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Piña Colada Muffin for One

That’s it! I’ve had it!

If the temperature drops one more degree, I am moving to Hawaii!

Lately, it’s been so cold, my mind spends a lot of time in Hawaii. Warm beaches, hula skirts, eating so much pineapple you get sick

vegan coconut cupcake

And Hawaiian Single Lady Cupcakes.

Topped with coconut butter, of course.

vegan coconut cupcake 2

Yesterday, I made a special muffin for my favorite piña-colada-loving lady. (I didn’t join her for this one. As much as I love coconut, I’m strangely not overly-enthusiastic about the coconut-pineapple combination. Go figure.)

Vegan Piña Colada Muffin
(makes a single muffin/cupcake)

  • 3T flour (30g) (I used spelt flour)
  • heaping 1/16th tsp salt
  • 1T virgin coconut oil
  • 1T plus 1 tsp pineapple juice’
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1 T chopped pineapple
  • Sweetener (I hate giving specific amounts, since tastebuds are so different. For normal tastebuds, 1 to 1 and 1/2 T of sugar should be about right. If you use liquid sweetener, cut back a tiny bit on the other liquid. You can also use stevia.)
  • Toppings of choice, such as Artisana coconut butter and shredded coconut

Directions: Preheat the oven to 330 degrees. Mix the ingredients and pour into an oiled (or sprayed) muffin pan. Smooth top of batter. Cook for 12-15ish minutes. (Or, you can use Heather’s microwave version.)



Question of the Day:

Is it cold where you are?

If not, can I move in with you? I promise you won’t even notice I’m there… although you *might* notice all your chocolate mysteriously disappears!
P.S. Above is a scrapbook page I made of last year’s post.

Published on January 13, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Ashley@Quasichick says

    That cupcake looks fabulous! I can’t wait to try it. Right now King Cake is abundant b/c we are in Mardis Gras season. I am so sick of the cold too, I am ready for warm weather so I can be outside for longer then the time it takes for me to run to and from my car.

  2. Claire says

    Pina colada muffin, good idea Katie!
    It’s pretty cool for summer in Aus this year, we’ve been getting 18-34 and humidity so far (Celcius not Fahrenheit that is :P) normally it’s 30-45 degrees and no humidity. If you fancy a change my door’s always open 😀
    P.S love the scrapbook page.

  3. Amy at TheSceneFromMe says

    Yes K, it is freezing and snowy where I live too in the midwest! I am dreaming of spring flowers, bulbs blooming, sunshine and warmth! I need an adult “spring break!” And you said about being in Hawaii, eating too much pineapple that you get sick. Well I actually did that. I was at the pool, husband went to the store and came back with a pineapple, top chopped off and a spoon. I ate the whole thing!

    I love that you scrapbook. It’s a hobby of mine too. Here’s the scrapbook I made recently of my two sharpei puppies Journey and Ripley:

  4. jaclyn@todayslady says

    I absolutely love coconut muffins!!! I’m definitely a fan of pineapple in baked goods. Especially carrot muffins.

    It was cold here in Vancouver BC last week but this week we had a big snow fall, followed by lots and lots of rain-all at an ok temperature. I think I’d rather it be cold and dry….. Ideally I’d like it to be warm and sunny 🙂

  5. Heather says

    These look beautiful Katie! I love the way muffins/cupcakes look with shredded coconut topping! Ugh, it is so cold (and wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiindy) here in Tennessee! I really need to move closer to the Equator! I’m not built for cold weather!

  6. ruth says

    move in with us! i’m at the place where it’s ‘sunny everyday’. but last night it rained like crazy. and it’s just january. but i promise to buy whole jackfruits while you’re here, so you can make a jackfruit version of the single lady cupcakes. except i’ll bug you to make it for two single ladies. =D

  7. DessertForTwo says

    OhMG you need to check out my website! I do desserts for two! Small servings, no tempting leftovers!

    Ok, normally, I don’t plug myself like that, but I can see you’re in love with small sweets. We should talk 🙂

  8. Hawai'i Leah says

    I actually DO live in Hawaii… so it is about 82 degrees right now and the sun is shining. I absolutely love it here and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else! (not to rub it in) But know that you have a chocolate covered fan in Oahu!

  9. Trajayjay says

    Gawd, it’s pretty anneuilling where I live. We get summers up to the 100’s but in the same year we get below 20. It’s like you gotta take of your winter coat and put on your flip flops. I always never liked hot hot, because you can strip naked and still be hot. At least with cold, you can put stuff on, vibrate, and put on an extra winter layer of fat.

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