But first: Thank You!
Truly, heartfelt thanks for your sweet comments on my photo yesterday.
Your compliments mean so much to me. No, not because I’m vain; because I’m self-conscious! It’s terrifying, posting photos of myself on the blog! I’m guessing a lot of y’all probably feel the same way.
And now, big news for pizzerts: Some of y’all have found that your Breakfast Pizzerts, if made the fat-free way, tend to experience separation anxiety when you remove them from the pan. In other words, they stick (or crumble).
This is especially true with the Gluten-Free Pizzert.
Luckily, I found a remedy for this issue: instead of cooking the pizzert in a cake pan, roll the mixture out onto a cookie sheet (lightly sprayed or coated with oil). Separation anxiety cured!
Using this new method, I made the above pizzert cake for the little sister of a friend. It’s a spelt-and-coconut-flour pizzert half, stacked to look like a cake.
For the icing, I used my incredible Fudge Frosting.
I’d planned on adding sliced strawberries, but the cutie-pie customer insisted: “Spwinkles! Spwinkles!” And since the customer is always right, spwinkles it was. Hey, it’s still healthier than a Dairy Queen blizzard, one of my snacks-of-choice, growing up. (And I turned out ok!)
In-your-face pizzert with the Coconut Fudge Frosting.
Rule of thirds? What’s that?
Did you mispronounce any words when you were little?
I think it’s so cute how my friend’s sister says “spwinkles.” When I was little, I’d tell you my favorite color was “tur-toise” and my favorite food was “brocci.” And my sister would tell you my name was Tatie. We’d have her practice the K sound, but she’d just go like this: K-K-K…Tatie.
BroccoliHut says
Haha, my family also has a few funny mispronunciations that live on today. I always said that I wanted “danilla” ice cream, and my sister often talked about packing her own “hootcase.” Those are regular parts of our vocabulary to this day!
Moni'sMeals says
oh yummm. 🙂 Gotta have the blue sprinkles!
änne says
the cake looks sooo good,it’s amazing how effortlessly a “simple” pizzert can be transformed into a dessert that makes childrens eyes pop out 🙂 I have to keep that in mind when I’m babysitting again…
As for mispronounciations,I don’t remember certain words,but I had a time then I switched parts of a word,so instead of “sidewalk” I’d have said “walkside”…and until today I tend to talk very very VERY fast when I’m excited,leaving out entire words…and believe me,it does not depend on the language I use 😀
Nicole @ Of Cookies and Carrots says
Katie your photography looks absolutely beautiful! 🙂 and that is such a cute, and delicious looking cake!
when i get home for break i am most definitely making me a pizzert 😉
kate@ahealthypassion says
I’ve GOT to make some of these pizzerts I have been seeing them just about everywhere and they look DELISH!
Heather @ kissmybroccoli says
Aww, I love the blue spwinkles! The only sprinkles I have right now are Christmas colors… 😕
I could not for the life of me pronounce the word “film” when I was little…it always came out “phlegm” Bahahaha!
Charissa says
Amazing recipe….I’m in love.
I used to say am’nt. A lot…code for “I’m not”. My family would say, “You’re saying ‘am’nt’!” I would reply with a frown. “No, I am’nt.” Haha…
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Aww hehe so cute! And economical too… why waste breath on more syllables, right? 😉
shannonmarie says
Those photos are beautiful. I love how the sprinkles match the blue ribbons in the background. Nice use of space. The subject looks quite delicious, too.
Katie says
I’m going to make this tonight!! I was always called “Teegy” (for Katie) by my little sister. I guess K’s were tough for all little kids :-p
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
LOL our sisters would’ve been great friends! Poor us, right? 😉
Kim says
I used to say “Bref-kest” instead of “breakfast.” My parents thought that it was cute, so they didn’t even mention it to me until I was about 9 years old. By that point it was kind of hard to stop.
gisel says
hey whats the reciepe for the dessert pizza the one with the blue sprinkles i cant get it on the page ?? looks so awesome !
Maggie says
The more I look at the word “pizzert” the more it sounds like “pervert”… which also rhymes with “dessert” …If that makes me a dessert pervert, I’m not sure what that means exactly, but I’ll deal with it.