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Voluminous Oatmeal Trick

Do you ever wish for an overflowing oatmeal bowl?

As opposed to the measly amount you get from one serving of oats? If you answered “yes” to the above, then the Voluminous Oatmeal Trick is for you!

*Ends sales pitch*

voluminous oatmeal

What is the Voluminous Oatmeal Trick?

The idea is to add more than the recommended liquid to the oats, prior to cooking. Then you can either microwave or cook on the stovetop, but stop before all the water is absorbed. Come back the next day (or a few hours later), and all the liquid has been absorbed, leaving you with pillow-soft oats that are double the size of regular oats!

Step One: Measure out one serving of dry oats (40g). I also add 1/4 tsp salt.

voluminous oatmeal trick

Step Two: Add a little over 1 1/2 cups liquid (I add 400g).

oatmeal trick

Step Three: Microwave or cook on the stove, but stop before all the water is absorbed. (I microwave for 4 1/2 minutes, then leave in the closed microwave for 5 more minutes. You might have to watch if for the last minute, and stop and start the microwave, so it doesn’t spill over. It depends on your microwave’s wattage.)

microwave oatmeal

Step Four: Put in the fridge, uncovered. When you return the next day (or a few hours later), the watery mess above will have magically turned into 2 cups-worth of pillowy, voluminous oats! Now, I am strange and like my oatmeal cold (like pudding!). But if you want it hot, you can still re-heat the next day. Re-heat it just until it gets hot, and the volume will stay. Troubleshooting Note: Microwave wattages vary, and therefore if your oats haven’t thickened up by the next day it probably means you need to cook them longer next time.

Try this trick on any of the following:

50+ Healthy Oatmeal Recipes

Published on July 3, 2009

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Hannah says

    Hi Katie!
    I was just wondering, would a recipe like this work if you blended the oats after they had soaked? I mean, would they still be voluminous if you used them in something like the peanut butter breakfast pudding? Thanks!

    • Marloe says

      Hi Hanna, I just mentioned that we both asked the same question but didn’t receive an answer so far. Did you already tried? And does it work?

  2. Lizzie says

    Hi, I just found your blog and tried the cookie dough baked oatmeal ( delish!) and I was wondering is you could do this trick ahead of time with the oats, then put the 2 cups that “magically” appeared into a bigger ramican and bake it with the same amount of sweetener and time as the cookie dough baked oatmeal? or do you believe it would not work?

    • Marloe says

      Hi Hanna, I just mentioned that we both asked the same question but didn’t receive an answer so far. Did you already tried? And does it work?

  3. Natalie R says

    This is a game changer.. I love overnight oats for the simple fact that I can prepare them the night before. Something I don’t like? I lose the volume and softness of regular cooked oats. THIS is the recipe I’ve been missing – I used 1 1/4 cup water with 1/2 cup oats and microwaved for 4 1/2 minutes.. rest overnight and all the liquid was soaked up. Thank you, thank you, thank you! A 2009 recipe still changing lives in 2016 🙂

  4. Rachel says

    This doesn’t work for me.

    What am I doing wrong.

    Other oats just don’t soak up all the fluid (almond milk) even after 24 hrs straight.


  5. Marloe says

    Did you already tried this with blended oats so it turnes out smooth? And do you think it’s possible to turn it into baked oats by baking it in the oven the next morning?

    Thank you! 🙏🏻

  6. Jo says

    I know this recipe was posted years ago but I still have to say it’s one of my favorite breakfast recipes. I love pats for breakfast and this is so much more filling then my usual. I also like to add chia seeds and frozen fruit on top when I pull it out of the microwave, in the morning I add protein powder. So delicious and filling!

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