would also make delicious truffles.
Heather says
If I win the vegan chocolate bars giveaway, I promise to use the chocolate for good, not evil. I would share with my friends by having a chocolate tasting party! (And maybe throw in a wine tasting too). I bet they would also make delicious truffles.
A Tablespoon of Liz says
yum! Endangered species chocolate is one of my favorite brands too! I would most likely eat most of it straight out of the package…
Grace says
Wow, I love all of the meaning behind the vegan chocolate bars. If I win the giveaway, I would mostly just gobble up the chocolate, perhaps sharing with my husband and friends. With the rest, I would definitely be trying out this recipe. Looks delicious!
Samantha says
The endangered species chocolate is my favorite too!!! My favorite way to use the different flavors is chopping them up and adding them to my cookie recipes! I’ve gotten some of my best cookie combos that way!
Ruthiey says
I would probably eat it plain or with pb. 🙂
Rande @ The Vegetable Centric Kitchen says
I would use it in the upcoming (and terribly exciting 😉 Chocolate Covered Katie Challenge : !
Samantha says
I also follow you on Twitter
Nancy says
What would I do with the endangered species chocolate….hmmmmmm….eat it plain of course, I love eating my chocolate just by itself so I can appreciate its richness and deliciousness without any other flavors that might cover it. ^.^
Maegan says
My internet went out so I don’t know if my comment went through. But I would mostly eat these babies straight from the wrapper! I would also make a least one chocolate bar pie. And I love melting squares of dark chocolate into my morning oatmeal. 🙂
Maegan says
Also, I retweeted this on twitter!!
Taylor Lynn Bump says
For the giveaway I’d use my bars to promote fair trade! By eating it in front of all my friends of course 🙂
Brooke @ BittersweetBrooke says
I love endangered species chocolate! In college I was a bioloical anthropology minor so I studied primates i.e. monkeys and apes so this chocolate is near and dear to me. I would totally make something monkey inspired like chocolate banana pie or chocolate banana cake! Yum!
Beth says
I would put the chocolate in oatmeal!!
raechel @the rebel grrl kitchen says
I would chop them up and melt them into a chocolate pecan pie (vegan, of course). A good fall recipe! : )
EJ says
This looks so delicious! I’ll have to make it sometime. More chocolate please! 🙂
EJ says
PS – If I win that Endangered Species chocolate (fingers crossed!) I may very well make this with it…or just eat it on its own!
Shelley says
If I win this delicious chocolate I will share it with the other soldiers I am currently serving with in Iraq.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Wow, if this contest weren’t random, I think I would definitely pick you as the winner for the incredible sacrifice you are making so that people like me can feel safe and secure. Thank you so much for all you do!!
Amanda says
I’ve just found your site and I’m wondering where it’s been all my life?!?!?!? If I won the Endangered Species chocolate giveaway, I’d have to (a) munch on some on it’s own because it’s delicious and (b) try out some of your amazing recipes! Hope I win!!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
hehe I’m so glad you found me!! 🙂
Maria @ runningcupcake says
Woah those chocolate flavours sound amazing. I would eat them as a snack with some tea (not all at once, for several snacks!)- I might use some in some brownies or special chocolate chip cookies, something like that.
Tricia Bowers says
How I’ll use the chocolate if I win . . . hmmmmmm . . . stuff it in my mouth and chew?! 🙂
Jenna says
Yummmm….!!!! Wow! What a gift!! If I won, I would most definitely make your amazing looking chocolate bar pie! And then, since I got my Dad hooked in the Endangered Species Chocolate, that cute little box with the bars I didn’t use for the pie would be a perfect birthday present for him in December! 🙂
raechel @the rebel grrl kitchen says
Katie @ Raisins&Apples says
How would I NOT use this chocolate might be a better question! I’ll eat probably half of it, then chop it up to add to brownies & cookies, and sprinkle some on top of pancakes.
I’ll definitely keep a bar on hand to gift to my friends on our bad days
Kaity says
omgg if i won id make prob every recipe on your blog! lol i will def make that chocolate chip pie and most definatly just eat it itself! lol i just made your cookie dough for my bday tonight and so excited to see how my fam likes it, even if they dont i am already obsessed more for me! thank you<3
Faith @ For the Health of It says
I’d love to enter the giveaway! I’d use it crushed on the top of oatmeal for an extra sweet, chocolatey bite!
Heather @ Bake, Run, Live says
If I won the giveaway, I would simply eat it, and savor every.single.piece!!!!!
kathleen says
firm believer in sharing is caring. I’d love to share with friends!! 🙂
Christin@purplebirdblog says
I savor a piece of dark chocolate daily after lunch, so that would definitely be my preferred way to enjoy it! 🙂
Lauren says
If I won, I would eat some of each bar plain, so I know which I like the most. Then, I would try this recipe!
megan says
Hey Katie I am a big fan of your blog and wanted to say that I love chocolate too(but maybe not as much as you) but I really would love to win your chocolate give away with the chocolate bars because I would make the best hot chocolate ever with chocolate flavors like that. Plus they would make great desserts by themselves. Keep your blog sweet and chocolaty!
Lauren says
I’d use the chocolate to eat with a little almond butter on top!
Sherry G says
I would definitely just start eating them. Also, I’d make s’mores with them! yummmm
Natasha says
Hi Katie!
I absolutely love your recipes! I would use the Endangered Species chocolate instead of chocolate chips for your chocolate chip cookie dough dip recipe. It’s my fave!! I’ve shared it with friends and they are also in love. I’m actually lactose-intolerant, so I’ve enjoyed that most of your recipes are dairy-free.
Have a great day!
Grace says
(giveaway entry)
I think I would break them up to use in trail mix, and also put in my oatmeal–yum! 🙂
VegAlexandra says
I would use the Endangered Species chocolate in SO many ways!
My number one priority would be to use them in your chocolate recipes, such as chocolate chips in the chocolate chip cookie dough dip (Endangered Species Chocolate-Raspberry-Cookie-Dough-Dip??? YES!) or even as a flavor enhancer to your frozen hot chocolate, or for the recipe above!!!!!!!!
I’d also probably experiment with recipes myself, hmmm….. chocolate raspberry vegan truffles?
Or chop em’ up and put them in my favorite banana soft serve. <3
Grace says
Also, I re-tweeted on twitter!
natalie @ southern fit foodie says
OOOOHhhhhhhh how I love Endangered Species chocolate! They are the only organic dark chocolate bar I can find over 70%. I would use them for some of YOUR recipes, for sure!!! Awesome giveaway!
Gloria says
I would eat those bars the way they are, and in my oatmeal! Mmm melty goodness! I would also use them for chocolate chip cookies 🙂
Tara Beaird says
following you on twitter too! pinkatilly 😀
Trina says
I’d EAT it silly 😉
Stefanie says
I would skip the baking and just eat the chocolate plain. Although, that chocolate pie looks tasty. 😀
Alexa says
I don’t know if this is the post where I am supposed to enter to win the endangered species chocolate, but the other post said comment are closed???
Anyways I would like to enter the giveaway and I would use it to make a vegan chocolate cake for my mom!
JJ says
I will savor them! Sometimes I have a nibble after breakfast, MANY times after dinner…but almost daily I have a chocolate treat, so THAT’s how I will use them…the GOOD chocolate is best just savored on the palate, letting it melt slowly, followed by an ice cold glass of milk!
carrie says
Love the endangered species bars! And i just got some molds to make my own pretty chocolates! Love to melt and make “unique-ish” flavored truffles… mmm. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Sünne says
Great giveaway! I’d enjoy the chocolate with some of my favourite Sweet Chili Tea so it gets all melty in my mouth. Sooo good!
Jordan says
Oh, boy!! I am the oldest of 10 at 18 years old, but instead of sharing… I’d hide under my bed and eat it all in one sitting 😀 (OK, I might share just a little bit) It would be awesome though! Chocolate is the Bomb-digity! 😀
Love you’re blog btw! <3
Sünne says
I’ve already been following you and tweeted the giveaway a second ago.
Vegyogini says
I’d just eat them straight up! Thank you for the giveaway!
Dixie says
I’d try this pie first, then I would save the rest to enjoy by itself….. unless you present me with another delicious recipe to use it is 🙂
Amie Hutton says
How wouldn’t I use this big ol’ box of chocolate!?
I would use it in oatmeal, in smoothies, in cookies, in cakes, and eat some at every. single. meal!
Chocolate is a food group for me <3
Shelby says
I’d use my chocolate in oatmeal, in your frozen hot chocolate recipe (which I have yet to try! :0), and just straight up as a snack! 🙂
Charvel says
I would definitely just straight up eat the chocolate… I’ve had Endangered Species chocolate once before, and haven’t been able to find it since then! Maybe I will make a vegan chocolate dessert for Thanksgiving…
Rachel says
Yummmm! Their chocolate IS fantastic. Honestly, I’d probably end up eating most of it plain…but I’ll use at least a little bit in tofu pudding for my fiance–one of his favorite desserts! 🙂 Great giveaway!
Ellie says
I’ll probably smoosh it all over my face
Katie F. says
Yum I’d probably eat it all before getting the chance to make something
Christina says
Oh my goodness! I would use the Endangered Species chocolate to eat by itself or to make your delicious recipes!!
katysparrow says
OHMYGAHH I <3 ES chocolate! Just finished a bar of my fav black leapard 88% bar last night (which I ate with a bowl of your 5-min chocolate stovetop oatmeal cuz I was totally feelin the chocolate for dinner love…"If I win this giveaway, I pledge to share some with people who have never had and ES bar, spreadin the love.. and savor each delicious square. And I will make the wrappers into bookmarks instead of throwing them away.
Lacey says
Honestly, i would likely just eat the bars as is. They sound delicious!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Ally @ Sweet & Savory says
Loving this chocolate, would love to try it!
Eleanor@Eatinglikeahorse says
I think I’d just like to wolf it all down – does that count as a way to use it?!
Laura says
If I win the chocolate, I will first give a bar to each of my room mates and then I will use the remaining bars to make every recipe on your blog that requires a chocolate bar/ chocolate chips. Sound good?
Jackie says
I would likely just eat the bars… they have tasty chocolate! I could say I would use the chocolate in baking if I won, but most likely I would just eat it. Yum.
Victoria says
If I win a big box of chocolate, I’d nibble away at them til they’re all gone! …so like within a week. This pie looks amazing, though! I want to make a mini version of this!
Laura says
If I win, I will first give a bar to each of my room mates and then I will proceed to make every recipe on your blog that has chocolate as an ingredient. :DDD
Eleanor@Eatinglikeahorse says
and I follow you and Tweeted 🙂
Sandra Burkett says
I would make some of these delicious recipes you have on your website if I won the chocolate.
caroline says
if i get this chocolate, im going to melt it, an pour it over EVERYTHING I EAT
then, what i have left over i am going to stuff it in my mouth as fast as possible i hope i win this!
Anna @ The Guiltless Life says
Um, I think I’d use the chocolate bars to make this pie! Helloo!!! I also RTed your giveaway for an extra entry :). I love Endangered Species chocolate! Their dark is the best (behind Lindt, maybe…)!
extreme banana bread says
I would use the chocolate for multiple my oatmeal in the morning ( have to have some form of chocolate when I wake up :)..then I would add some to my trail mix for lunch…baking wise I’d add some to my banana bread and I really wanna try to make your deep dish cookie pie and health chocolate chip cookies for some of my friends/family instead of using the “unhealthy” recipes I use to follow. And I have to say I agree… I definitely like some chocolate better than others…shhhh 🙂
Katie says
Yum!! I would love to make the Chocolate Bar Pie…sounds delish! But in all truthfulness, it may not make it that long – I love chocolate bars by themselves
MirandaK says
If I won the chocolates, I would make the chocolate bar pie. or some hot chocolate. or some fudge babies. or some chocolate cake. or some brownie batter pancakes.
Or potentially I’d just eat them all plain 😉
Jo says
Mmmm, chocolate! Well, it would be a good excuse to bake chocolate loaded cookies and brownies.. and this pie looks bloody delicious too.
Anu says
For thhe giveaway: I would eat the chocolate straight up! Yum!
Tess says
Yum Eat it straight up!!!!!
Lisa says
I only like chocolate on its own, so I would just eat these straight from their wrappings.
Joshua says
i like a really dark sipping chocolate, or even better in bar form 85 % is the best.
Jialin Zhang says
I’m probably going to end up eating them ALL if I win, hahaha 🙂 No baking for me, just straight up chocolate. 😀
Kerryne says
Jess says
I’ve been wanting to make this -so badly- since I first saw it posted.
And… ifIwinthedraw might have a good excuse? Other than that I have a house full of males who will make quick work of any I don’t devour..
Otherwise I’m a total chocaholic and would probably eat it straight or as a ganache (I love making dipped chocolates – especially peanut butter balls~!)
Good luck with the giveaway!
Jaime Tyler says
I’ve been secretly stalking your blog for a month or so now, printing off most of your recipes so when I have a quiet moment (wait, I have 2 kids, that won’t happen) I can try them out! 🙂 They look incredible and I’m so impressed with your ability to use healthy ingredients, perfect for “unsuspecting” little ones! Ha ha!
As for the giveaway, well I’m pretty much trying to keep from drooling on the couch. Dark chocolate is my weakness and those flavors sound so scrumptious! I would use them in their purest form…straight from wrapper to my mouth. Oh and I might share with my sister and Mom cause they love dark chocolate too! Thanks for your hard work, makes eating yummy, healthy desserts on my end so much easier.
liz says
How I will use my chocolate? To sneak away to my “happy place” during long afternoons in my office 😉
Angel says
Hope this comment is in the right place. I would enjoy the chocolate a little bit at a time in the evening after my children go to bed. It would be an indulgence just for me ; ) – and I would savor every single bite! Well, it wouldn’t be bites – it would be pieces slowly melting on my tongue. Wouldn’t BITE gourmet chocolate… that’d be too much like gobbling, and it’d be gone way too fast that way.
Andrea says
I’m not all that fancy. I would have girlfriends over to drink wine, eat chocolate and talk the night away.
Lisa says
Andrea, I like the way you think 🙂
Lisa says
I’ve tried several of your recipes and I’d like to experiment with the vegan chocolate, perhaps in red velvet brownies, a compromise for my husband (who loves red velvet cake) and me (I love brownies).
Courtney says
There’s so many things I could do with that chocolate. Like making the pie above for instance. And fudge chocolately fudge babies. LOTS of fudge babies. But I love just sticking it in the microwave for a minute and letting it get all nice and melty, then dipping my fingers in it and sucking it off. So good, even plain. I NEED THAT CHOCOLATE!! 🙂
Dalai Lina says
After finishing the 3 bars of Endangered Species chocolate ALREADY IN MY PANTRY (raspberries, blueberries, and coffee) I would chop some of them up and use them in in favorite raw cookie dough ball recipe 🙂
alissa says
I would use the endangered species chocolate for my hot chocolate :]
Dalai Lina says
After consuming the 3 bars of Endangered Species chocolate that I ALREADY HAVE IN MY PANTRY (specifically raspberry, blueberry and coffee) I will promptly chop some up and put them in my favorite vegan raw cookie dough ball recipe!!!
christina @ hola raw! says
hey! I’m sure you relate….but I for some reason I HAVE TO HAVE really dark chocolate right when I wake up in the morning. My craving starts from the second I open my eyes…hahah SO that’s how I will use it. For breakfast haha
sally says
I would simply shove it in my mouth as is : D haha they all sound so yum!
Lorin says
I would use the chocolate to eat by itself. I like eating chocolate bars by themselves.
Rachel says
Well, I’d say I would definitely eat this kind of chocolate straight up:) Love the dark stuff!
Kady says
I would share my chocolate with friends who are having a bad day!
Sophie says
Ooooh! I love chocolate 🙂
Thanks for this great opportunity!
Lana says
I would make chocolate vegan macaron with a chocolate vegan ganache filling (either the dark chocolate with orange or with raspberries, but probably the latter). Then, I would make your amazing fudge daddies, replacing chocolate chips with chocolate chunks (if I had not eaten already eaten the bars)!
pumpkinpie says
The tofu chocolate recipe is one of my favorites! Endangered Specied Dark Chocolate Mint Tofu pie, you are next…
Jess @ Healthy 'n Hungry says
I would melt them to make your Chocolate Bar Pie, chop them up to use in Chocolate Chunk Cookies, or just eat them as is!! They all look sooo delicious – great giveaway!
Tori Gamble says
We totally love to use chocolate in everything. This fall we are pretty excited to make some new recipes from this blog for our fall/winter family gatherings. Ah and not to mention it’s finally hot cocoa season again-love it! This blog is a fav now for sure =) Pinning it now!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww thank you!!!
Megan says
Silly question – of course! But only chocolate chips…perfect to snack on!
Grace says
I would have a million uses for the delicious chocolate, but I would definitely want to try to make that chocolate pie and chocolate muffins, double chocolate brownies, chocolate caramel toffee, ahhh so many possibilities!
Amelia says
Still debating with myself whether or not to lie and list some delicious recipe I would use those bars in – and in the meantime /pretend/ I’m not just going to eat it all up as the choco-addict I am!
Well if I have the will power to restrain from eating the bars all at once I would probably use it in my absolutely divine recipe for a chocolate fudge brownies. They aren’t healthy in any way I haven’t made it in ages! but I bet these bars would take this recipe to a whole other level! Plus it would make the brownies a little less “bad” as it would be vegan chocolate that supports some great causes! Unfortunately you can’t buy these bars where I live so I havent had the pleasure of tasting them but everyone just talks so fondly about them; I’m almost drooling on the computer screen everytime I hear someone talk about them!
Liz says
There is ALWAYS at least 3 pounds of dark chocolate in my pantry at all times! You just never know when the stores may be sold out and then what would happen?!?!
One of my favorite chocolate recipes is Chocolate Bourbon Cake – it’s like a thick, rich, chocolate mousse cake! Out of this world yummy!!
Lacey says
ill eat the chocolate! and ill cook with it! i wanna make this pie super bad!
Green Cuisine List says
I absolutely love Endangered Species Chocolate, especially the Organic 70% dark, mmmm…OK now for my reason to win, besides keeping a bar or two for my own personal indulgence. I’d (gasp) yes, give the others away to friends who have never tried an Endangered Species bar and they most certainly will be hooked! Hershey will not ever get a penny from me, even buying Dagoba didn’t sway my opinion of them….slave masters need to be the endangered species…actually extinct, they need to be extinct.
birdi says
I would love to win this! I’m a college student so I’d probably just eat it….
Albizia says
You are right, some kinds of chocolate are better than others and if Endangered Species is as good as you say, I think there is only one way to eat it – on its own to feel the distinct taste of every bite.
melissa @ the delicate place says
what are you talking about ‘use the chocolate’ hahaha. i’d eat it straight up!
Kimberly Camargo says
Hey! Love your blog, I read your new posts every day on my Google Reader 🙂
If I won the chocolate box, I’d make your chocolate pie and SMORES! w vegan marshmallows of course!
HealthFoodJunky says
Wow! Katie you are so awesome! I love all of your recipes! Of course this giveaway is pretty incredible too. If I won, I would broaden my chocolate horizon by sampling each bar. After that, I would probably just sit and think about the amazing-ness of the flavors. The bars look so amazing, I don’t know if I would be able to resist simply sampling them!
LightOnMyFeet says
I would use the chocolate in your giveaway to make s’more pastries! 🙂
Amber says
If I win those chocolate bars I’ll definitely be making this pie! One of my coworkers thinks vegan desserts are tasteless and dessert can’t taste good if it’s healthy, so I’m going to bring in the pie to work and prove her wrong! Also I’ll be making some chocolate dream peanut butter with my new food processor!
Andrea says
I would use it to make that pie yummmmmmmm or to just eat!!!
Jenna W. says
If I won, I would just eat it! I love dark chocolate 😀
Tricia says
First, if I were to win those chocolate bars, I would eat some 🙂 and then I would make this pie. Finally, I would make brownies. Also, if there were any that happen to be left after my chocolate feast, I would eat them until it put me into a chocolate coma 😀
Dorothea says
I’m a purist, so if I were lucky enough to win the awesome giveaway of Endangered Species chocolate bars, I’d eat them as they are, one lovely bite after another!
TJ says
I’d love to eat the chocolate plain, or bake with it
shea says
if i win the endangered species chocolate it will definitely go to good use. i actually really love their chocolate bars. they are the only kind i buy. i really like the mint chocolate & the chocolate & espresso beans. so many options….. 🙂 ill probably just eat them 🙂
Sarah says
I am going to be making “Smores on a stick!” with this chocolate when I win!!!
Place a single marshmallow on a wooden skewer. Melt chocolate bar in the microwave with a T of coconut oil. Roll marshmallow in chocolate mixture. Then, roll each chocolate covered marshmallow bite in crushed vanilla wafers, graham crackers, or oreos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monica says
Girl, I’d eat chocolate straight up at any time of the day, or just melt it and spread it on everything and anything. Mmmm. Chocolate covered life.
Makenna says can you NOT use chocolate?! I would eat it straight up…but I’ve been wanting to make a good ol’ chocolate chip cookie too..yum!
Andrea says
Got to your blog through Pinterest and I’m pretty sure we are twins separated at birth! This stuff is so what I love! Cannot wait to try all your desserts (and win some chocolate?). I think I’ll start with this pie!
Cheryl says
How will I use these bars.. I would use them to satisfy my taste buds and devour them!
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
How I’d use the Endangered Species…I’d just…eat it 🙂 Or bake with it.
radioactivegan says
First off, the pie looks amazing. I’m going to try to make it for my next potluck (if I can manage to share any!).
Second, if I won all that chocolate … I’d eat it! (boring, but delicious)
Amanda Fallin says
What I would do with the chocolate if I won it…. I would hide it from my family in the fridge because # 1, I like my chocolate cold, and # 2 If they knew that the chocolate was in the house I would be lucky to get any!
Nicole says
I would LOVE to use endangered species chocolate bars with some organic peanut butter, melted together into your homemade reeses cups recipe…delicious!!!!
Liz @ lactosefreelizzie says
Ahhh i would love to win the chocolate! i wud so make this recipe!
Liz @ lactosefreelizzie says
i follow you on twitter
Liz @ lactosefreelizzie says
i tweeted 🙂
Jen says
If I win the chocolate bars, I’ll definitely eat them straight up. No question. I love that brand!
Katie @ says
If I had a bundle of chocolate, I’d make chocolate cream puffs 🙂
Mihika says
I’d like to eat the Endangered Species chocolate just plain, as I do with all my favourite dark chocolate! This pie looks lovely; I’ve been making a chocolate mousse that’s very similar since I first went vegan, it’s what made me realise how versatile tofu is! I think I found the recipe on vegcooking. The only difference is I don’t add sweetener or salt.
Amilia Nimblett says
Oh my goodness I would absolutely make this pie with the endangered chocolate
Janice says
Well, the link led me to this post… I’ll just eat them by themselves! Or maybe even mix it in with some of your awesome recipes such as this delicious looking pie, which I will def make one day! I might dip a small chunk in my morning oatmeal -depending what kind of oatmeal I make that day and just let it melt then mix it all in and make a gooey -you’re favorite word- chocolate oatmeal 😀 Sounds weird but I love anything that melts in my mouth. Sometimes when I’m baking your cookies, I like to put in a few extra toppings, sometimes it would be either nuts or dark chocolate chunks, so that way, i would get either an extra crunch or more delicious chocolate heaven melting in my mouth. -Starting to crave chocolate- I actually like to warm up almond milk and suck on a small chunk while sipping the milk late at night. Too many things to do with chocolate… :p Sorry for the long post! I have a bad habit of writing a speech when only a simple answer is needed!
Megan @ The Detoxinista says
I love Endangered Species chocolate! I usually have a bar of it in my purse at all times— you never know when a chocolate craving might strike! 😉
I also love melting it, then whipping it with cold water to make a quick and easy “mousse!” It’s delicious!
Jessica P says
I’d just eat it 🙂 Perfect!
Katie Ann says
I would use the chocolate to plug my hungry maw. Om nom nom…
Caitlin says
How to use chocolate bars……hmmm…… I think I’d start by going through your entire website of desserts and using them there!
Anastasia says
I’d use it to make this recipe!
Sophie says
Oooh! Chocolate! My favorite 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity!
Maddy says
I would use the chocolate to make…okay I have to be honest…I would just eat it straight 🙂
Katie @Nutrition In A Peanut Shell says
I’d have to assume I’d be using the chocolate for this pie…right?
No, I’d probably use for straight from wrapper to face 🙂
Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says
Ummmm, that chocolate and the CAUSE is awesome….. Pretty sure I’d eat the chocolate + tell everyone about the awesomeness of the company!
Claire says
I’d use the chocolate bars to be brave and try tofu for the first time by making this recipe for chocolate bar pie!
melody says
I would eat the chocolate right out of the wrapper because I’d be too excited to do anything else! Dark Chocolate Mint is my FAVORITE flavor combo. ever. 🙂
Maxene says
I will have a chocolate tasting party with my friends. The extras will go to a chocolate/nut butter.
Wendy says
This looks amazing! I can never have enough chocolate.
I love tofu, but I usually eat it in savoury dishes, so I can’t wait to try out this recipe!
If I win, I’d probably devour – I mean savor the chocolate bars, and save two of them to make this. 😀
Jasmine says
I’m going to be really selfish and say that if I won the chocolate I’m pretty sure I’d save it all for myself and just enjoy it 😀 It’s good to be kind to yourself right? haha
Kiah says
Oh my goodness, so much chocolate!
bitt of raw says
confused if this is the right place to post about the chocolate bars. if this is right, well, i will probably just use them as is, right down the hatch!
Michelle says
I would just eat it! Chocolate in its purest form… although this pie doesn’t sound half bad either 🙂
Laura says
Ohhh! I’d just eat the Endangered Species Chocolate bars plain!! I love this brand and eat them all the time!! I REALLY hope I win these!!!
Jessica says
I want to try to make a chocolate peanut butter dessert, thats all I’ve been craving lately..maybe chocolate peanut butter banana pie/streudel/baked oatmeal/ice cream…or maybe all of the above 🙂
Lindsay@LivingLindsay says
I would either bathe in the chocolate or hide in a corner and eat it all by myself – no sharing. 😉
Emily and Monica says
Both of us are chemistry majors, and we have developed a simple scheme to help get A’s on every test. First, wear a nerdy shirt (e.g. “Help me, I’m diene!” “May the derivative of momentum with respect to time be with you” etc.). Second, eat tons of CHOCOLATE! Oh, and studying never hurts either ;). If we win the giveaway, then those chocolate bars would serve the oh-so-noble purpose of helping us ace our midterms.
Sabrina says
This recipe looks absolutely DIVINE! I love making desserts with tofu! And about that endangered species chocolate (my favorite kind! not just for taste, but because of what they do)…well I would do this: EAT IT!! And share some, because that is quite a bit of chocolate for just one Sabrina.
Emily says
ooh! I would definately make pumpkin chocolate chip bread this weekend with yummy chocolate. there’s been a pumpkin shortage, so it’s been hard to find here!
Taylor says
If I win the giveaway, I’ll bake cupcakes and cookies with the bars to give to my friends. Just to remind them how veganism is NOT restrictive!
Emma says
I would make FUDGE!!!! And mint chocolate chunk brownies, assuming I don’t eat it all before it reaches the kitchen. 😀
Justeen @ Blissful Baking says
I’d definitely use the chocolate to try this pie – or just eat it straight up!
sarah says
I would be eating these chocolate bars all by themselves! and Id hide them from my friends 😉
Kate says
Sorry to be uncreative, but I’d use the Endangered Species chocolate for therapy when I’m dying in midterms in a month!
Rebecca says
If i won ALL the chocolate (<3) i would eat it all. in one day.
Lauren (PB&G) says
Oh man free chocolate?? This pie looks yummy (as do ALL of your recipes) but I think I’d have to just eat the bars all on their own..
Katherine says
No other comments on this page about it, but it is where the link lead.
I would use the chocolate to celebrate my birthday(which is today) and share it with others – and probably make a little something to enjoy 🙂
Megan says
*If* I were to win the chocolate bars, I would share them with my family and friends. (or I could just hoard them away for myself…)
Tara says
if I win, will most definitely be sharing the chocolate with my best friend who is also a chocolate fiend. I can’t think of a better way to show her how much i love her!
Kelsey Hibberd says
WELL. I have to admit I’ve never seen these chocolate bars before in my life (which is quite a big fat shame, as I am a crusader for the environment, vegan-inclined and absolutely obsessed with chocolate!) though it maaay have something to do with living in Australia. as for the chocolate, I’d probably try and save some for Christmas-time! I’m going travelling to South and North America with my wonderful partner next year and am crazily trying to save some money! I plan to give all my loved ones baked goods for Christmas this year, and this chocolate would be perfect to bake into chocolate pies, brownies, blondies, cookies, larabars… THE MIND BOGGLES! (and to keep things honest, I’d probably keep a bar to share with my partner, to eat before bed with cups of tea!)
please and thank you Katie! 🙂
Heather says
That chocolate doesn’t stand a chance to go through the dessert making process! I will eat it a piece at a time!
jamie martin says
i would make a chocolate scone recipe i have and then i would try the cookie dough shake!!! of course i will also just eat a bunch on its own 🙂
Chelsea DeVooght says
Ahh, endangered species choco!!! If I had that many bars, I would bless my friends with half of them, and use the rest myself as late night study break snacks!!!
lynne says
Yum! Hm, I’d probably make some chocolate chip cookies!
jamie martin says
i may be leaving this twice, i couldn’t find my other comment! i would make grain free chocolate scones from a recipe i have and i would love to make your chocolate chip cookie shake. but i would probably eat alot of it on its own!!!
Karen @ Goofy Can Cook says
Like you, I love using chocolate bars for baking. Making chocolate “chunks” makes a dish look so much more gourmet!
Levonne says
Well…..the things I could do with the Endangered Species Cocolate Box give away, for one I will definitely make the Chocolate Bar Pie, which I have already made numerous times for different parties and everytime people say they love it and are surprised when I tell them it is made with tofu. BTW, I just love your blog, I visit it every day to see what you have been up too.
Thomas says
How would I use the chocolate? I eat the raspberry one outright, of course. And then use the others in a chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, and your delicious chick pea blondies, not necessarily in that order.
Laura E says
Thanks for the opportunity! First I would use the chocolate to make this pie! haha but I would love to use the plain kind to make my frozen chocolate covered banana dessert!
Natalie says
I’ll probably keep the chocolate in my purse for much needed chocolate breaks at work! 🙂
Teresa says
I’d eat the chocolate straight up and share it with my friends and chocoholic co-workers! A chocolate tasting party!
kathleen siegle says
If I win the chocolate, I would simply just eat it!
kathleen siegle says
i follow on twitter and tweeted!/katiajoyce/status/119243790295904258
Robyn Williams says
I would put the chocolate in my freezer just to find it days later empty. I then will ask my husband what happened and again he will tell me that somehow or another the chocolate bars opened themselves and they hit the floor. Happens everytime..
gabi says
i’d use the chocolate bars to replenish my secret stash! right now i have ZERO chocolate in my house and i’m in dire need 🙁
Jaclyn says
if i won all that delicious chocolate i’m pretty sure it’d be going directly in my mouth, or perhaps crushed up into one of my protein shakes. yummmmy.
Abby says
I. want. that. chocolate… MMM!!
If I didn’t eat it all gone in 0.25189472 seconds (of course I wouldn’t, but it does sound intriguing!) then I would either dip it in Brownie Batter Dip (whoa) or make your Chocolate Bar Pie with it. That scrumptious dessert has already won my heart. =)
Andrea says
I would LOVE to win the chocolate bar giveaway! I would also like to learn more about the cacoa industry and the slave labor it involves..
But, if I win the chocolate bar giveaway, I will eat them AS IS, or maybe break them up over some milkshakes from your recipe page 🙂
Jennifer says
This recipe sounds amazing, I would use the Endangered Species chocolate to make the chocolate bar pie! I made the cookie dough dip the other day, and it was FABULOUS!! I’ve been struggling with my weight for years due to my insatiable sweet tooth, your blog is an absolute lifesaver!
Lilly says
Oh boy, this looks amazing! I would def make this once I get my hands on more chocolate bars 😀
Gina G says
Definitely in my oatmeal or…. just all on its own! 🙂
thanks Katie!
Annie says
I would absolutely love to share that box of chocolate with my roommates! 🙂
Kristin says
If I won the chocolate bars I would pretend that it’s Easter and unwrap all of them and take a bite from each 🙂 I haven’t done that since I was like, 10. I would spread the joy and share with my husband and friend too, since they would probably be drooling watching me eat all of it…lol
alain says
omigosh katie this is such a DELICIOUS giveaway!!
amazingly enough, San Francisco has started heating up in the last few days – first time ALL summer. All I can think about it is froyo and ice cream so I would melt the chocolate and drizzle it over banana soft serve. NOM!!
Meghan says
I would use it straight up. I know, boring. But I just love chocolate right from the bar 🙂 Chocolate cream pie is a favorite though, I could always give this recipe a try!
Danica @ It's Progression Not Perfection says
If I win I’ll use the chocolate to eat of course!! Aaaaand I’ll maybe think about sharing it with others 🙂
Danica @ It's Progression Not Perfection says
I retweeted about your giveaway!
Danica @ It's Progression Not Perfection says
I just retweeted about the giveaway! 🙂
sara says
Ooh these flavours sound scrumptious! Also, I love the cause behind this brand- very powerful. I would prob use the chocolate for an upcoming bake sale I am contributing to in memory of a student in my major at my university! Maybe I’d send you some goodies too 😉
Jeanne says
Hey Katie! If I won I would obviously eat some right away and then give some to my girlfriends!
Jenn says
Mmmmm. I’m sure all of that chocolate would be splendid on my morning oatmeal! Or in cookies… or muffins… or just about anything! 😉
Kerry says
I love Endangered Species chocolate! If I win the giveaway, I’ll probably just eat most of the chocolate straight out of the package! But, I might break some of it up into chunks and use it to make cookies – SO much better than regular chocolate chips.
Jodi Theisen says
Well clearly I would just eat them! I’m sorry if that’s boring but it’s also being very ‘respectful to the produce’! (I’ve been watching waaaay too many cooking shows…)
Lydia Claire says
How wouldn’t I use the chocolate from the giveaway, that’s the real question. =) I’d love to use it to making your recipes. I can’t tell you how excited I was when I came across your blog. =)
Jodi Theisen says
Plus, what a great way to do a swap Katie, I get your chocolate and I will send you your kangaroo! 🙂
Amry says
Hi Katie, I would use the chocolate to make your Chocolate Bar Pie!
Robin says
I don’t think I could keep myself from eating those delicious sounding bars of heaven straight from the carton box, but if I do have the control to stop myself they would be made into something chocolate and peanut butter, cookies, brownies, muffins, etc.
Gudbjorg says
Ohh, I would make some real french chocolate cake, and also warm up some hot chocolate with it. yummmy
Alexandra says
i’d use the chocolate to make THIS. duh!
Alexandra says
also, i Retweeted!
Shonna says
If I had all those chocolate bars I would savor them slowly while I work on my Masters’ application and work hard whilst my love is galavanting about Asia without me : (
🙁 + chocolate = 🙂
Gloria says
I wouldn’t be able to resist eating them straight up! Endangered Species is my favorite brand of chocolate too 🙂
Rosalind says
I would use this amazing chocolate to help my friends and I combat college-related stress. Everyone knows chocolate makes you happy!!
Beth says
If I won the chocolate I would eat it. I would nibble on it during the long hours I spend studying organic chemistry and cramming for physics midterms. I would eat it at work when my assays are not working and my PI is yelling at me. I would eat it on the bus when I forgot my lunch. I would eat it in my oatmeal in the mornings when I’m cranky because I’m a college student up at 7 in the morning. I would eat it when my roommates are being loud, when that boy doesn’t talk to me, when I have so much homework and am buried so deep in paperwork I have paper cuts on my eyeballs.
I eat chocolate when I’m sad, frustrated, bored, and any other negative emotion because chocolate makes me feel better.
I would also eat it when my best friend comes over. I would eat it when I do well on homework. I would eat it when my professor calls on me in front of two hundred kids and I actually answer the question correctly. I would eat it when I experience happy moments because chocolate makes them that much better!
Chocolate. I would eat it anytime, anywhere. I love it and I would use it to make my tastebuds, and myself, a little happier. Whether in oatmeal or alone, chocolate is awesome!
Mary Margaret says
That pie looks amazing… and if I won the giveaway, I’d totally try the recipe! Who am I kidding.. if I had enough chocolate left after binging on straight bars, THEN I’d try the recipe! 🙂
Gina says
I would use the chocolate just by eating it by itself…breaking it apart to use in your single lady cookies/cupcakes…n melting it into oatmeal:)
Karina says
looks like a box of easy after dinner desserts 🙂
Brandi says
I would eat the chocolate square by square and have my morning coffee with it so it would melt in my mouth. Actually, I already do that. Often with the Endangered Species 88% dark chocolate. I might share with my husband. Maybe. 🙂
Mb says
i’d eat it plain!
Socal Rachel says
I’m sure I would use some of the chocolate bars as is. Some would make it into my banana soft server.
ioana fagadariu says
i will use the chocolate to eat it ; one piece at day and some to make a good cheese chocolate caka
Ulli Riebl says
i would love to try this with the vegan chocolate bars from your giveaway!! and i would eat it “plain”, as this is definitely the best way to eat chocolate (for me!) have a great day!!
Jenny Lai says
I would like to make chocolate peppermint bark!
Amira says
I would love to make anything and everything on your blog! I need these chocolate bars because every time i go to make something of yours… i realize that i dont have ANY chocolate… sad day! 🙁 first on my list chocolate chip dip! yummmmm
Rachelle says
For the chocolate you are giving away I would put them in pretty much everything I eat! (I kid of course…or am I?). Oatmeal, on my banana with pb, snacks, baking, melted to make mochas or chocolate milk… ahhh the ideas keep comin!
Katie says
What would I do with the chocolate!? Eat it, of course! 🙂
Claudia says
I would eat the chocolate. But then also share it with my friends because that is how amazing chocolate should be eaten – with friends [& all in one sitting?]. 🙂
Claire says
I do love chocolate! These bars would be great!
Kaley says
I am just newly vegan!!! So far I loveeee it:) I have never been obsessive with my chocolate but I do enjoy it…. I have been searching for vegan chocolate bars for one of my best friends! She took on my challenge of becoming vegan but said she couldn’t give up her chocolate! so far all I have found is Baking chocolate!!! So stoked to have stumbled across this post!!!
Stacy says
Hi there! I absolutely love Endangered Species chocolate too! But… I would give it all to my lovely mother for her birthday. She loves chocolate even more than I do. 🙂
Michelle says
I love chocolate too! Since I live in Québec city (Canada), it’s really hard to find good quality vegan chocolate. I would try all your recipes and eat some pieces to calm my mind.
Thanks for posting such great recipes. I’m working my way thru them and so far, I’m very pleased with the results.
KellyO says
If I won the giveaway, first I would probably shove one of the chocolate bars into my face, but then I would make some vegan chocolate pudding. I loves me some puddin’.
christie freeman says
I would probably use the chocolates to make snacks for my CamCam (5 almost 6 yrs. old), as well as for the whole family. Yummmmm. They look and sound great. I hope you have a great day!
Cecilia says
I’m boring, so I’ll just savour them straight up. I think the cranberry and almonds one sounds fabulous!!!
Jody says
Use it? I’d just eat it all. Slowly over the course of a day or 2. 😉
Hannah says
I would use the chocolate to write blog reviews of, and also to dream about my past time in America, when I was able to buy and eat this myself 🙂
Andreea says
If I win the chocolate post, I’ll definitely be a lot less STRESSED out in school!! Chocolate makes me just as happy as it makes you, and I could always use one more reason to smile 🙂
Plus there isn’t a lot of places around here (where I live) to buy vegan chocolate so I often find myself in a giant slump.
TracyP says
I will make Chocolate Bar Pie right away!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Rachel says
I like some chocolate better than others, too (shhh…). Endangered Species chocolate is one of my favorites – particularly the plain ol’ 72% or the raspberry bar! And how would I used the chocolate? um, eat it? 🙂 Sorry I don’t have twitter, otherwise I’d share your chocolaty wonderfulness!
Sara says
Um…i’d eat it straight up! I’m hard core like that.
Sara says
Um…i’d eat it straight up! I’m hard core like that.
Carissa says
This pie is amazing. I think I’d use the chocolate to make more!
Janel says
If I win the Endangered Species chocolate, I will not cook with it, I will not bake with it. I will simply enjoy it in its simplest form to be sure that I am enjoying it in its purest Endangered Species glory. My boyfriend and I are fitness freaks, so buying chocolate is a rarity (tears are beginning to form)- I would love this excuse to have chocolate in my tummy….did I say tummy? I meant pantry 😉
Thank you for the amazing recipes/pictures to drool over!
Kristi says
I’m not going to lie…if I win, I’d probably just eat the chocolate straight up. 😉
Frances Brooks says
I am going to EAT it!!
Sarah says
I will use the Endangered Species chocolate to treat myself EVERYDAY! Because a day without chocolate is a sad, sad day..
Wendy says
Although I want to believe I would make something wonderful with the ES Vegan Chocolate, I would probably end up eating most of it in its original form. Isn’t that really the best way?
Jenny says
… Katie. You. Have. The. BEST. Giveaways.
Well, I shouldn’t have expected any less from you. You are the best. And the Queen of Chocolate – that, too. 🙂
If I win… I’m going to EAT the chocolate straight up! And chop some of it up to sprinkle on just about everything I eat and incorporate into things like your awesome chocolate chip cookie dough dips. (Chocolate chocolate chip cookie dough dip… Mmm.)
abbey says
I think I would want to use the raspberry one to put in your raspberry truffle oatmeal or maybe raspberry brownies!
Nikki says
I think I would bake up some boatmeals of all sorts of combinations if I had that chocolate! 🙂
Nikki says
Retweeted! @lifeafterswim!
A.B. says
I have a tough time adding anything to really good chocolate — I would definitely devour them au naturel! 😀
tiffany says
mmm dark chocolate. i’d eat it plain, of course! and maybe melt it for some chocolate covered fruit.
Maria says
I would probably just eat the chocolate pure 😉 But then with so many bars on hand, I’d make your chocolate bar pie, too!
Sami says
Holy moly. I’m pretty sure if I win the endangered species giveaway, I will be FORCED to make this pie (:
YUM! Thanks, Katie!
Lindsay says
I LOVE the Endangered Species chocolate. I always use chunks of the 88% bar in place of chocolate chips in recipes. It’s how I get my husband, who swears he doesn’t like dark chocolate (and yes i’m still married to him!), to eat it!
Keri R. says
Yum Endangered Species Deep Forest Mint is my favorite chocolate ever! Love Love Love it!
Mushroomz says
I’d never think of using the chocolate in a recipe! Because recipes with multiple servings means sharing, and I wouldn’t even dream of sharing *my* chocolate! (I’m only joking, but I’d still eat it by myself :D)
Colleen says
If I won I would take my Endangered Species chocolate bars and hide them in the very back on the top cupboard so my 6 &8 yr old kids would never find them, then, while they are at school, I would eat them all myself- a ha ha!!! 🙂
sarah@spinach and spice says
I’d LOVE to try this pie! Chocolate .. and recently i’ve been on a huge tofu kick! Best of all worlds 😀
Elle says
This looks so good! I love Endangered Species chocolate, especially the 88% bar. I would use that to make this chocolate pie 🙂
Jodi says
Their chocolate is my favorite!! I typically just eat chocolate plain, but I’d love to make some double chocolate chunk cookies with this!!
Aileen says
I would love to try making one your chocolate recipes! Everything looks so delicious. I just started following your blog and love it!
Rachel (tea and chocolate) says
I would eat the bars straight up! Maybe I’d chop them up in some cookies or brownies, but eating chocolate on it’s own is the best.
Kari Kinsey says
I never win anything, but if I were to win a giveaway, THIS is the one I want to win!
Kari Kinsey says
Oh and I would use it to convince my husband that “healthy” chocolate can taste amazing:)
sarah says
i would probably eat all this chocolate straight up and not share any with anyone:)
Stephanie Chandler says
If I win the giveaway for all the yummy, scrump-didly-ocious chocolates I will use them for special treats… and maybe share 😉 And, of course, use them in some of your recipes 🙂 Mmms!!!
Stephanie, @AvasAvenue on twitter 🙂
Noëlle says
I would EAT THE CHOCOLATE!!!! Seriously. And share it with my daughters (4 and 8), because I absolutely love introducing them to all kinds of yummy new foods, recipes, flavors, all of it!!
Noëlle says
Ok and make some choc bar pie, because that picture up there look ridiculously yummy!
alex says
i would eat it plain!
alex says
eat it plain!
Jenny says
If I win the chocolate give-away I’d just eat it plain–the best way to use chocolate 🙂
Jessica Caneal says
If I win the chocolate, I am going to make smores. Lots and lots of smores. In various flavors. And probably some crazy chocolate rice krispie treats. This just might be enough chocolate to get me through the rest of the school semester!
jeannie says
I love chocolate and am picky and just found your blog – loving it!
(but haven’t made anything yet – still in the drooling phase 🙂
Jenny$1983 says
Um, is this the right post for the giveaway? Not sure, I hope it is!
Apart from making various flavours of this pie, I’d most likely use the chocolate on corresponding porridge flavours (eg. a square of each of the Orange flavour and the Cranberry and Almond flavour on a bowl with chopped orange, almond extract and dried cranberries, ooohhh…), as I bloody love the texture good dark chocolate acquires when popped on top of a nice hot bowl of oats! 🙂
Anyway, if this isn’t the correct post I do apologize 😉
Alisha says
ooohhh pick me!!! 🙂 if i win the chocolate giveaway i will def be making this… if i can wait long enough before devouring it!
Katie says
If I win the Endangered Species chocolate bars, I’ll use them to make many of the seriously AWESOME chocolate recipes listed on your blog! I have been drooling over your blog for weeks now but have yet to try out one of your recipes.
I’m also following you on Twitter and re-tweeted.
Amy says
If I won the giveaway, I’d eat one of the bars, most likely sharing it with my sons in the process. In honor of you, I’d make this pie with some of the others. 😉
Just to clarify on the recipe…is it 2.5 bars that are 3 oz each, or 3 total oz of chocolate?
Andi says
Can’t have soy here. Any reasonable sub for the tofu??
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I haven’t tried a sub for this particular recipe (maybe pumpkin?)… but I do have another fudge cake that is completely free of soy and is just as good in its own right:
Amy says
I will use the chocolate by eating it. 😀 I love trying to chocolate flavors!
Claire says
I’d just eat the chocolate straight up. yum :p
Katie says
I love eating this chocolate plain after it’s been in the fridge! It satisfies my chocolate cravings and the mint kind is delicious! I also am planning on making homemade ice cream, where Id love to incorporate this chocolate into it.
Ellie says
I’ll eat it. That’s what I’d do.
Malika says
SMORES! That’s it.
nicole says
I’d just straight up eat those suckers. No recipe involved! LOL
Sam says
Straight up!
Kayla says
This sounds amazing! If I win the give away I’ll make this!
rachel says
I made this and froze it. we throw chunks of it in our smoothies. My kids love it. a rather unconventional twist on pie though!
V.Taylor says
I seriously think you are my new hero…..
91% Chocolate Fan says
I love 91% chocolate, no one else knows how i stand it.
Samantha says
those picture look so good…. I think I will make that pie 🙂
Ashley says
Katie you are so generous with all your giveaways!! Its like Christmas all the time on this site 🙂 If I had the dark chocolate I would definately use it to try this recipe!!! It looks so good (and guilt free)
Ashley says
Oh and I retweeted and tweeted (wasnt sure which i was supposed to do?) about your giveaway!!
Jazmine @ Gracefully Glutenless says
i will eat it all! lol! and will probably melt some and try to make up some fancy recipe 🙂
Karen D. says
What would you do with all that chocolate? Eat it, of course. I would savor it with espresso. Yum!
Sarah says
I would use the Endangered Species chocolate to bake something yummy from your blog for my Mum. who’s just been in a car accident. Thank God she’s OK, but her car is wrecked and who doesn’t newed chocolate in such a situation?
Whitney says
I’d declare myself Augustus Gloop and take a bath in the chocolate!
Charissa says
I think perhaps I will have to make this pie if I win! 🙂 Looks amaaazing! Fingers crossed!
Shamima says
Not sure if I can enter because I live in Canada…if not…no worries but I d0 want to share how I would use this chocolate…I would use it to make a rich pudding and of course, eat it straight up!!
Mara says
I will EAT the chocolate if I win (probably in a locked room all by myself)!!!! But, this mousse pie I am making for sure – I already bought the chocolate bars I want to use. 😀
Gabby says
If I win those chocolate bars I will definitely make chocolate pie 🙂
Nichole says
CHOCOLATEEEEE! If i were to win, I would totally eat some of it immediately in celebration! then i would probably make this pie, because it looks like the most delicious thing in the world right now. chocolate pie is always delicious anyhow. Or maybe I would throw chocolate from the roof tops ( although i would probably run out pretty fast).
PT says
I’d cook some voluminous steel cut oats, with the endangered species chocolate melted in, add cashew butter and pumpkin purée and top the whole thing with cacao nibs and goji berries!
Vanilla says
I’d just eat them plain. 😉
Clarissa says
I would use the endangered species bars to put straight in my belly :3 and then I would use the leftovers for some creative baking endeavors, oh yes!
Trish says
I would quite simply devour all that chocolate! Or I would make the pie above… I made it this week and added 1/4 tsp of peppermint extract. It was incredible!
Jessica says
If I win the chocolate I am going to make vegan s’mores. Lots and lots of crazy-flavored vegan s’mores. And probably some s’more rice krispy treats. And hot chocolate. Yes.
Robyn says
I’d love to win the endangered chocolate giveaway. If I won, I would use it in my emergency chocolate stash at work (I’m an elementary school teacher), just don’t tell my students!
LizAshlee says
I would make chocolate mousse!! 🙂
Nikki says
I would share with my family.
HealthFoodJunky says
Wow! Katie, you are awesome! I love all of your recipes! This giveaway is pretty incredible too. If I won, I would sample each bar and attempt to keep myself from devouring the entire package. But, my chocolate-lust would probably get the better of me and I’d end up with several empty wrappers on my lap in a matter of hours. 😀
Kelly L says
Just discovered your blog this past week through Pinterest.. your foodie pics are wonderful- I haven’t tried any of the recipes yet, but definitely will soon- everything looks and sounds so good!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thank you, Kelly!! I’m so glad you found me :).
Heidi says
I try to always have some bar of dark chocolate in my pantry.. or chocolate crunch rice cakes which I don’t feel quite so guilty about 😉
Katie says
Wow, I can’t wait to try this recipe out! It looks amazing!
Joy says
Those are the only chockoates I like
Shelley says
haha no problem, thank you for your support! Also, thank you for you amazing blog; it’s definitely the best food porn out there. Soon I will be home baking and blending away… 😀
Tessa says
I’d just eat it…and maybe share some with my husband, but mainly keep it for me! YUM!
Dandelion says
That looks.. .orgasmic… haha! ☺
Kara says
Hey Katie! I made this yesterday without crust and while it was very tasty, the shape didn’t hold to actually cut it like a pie. Do you have this problem? We basically had to scoop it out with a spoon to eat it! Also, I added peppermint extract and it was yummy!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
What tofu did you use? If you use silken, it will definitely be more like cream pie.
Also, I would love to know how much peppermint extract you used! I’ve been meaning to try that variation!
Kara says
I did use silken. The texture was def amazing, prob I need to have a crust if I want to eat like a pie? Literally scooping it our if the pie pan with a fork as we speak. So creamy! In terms of mint extract, a little goes a LONG way. I didnt really measure but probably used about 1/8 tsp. You can always put a little it, blend and taste the batter to see I’d you prefer more 🙂
Kara says
Yes, I did use silken. The texture was def amazing, prob I need to have a crust if I want to eat like a pie? Literally scooping it out of the pie pan with a fork as we speak. So creamy! In terms of mint extract, a little goes a LONG way. I didnt really measure but probably used about 1/8 tsp. You can always put a little in, blend and taste the batter to see If you prefer more 🙂
Janet says
Love your website, I have made a number of your recipes and I so appreciate that you include caloric information and substitutions for nonfat versions! Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I made this recipe with some alterations and it turned out FANTASTIC! I used extra firm tofu, and then froze it in a shallow dish. Once it was frozen, I topped it with some sea salt and cut it up into small squares. It is so good, like an extra creamy, extra chocolate ice cream bar! I took those to a party and they were a huge hit with the chocolate lovers! So I went home and made a batch just for me! Thank you for the awesome dessert, now I want to figure out a way to add some vegan caramel flavor… (make it a very special treat)
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Oh wow, Janet, that sounds SO good! If you ever figure out the caramel, you’d better let me know! I want some, too :).
Olivia says
Okay, I’m new to veganism and new to this blog (which I absolutely LOVE!), but aren’t those chocolate chips NOT vegan? I thought that they had milk fats and things that came from animals. Correct me if I’m wrong, but when I saw this I thought, “Hmmm, that’s not vegan.” Regardless, I’m still going to make it 🙂 It looks so yummy!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Actually, many brands of chocolate chips are vegan :). Usually I’ll buy whatever vegan brand is cheapest, including: Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet (the ones in the gold package), Enjoy Life, Whole Foods brand, Sunspire, some generic brands, Divvies, etc. Or, I sometimes even use Ghirardelli 100% baking discs or broken up chocolate bars (in different flavors), just for fun.
Brooke says
I just maid this pie and it wasnt very tasty. I had very high hopes for it from reading the comments 🙁 It had a strong tofu flavor. I even added chocolate sauce, peanut butter powder and malt powder and it was just tasting funky. I`ll stick to the deep dish cookie pie- that one never goes wrong!!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Brooke,
Are you sure you measured everything correctly? And did you use only 12oz tofu (as opposed to an entire 16oz block)? Also, what brand of tofu did you use? And did you melt the chocolate chips? It should NOT have any tofu aftertaste, even to people who hate tofu.
mag says
wow! my kid better grow out of his soy allergy pronto! so that i can make this. I’m drooling as i write.
Angela Spicer says
I made these today for our Thanksgiving tomorrow. I actually used a dark chocolate bar with chilis and baked mini pies by putting pie crusts in cupcake tins. I topped them with whipped cream. Woah! I had to try one tonight, and the texture is unbelievable! The chili spice is quite nice, too. Looking forward to baking more and more from your site!
Yvonne says
I made your pie for my Thanksgiving dessert along with my first vegan, non-soy pumpkin pie. And I could not stop eating the chocolate pie (the pumpkin pie is good too and everyone ate it up). My 16 year old son and I LOVE this pie. It is now our favorite. Thank you so much! I am grateful for you as this is the first Thanksgiving in about 5 years that I’ve had dessert!
Ana says
Katie, the 143 calorie count is with or without a crust?
Anyway, I made this today with milk chocolate and I was AMAZED! No one in my family likes tofu, but they all liked the pie! Thanks for posting this up!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I didn’t provide a crust recipe, so it’s for the filling alone.
Gina says
Just made this/ate it…very good:) (but i am also a tofu/healthy food fan.)
Diane says
What kind of crust is used for this recipe?
The crust looks delicious and I was expecting it to be part of the post.. So yummy!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
You can use any crust you want– homemade or store-bought. 🙂 I actually don’t have a good crust recipe; I never developed one. So this one is store-bought.
Diane says
Oh, thank you!
Chloe says
Tried this with my carob chips.. but I had fresh-out-of-the-fridge-tofu, so my tofu was cold.. and my carob chips were hot. so obviously, my carob chips seized… I think this probably works better with semisweet chocolate..
I did have some chocolate left in my bowl, and some tofu in the processor… I manually mixed it up and to my delight, this was damn delicious.
Becca R. says
Okay Katie, prepare yourself to read a super long post. I tell novels. Alright, so I’m a sophomore in college, and I eat really healthy but not vegan. So the idea of tofu in a pie was a bit strange (although, I think it would be strange even if I was vegan). I had a Bible small group tonight. We just finished a study book, so we had a little Christmas party. I decided to try this recipe. I started preparing last week (because I’m weird) and started looking for tofu. I bought a package of Nasayo-brand light tofu (firm). The rest of the ingredients I (or one of my roommates) had around the house. When I opened the container of tofu yesterday afternoon to begin making it, I got super nervous. It was sponge-y. Why was I about to make it into a pie? haha. Nevertheless, I continued. I melted the chocolate (I used choc. chips) and put it all in the blender. Oh, I used 3 (or 4?) splenda packages instead of agave. After it finally looked normal (no white tofu chunks), I tasted a little spoonful (“Hey, this might turn out good”). So I poured it into a pan, sprinkled a few choc. chips in the center, covered it, and put it in the fridge until 6:45 tonight. I took it to small group and people ate it. And they said they liked it. I ate it, and LOVED it. I thought I would be weirded out because I knew what was in it. haha. But it was yummmmmmmy. So, to wrap this story up, I would like to apologize for doubting you. 🙂 haha. And thank you, of course, for such a yummy recipe, and for being able to make me eat tofu. lol.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Awwww lol!! I am so glad it worked for you.
P.S. I love novel comments 🙂
Luxembourg says
This was a great deal for the price! My friend commented that it’s like having a bottomless supply of Hershey bars in a box. I would definitely recommend. It made an awesome birthday present!
Amy says
I just finished making this one for my Christmas at my inlaws house!! I can’t wait to see what they think!
Suzanne says
Tried this on the family for Christmas. No one could believe it was made of tofu. I made mine with semi-sweet chocolate chips, 3T of light Agave Nectar with an Oreo cookie crust. I have to say that next time I’ll put in less chocolate and use a graham cracker crust. It was actually too sweet for my family – weird, I know! 🙂
Over all, we loved it and will do it again.
Suzanne says
Just wanted to add – Please, when trying this on friends, make sure they are not allergic to soy.
Amal says
Do you have a crust recipe?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Sorry, I don’t… It’s on my to-do list :).
Abbi says
Katie, do you have e complete nutritional info for this, I am doing WW Points Plus and need fat, carbs, fiber and protein to calculate the points for each slice, thank you!
Ruwaida says
I made this recently and took it to a party and they ALL LOVED IT! They had no idea its “healthy” or whats in it, everyone took 2 servings of this at least! Thank you so much Katie <3<3
Clarissa Hobson says
Holy cow, this pie is so delicious! I’m with you on not liking crust, so I made mine crustless, and it tastes just like chocolate mousse – YUMMY! Thanks so much for always creating user-friendly, super tasty recipes!
Nikki says
Katie, after I made this I thought it had a rather disgusting consistency and I hated it as a pie. 🙁 So, instead, I added a few tablespoons of nondairy creamer and made it into a delicious, high-protein ‘vegan’ chocolate pudding! It’s so rich I can’t take more than a few bites . . . YUM.
simone g says about a vegan crust? Blend about 2 cups of macademia (or walnut or almonds) nuts with 1/2 cup of dates, and you got yourself a yummy crust! Just sprinkle the pan with dried coconut so it won’t stick!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Mmm that sounds delicious… and I don’t even like crust! I adore macadamia nuts, though! Thanks for sharing :).
Lauren says
Ohh, thank you for this recipe! I used to make a super simple chocolate peanut butter pie out of chocolate tofu, natural peanut butter and chocolate chips. I loved it and then…sob…Wegman’s stopped selling flavored tofu. Your recipe sounds great and I can’t wait to try it and modify it to make it chocolate and peanut butter…my favorite. :-). Keep up the yummy work Katie!
cucicucicoo says
i’m new to this blog and everything looks so good, but this…this looks amazing!!! a question though: do you have a recipe for pie crust? i did a search in the blog but couldn’t find one. sorry if you’ve already answered to someone else asking, but i can’t look through all 811 comments to see! 🙂 lisa
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Sorry, I don’t.
Kina says
I just made this after I made your recipe for homemade luna bars and oh my goodness. This pie is SO good!! I didn’t use a crust either because this is for my mom’s birthday tomorrow and she prefers low calorie food. I’m eating the remainder from the food processor right now… nom nom nom I just got some on my sleeve! Whoops 😛
Saranna @ The Singing Soybean says
Katie, this is DELICIOUS! I made it the other day (with hot chocolate crust) for some guests, and NOBODY could believe it was made from tofu! The leftovers in my fridge seem to get more and more yummy each day. I am so glad I found your blog! 🙂
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I am so glad they all liked it!!
Tamiko says
How would you make this without the tofu? What would you use as a sub and keep it dairy free? Love your website and creativity!
Claudie says
I have a question… I’m french and I’m not sure of somethings…
In 2 T nondairy milk, What is the T for and what is nondairy milk?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
tablespoons. Sorry for the confusion!
etoti says
This recipe worked for me! I used the firm but next time I’ll just go for the silken tofu as the pie was almost like fudge the next day…in that case it would make a good base for a layered dessert (chocolate pie +mousse+whipped cream). My co-worker liked and and said that she couldn’t really taste the tofu. I’ve made it twice and my advice is to use some good chocolate if you have it. It makes a difference.
Sophia says
My math puts the calories at around 245, crustless and without added sugar…
Kathryn says
Hey Katie!
While I love both soy milk and almond milk (I drink them all the time at school), at home when I have time to bake, I only have dairy milk. Will this make a difference?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I think you can use any milk and it’ll be fine.
Sarah :) says
Heya Katie 🙂
I want to try this recipe so badly! However, I come from Northern Ireland and we don’t have Tofu available to us, is there a possible different ingredient I could use in place of tofu? It will really help me a lot. The same problem would be for white beans or gazarbo beans.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
You could maybe try my raw chocolate fudge cake or strawberry truffle pie instead! 🙂
K says
Do you make the crust?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
You can use any crust. That particular one is store-bought.
Matt says
Hi Katie,
I came across this recipe on Pinterest….it looks awesome. I wanted to know – could I use real milk instead of the powdered stuff? I’m not much of a baker or a dessert guy, but I need to try this!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hi Matt,
LOL actually non-dairy milk just means whatever milk you wish to use (soy, rice, almond…) So yes, you can use anything. I’ve started to write “milk of choice” in my recipes because it was confusing a lot of people!
Matt says
Great thanks for the heads up. I thought it was that granulated garbage people put in coffee, but seemed out of character for your blog 🙂 We’re big fans of hemp milk at our house, and I recently got a box of almond/coconut milk that would probably go pretty well in this. Thanks again for the post, I’m looking forward to following future ones.
Rana says
I just made this pie using silken tofu and the texture rocks! I have made it with firm and it was good too, just more of a chew than mousse-like, just as you explained it would be. I used your Hot Chocolate cookies as a base / crust. I made a half batch of them and ensured it was well spread out in the pie tin, baked it at 350F for 8 minutes, cooled completely and poured in the filling, fridge to set. Could not get my coconut milk to whip for a vegan cool whip but did enjoy slightly sweetened coconut milk drizzled on it nonetheless. Perhaps I didn’t have enough fat in my coconut milk? This would be awesome with toasted coconut on top, a couple homemade chocolate chips on top, orange zest in the filling, a teaspoon of ground coffee in the filling, perhaps a chocolate dipped coffee bean on each slice. Thanks for the recipe and keep ’em comin’ Chocolate Covered Katie!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Yeah, coconut milk cans are annoying! You can never tell until you open it if the can will work or not!
aly says
I was just wondering..i found this site on pinterest but the nutrition for this pie isn’t what i calculated it to be. The chocolate chips i have say 70 calories per tbs which puts the calorie count for 1/8 of the recipie well over 200 ..i was just wondering how you got your numbers so low??
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Nope, the nutritional info is definitely correct! Use the first option (the chocolate bars) as opposed to the chips, because that’s how I calculated it. 🙂
Kendra Reader says
This recipe is AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for changing the way I look at dessert 🙂 You have helped my friend and I slim down while enjoying amazing treats, which my kiddos and my husband love as well.
Maria says
Ok i’m going to ask a really stupid question:) i’m confused about which ingredients are in the crust and what’s in the filling. it looks delicious and I LOVE your recipes! help please!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
It’s all the filling. You can use whatever crust you wish 🙂
Kacie says
Is the chocolate crust in your photos gluten free as well? If so, where do you buy it?
🙂 thanks!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Sorry, it’s not. It’s an oreo crust.
Alexa says
Hi Katie! This is the second recipe of yours I’ve made, and I love reading your blog posts!! It’s such a great vegan site and I’m also obsessed with chocolate and limited to the confines of my college kitchen/budget, so these are all great.
So I just made this, and the only question I have is…why melt the chocolate first? Once I put it into the blender with the cold ingredients, it immediately froze into a huge block! I think it actually made it harder to crush than the chips would have! Did I do something wrong? I’m wondering if there’s a way to fix that.
Otherwise, it was delicious!! Thanks so much for the recipes!!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I’m confused… how could it freeze if none of the ingredients were frozen? What made it cold enough to freeze? 😕
Alexa says
Ok maybe freeze is the wrong word, more like “solidified.” For example, if you melt chocolate and then pour milk into it, the chocolate doesn’t just mix in…the coldness from the milk solidifies the chocolate, and this is the same thing that happened to me since the tofu and milk were cold.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Hmmm I just don’t know what to tell you, since I’ve never had that problem :(. Perhaps try not-ice-cold milk and tofu?
I would recommend a food proecssor, though, if you have one. It works better than a blender for recipes like this (although a blender will work).
Brit says
Hi Katie!
I just made your Chocolate Bar Pie yesterday and it was so delicious! Thank you for all the great recipes- I will definitely be making more (very soon!) 🙂
Sarah says
So many comments on this post! I’ve been meaning to make this for a long time. Chocolate pie is amazing! So I made it for Easter along with a riff on your Key lime “cream”. The key lime didn’t work out too well. I had to freeze it for it to be a pie consistency like I wanted. But this chocolate recipe (followed) was great! I will make this 100x!!
Kara says
I made the Chocolate Bar Pie for Easter, and it quickly became my favorite new dessert! Yummy
Charla says
Hi Katie! I just made this chocolate pie (and it tastes AMAZING, by the way), but I’m a little confused by the calorie count. When I did the math, mine came to 305 per slice (205 without the crust). Should I have used unsweetened chocolate chips?
Cassadilla says
Hi Katie!
I’m a freshman in highschool, and I’m somewhat of a health food junkie! I’ve been a dancer for 12 years and so being healthy and in shape is very important to me.
Buuuuuut, I’m a teenage girl. I like dessert. A LOT.
I almost cried with joy when I found your blog! I’ve been baking like CRAZY. (Last night, I made your Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake, and it was gone in an hour! My dad and brother didn’t know what had hit them!)
I do have a concern though- I want SOOO badly to make this beautiful chocolate pie, but I’m soy free! 🙁 It’s come to my attention that soy isn’t exactly the best thing for you… Not saying you shouldn’t eat it, but many people react negatively to it, so I avoid it at all costs.
So my question is, is there a tofu substitute you recommend? I know tofu substitutes can be different depending on what you’re making, so how about having the substitutes on the side under each recipe? I’m sure lots of your readers would appreciate it!
Thanks so much! I LOVE this blog, and you! (Btw, I live in Dallas as well. That IS where you live, right? My mom sort of off handedly told me, hahaha!) 🙂
-Cassie <3
cck says
I do have another fudge cake that is completely free of soy and is just as good in its own right:
Sherlock says
This was ok. I’ve always had issues using tofu in pies….I can always taste it. This was no different. I had to add more chocolate to cover up the tofu flavor. In the end I could still taste it. My daughter and I ate it anyway but its definitely not a pie I would take to a gathering or make again.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
If you say it’s not a pie you’d take to a party, I can almost guarantee you did something wrong :(.
What tofu did you use and are you sure you only used 12.3 oz?
Sherlock says
I actually used 12 ounces. Which anyone would figure the more tofu used the more tofu flavor. It should have turned out just fine. I suppose it’s simply the brand of tofu. Some are more tofuy than others. Mori Nu is mild in flavor. I use Sprouts tofu.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Sprouts makes silken firm tofu (i.e. not the fridged kind)?
Sherlock says
No, I used the refrigerated kind.
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Try the mori nu!!! So completely different! 🙂
Sherlock says
OK cool. Will do 😉
Friday says
Does anyone have a good vegan sugar-free pie crust recipe? Preferably a chocolate one 😛 But a regular one would do. I’m thinking of doing either this recipe or the “mint-chocolate fudge pie”. Oh & I live in Sweden, so I can’t find alot of specific american brands & such, so I’d probably need a recipe that has only like regular non-brand ingredients that you could find in a grocerie store almost anywhere. And once again: vegan, sugar-free, preferably chocolate, pie crust. I need to make it tomorrow, so fast replies would be helpful :3 Thanks.
Btw Katie, I tried your original fudge pie once. I COMPLETELY fucked up the recipe lmao but it still turned out pretty good. 🙂
Anonymous says
I don’t… but apparently the commenter directly below you has one! Good timing, maybe?
Friday says
Kendra Reader says
Katie, this is pure genius! I found a raw coconut pie crust recipe that I used with your filling, and it was just sensational. I just posted the crust recipe on my blog, if you are interested. I know you don’t like crust, but, as I noted in my blog, this crust tastes like what would happen if Larabars and crust had a baby! Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations.
cck says
It looks delicious! And lol the person right above you asked for a pie crust recipe, so I told her about yours :).
Kristin says
Can you make this substituting something instead of the tofu?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I have another fudge cake that is completely free of soy and is just as good in its own right:
Jessica says
CCK! WE LOVE YOU!! I have made this recipe 3 times in the past week!! Everyone has LOVED it!! Keep the delicious recipes coming!!!
courtney says
i’ve made this so many times and it’s awesome! my boyfriend loved it, my roommate and his son loved it and no one suspects tofu or can believe the ingredients! i made it with a gluten-free crust a couple days ago for a few friends at work and everyone ended up trying a piece and loving it! i left with an empty pie plate!
Juliana says
My mom absolutely LOVES all things chocolate. I might have to make this for her and *accidentally* forget to mention that I added tofu. 😉
Stephanie W says
So I know this recipe has been up here for a while, but I just got around to making it…I can ‘t believe I waited so long–absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for your recipes, it has helped me realize I can still be healthy AND get my serious chocolate fix!
tess says
I tricked my dinner guests with this recipe! I made a crust using your fudge babies recipe but used hazlenuts. It was like a ferrero rocher pie!
Rae Howard says
Loved this Katie…..I so appreciate your blog and this pie is wonderful. I used stevia with special dark bars and it was divine. Hugs <3
Claire says
So I finally found MoriNu firm silken tofu yesterday in the Czech grocery store and I was overjoyed!!! You should’ve heard my ecstatic cry of joy to my mom when I saw it in the foreign foods section. I came home and made this right away, and it made the world of a difference using MoriNu as opposed to the organic stuff we buy in plastic packaging. Thank you for this recipe! It’s sooooo good as made by your exact instructions. 🙂
Raney says
Made this pie last night…holy cow! I was very skeptical about the tofu, but I shouldn’t have feared- it’s wonderful!
Natalie says
I know it’s unrelated but Katie, have you considered having a youtube channel? Have a short 15 minute or even less of you putting things together with closeups on your food – so peeps (like me) have a better grasp on things like consistency and so on and so forth.
I know its probably too much work for you – however it seems like a natural course of things 🙂 With you getting your cookbook going soon and what not. I (one for loving having my fav recipes written down) already have a little box with bunch of cards with your recipes on them. Can’t wait for the book.
CCK says
Aw thanks. 🙂 I just need more hours in the day.
Moe Purple says
Hey I was wondering if there is any way to make this a peanut butter pie? My sister LOVES PB pies and I’d like to make one for her. Thanks. (:
CCK says
Sure! Just add some peanut butter. Sounds like a great idea to me!!
Open Bar says
I made this 2 days ago. It is gone. My husband, who is coming around slowly to being a vegan, really like this, with the coconut whipped cream. If it weren’t for him, there’s no way it would have lasted 2 days, I gotta admit!
Catherine says
I made this after having a chocolate avocado raw one last night from a restaurant, and this was ten times better. It’s definitely the best dessert I’ve ever made/eaten. Thank you so much for making this recipe, it’s unbelievable.
Ingrid says
This is sooooo yummy, and let me just say that I’m NOT a mousse fan!!
Amy says
Hi Katie! This pie is FANTASTIC!!!!!!! This is my and my family’s first ever time using tofu and I am so happy we did!!!!!! We aren’t vegans (yet!) but I came across your website a while back and this pie looked so delicious! We all just had a slice and I will be making this quite a bit! We actually have been slowly and gradually “weaning” ourselves off of animal products, or ay least trying not to eat so much of them. I love that we can have these wonderful desserts and still know that we are eating something healthy without sacrficing a thing! We have already tried you chocolate chip cookie pie with white beans and that was yummy too! We thought that if we gave beans a try in a dessert and loved it than tofu would be fun to try too! Thanks again, Katie! Next to try for me id you mint chocolate cupcakes! YUM!!!!!!!!!
CCK says
Aw so glad you liked it! Hope the cupcakes turn out well!
Alexa says
WOO I’m officially a convert!! I made this at school and it came out so weird, but I just made it at home and it was amazing!!
I think it was because at school I just used a crappy blender but at home I used a nice food processor, and did everything BUT the melted choc chips and then added in the chocolate as it was blending. Everyone who has tried it loves it and I can’t believe how much different it came out the second time!! I just used regular “silken” tofu from whole foods (not the special brand that Katie uses that I can’t seem to find).
Ceri says
This was AMAZEBALLS!! I didn’t have time to make a crust, but served it with berries and your coconut cool whip. I must confess tho, I misread the recipe and used LESS chocolate than you said. *gasp* This will be rectified next time I make it haha!
Allie says
I just made this using bluberry-almond dark chocolate and it’s SO good! New favorite recipe!
New Chocolate Covered Katie fan!!! says
This is insanely delicious. I made it with your 30 second pie crust and it is AMAZING!!!
Sarah says
Hey, I just made this, and it is crazy, I can’t stop eating it, so thank you Katie! 🙂
Rose says
I absolutely love your blog! I was wondering if you could create a healthy version of the Hershey’s Sunday Pie from Burger King? It looks very similar to this pie, but I was wondering if there was a way to make it without tofu?
Kristen says
Looks great! Do you know how much to measure out if I have a 14oz package of tofu?
Cary says
a little cocoa, but (and please don’t send me away) but I prefer caramel or cinnamon.
Nora says
This pie is spectacular!!! I’ve made it 4 times in the past month!! The only change I made was the addition of about 1/2 cup of shredded coconut. Yum!!!
Lisa Spagnuolo says
Hi Katie,
My daughter and I love to cook and bake together (she is 29) but, unfortunately she is in Ottawa, Ontario and I am stuck in Paris, Ontario…. (which has won the distinction of “the prettiest town in Canada). I miss our home schooling baking days but I’m ever glad to have the memories of having shared them with my darling daughter!
You wanted some feedback on if you should cover breakfasts next after having just excelled in the dessert arena.
Well, I just wanted to share that if you go into the breakfast zone that you try to make some of the recipes as sweet as your desserts were.
I love ingredients like honey, maple syrup, cardamon, nutmeg, cinnamon, Chinese Five Spice and coconut milk, etc. etc. etc.
I love things like the Dutch Puff for breakfast when served with family and friends.
My daughter has married a lovely man from Afghanistan and he cooks like a dream.
As they say, when in Rome do as the Romans do….. Well, after having enjoyed over 30 years of Southern Italy Cuisine with my cute hubby Tony, I now have the fun treat of eating with my daughter and her Afghan husband… learning to eat scrumptious food with my fingers like the rice that my son in law makes with delectable, fragrant fresh milled spices and dried orange peel.
Well I hope that I have inspired you to regale the breakfast crowd with your scrumptious cuisine. Have fun and keep enjoying the life that God gave to you.
Yours Most Sincerely, Lisa Spagnuolo
P.S… I found your site when checking into info on Lupini Beans….. small world, eh?
Feel free to email me back.
Kimberly says
This is the second recipe I’ve tried and it’s sitting in the fridge right now waiting to cool and firm (though I thought it was pretty firm going in. My 3-year-old and my 21-month-old are currently circling their daddy like vultures waiting to scoop up any out of the food processor bowl that he is willing to offer them. My husband and I are discussing whether or not we should go through all the different flavors of chocolate and try them all as this pie so it’s definitely a hit.
Also I noticed that there isn’t any information in your FAQ about your upcoming cookbook and I didn’t really want to scroll back through all your entries to try to find it. Do you know when it is coming out? Will it be available though all the big stores or at the very least Amazon? Any other information?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
No set release date yet… it’ll be awhile. But yes, it will be in stores and I’ll definitely update when I know more info!
Ratih says
I have been looking for easy, healthy desserts recipes. I came across this recipe from food gawker. A bit skeptical about the tofu. I keep remembering the scene from Two Weeks Notice when Hugh Grant character commented that there is something amuck with the cheesecake he was eating. It has tofu in it..but I digress. So, I gave this recipe a shot. I made a pie crust using oatmeal, flour and canola oil. It turns out to be really good!!! I am surprised! I love sweets, I really do. I can do without potato chips, or bread or butter…but I can’t live without sweets. I am happy to say that I found peace with my sweet tooth. This recipe satisfies my sweet tooth without it being totally bad for me. I’m happy. Thank you for sharing this recipe!
gina says
I just made this chocolate pie and it is currently in the fridge firming up. This is my first ever tofu dessert and so far I cannot wait for it to be ready!! My 3 year old is currently licking the spoon and cannot tell the difference at all 🙂 I made it with graham cracker crust.
Have you ever tried freezing this filling to see if it would make good chocolate ice cream?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I haven’t… if you try it, please let me know how it works! I’d think you’d need to put it in an ice cream maker for best consistency.
Michelle says
what’s the difference between this recipe and the ultimate chocolate fudge pie?
Sage says
I made this tonight. OMG it was so goooooooooddddd!!!! I cannot believe how delicious. I need to figure out a way to make this banana cream pie cause that’s my favorite. I also added some pb2 so good!
Stefanie says
Hi Katie! LOVE your site and all the delicious recipes! Just made this pie and it’s DELICIOUS but am wondering what’s the difference between this recipe and the Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie recipe?? I can’t see a difference? Thanks! Love sharing your site with friends! 🙂
S says
Is it possible to alter this to make a tofu-less version? (I try to stay away from soy)
Heather says
Hi Katie! I recently discovered your blog through a friend’s Facebook post. I just tried this recipe tonight, and it is FABULOUS! Since I’m a French teacher, I marketed it to my family as “pots de crème” (I spooned it into little jars.) Tastes just as good as the “real thing” and way easier to make! I look forward to experimenting with more of your healthy recipes. Thank you and keep up the great work that you do.
Leslie says
Hi Katie,
Do you drain your tofu when making this pie or is the liquid necessary for the mousse?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
I use Mori-Nu, so no need to drain. But if you use a different type, yes you should drain it.
stella says
If you don’t like pie crust, you should try making one out of crushed chocolate cookies!
Cindy says
Do you prefer silken or firm tofu for this pie?
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Don’t make me choose! 😉
But no matter what, I recommend Mori-Nu above all else, as people say other brands can sometimes have an aftertaste.
Cindy says
Thanks:) I’ll experiment…it will give me a chance to make it more than once:)
Dana says
I LOVE this recipe! I had a hard time not eating it all our of a bowl before it firmed up. I can’t wait to try it with the Dagoba cocoa powder with the chili nibs in it….. mmmmm 🙂
Emilia says
I LOVE this pie! I made it tonight for my dad and myself. I couldn’t taste the tofu at all. Then I gave a piece to my dad, didn’t tell him what it had in it, then asked him if he could guess the secret ingredient. Nope! When I told him he was really surprised but wants me to keep making it! Guess I will! 🙂
Anonymous says
I would like to cover you in chocolate
Tamzen says
Made this twice now, first time without a base and again tonight with an oreo base for hardcore carnivores who nommed it and trust me if they didn’t complain (even enjoyed it) then it must be good because they are some serious if its not meat and three veg it tastes like a hippy’s armpit kinda people. I bow to you, Katie, you are a chocolate-covered goddess.
Rachel says
Hi Katie!
I have a soy and dairy allergy; what would be a good substitute for the soy?
Becca says
Tala says
Hey Katie! First off, you saved me. I never thought I could eat delicious stuff while still staying clean. But there’s just a question, you say for each tbsp of agave is 7 calories, but I heard that there are 20-60 in a tbsp. hmm. Haha anyways thanks!
Amanda says
Ohmygod, this sounds AMAAAAZING.
nicole says
Does it change the flavor a lot if you use maple syrup instead of agave?
Also – would you consider Kitchenaid to be a “high-powered” blender when you’re talking about ice creams? (You said that with a Vitamix, you basically can make the ice cream sans ice cream maker – and with other high-powered blenders) does that apply to Kitchenaids do you think?
Sadie says
Just wanted to say I LOVE your recipes! I’ve made several, but this is my favorite. We don’t make it into a pie, we put it in bowls topped with a little whipped cream, and we call it mousse. My hubby…who loves dessert, but isn’t a fan of “healthy” desserts…requests this on a regular basis. My 3 little kids enjoy it, and I like knowing they are getting some healthy protein with their treat.
Jane says
This recipe sounds yummy. I’ve got my own raw chocolate company, Sweet Revolution, so will be trying it in this pie!
Mariah says
yummers! is there any way to substitute the tofu?
Kathie says
I’m not vegan so I never have tofu in my pantry. And I doubt VERY much that our small town grocer carries it! Is there a substitute I could use for the tofu? I’m thinking not, but I have to ask. I used it about 3 decades ago (I’m not kidding about that time frame) but my family complained so I discontinued using it. We had a rule that when I tried something new for dinner, we’d take a vote as to whether or not it was a “make again”. I lost. Maybe I’ll try googling to see what I come up with for an answer.
Jessica says
your grocery store must have it try looking in the store directory on your phone.
tammy says
made this today as well, my son really didn’t like it, but me and my helper loved its, very dark chocolaty and it was wonderful
Luci says
Hi katie, recently have become a huge fan of your site!! For this recipe, can i use an alternative to soy? Maybe soaked cashews and water??
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Maybe try this one instead?
TEA4TEE says
I added banana to mine and it was gr8.
Barbara Gabbe-Harris says
ah! I found a way to contact you ….Katie, I LOVE your recipes! wonder if it is possible for you to have a “printer friendly” version of the recipes …I manage to copy & paste but it would be much easier if I could print them directly. also, I notice there a few recipes you have that you microwave ..I don’t use the you think you could put an alternive method for baking too. I would like to commend on your beautiful photography and also that you include “Nutrition” information & even WW points! You certainly do a terrific job and the results are fabulous!! Thank you for all you do. Barbara in Florida
Unofficial CCK Helper says
To print, you can highlight the recipe itself, right click and hit copy, then open a new Word document, right click paste, and then you can name & save the recipe in a CCK folder for future reference, as I’ve done.
Also, Katie usually lists an alternative to microwaves in the recipes that call for them, in the instruction part 🙂
Charlotte says
Hello Katie! Your blog is great, I’ve tried out quite a few of your recipes by now and they are luscious! (My family- who isn’t vegan- loved the raspberry vanilla coffee cake and the deep dish pies). I made this pie for the first time and it was a killer!! My filling was heavy and creamy, which was lovely, but how do you achieve the mousse-like texture? I used silken tofu and roughly 250g chocolate, perhaps it was too much?
Still, whichever way, genius recipe 🙂
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Be sure to melt the chocolate so it is smooth BEFORE blending with the other ingredients. Then it should be smooth and mousse-like. Just blend until a mousse consistency is achieved.
Vanessa says
Think recipe doesn’t say how to make the oreo crust. I assume that’s what the brown/black crust is. Can you explain that further.
Thank you
Chocolate Covered Katie says
It is storebought.
Hannah says
Hi. The pie looks scrumptious! I’m a chocoholic who can’t eat soy/tofu. what can I substitute that is FODMAP free?
Laura says
Hi Katie! Found your blog about a week ago and so glad I came across it! Quick question…how long do you think this keeps in the fridge? I just made a batch tonight, and I was surprised at how much it made (yay!). So I’m just wondering how much time I have to devour it 🙂 Thank you!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
4-5 days should be good!
Carrie Nelson says
Have you tried the Lilly’s chocolate chips yet? Sweetened with stevia, gmo free, fair trade, and yummy.
Raneem Tarfa says
I was hoping there was a way to make healthy pies without tofu :c ….
Raneem Tarfa says
I love your recipes though!
Mishal F.Khalid says
That looks sensational. I hope I can re-create it somehow!
Crystal Peterson says
I am OBSESSED with your blog! I’m so happy to have stumbled upon it. I will be featuring this chocolate pie on Tofurkey Day!
Karen says
Do you have a chocolate pie that is soy and nut free??
Amanda says
I love this recipe! For thanksgiving, I made it with cranberries mixed into the pie, and it was delicious. Thank you for all your amazing ideas.
Megan says
I love this pie 🙂 but I live on my own so I am the only one eating it. How long will it keep in the fridge?
Gavi says
Hi Katie! I have a few questions about this recipe.
1) It seems like this recipe only makes about 3 cups of filling… is that right, or does it sort of puff up as you blend?
2) Does it work to put it in a springform pan with firm tofu but added sweetener?
3) What size springform pan do you use?
4) Have you ever tried this with regular tofu (not Mori-Nu, which is far more processed)? Does it have an aftertaste that way?
Megan says
Made this with the vegan chocolate cupcakes….holy chocolate heaven. seriously, I’ve tried a LOT of recipes from this website, this one takes the cake? pie? anyways, its the BEST. I used 72% cacao chocolate chips.
fliss says
I made one of your pies for a family bbq last week. I did half strawberry (just threw some strawberries in the blender with the tofu) and half chocolate and nobody even.guessed that it was tofu! They all thought it was a cheesecake (my dad’s favourite). Even my husband liked it and that’s saying something!! Xx keep posting these wonderful recipes please xx
Beth says
The most delicious choc. mousse pie I’ve ever had. Couldn’t keep my family away.
Carla says
Yummy! Made this and for the milk I used chocolate almond milk. I got the crust recipe from Girl Gone Country: Oat Almond Meal Pie Crust! Great combo!
Jedi13 says
Brb, making a machine to convert the universe into these.
Fatema says
well i was wondering what can i substitute the tofu for, bc we dont have tofu here (weirdly enough), and i wouldnt mind it being not-vegetarian
Thank you x
robinhod says
I COMPLETELY messed up the recipe lmao but it still turned out pretty good. 🙂
Jessica says
LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipie best ever!
Meghan says
Pure chocolate deliciousness. Love this recipe.
Allison says
Mmm this looks delicious! I was looking for a good dessert to make for a party this weekend, and this just might be the winner. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Christine @ Run Plant Based says
Love this recipe and that I have all the ingredients for it! Thanks and can’t wait to try it!
Bianca Phillips says
Nice!! That looks delicious, Katie!! I love a good tofu silk pie recipe.
Izzy Bruning says
This looks amazing!
Totally in love with your blog. x
Izzy |
Autumn says
This is a regular in our house! (Though it doesn’t always make it into the pie crust:)
Karen says
I feel the new version of this recipe is very misleading. You have a photo of a chocolate crust, but the recipe does NOT include it.
Rumpy says
OK I made this with extra firm tofu, because that’s what i had on hand. I don’t recommend it, but it still makes a mighty damn good pie. Another hit, Katie!
Sarah says
This looks amazing and low in calories too! Who could ask for more? Thanks very much for sharing.
Gabi Marquez says
Perfect recipe, looks like it was made for me, I have to do it urgently, I was looking for something like that, thank you very much for the recipe.
estela says
Thank you sooo much for your recipes, I want to hug you too!! What recipe did you use for the crust?
Reemaz says
Katie, I’ve been following your blog for a long time but I don’t know why I’ve never tried this pie until now.
I am seriously in LOVE!!
halved the recipe, used Clearspring organic silken and smooth tofu and refrigerated for two hours. I used a chocolate-almond crust because I was skeptical it would turn out like the one in your pictures but the texture was definitely not like mousse but rather PERFECT silky fudge! so crust-free next time! 😀
Thank you for this awesome recipe!
Olga says
Can you please share the recipe for the crust as well? Thank you!
Paget says
I’ve made this pie too many times to count over the years, and it always turns out amazing, but I just made it for an hors d’oeuvre and dessert party over the weekend and THREE people have already called me asking for the recipe! I pointed them to this page, of course, and I can only hope they’ll become just as addicted to all your delicious recipes as I am.
Linda garland says
Just made ultimate fudge pie for the 1st time! What a wonderful surprise, with the tofu. Will it stay for a few days in the frig, if there is anything left over next time?
Rhonda says
DELISH! I made this using unsweetened chocolate chips (Pascha brand), added 3/4 cup of Swerve and a little more almond milk and it’s outstanding! Super easy to make and so rich and delish.
Ashley says
Delicious recipe – turned out great! I am curious about your nutrition facts though. I plugged the recipe into a calorie calculator and got very different numbers back than those displayed on your website. When I played around with the calculator, one slice varied from 311 calories – 450 calories per slice. Not even close to 140! Would you be able to break down how you got 140 calories per slice? Thanks!
Jason Sanford says
Are you using a crust? That’s the only way I could get it to be so high
Cynthia says
Hi, can I use white chocolate for this recipe? What should I use to replace cocoa powder? Thanks!
Kat says
I made a chocolate icebox cake using this recipe as the filling. I lined a 8×8 pan with plastic wrap, then put down a layer of graham crackers, a thin layer of the pie filling then alternated until everything is used up. Finished with a layer of whipped topping (the healthier stuff, of course :P) then dusted with some graham crackers crumbs 🙂
CCK Media Team says
That sounds absolutely amazing!
Caroline Thompson says
Hi there!
Could I sub all cocoa powder instead of the chocolate?
What total amount would you recommend?