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Special Chocolate Dessert…

Hi Chocolate Cream Pies!

Happy Saturday to y’all. I’m so excited it’s finally getting warmer. Went running in shorts today! I’m taking advantage of the perfect 60-degree running weather while I can… because soon enough, it’ll be too hot. Luckily, I created a weapon for the inevitable blazing temperatures:

hot cocoa

Care to venture a guess as to what it is?


Published on March 19, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Thomi says

    I can’t wait to try the frozen hot chocolate =] and I also would still really love some Jocalat bars since we don’t have them where I live

  2. Ashley says

    I LOVE you soo much! I love how you put a healthy spin on everything and its VEGAN! Seriously, your the best out there! I would love some jocalot larabars:)

  3. Kali_Carys says

    can’t resist an offer like this. also that chocolate dessert looks incredible! i love the extra touch of presentation You put into the deliciousness You post.

  4. Gina says

    I’d love to try that flavor before they discontinue it 🙁

    I was in love with yesterday’s weather! So excited Spring is finally here 🙂

  5. Laura @ Meet Virginia says

    Katie! I would definitely “like” you on Facebook, but I don’t have it! I follow you on Twitter though, and I can’t wait for that recipe! I definitely understand what you mean about the perfect running temps – the window is so short! It’s either too cold or too hot – gotta get out there while its juussst right! 🙂

  6. Mariah says

    Ahh Yums I love Larabars!!!!
    On a different note I made your cookie dough boatmeal this morning and I think my heart may have skipped a few beats it was soooooooo Delish thanks for sharing the recipe:)

  7. Disturbed says

    I definitely already have liked your FB page 🙂
    I really am hoping to get these things and try them for the first time (*gasp* I know).

    O, and be watching for my name change. I am working on my new blog as we speak-for my vegan cupcake and cookie baking 🙂 and other sweets 🙂

  8. Michele says

    Katie, you’ve been such an inspiration! I’ve used a ton of your tips about not being the “one with the weird diet,” including bringing food everyone can eat. I got a bunch of good ol’ Southern boys to fall in love with a spinach-artichoke dip before telling them it had tofu (not sour cream or cream cheese) in it 🙂

  9. Karine says


    Can I enter your Jocalat Larabars contest if I don’t live in the U.S. ? (But Switzerland?)

    By the was, I’m looking forward to discovering the new recipes! 😀


  10. Alexandra says

    Ok, I’ve loved you forever and just “liked” your Facebook page so love me forever back, ok? I’ve actually been reading your blog for well over but never commented (maybe once). I say time for me to delurk. You’re really quite an amazing creative young woman and I love receiving my daily email from CCK!

    Oh, I almost forgot, you’re actually the one that introduced me to Larabars! For that, I love you and curse at the same time because I buy them in bulk as if a great Larabar shortage was approaching. Poor wallet of mine. I have yet to try the Jocolat though so crossing my fingers I’ll be the lucky winner.

    Can’t wait to see what’s in that delicious Special Choco Dessert!

  11. Michelle says

    I have just found your site recently and as a vegan chocoholic it is heaven. This tower of deliciousness looks amazing, can’t wait to try it! I’m busting to try those Jocalat bars (for free if I’m very very lucky perhaps), they look delicious!

  12. Hayley says

    I would like you on facebook if I used facebook 🙂
    I love the cake batter ideas- there is something about sprinkles that makes me so happy.

  13. Raven says

    That dessert looks amazing!

    I would love to try those larabars too. Cherry and chocolate is an amazing combination.

  14. Sarah says

    I would love Jocalat bars…and running in shorts! Here the weather is so awful I had to do my long run on the treadmill and I almost died of bordeom!

  15. Sünne says

    Frozen hot chocolate? You’re a genius! I only wish I could get almond milk (I think it’s your “milk” of choice, isn’t it?) for trying all of your recipes.

    I’m sooooo hoping I’ll win the Jocolat bars – Germany sucks at vegan bars (well, about 95 % of them seem to at least have honey if not dairy).

  16. Pam says

    I too am looking forward to making a spring transition to my diet. I am craving ice cream and chocolat. My fav at the moment is make chocolate pudding mixed with canned pumpkin and vanilla soy milk. Enjoy your First day of Spring Saturday:)

  17. Arielle says

    Looks amazing! I am loving our weather here in Germany, it’s not hot and it’s windy, but it’s very sunny 😀

  18. Emily says

    I wanted to let you know that your blog has inspired me to venture into trying out my own blog AND to play more in the kitchen. I used to be such a recipe nut but you make food fun and creative as well as tasty.

  19. Sara says

    I loove chocolate and I love larabars! I really want to try out your method of warming up the jocalat bar in the microwave. I’ve done it with brownie cliff bars and it’s amazing so i can only imagine what a jocalat bar would taste like…

  20. Michelle says

    Yummm cake batter pizza sounds delicious.

    Have you ever tried making your own larabars? I’ve been reading about a lot of bloggers who are making their own but I haven’t found any recipes that I’ve really liked! I hear it’s a lot cheaper to make your own too.

  21. McKella says

    I’ve never had a Jocolat, but I love regular Larabars.
    We had some 60 degree weather in here in the Rocky Mountains this week, it was wonderful! I went outside for a run a few minutes ago but I didn’t make it to the end of the driveway before almost getting blown away. Super windy! Looks like an indoor yoga day.

  22. Adina Johnson says

    I’d love to win some larabars, I’ve never gotten around to trying the Jocalat variety and am hoping to try them out! p.s Thank you so much for your voluminous oatmeal trick and oatmeal crepe pancakes! I’ve become addicted and can’t stop eating either of the two for breakfast and have had pancakes or oatmeal for breakfast straight for about 2 months now !

  23. The Teenage Taste says

    Looking forward to the new posts on Chocolate-Covered Katie! Cake Batter Pizzert?! Sign me up!
    Wooohoo! Another opportunity to win the Jocalats! I’ve never tried them before, but I’ve heard many good things! 🙂

  24. Aisatsana says

    That frozen hot chocolate looks yummy! I’m still eager for your skinny fudge-babies too. 🙂 Oh, and I have “liked” your facebook page. Thanks so much for writing your blog, I look forward to it every morning!

  25. krickit6 says

    Im happy its been dessert-heavy lately!! There is a woman in my office who is due to have her first baby in just under two months.. she is a real health-nut but she’s been having sweet cravings like mad, so I made a few of your recipes for her.. She especially loved the snickerdoodle fudge babies 🙂 Thanks!!

  26. Anonymous says

    That frozen hot chocolate looks delicious!

    And I would LOVE some Jocolat bars! I love Larabars, but never see the Jocolats in the stores here. : /

  27. Tabitha says

    Woops…forgot to fill out all my info.

    “That frozen hot chocolate looks delicious!

    And I would LOVE some Jocolat bars! I love Larabars, but never see the Jocolats in the stores here. : /”

  28. Lilly says

    I have been dying to try that flavor but can never find it! I would sooo love to win this *praying to the jocalat gods * 😀

    Love your blog Katie, you are so creative and sweet! Although I don’t comment all that often, I read EVERYDAY for my chocolate fix!

    xoxo L

  29. Sarah says

    So glad I followed you on twitter. Love all the chocolate. And loving new addiction to larabars. Will have to try this one… Good thing I’m hitting the store today. Wish I knew what I needed for the dessert.

  30. Kristy says

    The dessert looks fantastic! I found your blog this year and have been sharing it with everyone I know, lol. Love Jocolat Larabars!!

  31. Kalyn says

    I’ve been DYYYING to try these bars! I’d love to win.
    PS, no complaints about the “dessert-heavy” recipes!

  32. Sabine @ thefruitpursuit says

    it looks amazing, can’t wait for the recipe!

    the weather over here in europe is amazing as well, lets brin on the D 😀

  33. Char says

    I’m curious about this cake batter pizza! 😀 also the milkshake…ohh I love chocolate! pwease send those yummy Larabars my way 🙂 <3 I love Larabars!!

  34. kaila @ healthy helper! says

    these are my favorite jocolat flavor and i am so sad they are being discontinued! please pick me!

  35. Anu says

    I just started following you after your post on Gina’s blog. I love your site and am looking forward to your recipes!!

  36. Bethany says

    Oh I can’t wait for this upcoming recipe! I tried making a single serving blonde brownie the other day and well lets just say it was more like a muffin that really needed some sugar. Ick. I really just wanted a gooey blondie. I’ve seen some brownies floating around the blogsphere, but not a blondie. I thought that if I left out the cocoa powder and added more brown sugar it would be like a blondie, but no it was not. Guess when I come home next time I’ll experiment some more.

  37. Angel says

    Looking forward to reading that recipe. Looks sooooo good. Katie, I have so much fun reading your blog and trying many of your recipes! I try them as treats for me, and my kids end up wanting to try “my’ treats. : )

  38. Ann says

    I’ve just recently found your blog, and it’s great! I will definitely be trying your cake batter recipe, I’ve been majorly craving some cake batter treats, and all the recipes I could found used boxed mix. Not on board with that.
    Oh, and of course, love Larabars too! Never tried the Jocolat flavor, but I’m sure I’d love it!

  39. jennifer h says

    I would love to win some Lara Bars! YUM!

    I guess that I still live in the dark ages since I am the only person that does not have an FB account.

  40. Marie says

    I’m new to the site, from PBFingers, and can’t wait to try some of your desserts! I have never heard of that larabar flavor yet and would love to try it!

  41. Missy says

    Wow! These would be great to win! But really, we win each day we visit your blog and get all the scrumptious recipes! So excited for cake batter pizzert! Did you get your cake batter extract yet? 😉

  42. andrea says

    I would love love love some jocalot bars 🙂 And am already a huge fan on facebook! Can’t wait for upcoming chocolate recipes. Yummy!

  43. Rebecca says

    You’re making me crave chocolate even more 🙂 I’d love to win the larabars-I’ve been wanting to try them 🙂

  44. sarah says

    I think the Larabar T-shirt is TOO KOOL!!!!
    I also really want to try the bars-thanx for the awesome giveaway

  45. Jess @ says

    I am truly happy that I found your site a few days ago. Although I absolutely love love love food I also have a passion for health and fitness and you’ve got some really creative ideas here. Can’t wait to try that Cake Batter Pizza!

  46. Vanilla Swirl says

    I’m all for the T-shirt. 😉
    p.s: I’m ”secretly” liking your FB page. Just don’t want anyone in ”real life” to know I’m an addict of someone called chocolate-covered Katie (jk…lol)


  47. Alexandra says

    also — i have to say — i’m glad it’s getting warmer too! but where i live, i would probably be running in shorts if it was the temperature of your winters! I would much prefer texas winters over chicago ones! hahaha but i’m a wuss when it comes to running in heat. if it tops 80, i just quit. i don’t mix well with heat! ( i really hope i don’t sound snooty! that wasn’t my intention of all. love you!)

    i ran in shorts too. 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I actually don’t like running in above 80 either! In the summers, I have to get up super-early, and even then I’m sometimes stuck running in the 80s. 60 and cloudy is perfect for me.

      Would you really run in shorts in Tx winters? It’s usually in the 20s in the winter mornings here, and sometimes gets as low as -5… but that’s probably a heat wave by Chicago standards, huh? 😉

      • Alexandra says

        oh my gosh, really?!??!?! that shows how much i know about climate — it’s the same around here, maybe just a tad colder. sorry (so much) for that then! so much for people moving to warm climates to retire — texas obv. isn’t a good choice on that note! i’m so sorry, my comment was completely inappropriate!


        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          LOL no, no one thinks Tx is ever cold! I didn’t either, until I moved here. But Dallas winter weather isn’t fun at all. One day it’s 20 and snowing, the next it’s 70. But sporadic 70-degree days aside, it’s usually somewhere between 10-45 degrees (and usually in the 20s in the am). This year, we had 9 inches of snow and a huge ice storm that closed school for a week!
          I think people associate Tx with “warm” because it’s so awful in the summers (up to 110)… so we have the worst of both worlds lol! Oh I guess I shouldn’t complain… I mean, it’s not as bad as Canadian winters!

  48. Gabby says

    recipes sound amazing, can’t wait to try them
    and I’ve been looking for those bars! dont know where to find them

  49. Allison @ Runs A Latte says

    I would love to try Larabars. Whether I win or not, I’m on a mission to find and buy this weekend. I’ve seen enough of these little bars to know that they look awesome and I need to try them stat! And I already like you FB page!

    Can’t wait to read about your cake batter dessert pizza!!!

  50. Veronica says

    I don’t think I’ve tried Larabars but I’ve heard good things and like having snack bars around for emergencies. Thanks for the giveaway! Looking forward those recipes. 🙂

  51. Leilani says

    We love Larabars!
    Made your whip cream last night with the tofu & doubled the recipe, we went to town and demolished the bowl…my little girl Erika said “this tastes like the one daddy brings home in the can”! It was freaking delish!

  52. Eleanor@eatinglikeahorse says

    If this is open to non-American readers, I’d love to be entered!
    I’ve got to get on this milkshake thang soon too… 🙂
    And I just had to comment on your mushroom stroganoff recipe cos I just made it and it’s so good, thank you!

  53. duddes02 says

    mm, that dessert looks amazing.

    p.s.s I’m making you volume oatmeal now (it’s soaking in the fridge).. looks delic..

  54. Jennie says

    Love your blog! Had ‘banana pancakes for one’ this morning for breakfast. Tomorrow its a raisin cinnamon pizzert. Breakfast is the best meal of the day!

  55. ~Jessica~ says

    Not sure if it’s oen for UK readers, but I’d like to enter anyway…and I already Like (and like!) your Facebook page.

    Thanks for hosting yet another fab giveaway.


  56. kspar66 says

    i know running in shorts (and no gloves) again is great!
    stoked for all the upcoming recipes!
    and would love to win jocolats!
    xoxo katy

  57. Beth says

    I just bought agar agar (harder to find than I thought!), and I’m planning on making some yogurt/pudding when my homework eases up. 🙂

  58. lara says

    Hey Katie!! Just wanna tell you that I love your site and facebook page, have forwarded it to many friends, we all love healthy decadent treats!!! thanks so much for all that you share with us!!!

  59. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    Jocolats and a tshirt? Love it!

    Have fun in your run with shorts. YAY for warmer weather!!!! 🙂

  60. Jess says

    oh, i love your desserts so i’m very excited. the collard greens recipe is very good too. i hope my mom will like it 🙂

  61. Meghan Clements says

    Love your blog Katie. I am loving your website and don’t go a day without checking it:) Its my morning ritual while I eat my oats…..

  62. Andrea says

    After reading your blog and others I tried my first ever Larabar! It was delish and I was so surprised how well it tasted. I am a huge chocoholic and I would love to try the chocolate ones! You are awesome girl!

  63. Erin says

    Leaving a comment for chocolate Larabars. I’ll leave as many comments as you like until I get a chocolate Larabar : )

  64. Kelsey says

    excited for your upcoming recipe schedule! and I would love to win/try jocalat larabars! they look very yummy. 🙂

  65. Brandae says

    Hi Katie! Looking forward to the recipe for that chocolate dessert – looks great! I’d love to win the Jocalats, of course. 🙂 Thanks!

  66. *Andrea* says

    i think i found out about larabars especially jocolats on your blog and am ever grateful! they’re so delicious!

  67. Julia says

    I’m entering for the larabars!
    Since my food processor broke, and I haven’t been able to make fudge babies, I’ve been making cocoa-coconut butter stuffed medjools daily. Mmmm!

  68. Nikki says

    I want to win but I am sure everyone else does too. How on earth do you choose a winner or do you just let a random generator do the dirty work?

  69. RS says

    You always come up with such great, healthy, delicious looking recipes!

    Btw those Jocolat Cherry Larabars sound really good! It’s a shame I’ve never actually seen Jocolat bars in stores :/

  70. Tara says

    Is it weird that I want the shirt more than the jocalat bars? Don’t get me wrong, I love jocalat bars, but there are more giveaways for food than shirts!!!
    I can’t wait for the cake batter pizzert!!

  71. selena says

    Thanks to your “babies” recipe I havn’t bought Larabars since. And I finally got some coconut butter Too! Your recipes don’t make me miss them at all! Now I’m anxious to taste the cake batter milkshake!

  72. Jen says

    1. Maybe I’m just spoiled with Southern California weather, but 60 degrees it NOT warm! I would be covered in goosebumps if I went outside wearing shorts in 60 degree weather.
    2. That chocolate dessert is making me want whipped cream!
    3. I liked your Facebook page. Not because I want you to love me forever (although, I’d never turn down some chocolate-covered love), but because you’ve always been one of my favorite bloggers, ever since my vegan days. By the way, thank you for not being judgmental. You give vegans a good name. 🙂

  73. Chelsea says

    Hi Katie!

    It must be so odd but fun for you to read so many cheery comments from perfect strangers….I know it would make my day, as I’m sure it makes yours. 🙂 I stumbled upon your blog by accident, and at a time when I desperately needed encouragement to be confident and free in my dietary choices and needs. I have fallen in love with your “babies”, have just ordered agar agar flakes (for whipped creeeeeeeeeeeeam!!!!!), and though I usually hate bananas (except the rare perfectly-yellow-with-bit-of-green occasion), my curiosity got the better of me and I attempted the coconut banana butter. I ate the whole thing. :::happy sigh:::
    Thanks for your inspiration, fun encouraging spirit, and treats that make happy satisfied foodies. 🙂

  74. Allison says

    Hi! I just stumbled across your blog a week or two ago and have become addicted to fudge babies in that short while. I have been keeping my eyes peeled for Jocalats to try, but no luck yet! Maybe I’ll win a case? *fingers crossed*

  75. J says

    Ooh I really hope I win this time around! I’ve been making banana ice cream quite a bit lately and I bet pieces of these bars would be great in it! Also just bought agar so I can make more of your recipes!

  76. Sarah (becoming-sarah) says

    oOoo that looks like a big cup of goodness. I must have missed that tweet today…I’m going to go look for it now. 😉

  77. Amanda @ The Beauty Notebooks says

    I would love to try some Jocolat–I have never seen it in stores!

    btw already liked your Facebook page 🙂 you are fun to follow!

  78. Rachel says

    please come over my house and make me smoothies? hahah and bring larabars as well! i rely on those so much during classes!

  79. Mel says

    I need to search around for whatever recipe you use for that whipped cream stuff. Do you make that or is it store bought? Looks awesome! I have read your blog for a while and enjoy your recipes so much! Especially the “babies”. I have to control making those too often or they mysteriously jump in my mouth and make my pants too tight! 🙂

    Love your blog!

  80. Teresa says

    Frozen hot chocolate! That’s amazing! I’m excited for this recipe.

    So glad you got to run in shorts today. While it does get *cold* here in So. Cal., I’m super fortunate that it’s never really so cold I have to wear pants. Just a light jacket, which is good since I hate running in pants!

  81. Laura says

    my latest regret: not reading your blog sooner! I love making and eating your desserts because I can write them all off as healthy and therefore enable my chocolate addiction 🙂

  82. Mona says

    XD XD XD
    That chocolate dessert looks YUMMYY~ (> w <)
    Can't wait for that post!

    I'm actually also excited for your upcoming savory recipe.
    All of your desserts and sweets are so healthy and tasty, so I'm really curious what your new savor recipe will be like. . .
    Can't wait! 😀

  83. Kathleen says

    I really love your blog. I’ve been recovering from an eating disorder and it’s been such a help to me to feel good about myself. You put a smile on my face.
    I completely agree with you about the warm weather. I’m so happy that it’s finally spring.
    I love Larabars, but I’ve yet to try the Jocolat. Thanks for the giveaway, Katie.

  84. BroccoliHut says

    I am loving the warmer weather too!
    The only thing that could make life better? A box of Jocolat Laras:)

  85. Jessica says

    Looks soo good can’t wait for the recipe!!! And totally love chocolate and larabars….so the two combined? mmmmm!!

  86. Sarah A says

    Oh goodness. Jocolat Larabars are simply the best. I have to drive 55 minutes to the closest place that sells them (Whole Foods) which is too far with gas prices on the rise!

  87. Sukee says

    Yummy. Just tried a Jocalat bar last week. Would love a whole case so that I can share with friends and create a bunch of converts…

  88. Molly says

    I just found your website the other day and have been browsing through all of the old posts and recipes. LOVE your stuff. I am making the cookie dough oatmeal right now. And I can’t wait to try more recipes. Thanks for being so creative!

  89. Carmen says

    Hi Katie,

    I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks now, and have loved every single post… it’s my favorite “I don’t want to study” pastime. 🙂 I was putting off commenting (mostly because you get so many comments, it seems like it would be overwhelming! But, I would like some Larabars, and I would definitely like to tell you how inspiring your food is.

    P.S. So jealous of your 60 degree weather. Here in Boston it’s supposed to snow tomorrow. Enjoy for us northeasterners!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh Carmen, I’m so glad you commented. I know I get a lot of comments, but every one means a ton to me! Just knowing that people take time out of their busy lives to leave encouraging words to others really makes me smile!

      And lol my sister lives in Boston… crazy girl loves the cold!

  90. Diana says

    I wish I had Jocolats at my Whole Foods, but sadly it’s just the regular old bars 🙁 They sound incredible – but not as incredible as some of your chocolate concoctions!

  91. elaine says

    hi katie! thanks for holding another jocalat giveaway! i love waking up to your posts in my inbox! it’s replaced my alarm clock and works much much better 😀

  92. Amanda says

    Iwould love the larabars!!

    I tried the extra=puffy oatmeal trick, but on bulgur. Unfortunately, I didn’t cook it enough last night so it was still pretty tough this morning. Oh well, still good with coconut, soymilk and borwn sugar!!

  93. Emily too says

    Just found your blog and am so excited to try things out. Plus, I’d love to win some bars – I’m bar crazy!

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