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At the TV Studio…

Everyone with a DSLR camera, get ready to be jealous…

studio camera

studio camera

On Tuesday night, I was invited into the News 8 studio to watch as they filmed. I loved it! I got to meet the incredibly gracious news crew and get a behind-the-scenes view of what goes on during a live broadcast.

Then, when my story came on the tv, it was surreal. Shelly Slater, the news anchor, had asked me to bring another cookie pie to the set, and–unbeknownst to me–they did a live taste-test in the middle of the show. Shelly set out two desserts and didn’t tell the other newscasters which one was the healthier one. She asked them to pick their favorite… and they both picked the deep-dish cookie pie!

If you’re new to my blog, the recipe can be found here:

Deep-Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie


And this is what they did on the commercial break:

news 8

No one ever did finish that other cake… Winking smile







Published on February 9, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Sarahishealthy says

    Katie, you were great! And so so beautiful! Has anyone ever told you you look like Kate Middleton? Or maybe it’s just me? 😉

    Does anyone else see the resemblance?

    Anyway, you were great!

  2. Christy says

    I’m so proud of you Katie! You did such a good job and I loved how they interacted with the people on the street to prove that vegan dessert is just as tasty as it’s counterpart. I hope you mentioned to them that they had a celebrity vegan chef locally that should be on the show!

  3. Emilia says

    Congratulations on your tv debut! That’s so cool that you got to see the show being filmed, sound like fun. I can see why everyone preferred the vegan dessert, the deep dish cookie pie is amazing! 🙂

  4. Bekah says

    Congratulations Katie!! I am so happy for you :). I am a new commenter, but have been following your blog now since late summer. I am a busy mom of a toddler so I don’t always have a chance to comment haha, but I LOVE trying out your recipes. I make triple batches of many of your pancake recipes and freeze them and my husband and kiddo love all of them. My husband’s favorite is your Strawberry Shortcake Pancake :). Anyways, I have made the Chick-pea Cookie Pie about three times now and even though I use just a blender I love it and it turns out great! I gave it to my dad (who unfortunately does not like any healthy food and eats lots of fattening foods and sweets) and he had no idea that there were beans in it. He went on to have a second slice. My mom told me to NEVER tell him haha :). Okay, this is getting long. I just wanted to say congratulations on all of the positive publicity, wish you the best, and I look forward to making more of your recipes!

  5. L. says

    Now I reeeeaaaally want some of that cookie pie! It’s been too long since my last piece. And I agree with Sarah: you looked gorgeous!

  6. Eric Jaffa says

    Good job.

    If you want to make more videos, all it takes is a video-camera and a YouTube channel.

    A Creative Labs Vado HD 720p Pocket Video Camcorder can be bought for $100.

    A YouTube channel is free.

    After filming with the Vado, you just connect the camera to your computer with the built-in cord, and the files are listed like files already on your computer. Copy-and-paste or cut-and-paste the files, then go to YouTube, and click upload.

    Even if you don’t consider yourself a tech-person, millions of other people who don’t consider themselves tech-persons film themselves and post the resulting videos to YouTube.

    You can add a new video to your YouTube channel as frequently or infrequently as you feel like.

    • Gi says

      ….I second this. 😀
      Even though I don’t usually watch food videos (I prefer reading them), if you enjoy making videos YouTube is an option that you should consider…. after all, there are lots of people who are visual-lerners, and would love to see a video of the process.. even if maybe with some of your recipes would consist only in 1.gather the ingredients 2.throw the in the blender (which is one of the reasons to love your blog: QUICK recipes :D)
      Maybe your channel wouldn’t get so many subscribers as Smosh or Shane Dawson… but still, you would get your word spread in the net-world.
      Anyway, compliments again! Good job!! (:

  7. jackie says

    Seriosly…so cool!!! I’m so psyched for you! Ok, enough exclaimation points. But I’m very happy for your recent new notoriety (in your hometown vs. the blog world). What’s next? You never know…but I’m sure it’ll be good things…

  8. jenn a. says

    buuuuut I think your segment was amazing, I would have been so scared when the anchors were trying my food….congrats girl

  9. Ashley says

    Hi Katie,
    Just wanted to say congrats on the news program!! That’s so great and the cookie pie looks fantastic 🙂 I’ll have to give it a try soon. I made your cookie dough dip for our super bowl party last weekend and EVERYONE loved it (and were shocked when I told them what was in it…or NOT in it I should say!)! I’m a dietitian in Chicago and think that what you do is amazing! I can’t wait to try out more recipes and recommend them to friends and clients looking for yummy vegan desserts!

  10. sarah says

    congratulations katie! I’m so happy for you! I’ve been following your blog for about a year now, and to see how much the community here has grown in just a year! what an accomplishment! Keep it up – you’re awesome!

  11. Barb says

    congrats on your tv appearance! you looked amazing! its funny, i’ve always wondered what your voice sounds like…I’ve been reading your writing on this blog for so long! you should totally add videos to your blog entries!

    anyway, I made a deep-dish cookie pie to celebrate you!

  12. auntiecarole says

    Katie–you did a great job on your tv debut! It seemed very effortless and natural for you. Maybe a cooking show in the future?? Love the recipe also!

  13. Elizabeth says

    Congrats on the news story Katie! Great to see you be so successful with your awesome blog. By the way, you looked really cute in the segment.

  14. snenny says

    Congratulations Katie! You come across as a really genuine, friendly person in your interview (not to mention, adorable) – totally converting viewers to the cause for tasty healthy desserts ;D

  15. Genevieve says

    I tried to leave a comment yesterday after I watched the video…You did great – you came across as so friendly and approachable, and not nervous at all (I would be shaking and stuttering!). The only part I didn’t like was when the host gave the taste test to the other anchors and started by asking them to choose which one they thought was the vegan dessert….she should have just asked them which one they liked better, and then surprised them by telling them yours was vegan! (also, she gave it away when she said that part about people on the streets liking it even though you can see the chickpeas…if they were paying attention, they would realize the chocolate one doesn’t have any chickpeas, so the other one must be the dessert being tested!). Anyway, I’m happy you’re getting recognition and helping to show people how good healthy, vegan desserts can be! Congratulations!

  16. The Better Baker says

    Oh Katie – I couldn’t be happier or more thrilled for you! I got choked up just reading the newscast. WOW! How EXCITING when you can impress folks with your style of ‘cooking’. How thankful I am that I have crossed paths with you…you are changing the world, one kitchen at a time. Sweet Blessings on all your endeavors!

  17. Andrea says

    How exciting! Must have been such a rush to see how everyone was reacting to your dessert, and on TV! So happy for you! You looked great for the cameras- the apron was a good choice! 🙂

  18. Erin says

    Katie! That was so great. You looked so relaxed and natural. 🙂 I can’t wait to see where you show up next… Today Show? 😉

  19. Valerie says

    I knew someone would come along & help launch you! Way to go Katie! Now to get you on Oprah’s radar! Congratulations!

  20. bumbee hankypants says

    I think you were incredibly sweet and looked super cute on tv! Plus, I really love what you do for vegan people. You show everybody that being vegan and health can be super fun and yummy. 🙂
    And now I’m going to freeze some vanilla soy milk to make your apple pancake recipe tomorrow and top it with your ice cream. Thank you so much! Greetings from germany.

  21. Carlota says

    I think you should make more videos showing how you make your recipes!! i really enjoyed watching it! You were just awesome, and the cookie pie looked so yummy! 🙂 Congratulations for your tv debut!!

  22. Kristen says

    Awesome! You were so well-spoken in the video! And I think it’s great you mentioned most recipes fail at first… it gives novices hope 😉
    I WILL be making that cookie pie very soon. Congrats again!

  23. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says

    Omigosh I just watched the feature and am so excited for you! You looked gorgeous and sounded so sweet and smart! I’m so glad they decided to do this feature on you and hope that they bring you back again soon! Now I really need to make the recipe myself after so many people loved it!

  24. Beth says

    Great job, Katie!! What gets me is that they were surprised that something vegan tastes good. What did they expect it to taste like? Dirt? Grass?

  25. Jessica Hoberg says

    Go Katie!! You are AMAZING 🙂 I’ve been subscribed to your blog for some time & I’m so excited about this well done story! In honor of your success, I’m enjoying some Deep-Dish Cookie Pie right NOW! 🙂 This is the 3rd time I’ve made it. Thank you so much for all you do!

  26. Annalisa Fish says

    I was so sad when I couldn’t leave a comment! Katie you are my hero! That news spot was well deserved. It inspired me so much! I hope to come up with something as cool as this blog one day so I can share it with everyone too. You are the best! Keep the chocolate comin’ girl!!

  27. Christy says

    I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to see it as I live in London – so glad I was able to watch it no problem!! You were fantastic Katie. xx

  28. Jami says

    Katie, congratulations!!! Wowzers! That is so amazing to be featured on the news! I ran into your blog thru pint rest last week. I am so excited to try soooooo many! We eat a yummy whole foods diet. We aren’t vegan but do love whole foods! I was so blessed to come across your blog. I made your first recoipe this morning! I signed upmfor your emails and the first thing I got was for the German chocolate fudge bites! NO SUGAR!!! Amazing! Better yet, my 4 yr old daughter and 7 year old son LOVED them!!! I didn’t feel bad letting them have them either!!! Sweetened by the dates! Anyway, I’m a big fan! Good luck to you and your recipes and SO looking forward to your cookbook someday!

  29. Mary says

    Katie, this is great! I feel like I just watched a great friend get her moment in the spotlight! You should be so proud — i know we are all proud of you!

  30. Marian says

    Yay!!! This is too cool! The Lord continues to bless all your hard work and I am so excited & happy for you!! Yay katie!!!

  31. Karen says

    Congratulations! You were exactly how I would have imagined. I love that you said you don’t necessarily love to cook, and if you want something, you want it now. I’m not vegan, but that is exactly why I love your site. Somehow, not cracking an egg makes it all feel so much easier. Your site leads to so much experimentation and just trying new things. You have introduced me to coconut oil, pastry flour, oat flour, and of course, garbanzo beans, among many others. I love it! Thanks for all you do!

  32. natalie @ southern fit foodie says

    That’s so awesome – especially since it wasn’t “set up” or anything. I can’t wait to make this recipe…maybe I should make that for vday.

  33. mrsluckypants says

    Great job! Thanks for posting the link I am so excited that I got to see it! I hope that this leads to many positive opportunities for you. You deserve it. I love your recipes. I haven’t found one yet that I don’t like. The deep dish cookie pie is amazing. I made it last Thanksgiving and no one knew there were beans in it. My son, who doesn’t like beans, loved it as well as the cookie dough dip which I made more recently. Thank you for helping me get some fiber in that kid! Congratulations again.

  34. Amanda says

    I’m from the Dallas area orginally (in NYC now) and my parents still live there. Mom watches the Channel 8 news religiously, and I asked if she saw this segment. All she could say is how cute you are! And that she was tempted to try the recipe herself…take that as a compliment, because suffice it to say she is NOT a healthy dessert eater! Congratulations!

  35. Amber K says

    I had wondered why the comments were previously closed! But now that they are open, can I just say congratulations! And I find it hilarious that they didn’t even finish that other pie. I wouldn’t have either 🙂

  36. Kerrie says


    So happy for you….you are even cuter on TV. 🙂
    Can’t wait to try this recipe….I am now gluten free and struggle to find yummy things.
    I still make your choc pancakes (I think you call them brownie pancakes) for my son…he’s still a huge fan. I am too!


  37. Samantha says

    AHHHH!! THAT IS SO FRICKEN AWESOME! Congrraatss! You’re famous! haha!! I’m so excited for you! This calls for new SUPER CHOCOLATEY recipe 😉

  38. Jeanne says

    Congratulations, Katie! I’m a new fan and I made your Deep Dish Cookie Pie last week — it’s SO good! Last night I made your 1 Minute Mocha Cake & I was equally impressed. Keep up the good work for us chocoholic, yet health-minded folks 🙂

  39. Kat says

    Awesome, That was great. I wish I could taste test your creations. I am gluten intolerant and I found your blog doing a search for a healthy gluten free dessert that was also sugar and sugar substitute free. I am so glad I found this blog. I tried the sugar free cookie dough dip and it was a failure, but I am still hopeful with the other recipes. I’m going to try to make some chocolates for Valentine’s day with your chocolate bar recipe.

  40. Cat says

    I served the Deep Dish Cookie Pie this evening to my brother, who is a chef in the Byward Market district of Ottawa, Ontario and his vegetarian fiance. They LOVED it! As did my extremely picky husband. Great, healthy recipes! Congrats on the recognition you are getting for all your hard work.

  41. Veronica says

    How much are you dancing right now? I’m so proud of you and if were me, I wouldn’t be able to stop patting my own back. LOL! Well done, great segment and the accolades–wow! You rock, girlfriend.

  42. Cammy says

    Good job! Great segment- you should try and become a “regular feature” The cookie pie is really quite good- I used cannelli beans since they have a smoother texture- worked like a charm

    Keep it up- Didn’t Hungry Girl start as a blogger?

      • Cammy says

        Vegan Pioneer Woman ?- er maybe Vegan Plains Woman (since your from Texas)
        Dont sell yourself short- you’re just as talented and work hard. She just has more mainstream appeal. Veganism is getting more mainstream but its got a long way to go. I keep thinking Food Network will get a vegan or least vegetarian show

  43. Valerie says

    Good Morning *chocolate* from ‘frosty’ southern Manitoba! Congrats. on the fab. segment! I am in total love with your blog…you are such a gorgeous lovely young lady…and it is indeed a pleasure to have found you recently. My recipe collection has SO many of your fab. recipes! Cheers, Valerie.

  44. Kelly says

    congrats on your TV debut. Did you ever post a sugar-free version of the deep dish cookie pie? I don’t eat sugar. Would love to try a sugar-free version of that cookie pie.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Ok, it’s still a work in progress… If you try it, I would absolutely LOVE to know your thoughts (good or bad… seriously, don’t be shy about telling me the truth if you hate it lol).

      Use the basic recipe, but just leave out all sugar. Add 2cups pitted dates (300g), three stevia packets, and 1/2 cup almond milk. Process in 2 or 3 batches, because the food processor will have a hard time doing it all at once. Then add in the chocolate chips (or sugar-free chocolate chips if you wish).

  45. Sonyanijntje says

    Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!
    The first thing that caught my attention was that the spokeswoman said that your “recipes are made by people all over the country.” Ehmm.. Not quite… She should have said ‘from all over the WORLD’. I don’t live in the USA, I live in Europe (the Netherlands).
    I’m following your blog for a little while now. It’s really cool to ‘see’ you for real on (web)tv. You know, moving and speaking ;).
    I also think that the spokeswoman should have let the tasters (in the streets and in the studio) tell which one they really liked most! She gave it away to soon! But maybe she was just so enthusiastic about the fact that vegan food good taste so good. Especially in comparison to regular cake.

  46. Marie says

    Katie – amazing interview. I am so happy for your success. I stumbled upon your site about a week ago and have been obsessed ever since. I am planning on making two of your desserts – chocolate bar pie and deep dish cookie pie for a birthday party tomorrow – cannot wait to try them and see what everyone thinks.

    I have to say you are an inspiration. I have always loved food and cooking, I always wanted to be a chef (especially desserts) since I was young, but never followed my passion ( I have an MBA in finance, work in investments, and own a side-business where I make handmade jewelry). Since I found your site I have been seriously contemplating making some changes. I decided I am going to start out blogging about food ( coming soon) and let my passion take me where it may.

    So many thanks to you for re-awakening my passion. You rock!

  47. Stefanie says

    Congratulations on impressing so many people with your great desserts. I may just have to make that cookie pie for my family now.

  48. Kim says

    Oops, tried to leave my comment on the wrong page! I was reading the comments after the news article and someone said that you were a bad role model because you looked thin and sick(!). I attempted to come to your defense without sounding like I was speaking for you but maybe you want to say something…or not. I think you look great!

    Oh, and I finally got around to watching the video clip and you were awesome!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Thank you so much, Kim. I hadn’t actually noticed that there were comments on the actual article until you told me about it. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you’d come to my defense… It’s really frustrating that people who don’t know me think it’s ok to make a snap assumption like that, but I know it’s something I have to deal with for putting myself out there. Thankfully, the rest of the comments were incredibly wonderful and kind… they made me completely forget the one malicious comment. I’m so grateful there are people like you in the world, who take the time to make others feel good. Seriosuly, thank you! 🙂

  49. Patti says

    Oh Katie, what a Kreative Kreature you are! LOVE your recipes! Made the Genius Blondies yesterday – they’re gone – and I did NOT share! Think I may try adding a little cinnamon to the next batch – and maybe a few chopped walnuts. Added calories, but hey, walnuts contain healthy fats!
    Congrats on the TV segment – great job!

  50. Emma says

    Hey Katie, congrats on your TV appearance! I actually planned on making the deep dish cookie pie this weekend but wanted to ask first: is it the kind of thing that tastes better if you let it sit a little while after baking (like the brownies) or is it best straight out of the oven? Thanks!

  51. Sally says

    I couldn’t wait any longer, so I morphed the recipe to omit the brown sugar. I used 1 1/2 cups of Stevia and added 1/4 cup of maple syrup (read online that was a brown sugar substitute). I am not sure how the original recipe tastes, but mine is good! Next time, I’ll try it your way…with dates. Thanks!

  52. Ashlee says

    I bought a package of vegan carob chips yesterday thinking they’d be a better & easier than making my own chocolate chips (your recipe btw). So I tried them. Bad idea. They are straight up NASTY. Then I remembered that in the news clip you had a bag of Ghiradelli semi-sweet chocolate chips and, me being a HUGE fan of Ghiradelli, I wanted to make sure I didn’t just imagine it. I was so relieved when I watched the clip again and saw that bag of chocolatey heaven! No more carob for me! Just thought I’d share that 🙂

  53. Linda says

    Katie, you did amazing!! You were super charismatic and friendly 🙂 I’m a big fan of your blog and it’s so exciting to see you getting such amazing publicity!!

  54. Amanda says

    Way to go, Katie. It’s funny how we all feel like we “know” you. I said to my son “you know that girl I follow online? Chocolate Covered Katie? She was on tv!” LOL I think you did a great job. I know, anytime I meet someone trying to lose weight, trying to cut out snacks on a diet, or people who are trying to eat better or go vegetarian, or whatever, I tell them to go to your website. I’m always letting people try my blondies, or pumpkin bars, or whatever I have that day for MY snack. And everyone thinks they are awesome. I hope the tv spot gets even more people interested and talking about you. You deserve the recognition.

  55. Jamie.S says

    Hey Katie, i have been following your blog for quite some time now, and am seriously addicted to your fudge babies. I have to admit i have eaten an entire batch in one sitting once. mmmmmm sooo good.
    Congratulations on your success. You must be super duper excited and happy right now. 🙂

  56. Bella says

    Awwh! Congrats:) You did such a good job:) I absoultley love your recipes and your blog! I also am a vegan, and you post so many different opitions! I can’t wait to try this:) Im thinking of making it for valentines day and also on a random note… have you tried almond coccunut milk? The unsweetened kind is what i use(45 cal) and nutriton very simular to unsweeted almond Ive already used it in a few of your recipes and I thought it was really good specially ones that call for coccunut butter or extract! So just suggesting it if you want to try it some time(: Much love and good luck!

  57. lauren says

    I’m really glad you posted this. I tried to rush home to see this live on the Dallas news but missed it. I have sent the link out to two friends already because it is hard to convince people that cookies with beans (or mousse with tofu) can be this good. They had to see it to believe it!

  58. Beth H says

    Katie, you did awesome! I tried the deep dish chocolate chip cookie as dessert for Valentine’s Day. My husband asked, before he tried it, “is this a healthy dessert?”. He knew I had been trying some of your recipes, so he was skeptical. Then he asked for seconds! I never did tell him about the beans though, just the oatmeal…lol. Anyway, plan to try many more of your recipes (the breakfast oatmeal pudding is my new fav btw). Keep up the good work! Even us non-vegans want to eat healthy, but hate giving up dessert!

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