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Behind the Scenes

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

reester eggs

So, I was thinking…

In my future recipe posts, would you be interested in seeing more photos of the process, as opposed to just the final product? Would that be at all helpful?

I’m warning you: the recipe-process photos won’t be pretty. I usually cook in my very tiny and very dark kitchen. And if I’m not there, I’m in my parents’ much bigger—but just as dark!—kitchen.

You know those gorgeous white kitchens you see on Pinterest?

Yeah, so not my kitchen.

peanut butter patties

Above, unfinished Copycat Peanut Butter Eggs.

And by “unfinished” I obviously mean “not yet covered in chocolate.” However, this didn’t stop me from eating one two of the eggs straight off the piece of parchment paper. Really, can you blame me?

peanut butter cookie dough

And what’s this?

Why, it’s a giant ball of unshaped peanut butter dough.

Did I say my “in process” photos were ugly? I take it back! Winking smile

reester eggs

This looks like a painting.

An edible painting.

Peanut butter art?

Oh Van Gogh, you know you’re jealous.

peanut butter egg

I also made this for you:

Step-by-Step Photo Tutorial.

If you get a chance, please do check out the above link and let me know: Are the step-by-step photos helpful? Would you like to see more of them in future posts? Or are they as ugly as I cautioned and you’d rather use your imagination? (Be honest!)

And sorry about all my weirdo commentary in this post. One too many glasses of wine last night.

Or perhaps it was all the reeses eggs…

Published on March 31, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Sarah, Simply Cooked says

    I know what you mean about a small and dark kitchen. Ugh. I think one or two step-by-step photos can be useful, especially if there is a texture that needs to be reached, or a complex step that is best seen and not written about. Other than that, I don’t feel as though I need process pics.

  2. kaity says

    some recipes of yours i dont think need step by step but others maybe, coz sometimes like something like this recipe id be like ew my eggs dont look right b4 the chocolate and then see it is you know! i ate 3 btw, there still in the freezer im gonna put chocolate on them later cant wait!

  3. Samantha says

    I enjoy step by step photos and often use them myself when posting trial runs at recipes. Especially if there was something funny or interesting in the process. For example…you should see how ugly my finished chocolate coating looked. 🙂 Didn’t impact the taste however!

    And if your pups should occasionally be in the photos too that is good as well.

  4. Kat @ a dash of fairydust says

    I like the idea of step-by-step photos a lot! Of course,some recipes make them more necessary as others,but I generally often wonder if my dough might be alright or too gooey/crumbly etc. for example. Therefore,step-by-step photos seem pretty useful for me!
    On top of that,they’re just fun – even if they might not be as pretty as the finished product. 😉

  5. Sam says

    The step-by-step photos help me a lot! I enjoy trying new recipes, but sometimes I am not confident enough to try something different. The photos help me to know that I am doing it “right.” Thank you!

  6. katie @KatieDid says

    I always go back and forth about taking process pictures too. I think they are definetely helpful and fun to look at but they are a pain to take while trying to actually make the recipe! And I have the same dark kitchen problems… no worries!

    • Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says

      Agreed on all fronts. AND it makes whatever you’re cooking/baking take a million times longer. I decided to stop with them and just sometimes throw in some pictures of the ingredients when I find them to be particularly photogenic 🙂

  7. Tina says

    I love the step by step photos! I’m not much of a baker, so it’s nice to be able to see that what I’m trying to do throughout the recipe looks “right” as I go along. I love your site and recipes, and I think this would make it even better!

  8. Michelle says

    As a very inexperienced anything-involving-the-kitchen, I love step-by-step photos. They really help me know if I’m getting it right. Just seeing a beautiful finished project is sometimes just too intimidating and I won’t even try the recipe. That said, I know taking and posting the photos is more work for the person doing the actual baking and blogging, so I understand why it’s easier not to. Just my $0.02.

    p.s. Thank you for this blog! I’m sending everyone here for your Cookie Dough Dip recipe!

  9. Melissa says

    I really appreciate having the step by step pics. I don’t always understand written instructions – you do a great job explaining everything, it’s just a dyslexia thing! So having a picture really helps me out. Thanks for sharing such amazing stuff with us!

  10. Björg says

    I would love to see a little bit of the big steps you take in your recipes, Also, maybe tricks How you get it so nice looking in the end:)

  11. Rachel says

    Ironically, I just made these last night. And while they ended up turning out amazingly delicious, I questioned myself at every step. My dough seemed too crumbly, my pb blobs too funky looking, etc. Now, looking at your “behind the scenes” pics, I realize I was right on track. (Except for making one big ball first with the dough. That may have made things easier. Lol!) As someone may have already mentioned, probably not all your recipes need the pic tutorial, but maybe just ones that seem a little more complicated. 🙂 These were actually pretty easy to make, although they appear daunting. Your recipes are amazing and thanks for trying to make it even easier for those of us who need a little step-by-step encouragement! 🙂

  12. Amy says

    Process pictures are sometimes very useful. But I agree with another poster, for some of your simpler recipes, they aren’t necessary.

  13. Fiona says

    I love your weirdo commentary because I am a weirdo too! I also would love to see pictures of the process; that is always super helpful!

  14. Alanna says

    I love your tutorial! Seeing what it should look like is helpful, but especially how to dunk them. The corn holder is genius! I always find myself awkwardly dropping and rolling around items in chocolate with a fork and then end up accidentally scraping some chocolate back off when I try to retrieve them, lol.

    • Alanna says

      But I’ll agree with others that many of your recipes don’t need them (like the oatmeal, cake, and cookies). 🙂

  15. Erika - The Teenage Taste says

    Oh, in-process photos are something I struggle with too. Somewhere along the way it’s become ingrained in my head that if a photo isn’t pretty I won’t post it. But sometimes pretty photos aren’t necessary if you are showing a technique or something. I say, bring on the in-process photos!

  16. Suzanne says

    It said comments were closed on the tutorial.

    I do like process pictures, preferably for things worth noting like consistency or tips/hacks (like the corn cob skewer, love THAT!)

  17. Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says

    Haha I feel your pain. I put a tutorial up on my blog today and it was so painful to see how dirty my kitchen looked, but people were begging for this recipe and I didn’t have a chance to clean! Haha I was actually really hungry…

    • Samantha says

      OK, I totally had to check out your post and that is wonderful. 🙂

      I have a terribly lite kitchen (really, my entire house – you should see me attempt to photograph a quilt). My kitchen is tiny and always a mess. Much of my cooking/baking photos have random boxes, etc.

      I think if we aren’t looking for it we don’t even think about it! We all love the human side of blogs don’t we?

  18. Anonymous says

    I love step-by-step photos. It helps me know if I’m on the right track or not. One of the blogs I find most helpful is one where the blogger always posts step-by-step. I tend to over-mix and over-do things! 🙂

  19. Grati says

    I must say they are helpful,to me at least. I´m a beginner when it comes to cooking so sometimes i could really use some ¨in the proccess¨ photos so i can have an idea of what i´m supposed to do:) And your photos are amazing!!!!!

  20. loulou says

    i always thought it was nice, unique, and cleaner/sleeker that you DIDN’T include all of the photos of pouring flour into bowls, etc that MOST BLOGS do. maybe for SOME of the recipes that include odd steps that are difficult to explain, but for MOST recipes – I think the uncluttered way you do posts now is perfect.

  21. Stephanie @ Legally Blinde says

    I LOVE the step-by-step photos – they’re extremely helpful to me. I’m such a visual learner, so I really get a lot out of seeing the steps as well as reading the descriptions. If you have the patience to take pictures during the process (I wouldn’t, haha) I would love to see more step-by-step photos in the future!

  22. Alex says

    I like the step-by-step pics…..It helps some of us who aren’t so great in the kitchen know if we’re on the right track!!! 🙂

  23. Char @ says

    I don’t think you could take a terrible photo, Katie 😉

    It honestly makes no difference to me! I sometimes post step-by-step recipes on my blog, especially for people who don’t cook or bake very often. For me the step-by-step is not necessary, but I know it helps some people. And of course I’ll continue to read no matter what the majority vote is!

  24. Michelle says

    I would appreciate step by step photos. Even on easy recipes like the reese’s eggs, it’s cool to see it all laid out so the reader can feel like they are actually making the dessert with you. That way if I don’t end up ever trying the recipe in real life (because who has time to make everything we read on blogs/pinterest/etc. haha), I can at least feel like I did by living vicariously through reading and seeing the pictures step by step.

    My two cents 🙂

  25. Cassie says

    Can I suggest a compromise? When I read a blog as wonderful as this I’m okay with pictures along the way. Maybe include a link for a pictureless version as well for those that don’t need it, or have made that particular recipe enough to not need the photos? Just a suggestion.

      • Tina says

        I think this is a great idea! I was just about to post at the bottom but decided to reply here instead. I live overseas where internet is not nearly as fast as it is in the US. I’m doing well to download the number of pictures you already have on your posts, so I cringed when you mentioned that you might start including process photos. I’ve had to give up on several other blogs that do that because I can never get to the recipe itself! Thanks for asking our opinions on this and thinking it through before you do it. I really appreciate it! (And even if you do it, I won’t give up on you. I love your recipes and your adorable commentaries too much!!!)

  26. Joy says

    I think the step by step with photos help non seasoned cooks learn the process. The non proffessional photos makes it easier for the beginner to relate also.

  27. Amber with Slim Pickin's Kitchen says

    Ugh, the woes of cooking in a tiny, dark kitchen. I feel ya sista! It’s good to know I’m not the only one. As for the process pictures, I don’t necessarily think that you need to do them. I think your recipes are easy enough without them. However, I’m also an improviser and am comfortable enough in the kitchen to “make it work” so you probably shouldn’t listen to me! I’m interested to see everyone’s responses though b/c I’m wondering if maybe I should do the same thing? My recipes tend to be a little more complicated, but unlike your beautimus process pics, mine really would be horrible! What kind of camera and lenses do you use? What about lighting?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I have a Canon Rebel and usually use the 50mm f/1.8
      Seriously, I live in a cave! And if I go outside in the Tx sun it is too harsh… so I usually use a higher ISO and set the exposure a few stops over to try and compensate.

  28. Gi says

    Maybe your photos are a bit dark (such as the first one with the fork) but they are always so good because they are sharp and on focus!
    I personally like having the instructions of the recipe in one place, because if there is a line of text then a photo, 2 lines, photo, 1 1/2 line, two photos…. I don’t know, the recipe gets so long! And I think that one good thing of your blog is that is has only fast and easy recipes (hello 1 minute mini chocolate cake!) and I think the short instructions emphasizes this…
    That said, I understand that some non-seasoned cooks could prefer to see step-by-step photos for tricky passages (such as forming the core of the eggs) to check if they’re doing right, but a photo for each passage in my opinion would be too much.
    Lots of love, darling! (:

  29. Kathy says

    I really like the step-by-step photos, although if there is none, it’s completely fine too!
    Although, in more savory (aka, dinner) recipes, step-by-step instructions seem like they’re more needed because, well, I don’t cook dinner all that much.
    And you call your photos horrible? Oh, no, I beg to differ!

    PS. what editing program do you use?

  30. Tash (Dairy Free Chick) says

    I guess I’m the first person to say I don’t think the step-by-step photos are necessary for a majority of your recipes. Your recipes are mostly “I put it in the magic bullet and blended it” (don’t get me wrong, I love the ease of it!)… but I think that’s pretty self explanatory. Plus, I’m not a huge fan of having to scroll down a lot on a post. I’d rather be able to read it all on one screenshot.

  31. Sam says

    I LOVE step-by-step instructions with pictures!! Makes me more confident to try the recipes myself and that’s always a good (I mean delicious) thing 😉

  32. Lisa Broadley says

    I think I would like step by step pics when it’s a complicated recipe. But I LOVE your ‘Van Gogh’ pic…totally can go in a gallery!!

  33. Ally says

    I LOVE the idea of step-by-step photos! Sometimes when I read a recipe I’m not sure if I am executing it correctly, the process photos would really take the “guessing” out of the recipe.

    I look forward to seeing more! 🙂

  34. Harpreet Gill says

    I agree that process photos are a huge help – especially with the simpler recipes because I’m always second guessing myself.

    I have a suggestion though. Maybe you could post the step by step photos on a separate page/flickr/slideshow type deal. You can keep the format you have now and just link to the separate step by step page. Everybody wins!

  35. JEnny says

    Sorry, but I hate step-by-step fotos, I find them waste of time and space. But I love a good storry and some food porn fotos 🙂

  36. Amber K says

    I think progress photos make recipes easier to make because then I can see exactly what each step should look like. But I get that they can be a pain and won’t always look great.

  37. Sarah the official CCK drooler-we pick Rick says

    Personally, I think Van Gogh SHOULD be jealous- his paintings make me depressed. Your pictures make me happy. The end.Also you can always come and use our kitchen since it’s always too bright (for me). Because flying to Virginia to take pictures of food totally makes sense… right? 🙂

  38. Chelsea says

    I thin process photos are always helpful, especially when I’m making a dish that includes steps with which I’m not already familiar. For example, seeing how clumpy the dough was when you made the Reeses eggs is helpful for knowing what consistency they should be. Thanks Katie!

  39. Molly says

    I’d love to see more step by step photos, makes the process tens times less stressful for me when I’m trying out the recipe! Thank you 🙂

  40. stefanie says

    I like during photos! Very much so.

    Huge fan of your blog, btw!! I’m healthier than ever in my life and I eat chocolate everyday thanks to you =)

    HUGE thanks!

  41. Ginger says

    Hi…first I would like to say that I found your blog from a recipe that was pinned. I sat here and went through almost your entire blog. I love it!! Thank you for all the work you put into this and sharing.

    I love step by step photos. Especially, as one commenter put it, if it involves a process I am not familiar with. I am a visual person so really enjoy looking at the whole process.

  42. Annie @ Naturally Sweet Recipes says

    Looks great Katie! I think the step by steps can be really fun and very helpful. But as a food blogger, they can also be one of the most time consuming posts, so don’t ever feel like you have to! 🙂 Once again, this recipe looks amazing and I think I’ll be making these this weekend!

  43. Lara says

    I think the pics are helpful. I was thinking about making these for Easter but thought they may get messy. Your pics helped to show how easy and clean the process is. If you did have step by step photos in the future would you incorporate the recipe within that same post? That would make it really easy! Love your blog, btw. I’ve been trying a few recipes here and there over the past few months 🙂

  44. Sara Dane says

    Im sorry but I really like the step by step photos….even if it’s a simple recipe! I’m a beginner cook but a nervous/anxious baker. The photos help me feel confident trying new recipes.

    PS a little dark chocolate has proven once again to cure my upset stomach, it’s medicinal and yummy!

  45. Laura @bitemevegan says

    I guess I’m in the minority here, but I actually tend to stop reading blogs that show many process photos, because I don’t like having to scroll through them all to get to the recipe. I subscribe to a lot of blogs and have limited time, so I’d rather not scroll through photos of something that is self-explanatory anyway. Unless a recipe is so complicated that it can’t be described in words, I much prefer a single photo of the finished product, along with a clear verbal description. I’ve always appreciated how straightforward your recipes are, and don’t think most of them call for more photos.

  46. Heather says

    Some step by step pictures are very helpful, your look great! If you don’t shoot in your kitchen, where do you take your pics? They are gorgeous!! My kitchen is VERY dark and I would live to someday take a god photo. Tips pease?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      My whole house is dark! It’s a struggle… I am so jealous of the people who have beautiful white light that streams into their houses! I try to take photos outside if it’s possible, in the shade. And I usually bump up my ISO and overexpose my photos to make up for the absense of light.

  47. Tina says

    I commented above in reply to a great idea about keeping your normal post-style with a link to step-by-step photos for those interested. But I also wanted to add, “Please don’t do this if it’s going to make you be able to post less recipes!!!” I would be so sad!

  48. Robyn says

    Hey Katie,
    While I know it is a lot more work for you, I enjoy seeing the process (and your process photos are not BAD!!!!). I particularly like to get a feel for the consistency of things before baking, colors help me, any special techniques, etc.

    I’ve made many of your recipes (and shared with my non-computer addicted friends as well), and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, er, stomach!


  49. Sparklewolfie says

    I would love to see step-by-step photos even if they’re dark, unprocessed, and ugly. I always post hideous progress photos on my own blog because it’s fun XD
    If you think it is too much work, of course don’t do it! But I like to see how other people do their “process”
    Your blog rocks 😛

  50. Ellen @ Scrumptious Gruel says

    To tell the truth, im not bug on step by step unless there is an important visual cue. for example, a pic to show what stiff vs soft peaks look like for beaten egg whites-not that you’d have eggs on your site but you get the idea:) so I say keep up what you’re doing.
    Btw, I like the “weirdo commentary”:)

  51. Lauren says

    I love seeing your pictures of the finished products, but I think the step by step pictures would be awesome! I am fairly new to baking, so they would really help me 🙂

  52. Sabrina says

    I love the photos. They aren’t at all ugly. (btw what kind of lens are you using to get the blur?) They are so helpful at times. I’m still wondering if I did the coconut butter right. Seems like a grainy paste.. Should I blend more? So off the topic I know. Keep it up. I love all you do. Have a great Day!!

  53. MeLissa says

    I’m fine with or without process photos – if they’re there, I typically just scroll past them. 🙂

    That being said, just wanted to share with you what I suggest my clients use if they don’t want to invest in candy dipping tools for dipping things like your eggs. Take a plastic fork and break off the two middle tines. Instant perfect dipping tool!

    the Dove Chocolate Lady

  54. Pixie Vincent says

    I know some people like “the process” photos, but I think they just detract from the beauty of the finished product and your page. One of the things I love about your posts is that I come away LONGING to make whatever is pictured, because it just looks so tasty. The in-process ones don’t do that so much (and not because they aren’t well-lit, or anything, in your dark kitchen.) I usually skip passed all of that on other sites and just cut to the recipe chase. It usually makes me skip reading the interesting post, too. “Just the facts, ma’am” when there is too much info posted.

    • loulou says

      yes, precisely – agreed!!!! and plus, of course if you ASK, everyone is going to say “yes” they want to see process photos. but unfortunately most people don’t know what they want, they just know what they like when they see it!!! – steve jobs. LOL! and katie’s blog has been a huge success withOUT all the “process”/crap photos that muck up the vast majority of food blogs…

  55. Elizabeth says

    It’s funny that you should mention that! I was going to comment about this very topic: I’ve noticed that all your pictures for a recipe tend to be the same picture – taken at a different angle or distance. Yes, the process is messy, but isn’t that kind of the point? I mean, we don’t have to see an exact step-by-step, but I would LOVE to see pictures of the PROCESS as well as the finished product. =)

  56. Jeana says

    Since some want and some don’t, why not just show the finished product and a link with the step by step? I cook GF/DF so pictures are helpful to me when the consistency isn’t like normal mixing. For example, what batter looks like to you vs. batter to me would be different. Some would be runny looking and others clumpy looking. When you posted the gingerbread man in the cup, I couldn’t figure out how you had eyes and details on the little guy. You did tell in a post that it was the cutter you used, but a picture of the process would have shown that.

  57. Katie @ Nutrition in a Peanut Shell says

    Oh pleaaase no! A bunch of bloggers do this and it drives me up the wall! Unless it’s for something particularly difficult (making caramel, rolling a jelly/pumpkin roll, etc.) I don’t need to see it! I guess every once in a while it’s okay though. And a step or two (mixing something, the chocolate being poured on) is okay. I just don’t need to see a picture of flour and other dry ingredients mixed together, I’m pretty sure I know what that looks like 🙂

    I think Jessica at How Sweet Eats does a good job at balancing this.

  58. Mara says

    I love photo tutorials! And I thought your pictures were pretty good, so no complaints here. =]

    And some of your recipes are so easy (my favorite part about them!!) that they don’t necessarily need step-by-step photos. But in case you’re counting, my vote is for picture tutorials when it is convenient for you.

  59. Casey says

    Perhaps not STEP by STEP, like not EVERY step, but show a complicated step? Or if you need to blend until a particular consistancy, perhaps a picture showing the proper consistancy? I don’t believe pictures are necessary for every step. Also, your commentary is helpful! Especially when you describe how something should look/taste/feel etc. Or for blending purposes, saying it usually takes 2-3 minutes, vs “blend for a little while” those kind of things are helpful!

    Side note, I made the sugar-free cookie dough dip with homemade cashew butter as my nut butter and coconut milk as my non-dairy milk. SUPER delicious. I used gala apples and cut them into slices which I dipped in (well, really used to SCOOP up the dip.) SOOOO good! HIGHLY recommend!

  60. lisa says

    You’re recipes so easy to followand uncomplicated already. I just think step by step instructions is necessary for your posts.

  61. Kristin @ Treat. Eat. Repeat. says

    Well, you got me. I subscribe to you by email and when I saw it as the subject line I thought “Well that is interesting!” I wholeheartedly believed it.. I mean until I saw the picture 😉

    Anyway, I’m not a fan of step by step pictorials but if there is a particularly difficult or hard to explain step, I always appreciate an accompanying picture.

    • Kristin @ Treat. Eat. Repeat. says

      Whoops – I commented on two posts on one. First comment is about your april fools joke 🙂

  62. Kristy says

    Oh, Katie,Katie,Katie….just finished eating these. So good! Thank you! The step by step really helped. Wow. I need to make there with almond butter next.

  63. Cat W. says

    A lot of times seeing step-by-step pics can help me decide if I want to try a recipe. This is mostly for complicated, multi-step ones, which most of yours AREN’T, but I still do like picture tutorials!

  64. ann-marie says

    Hi Katie!
    I so need to try this recipe, even the naked eggs look delicious!
    I’m a visual person and love to look at step by step pictures, but then again I know how much work that is, I wouldn’t want you to have less fun in the kitchen because of the extra pictures 🙂 If you enjoy it, go for it!

  65. connie says

    I’m fairly new to your blog and have been trying to catch up on all the reading, that’s why I’m so late in replying to your question.
    I really like the step-by-step photos and instructions. This help me to see what the process is suppose to look like as I go along.
    Also, I have a quick question…I keep noticing in your recipes the use of scant…what is this?…never heard of it before.
    Thanks again for all you hard work.

  66. heather w says

    While I do think step by step photos are helpful, I also think that some food bloggers take it too far. Inevitably you find yourself scrolling down for fifteen minutes before you finally reach the recipe! I also think would be very coolto see photos of a recipe in progress. Not every single one, obviously, but every once in a while being able to see the actual creative process of your baking would amazing for me! I can create a traditional cookie, but I always wonder what the trial and error of non traditional ingredients is like.

    My mother came to visit this week and so far I have made her your chocolate chip Blondies and your secret peanut butter cookies. She was thouroughly impressed! Her biggest weakness in life is pb cookies and I would consider her quite the conissuer. She said it was the best pb cookie that she has ever eaten. Lol if you could have seen her face when I told her what the recipes consisted of! I think she officially loves you.

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