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Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

For a work meeting yesterday, my roommate decided to bring a banana bread recipe she’d seen on my blog.

polka dot banana bread



I told her we should definitely make two, because banana bread makes the house smell so delicious…

And if the house is going to start smelling so delicious it has me thinking about running to the oven and sticking my head inside, there is NO WAY I’m giving up that bread when it comes out.

You’d have to pry it from my (tightly-shut) teeth.

So we made two loaves.

It was so good, we should’ve made three.


chocolate banana bread

With Chocolate polka dots.

Lots and lots of chocolate polka dots.

The best kind of polka dots.

Chocolate Chips: best things ever invented? Do you ever eat them plain, straight out of the bag?

I like to do that with Ghirardelli 100% baking discs. Or Whole Foods dark chocolate mini chunks. Or… basically I’ve never met a vegan chocolate chip I didn’t like.

This gooey and delicious recipe is very similar to my other banana bread recipe… but better, because it has chocolate chips!

I know a lot of you find it easier if I don’t make you click links, so here’s the recipe for the chocolate version:

This is the BEST banana bread recipe I have ever found... 16,000 repins! @choccoveredkt - It is a MUST try!



Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

(Polka Dot Banana Bread)

  • 2 c spelt flour (or white flour or Arrowhead Mills gf)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1/3 c oil OR milk of choice
  • 1 and 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 c agave or pure maple syrup or honey
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
  • pinch uncut stevia OR 1 tbsp more agave or sweetener of choice
  • 2 c tightly-packed, mashed banana, measured after mashing
  • 1/3 to 2/3 c chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine dry ingredients, and mix well. In a separate bowl, combine wet ingredients and mix into dry. (Mix by hand, and don’t overmix.) Pour into a greased loaf pan and cook 35-50 minutes, depending on how gooey you want it. (Tip: If the top is cooked but the inside is still gooey, put tin foil over the top and continue to cook.) After removing from the oven, let cool for ten minutes before slicing. After the first day, this bread is best stored in the fridge. Or cut it into slices and freeze for later.

See original recipe for Banana Bread Calories & Nutrition Facts.


Link Of The Day:

The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie

The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie


Published on November 2, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. jo @ includingcake says

    Oooo- banana bread with chocolate chips… now i’ve just finished my lunch break at work and could really do with a little something sweet to finish it off!! My favourite choc chips? Montezuma’s dark chocolate buttons are amazing (do you have them over there?) Straight out of the bag is the best way, I tell myself that I will be ever so good and only have one…or two…but it doesn’t always work!

  2. Emma says

    I used to just eat handfuls of chocolate chips, but I can’t anymore, Too sweet! But I have to say I am going to HAVE to make that banana bread!

  3. SheilaBmarie says

    Made the original banana bread that you posted a few weeks ago again last night, with the few changes to make it GF. but this time, I turned it into muffins……you know, so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the whole loaf 😀 well, at least maybe not as quickly this time! Anyway, they turned out great that way!

  4. Sarah says

    Ummm… i may or may not eat it straight from the bag. And i may or may not have just eaten the whole bag of chocolate chips i was supposed to use on another recipe. And i may or may not have punched my face when i saw that i needed chocolate chips for this recipe. All i’ll say is, my face REALLY hurts right now 🙂

  5. Katy says

    Oh my goodness, that looks delicious! Banana chocolate chip bread used to be one of my favorite goodies to bake, especially in the fall, but I haven’t made it since going gluten-free. This situation must be remedied asap – especially if I keep looking at those photos! Thanks for the recipe.
    PS I finally found a place near me that sells Endangered Species bars. Yummm.

  6. Blue says

    oh my that looks heavenly! but as a university student I need to mostly stick to single serving recipes, and doing the math on that one looks tricky…but maybe I’ll just have to eat the whole loaf then!

  7. Christelle says

    My boyfriend will love you for another banana recipe! He loves banana break, pancakes, oatmeal…everything, and I’ve been trying out a whole lot of different banana recipes lately. I’m sure he will love this one too!!

  8. Megan says

    Oh man, I have got to make this. As a kid, I LOVED our chocolate chip banana bread! However, your’s is so much healthier. I think my mom’s recipe had tons of sugar and oil…typical “quick” bread. I haven’t seen their dark chocolate discs before! I have Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips and those are awesome. I had a chocolate chip banana vita top yesterday so your timing is impeccable. Thanks Katie!!

  9. Melissa says

    OMG!! I have to make this today!! I just found your blog yesterday. And I am sooo glad I did!!! You are now up there with You 2 have the best vegan recipes 🙂

  10. Anita says

    I made the other banana bread, the one with strawberries and Oh. My. Goodness. talk about scrumptious – you are a life saver…… I have been recently diagnosed with severe food allergies and since finding your blog I think I can enjoy eating again – THANK YOU!

  11. Marie says

    Dearest Chocolate-Covered Katie,

    I have just found your Blog, and I am sending you many hearts. This summer I have been learning to cook as a vegetarian still living with her omnivore folks. It can be a challenge to have a unique diet in my part of the world, where people are almost unwilling to try new things. I’ve even been attempting some vegan cooking, because I try to eat as cruelty-free as I can.

    Thanks to you I have tons of healthy dessert recipes to try out on my parents and various other people in my tiny little beef-and-corn-eating rural Iowa town. I don’t aim to convert them, but I hope to open their minds a bit to different ways of eating, and I think I may be able to with you on my side!

    I admire your enthusiasm and creativity in the kitchen–it really inspires me! Maybe someday I’ll be able to come up with my own awesome recipes. ‘Til then I am happy to be your faraway disciple. I’ll be the happy disciple of anybody who commands me to eat chocolate.

  12. Kit-Kat says

    I totally aggree that the dark dark DARK kinds of chocolate chips/discs/bars are the absolute best! Mmmm! And I love banana bread! so naturally sweet! Deeeelish!

  13. MANDEE says

    i was just in the car with my 2 year old cousin, and we asked him if he likes to bake.

    he replied with, “i like… to eat chocolate chips!”

    hahahah we are definitely related, because i end up eating them more often than baking with them!

  14. Jennifer JCD says

    Of course I eat chocolate chips out of the bag! I mean… what if they were starting to spoil? Someone needs to do frequent quality control testing!

  15. Jackie @ That Deep Breath says

    Yum!! Banana bread is always better with chocolate 🙂 Sometimes I even throw in blueberries instead of chocolate

  16. Abby @ Abz 'n' Oats says

    Oh my gosh this looks incredible! Chocolate chips are awesome when eaten in any form! I like to store mine in the freezer for a nice little munchie when a chocolate craving strikes! I wish they made small packets of them. lol. Self control=tough at times with the chips!

  17. Kathy says

    Oh wow does that look yummy. I’m curious though, with all that sugar and chocolate chips, isn’t that too sweet for your liking? I’d like to be able to cut back on my sugars like you do, but sometimes it is so hard. I don’t know how you can love all that chocolate but not have it taste too sweet. Maybe I can learn to cut back gradually.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yeah, I actually put less than 1/2 the amount of agave in the one loaf (and used the 100% ghirardelli discs for mine) and it was sweet enough for me. I think the bananas give it a good sweetness if they’re ripe enough.

      • Karen says

        Does ghirardelli still make those 100% discs? I’ve never seen them before but they sound like something I would like 🙂

  18. Lisa says

    Dark chocolate chunks straight out of the bag! Oh yeah baby! Thanks for putting the recipe right there and not making us click links . . . it’s the simple things, isn’t it?!?

  19. Ilana says

    Chocolate chips: Best thing ever invented. I’ve baked your healthy chocolate chip cookies three times in the past two days (and doubled the batch each time so really that’s like SIX times) and that’s left me hanging out with a lot of open bags of chocolate chips. A large portion of my lunch yesterday definitely featured chips, straight from the bag. Makes me happy 🙂

    Btw, shared your cookies with my leadership+service training group and they were OBSESSED. You know it’s good when 12 women who do yoga and are highly conscious of what they eat are giggling and diving facefirst into a container of cookies. Love it 🙂

  20. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says

    This looks amazing!! I’m usually take it or leave it on banana breads but if there are chocolate chips involved, they always tip the scale! My Grandma used to make me banana or zucchini bread and load it with chocolate chips… yum! I like to eat them straight out of the bag, especially if they are a little frozen!

  21. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    Also never met a vegan choco chip I didn’t like! I made banana muffins yesterday and my roommate drooled when she came home to the smell. Sounds yummy!

  22. Lou says

    Looks absolutely wicked (but not really as it is so healthy, i like, i like!) I think I am going to make this one today… off to get some bananas (my son LOVES bananas and gobbles up every trace of them when they are in the house!)

  23. Emily says

    Chocolate polka dots are the best kind of polka dots! I keep a bag of Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Chunks in the freezer for when the craving hits. For some reason I prefer my chocolate cold?

  24. Gina says

    looks delicious!!

    OH! I keep forgetting to tell you. There’s a new (all) vegan restaurant in Dallas. It’s called VSpot Cafe and it’s on North Henderson. Have you heard of it? My dad and I went there this past weekend for their soft opening. It’s really good and you need to try it! I had arugula-pistachio pesto linguine (I know..pasta? It’s housemade so it’s vegan) and my dad had butternut squash risotto. We also tried the portobello mushroom fries. Yum

  25. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Everything is better with chocolate. Or chocolate chips. Including banana bread. Looks great 🙂

  26. Albizia says

    One more banana bread recipe on my endless bookmark list 🙂 .

    Never used chocolate chips. Maybe I am the last foodie on the planet who hasn’t 😀 . They weren’t available in my country so I just used to chop a bar of dark chocolate and put it in the batter for whatever I was baking.

  27. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    Katie, I am still waiting for the 100% ghiradelli chips to hit my shelfs! I check out every single grocery store in my area and when I’m out of town. Still no luck! ugh.

  28. Alexa @ Simple Eats says

    I love chocolate chips straight outta the bag…especially as the topping on a spoonful of peanut butter!

  29. Kathy says

    Oh, I ALWAYS eat them straight up from a bag!
    I usually buy the darkest % of chocolate, which is 63% from my local grocery store. I’ve seen 100% dark chocolate baking bars, but $3.00 for an 8oz bar is not making me buy it…except…maybe I will one day :] Whenever I go to Costco, I buy the Ghirardelli dark chocolate assortments which have 60 something %, 70-something %, and 80-something %.

  30. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    HAHA I made chocolate chip banana bread YESTERDAY Katie! Lol what a coincidence!! 😛

    I also made your pumpkin cookie dough dip yesterday, and I LOVE it! I used 3 packets of stevia instead of the sugar and used raisins instead of choc chips cos I was all out but it is so yummy! I will definitely make it again as soon as I have choc chips again, because you’re right, they are DEFINITELY the best thing ever invented! 😀

  31. Moni'sMeals says

    I just love banana bread and always always with chocolate chips!

    I have pb butter chips, white chocolate, dark and milk chocolate chips ALWAYS, chocolate chips are YES my favorite thing ever! 🙂

  32. shanna says

    Oh Katie, you’re killing me here! I am sitting here reading this while chomping on the last of my stash of deep dish cookie pie-ettes (I bake your deep dish cookie pie recipe in mini muffin tins, put all those sweet little babies in the freezer between layers of waxed paper, then pop them out 1 or 2 or yes, 3 at a time, and wave them til they are gooey again…pure heaven).

    And now, I must make these.

    And yes, I do eat chocolate chips from the bag in “emergencies”. But since I found your website, haven’t had too many of those lately!


  33. Elise says

    Yummmmmy! I made this with half white/half whole wheat flour, only 1/3c maple syrup, 1 1/4c bananas + 3/4c strawberries, and 1/3c chocolate chips. I almost wanted to add oil but I’m glad I didn’t because it tastes sooooo not fat free anyways! I loved it. My mom thought it was too sweet even with only 1/3c sweetener so maybe I’ll try to cut back even more next time.

  34. kaila @ healthyhelper says

    I LOVE BANANA BREAD! There is just something so comforting about a hot fresh loaf straight from the oven!

  35. Sarah M says

    I used almond flour, since I was out of spelt. I kept all amounts the same in the recipe, and knew before I put it into the pan that it was going to be pretty runny. I thought it might bake into a really great banana bread pudding recipe…omg…I took it out of the oven (after baking at 350 for about an hour) and burned my tongue in about fifteen places because I couldn’t wait for it to cool! With some whipped cream or ice milk on top, it would be even more amazing.

    Just thought I’d share an accidental recipe with you…in case you wanted to perfect it…hint, hint 🙂

    Love the blog…keep the recipes coming! I love that I get to try something new a few times a week (ok, so maybe every day…lol)

  36. Jana says

    I just made it. But I replaced some of the banana with applesauce, because I hadn’t enough. I never thought I’d need more than 4 bananas. Actually, I would need 6 or 7 🙂 But I’m sure it will taste lovely, though.

  37. Mandy Keel says

    I love this bread so much. I’ve made it several times a week for my family for breakfasts. They seriously eat a loaf in two days, sometimes less. I just switched it up tonight and did 2 cups of pumpkin instead of the bananas, well, because I’m obsessed with pumpkin. It turned out AMAZING! Definitely recommend trying it. Oh so good!

  38. Jojo says

    Idk what it is with me an banana bread… It just never gets fully baked in my oven! Left it in for over an hour even though I cut the amount in half and baked at 200 °C (because of past trials) but its still gooey. =( But hey, since it doesn’t have any egg in it, I ate it as a warm gooey, banana bread pudding! xD

  39. margaret says

    just made this with oat flour and only made 1/4 of the recipe because i only had 1 banana and i wanted to try it out first…. it was sooo freaking good! anyone who might be thinking about making it… do it! everyone in my house loved it (ive had a couple bad recipes before and theyre very weary when i tell them to try something… hahaha)

  40. Tracy says

    Wow! I very recently came across your blog and I’m hooked!
    I have a whole list of all of your recipes I want to try. This was the first I attempted (and it sure took a lot of patience to let the bananas ripen) but it was so good!
    I used whole wheat flour, regular milk, and I found that my 3 medium/large bananas weren’t enough for 2 cups (they made about 1 1/2 cups) I just filled the rest with 1/2 cup apple sauce. I also didn’t have any agave so I subbed it with equal parts honey. And I used the full 2/3 cups chocolate chips. It’s easily the best banana bread I’ve ever had! My very honest brother loved it too. 🙂

    This Saturday morning I’m going to try out the chick pea deep dish cookie pie. It’ll be for my dad and I’s joint birthday party, and I know he’ll love that I made something with healthy ingredients.

    Thanks for making this amazing blog and I’m so happy I found it!

  41. Lia says

    Forgive me if I’m repeating a question… I wondered if I could try this with whole wheat flour. Has anyone tried this? It sounds soooo (and looks!) so adorably delicious, andi can’t wait to try it! I especially love tricking my non-vegan husband with tasty treats that ARE vegan 😉 Thanks for sharing.

    • margaret says

      ive tried desserts with only whole wheat flour and they come out kinda gluey and spongey and not in a great way but they still end up tasting good! but i did this with oat flour (blended oats) and it turned out fantastic! (: if you end up doing it with whole wheat flour you should post how it goes! (:

    • Megan says

      I made this last night with whole wheat flour- the flavor is good but its very dry- i suggest putting something moist in extra like applesauce im thinking b/c its DRRRRYYY.

  42. Lily says

    Reese’s flavored chocolate chips are amazing too!! Especially with the banana and regular chocolate chips. Is the whole recipe 130 calories or just a slice? BTW.. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! Such great healthy recipes that make me want to bake right away!

  43. Lia says

    Thanks for the info, Megan. Good to know! Maybe I’ll try the applesauce with the WW flour, and see how it turns out. I’ll let you know 🙂

  44. David M says

    hi, i’ve loced your blog for a long time and every now and then i make something like this to take to school for a snack. Anyways, i noticed that this recipe came up when i searched gluten free. spelt flour is a good alternative for people who are allergic to wheat, but spelt still has gluten. 🙁
    i ended up substituting rice flour for the spelt flour and i added two eggs to the liquid mix. I don’t think you use any eggs in your recipes, but i’m sure something else would work too. when i make them again i’ll add more sweetener (i used brown sugar because it’s the best…), and i won’t forget the chocolate chips!

  45. Ashley says

    This is the best banana bread I have ever eaten. To make it with less sugar I used sugar free maple syrup and 1T Splenda also with whole wheat flour and it is absolutely amazing. I pretty much can eat the whole load in one sitting, however, my husband loves it too, so I have to share 🙁

    I have some old bananas so I am making it for the 4th time in about 2 weeks, but I have no chocolate chips, I am sure it will still turn out delicious. I LOVE your blog!!! Have you ever thought of making some type of dip going off of your cookie dough one, such as peanut butter brownie chocolate chip……you know all the good stuff in one amazing dip!!? Or a dirt cake??

  46. Sarah says

    I am so excited to make this! I unfortunately don’t have a loaf pan, so I was thinking of making this as muffins instead. Do you think that would work? And how would it affect the baking time?

  47. Sally @ sallys baking addiction says

    Katie! I love your blog SO much. I have so many recipes saved up!!!! I adore banana bread. I actually tried to make fat free banana chocolate chip muffins last week and they were a complete disaster. they tasted like cardboard!! I’m going to give this bread a try though. 🙂

  48. Debbie says

    Eating them as we speak. 🙂 Chocolate-chips are definitely the best thing ever. Your chocolate pie is made almost weekly at our house. Now I am going to make your banana bread because my kids love banana bread.

  49. Kate says

    SO GOOD. I made it last night, and I was a little skeptical because I usually find banana bread dries out, so I usually make muffins. But I decided that this blog hasn’t steered me wrong before! So loaf it was, and honestly I could eat the whole thing in one sitting! So moist and SO delicious!

  50. Gemma Payne says

    Hi Katie I would like to make a version of this bread but was wondering if I can use wholemeal flour instead? Btw Love your blog!! 😀

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh haha I still don’t know what I’m doing 1/2 the time! I experiment, and I learn things by trial and error. (And my mom gave me a lot of pointers about how ingredients work, such as baking soda, binders, etc. I guess she learned that stuff from HER mom.) And I actually don’t really like cooking… that’s why most of my recipes are pretty fast and easy. I like to EAT recipes, and I like to think up ideas in my head, but in a perfect world I’d have a personal chef to make all my ideas for me ;).

  51. Brooke says

    I usually bake with half all-purpose & half wheat flours. I was wondering what is different or special about spelt flour. Is there a different texture or flavor or nutritional benefits? Just curious.


  52. Sarah says

    Hi Katie!

    I LOVE YOUR BLOG! You are amazing! I have tried a bunch of your goodies and my friends and family cannot believe it is healthy!
    Just thought I would share a few things I did with this amazing recipe!
    I used oat flour (I ground up oatmeal in the blender), only 1 TBS agave but 1/4 cup stevia, 1 TBS melted coconut oil and 2 TBS all natural peanut butter. The first time I made it, I didn’t realize how many bananas it would take to get 2 cups mashed, and I underestimated! I used 1 cup pumpkin to substitute and OMG they were INCREDIBLE!!!! I also used more like 1 cup dark chocolate chips in the recipe-maybe even more like 1 1/3! I didn’t measure, I just dumped!
    Both times, it was ridiculously yummy! Thank you so SO much for sharing your creativity! 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I love your oat flour substitution. Oat flour is amazing… I need to remember to use it more!

      I also love your pumpkin idea… Ugh about the bananas. I made a recipe yesterday and ended up having to use SEVEN! I had to run to the store to get more :-?.

  53. Heidi says

    I made this last night (forget the baking soda so it didn’t rise) but it is SO moist and SO tasty. Katie–your recipes always win me over!!!

  54. LRG says

    So sad that I can’t be a better baker! I always end up getting SOMETHING wrong and it ends up glue, plastic, or just tasting like flour! Must be all the measurements (math is hard). I would LOVE to try this recipe, but I will continue to stick with your dips, shakes, non-dessert recipes, and other yum-yums that I can “eyeball”. Or maybe I’ll just eat the choc. chips from the bag.

  55. Saranna @ The Singing Soybean says

    Quick question: If I use a gf mix, do you know if I also need to add xanthan gum, or should I just sub the flour 1:1?

  56. Julie Loveless says

    Just a quick note, which might have already been brought up, but I found this recipe under “Gluten-Free” and spelt flour is not gluten-free. 🙁 I see that you have GF all-purpose flour in parenthesis, but a lot of newbies to the gf lifestyle don’t realize that spelt has gluten, so you might want to note that. 🙂

  57. allyson says

    i made this earlier this week…and it’s a struggle to only have one (ok, OR two) slices a day! it’s delicious! i made it with 1 c of gf flour, and 1 c of garbanzo flour/rice flour mix. and i put a little less sugar than recommended, using a mix of agave and maple syrup. OH. MY. LORD. i haven’t had banana bread since going gf (2007), and this was just as amazing as i remember it being! thank you soooo much!

  58. Sarah says

    OK I know this post is old but I couldn’t help myself from leaving my feedback. I just made this… I couldn’t even wait for it to cool! I had about half of the loaf in five minutes… whoops.

    Anyways, I used half whole wheat flour and half white and it turned out fabulous! I also put 1/4 cup maple sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar. It worked out great! I also added 1 T of agave at the end. This bread is heaven sent! Thank you so much, Katie. You make it so much easier for my family and I to enjoy the dessert we love without feeling guilty!

  59. Sam says

    Just made this…i read the recipe wrong and only put 1/2 a cup of banana in, but it still turned out great!!! So, if anyone wants to make this but doesnt have enough banana it still works!!

  60. Hannah says

    I’ve made about 15 recipes from your site since becoming a vegan a few months ago, and I must say that this recipe is one of the best ones I have had! Delicious! The perfect texture and flavor. I brought some to my friends at school today and they loved it, too! Thank you!

  61. Greta Zarro says

    Just made this recipe last night and it turned out sooo delicious! My family loves it and I gave some to my neighbors too. I love your recipes because they are vegan, healthy, and usually low-cal and low-fat. I love baking but I’m a really health-conscious vegan. Even a lot of vegan recipes on other blogs have tons of fat and calories and I just can’t bring myself to make them.
    Anyway, this chocolate-chip banana bread was so moist! I used only 1/3 cup of chocolate chips and that was plenty! Also, I used maple syrup as a sweetener (I’ve never tried it before in baked goods) which was great because it doesn’t add too much sweetness (my dad doesn’t like really sweet things) and maple syrup is local for me (I live in VT) so it’s much more environmentally friendly than buying cane sugar. I think I’ll try to use it more often in baking. Do you have lots of other recipes which allow for this substitution? Again, thanks for this wonderful recipe! (This is my Mother’s Day gift for my mom!)

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I think in most of the recipes that call for agave, you can use maple syrup instead :).
      (An exception would be the Luna Bars and PB Pretzel Bars because they need a thicker sweetener to stay together… but even then, maybe if you cooked it down it would work.)

  62. Anonymous says

    What is the lemon juice for? is that possible to omit? same with the maple syrup haha.. or at least substitute?

  63. Hayley says

    Made this recipe this morning! SO good def. one of my favourite recipes that I’ve tried of yours! So moist I’ve already had about four pieces! I used the oil option instead of milk and would make it that way again for sure! It was enjoyed by my 22 year old brother which def. means its a keeper! Thanks for sharing such AMAZING recipes.

  64. sara says

    made this last two days in a row, kids love it, husband loves it, me and babe in belly love it. really really delicious and nutritious (-ish).
    thanks for sharing!

  65. Matilda says

    I didn’t have a loaf pan so I used an 8inch brownie pan and cooked the bread for 25minutes, and it turned out just perfect !

  66. Kim says

    I would like to use this recipe for zucchini bread, how should I modify the recipe? Since zucchini has a much higher water content than banana…should I just cut out the soy milk

    I love your site. I can’t wait for your cookbook!

  67. Jessica says

    Zucchini is coming fast & furious from my garden. Would it work if I used zucchini instead of banana. I’m looking for an easy gluten free zucchini bread!

  68. Melissa says

    Thank you so much for your great recipes!! They have made baking delicious treats for my dairy free family much easier! I have the second loaf of this delicious bread in the oven right now. 🙂

  69. Erin says

    I would just like to state that I have just made this bread and it is the most decadent, moist, rich, and simply delicious vegan banana bread that I have ever tasted!!!!!!!!!! I added some walnuts along with my vegan chocolate chips…and ooooooh mmmyyy…it”s been out of the oven for barely 20 minutes and my family and I have devoured over half of it.

    AMAZZZIINNNGGG (as usual, Katie;)!!)

    Thank you!!!

  70. Taylor says

    I made your original version yesterday with a few variatons and HOLY CRAP this was amazing!!! I have a blog for health and fitness, so I made a post about how delicious it was and a link to your awesome blog 🙂 thanks for sharing!

  71. Rochelle says

    Hey Katie!!!
    I made this banana bread tonight and I subbed out the flour for GF Coconut flour, the milk for oil, and the T of agave for the stevia packet. The bread tastes great but the dough came out very dry almost to a cookie dough like texture and the bread is crumbly…what did I do wrong??

    • Anna says

      Hi Rochelle,
      I know this is so much later but I thought I’d answer anyway. The reason was that coconut flour soaks up moisture like a sponge and cannot be substituted 1 for 1 with other flours. If you wanted to use coconut flour then you must use much less of it than you would a different flour. Just in case you wanted to try it again… 🙂

  72. Krystal says

    Katie I just want to tell you how much i LOVE your recipes! I’ve made this polka dot banana bread multiple times and its so yummy every time!
    Thank you for your recipes <3

  73. Christy says

    I have made this twice now and it is the BEST banana bread I have ever had! I used light Agave syrup, almond milk and Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips. I even snuck in some ground Flaxseed for added nutrition. Scrumptuous! I shared your recipe with a friend and she ended up making it 3 times in one week they loved it so much! Fabulous recipe….thank you!!!

  74. kylie says

    Just a tip if you’re going for gluten free, do not use tapioca flour!! I recently found out I had celiacs and my mother got me tapioca flour and if you don’t already know that it isn’t the best, I will let you know this it is not!! Oat flour all the way!!

  75. Jaime says

    I just made these and wow! The boyfriend and I are stuck inside due to an incoming storm, so I figured I would bake something quick before the power went out. I used WW flour and half honey and half agave for the sweetener and the turned out perfect. I could have taken them out of the over a minute or two earlier just the edges were a bit crispy but still amazing none the less. Anyway thanks for making such an easy recipe that I don’t feel so “bad” about eating. Even the boyfriend loved it, he said he could eat the whole loaf!

  76. Allie says

    Hi! if there is anyone out there like me with a distinct lack of cooking supplies….I made the following adjustments:

    8×8 pan, 35 minutes in the oven
    2 bananas, 1/2 cup applesauce, 1/2 cup pumpkin
    part agave part honey part maple syrup

    and an addition!!
    oats+nuts+flax seeds for a crunchy topping 🙂

    yum thank you for the great recipes

  77. Aubrey says

    This is SO yummy! I think I could’ve put just 1/3 cup chocolate chips….naw! What am I saying?! Best. Banana Bread. Ever. Thanks again CCK!

  78. Charmaine says

    Hi Katie!

    I absolutely LOVE your blog! Your recipes (and creativity) are amazing!

    I know this is probably a really silly question on a post about banana bread – but I can’t eat bananas – do you have any thoughts on what might work as a good substitute?

    Thanks Katie – keep up the great work. Can’t wait for your cookbook to come out!

  79. Kelly says

    Made this tonight for breakfast tomorrow. I followed all the directions except for the “wait 10min. To cool” part. I always forget that step 🙂 so glad I checked my favorite blog before flipping through my vegan cookbooks. I havn’t been disappointed yet!

  80. Krista says

    Made this banana bread last night for this week’s school snacks for my three kids. I doubled the recipe, thinking that would leave some for this morning’s breakfast and enough for Mom and Dad to munch on it throughout the week. Wow! Did I ever misjudge this recipe! By the time I got up this morning, my husband and eleven-year-old daughter had polished half a loaf (made in a large pan intended for baking American white bread style stuff). They claimed it wasn’t their fault. They blamed on the bread just being really good. I scolded them, but after the rest of us finished breakfast, only two slices remained of that loaf. Woops. You really should issue a warning with this recipe.

  81. Michelle says

    Katie thank you so much for all of the delicious recipes on your site. I made your recipe for Polka Dot Banana Bread today to serve to family and friends–one word “WOW” it was so yummy and a big hit! No one believed me when I said it was healthy with no animal products. I should have made 3 or 4 instead of one lol. I gave out the recipe and everyone couldn’t quit talking about how good it was 🙂 Happy New Year to you & your family!!!

  82. SARAH D says

    Ok, two big problems. First, I think my family is trying to race me to eat the entire loaf before I can! I made it this morning, and it’s already almost gone… I can’t stop going back for more! And second, I cannot decide if I like this better warm or cold (with salted butter on top…mmm). This is soo delicious Katie! I can’t believe it is so healthy. I even used sugar free maple syrup as the sweetener, extra stevia, and unsweetened carob chips. OMG sooo good!

    • SARAH D says

      ok, I made a decision! I like it the best rewarmed in the microwave (about 30 seconds on low power)…it brings out the banana-y flavor more. You are brilliant. That is all.

  83. Ally says

    Mine looks like a disaster! It kept rising and rising and rising, but it was cooking, so I covered the top with foil, then it kind of split so the middle of the top was batter rising and rising… so I had to break some off, you know so there was enough room in the pan then it sort of collapsed, I have a biscuity (sunken) top and goo, after 1hr 30. I poured it out and left it in the oven to see if it cooks any from the residual heat!!
    Tastes amazing the bits I have eaten, might try it in a shallow/bigger pan next time

  84. Sarah says

    Just made this tonight. A recommendation? Don’t bother with napkins or plates. It all went straight into our mouths. YUM!!

    I’ll make the GF version for some of my students and be their hero!!!

    Thank you Katie!!

  85. Hannah says


    This is brilliant banana bread! I made it for my mother, and to get rid of all the bananas we had. I used homemade chocolate chips, and honey instead of agave. I also was out of vanilla and lemon juice. It was still awesome. It tastes just like non-vegan, which is what I’m used to. (I’m not a vegan.)

    Straight from the mouth of my sister, Marissa: Yum.

    Straight from the mouth of my mother: I thought it was fab.

    Thank you.

  86. Susan says

    Fabulous!! I felt adventurous and used oat flour, which made the bread gooier. Definitely cannot tell it is vegan. My coworkers are going LOVE this for breakfast tomorrow! Oh, and I agree with not wanting to share; already regretting not making a second batch.

  87. Alycia says

    Hi Chocolate Covered Katie!

    I just wanted to give you a huge shout-out and a “THANK-YOU!” for the recipe! I made a few substitutions (I substituted the flour for whole wheat flour, and the maple syrup and sweetener both for Honey, and made the chocolate dark, as well as unsweetened vanilla almond milk- Was soooo great! I devoured the whole thing!!

  88. Carrie says

    This bread is great! I’ve tried many healthy dessert recipes from other websites and they always turn out terrible. This bread even received my husband’s approval and he is a tough critic! I’m excited to try other recipes now. Thanks for sharing!

  89. Linda Asztalos says

    Wondering if you can add a print feature for your recipes? Am having trouble printing highlighted selection (recipe).. Thanks.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      When I want to save one of Katie’s recipes, what I do is hi-light the recipe, then right-click and save the hi-lighted part; I then open a new Word document, right-click and hit “paste.” I save it in a folder (mine is CCK’s Recipes) and print it later, as needed.

  90. MAGGIE VALERA says

    Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that this banana bread is absolute heaven….I can’t believe how rich and gooey it is. It is perfect! Thanks.

  91. Lucy Roy says

    Hi Katie, love your website, could you start making paleo friendly recipes as well please? You are so good at comming up with recipes, I thought I’d ask. Thank you 🙂

  92. Mary says

    Just made these. And as promised, I miss NOTHING from the traditional more unhealthy banana bread recipes!

  93. Julianna Pfingstler says

    We (mostly my 11 year old daughter) made this bread tonight. We’ve basically eaten half of it, just the three of us. It’s so good!!! Thank you, thank you and thank you!

  94. Emily says

    Hi Katie,
    I would love to use this recipe in a round-up of “green” recipes in one of my blog posts for The Green Life ( Please let me know if that is okay!

  95. Ally says

    Hello! I’ve been a reader for some time now, and the recipes from you that I have made have turned out delicious! I just had one question about this recipe. How many bananas did you need to get two whole cups of mashed banana? The ripening of my bananas is a little uneven right now. Thanks!

  96. April says

    Hi Katie!

    Not sure if someone else has already asked this, but can I use frozen bananas for this recipe? When I have bananas starting to go bad, I just throw them in the freezer and thaw them out to make banana bread later. It has worked for other banana bread recipes but I’ve never tried sugar or dairy free!

    FYI, love your site!! I’ve been baking up a storm all day!!

  97. Bryony says

    I made this yesterday to a Gluten free standard and OMG it’s amazing. Made a chocolate icing ontop and I acually thionk it’s better without, even my unhealth approving boyfriend liked it. To make it gluten free I used 1 cup brown rice flour and 1 cup sorghum flour – the sorghum gave it a beautiful cakey texture. Going to make this again for sure!

  98. Melissa says

    Love this recipe. I don’t use the stevia or lemon, and I use dark chocolate chips. My kids love it! I have some in the oven right now. Thanks!

  99. Katie says

    I have been trying to make a good banana bread for the longest time! I finally had to quit being so stubborn and try a recipe that I KNEW would be good! Chocolate-Covered Katie to the rescue, once again! I love cooking my way through your blog. It has taught me so much. You’re the bomb!

  100. Brianna says

    Hi me, my daughter and my youngest sister made this today and it is sooooooooooo delicious! I didn’t have any chocolate chips 🙁 but we made it anyway. I also had to substitute cinnamon for some allspice and a dash of pumpkin spice but it worked perfectly. For milk I used vanilla flax seed milk which worked out great because i had no vanilla extract and I used half that /half oil. Ohhh my goodness it is the best. I will def be using this recipe again and I used no sugar just organic stevia and a tsp of honey. SO its good for us too! Thank you!!!!

  101. Lisa says

    just put this in the oven! we had 3 reallyyyy ripe bananas, like so ripe they were even brown on the inside, so i decided to put them to good use! i did change the recipe a bit, so i’ll come back and tell you how they turn out! mmm, my whole kitchen smells like bananas!

  102. Lisa says

    OMG IT WAS HEAVANLY. like i’m drooling just thinking about it. it took all my strength to only have one piece! even my mom and sister loved it, and they usually don’t luke the healthy stuff i make for them! everyone should make this. like right now.

  103. Josephine says

    This was delicious, I did have to bake it with foil over the top for an extra ten minutes, but it came out perfectly. I’m really enjoying your recipes and love your single serve streusel cake and the single serve chocolate cake as well. Thanks so much Katie for a healthier alternative, I love baking and now I don’t feel guilty 😉

  104. Lexi says

    Katie!! This was sooo good. All of your recipes are amazing and this one was super yummy. Just made it cause I’m at home sick with strep & it definitely made me feel better! Thanks for this awesome website and your hardwork! Looooooove it.

  105. Beth says

    I made this and it was delicious. However, the calories added up to be 206 per slice (for 11 servings). The only thing I changed was that I used Arrowhead Mills – Organic Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour instead of spelt. I can’t imagine that caused the 56 calorie difference.

  106. Lindsey says

    I just made the Gluten free version of this! It is delish! Next time I think I will avoid gluten free flour and use regular. (gluten free stuff always tastes kind of griddy) BUT OMG is it amazing!!! I would recommend putting tinfoil over the top half way through as the top cooked fine and the middle would be completely uncooked. I’m using this site for every dessert I ever make. Is the calorie intake for one slice or the whole loaf? I would also like to recommend low carb and sugar recipes 🙂 You are great at what you do!!!!

  107. Nancy says

    I’ve just eaten dinner, am full and satisfied, and yet my mouth is watering from these pictures and I’m scheming on how quickly I can ripen the bananas I’ve got in the kitchen. Yes, I eat chocolate chips out of the bag. That’s the primary way I eat them, in fact! Until now, when I will be consuming them wrapped in this luscious bread. Thanks, Katie!

  108. Fiona says

    This is sooo good! I made it with whole wheat pastry flour and 1/3 cup maple syrup instead of 1/2 cup. I will definitely be making again! Thanks for a great recipe!

  109. Laura says

    This is one of the best and easiest banana breads (cakes) I’ve ever made! I love that it’s vegan and that there are so many bananas in it! I used four big, ripe bananas, as well as regular flour and 1/4 regular sugar instead of the other sweeteners. When I stirred in the chocolate chips, I added a bit of chia and ground flax for some extra health benefits. I baked for about 30 min in an 8×8 pan. WOW! This is awesome! And just as good the next day. I will be making this again. Thank you, CCK!

  110. Shweta says

    I tried this choco chip banana bread .. And it turned out to be superrrrrrr awesome…
    I used regular whole wheat flour and its tasting great..

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Look at Whole Foods; or Costco brand is vegan or Kroger natural or Ghirardelli in the gold package. Or amazon!

  111. sonia says

    when you write oil or milk of choice… I would like to make the recipe as you do it, so which one do you use? thank you!

  112. Rachel says

    I LOVED this recipe! I used macadamia oil and golden syrup as substitutes and omitted the choc chips. My family and I really enjoyed it. It was unbelievably the best banana bread I’ve ever had and fructose friendly (with my modifications). Thank you!!

  113. tiffany says

    ok, so these are THE BEST banana muffins -i make muffins instead of bread so I have some (sorta) portion control. They are great for dairy free, nut free, egg free occasions… actually any occasion!
    I found myself searching for a recipe that would match this but for pumpkin muffins instead but nothing sounds near as good as this. Any chance you have an idea of how to make these pumpkin instead of banana??
    Thanks for the best muffin recipe ever!!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      I haven’t personally done these as pumpkin, but if you have her cookbook, I’ve done the pumpkin chocolate chip bread as muffins and that one turned out really well.

  114. Nicole says

    I substituted half the regular flour with spelt flour and it turned out delicious! Wondering if I could substitute some coconut flour next time? Any suggestions?

  115. Kelly says

    Ok, I just made this banana bread this afternoon and it is the best gf/df banana bread I have ever had and I have been looking for good gf recipes. My 5 and 3 year old little boys give it an A plus!!! Thanks for the recipe!

  116. Monika says

    So amazing! Very moist and delicious. I didnt use baking soda or stevia and it was perfect! Such an amazing recipe! Thanks!

  117. tom says

    I just made this this morning. It is the best vegan banana bread I’ve made. It wasn’t dense like so many are, but much lighter, and had a great flavor (maybe the lemon?). Thanks!

  118. Nelly says

    OMG, I just made this banana bread, and so far is the best I ever made, great recipe, easy to follow, and the results are amazing

  119. Mady N says

    This has been my family’s favorite banana bread recipe for years! They’re all big fans of the chocolate chips. I also love being able to make an easy dessert option for my gluten-free and vegan friends. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!

  120. Cynthia says

    It is now 2024 and I am making this recipe for the millionth time over the years. It is my favorite! Everyone should make it because it is amazing!

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