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Breakfast Bars… On the Go

Do you ever have a rushed morning?

Normally, I’m lucky in that I don’t have to be anywhere in the mornings. So when I get back from running, I’m able to leisurely enjoy my breakfast. There’s not much I hate more than rushing through a meal.

But I know that a lot of y’all need quick or portable breakfast ideas, thanks to work or morning classes. (I will never do the 8AM-class thing again!)

Whether or not your mornings are free, you must try Boatmeal!

chocolate chip baked oatmeal

Above, Cookie Dough Boatmeal

It’s like a giant muffin; so soft and sweet and chewy.

Recently, I received an email from a reader wanting ideas for quick breakfasts. These oatmeal bars (or cakes) are a great option for two reasons: quickness to prepare and portability.

Super-Quick Breakfast Tips:

  • Mix the dry ingredients ahead of time (and in multiple batches) so the baked oatmeal for one will come together super-quickly.
  • I also usually cook boatmeal (baked oatmeal) the night before, which means breakfast is ready for me when I arrive home from my morning run.
  • The bars/cakes are portable, and others have told me that they freeze well too. You can even multiply the recipe, cook in a cake pan, cut into squares, and freeze the leftovers.

“On-the-Go” Breakfast Bar Flavors:

banana bread oatmeal

Banana Bread Boatmeal


Pumpkin Pie Boatmeal

baked oatmeal

Oatmeal-Raisin Boatmeal


Cinnamon Roll Boatmeal

cookie dough baked oatmeal

And the aforementioned Cookie Dough Cake

Published on April 1, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    Great post and compliation of all your fun and easy breakkie eats!

    “Do you ever have rushed meals?”–
    Ummm…YES! The story of my life! Rushing from motherhood to work to life…my life is 20 hrs a day of rushing and go go go!

    Good thing I use my microwave and no-bake/freezer things and have a jillion breakfast and snack recipes using both 🙂

  2. Paige says

    Uhm, Katie.. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t like the fact that you invaded my privacy and read my mind. But due to the nature of this post, I’m going to let it slide. This time.

    Nobutseriouslynow.. THANK YOU. Against my better judgement, I actually just signed up for an 8 am class, and literally two seconds ago, I was sitting here thinking: “Gee, I wonder how this whole breakfast thing is going to work out? D: ”

    Now, I don’t have to worry. Thank youuuuuu. 😀

  3. Leashieloo says

    I either grab a bar, cereal, or OOIAJ. Sometimes I like to throw a fruit wrap w/ nut butter onto the George Foreman grill for a hot, portable breakfast.

  4. Jess From Midwest Vegan says

    I always have a rushed morning! In fact, I get out of bed 45 minutes before I’m supposed to leave for class and even with a four-minute shower (sometimes I time myself, haha), I swear I’m late every single morning! I just gotta have my leisurely sit-down breakfast n’ coffee, I guess!

    I am ready to try your boatmeal! I finally found a little dish I can bake it in, yay!!

  5. katie says

    loving the oat loving in this post!!!

    My favorite on the go breakfast is a bar and a apple, usually a larabar or luna!!!

    Love you and your message on twitter was the sweetest!!!!!

  6. Lyza says

    I tend to eat superhealthy or not at all at work (I’m doing terrors for veganism with my bad behavior lol >.< ) because I don't like eating decadent food in a rush!! I usually eat the good stuff at home and have salads and veggies and stuff at work 🙂 One day I'd like to compensate though with a big platter of vegan cupcakes. They must see we actually do get to eat equally sinful food!!

  7. Tara says

    My favorite on the go breakfast is peanut butter and jelly with a piece of fruit, or a HUGE bowl of granola. I love eating it dry!

  8. Mariah says

    I don’t do rushed breakfast well…at all!that being said,oatmeal all day errryday!hello overnight oats in a thermos:) love your trick!

  9. BroccoliHut says

    I’ve been having a lot of rushed breakfasts this semester thanks to a 10AM class–it’s hard to fit in a workout, shower, and eat before then! For quick meals, I’ve been sticking to smoothies, toaster waffles, and breakfast sandwiches.

  10. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    AAAH I wish I’d seen this before this morning, or I TOTALLY would’ve made this last night and taken it with me this morning!! Never mind, there’s always next Saturday 🙂

    If you can’t tell by the way, I’m trying to feed you the brownies through my computer screen. Are they coming through on your end? They just seem to be making a bit of a mess over here! 😛

  11. Morgan :) says

    I just discovered your blog and all the recipes look so good! And healthy 🙂 But i just made this Banana Boat Oatmeal and it was delicious!! I cant wait to try more!

  12. Jen says

    You are an adorable genius! I love so many of your recipes and have shared them and your site with all of my friends. We are always looking for healthy treats to make our kids! My family avoids gluten and I made your boat meal this morning using quinoa flakes instead of oatmeal and it turned out even better then with the oats because it formed a more cake like consistency (I have made it many time with oats too). Your recipes are very adaptable which is great! Thanks for “sweetening” our lives and keep the recipes coming!

  13. Anna says

    Hi Kate!
    This is the first comment I’m posting on your blog, but I’m a big fan of all your recipes! Every single one I’ve made for my (carnivorous) family has been received incredibly well; even better when they find out that the food they’re eating is healthy, too. This boatmeal is being baked in the oven as I type.

    Also, very off topic– have you looked into dehydrators? The one I use for drying fruits into tasty, nutrient and calorie dense morsels cost $14, and has more than earned its worth… and that’s not even counting the kale chips! Just wondering whether you, too, know about how awesome food can be after being stripped of a lot of moisture. You probably do! But just in case. 🙂


  14. Caitlyn says

    yay i love these! i made the cinnamon roll boatmeal, but i didn’t have applesauce so i used mashed banana instead and it tasted super good :3

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