Creamy Southern Homemade Banana Pudding – egg-free / dairy-free / gluten-free / vegan / no sugar
Did you know that I once competed in a Banana Pudding Eating Contest?
Yes, really… Can’t you picture it? 🙂
It was at Six Flags, and I was with a group of friends. Hungry teenagers, lured by the thought of free banana pudding and Nilla wafers, we all decided to enter. About 3 seconds into the contest, we knew we were way out of our league. I’d eaten a bite and a half of banana pudding, while the guy next to me was halfway finished and the lady next to him was already onto her second bowl!
Needless to say, I didn’t come close to winning the contest, but the banana pudding was delicious and I didn’t end up with a stomachache like I’m sure the winner must have gotten… He ate almost 2 pounds of banana pudding in under 5 minutes!
So can you guess the secret ingredient that makes this healthy banana pudding recipe super thick and creamy without the use of cornstarch or heavy cream? Don’t worry, it’s not garbanzo beans, and it’s not cauliflower. Not this time.
Above, topped with sliced banana and Homemade Healthy Graham Crackers.
Creamy Homemade Banana Pudding
Banana Pudding

- 2/3 cup over-ripe banana, mashed (measure after mashing) (160g)
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 3-4 tbsp coconut butter (45-60g)
- 1 package MoriNu tofu (Soy-free version: see recipe instructions below)
- pinch stevia extract, or 2-4 tbsp sugar of choice (depending on your tastebuds and the banana ripeness)
- optional: 1/8 tsp turmeric for a deeper-yellow hue
Banana Pudding Recipe: Make sure the coconut butter is melted before you begin. (For tips on the easiest ways to melt coconut butter, see Coconut Butter FAQ Page.) Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor, and blend until completely smooth. Makes about 2 cups. (Soy-free version: Omit the tofu, and decrease the coconut butter to 2 tbsp. Decrease the salt to 1/8 tsp. Add 1 cup cashews that have been soaked in water 4-6 hours and drained fully. Vanilla stays the same, and sweeten as desired. Add milk of choice if a thinner pudding is desired.)
Click for: Banana Pudding Nutrition Facts
Question of the Day:
Would you ever consider entering a food eating contest?
Do you think you could ever win?
Link Of The Day:
Maggie says
This looks marvelous! I’ve been resisting investing in coconut butter but I think this is a good reason to try it out!
Eating contests were always repulsive to me as a kid. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t watch people shoveling food into their mouths. The eat-like-a-pig scenes in Matilda and A Christmas Story would make me so sick I’d have to leave the room! As I’ve gotten older, I think what bothers me is the… disrespect, I guess? Like there are starving kids in the world and we treat food like a toy? I wrote a paper on this concept when I was in college, specifically about the banquet scene in the second Hunger Games book when Capital residents are using emetics so they can eat more. It just makes me sad, I think, that we’re making a game of how much food a person can consume when it could feed a whole family.
Self-righteousness aside… I definitely would’ve entered the contest you did just so I could eat banana pudding!
Carroll says
OMG! I was literally just looking on pinterest for a healthier banana pudding them decided to come look here, begging you to have a new banana pudding post. THANK YOU!!! 🙂 I’m totally trying it. Haha, me in an eating contest. That would never work.
trajayjay says
I did a jello eating contest before. Well, it wasn’t so much a contest, as it was a “Eat Jell-O and be happy when you do. And don’t use your hands” So, no winner. But it was still fun
On another unrelated note, I have something that’s been really disturbing me. It’s when people try to make vegetarians feel bad and stuff, when they say stuff like “There are still animals killed in combines that harvest grains, so don’t think that you’re making a difference in this world”
and then people say stuff like this. This was actually said to me.
“Vegetarians are still contributing to the torture and murder of millions of animals in the egg and dairy industries, so for them to attempt an ethical argument against meat eaters doesn’t make sense. The only ethical way is Vegan. ”
I’m not a vegetarian, but isn’t that just snobby. She’s basically saying that vegetarians aren’t good enough. I disagree that it is the only “ethical way,” if you’re trying to stop animal cruelty, that’s sufficient, even if you’re buying organic, locally raised meat, that’s still something. Something is always better than nothing, and this girl seems to think that vegetarians are cruel beings. They should be commended for at least trying.
I know that this is unrelated, but it has been disturbing me and I need to get it out to someone whom I know will feel what I’m feeling.
weeona says
Welllllll… your vegan acquaintance(?) has a point. She’s just making it in a very not-tactful way. When the egg industry is, arguably, the most cruel one out there AND when you consider that half of all chicks born in hatcheries are immediately killed (rooster chicks of egg laying breeds don’t grow efficiently enough for meat production and cannot lay eggs, so they are discarded when born) AND when you realized that the dairy industry has veal as a by product, it is a bit hard to see vegetarians getting high and mighty about how they don’t kill animals or lording it over meat-eaters. Just because they don’t see the death directly, doesn’t mean they aren’t actively funding it.
It’s like griping at someone who kills with a knife because you prefer to use poison. Still bad, just different bad. If you care about animal rights (not welfare) then the only truly ethical way to live that conviction is veganism. That’s not being snobby or snotty, it’s just a fact. You cannot claim to be for AR and still eat/use some animals. *shrugs* It’s quite possible to be opposed to *cruelty*, be a welfarist and consume “happy meat” and other animal products. Those “happy” products still aren’t cruelty free, of course, but welfarism is more about avoiding the worst atrocities in animal agriculture. It’s just different strokes and different levels of uneasiness with that whole system. You choose what you, personally, can live with supporting. I’d just not throw stones if you live in a glass house, is all. Veggies calling meat eaters murderers or getting really strident while still eating eggs/dairy is a bit hypocritical.
For example, I tend to avoid getting on to fellow vegans for small, hard to avoid things (I’ll call out an egg eating “vegan” though! That’s not a small, hard to avoid thing!) like electronics, car tires or even processed sugar. I’m not perfect either so I’m certainly not going to get down on them for small errors/accidents. I think there is a big difference between a vegan who accidentally eats animals and one who is “vegan” but actively chooses to continue to eat animals sometimes, when it’s convenient. I consider one to be acting like the vegan police (“hey, did you know if that sugar is processed with bone char or not? OMG YOU’RE A MURDERER!!11!”) and one to be just trying to keep the word from getting watered down (“please don’t say you’re vegan and then order fish. It makes it hard for the rest of us to get a vegan meal at this restaurant if you set the precedence that vegan food includes fish”).
weeona says
Ugh, throw the word “reaction” between “I consider one … to be” in that last bit. Le tired.
trajayjay says
my point was, I didn’t think vegans should lord over vegetarians, as they’re both trying to REDUCE animal cruelty within their comfort zones. That’s all. Like, I were a vegan, and someone chose to only buy organically and humanely raised animals, that’d be fine by me.
Hilo says
I would say that the real problem is overpopulation and entitlement. If there were less people we would most likely not be in the midst of a mass extinction and if people lived more simply there would be way less animal cruelty byproducts. I think eating meat is fine–but not from fast food etc where is about mass production and convenience. Eating your 4h cow is different–you assured its good life and death/consumption is part of a cows lifecycle anyhow. Sorry long rant.
Cami says
Overpopulation is a myth. It’s not that there are too many people it’s that meat is demanded far too much and this has caused mass production of it. I know this is an old post but now I hear forest is being hacked down to allow more grazing area for livestock. Additionally, neighborhoodsare beibg contaminated with animal feces from nearby pig “farms”. Again, it’s the meat-eating demand causing this. If everyone was plant-based or at least most cultures, this would cease to exist.
See here:
Julie Michelle says
Weeona – The way I see it, any step in the direction of reducing animal product consumption is a huge win for the animals. Meatless mondays make a difference. Being vegetarian makes a difference. Buying products that weren’t tested on animals makes a difference. Picking fabric shoes over a leather shoes makes a difference. Until we live in a vegan-friendly world, no one is able to be 100% vegan no matter how hard we try. I consider myself vegan because I don’t eat, wear or use animal products to the fullest of my ability, but there are things like all prescription medications being tested on animals that are outside my control. When it comes to things like medications or tires, I just do the best I can. Rest assured that if there were a vegan option, I would choose it. Hopefully one day there will be a vegan option for everything, but I hate the attitude that you might as well do nothing if you can’t be perfect. Every choice we make is important. Every choice matters. Eating no meat or even less meat helps. Reducing dairy and egg use, even if you don’t want to stop eating them completely, helps. I wish I had gone vegan sooner, but I don’t think that makes my 11 years as a vegetarian meaningless.
Diane says
Totally agree, something is better than nothing . . . And just a comment on food eating contests, what is the attraction anyway, certainly a display of excess and waste in a time where some people have difficulty putting food on their tables. Eating to the point of being sick to your stomach is a turn off to watch.
mary says
Maybe dumb question but how do I print the recipe – love to have it in the kitchen when making the item. Can’t wait to try!!! Looks so awesome!!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hi Mary,
At the moment, the best way to do it is to highlight just the recipe portion and then press “control c.” Then open a word document and press “control v.”
I’m working on a better way, but it’s not set up yet!
Kasmira says
I just go to the search bar & highlight the link, then email it to myself & put the recipe title in the subject line!
Then it doesn’t take up room in my computer!
I have a “Recipe” folder in my email…it’s easy to search for it later that way too!
Lily says
Wow, this looks amazing! Definitely am going to make this next time I get to the grocery store to buy the tofu. No, I don’t think I can compete in one of those contests. I like to eat my food slowly (well, except for your ultimate fudge cake which I couldn’t help but gobble it up in a few bites). Plus, my stomach gets upset pretty easily so I think it would just be torture for me! Thank you for the recipe!
Jenna says
Is the tofu supposed to be silken, firm, or extra firm?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
It actually doesn’t matter. I’ve used both the silken and firm for this. But MoriNu is preferred over other brands.
Donna says
And what is the soy free option for the banana pudding??
Susan says
Tofu is a nice way to get the texture for this; you can be sure you will only taste the bananas.
I have never been in a food eating contest, and would never consider it. Back in the day when I would binge regularly, I might have been able to do it, but I don’t like the idea of being stuffed to the gills. And I’ve been working so hard for so long to get away from overeating, that I have no desire to undo all my hard work. 🙂
Erica { } says
I’ve yet to use tofu in a dessert before but I can’t wait to try this!
Suzanne @ hello, veggy! says
Eating contests kind of freak me out; I’ve heard stories of people dying after participating! I remember hearing about a water drinking contest called ‘Hold your wee for a Wii”. Not fun hahah
I’m glad you didn’t overexert yourself at the pudding eating contest, Katie!
Ashley @ Blissful Basil says
Oh my gosh, yum!!! This looks delicious and indulgent, yet light enough for eat during this hot summer heat.
As for the eating contests… after witnessing several of my friends get sick during a chocolate pie eating contest in 2nd grade, I vowed never to partake in one myself. Although, I’m strangely intrigued by shows like Man vs. Food despite the fact that I’m usually looking away as they take down large stacks of meat!
lina says
Hi Katie, I tried to use stevia powder and it came out with the worst after taste, i saw where u said u use nunatural stevia. when i looked for it on amazon , so many types came up. could u please tell me which exactly u use and if it leaves any kind of after taste? thank u so much for all ur recipes also! LOVE LOVE THEM! a fan, Lina
Sunnie says
I know I’m not Katie, but if I can be of any help, NuNaturals Pure White Stevia powder is the way to go – you only need literally a PINCH to sweeten an entire glass of tea (I mean like 1/32 tsp . . . tiny tiny amount). That’s what I use, and I bought it under the impression that that was the kind that she buys (I could be wrong). This is the kind I got:
BUT there’s no bitter aftertaste, and even usually stevia-hating daddy likes lemonade that’s sweetened with it. 🙂
lina says
thank you for the reply….how do i use that in recipes? like if it says 2 tsp ,still use same amount as it calls for? and what about the recipes that call for liquid stevia drops? i am going to buy some of the one from your link today, the one i bought was from whole foods but it wassuch a bad aftertaste we threw away all the muffins.
Sunnie says
Hi again, Lina,
In her recipes, most of the time it will say something like (as in this banana pudding recipe) “a pinch of stevia.” As far as other recipes go . . . I would probably taste-test the batter; this stuff is really really REALLY sweet. For example, if you find a recipe that uses a cut stevia (like Stevia in the Raw, which has other fillers in it), then you’ll want to probably use less than 1/4th of what it calls for – like if it says 2 tsp, I would start at 1/4th tsp, maybe a little less, and just keep tasting.
All stevias tend to be a little different, depending on whether they are uncut (pure) or cut (fillers). But once you add your stevia to tea or something, that should give you a gauge on how sweet it is, and how much you might need for whatever purposes. 🙂 Hope I helped!
Sunnie says
Also, straight from their website: “NuStevia White Stevia Pure Extract: 1/32 tsp is a sweet as 1 tsp of sugar”
LOL So I guess that if a recipe called for 2 tsps, you’d only need like 1/16th tsp. More info here:
lina says
@sunnie. thank you for all the helpful info! it took me forever to realize where i posted this comment more question maybe, which nunatural pure liquid stevia extract do i buy? there are seversl types coming up…again thank you so much =)
Sunnie says
Hi Lina!
It’s not a liquid, it’s a powder. Here’s one place where you can get it online. (see: Just make sure that if you look elsewhere, it says PURE white stevia extract (powder); the brand also has a white stevia powder, but it is NOT labeled “pure,” and has maltodextrin or another additive that’s used to cut it, as to make it more like sugar in terms of the amount that you would add to something. The Pure version is much, much sweeter.
katie @ ohshineon says
Hey Katie,
Is there something we could substitute for the coconut butter? I’ve tried time and time again to get into the whole coconut-fad, but I just can’t do it!
WpgVeg says
Hi Katie,
Non of my local stores carry coconut butter. Is there another type of spread you could suggest? Would earth balance products work? They’re dairy free spreads.
Tatiana says
Katie has a recipe to make your own coconut butter. I know it’s not a substitute, but it’s super easy! 🙂
Elizabeth says
I’m wondering if I could use the hard stuff if a can of coconut milk?
TaniaC says
I used peanut butter instead. Yuuuum! The consistency was still great.
Caitlyn @ City and the Cubicle says
Banana pudding is my absolute favorite! Yum.
Annie says
I love bananas with a creamy pudding. This looks so good! I blogged a similar recipe a couple weeks ago, but did not make it with tofu. I bet the tofu creates a really delicious texture! Love this!
Lisa says
Oh I absolutely love this pudding idea! Especially that it has coconut butter – since I’m kind of obsessed with all things coconut, and banana and coconut happen to go fabulously together.
I don’t think I’d ever enter a food contest, that is one thing I’d for sure suck at. Unless it was a fruit eating contest. I could possibly enter that one;)
Kaitie says
I participated in a Twinkie eating contest once in college (before the vegan days of course), but it was more about speed than amount. I think we had to unwrap and eat like 3, so definitely not anything like 2 pounds of banana pudding!
I may try this with Nasoya silken tofu – I can’t find Morinu here. The graham cracker looks yummy, but I’m from the south, so I need to find some good Nilla Wafer vegan sub!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I’m working on one… right now, the texture is good but the taste just doesn’t have that quintessential “nilla wafer” flavor yet. 😕
Danielle @ It's A Harleyyy Life says
banana pudding is my favorite dessert everrrrr!
Sara @ LovingOnTheRun says
This looks so so delicious! I don’t know how you come up with these amazing healthified recipes all the time! this reminds me of my grandmother; while not as healthy she used to make the most amazing banana pudding! One of those things that takes me back to my childhood 🙂
Carmen says
I, too, would like to know if there is something we can sub for the coconut butter. Thank you!
Kaycee @ FitFace says
I think pudding is probably my favourite childhood snack, both banana, and butterscotch mmmmmm. Is there a way to make butterscotch healthy? something tells me there’s not hahaha
Jessica Sherrick says
This look delicious.. but is there a substitution for Coconut butter? I’ve been wanting to make this for my family, but they’re allergic to coconut.
Jubjub says
MMMMM food eating contest, I’ve recently thought about doing them. After my parents watched me down an entire costco pizza with an extra pound of ground turkey, cheese, 2 bell peppers they all said I should look into competitions. Funny part of that is I’m 6’2″ and 165lbs! tall skinny twiggy boy.
Kelly @ Foodie Fiasco says
Goodness… this looks amazing! All stacked up with naners and wafers. I had a banana bread experiment a bit ago, and this will be the perfect use for my banana stash!
Lynn says
This sounds delicious! I have a question about the tofu, however. What kind did you use? Silken? I’ve never seen that brand of tofu before, so I have to go with what I can find. Thanks in advance! 🙂
Kris @ says
I’ve never been in a food eating contest of any kind, and probably never will be! 😛 But a bowl of banana pudding? Now that I can do! Thanks for the recipe!
Kristin says
I stumbled on your site a few weeks ago and love it! I have a question if you wouldn’t mind. Many of your recipes have nutrition facts and some of those are even in image form. How do you calculate these nutrition facts for the recipes since you create these recipes yourself? Looooove Banana Pudding by the way, this is going on the must-try list!
Jenni says
I’m just going to start out by saying how much I love you for the disclaimer that this isn’t made with garbanzo beans or cauliflower. Haha! It looks delicious. And no, I would never consider entering a food eating contest. Aside from the fact that I think they’re insanely disgusting and represent everything wrong with how people today view food, I’m the slowest eater ever. So I’d never win anyway.
Tamsin says
this is incredible!
I suppose you could use frozen banana for an ice cream banana pudding aswell?
Nicole @ FruitnFitness says
I love this idea for a pudding! I love banana pudding but don’t eat it often because I know it isnt the healthiest option. I love how you make tasty recipes into tasty and healthy ones!
Grace says
Hi Katie!
This looks so yummy! I’m going to have to make this soon!
I was wondering though, where do you buy your MoriNu? The places where I used to buy them don’t sell it anymore because they said there was a problem with it due to chemicals or something… So they discontinued selling it! 🙁
But I love MoriNu tofu… That really is the best tofu!
And wow, food contests… hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever participated in one, though I once had to eat a 2 lb. burrito… Definitely not recommended! 😛 Though I’d be glad to participate in a fruit eating contest! I love my fruit! 🙂
-Grace 🙂
Shani says
Probably a silly question, but seeing as I’m from Australia and I don’t think I’ve ever had banana pudding before, is it meant to be eaten hot or cold?
I’m no good at food-eating contests, but my boyfriend eats HUGE quantities of food (big, tall, ex-rugby player, and goes to the gym all the time) – he literally knows every all-you-can-eat place in Brisbane city. It actually makes it awesome for me when we are eating out, because I know that no matter what I order, he will be able to finish it, so I don’t have to worry if I’m ordering something way too big to finish because I won’t feel bad about wasting food 🙂
sw8dishgirl says
Its supposed to be eaten chilled, pref with whipped cream. You prob want to eat a traditional version before experimenting with ingredients. So far I haven’t found anyone that could mess up banana pudding…but still.
TheJoyfulKitchen says
This looks FABULOUS!! Can’t wait to try it!! I’m a banana addict:)
I’ve never been in an eating contest, and I’m glad!! However, once there was a pizza eating contest at a retreat with like 5 different youth groups. Embarrassingly enough, the only two winners were…..BOTH from our youth group!! They got really sick on the way home, though.
alloyjane says
How much do I love you? So much. Was reading reviews for a popular bakery in LA my sister wants to go to and apparently they’re known for their banana pudding. So I’ve been contemplating making it, but I’ve never done pudding before so was not excited to try an something complicated with boiling and thermometers, and here you are, giving me a great, simple recipe to try. Thanks 😀
And no, I would never join a food contest because it makes me think of the story Gordy tells in Stand By Me with the vomiting scene. But that’s what happens when you watch Stephen King movies when you’re four years old. I think maybe that’s also why I don’t like pie…
Lisa @bitesforbabies says
I make something very similar…my two year old loves it (so do I). I love the simplicity of the pics…once again, taking notes 😉
Bob Halverson says
How could I convert or segway into a banana cream pie …
Bonnie says
I think Katie has a recipe for a pie crust (like a graham cracker crust) and a recipe for whipped cream… Make the crust, put sliced fresh bananas on top, then this pudding then her whipped cream/”cool whip” recipe. When can I come over for a slice? 😉
Davenport House says
Yum! This looks delicious! So simple too!
Lauwchen says
I love tofu pudding! Just made the chocolate version yesterday 😀
I also tried it with mango and raspberry, but those attempts were nog so succesful..
Will try this recipe the next time, though!
Question: will the pudding change its color because of the banana and become brownish?
Monica says
Chocolate pudding with tofu?!?! 🙂 Sounds amazing, can you post your recipe?? 🙂
Erin | The Law Student's Wife says
I’ve done chocolate pudding with tofu but haven’t tried banana. Love it!
Maya says
Wow this sounds amazing! I’d love it if you had a look at my new blog post all about my favourite healthy cereal – brown rice puffs! They would go perfectly on top of this 🙂 xxx
Morganics says
Thanks for the last two posts as I have just had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted! Will definitely be making them soon because chewing food is a tad difficult right now. Haha.
Dan from Platter Talk says
This looks incredible, perfect for a summer weekend! …Or week day. Or any day! Thanks for the post!
Gretel says
Not a big fan of pudding, but this recipe looks great!
About food contests: I’ve never entered one, but i’m sure I could win a candy corn-eating contest, I love the stuff! c:
Tanya @ Playful and hungry says
Looks delicious!
Madeleine says
This looks really good! I’d especially like to try it with the cashews. I think they would add a nice balancing flavor.
I have never had the urge to join an eating contest. And I don’t think I would be any good at them if I did try. Unless it was a strawberry eating competition. I love strawberries!
Cath says
Why is it called Southern Banana Pudding? I don’t get it….
Love Mori-Nu though 🙂
Kasmira says
Does one HAVE TO use coconut butter? And what stores would I find it in?
I’m in Cali.
I haven’t seen it at Safeway! Lol
Thanks! 🙂
Amy @ swiss miss in the kitchen says
Yumm! Katie, this pudding looks awesome! Little question: How much is one package of Nori Tofu in the US? I live in Switzerland and I would love to make your pudding but I need to know how much tofu you used… Thank you!!
Megan says
I have that same question. The “package” I bought is 1 lb. (454 g).
Kayla says
At one of my friend’s birthday parties, she had a cupcake eating contest. My gosh.. I was terrible. There’s a picture of me with a mouth full of cupcake and I look like I’m dying. I think I only had a few. 😛
Maybe I’d so better now thanks to a history of bulimia (at the time I had never binged before.. Although struggled with other eating disordered behaviors).
Carolyn says
If there was a peanut butter eating contest, I would win 😉
Sonja Finley says
la nouba makes a coffee waffle cookie that tastes exactly like a vanilla wafer. that and some sf banana pudding would be great together.. the coffee waffle doesn’t taste like coffee, it’s just the name of the cookie. netrition carries them and a couple of different cookies.
Kaitlyn says
Just made this- it is amazing!!! Thanks so much for the recipe. Great taste and actually pretty filling too which is always nice for a dessert.
Tiffany says
This question doesn’t go with this post but this pudding does look amazing! My kid loves your single serving cupcakes so much and wants me to make her a birthday cake using the exact same recipe. Can I multiply the ingredients by 12 to make more or will that change up the way it cooks with baking powder, baking soda, etc? Its the lemon and carrot cake she wants by the way… Thanks!
Nessa says
I feel bad for the winner…. five pounds?! That’s just nasty. This pudding looks delicious and healthy!
Ryan says
Well, your certainly looks better than mine did! I had a brain fart and mistakenly used coconut oil in lieu of the coconut butter! Wasted a whole cup of soaked cashews, but I will most definitely try it again and make it right this time. Whoops. 🙂
Sari says
Please format your recipes so they can be printed out without all the photos and comments.
Rosene says
I love the idea!! I am going to make it 🙂
Where do you get MoriNu tofu ? can I use regular tofu?
lil deli says
wow, this looks exactly like something I feel like eating for breakfast today
Beth says
How many ounces/grams are in the package of Morinu Silken Tofu?
Lily says
Infantylna says
Great pictures 🙂
Lily says
Just made this, and it was a hit with VERY picky non-healthy eaters! Thank you!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Thank you so much for trying it 🙂
Heather says
hi katie,
i am just wondering if you could explain what the purpose of the coconut butter is in the recipe? is it needed to help it stabilize?
i’d love to make this in a pie form for my cousin! it is his b-day and he literally just asked if i would do banana cream pie
Chocolate Covered Katie says
You need some fat to counter the taste of the tofu.
BakeMeABallerina says
I followed the recipe, but got soup…. what happened????? The “pudding” was so thin I could have drank it through a straw. Does it need to set in the fridge?
BakeMeABallerina says
PS: Is this all because I didn’t use Mori Nu? Also I love your oatmeal and pancake recipes and don’t want to sound negative…I was just wondering what I messed up.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
No it should be thick from the beginning, as there is no thin liquid in the recipe to make it soupy. But I’ve never tried it with anything but the morinu, so I really can’t say how it would turn out with a different type.
Hanna says
This pudding tastes AWESOME!
Monica says
Can you substitute the coconut butter for coconut cream?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
I’d think that would work, but I haven’t tried it.
Monica says
The coconut cream worked out great. Really good recipe!! My family loved it, aside from my picky chocoholic son 🙂
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Thanks for reporting back! Now I can tell anyone who asks about a coconut butter substitute 🙂
nyesha hunt says
this is the best type of food a person can eat
Janessa says
Could you use coconut oil in replace of coconut butter?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
Maybe, but only if you ate it warm. If you ate it cold the oil would probably get solid which would be weird.
Janessa says
Can nonfat plain yogurt be used instead of tofu?
Amelia says
*Google Searches ‘Is banana pudding a thing?* and arrives on this blog.
*Reads recipe*
I’ve only two goals now 1) to try this pudding and 2) to marry you for putting this pudding up for the world to see.
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Hope you like it! 🙂
Elysa says
Hi Katie
I love, love, love this pudding! The only issue is you cannot make it ahead or save the left over pudding as it turns brown. I have tried adding lemon, that did not help. Any ideas what else I might try? Thanks so much! Elysa
Niki O'Neil says
WOW how have I not come across this recipe before?! It looks too delicious for words 🙂 YUM! x
Angela says
This is such a smart recipe! I replaced the coconut butter with non fat plain greek yogurt and it came out great. I’ve seen coconut flavored yogurt too which would have been tasty too I would think. The firm tofu smoothed out much better than I expected. Gets my mind thinking about other things I can use tofu for in healthified recipes.
Liz says
Katie, is there a way to make this without coconut butter? Thanks!
Natalie says
So delicious! I made this today but with a lot of ingredient substitutions-I live in japanese, I can’t get coconut butter so used peanut butter and I don’t know where to get sweeteners so I used honey (I’m not vegan) I made a double batch and although it tastes great still it’s turned brown. I kinda forgot bananas do that… What can I do to stop that happening????
Stephanie says
Is there a way to make healthier banana pudding without tofu? I cannot have any soy based products due to health reasons.
Unofficial CCK Helper says
There is a soy-free option listed right in the post…
Hannah says
TOTALLY late to this post but pleased to have found it 🙂
I’m a bit confused – is it 1/3c mashed banana (80g) or 2/3c (160g)?
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Ooh wow, thank you for catching that! I’d originally made it with the 1/3 cup but decided the higher amount was better and had forgotten to change the grams when it posted… In other words, both will technically work, but 2/3 cup is better!
hannah says
Don’t know why I asked – obviously the more banana the better 😉
michelle says
Is there a sub for tofu? My son is allergic to soy, (cows milk, eggs,wheat and peanuts) any suggestions?
Unofficial CCK Helper says
There is already an option listed right in the recipe.
michelle says
Sorry, didn’t see that when i read ingredients.
Alissa says
Do you have any suggestions for getting rid of the “soy” flavour out of your tofu based deserts? We don’t have Morinu tofu in Australia and all the silken tofu I have tried in recipes like this and your chocolate mousse still leave that distinct taste. I have tried adding more salt which helps a bit but not fully. Thankyou!!
Ellen Spear says
In answer to question of the day about whether you’d consider entering an eating contest: never, because: a) I have a tender stomach, b) there’s no chance of enjoying eating if your aim is to each as much as you can in as little time as possible, c) the aftereffects would be awful, d) see the egg-eating dare in the film Cool Hand Luke — Paul Newman’s character wins, but looks nauseated and is unconscious, or nearly, at the end.
Unofficial CCK Helper says
I think you are confusing this site with another blog.
Katie does not have a recipe for pecan loaf on her site…
Charlotte says
Just made this and it is amazing! It reminds men quite a bit of a banana cream cheese pie filling that I used to make, but much healthier. I’ll definitely be using this as pie filling sometime soon, with a graham cracker crust!
Also, regarding coconut butter, for those who are yet to try it: I have found that it is sold under different names, and is sometimes much cheaper when not marketed as “coconut butter.” It is also called coconut manna and creamed coconut (not to be confused with coconut cream). The brand Let’s Do Organic sells vacuumed packed coconut butter (they call it coconut cream) on Amazon, and it’s the best deal I’ve found by FAR, at about $14 for 42 ounces, whereas a 16 oz jar of Artisana Coconut butter usually retails for $12-$14. The Let’s Do Organic brand isn’t quite as smooth as Artisana (or Nutiva coconut manna, which is about $10 for a 16 oz jar and tastes interchangeable with Artisana in my opinion), but it’s still fantastic, and it is generally what I keep in stock.
Ana @ Ana's Rocket Ship says
Oh- this banana pudding looks so good right now!
Kim says
Hi, I would love to make this, do you use silken tofu? I only have firm tofu and I think the texture would be all wrong!
Gina says
Hey Katie! Can you start including with your recipes how many people they serve? Thanks! I love your site!
Jackie says
I remember going to Six Flags and having banana pudding. I liked it as a kid, but did not eat it as an adult. Reading the box and all the words I could not pronounce turned me off. Thanks to you I can enjoy eating it again.
April says
I made this for breakfast today and topped it with homemade vegan 8 granola, raspberries and banana slices. It was incredibly delicious! I was impressed with how much banana flavor it had! So good! I was also very pleased to use the coconut butter because I’ve had a jar forever and didn’t really know what to do with it! I know now after looking around your site a bit that you have the opposite problem with the coconut butter! (: Thanks for the delicious recipe!
Chocolate Covered Katie says
Thank you so much for making it! Coconut butter… I have to force myself to stay away from it sometimes, because I will just go through the jar with a spoon!
Missy says
Hi! This looks amazing and we are dairy free and gf in our house but we are also high fructose free which means no coconut 🙁 is there anything that could be substituted for the coconut butter?
Thanks, Missy
Jason Sanford says
Yes, you can use raw cashew butter or soak raw cashews in water to soften them, then drain and blend the raw cashews with the other ingredients.
Kat says
I wonder if you could use melted white chocolate instead of the coconut butter? I’m assuming the coconut butter is to give the pudding body and richness? I think it’s a similar idea to making tofu chocolate pudding with melted chocolate chips. Sure, it’s more processed and not as healthy as coconut butter but it might be worth trying…
CCK Media Team says
That sounds great… we can’t say because we haven’t tried, but be sure to report back if you try it!