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Chocolate Fudge in a Jar

Chocolate Fudge in a Jar:

Label this under Things you didn’t know you needed.

Vegan Chocolate Fudge

What you see before you is not fudge sauce… it is actual homemade chocolate fudge that’s been packed into a jar, just waiting to be opened and devoured. Needless to say, this recipe is very dangerous!

Almond Butter Fudge

Chocolate Fudge in a Jar

  • 1 16oz jar roasted almond butter, or allergy-friendly alternative
  • 3/4 cup virgin coconut oil (120g)
  • 1/2 cup cacao or cocoa powder (20g)
  • 1/4 tsp salt (my almond butter was unsalted)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp NuNaturals liquid vanilla stevia, or 3 tbsp sugar of choice

Start with a jar of room-temperature nut butter. If there is any oil at the top of the nut butter, stir it in until smooth. Now take 2/3 cup nut butter out of the jar and set aside for a different use. Stir the 3/4 cup coconut oil into the jar until smooth. Add the cacao, salt, vanilla, and sweetener, and stir again until completely smooth. Place in the fridge, where it will soon harden into fudge.

View Nutrition Facts

Fudge in a JarAlmond Butter Fudge

Question of the Day:

Are there any things you didn’t know you needed but now that you have them, you aren’t sure how you ever lived without them? Two things that come to mind for me are my iphone (never had one until last month) and my digital camera. And then, of course, there is high-speed internet… anyone remember dial-up??

Link of the Day: Oatmeal Pancakes

Published on September 17, 2013

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. sandy morgan says

    I’m going to try this. ..I just food processed 2 bags of smoked am ones and roasted almonds…can someone tell me how to make almond butter?

  2. Jodi says

    So about a teaspoon per serving? What brand of nut butter did you use and what was that carb count because all the nut butters I have seen sold in local grocers have too high a carb count to use. It would be nice if you would share what brand you used as the nut butter holds most of the carbs. Thank you!

  3. Connie Badstuebner says

    Another fantastic combo….I made mine with all organic ingredients, used peanut butter & maple syrup which came out deeeevine….took a small amount out of jar & added 1/2 tsp of diluted instant coffee (sm amount of water to dilute coffee)…..makes a really good mocha taste….Next jar will be mocha flavoured….If left on counter it is spreadable, in fridge it’s spoonable ….either way it’s “heaven”………Thanks

  4. Hungry Heather says

    I made this last night to use as a hot fudge sundae topping. I tweaked the recipe by using natural salted PB instead of the almond butter. I did not add more salt. I sweetened with 1.5 tsp agave and stevia drops to taste. I warmed it up, poured it over vanilla bean ice cream, and it turned into magic shell! Lol…it was still absolutely delicious. THANK YOU KATIE!!

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