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World’s Healthiest Tater Tots!

World's healthiest tater tots. Impossible to stop eating them!

This recipe is unbelievable.

I’m serious. It’s one of those recipes where you read the ingredients, roll your eyes, and say, “There is absolutely no way this recipe will turn out.”

Then you try it anyway, because curiosity gets the better of you.

Such was the case when I came across a recipe for no-potato tater tots in the book Superfood Kitchen. Logical reasoning told me it just wasn’t possible that the ingredients listed on the page could yield something even remotely similar to a tater tot…

Logical reasoning was wrong.

tater tot World's healthiest tater tots - almost impossible to stop eating them!

Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside…

And difficult to stop eating!

These “superfood” taters are high in protein, EFAs, and fiber. And in this recipe, no deep-fryer is necessary to achieve that perfect crispy-soft texture.

guilt free tater tots!

tater tot

hashbrown tater tots

Healthy Tater Tots

(Reprinted with permission)

  • 3/4 cup cooked white beans (such as Great Northern)
  • 2 tbsp flaxseeds (golden for most-authentic appearance)
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxmeal
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa (K note: I cooked my quinoa with 1/8 tsp salt)
  • 1 tbsp white miso
  • 2 tbsp brown rice flour
  • 1/4 cup finely-diced onion
  • oil or oil spray for the pan

Using a fork, mash the white beans in a large bowl. (If using unsalted beans, you can add a little extra miso or salt to compensate.) Mix in the remaining ingredients, except for oil. A handful of dough at a time, form 1 inch thick long logs on a chopping board. Carefully cut logs into ½ thick slices to make the tots. Warm a skillet over low heat, and pour in a little olive oil (a tablespoon or two) to coat the pan. (K note: I did these in two batches and used about 1 tbsp olive oil per batch. I did also fry a few separately in oil spray to make sure it would work, as I knew people would ask about that option!) Place tots inside the pan, and cook for several minutes until browned. Use a spatula to flip tots over to brown other side evenly. Serve homemade tater tots immediately with ketchup if desired, or freeze for later use. Serves 3-5.

Click to: View Tater Tots Nutrition Facts

superfood kitchen

Although I’ve never been completely sold on the extent of superfoods’ health benefits, I found myself bookmarking page after page of Superfood Kitchen by Julie Morris simply because the recipes sound delicious. Quinoa Spaghetti with Cashew Cream Sauce and Chard? Hearty Kale and Black Eyed Pea Stew? Superfood Sangria? Yes please! Along with the recipes, Ms. Morris has included a catalogue of superfood ingredients, detailing the benefits of and uses for each. It’s inspired me to expand my own culinary horizons, and I recommend this book for anyone looking to break out of a cooking rut and experience a whole array of new flavors.

Do you include any superfoods in your diet?

I don’t go out of my way to eat something just because it’s a superfood, but my diet is accidentally filled with superfoods: blueberries, almonds, sweet potatoes, spinach, coconut, chocolate… chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Chocolate. And no, it is not a typo that I have chocolate listed five times.

Link of the Day:

bean brownies

………………    Black Bean Brownies

Beans are a superfood too. Bring on the brownies!

Published on January 25, 2013

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Sunnie says

    These sound so cool, Katie! I will definitely be curious to try these – I absolutely love quinia, and I haven’t made tater tots in eons! Thanks for the recipe! 🙂

  2. Emma says

    Oh! I LOVE this book! The bananas we’d bread is absolutely amazing. And the chocolate energy bars (similar to your fudge babies) are insane.
    Also the land and sea trail mix is one of my favorites ever. Ever!
    Sacha inchi stir dry and the kabocha quinoa rissoto I could eat every week.
    Yum! I’m so glad you showcased one of her recipes – we should all be so lucky to own a copy of this book.
    Ok, I’m done 🙂

  3. Colleen ( says

    Oh Katie! It is amazing that you don’t choose your diet for health!!! I know you have said you feel better without sugar, but other than that you just seem to have a taste for nutritious!! Very cool! You’re lucky! And for others who might not say the same, trust me, foods can “grow on you” as you become used to them, and “un-used” to less healthy alternatives. You’ll be feeling great too, which is convincing to keep making healthy choices. Thank goodness people can enjoy healthy sweets with the help of your genius!! I actually had a list of superfoods that I happened to highlight in the last year: Best Bites of 2012! Enjoy! Don’t worry, chocolate is on my list too!!!!!

  4. Gi says

    Hi there Katie!
    Even if I am not an expert blogger as you are (hell, I’m not even a blogger! 😀 ) I dare to suggest you one thing: I think you should set the image of “the link of the day” to link to the actual post, instead of linking to the picture itself!
    I just thought it’d be a nice thing, seeing that we (mere internet users), are used to this kind of thing ^^
    Oh, btw, great recipe as usual! Sound like an effective way to add proteins to your intake.

  5. Irene says

    I”m new to following you, what is white miso and where can I get it? (perhaps you already have a blog post on some specialty ingredients that I have yet to discover)

    • CJ says

      Miso is fermented soy bean paste. It’s salty and has an umami flavor to it. There are many varieties, but white miso has the mildest flavor. I get mine at Whole Foods (haven’t seen it at a “regular” grocery store). You should also be able to find it in an Asian food store. Look in the refrigerated section.

  6. Colleen ( says

    We just made them! Dipped in mustard, they were delish! I didn’t have miso, so I used 1 Tbsp organic soy sauce, oh and sesame seeds in place of the flaxseeds; we only have ground flax. Can’t wait to open this cookbook, AND yours!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Nadiya says

    Wicked recipe! I’m sure that superfoods is more of a hype and a good well balanced diet is the way to go. The book looks really good though. Thanx for sharing 🙂

  8. Megan says

    I don’t eat a lot of those ingredients BUT those look awesome and I can imagine that they taste great. I also love any excuse to shovel ketchup in my mouth : )

  9. Monica says

    These look so delicious! I have everyone on hand but the miso… do you think it’s essential to have it in the recipe? Or, are there substitutes?

  10. Jessy says

    Hey katie,

    i am from germany and i really do not know what is flaxmeal and miso?? Please help me ouut i really want to try your receipt !

    • Olivia@OmNom Love says

      Flaxmeal comes from the flax seed. When ground it creates a meal. I’m pretty sure Amazon sells it, but I don’t know where else you would get it. Miso is a fermented soy product, if I’m not mistaken. You could probably get that on Amazon as well. Hope that helps! 🙂

        • Sandra says

          Hallo Jessy, weißes Miso bekommst Du entweder im Reformhaus, Naturkosthaus oder bei amazon- da hab ich meines her.
          Flaxmeal mach ich selber, einfach Leinsamen mahlen (ich hab so ne uralte Kaffeemühle, funktioniert prima) und erst nach dem Mahlen abmessen.
          LG Sandra
          PS: for all who wonder what I wrote, I just told her where to get the above mentioned in German

  11. April says

    Beans are a superfood and chocolate is a bean 😀 I don’t know how chocolate would taste on these, but these are going in my oven ASAP! Thanks Katie!

  12. jodye @ chocolate and chou fleur says

    Wow, I haven’t had tater tots since I was probably six years old, but I remember how awesome they were. White beans are such a genius base for these tots, and all that lovely fiber, and the protein from the quinoa. Add some greens and you have yourself a well rounded meal! Thanks for letting us all know about this great recipe.

  13. Lisa says

    These are super creative! And I haven’t had tater tots since I was about 5 years old. These may be too cute to pass up. Definitely different than the potato version!

  14. Cindie says

    This post has perfect timing, just had some tater tots last night and wanted to make some at home, these look great! If the tater tots are healthy I won’t feel so bad making some bourbon ketchup to dip them in.

  15. Olivia@OmNom Love says

    The tater-tots look a-MAZING!!!! I can’t believe they’re made from beans! The super foods I love to eat are blueberries, nuts, salmon, flaxseed, chia seed, olive oil, coconut (all kinds), spinach, avocado, eggs, sweet potatoes, and, of course, chocolate. 😀

  16. Danica @ It's Progression says

    ‘beans’ was the most surprising ingredient to me!
    I try to eat superfoods every day…right now my favorites are berries, avocado, spinach, almonds, pomegranates, and eggs (some count eggs as a superfood anyway) 🙂

  17. Pax says

    Hi Katie,
    If you have time, I’d like to request a healthy pudding recipe. 🙂
    I know you have tofu chocolate mousse and something with agar, but I would prefer something that could be made quickly without blending. The recipe that my family usually makes uses cornstarch and a microwave – it’s good (we normally eat it warm, yum) but *super* sugary.
    Anything would be much a appreciated; thank you! 🙂

  18. CC says

    I am so obsessed with this blog! Wow. I know it’s called Chocolate Covered…but so glad this was posted as well! I thank u so much 4 also posting a review of the book, always looking 4 new recipes that r GOOD, healthy & unique 2 the usual standbys! I love mock meals so much! AND thanks because I need 2 use up this Miso I bought waaaaay too much (sick of eating soup now… so need 2 figure out a way 2 use it otherwise!). I’m thinking this would also be a GREAT recipe 2 use some of my okara in too!

    Superfood I can’t do with out? Chia Seeds and/or Flax!) I use it 4 my omegas & 4 egg replacer. It has made a miraculous difference in my life. I suffered aches & pains off & on all my life, no explanation. I had horrible painful fingers every time the weather changed…this AND regular PMS pain (soreness, cramps) actually all disappeared when I started incorporating in my life. I went off it 4 a while, all pains came back. SO I am on it 4 LIFE! 4 anyone interested, I think the recommended dose 4 an adult is 2T about 3x a week. Which is what I do & it works. I put them in my smoothies & baked goods.

    The only odd thing I found in this recipe is it calls 4 whole flax seed, I thought u can’t metabolize/digest it, so not sure y it would b included.

  19. Melanie says

    Any ideas on subs for the brown rice flour? I have so many flours, GF and not, and just don’t want to make a special trip out for that if I could use some other flour (or starch? corn, potato, arrowroot, I got ’em all….)

    • Sara Ross says

      I ran out of brown rice flour and plan to use a little garbanzo bean flour and a little millet flour. I’ve used millet flour as a replacement in another recipe and it worked well. These look great. I will make them tomorrow.

  20. Rachel says

    My superfoods? Peanut butter and oats, both of which I put in my tribute to peanut butter day recipe today. Pop one of those babies in the microwave for 15 seconds and then eat it warm and gooey with almond milk…drool 🙂

  21. Bethany says

    This sounds delicious! I love Tater tots. Would is be ok if I substituted all purpose flour for the brown rice flour and brown rice for the quinoa (im trying to use what i have in stock i know it wont be as healthy)
    thanks 🙂

  22. Asia says

    I wanted to correct a typo. You put “chocolate” as a super food 5 times. I’m sure you meant to add it at least five times more. 🙂
    I love your blog very much. I wish I had a metabolism like yours because I want to eat your baked oatmeal for breakfast and dessert every day, but I get fat when I do that.

  23. Emilia Hogan says

    Hey Katie I totally love your blog. I’ve been following you for years and I got to say I love your savory posts! You inspired me to start my own healthy food blog, it’s no where as good as yours, but I just wanted to let you know how much of an inspiration you are to me.

  24. Lisa @bitesforbabies says

    These are obviously super-healthy and also look easy to make! I’m assuming I could substitute the brown rice flour with another gluten-free option?

  25. Lisa @bitesforbabies says

    Forgot to add…I love adding superfoods to my meals, especially for my 22month old son. I always have quinoa, flax seed, coconut oil, kale (to name a few!) stocked in the fridge or pantry! I want my son to get started early on these superfoods! 😉

  26. Miraim says

    The Tater Tots Look Awesome! I have a random question about Eggy Breakfast Bread though. Can it be frozen and how long does it keep in the fridge? I don’t think I can eat a whole pan at once, so I want to find the best way to store the delicious leftovers.

  27. Avia says

    This recipe is awesome! Thank you Katie. I am definitely going to try it and look into this book 🙂 I have been having a lot of fun making smoothies for breakfast with bananas and different fruits. Right now I add acai powder, chlorella, maca and hemp seeds. Antioxidant loaded breakfast is a nice way to start the day.

  28. Crystal says

    Hi, Katie. It’s funny how you commented that reading through the recipe it seems like it couldn’t possibly work. When I first discovered your blog, I thought the same thing about your recipes. But after I’ve tried about a dozen of them, I’m sold on your recipe development genius! Thanks for all that you do on this blog; it has changed the way I bake forever.
    I tried this recipe yesterday and while they were quite tasty, they just didn’t get all that crispy. I was thinking about trying to bake them.

      • Leslie says

        Just scrolling through the comments to see if anyone baked these. I did the first batch in an oil sprayed frying pan and they weren’t very crispy. My husband then said he was surprised I wasn’t baking them, of course he also had no clue that actual tater tots are deep fried, lol. I thought about it and decided to bake then second batch in the oven at 400. They came out super crispy and much more tater tot like than the batch from the frying pan. I definitely recommend baking them!!!

        • Jb says

          I scrolled through all these comments just to see if anyone had tried baking them! Thanks for answering that question 🙂
          And Katie, you are a genius!

  29. Karen says

    This looks great! Haven’t had tater tots in a long time and loved them. That recipe book looks great. I always thought sangria wa a superfood, but heck, if they can make it better, I’m there!

  30. Kristen says

    Katie, I don’t have brown rice flour (you would think I would with how much flour is in my pantry!) can you suggest a substitution? I have leftover beans from white bean hummus just dying to be made into these “tater” tots!!

  31. Anonymous says

    Just wanted to let you know I believe Heinz has high fructose corn syrup :). Use your awesome homemade ketchup instead! Or a different brand 🙂

  32. Monica Wilfong says

    These look relish, Katie. My mom was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer several years ago. As a Nurse Practitioner with an interest in integrative health I immediately purchased the Integrative Oncology textbook. It lays out the healthiest cancer fighting foods and why they fight cancer as well as the research and physiology behind it.They ARE SUPER FOODs in my book. Some of the he best are greens, berries, onions, garlic and green tea.

  33. Shay says

    Wow! Tater Tots with white beans!!!
    I guess I eat a lot of fruits, and vegetables (besides celery), and peanut butter!!!:)

  34. Leigh says

    Mmm! This is a must-try for me, since I absolutely despise potatoes, but I really like the idea of a tater-tot with qunoi and flax. Plus this sounds like a really nutritious side to a meal. 🙂

  35. Sally - only gluten free baking says

    I might have to try and trick my family with these, we haven’t eaten tater tots in years because we used to go nuts on them, before we had kids. I think most people that start giving up the junk foods naturally start introducing super foods into their regular diet. I know we did and the good thing is the kids are so used to eating them they don’t think twice or complain. Definitely bookmarking this one. Thanks Katie.

  36. Laura says

    Oh my god! THIS RECIPE IS FREAKING INSANE. I just made a batch this morning (c’mon Katie… 5 servings? Really? I think I downed half the pan in one serving and I never felt sooooo good doing so!) and they’re delicious! Mine got a little bit more burnt than yours due to using oil spray instead, but still turned out excellent!

    Idea on what to pair them with — I made them for breakfast, and topped them with a poached egg and copious amounts of ketchup 🙂 Do you know how long they last in the fridge? If I freeze them, do they remain the same consistency after defrosting?

  37. Teresa says

    I saw several request for subs for brown rice flour. If you do not have it, you could take some brown rice and grind it (its the same). If you happen to have brown rice.
    But is there a subs for the miso, we cannot eat soy. What would be a good sub. since I do not know really what miso tastes llike.
    I was never a huge fan of tater tots but these sound good going to try it.

  38. Emmy says

    I just made these and used garbanzo flour instead of brown rice flour and they came out great. I also sautéed my onion first just to make sure they were thoroughly cooked. So yummy they are definitely going to be gone fast.

  39. Lindyb says

    I have never liked potatoes! So these are the only tater tots that are even remotely appealing to me… may have to give them a try.

  40. Anonymous says

    What exactly is wrong with eating actual potatoes? There are some clever things on this blog, but when you start replacing a whole food like potato with a substitute I find it a little bit ridiculous.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Anonymous,

      I have nothing against potatoes at all :). I really wanted to try this recipe out of curiosity more than anything else! But yes, definitely nothing against potatoes. In fact, I’ve recently been playing with a cinnamon roll recipe that uses mashed potato flakes!

    • Amelia says

      I think it also has to do with what you’re ADDIng, not taking away- quinoa and beans are both superfoods, whereas potatoes are somewhat dull in the nutrition in comparison.

  41. SARAH D says

    ah you mind reader! i was just looking for something yesterday to dip in ketchup because i was craving ketchup (is that weird?!), and i am not a fan of potatoes/fries…definitely trying these. thanks!

  42. Pamela says

    I made the mistake of assuming I had most of the ingredients and ended up subbing a lot. It wasn’t an authentic faux tater tot but, it still hit the spot!

    Garbanzo Beans
    chia seeds instead of flax seeds
    cous cous in place of quinoa
    Chicken bullion instead of miso (I’m not vegan)
    I didn’t have onion… wish I did, I added some other unkosher seasonings

  43. Caroline says

    Hi Katie! Just wanted to say that I love the link of the day. When I saw it I immediately made the black bean brownies. I’m impressed. I also make your single lady cupcakes all the time!! Love your recipes, thank you.

  44. JennyBakes says

    Since we’ve cut potatoes out of our eating habits, I’d definitely try these… I’ve learned, though, o call things what they are, so as not to set eaters up for failed expectations. Maybe I will knight these crunchy nuggets or something like that!

  45. Khaleef @ Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet says

    These look really good and authentic, so I must try them!

    I don’t go out of my way to eat most “superfoods”, but I do have a lot of them (blueberries, almonds, spinach, flaxseed, chia seeds) in my diet almost daily.

  46. Melissa says

    There are a lot of “superfoods” in my family’s diet, but that’s just the way we eat. 🙂 It’s not like we make a ton of effort. I radically changed my diet a couple years ago in an effort to combat severe acne and my entire body responded so well I’ve just kept it up.

  47. Lauren says

    Kale, sweet potatoes, and lentils in my daily or almost daily diet!

    And what could I use to replace the flax seeds? I only have ground.

  48. Allison Thompson says

    Hi Katie!
    I tried to make these last night and they tasted amazing! Just like potatoes would. But I have a question: how do you keep the tots from falling apart? Mine kept crumbling and falling apart. I ended up eating mostly “hash browns”. I used all the ingredients listed.


  49. Katey says

    In a word, YUM! I made these last night as a ‘potato’ item to go with roasted veggies and baked oatmeal. My husband was very skeptical when he saw me making them, but tried one and said he was eating any that I wasn’t.
    I did make quite a few substitutions based on what I had on hand, I’m looking forward to trying it as written soon.
    I subbed whole wheat flour for the brown rice flour.
    Soy sauce for miso.
    Cooked millet for quinoa as I had a bunch of millet sitting in the fridge.

  50. Christine Moore says

    This was a great recipe. I felt like baking them rather than frying them in a pan: 1) I was lazy and didn’t want to spend time stirring them around in a pan, and 2) I wanted to use the residual oven heat to warm up my apartment. In case your readers want to try it, place the tots on a greased cookie sheet in the oven for 45-60 minutes at 325 Fahrenheit (go longer is you want them crispier). I’d check them every 15 minutes to make sure they are browning evenly.

  51. Erica says

    I gotta say I was a little unsure of these, but I have 2 little girls who love potato’s and have never tried a tater tot. They were one thing I loved as a kid, so I had to give it a try. OMG, my oldest who is 10, is not a fan of quinoa, but ate almost the whole batch LOL Definatly a must try recipe, you will not be disappointed, but I haven’t found a bad recipie yet here 🙂

  52. April says

    I made these last night and made a lot of substitutions because they looked too good to pass up. I used chick peas, whole wheat flour, ground flax only, onion powder, and soy sauce instead of miso. I also baked them on 400 degrees for 20 minutes, but I think that was a little too long so I’d knock it down to 15. They were GREAT. I put the chickpeas in my food proccessor first and added a little water to make them into a paste, then I added everything else and pulsed it until it came together. I plopped the dough on my cutting board and divided it into 4 smaller rolls and snaked them out, then cut small tots. I baked them on parchment and gave them some salt and a spray of non-stick spray to crisp them up. So good, quick too. I put the leftovers from last night in the refrigerator so we’ll see how they are reheated. Real tater tots aren’t too good after one cooking. They don’t taste just like a regular tater tot, but if you wanted to be healthier and eat tater tots more often, these are a GREAT replacement. Mine had about 26 grams of carbs, 8 grams of protein, 7 grams of fiber – totally unlike potato tater tots. They were really good with ketchup, too. My husband, the unadventurous eater, even liked them! Awesome, awesome, awesome!

  53. Laura says

    Ok, so I hate quinoa…I’ve tried to love it, but I just can’t. I know it would change the “healthiness” of these, but can I roll them in panko instead of quinoa?

  54. Mandy says

    i saw these in the book too. sadly, my husband is allergic to quinoa. i was thinking about trying to use riced cauliflower instead of quinoa, and maybe adding a little chickpea flour.

  55. joe says

    I see in the nutrition facts that this is for 56 grams of tater tots. Approximately how many tots due I get for 56 grams or 100 calories?

  56. Kay ren says

    So, I just made these, but when I went to the pantry for a can of beans I spied a can of refried pinto beans and it occurred to me they would be easier to use since they are already mashed… Worked fine. I used sorghum flour and chives instead of onion. What a fun and great recipe! So glad you shared it. I will have to try to get my hands on that cookbook.
    Beans don’t always agree with me so I am going to try making these with shredded potato in place of the beans… But they will still be healthier than tater tots!

    • Kay ren says

      Update: these make delicious little potato patties if you make up the mixture with about twice the amount of shredded raw potato and leave out the flour. :). The flax and quinoa make them very crisp on the outside.

  57. Pauline says

    Just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing this recipe! I have been struggling to get my 22 month old to eat quinoa lately (it’s a texture issue with him) and this was the perfect way to do it! Plus, the bean add an extra protein punch! These were a hit last night with the whole fam- next time I will double the recipe 🙂

    • Pauline says

      I was actually thinking of tweaking the recipe a bit- adding herbs and spice, garbanzo bean flour instead of rice and some nutritional yeast. Maybe even a little tahini? I did use 1 TBS sesame seeds instead of one flax (I did 1 flax, 1 sesame)…

  58. Celine says

    No offense intended, but what is the point of making a “tater tot” without potato and with beans and quinoa? Potatoes are good for you and I’m sure there are recipes out there for healthy tater tots that actually have potato. Why substitute a vegetable? It’s vegan and vegetarian already and it would probably taste way better!

  59. HayBug says

    Love love love this website! Obsessed. Im going to make these tonight and had one small question: is the recipe calling to measure one cup of raw quinoa (which I would then cook), or one cup of already cooked quinoa? These would yield quite different results, and I had just thought that one cup of cooked quinoa might not be enough. Thanks for the amazing-ness Katie!

    • JJ says

      Someone further up in the comments said they had success baking them in the oven instead of pan-frying, maybe that could work for you?

  60. Sarah says

    Hi, Katie – made these the other day – my “dough” was not really roll-able, it was much too soft. I was able to shape them & fry them, & they came out fine, but I was wondering what consistency was the dough when you made them?

  61. alsanbalaur says

    To make them healthier, instead of serving them with the chemical laden Heinz 57 shown, make your own catsup with tomato paste and vinegar (http://www.simplyscratch-DOT-com/2012/05/homemade-ketchup-recipe.html) (replace the -DOT- with a period)
    I find the recipe as written a bit too sweet and cinnamon-y, so I cut both in half and it’s great. Cheap and easy, I may never buy bottled catsup again, and now I don’t have to worry about HFCS or other chemicals polluting my catsup!

  62. Sherry says

    Will add these to our Super Bowl menu!! My son is not a fan of quinoa, but I’m not going to tell him that’s what’s in them … let’s see if that works. 😉

    I’m definitely going to use homemade ketchup — store bought (Heinz, etc.) not very healthy!! (HFCS – not good)

  63. Janet says

    These sound great!
    Would it work to substitute cauliflower for the beans? Beans = starch -> carbohydrates.
    We’d still get fiber using cauliflower.

  64. Lisa says

    I LOVE your recipes. Thank you so much.
    fyi – I have heard very convincing word from scientists and nutritionists that the better oils to use for cooking are coconut oil, butter, and perhaps canola oil and some others; they are more, chemically-speaking, “stable.” Olive oil, when heated, breaks down into unstable, unhealthy compounds. Best to you! Lisa

  65. Jessica says

    I was skeptical, but SUPER impressed! They seriously taste like tater tots! I know a lot of people can be picky, so for them I will say that even though the taste is not exact (how could it be?) it is pretty close! If you are craving tater tots, these will definitely satisfy you! Much like if you are craving brownies and make CCK’s black bean brownies! Side note: I couldn’t find white miso itself, so I bought a single packet of white miso soup for $1.89, and it worked great! I will be making these again and passing this recipe on! Thank you so much!

  66. Kelly De Leon-Lopez says

    Let me just start by saying I love anything with buffalo sauce so when I found a recipe for Buffalo Chicken Tater Tot casserole, I had to try it. However, tater tots aren’t exactly the healthiest and as a health coach I had to find a way to do this. Thank you for your Healthy Tater Tot recipe. I can’t wait to try with the casserole. 🙂

  67. Skye says

    I made this, and used millet instead of quinoa, and modified it a little bit, and I must say it was great. I will add a little more salt next time. I am so happy with this recipe because it’s one of the first plant based recipes with protein in it that my 7 year old son has eaten and actually gave it a thumbs up.

  68. JJ from Strong Armed Report says

    These were fantastic! I didn’t even need oil to fry them – just a good nonstick pan. Paired with a simple Asian dipping sauce (garlic chili sauce, tomato paste, pineapple juice, soy sauce, ginger powder), I put away almost half of them and got more fiber than most Americans get in an entire day. Thanks for the great recipe!

  69. Melanie says

    I just discovered this site a few days ago, and there are so many recipes I want to try! You are a food and recipe genius, Katie. One question, though. Several days ago I signed up for the bonus recipes, but I haven’t received anything besides the activation email. I activated it, but I still haven’t received the recipes. Is there something else I need to do?

  70. Christy March says

    I know this a very old recipe, so I apologize if the substitution of Oat flour was already mentioned. But I just made these (and doubled the recipe!) and used oat flour, they came out so good!!!!! My boys finished off the entire plate!! They are 7&5 years old and generally are picky eaters.

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