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Vegan Candy Corn



Healthier candy corn recipe you can do at home - without the artificial ingredients & corn syrup. From @choccoveredkt... Full recipe:

And… candy corn?

Think of candy corn as comic relief from Halloween.

It’s cute, it’s yummy, and it’s not the slightest bit scary.

That is, until you look at the ingredients. Gelatin, corn syrup, FDC Yellow 6 Lake, Red 40, Blue 1 Lake…

Are you scared yet?

Homemade Candy Corn

I’ve always loved candy corn, more for its festiveness and adorableness than for the actual taste.

So when I made these candies I wasn’t going for an exact copycat, but more of a fun and healthier and vegan candy corn substitute.

You might like them even better than real candy corn!

Healthier candy corn recipe you can do at home - without the artificial ingredients & corn syrup. From @choccoveredkt... Full recipe:

Vegan Candy Corn

  • 1/4 cup raw cashew butter (or peanut butter if you want pb-flavored candy corn. Who knows… it might be fun!) (58g)
  • tiny dash salt
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar or Sugar-Free Powdered Sugar (28g)
  • Either red and yellow food coloring (you can purchase natural food coloring at Whole Foods), or a tiny pinch turmeric and a few drops beet juice

Mix the first three ingredients together in a bowl until it becomes a crumbly dough. (Note: if your nut butter is from the fridge, let it sit awhile or heat it up so it’s easier to mix.) If dough is too gooey (mine wasn’t), you can add a little extra sugar/sf sugar. Taste the dough and add a little more salt if desired. Now transfer the crumbles to a plastic bag and smush very hard into a ball. Remove from the bag and form three little balls, then add a few drops yellow food coloring or the turmeric to one ball and knead until it’s all one color. Do the same with the red. (For my un-edited “in process” photos, see the nutrition link below.) Roll balls into skinny strips—the skinnier the strips, the smaller the resulting candy corns, and press strips together. Cut into triangles or other shapes. As stated above in the post, these aren’t supposed to taste exactly like store-bought candy corn; they’re yummy in their own right. You can store in the fridge, but my roommate—the candy nut—says they taste best straight from the freezer. Or you can even bake them: 350 F for 3-5 minutes, then allow to cool for at least 10 minutes before removing from tray.

View Nutrition Facts + Step-By-Step Photos


STEP-BY-STEP: How to make healthier candy corn at home, without all the artificial ingredients and high fructose corn syrup vegan candy corn!

What are you doing for Halloween this year?

Are you dressing up? Or staying home and handing out candy? Or trying to console a dog who goes berserk every time the doorbell rings? Guess I just gave away my Halloween plans…

Link Of The Day:

Cookie Dough Baked Oatmeal

Coconut Cookie Dough Oatmeal

Published on October 28, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Bek @ Crave says

    Do you give out candy or your baked goods for Halloween? Halloween isn’t big here in Aus so we won’t be doing much, but for those kiddies that do come round we’ll probably give out icy poles.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I’d love to give out homemade baked goods. Unfortunately, in this day and age where some malls won’t even allow kids to sit on Santa’s lap anymore because of potential lawsuits, I just don’t think it would work. 🙁

  2. Maya says

    Yayyy you used the turmeric idea! I think I had posted that on your last year’s candy corn post (not saying you got it from me, just excited when turmeric gets the importance it deserves!)

  3. Allison says

    Not really the right place for this comment, but I’m wondering if you could expand your candy section to include chocolate-covered things (nuts, dried fruit, etc.). That would be a lot of fun.

  4. Miss b says

    Hi Katie , I loved this idea with making the candy corn, without all the food coloring and junk in it !! But I was wondering do you have any Ideas on how I could make vegan candy canes for your vegan peppermint bark? Just wondering.. thanks

  5. Merrin says

    Hi Katie, just a quick question, how hard do these go? Like in comparison to a boiled sweet? Oh, and do you know of any vegan or healthy boiled sweet type recipes? Thanks heaps! 🙂

  6. Charlie says

    It’s that time of the year again!
    I wonder if there’s a way to make this recipe shelf stable? I’d like to make these and send them in the post to friends.

  7. Elaina says

    Thank you for the recipe. My teenage sons wants homemade butterfingers and found a recipe on Pinterest with chocolate and candy corn. I won’t make them because of the HFCS and dyes. Has anyone tried to use this recipe in place of candy corn in another recipe?

  8. Lauren says

    I so often see recipes with cashew butter, but I am allergic to most nuts (including cashews and peanuts). Is there any good substitute like sun butter etc?

    Also, there are three nuts I *can* eat: hazelnuts, almonds, and macadamia. For some reason, I think a homemade macadamia butter might be my solution. What do you think? Any advice would be much appreciated.

  9. Tara Gonzalez says

    Today I made the sugar-free version substituting xylitol and they are just terrible and make my stomach queasy. I know it’s the xylitol but I’m new to cutting refined sugar and most carbs out of my diet (about 6 weeks) and the only thing that’s killing me is I like desserts. I found some chocolate bars sweetened with stevia that are really great and actually don’t have a stevia aftertaste (for once the claim on the packaging is actually true!) which I usually snack on with a handful of macadamia nuts, but I’m actually not a huge chocolate person, I prefer cinnamony, buttery and sugary desserts ?. I’ve been following your blog for a while now and this is the first thing I’ve made off of it (I thought it would be a fun project to do with my 3 year old and it was that) because I haven’t traditionally kept a lot of the ingredients you use on hand and I’ve been a little skeptical that healthy desserts can be good, but I have a handful of other recipes I’m going to try and I hope I can find some that I love!

  10. Lisa says

    Hi Kate, the vegan candy corn’s were very tasty, but my colors didn’t come out looking like yours. Used the yellow food coloring and orange, but my dough was tan instead of white. ( I used sunbutter and powdered stevia sugar). Tasted good, but sure didn’t look yours?….any suggestions. Yours are so cute! Lisa in Arizona?

  11. Shoshonna says

    I’m allergic to cashews and my family is not big on peanut butter. Is there any alternative to the raw cashew butter?

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