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18 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Happy Friday!

Some of y’all have asked me to spread out my recipe posts, not offering a new one every day, so you have a chance to catch up. I am trying… but it’s difficult because there are so many recipes I want to post before Christmas! 

For today, I’m still working on the “post a photo for every recipe” project. Now, if you click on my Breakfast tab, you will see the following:

voluminous-oatmeal_thumb      snickerdoodle-pie-1       

          My Oatmeal Recipes                                Cinnamon Roll Pie

vegan-blueberry-muffin_thumb      b1   

             Single-Lady Muffins                                 Pumpkin Bread in a Bowl

pear      sni

      Vanilla-Pear Breakfast Cobbler                      Polka Dot Banana Bread

b3      b4

       Peach Breakfast Bake                                      Magic Breakfast Pudding 

b8      b2  

           Mad Scrambled Tofu                                   Breakfast Pizza Cake

b6      almond-joy-biscuits_thumb

          Polenta for Brekkie                                    Chocolate-Almond Biscuits

 lemon_thumb      vegan-whip-cream_thumb52

       Lemon Poppyseed Mini Muffins                        Vegan Cream               

b5      oatmeal_thumb1

        Banana Bread in a Bowl                                  Baked Oatmeal Cakes                                          

 doughnutnotdone3      pancakes-sharper_thumb                   

        Cake Batter Doughnuts                                    My Pancake Recipes

Question of the Day:

What’s your favorite meal of the day?

Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? My favorite meal of the day is any meal that includes chocolate!

Published on December 9, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Elaine says

    Breakfast all the way! I LOVE oatmeal. 😀 I also like to make my protein pancake recipe. Hey, i noticed you use prebought pie crusts. Those tend to be pretty high in calories, so if you would like, i can send you a recipe for a pie crust that is only 500 calories for the whole thing and is super duper delicious! 😀 It’s not thin and skimpy either. it is nice and thick, unless you want to use less. Although, i read you didn’t like crust, so maybe you won’t like this one. Anyway, i have lotsa other recipes if you would like too. 🙂 thanks for having such an awesome blog!

  2. Alexa says

    I always tend to skip breakfast and either do a nice dinner or lunch 🙂 though most often my best meal of the day I tend to save for last!
    And quite the contrary for me! I love that you post everyday! I always check your blog everyday (even before I get my email subscription) so I can try new recipes out the same day 😀

  3. Jacqueline @Digintobooks says

    My favorite meal is dinner! So many opportunity for delicious eats, and I usually get to sit down at the table with my best friends while we dish about our days. I love the special time I get with family and friends around the dinner table. Love the recipe pictures!

  4. Robin says

    Breakfast, as it’s the only meal that allows me to eat unbelievably sweet without people frowning on me. Though I do love a good sandwich, or a hearty curry as well, oatmeal and pancake breakfast will always be my number one.

  5. Twyla says

    My favorite meal is definitely snacktime. Grab a handful of crackers or vegies and I’m set.
    I don’t like breakfast at all. Everything breakfasty is sweet and I am a savory gal; so I kind of avoid it by having leftovers ( which is bad I know)

  6. Clare @ SweetnSimple says

    Great ideas! Love your blog 🙂 My favourite meal is definitely breakfast, looking forward to trying some of your recipes!

  7. Veggie Tales says

    These all look amazing! Breakfast is definately my favorite meal of the day. I love making crazy oatmeal and putting in whatever I feel like in the moment…peanutbutter, bananas, peaches sesame seeds, apples, raisins, granola- yum! I’m excited to try your oatmeal recipes.

  8. Rachel Gutierrez says

    Please keep posting every day, I love it!! I get on here almost daily to see what new, exciting things I can make each day!

  9. Jade C says

    My favourite meal of the day is breakfast, definitely!! It’s the steaming-hot bowl of porridge I love and look forward to on a cold winter morning, topped with frozen fruit and creamy Sojade yogurt.. It can be warm, soft banana pancakes drizzled generously with yogurt and maybe a drop of agave or a sprinkling of raisins.. I like fresh fruit in the summer months, sometimes with a big bowl of yoghurt, other times with toast or on top of my pancakes. I love breakfast!! ((Maybe as I’ve proven here,ca little too much??))
    Ohh, and I have made 4 of your pancake recipes, a few different oatmeal ones, a blueberry Pizzert, the amazing Cinnamon Roll Pie.. And that is just from this page!! Keep it up, Katie!!
    Jade C

    P.S.. Looking forward to the new Christmas recipes you posted about today, too!!
    P.PS.. Would I please be able to email you with a few ((I’ll try to not make it too many!!)) questions??

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