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Update: The Chocolate-Covered Katie Cookbook

The idea of a Chocolate-Covered cookbook came to light more than a year ago, and I first mentioned it on the blog back in the in this post. However, the process is long and complicated, and I didn’t want to say anything until all the details were concrete…

macaroon less glare

Today, I finally get to share:

The Chocolate-Covered Katie cookbook is slated to come out in late 2014 and will be published by Grand Central Publishing. I’m honored and humbled for the chance to work with GCP, one of the industry’s top publishers of practical non-fiction. (They also publish Nicholas Sparks’ books. This probably won’t help me to meet Ryan Gosling… but a girl can dream!)

You can buy the book here: Reserve Your Copy Of The Chocolate Covered Katie Cookbook Today

The book will be filled with 80-100 healthy dessert recipes, most of which have never been published before on the blog. Photos of every recipe will also be included, and an e-version will be available.

Healthy Chocolate Doughnuts

And yes, it will be all desserts.

Published on March 11, 2013

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Eating 4 Balance says

    I’ve been waiting for this post for what seems like forever! 🙂 I will definitely be buying your cookbook. And I really hope you do the recipe testers again. It was so much fun the first time!

    Funny thought- They always say desserts are comfort food, right? Well, what better way to sob over a Nicholas Sparks book than with a dessert from Chocolate-Covered Katie? 😀 Lol.

  2. Megan says

    Congrats!! That is so exciting. I’ll be looking forward to buying it when it comes out next year. I love all of your recipes. Looking forward to some taste testing too!

  3. Hannah says

    Congratulations on getting your book published! That’s a real accomplishment! You must be so excited!
    I will totally be buying your cookbook! Or making my mother buy it for my birthday or Christmas! 🙂
    I can’t wait to see it! I’d shower you with a bunch of questions, but I’ll just be patient and wait for 2014!
    (Great. With a long awaited cookbook and The Hobbit to look forward to, the years won’t go by fast enough!) 😉

  4. Lee Ann says

    Congratulations! I was wondering when you would come out with one.
    I will watch for your call for testers because I’d love to help out.

  5. Sam says

    Congratulations Katie! I’m very excited for you and know it’s going to be great :D. And pictures for EVERY recipe?! You’ve just won my heart.

  6. Violet says

    Sweet! Literally :p You’re awesome! I’ll def be buying a copy. If you meet Ryan Gosling… ask him to model for your cookbook. Your desserts and a shirtless Gosling – It will be so popular you’d never have to work again!

      • Grace says

        Lol Violet! That would be the best thing ever!! Chocolate + Ryan Gosling = Completely Irresistible Goodness!

        And yeah! I’ll definitely be looking to buy a copy of your cookbook! It’ll be sooo awesome! And probs full of even yummier recipes!

        Hmmm…. back at what Violet said, maybe you should look into getting Ryan Gosling in your cookbook…. That would make cookbook history… 😛

        -Grace 🙂

  7. Amy @ Fun With Family and Fitness says

    Katie, that is FANTASTIC! I will definitely be purchasing it! Your desserts are always wonderful and delicious. 🙂

  8. Ali @Ali Eats Clean says

    Congrats times a thousand! This year is flying by and your book (how fun is that to say?) will be out before you know it!

  9. Lissy says

    So excited!! Christmas shopping 2014 – done!
    Just made your blue velvet cupcakes tonight for the third or fourth time. My coworkers love them

  10. Janie says

    Hit me up if through need recipe testers!!! I already bake your recipes for all my friends and there is no one more up to try a recipe than a unch of hungry college kids! They tell me I am an amazing baker and I’d love to keep my status! One of them swears by your snicker doodles. CANNOT WAIT FOR THE BOOK!!!

  11. Alaine @ My GF DF Living says

    Wish it was sooner but I am so excited to hear this!! I will be purchasing it ASAP once it’s out. Once again, congratulations! 🙂

  12. Kaila @healthyhelperblog! says

    So cool! It must be awesome to know that you’re name will be in print and your recipes will be available to such a wide audience in the next year or two! Congrats.

  13. rita says

    BIG CONGRATULATIONS on your well-deserved recipe book!!!

    a few days ago, i was looking for some more healthy recipes (online), and i just happen to stumble upon your blog – and quickly glanced over the recipes. one of the most interesting recipe that caught my attention is the chocolate-pumpkin pizookie, which i’ve never heard of. so i made it right away (to check it out) and brought some to work also. girl, it was a big hit, both, for my husband and co-workers!!!

    kudos and keep up on making the healthy and fun goodie treats 🙂

  14. Lisa @bitesforbabies says

    Wow, that’s amazing!!! Congrats! What an accomplishment…you should be so proud of yourself. Can’t wait to get my hands on one 😉

  15. Sunnie says


    I seriously cannot wait for your book to come out- I will SURELY be buying it, and giving it a home next to my Happy Herbivore and Vegan Diner cookbook! 🙂

  16. HeatherDG says

    YAY!! Am so excited for you (and us, can’t wait to get it)!! I couldn’t help but get distracted every time I read “Chocolate Covered cookbook” though…it kept making me think of the book actually covered in chocolate…yum!!!

  17. Latisha says

    Congrats katie! i love your recipes! i am in love with cooking, so it was like heaven to find your site! im seriously like in the kitchen all the time now! :p

  18. Cynthia says

    Hi Katie,

    I’ve been following your blog quitely from the sidelines here in London, UK. But I just wanted to congratulate you on this wonderful news 🙂
    Hopefully when the time comes, you can ship one to the UK for me, cause I can’t wait to try out recipes that aren’t covered on this website yet!!

    xxx Cynthia

  19. Whitney says

    Congratulations Katie! We’re all obviously really proud of you. I will be pre-ordering as soon as we’re allowed to! 🙂

  20. Michelle says

    this is awesome news, from someone who has made SO many of your recipes for the family, I am excited.

  21. cucicucicoo says

    yah! super exciting! my request is to do something you already do on your blog: to include metric conversions. i live in europe and it’s so nice to be able to make a recipe of yours without having to convert everything! oh, and also including (as you already do!) substitution ideas, which are very handy because there are a lot of ingredients you use which i can’t find where i live. i’m looking forward to when it’ll come out! 🙂 lisa

  22. linda carlson says

    Katie please!!! Help. I can not find the recipe for the chocolate cookies you have featured at the top of this page Dated: March 12, 2013. I don’t have time to sit and go through every past page to find them. Can you please give their name and a link to the recipe??? The little chocolate ones stacked on top of each other.
    I would really really really appreciate it very much. Or, you can email it. Once again, thank you so much. I must have missed these somewhere along the way.

  23. Val says

    Katie that is so exiting! I am so happy for you. I would love to be a recipe tester for sure.
    I’m curious, will you touch on the issue of child slavery in the chocolate industry in your book?

  24. Jennifer JCD says

    I am so happy for you, Katie! I will be sure to buy a copy (or two or three) when they become available!

  25. Karen says

    Such wonderful news Katie! I am so, so, SOO excited for your cookbook! I love all your recipes to date (and I’ve tried a lot!) so I am definitely going to be buying your book as soon as it comes out!

  26. Julie@vanillarevolution says

    Best of luck with the cookbook Katie – you’re an inspiration to healthy dessert lovers all over the world (including here in London!)

  27. Lillemo says

    Oh that’s fantastic, Katie! Big congratulations! I love your blog and your recipies, I sure hope I’ll be able to purchase the book here in Finland, it will definitly be the most useful book of the year 😀

  28. Lisa Woodruff says

    FANTASTIC!!! You really ARE FAMOUS, Katie!!!! I totally want one!! Congratulations!! Hard work totally pays off! 😀

  29. Dindrane says

    YAY! I cannot WAIT to read and use this! I’m so happy that you’re willing to go through all the work and stress necessary to produce a book! I know from my own experience that it’s a complex, looooong process. You’re wonderful!

  30. Nicole @ FruitNFitness says

    Congratulations! That has to be such an amazing feeling to have it all set. I can’t wait to see all the healthy goodies!

  31. Gail FC says

    Late 2014? Uggggh, that is forrreeeeeverrrr away! I want it nowwwwwww!! *stamps feet*

    Well, even if I have to wait, I’ll be the first one to line up and buy it, ‘cuz I KNOW those recipes are gonna be amazing. Every one of your recipes has turned out perfectly for me– no fudging (har), squidging, or finagling. Perfect. Every. Single. Time.

    Oh yeah, hey, thanks for all the free recipes! Thanks to you, people actually show up to parties when they hear I’m bringing food. Hahaha, I’m not actually a good cook, I just know which food blogs to read!!

  32. Kamelia says

    Congratulations, Katie! You have most certainly earned your success and I am sure it will continue to grow. I can’t wait to buy your cookbook!

    • Susan McMaster says

      I love the whole idea of a ‘healthy dessert’ cookbook. I will be purchasing your book. You are amazingly creative and talented. Love your site. I’d like to add how generous you are too. You freely send out all your wonderful recipes, no wonder you will have so many people buying your book. You get what you give. Congratulations and the best of luck with your incredible new book. =)

  33. Heather McClees says

    Katie, I’m so thrilled for you! I will definitely be purchasing this book when it comes out:) Very proud of all your accomplishments!:)

  34. erin says

    hi katie! what type of macaroons are those on this “update” post? i tried searching for them, but couldn’t find them. is the recipe on your website?

  35. erin says

    hi katie! those macaroons on this “update” page look amazing! is the recipe on your website? if so, what should i search for? or will it be in your book? thanks!

  36. Brooke says

    Looking so forward to it! My suggestion is to include what has been tested to be allergy free (the big ones – gluten, egg, dairy). Thanks!!

  37. 6 days creations says

    This is such exciting news! As a graphic designer and a big fan of your recipes, writing style and especially your photography, I would love to work with you on the project, if you are looking for a graphic designer!

    Please check out my online portfolio:

  38. Rachele says

    So awesome! Congratulations!! Cannot wait to see these new recipes. Love every single one so far. Please consider an ebook option.

  39. Kay says

    Congratulations Katie! I’m excited to see the cookbook and am so happy for you! Tis will be a wonderful addition to my vegan cookbook shelf!

  40. Claire Bailey says

    When do you start taking pre-orders? 😛 Do you think you might be doing a non-desert one at some point? I love your other recipes just as much 🙂

  41. Danica @ It's Progression says

    I seriously can’t wait to buy it!! I love that they’ll all be new recipes (not on your blog before) AND that there will be pictures for every recipe!

  42. Jen says

    Katie, your recipes are FANTASTIC and you certainly deserve to write a cookbook! I am sure it is going to be fabulous and will pre-order it (and copies for friends!) when that option is available. And yay for lots of pics!

    I would love to see gluten-free options for your recipes. That would be so great. You already have a lot on this site so I know it’s on your mind. With more and more people finding they cannot tolerate gluten, you would make a lot of people really happy by offering GF substitutions 🙂

  43. Barbara says

    Congratulations…Can’t wait for the book signing party:)

    By the way, if you need a taste tester, I am available:)

  44. Diana says

    Yay! Congratulations, Katie 🙂
    And I must know – what is that in the first photo? Is the recipe on your blog, or will all be revealed in the book?

  45. Colleen says

    Very excited to hear! I still prefer paper copies to the website so glad your recipes will finally be in print. Congrats!

  46. Mary says

    Great news 😉 Will it be possible to download the cookbook as ebook/pdf? I live in Germany and I do often have problems with orders from overseas ;-( so I prefer downloads (although holding a real book in hands is much better) 😀

  47. Lorna says

    Enormous congratulations, Katie – this is amazing news, and I’m so happy for you!

    We often try your recipes, with varying degrees of success (some ingredients are tougher to find in the UK – I recently had a business trip to New York and came home with over $40 of baking ingredients, most of which are now long gone)!

    I agree with your recent comment about the US-centric recipes, and you are on my ever-increasing ‘to do’ list with respect to sending you some suggestions for new ideas to play with from this side of the pond. It may take a little while, but I’ll get there eventually (if nothing else, I have maternity leave coming up in a couple of months)!

    Best of luck with this & everything – and thank you for making me smile with your amusing blog (I love your writing!), your mouthwatering pictures and your truly interesting recipes!

  48. Anonymous says

    How exciting! Congrats!!! I can’t wait until it comes out. I plan on buying a bunch for gifts – who doesn’t love desserts??? 🙂

  49. Sue says

    I’m so happy for you Katie! I will be first in line to buy a copy. I’m always looking for unique and interesting gifts to give my three sisters at Christmas, and it sounds like your new dessert book will be perfect for Christmas 2014! Congratulations!!

    • Danielle says

      Hi Katie,

      I think you should make a Facebook Page and maybe a Twitter page for the cookbook, to get more people in the know! Just a thought 🙂


  50. Patricia says

    The food looks amazing! Just looking at those 2 pictures makes my mouth water. I look forward to the book!

  51. Camille says

    Katie, you truly inspire me and my creativity and taking chocolate to an all new level. Way to go on your journey to writing a book about your passion. Your photos are fabulous and make me drool. I keep a tab open on your blog like a novel I’m reading. Super and thank you so much for sharing, it does make the world go around : )

  52. Done in the Oven says

    I know you already have a whole bunch of people who are waiting in line to be taste-testers and here is my application:

    I’ve already made and blogged about several of your recipes and plan on trying a lot more (when I get my own kitchen) because…
    I love baking vegan, even though I am not one myself.
    And I can experiment on my various non-vegan friends as well as my younger brother who dislikes vegan versions of things and things they can’t taste good, or at least not as good as non-vegan desserts.

    Happy baking! I think it’s amazing to come up with recipes. I can only follow them (and try different substitutes).

  53. Renee Gurley says

    Congrats! I’m a bariatric cookbook author (self published-but for sale on Amazon & Barnes & Noble), so I know the excitement that goes with becoming published! All the best to you! I can tell you that some well timed release of some sample recipes from the book help build buzz for the book release, the photo you posted on this blog with the stacked looking chocolate cookie (maybe coconut with chocolate?) look wonderful and might be a good one to release!

  54. Lindsay says

    I love your website and I KNOW I will just LOVE your book. Can’t get here soon enough!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  55. Sara says

    Congrats, Katie!! Your blog has been so great for me to read and experiment with while changing the way I eat. Thank you and I am looking forward to the cookbook!!

  56. Edie says

    Congrats on your new cookbook coming out. Could you include healthy granola bar & some healthy baked donut recipes. Also, can you say whether it can be frozen or is it great for lunch boxes, etc. I love your recipes! I made your homemade Peanut butter cups. They’re delicious!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      I think she once said it will be 80% new and then everything else will be reader favorites from the blog.

  57. zenna says

    I am jumping out of my skin with anticipation! I have been reading this website for a few years and don’t look anywhere else when it comes to making a tasty treat! All my other cookbooks collect dust while I get my e-mail updates about new recipes from you Katie.
    I can’t wait for your cookbook! I hope it will be available internationally 🙂

  58. Ctc says

    Super excited. Is there some way we can sign up for an alert list where you can let us know via email once it’s published and is for sale? I’m worried I won’t find out till way after as I’m not an avid web browser… Hope so!!

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Hi Ctc!
      It will be available in late December of 2014 and I will definitely post about it when it’s available… Do you want me to sign you up for emails too? I did not want to do so without asking your permission, and it’s completely okay if you’d prefer to just check back in December if that’s easier for you.

  59. Cindy says

    Just saw that your book is now available for pre-order through B&N. It looks like Amazon should have it set up for pre-order as well, although they’re not clear on when. It’s getting close!! How are you feeling about it all? Will you be doing any book tours? 🙂

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