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Chocolate Chip Cherry Granola Bars

Cherry Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

I secretly love awkward situations.

Maybe not right while they’re happening… But when you look back, the awkward moments are the ones that always make for the best stories.

Chocolate Chip Cherry Granola Bars

This past Saturday I was meeting a friend for dinner and arrived early at the restaurant. (I’m always early to everything.) By the time my cell phone buzzed, saying my friend was going to be late, it was already approaching that awkward amount of time sitting alone at a table for two when people start to notice, probably wondering if I’d been stood up.

Or if I had fat hands.

Cherry Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

Sorry, Friends reference. I couldn’t resist.

Luckily the waiter was really nice, so I wasn’t forced to do that awkward “check your cell phone every 30 seconds to pretend you are busy” thing. At one point during our conversation, it came up that I had a website devoted to desserts, and he was intrigued…

Waiter: “Desserts? Like ice cream and cake?”

Me: “Yes, but healthy desserts.”

Waiter: “So you make granola bars for a living?”

Chocolate Chip Cherry Granola Bars

Yes. Yes I do. 🙂

Cherry Granola Bars


Chocolate Chip Cherry Granola Bars

Chocolate Chip Cherry Granola Bars

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  • 1 cup applesauce (240g)
  • 1/2 cup cashew or coconut butter (110g)
  • 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract (6g)
  • packed 3/4 cup dried cherries (100g)
  • 1/2 cup raw almonds (70g)
  • 1 cup puffed wheat or puffed rice (18g)
  • 1 cup rolled oats (95g)
  • 1/4 tsp plus 1/8 tsp salt
  • pinch pure stevia or 2 tbsp liquid sweetener of choice (decrease applesauce by 2 tbsp if using liquid sweetener)
  • 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips (40g)
  • coconut butter, optional


Preheat oven to 325 F and line a 10-in square baking pan with parchment paper. In a bowl, stir together the applesauce and nut butter until smooth. (If your nut butter is not stir-able, gently heat it until it softens.) Stir in vanilla, then set bowl aside. In a food processor, combine the dried fruit and almonds until they form fine crumbles. Pour into a large mixing bowl and stir together with all remaining dry ingredients (the last 5 ingredients). Add the nut-butter mixture and stir until evenly combined, then smooth into the prepared baking pan and cover with another sheet of parchment paper. Press down VERY firmly. Bake 33 minutes, then allow to cool 10 minutes before slicing into bars. Top each bar with coconut butter if desired, and refrigerate to harden. (Makes 20-22 bars)

*View Granola Bars Nutrition Facts*

cashew butter

More awkwardness: trying to master the iphone selfie talent some people seem to have down so well. It’s surprisingly difficult to hold something in one hand while taking a picture with the other. Not to mention, I felt ridiculously awkward posing with a jar of cashew butter…

Do you like awkward moments? And have you ever been stood up?

Although I’ve not been stood up, I definitely do have some awkward first-date stories! Probably shouldn’t write them here, though, since I never know who might read this post. 😕 Link of the Day:

500 Healthy Dessert Recipes

Happy National Dessert Day!

Published on October 14, 2013

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. janae @ bring joy says

    I love that the waiter automatically assumed that healthy desserts=granola bars. I hope you told him the name of your blog so he can look you up & get an education on what *real* healthy desserts are :).

    I agree, awkward situations are way funnier after the fact. Or when they happen to someone in a tv show or movie. But as for me, during the fact, I’m not a fan!

  2. becauseHeloves! says

    You should so try carrot-cake baked oatmeal in honor of Halloween! Yes? Pleeeaaaseee! And amazing website, by the way. I’m a recent convert to healthy eating, and this is a blessing! The black-bean brownies and flourless chocolate chip cookies are my favorites. And the brownie-cookies. My mom loves those.
    Anyway, thanks for doing what you do. (:

  3. Petrina S. says

    These granola bars look great and I have all the ingredients already! I will probably try these today. When I try to click on the nutrition information link, it takes me to the Recipes page, though. Anyone else have this problem?

  4. Tabi says

    These look delish! For some reason when I click on the nutrition facts it takes me to the healthy dessert recipes page (same as your link of the day)? Might be just my computer acting weird but thought I should let you know!

  5. Denise says


    Someone just turned me on to your blog and also “Cooking With Mr. C.” on Facebook (also a blog). I’m so excited to look through your blog. Denise

  6. Muskaan says

    Oh my gosh, I needed a good granola bar recipe!
    I need to sneak food in during classes (hehe) and what a better way than to have granola bars?
    None, I tell you.
    Anyway, I think you accidentally linked the wrong thing to the nutrition facts, because it takes me back to the recipes page.
    Thanks anyway! 🙂

  7. Emily says

    AWKWARD MOMENTS!! i love awkward moments! like this one time in third grade when some random kid asked my friend and i what we were going to be for halloween. (we didn’t know him. at all.)
    I just tried your chewy quaker granola bars and they were HEAVEN! so i think i might be making these soon. (chocolate + cherry? yes!!) 🙂

  8. Dianne says

    Katie when I click on your nutrition facts it takes me to your healthy desserts. I would really like to see the nutrition facts please. Thank you.

  9. Erica says

    These look amazing. Can’t wait to make them. The nutrition link doesn’t link to the nutrtional value but instead goes to a listing of desserts. Can you fix that so I know the nutrition on these bars. Thx so much.

  10. Gretchen says

    Do you bake them with the parchment on top? I am assuming you just use it to push down the top and then remove it, but it never says to remove…

  11. Susan says

    To answer your questions: no I don’t like awkward moments, and yes I have been stood up. It was a very long time ago, probably more than 26 years ago. The only thing I remember about it is that it made me extremely anxious.

    In your ‘selfie’ I like that the jar and your one hand are so much larger than than the rest of you…

    I like the sound of this recipe. I would probably add some protein powder, because I do that to everything – because I want higher protein levels than most people.

  12. Belle says

    Hahaha, that’s funny!

    I think I’m of that apparently bizarre and strange group of people that really, truly, honestly doesn’t care what other people think and so sitting alone hasn’t ever bothered me. Weird, huh? My husband doesn’t believe me but it’s true. I do not care what other people think (except a few close friends/family whose opinions I respect), now that’s not to say that I do not value manners and respect and courtesy! I DO! Treat others the way you wish to be treated!

    Anyhow…. keep up the chocolate covered yumminess! You rock girl and keep your head up 😉 don’t let anyone make you feel uncomfortable for being the awesome you that you are!

  13. Lark says

    These look very tasty, cherries are great for reducing inflammation, so I’m always looking for good ways to incorporate them into my diet. You are so creative!
    Awkward moment: At church camp, a large, brown moth dropped from a tree into the square-necked bodice of my dress and began flapping wildly. I was 14 years old and was being escorted by my first date to an evening service. He and his three older brothers who witnessed this scene fell down on the ground laughing. I had to reach into my dress to remove the traumatized moth. I was unable to speak for the rest of the evening.

  14. LC says

    After you posted these on Facebook, I made them. However, I didn’t have puffed wheat or rice, so I used KAMUT. I think it’s a type of puffed grain. I also only had Earth’s Best cinnamon applesauce, so I used that and added melted chocolate chips on top instead of coconut butter. I wasn’t sure how soft or hard they were suppose to turn out, so I baked them a little longer. They are pretty soft still. And the bottom lines, they’re delicious. They’re incredibly satisfying and filling. So thank you! I love your blog. You helped me start baking regularly and from scratch.

    But I was curious, is there something else I can put instead of cherries? My 4 year old didn’t like the cherries. 🙁

  15. Pipsa says

    That cashew butter jar looks gigantic! But it’s only 500g, must be some kind of illusion? The nutrition facts link doesn’t lead to the nutrition page, btw! I am so tempted to try out these bars, they look like a proper treat!

    • Pipsa says

      Oh, now it did work… strange! The two last times I tried I ended up in the “500 healthy dessert recipes” page, even though I’m sure I didn’t click that lower link but the nutrition facts link…

  16. Jess says

    I can definitely relate–my Parisian friends are ALWAYS late, and I used to be on time whenever we would go out. After a few waits alone at bars (more than an hour on multiple occasions), I finally learned my lesson about being “too” on time!

  17. Valerie says

    I don’t like awkward moments because it just makes the whole situation feel weird and uncomfortable. I don’t recall ever being stood up. The granola bars look great and I can’t wait to make these myself.

  18. Amanda says

    Hi Katie! I love your blog and all the creative alternatives that you give. Thank you for all your posts! (And i LOVE LOVE cashew butter! yummmmmm)

    Unrelated question i thought you may know the answer to: gelatin. What can i sub for it? While i’m not vegan, the ingredients in gelatin kinda gross me out. Is there a substitute that is available in grocery stores? (pectin? tapioca??) I’m trying to make a panna cotta 🙂
    thanks so much!

  19. Lyndsey says

    Hi Katie! 🙂

    I know you are a big oatmeal fan (I am, too!) and I was wondering if you knew that October 29th is National Oatmeal Day? Maybe you could post a new oatmeal recipe on that day…or maybe something else fun that has to do with oatmeal. Just a thought!

    Thank you for your wonderful blog!!

  20. Madison says

    I just wanted to say that you are really gorgeous. Just you holding that jar of cashew butter is a gorgeous picture

  21. Michelle @ Esculent Dreams says

    Haha I can’t believe you LIKE awkward situations!!! But I agree, they usually make the best stories. Btw I’m curious – I’ve been reading for a while and see that you typically use Artisana Coconut products. I recently reviewed and have a giveaway going for another brand, but I’ve never tried Artisana. Thoughts?

  22. Kayt says

    These are in the oven! The batter tasted delicious, so I hope they cook well! Thanks Katie for another delicious, healthy recipe!!!!!

  23. JenniLoryn says

    Baking these up right now! They smelled delicious even before I put them in the oven so I’m excited. Hope my three little ones love this 🙂


    I just love your blog. Being diabetic, these recipes are the bomb. Now I can have dessert without worrying about my blood sugar going sky-high. I still have to watch what I eat, just can enjoy it more, thanks to your blog.

  25. Rich says

    I absolutely love your desserts. I am gluten free, sugar free, so quite a Godsend. I have problems finding dried cherries without sugar added. And even though I do have quite a kitchen, what in the world is coconut butter? I have coconut oil…thanks again.

  26. Marissa says

    You should do a healthy KIND bar (fruit and nut type not granola)! I love them and I’ve found copycat recipes but all of them are really high in sugar.

    These bars look excellent!

  27. Grace says

    made these yesterday with cranberries and raisins and cashew butter! amazing decadent texture, great recipe as always katie!

  28. Sarah says

    I love the sound of this recipe, with my own adjustments for my almond allergy (peanut butter and chopped peanuts), but frankly I don’t like dried fruit of any type – cherries, raisins, cranberries, blueberries etc. Could I make these by completely omitting that ingredient or what else could I substitute for the dried fruit?

  29. Elidia Laver says

    You made some first rate factors there. I regarded on the internet for the problem and found most people will go along with along with your website.

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