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Homemade Mallomars

3 ingredients / no corn syrup / no artificial flavors

Pillowy chocolate-covered clouds…

If you’ve ever had a real Mallomar, you know all about their deliciously light and almost ethereal charms! These 3 ingredient homemade Mallomars retain that perfect lightness without the accompanying long list of processed ingredients (which includes corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and unspecified artificial flavor) in the originals.

healthy mallomars

There’s even an option to make these Mallomars completely flourless!

vegan mallomars

Homemade Mallomars

(makes 8 – can be doubled)

Use a cookie cutter or small circular lid to cut circles in your crackers or cookies. Make sure there will be room in your fridge or freezer, then cut out eight individual pieces of parchment or wax paper, place these pieces of paper on top of a baking tray or large plate, and set a cookie on each piece of paper. Take out a second plate or baking tray, and set it aside. In a deep bowl, melt your chocolate. (Google how to properly melt chocolate if you’ve never done it.) Place a spoonful of marshmallow fluff on one of the cookies. It should be thick enough to not run off the cookie (see above photo). If it runs off, this means the fluff needs to be beaten longer. Spoon chocolate evenly over the fluff and cookie, then pick up that individual piece of parchment and place it on the plate you had set aside. Refrigerate or freeze this plate. Spoon fluff and chocolate over a second cookie, then pick up that piece of parchment and move it to the plate in the fridge or freezer with the other finished cookie. Repeat with remaining cookies. Unless using coconut oil chocolate, these mallomars can stay out in a cool room for a few hours. To be on the safe side, I would store leftover vegan mallomars in the fridge or freezer.

View Homemade Mallomars Nutrition Facts


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Published on May 14, 2015

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Hannah says

    Wow! those look AMAZING! what i great idea!
    i was just thinking- there is no way i can eat 8 of these in one day( i know that cutting the recipe in half is an opion, but it is so much easier not to,escecially when the recipe is a small batch) but if i made all eight and only ate two, would the marshmallow fluff on the inside be seperated? if so, i will just cut the recipe in half.
    Thank you so much!

  2. Whitney says

    I loved this idea so much that when I saw the email with the title, I knew I would have to come home tonight and make them immediately. The ‘mallow fluff is like a science experiment – it came together beautifully, although not as “sticky” as I expected – very light weight and airy. Consequently, even though I managed to get it thick enough to keep peaks on the graham crackers, my chocolate flattened/deflated the ‘mallow when I drizzled it on. They were no where near as lovely as your pictures – big piles of chocolate mess – but sure taste yummy! Like gooey s’mores candies, albeit very messy and not solid whatsoever.

    Does the “fluff” firm up at all in the freezer overnight? I kept them in the freezer about an hour before attempting to eat them. I have a few left to try again tomorrow… 🙂

    • Anne says

      You need it even stiffer! I tried the recipe and had the same thing happen to my first one as you did, even with peaks that seemed firm. So I took my beaters and beat the marshmallow fluff for another good five minutes, tried again, and bam! Perfect peaks strong enough to withstand the chocolate coating I added. I also did one at a time and used the freezer not the fridge option.

      • Whitney says

        Good to know! I have plenty of “fluff” left in the fridge today (separating, yes), so maybe I will try re-beating it to make it stiffer and attempt again tonight. Thanks for the suggestion. I beat the fluff about 11 minutes total yesterday, and also kept them in the freezer as I assembled, as suggested in the recipe.

  3. tîffany says

    If you put a tiny bit of strawberry or raspberry jam on the center of the cracker then put the fluff and chocolate it’d be like a viva puff

    • QUEENIE says

      Tiffany, I was truly tickled to see your post. I remember having Mallomars with the dab of raspberry jam in the middle when I was growing up in the Midwest in the 60/70’s. Haven’t seen them like that for a long time. I actually went on a Mallomars quest a couple of years ago, and couldn’t even find them in the stores. Apparently they don’t ship them out of the New England/New York area in the summer for fear of the chocolate melting? Anyway I never got any – until I see the recipe and your comment today. However, I’ve never heard of a viva puff. HMM-MM…..

      Katie, I love your blog and can’t wait to make these childhood treats! Memories!

  4. Sarah says

    Just made these today! The fluff just melted all over as soon as I put on the chocolate so I think I’ll try to beat the fluff longer next time… ant more tips? Even though they were super messy they were still delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

    • Julie says

      Thanks for leaving your comment. I beat mine for 14-15 minutes after reading your comment and mine stayed puffy even after the chocolate went on.

  5. Julie says

    These are SO good! Based on others comments I went ahead and beat my homemade marshmallow fluff for a full 14 minutes before continuing with the rest of the recipe.

    The only problem is I don’t see them lasting very long! 😉

  6. Cee says

    This turned out great for me. Leftovers sat out for a fe hours while I nibbled; it started separating about two hours later. The refrigerated leftovers seemed to whip up a lot faster, like less than half the time. I’d love to try this with krispie treats.

  7. Freddy Falck says

    It’s great to see home cooks venturing out to new forms of chocolate food. Being a professional chocolatier, I have experimented with several combinations to excite the taste buds. I must say that your homemade mallomar looks really inviting. Mallomaris not really the most popular chocolate desert; I am happy to see more people taking to it.

  8. idapt says

    Really great post. This answered the majority of my questions. When I read this I actually opened up a word document and started taking notes haha.

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