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No Sugar Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

4.99 from 52 votes

This soft and gooey chocolate chip cookie pie is sweetened naturally – with no refined sugar required, not even maple syrup!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie - no sugar / no flour / vegan / gf - People rave about the recipe. Everyone loves this pie! @choccoveredkt

Happy Birthday!

To celebrate a birthday, one often eats pie.

But what do you eat when the birthday is for the pie, itself?

While it may seem odd to commemorate such an occasion at all, my deep dish cookie pie—which came into existence exactly one year ago—is no ordinary pie.

After all, the recipe was featured on the ABC 5 O’Clock News.

healthy chocolate chip pie

No, I didn’t really celebrate the birthday of a pie.

I’m not totally strange (unlike my dad, who celebrates the birthday of his car…).

But many people have requested a sugar-free version of my deep-dish cookie pie; so finally, a whole year later, I’m posting the new recipe, heavily adapted from the original version—yet just as delicious!

Peace, love, and chocolate chips.

You Might Also Like: Easy Cinnamon Rolls – 4 Ingredients

cookie pie with beans

Have you tried the Deep Dish Cookie Pie yet? 

Or any dessert recipe with beans: blondies, cookie dough dip, cookies, etc.?

Side note: The original recipe can be found here: Deep Dish Cookie Pie

Secretly Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie (Sugar Free, Vegan)

For more recipes: 100 Sugar Free Recipes

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No Sugar Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

A soft and gooey chocolate chip cookie pie, sweetened naturally without any refined sugar.
Total Time 35 minutes
Yield 8 slices
5 from 52 votes


  • 2 cans white beans or chickpeas, drained and rinsed well
  • 1 cup quick oats (or sub almond flour)
  • 2 cups pitted dates (300g)
  • 1/8 tsp uncut stevia (or sub 1/4 cup sugar)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 cup applesauce or mashed banana
  • 2/3 cup milk of choice
  • 3 tbsp oil (or sub 1/4 cup nut butter of choice)
  • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (or sugar free chocolate chips)


  • Preheat oven to 350 F, and grease a 10-in springform pan (or two 8-in round pans). Combine all dry ingredients (except chips) in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine all wet ingredients. Put around 1/3 of the dry and 1/3 of the wet ingredients into a high-powered food processor like a Cuisinart (NOT a blender) and blend until super-smooth (where there are no date pieces to be seen). Scoop out into a bowl, and repeat the process twice more with the rest of the ingredients. (If you have an absolutely giant food processor, you can do it in two batches, as opposed to three.) Stir in the chocolate chips, and pour into the pan or pans. Bake 35-40 minutes (or 30 if you want it really gooey in the middle), then let cool at least 15 minutes before trying to remove it.
    View Nutrition Facts & Substitutions


Also be sure to try these reader-favorite Black Bean Brownies.

Have you made this recipe?

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More Healthy Desserts:

No Sugar Cookie Dough Dip

No Sugar Cookie Dough Dip

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Published on May 31, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Laura says

    wow, this looks so, soo awesome! Please stop posting amazing recipes in the middle of my afternoon when my sweet-hunger is about to take over me!

  2. Cheri @ The Watering Mouth says

    This looks AWESOME. The whole “beans in a dessert” thing is why I got hooked on your site in the first place, this looks SOO delicious!

    But you’ve made me curious – what kind of car does your dad have??

  3. jo @ including cake says

    looks amazing! I love beans in any dessert (almost!) I still need to experient more with a basic iceceam… I love the way you dress your desserts with it, makes them look even more delicious!

  4. Stephanie @ Legally Blinde says

    I LOVE your deep-dish cookie pie. I’ve made it twice and it’s gone over really well both times. I’ve been tempted to make one just for myself… but I’m afraid I would the whole thing in one sitting! I’m excited for this new sugar-free recipe!

  5. Samantha says

    Nope…it is no ordinary pie at all!

    OK, this is pretty darn cool. As a very regular consumer of variations on the blondies I am totally intrigued by this even though I will use sugar rather than stevia and regular chocolate chips.I love so many of the “raw” recipes that this seems like a great addition to an already amazing dessert.

    PS. Totally laughed about your dad celebrating his car’s birthday.

  6. Amanda French says

    I love birthdays! I have not made the cookie pie yet, but I made the chocolate chip blondies and loved them. I think I need to make a batch tonight.

  7. sarah says

    Omgoodness. I saw “Chocolate Chip Cookie pie” in my newsfeed and started salivating! Thank you for this recipe without sugar; I’ve only been eating chocolate lately because sugar makes me break out terribly (but not chocolate, thank gracious goodness). This looks like something that will make me forget all about sugar!

  8. Char @ says

    I loooove Katie’s Deep Dish Cookie Pie!! I’ve made it more than 10 times now, feeding it to my family, friends, boyfriend, taking it to birthday parties….every person who has tried it LOVES IT! Great photos, Angela!

  9. Lauren says

    I’ve been wanting to try the original, but hesitated because of the sugar content, so this new version is right up my alley! Thanks!

  10. sally @ sally's baking addiction says

    who knew that chocolate chip pie could be SUGAR FREE and not taste like cardboard? Leave it to you Miss CCK! I love chocolate chip cookie pie but obviously feel so guilty eating it. I’ll have to give this a try for my boyfriends birthday… and not tell him the ingredients, of course 😉

  11. Taylor says

    I’ve honestly been stalking the original Deep-Dish Cookie Pie posting for a year, awaiting your promise of a sugar-free version so I am THRILLED BEYOND ANY AMOUNT OF REASON to see this here!
    Unlike you, I have a MAJOR sweet tooth so I try my hardest to use natural sweeteners instead of sugar to satisfy myself.
    I now know how I’m spending my afternoon! You’ve made my day already, Katie! Thank you so much! ^_^

  12. moepurple says

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for this recipe! I was planning on making the regular one for my daddy for fathers day, but I might just make this one instead. 🙂 Btw, I am also making him your banana pancake recipe and your vegan coconut cool whip to go on top.(: I also showed my sister and her friend your red velvet pancake recipe (they are die-hard red velvet cake lovers) and they are planning on making that today for lunch (breakfast for lunch!). Thanks again! 🙂

  13. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says

    Omigosh this looks incredible!! What a delicious thing to celebrate!! And I love that this version is GF and SF- thank you so much! Now it can seriously be enjoyed guilt-free! I haven’t tried any of your bean recipes yet but I think it is time!

  14. Lise says

    Well, my birthday is coming up and I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of something yummy and healthy to make. I think I’ve found it. I might even have to do a test just to be sure it will be good. 😉 Thank you! I apologize if you have already answered this question somewhere, but I’m curious – is the nutritional info for the entire recipe or just a portion of it?

  15. Rana says

    Oh yes, I’ve made your original Deep Dish Cookie Pie a few times. I have also made Legendary Black Bean Brownies a couple of times and a Vegan Triple Fudge Brownie and Vegan Streusel Muffins. Do you want me to put the links up to them here?

  16. Ashley says

    perfect! the parents have been on a no sugar kick so this is excellent. x) I made the original cookie pie for my hapless coworkers and they devoured without a clue to what the ingredients were!!

  17. Liz says

    Cool! I already make your chickpea blondies by replacing the sugar with soaked dates and a little applesauce, so I’m glad to see you’re making your healthy desserts even healthier! I’ve had such success with almost all my baking recipes (brownies, breads, cookies, muffins) replacing the sugar with dates–it just makes a softer result and affects bake time. Dates are whole foods and despite being 80% fructose, they actually have health BENEFITS, whereas sugar does not.

  18. Katie says

    I made these for our memorial day picnic last week and my whole family loved them- they don’t like anything healthy and couldn’t even tell it had beans in it. I had chick peas on hand and used them without reading that the recipe called for white beans and it worked just as well. Tasted really good- wasn’t much left for me to bring home and my husband loved it so much he raved about it at work so now they want one!

    I love all your recipes- I’ll have a huge list to try!

  19. Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says

    I haven’t made a recipe with beans yet! My best friend made one of yours a while back and really didn’t like it, so I guess I’ve been hesitant to! Although I have a feeling I’ll be more receptive… haha

  20. Sara Dane says

    I’ve made the cookie pie before and it was fabulous! Black bean brownie recipes drive me to the kitchen, but I have yet to make a reallly good batch ;(

  21. Mandie says

    Yes, I’ve tried the Deep Dish Cookie Pie, Cinnamon Roll Pie, Brownie Dip (sugar-free), Cookie Dough Dip (sugar-free), & Chocolate Chip Blondies so far! ~ I loved them all!!!!
    They are my favorite recipes on your website! (Besides, of course, your Fudge Babies & other raw things)

  22. sarah l says

    This is a little embarrasing, but I love bean desserts! For some reason they aways turn out way better than plain flour desserts when I make them.

    And people think my family is weird because we’ve named all our cars ;D

  23. Andrea B. says

    It’s my birthday today as well!! I think I shall have to celebrate the two with one of your amazing recipes, although it might have to be that chocolate pumpkin pie!! (honestly the best thing since the invention of sliced bread, pumpkin pie AND chocolate!)

  24. Kat says

    I like that you used dates instead of all the sugar. I tried something similar with your blondies and it turned out awesome, so I´m definetely going to try this recipe!!! :)It looks absolutely delicious, and that second picture is just gorgeous 🙂
    Speaking of pies,cakes and those things… Have you ever tried to make healthy cheesecake? I just looove cheesecakes, and I heard about cheesecake made from tofu. So I´m just wondering if you have ever made something like that, if it really works… 😀

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I have! I actually have two versions–one with Tofutti cream cheese, and one that’s a raw version with a crazy ingredient no one would ever guess (it’s the recipe I alluded to at the end of this post!). I’m having a hard time deciding if they’ll go in the cookbook… I REALLY want to post them both on the blog :(.

  25. Melissa says

    I made the blondies, and they had fantastic taste, however, I used coconut sugar and they didn’t hold together. The sugar free bean recipes are at the top of my list to try out of your recipes! I can’t wait to make the cookie dough! This one looks good too, but I don’t have sunmaid dates.

  26. Emilia says

    Yum! Is it possible that this one looks even better than the original? I can’t wait to try it, I love desserts with beans in them, it’s such a fun, and surprising, source of nutrition. Now just to return home to the food processor…

  27. Katrina says

    Hey Katie,

    I don;t want to cause any controversy, but the calorie count for this is off. I am a dietician with a PhD in nutrition—I wouldn’t mention this if I wasn’t sure. If dividing the pie in 8 slices like you suggested, there would be about 400 calories per slice. Here are some of the calculations, so you can see what I did:

    820 (for 500g garbanzo beans) + 300 (one cup of oats) + 750 (300 grams of pitted dates + 25 applesauce) + 375 (3 T of oil) + 30 (for milk, assuming you use the lowest calories option: unsweetened almond milk) + 24 (vanilla extract) + 862 (for one cup of chocolate chips). This equals 3186 calories for the whole pie, and divided by 8 slices is 398 calories.

    I don’t mean this as criticism; calories get miscounted all the time, especially if you use various online servers. As a trained dietician, I think your recipe ideas are fantastic, and people could really learn a lot about getting proper nutrients, even while eating yummy desserts.

    Thanks, and I hope this doesn’t offend anyone. But for some people who are very closely watching their caloric intake, it’s important.

      • ~Nilu~ says

        Hello Katrina,
        thank you for taking the time to calculate the nutrition info. You made 1 pie and divided it by 8. Each slice making up about 400 calories. Katie made 2 pies and divided each by 8. Each slice making up 200 calories.

        Katie, I’ve made the “original” Deep-dish cookie pie.. twice in the past 4 months! I look forward to making this version as well. Thank you so much!

        • vicki says

          i agree… no need to be rude to Katrina. Katrina, I appreciate your calculations because i was going to make a 10 inch pie instead of two 8 inchers so your calculations help me tremendously. Maybe I shouldn’t do this (you tell me) but I don’t count these as “dessert” calories because of the nutrition from the beans and the oats, and I don’t believe a calorie is a calorie… what that calorie does or does not do for the body is important. So, I look at this as sort of a loaded sweet potato, but better for me w/fewer calories. Is that fair or am I just fooling myself? And i cannot figure out if the pie is healthier if I use the dates, which have consentrated fructose, or if I continue to use coconut/palm sugar.

          katie…thanks again for another great recipe. I tell everyone this is my favorite site for “dialing down” sugar intake… and just my favorite for desserts in general 🙂

          • Katrina says


            As far as losing or gaining weight, a calorie is a calorie, unfortunately… and this recipe is pretty calorically dense. So if you’re focused on weight loss, calories eaten<calories burned. Just keep in mind how many calories you're consuming. Now, having said that, this recipe is packed full of healthy nutrients — vitamins, minerals, and fiber – which makes it a much better choice than a typical dessert. This recipe doesn't have any "empty calories" as we'd say (calories without any additional healthy nutrients).

            Your body uses all sugars the same way (whether from dates or from regular granulated sugar), but dates add super-healthy fiber, vitamin A, calcium, and iron, so it is a MUCH better choice than cane sugar! Your sweet potato reference is good because comparing regular potatoes and sweet potatoes can be useful in explaining this. A regular potato has slightly less calories than a sweet potato. If you're trying to lose weight simply and are going to eat one or the other, a regular baked potato makes more sense. However, a sweet potato has a lot more vitamins and minerals in it, as well as fiber, so it will keep you full longer and help you reach your recommended daily intake of vitamins, which may make you feel better (plus being full longer) can help you eat less…therefore leading to less calories eaten throughout the day.

            Sorry for being long-winded, but simply put, there is really no reason to consider this a "dessert", but it does have a lot of sugars (healthy sugars!) in it, so just keep in mind that it is high in calories. As far as I'm concerned, there is no reason you couldn't/shouldn't eat (a small piece of) this everyday as part of a healthy diet! I hope that makes sense and helps…

            And to the other comments correcting me — I apologize; you're right. All I read was "eight slices" – I didn't see that Katie said IF you split the recipe into two pies and then eight slices each! Sorry, and thanks for pointing that out.

          • Anonymous says

            As a holistic nutritionist and a case in point example that a calorie IS NOT a calorie, these are my observations in my life and practice. The nutritional value of the food directly affects the way your body processes, uses and/or stores the calories. If the food is totally bio available and nutritionally dense whole foods you can eat A LOT more calories than someone who lives off restricted calorie diets of empty calorie foods (white bread, white sugar, processed junk). I am living proof and I have proven this with many of my clients. I eat upwards of 2500 calories a day, I am 5’1” and 100lbs. Yes, I am slightly underweight, no, I am not sick. I eat a high raw, whole food, plant based diet. Before I started eating whole foods, I could honestly just look at junk and gain weight and around xmas time when junk was around (keep in mind I adjusted my caloric intake of real food when I was eating crap to keep my daily caloric intake the same and my daily intake was certainly NOT 2500 calories (closer to 12-1500) per day because I believed in the ‘a calorie is a calorie’ theory, I would pack on 10 lbs or more in less than a month . I am well into my thirties now and weigh what I did in high school an am able to pack away A LOT more food and calories than people who eat crap and are on restricted calorie diets. I have eaten both ways, what most consider “normal” and my plant based, whole food diet. HUGE difference, as have numerous of my clients.

          • vicki says

            anonymous… it was a raw foodist who told me that dates are different from fresh fruit. She warns that because the sugar in the date is much more concentrated the body will process it much more quickly… more like cane sugar, than ripe fruit fructose, so her serving size of date recipes are crazy small. So while I agree w/everything you said… I’m still really confused about dates… though I believe it is much better than cane sugar… but maybe not palm sugar?? Since we’re actually cooking the whole foods here, I was hoping to get more clarity of the date debate! I guess it lingers on. 🙂

            Katie, thanks so much for another amazing recipe.. so excited for your cook book!

          • Anonymous says

            Yeah, the date thing is an issue that is up in the air. What’s great about this recipe is the dates are combined with fat (the oil) and really good, slow digesting carbs, which will definitely slow the affects on blood sugar. I am a firm believer that using the whole food is always a better option that using bits that have been extracted or processed. That being said, when sugar is called for and I can’t replace it with dates for whatever reason, I personally LOVE coconut palm sugar. I find I need less because it has such a nice flavour and I am SO sensitive to refined sugars (as in, I don’t eat them at all, I can’t even use agave and maple syrup is iffy depending on the quality. Molasses is another option that I can tolerate, but it does have a strong taste- which I love, but doesn’t work for all recipes) yet palm sugar seems to work fine for me. I’m not sure if that helped you at all, but again. I’m am a firm believer that whole foods over even minimally processed are a healthier option. And really, in the two cups you use in the recipe, you aren’t getting all that many dates per serving of delicious cookie pie :). And it’s a dessert, not a meal, well, sometimes a meal 😉

          • Anonymous says

            Oh, yeah, I forgot, fresh fruits are definitely different from dried. We usually don’t sit down and eat a bowl of apples, but give me dried apple rings, and I swear I’ll eat the equivalent….Same with apricots and cherries. There’s no water content to fill you up, so we keep eating. The sugar count can get pretty high pretty quick! 🙂 But they’re just so yummy!

          • vicki says

            wow! thanks for taking the time to share all of that information. I’m a firm believer in whole foods and that empty calories are not equal to good calories. Empty calories leave you feeling just like that… empty. I will admit, I haven’t had success w/weight loss by eliminating processed foods from my diet. I use very little sugar. Palm sugar is usually my go to in recipes. I’m just learning how to use dates, thanks to Katie and her commenters. I liked what another read said about how she makes a date syrup that she uses to sweeten other things she eats/drinks. I thought that was a great idea. There are 4 grams, or 1 teaspoon of sugar in 1 date, so that makes conversion easier. I think I will make the syrup and try it in my once a week coffee treat verses Raw Sugar. I just looked up how sugar is processed… WOW, I think I will be avoiding that. I sometimes use RAW agave (only raw) if my green smoothie is just too bitter, but it’s rare. And most of the time I use Katie’s recipes as a meal, not a dessert. Katie, love your blog! Love your readers!

    • vicki says

      Katrina, I just made this recipe again, but made all cupcakes. 24. Thanks to your calculations it was very easy to determine the calories in each cupcake. Even though I ate them for a meal and not a dessert, I appreicate how easy you made it for me to determine how many I should/could eat. Luckily, I got full at 3.

  28. Leslie says

    Yum! Looks fabulous, Katie! I checked back multiple times to see if you’d posted the sugar-free version yet. I was expecting something just with stevia or xylitol, but this far exceeded my expectations! I love it when you use fruit to sweeten in your recipes! Keep up the awesomeness, and I’ll let you know when I try this one :).

  29. bitt says

    hi katie, thanks for working on reducing the sugars even more. i asked in the post the other day but I’ll ask again, was this posted in vegnews? if not, they used a recipe almost exactly like yours. just curious. wouldn’t want you not to get credit where credit is due.

  30. Anonymous says

    I actually made your version of the cookie cake on Monday night. It was yummy! I did want to make it sugar free but was afraid to mess it up. Thanks Katie, your recipe couldn’t have come at a better time! I’ve also made your cookie dough dip and LOVED it.

  31. SkiGirl says

    I made the blondies…… soooo yummy! 🙂 no one liked them but me… oh well more for me to enjoy! :)))))

  32. mcnlambs says

    I use dried beans so how many cups do your canned beans add up to once you have drained them? I was thinking like two cups. Recipe sounds very interesting. Love your blog….

    • Samantha says

      Hello! This I can answer as I almost only do dry beans.

      A can is roughly 1 3/4 cup cooked beans.

      When I do my batches of dry bean cooking, I bag loosely 1 3/4 – 2 cup portions for whenever I am struck to make blondies…

      Enjoy. 🙂

  33. Jackie says

    I’ve made your blondies a couple of times, the cookie dough dip a few times, and the deep-dish cookie pie once. Most people really enjoy them! I think they’re really yummy.

    Did you soak the dates first at all?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Nope, but I HIGHLY recommend the dates you find in a regular grocery store (packaged) such as Sunmaid. They are way softer than the medjools from a place like Whole Foods that can break a food processor! 😕

      • Samantha says

        I just KNEW they were evil!

        I finally sucked it up and experimented with dates for the first time yesterday and it is stunning what a difference they make. There was something about this recipe that even I knew prunes were pushing it…LOL.

        • vicki says

          medjool dates are WONDERFUL, and haven’t been processed. The key is just to soak them first. I really want to make that Date Past another reader posted. Sounds like a great idea.

          • Anonymous says

            Where I live, the medjool dates are always really fresh and really soft, but SUPER expensive. And you have to pit them. Their flavour is sooo yummy though. I buy my dates in bricks now, they are located in the baking isle. They’re cheap and much softer than anything in the bulk section. I go through SO MANY dates, that I buy them in the 1kg (2.2 lbs) bricks. And they’re pitted 🙂

  34. kaity says

    you dont no how long i have been waitin for this!! made my day! got chickpeas soaking already this is being made asap!<3

  35. Emma says

    So, I have it in the oven! If the final product is as good as the raw batter, we’re in for a real treat!

  36. Sharlee@believinginsomething says

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Katie! I am so SOOOOO excited. I’ve quite literally been WAITING for this since you first posted the deep dish cookie pie. I’ve been dying for a sugar-free version. I am definitely giving this a whirl this weekend.

  37. ~Jessica~ says

    The original cookie pie is still my favourite of your recipes.

    And now you’ve given me an excuse to make it again in its sugar-free incarnation. Thank you 😉


  38. Jana Maxwell says

    Looks delish! I cannot wait to try it. I actually just finished up a snack of the cookie dough dip with apples. I love that so many of your recipes are sweetened with dates. Instead of having to put the dates through the food processor with the rest of the ingredients, I make up a date syrup which I keep in a jar in the fridge. I soften about a cup of dates in filtered water overnight, then blend it all together (the soak water and the soaked dates) until it is smooth, and then store it in a jar. That way it is ready to go for making homemade nut milk, or a batch of your cookie dough dip, or herbal tea, whatever. Makes the preparation of some of your yummy treats just the teensiest bit quicker. This also may be a handy tip for those without the luxury of a food processor or a Vitamix. Thanks for all the great ideas! I keep referring friends and family to your site!

  39. Cathy says

    Yum!! I have tried the bean desserts, not the pie, but i love the blondies!
    When i saw the title of this post i thought it was for MY birthday, which was yesterday lol. darn it! 🙂

  40. Lissy says

    my friends all love the sugared version, so I’m perty excited to try this. Perhaps I’ll make it for my diabetic dad.

    I made your blue velvet cupcakes today for a baby shower and they were a huge hit! More popular than the not so healthy cupcakes I made for the egg eaters 🙂

  41. barbara says

    as great as this no sugar version looks, i am going to stick with your original! it is my favorite dessert EVER and I make it too often (or maybe just often enough!)

  42. moepurple says

    I started a new blog, will you check it out? I love cooking, so my friends begged me to make a blog and I gave in!
    I haven’t posted any recipes yet, but do you like the apples? Pretty soon I’ll be posting a healthy wonton empanada recipe.(: I think I’ll make this blog a summer project, unless it gets popular.

  43. Beth says

    Thank you so much for this sugar free version. I have made the original pie 3 times in the past month. My family loves it. I made this one tonight. They like this one even better-so do I.

  44. Melissa (Better Fit) says

    Wow- so cool about the pie’s TV appearance!! That must have been really cool to watch.

    I remember making a cocolate chip cookie pie in elementary school during home economics. I remember I LOVED it and made a couple at home for my family. But I bet it wasn’t as good as your vegan and healthified version! 🙂

  45. vogelstar says

    how coincidental that I woke up after my nightshift and made this very pie (well the original sugarlicious version)
    the idea of beans in dessert is stranger than the reality, in Japan, everything as sweetend with beans. we bought these amazing little fudge-like bean bars. i can’t even describe how glorious they taste

  46. Amber says

    HAHA!! I actually just took the original out of the oven and had not been online to see today’s blog yet! I made it on Memorial Day and my 19 year old stepson ate literally half of the pie. I was bragging about it so much at work that I decided to make it again, this time with only a cup of sugar. But I did use milk chocolate chips! And my stepson still does not know the ingredients!

  47. Veronica says

    I just made the original this weekend for my family! They LOVED it! It’s amazing how much it tastes like a cookie! I found myself seriously ‘testing’ the batter before I even baked it! hehehe! Personally, I LOVED IT. Pretty much anything and everything involving cookies I love!

  48. Kristen says

    YAY!!! Ive been waiting for this…can’t wait to try it on my friends:) I know they will love it. Thanks Katie. I have tried the other version of the cookie and mmmm, mmmm, mmmm….delicious. Looking forward to how this one turns out.

  49. Nike says

    This looks so awesome Katie! My middle school aged daughter and I love to bake together, I’ve been looking for healthful recipes and your recipes are awesome. The only downside is that I can’t have caffeine, so no chocolate, it gives me migraines :-(. Any suggestions for substitutions? Would butterscotch or peanut butter chips work? I’m not vegan but I am a vegetarian.

  50. Amber with Slim Pickin's Kitchen says

    Well…it JUST SO HAPPENS that I have all of the ingredients to make this deliciousness right.this.second. SCORE!

  51. Kate @eatrecyclerepeat says

    I am SO happy that you made a sugar-free version! I first learned about your blog when my friend shared this recipe, and I am super excited to give it a try now! Not many baked goods make me drool anymore, but this one is definitely and exception. Why do I keep checking food blogs after lunch?!

  52. Joleena says

    My husband’s birthday is June 2nd and mine is June 4th, soo I think it’s only right that we fit this cookie pie into our weekend. We can sing happy birthday to all of us…including the cookie! 😉

  53. Rachel says

    The cookie dough dip was the first dessert I made with chickpeas. And it took a little getting used to at first, but now I find myself craving it, and have made it several times. I also made the deep dish cookie pie, and oh my it was amazing! I’ve also made cookies with chickpeas (from a different blog though. Sacrilege! Haha!) I’m a little obsessed with chickpeas, even in savory dishes. They are so versatile. I’ve made so many desserts with them though, that whenever I smell them I automatically think of dessert. Visions of oats and chocolate chips! 🙂

    You are so awesome Katie! Thanks for all your super desserts, and keep up the great work!

  54. vicki says

    If anyone, or Katie of course, has made both pies can you share if there is any texture difference betwee the pies and what it is?

      • vicki says

        Thanks Katie… I noticed there is more batter w/this recipe than the other. My first attempt is in the oven right now. I went ahead and made 6 cupcakes after seeing how much dough there was in my pan… after just taking my cupcakes out I see my pie is really getting big… maybe i should have made 12 cupcakes in addition to my 10 inch tart pan. (your two 8 inch pan suggestion should have clued me in) If it’s too gooey for my taste, I’m sure some refrigeratation will work that out.

        • vicki says


  55. Trish @ MyBigFatBundt says

    Oh my gosh…this is hilarious. Last night I made a fresh batch of white beans so I could use them in some of your desserts for this weekend (I’m teaching an EFT/energy healing workshop on Sunday and need some healthy but yummy snacks), including the deep dish cookie pie. And I was wondering if there was a way I could make it with dates, but I didn’t want to waste my ingredients in trying. You must have been reading my future thoughts…

  56. Carly H says

    I made this last night and it came out awesome! It came out very mushy in the middle…perhaps I should’ve waited the extra 5 minutes (hence 35-40). I was so eager to make it that although I didn’t have all the ingredients on hand, I made a few substitutions. Here’s what I did: used 4TB xylitol instead of sugar/stevia, used oil instead of applesauce (probably makes for a higher calorie count), and omitted the 3 TB oil at the end. I’m sure I’ll be making this again and will try it as listed. Yum!!!

  57. Rachel says

    Hi Katie! My husband and I recently moved to NYC and had to majorly condence all of our things to fit into a tiny 1br apt! Unfortunately my lovely food processor did not make the cut 🙁 Could i maybe put the wet into my vitamix and the just combine with the dry by hand? I would really love to make this recipe!

  58. LizAshlee says

    A cookie pie sounds great! I like that you didn’t add any sugar, but looking at the ingredients, dates have quite a bit of sugar naturally and chocolate chips of course have sugar too…I am sure it tastes delicious!

  59. Barbara says

    ok you got me. I am going to try this and not tell anyone it has beans in it. I cant wait. It looks so good.

  60. Kelly says

    I am so excited to try the sugar free version. I make the original pie for my kids and they love it. I just don’t tolerate sugar well. Thank you so much for the post.

    What brand of stevia packets do you use?

  61. Moni Meals says

    Looks great. I loved the original version, hope to make this too. Happy Birthday Healthy Deep Dish Cookie Pie. 🙂

  62. ann-marie says

    Oh the answer is YES! We have tried it, the whole family LOVED it, and even my best friend who can’t stand the sight of a bean really liked it and couldn’t tell there was a single bean in it! I made her guess until she was almost totally done with her piece before I let her know what the *secret* ingredient was 😀 Since two of my kids prefer white chocolate to dark, I cokked it without the chips and just added them on top of the hot pie as soon as got out of the oven, they melted and it was just divine. I will be making this version for sure, I love dates! It’ll be even yummier, if that’s even possible!
    Thank you Katie for your great recipes, all six of us love your recipes around here. Nothing scares my kids, not even spinach in their smoothies :p

  63. Casey says

    Oooh! I’m super excited. I was going to modify your original version with something similar, now you’ve done the work for me!! 🙂

    I’m curious about the new ingrediant you will be using. I thought beans were rather odd for a dessert and then I tried your sugar-free cookie dough dip-BEST THING EVER!!!

    Hmm…. what could the new thing be? Guessing something fairly neutral in flavor. Is it a vegetable?? Sweet potatos could be turned into a dessert I would think. Isn’t there something called Sweet Potato pie? Or maybe it’s carrots. Those are fairly sweet. I had a carrot salad once that was pretty good and included raisins. I’m intrigued, will just have to wait and see… 🙂

  64. Anita says

    This was just as good if not better than the original!! Soooooo yummy!! I always make them as cupcakes so I can throw them in my lunch-bag for work easily. And they freeze super awesome that way! Also, I added 2tbsp of choc. PB2 in place of the 4 tbsp of sugar.

  65. Natalie says

    beans in your desserts is Precisely why i love them. (well it’s one of the reasons, rest is just good flavor and excellent health) but until i met your blog – i hated garbanzos… now i actually like them in something more than hummus 🙂
    can’t beat that.
    Plus if my 3 1/2 year old is none the wiser that chocolate dip is actually healthy!?? (when made with dates at any rate)
    Plus I think there’s going to be a new person in my life that will definitely benefit from a lot of your recipes (gluten free ones) since she has Celiac disease and what not.
    in other words.. “Bring it on!” (that new dessert heheh)

  66. Stacy Bluhm says

    I just made this for the first time, and I must say it is scrumptious!! I’m not a vegan, or raw dieter – just a girl trying to lose some baby weight lol. This pie is AMAZING!

  67. Amy says

    Made it this afternoon and it is delicious! Thank you for another wonderful recipe.

    By the way, how do you store your cookie pie? In the refrigerator? In a dish on the counter?

  68. stephanie says

    Hi Katie… I’m sad to say that I mustve done something wrong because everyone else is raving about this, but mine came out so mushy and tasted of beans :(!!!! I cooked if for longer and longer probably 45 minutes total. I followed directions and ingredients to a t… so I don’t know what happened. Any ideas??

      • vicki says

        I’ve made this before in a Pampered Chef Pie Stone and it turns out super mushy….for me it works much better in a 10 inch springform metal pan. I’ve made it many times and I only ended up w/mushy when I used that deep dish pie stone.

  69. Anonymous says

    Will this freeze ok? I read in the earlier comments that someone made something similar and froze it, but I’m wondering if anyone’s tried to freeze this one or the original cookie pie. I just made it and am impatiently awaiting it to cool enough to take it out of the pan. It smells divine!!

  70. Anonymous says

    Hmmm, just noticed that Anita commented that she freezes them in muffin form and they work fine. Sorry for asking again!

  71. Erin says

    Made tonight and it turned out pretty darn good… My batch tasted almost like a chocolate fig newton (not sure if this is how it is supposed to taste but mine did). My husband ate it even after he said he wouldn’t because he saw what I was mixing together AND both my little girls begged for more! Family tested and Mom approved!! Thank you for posting! Do you know when your cookbook will come out?

  72. Anonymous says

    Just made this. I only had a 9″ spring form, so it was thicker and probably gooeyer than it should be, but so darn good. Maybe next time I’ll make a muffin or two and put the rest of the batter into the springform. SO GOOD. : ) Thanks for a super yummy recipe!

  73. Sara says

    I mistakenly bought prunes instead of dates and it turned out pretty good! I’m anxious to try with dates though as it tasted all right; it was a lot lighter than we expected it to be. My hubby thought it would be pretty dense and tasteless but we were both impressed.

  74. Ella says

    I made this. cut the recipe in half and didnt really use any chocolate..tastes wonderful for breakfast

  75. Anonymous says

    Ok, I’m the one who made this last night in the 9″ springform. It ended up setting up quite well, and thank gawd the pie is dense or I would have eaten the whole thing last night. I did cover and refrigerate it overnight, and this morning had more for breakfast. WOW, it’s even BETTER today (if that’s possible). I can’t wait to try making it in the right sized pan or cutting the recipe back a little so it cooks a little better in my too small pan. I couldn’t really leave it in the oven longer as the sides were getting pretty brown, but again, it was DELICIOUS none the less. 😀

  76. Jenny says

    I just made this for a picnic and it was a hit! No one would have guessed that one of the main ingredients was beans and there was no added sugar. I have Truvia which is a Stevia product and I wasn’t sure how much to use so I went with 2t. and that seemed to work ok for sweetness.

  77. Natalie says

    Tried this recipe today, I looooved it and it was the biggest hit at the 2 dinner parties I stopped by! No body could believe what the star ingredient was! Keep ’em coming!

  78. Angela in FL says

    I tried the sugar-free version tonight! I made a few alterations to the recipe too, and it still came out delicious!! I had to alter it a bit because I only have a really small food processor and because I didn’t have all the ingredients. First, I ground the oatmeal in my regular, old blender and set that aside. Then I blended the dates (which I only had 1.5 cups of that) in the blender with 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk until it was totally smooth. I added the beans and other wet ingredients (coconut oil & vanilla) and blended again until it was smooth. After that, I poured the wet part into a mixing bowl and mixed the dry ingredients (and chips) in by hand! I omitted the apple sauce altogether because I didn’t have any, and increased the milk by a quarter cup. I baked it as directed for 35-40 minutes and let it set for 15 minutes. It’s nice and gooey…and DELICIOUS! I served it with Coconut Milk (no sugar added) Vanilla Bean ice cream, but hope to try your ice cream recipe soon!! Thanks for a healthy version of a sinful dessert! 🙂

      • vicki says

        I really appreciated this post! I don’t have a food processor at all. just a really great blender… but Katie says not to use a blender… so… what’s a girl to do? Modify! This really helped me. I blended all my wet ingredients in the blender and combined dry in a bowl, then emptied blended ingredients into dry and mixed well and it turned out great. Thanks again for posting this 🙂

  79. Sherlock says

    I hate to ask you this but do you think this will work with banana instead of the applesauce? I always have applesauce on hand but ran out two days ago and seriously want to make this now.

  80. Brett says

    So funny you posted this! I needed to pick a dessert recipe for a party on Saturday (6/2). I have been saving dozens upon dozens of your recipes but never actually made anything to date. I finally decided I was going to pick from a bunch of the ones I saved. The deep dish chocolate chip pie was one of the contenders and I kept going back and forth all week. I finally decided on Wednesday to make this but wanted to make a sugar free version since my friend is diabetic. I was going to wing it thinking I could copy another dessert you turned sugar free, but was afraid it would turn out a disaster! Not too mention was a bit hesitant to try a pie made of Garbanzo Beans! I almost went with my second choice of the decadent chocolate mousse pie with the recent sugar/gluten free pie crust recipe you posted a few weeks ago. Then the next day (5/31) you posted a link to the sugar free version above!! I couldn’t believe the timing! Thank you so much!!! You saved the dessert!

    I made it and everyone LOVED IT! No one could tell it was made with beans. Unfortunately, I did tell a few people ahead of time and they refused to even give it a try. Their loss! More for me! ;).

    I did have one problem with it though. I cooked it for 45 minutes and only the top got kind of ‘hardened’. It had the consistency of mashed potatoes and not a pie. I billed it as baked cookie dough and no one minded but I am curious what went wrong. The only substitutions I made was I used 10 oz instead of 16 oz (2 cups) for the dates (bag was only that size), 2 Tbsp of Olive Oil instead of 3 Tbsp of canola/coconut (batter tasted amazing without this but added 2 Tbsp as safety measure), and used 1/2 cup instead of 1 cup of instant oats (is instant different from quick??). I wouldn’t think any of these would have that much of an effect on the consistency of it.

    Any idea what could have happened?

      • Brett says

        Hmm. Could be. I can try redoing the recipe and get back to you.

        I also used a Pyrex oval shaped pan which was probably about 10 inches wide. I didn’t have the time to use two 8 inch cake pans and just combined into 1. It made the cookie cake EXTREMELY deep dish. Maybe since the batter was higher than yours it would take longer to cook? Also since it was a ceramic pan and not a metal one maybe that would also require longer cooking time? What should the true consistency be like?

        Thanks again!

        • vicki says

          Katie… I’m going to bank my question/comment off of this readers experience. My cupcakes turned out delish. I only made them because there was so much batter in my 10 inch pan. I ended up burning the cake because I was trying to get the inside cooked better, but all I really did was burn the whole thing. Is is safe to assume if you use a ten inch pan that it will be gooey? It can’t really be cooked longer to make it less gooey?

          • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

            I haven’t ever cooked it longer than the recommended amount in the recipe… I actually think the gooey-ness is one of the best parts. But If you don’t want it as gooey as you’ve made it, another alternative is to let it sit completely uncovered overnight (or even in the fridge, as long as it’s uncovered and has already cooled). It firms up. Or maybe even reduce the applesauce, if you really want it a lot less gooey?

          • vicki says

            Thanks for the tips Katie!! I’m not a fan of the super gooey-ness that feels undercooked. I LOVE this recipe though. I think I have determined my favorite way to have it is in cucapke size. I just made 24. They seem to give me the texture I want… and three make a nice meal 🙂 They are super soft… a little mushy I guesss, but not gooey. Just not firm like a normal cupcake. My family loves these. I use 12 medjool dates that I have soaked, which means there is only 1/2 tsp of date sugar in each cupcake. Thanks for such an awesome recipe! I had not cooked much w/dates before but this makes me feel much more confident.

          • Liz says

            Vicki, you’ve probably totally got this figured out (2 years later!), but I just made a half recipe in the 8″ (spring-form) pan and it was not at all gooey after 30 min. If anything it was a touch… rubbery (still yummy though!). I could imagine that the full recipe in an only-slightly-wider pan could make a much deeper-dish pie and leave the center waaaay less cooked. Sounds like you’re happy with your muffin approach, but if you did want a big pie, I’d suggest the two 8″ tins in place of the 10 incher!

  81. christina says

    Katie, I’ve made this recipe (original) and my friends and family loved it. They had no idea it was sugar free.

    One pet peeve – Have you thought about calling these recipes “no processed sugar” instead of “sugar free”? I got excited when I saw the title and then realized you added 2 cups of dates. That can be nearly 200g of sugar or 8g of sugar per slice. Not too bad but not exactly sugar free. I just worry for those that are diabetic….

  82. Anonymous says

    I just tried this with 1 cup of quinoa flakes instead of oats (couldn’t find any gluten free oats) and it turned out very yummy!! Great recipe.

    • Vicki says

      Thanks! Just what I was looking for, something instead of oats. Will have to add this to the list of recipes I plan on trying.

  83. Tobi Ragon says

    My co-worker made this for me because she’s sooo sweet. She is always making treats for the office, and I can never enjoy them because I am gluten intolerant (Celiac Disease). Thank you Chocolate Covered Katie!! It is delicious!! I cannot believe it doesn’t have flour in it!!!

  84. Red says

    could i use a pyrex square glass dish? and if so do i need to spray it before i bake? would i need to change the timming alot? recomended cooking period?
    lol I know so many questions!

  85. Anonymous says

    just to say… I tried that version! With a little less dates and no added Stevia but it was amazing. Even my boyfriend said that we really need to stock up on beans next time we go to the supermarket. And I say: Never eaten such a healthy cake! Thank you so much!

  86. New England Flybaby says

    Thank you SO, SO much for adapting this for sugar-free!! I am going to try a gluten-free, sugar-free diet, and this looks FABULOUS! Thank you again for all your hard work with re-working the recipe. I love your blog

  87. Ryan says

    These photo’s look delicious!

    I wanted to come back to say that I made this but I turned it into coffee-brownie pie by adding some cocoa powder and coffee granules. I brought it to a class potluck with some of your skinny snickerdoodles, people seemed to think they were pretty tasty too. :]


  88. Anonymous says

    i forgot how much I despise dates until I tasted this cake 🙁 it all came back to me I was so dissapointed should’ve gone with the original recipe. oh well my daddy liked it so it was okay.

    • Anonymous says

      Really? I’ve fed this to some serious date haters and they had no idea there were dates in it. What kind did you use? You may be able to get away with making this with dried apricots but you may need to up the stevia a bit, depending on your taste, apricots aren’t as sweet as dates. Or even try dried mango – but taste as you go, dried mango usually has added sugar so you may be able to leave out the stevia all together, depending on your sweet toot). It’ll change the flavour a bit but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work. I think I may try it for something different…

    • Sherlock says

      Did you have chunks of dates in your pie or something? If you completely process the dates you won’t taste them at all. They just make it sweet.

      • Anonymous says

        yea I think that was the problem even though I processed it twice maybe my mixer didn’t do as good of a job 🙁 maybe if I’m brave I’ll try again one day

  89. vicki says

    kaie… these are wicked as cupcakes… my family eats them so fast. I’m going to try freezing them. Has anyone done that? this recipe is UH-MAZE-ING.

    • Anonymous says

      I read somewhere here that someone had good luck freezing this recipe as muffins. I have a HUGE cookie pie that I’ll never get through on my own, so I’ll have to freeze it. I really hope it works, I’d hate to ruin such a delicious pie!!!

      • vicki says

        when I had that problem I just ate the cookie pie for breakfast lunch and dinner for three days in a row 🙂

        • Anonymous says

          HAHAHAHA! It’s funny that you say that, I did the SAME thing instead of freezing it. I NEVER get sick of the cookie pie. SO GOOD!!!

  90. Panama says

    Katie, I MADE IT! I’ve been dying to make this sugar free version. I’ve tried the other version and it tasted too peanut-buttery for me…. so with this one I was ready to do some tinkering. Mine looks much smoother than yours. I think because I’m using a Blentec. Yours has a more authentic look. (what do you blend in?–i just bought a magic bullet for 30 buck on ebay because of your recipes!) None-the-less… I dove spoon first into my smoother looking cookie dough. yummmmmmm. I had traded in the PB for Nutiva Coconut Mana. Strangley it tasted coconutty… I don’t think it’s tastes coconutty plain, but you probably would have loved it. I think next time I will try coconut-oil. But, since I have two victims…er, taste-testers… in town from college, I decided to keep working on it. I added some almond butter, a little more vanilla, a little more almond milk, I had mistakenly drained my soak water and finally it tasted authentic! So I stirred in my chocolate chips… but all the blending had warmed it a bit and my bits were melting EGAD… oh wait E-GOOD! It was yummy… swirls of melty chocolate chips. But, I’m looking for an authentic look so I layered it w/chocolate chips and tucked it in the fridge. I’m now awaiting my always hungry, unspespecting boys that are home from college to give it a taste. Can’t wait!

      • vicki says

        I’m confused… there isn’t any peanut butter in this recipe?? Oh wait… I see your note says COOKIE DOUGH. So this is just on the wrong page. I use Justin’s Maple Almond butter for that recipe and it rocks. Doesn’t taste like pb at all.

        Katie, I use my blendtec for the sugar free deep dish cookie pie… I used another readers comments to help. She blends all of the wet ingredients in the blender, but combines the dry in a bowl and then adds the wet from the blender. That seems to work out great for me. So glad your readers have such great ideas!

  91. Loral says

    Hey there, I just wanted to leave a comment as I’ve been following your site form some time now and wanted to let you know what a blessing you are to me! As a mum trying to find vegan food for my kids is such a mission when I feel I’m always competing with the commercially available stuff… your food is such a lifesaver. I know your cakes etc are designed as a single lady serve but they are FABULOUS as a afternoon quick fix for my 11 month old vegan bubs! Thanks so much for all you put in to this site and I love that I dont feel alone in eating well and enjoying food anymore!

  92. Novice Baker says

    Excellent recipe! This is the first recipe I have tried on your site and it turned out perfect! I was surprised at how thick the “batter” was but once baked for 30 minutes it was perfect. I popped in the fridge for the next day and we really liked having a cold slice with some whip cream. It was still gooey and good! Thanks!

  93. Lisa says

    Yum! Thanks for a wonderful recipe. I have made the original a few times (with reduced brown sugar because the full amount was too sweet for me) and I actually like the taste of this new date-sweetened version much more! And that’s saying a lot because I loved the original. I just reduce the chocolate chips to 3/4 cup because with 1 cup I couldn’t taste the rest of the batter as well. I ended up with a thicker batter with this version and it hid the bean taste much better. With the original I could always still taste the beans on the first day despite thorough rinsing but by the second day the bean flavor was covered by the sweet taste. This version I can eat straight out of the oven with no bean taste! I feel better eating sweets that also have nutritional value so this is the perfect recipe to get your oats, beans, dates, and almond milk 😉

  94. Eri says

    Hi Katie, I just found your blog the other day and have not stopped thinking about this recipe since. I finally made it – delicious! I made a few changes that might be helpful to other readers, so I thought I’d share them:

    -Halved the recipe (didn’t trust myself with the full amount!) and baked in one 9″ springform for 35 minutes. Turned out nice and firm but still gooey. Perfect thickness.
    -Used succanat as sweetener, which added a wonderful depth of flavor
    -Subbed thick-cut rolled oats because that’s what I keep in my pantry. Worked perfectly.
    -Subbed cocoa nibs for half of the chips, to cut back on the sugar since I used succanat. Bonus: the crunchy texture from the nibs is fab!

    Thank you for your wonderful blog, and for this decadently healthy recipe!

  95. punifa says

    Hi Katie! This looks fantastic and I’ve been waiting to see the sugar-free version of the deep dish pie 😀 I was just wondering, since I made date paste recently, how that would convert from the 2 cups of dates you have on here? Or maybe I should just wing it :p

  96. Kara says

    My boyfriend said this is one of the best things I’ve ever made!! My mom has also dedicated me to making this for her and my aunt’s birthdays. It is truly delicious!

  97. Tine says

    Just tried maling This, but can’t get i to bake through.. is completely non-baked after 1 hr.. Amy idea what might Be causing This?

    was looking so much forward to This deliciously looking pie 🙂

    greetings from Denmark

    • vicki says

      don’t want to step on Katie’s toes should she have opportunity to reply… I’m just a lover of her blog. I’ve made this no less than 4 times changing it a bit each time. Keep in mind it isn’t a flour “batter” and it won’t cook like flour. In fact, you could eat it w/out cooking it because nothing is raw. In my experience, it doesn’t “cook through”. The texture changes slightly as the batter becomes browner in the oven. Over cooking it is a bad idea. It won’t cook through, it will just burn. Two things I have found that work well is to use less batter in a smaller/thinner pan or to use different beans. I got a great result w/Cannellini beans using a 10inch tart pan… but that same pan creates mush w/the garbazo beans. It also helps to let it sit uncovered for a day. It seems to codense a bit, which changes the texture. however, if you use a small/deep pan you will end up w/mush or what others call goo-ey.

  98. Ruth says

    I really really love your blog, I just subscribed to get your recipes by email! I think this recipe is just wonderful, I have a bunch of dates that will be put to good use with this 🙂

  99. vicki says

    I love this recipe! so, each time I make it. I change something. Either out of necessity or in search of perfection. I am lacking a food processor. This time I had to us CANNELINI BEANS since that is what I had on hand. I mixed all of the wet ingredients in my Blendtec w/the dates that I had soaked. It blended beautifully. I ;put the oats in a magic bullet to turn into flour, assuming that would happen in a food processor and mixed w.all the other dry ingredients, then stired in the wet. There wasn’t an overload of batter this time. It all fit nicely in a 10inch tart pan. It bakes perfectly in 35 minutes. The texture was light… creany…airy. And surprisingly it was a little too sweet. So interesting what changing the type of bean does. Next time I will not add the sugar w.cannelini beans. Once again a KILLER recipe though!

  100. Margarete says

    I just made this with banana (instead of dates), used a vanilla bean, and did not use milk. I used Enjoy Life choc. chips in a 13 x 9 pan. Delicious! (of course you will have a banana flavor) 🙂 Thank you for the recipe. Oh! I had a csn of garbanzo beans (439 g) so the rest were black beans.

  101. Zoe says

    I made this with black-eyed beans instead of chickpeas and it worked beautifully :). Also, I used raisins instead of chocolate and it was really good (I would have used chocolate but there was none in the house . . . a sad state of affairs I know).

    Love this and your other recipes!

  102. Kimberle says

    I just wanted to let you know that I made this today and tit is to die for! I only had about 3/4 cup of dates so I used those and then two tablespoons of raw honey. There are no words. This is better than any regular deep dish cookie I have ever had! Thanks so much for the recipe!

    Also, to the commenter above…I calculated it out and its about 376 calories for 1/8th of the recipe using the ingredients I used i.e. 3/4 cup dates, 2T honey, 3T coconut oil….I also used semi-sweet chocholate chips.

    Anyway, thank you again! This was great….my husband had no idea what was in it, he loved it! 🙂

  103. Dina says

    I normally don’t post comments but this recipe is soooooo good I had to let you know. I made this and served it warm with Trader Joe’s Vanilla Soy ice cream. It was absolutely heavenly!!!
    Thank you Katie for this amazing recipe and all your other recipes… You are awesome!!

  104. Melissa says

    I made this last night, and it is SOOO good! I love all your desserts! They’re so good! When will your cookbook come out? I can’t wait!

  105. New Chocolate Covered Katie fan!!! says

    So, I stumbled upon your website about a week ago, and I am in love!! I’m a “clean-eater” and your recipes have made my lifestyle so much more fun even in just a week! I’ve made your copycat reeses eggs (for my non-healthy eating roomate and she LOVED them, as did I ), one minute chocolate cake, no bake chocolate PB balls, and now this deep dish no sugar chocolate chip cookie pie! They were all amazing, but I am truly astonished at how delicious this recipe was (I’d never tried dessert made with beans)! I admit I was a little nervous, but it is SO GOOD. thank you for the wonderful, healthy dessert recipes that more than satisfy my dessert cravings.

  106. Tami says

    What if you don’t have a food processor? I have a small one, will it work for the dates? Is there an alternative method (can’t afford a high powered food processor right now). Thanks

    • vicki says

      I have the same problem. Another commenter says that she blends the wet ingredients in her blender and mixes the dry separately in a bowl and then combines them in the dry bowl. I have made it that way several times now and it works out great. I do suggest that you turn your oats into oat flour first. I do it w/my magic bullet, but a blender will work.

  107. Sarah says

    I think I’m going to make this for my birthday tomorrow! And serve it with So Delicious no-sugar-added vanilla coconut ice cream 😀

  108. Andi says

    Just made this tonight and I’m LOVING IT. My pretty much anti-health-food husband loved it too! I felt like 300g is a TON of dates, though. I think I’ll try using a little less next time. I wonder if the kind you use have more water than the kind I got.

  109. Newish to vegan baking :) says

    Dear Katie,

    I made this recipe with such delight, carefully measuring all of the ingredients. I only had cane sugar and medjool dates, so had to use them. I only had a 9inch round spring foam pan, so I used that & baked for 45 minutes. I poked in a toothpick, which came out clean. The cake looked gorgeous, with a crust on the top and sides! But when I cut into it 20 minutes out of the oven, it was so mushy! 🙁 I rebaked it for another 25 minutes and let it rest again for 20 minutes. The middle did not set. What did I do wrong? 🙁

  110. Skylar says

    I modified that recipe to a cinnamon raisin breakfast version 🙂 I added 1t. cinnamon, 1/2t. ground cloves, and a pinch of nutmeg. Then, about a cup of raisins and about 1/3 cup quick oats to mix in at the end. I used two pie dishes and only had to bake them for about 25 minutes. Next time, I think I will wait to add in all the oats with the raisins, giving it a more oatmeal, breakfasty feel 🙂

  111. Dana says

    I made the regular, full-sugar version for morning tea at work yesterday, and then this version for movie night last night, and I think I like this version better! So yummy! When I told everyone what was in it they still couldn’t taste the dates or chickpeas. I definitely had to walk away from the food processor and just let it run for a while though. And it’s even better for breakfast today…. :p

  112. Olivia@ OmNom Love says

    This is sooooooooo good! My family loved it! Everyone except my dad and sister, who did some snooping and found out that this had beans it >:( My grandparents loved it, though! And so did my mom and I!

    I cut the recipe in half and made a few minor modifications. I replaced the sugar with 2 T. of honey and cut the milk back to 1/4 c. I also added some almond extract. The pan I used wasn’t exactly a “deep-dish” pan, so next time I think I’ll back it for 25 minutes instead of 30.

    Overall it was really good and I’d definitely have it again!

  113. Jenifer says

    Whoa, Katie! You’ve outdone yourself. I just made this today and it’s even BETTER than the regular version! My food processor almost commited suicide, though…it got REALLY hot (and it’s new!). Is there any way I can make this in a Vitamix?

    Thanks for all your wonderful recipes! All my cookbooks are languishing because every dessert I’ve been making lately is from your blog. 🙂

  114. Sinead says

    Hey Katie, really want to make this but I don’t have a food processor, just a Kenwood blender! Is it possible for me to still make this?

  115. Morgan says

    Super yummy. Halved recipe. Made with the sugar free hot chocolate chips from this site.. Organic bpa free no salt Great northern beans, unsweetened almond milk, rolled oats and coconut oil. Baked 30 min. Was perfect with sugar free coconut milk ice cream.

  116. Cierra says

    If I wanted to use this recipe for mini cupcakes instead of a big pie, how long do you think I should bake it for? I’m doing an informative speech for my class and I’m going to pass these babies out while telling them how to make ’em! 🙂 A+ for sure right?! Haha

  117. Tami says

    Made this today but in a 9 by 13 pan as bars and added extra chocolate chips 🙂 (dark chocolate) and used quinoa flakes instead of oatmeal since I don’t do even GF oats. They are a hit! We all (and our company) all love them! Thank you so much!

  118. Christina Sexton says

    Finally, after months of saying I want to try this recipe, I made the time, and I do not regret it at all! All I can say is wow!! My husband tried it, and he was surprised when I told him it was healthy! I am extremely happy because both my very picky sons (2 yr old and 5 year old) ate up a whole serving! One of the most satisfying feelings as a parent of picky eaters is finding new ways to hide nutrition in the few foods they will eat. Sweets are rarely ever rejected, and now I can offer them the vast array of desserts on your blog and know they are eating good and healthy! Thank you, Katie!

    I only have one question, and what is the best way to store leftovers? (The few times when there are leftovers.) I’m assuming the frige, but thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

  119. Greta says

    Hi Katie and others!
    I was just wondering if dried fruits can be subbed for pitted dates in raw recipes? I’m starting to experiment and I was just curious!

  120. Carole says

    Hi Katie:

    My daughter is gluten free, casein free and sugar free and WOW was I happy to find your website!!! I just made the chocolate chip pie without sugar and it’s AMAZING!!!!!!! My question is, do I need to refrigerate the pie or keep it in an air tight container at room temperature?

  121. Mireille Lauzé says

    I made this sugar free version last Sunday. I cannot find sugar free chocolate chips here in Montreal. So Instead of chocolate chips, I chopped 4 squares of Baker’s Unsweetened Squares in the food processor. The result was really good and my guests liked it too. I’ve frozen the rest in small slices and I use it as a very satisfying snack. Very good.

  122. Becca says

    I really should not have made this. I can’t stop eating it. I know it has fewer calories than a regular cookie pie but it’s still a lot to snack on every time I see it on my counter!

  123. Anne says

    I made both this one and the original version today to do a side by side taste test! My taste testers all gave a huge thumbs up to the original version. I must admit, every time I go to the kitchen to pick at one, it’s the original. Too good for words.

  124. Dana says

    I have not read all the comments, but had a quick question. I do have a large cuisinart, but was thining, perhaps I could process the dates till they are almost a paste and then add the other ingredients to be sure it comes out ver smooth and not so many batches. I don’t want to try it though and mess up. does this sound like a feasible idea?

  125. Christine says

    I just made the chocolate chip pie- no sugar version. I have never used chick peas in a dessert and was a bit hesitant. Boy am I glad I tried it anyway. The pie was AMAZING!!!!!! My family and friends all loved it. Thank you Katie for posting this delicious recipe. I will definitely be making it over and over again!

  126. Brian says

    We just served this as a desert for a gathering of our friends. It got enthusiastic thumbs up all around. Wow! I can’t believe that chickpeas and dates could taste like a cookie pie! Another kickass recipe, Katie!

  127. Christine with Origami Owl says

    I like the cookie dough dip with chickpeas but my favorite cookie dough dip is based on the macadamia chocolate chip cookies, the ones that use all oat flour. I use coconut oil, just a little more coconut or almond milk than the recipe calls for (6-7 tbs) and finely chopped nuts. Delicious!

  128. Matt D says

    Are dudes allowed to dig the hell out of this Blog? I am self conscious to hide my laptop screen whenever I have this up at work (which is more often than I care to admit). As uncomfortable as it is to be intrigued by recipes occasionally prefaced with the phrase “Single Lady…” this is one of the better healthy dessert repositories I’ve found. I love oatmeal. And beans. Cheers.

  129. Rubie says

    Hi Katie and friends! I made the original sometime last year in a small cast iron skillet, and it was GREAT!! I intend to try this one next. I did have one question though. When I made the first one, my husband and kids had a little difficulty with the “Oat-y” texture that was in it. Was I supposed to do something with the oats, (like cook or soak them) first? It wasn’t bad at all. I just want to make sure I didn’t miss something.

  130. Hemhaw says

    Very tasty! I just wanted to let you know that I used gluten-free brown rice farina (hot cereal) in place of oats, upped the applesauce so that I could reduce the oil amount, and replaced half of the dates with prunes. I made a half recipe in an 8 x 8 square dish, and it was done at 35 minutes. My food processor couldn’t completely pulverize the dates and prunes, but honestly the tiny chunks mixed in with chocolate chips were lovely! I thought that the prunes would make it taste less sweet, but I think I would leave out the sugar altogether next time, or use unsweetened chocolate instead of Enjoy Life semi-sweet chips, or use only prunes. Thanks for a great recipe!

  131. Aubrie says

    I made 1/4 batch of this sugar-free cookie pie, and 1/4 batch of the brown sugar one so we could do a side-by-side comparison, and we all liked this one better! It’s hard to believe this is so good for you, yet tastes decadent and delicious enough to feel like an indulgent dessert! Thanks for the awesome recipe!
    (P.S. Every day since I made this, my one-year-old points at the oven and yells “cookie!” He was a big fan!)

  132. Lee says

    I just wanted to let you know that I have found heaven in your site!! I made this today and LOVED it so much that I knew I couldn’t keep it at home or I would eat nothing but until it was gone. So I brought it to work with me and it was gone in 10 min! YOU ARE AWESOME! Thank you so much and I read someone request you do videos…awesome idea! You should look into doing an episode with “The Vegan Zombie”, a fantasic vegan cooking show.


  133. Lynn Brady says

    From an older health-nut, cost conscience fan: I LOVE your recipes, but I would like to caution against using canola oil. Hemp, grapeseed, walnut, coconut (especially good for the brain), are great oil choicesfor baking. Grapeseed and coconut are readily available for a good price at and Costco, respectively.

  134. Heidi says

    Sooooo bummed, I made this tonight and it was horrible……..why, is it becuz I used flax meal(I saw in another recipe you substituted with this)? It looked really good 🙁

  135. Stephanie says

    This is too delicious! I just finished making this, and I am in love.
    I do not have a food processor, so I compromised. In my magic bullet, I first blended the oat and beans (separately). I soaked pureed dates in water, and then mashed. Then I continued on following the recipe and everything turned out perfectly!
    Thanks for the amazing recipe!

  136. Hazek says

    I was looking at your original deep dish cookie recipe, but noticed the link to this one and decided to make it instead. And… Oh my goodness. i can’t believe this doesn’t have flour or lots of sugar or anything crazy. It is just SO good. And now I don’t feel bad that I had 2 pieces 🙂 I’ve made bean desserts before (from your blog!), but I have never been comfortable with trying dates. Well, mainly I thought my husband wouldn’t like it. He is the sweet eater, I just like sweets every once in a while… yes I know you now think I am crazy! But this is a hit – can’t wait to try switching dates in more often.

  137. Tanya says

    Wow. That is all. Made this tonight for a get-together tomorrow, and I had to tear myself away from the “dough”. Can not wait to taste the baked result tomorrow. You’re a genius and I love you:)

    • Stephanie says

      I really want to make this for my sister’s birthday on Friday. Can the dough be prepped a day in advance? Tanya- did that work for you? Thanks for the great recipes!

  138. Lulu says

    I just made this today and it is sooooo good!! I got the approvals of my carnivorous.friends amd picky little bro! I tried putting in 4 mashed banans instead.of applesauce amd dates, and a couple of stevia packs. The pie had a strong banana taste but no one complained! But to anyone else who wants to make it, it wait a bit more to cool because it will harden and not as gooey. I ate it too quickly so didnt get to enjoy its firm texture like my friends haha. Thank you Katie!

  139. Lizzy says

    It’s official….my “beansindessertphobia” has been cured!! This was so gooey and really tasted like cookies!! Unfortunately I didn’t have enough dates, so I used 1/3 cup of dates & 1/4 cup of organic brown sugar (I don’t like things too sweet). It wasn’t as thick as I wanted it to be, but that’s because there wasn’t enough dates I think, haha. I can’t wait to make this again with a whole cup of dates! this is amazing! And, the dough tasted just like regular cookie dough – sooo good. Thanks Katie 🙂

  140. Steph says

    Wow!! Just made this tonight and its so good!! I was skeptical licking the batter from the used bowl too (as I am new to the healthy dessert movement!) but it is DEE-LICIOUS! Thanks 🙂

    • Carey says

      I agree, licking the batter from the bowl was quite good, and much healthier than doing the same with a traditional cookie recipe. I made the “sugar free” cookie pie yesterday, using two 8 inch round pans. I was stoked to see that I had all of the ingredients on hand already, including a decent blender/processor. I followed the recipe exactly, and the result was delicious. It didn’t make me feel ill after taking in a good sized slice of the cookie pie, where a traditional recipe would–not that it ever stopped me; I *love* my sweets. Since I have such a sweet tooth, and have been cutting back on refined sugars and flours, it feels really good to eat something that has real nutritional value all the while satisfying that pesky tooth.

      I shared this with my boyfriend, who also really liked it. I waited a day to tell him what went into it. He said, “garbanzo beans? cool, more fiber.” He tends to have open tastes, but it was nice to make something and have him not notice anything “off” about it. I knew what went into it, so I would be biased from the get go. Now I want to make it again and share it with his brother, who won’t eat a traditional oatmeal raisin cookie for fear of it being “too healthy”. Oh boy!

      Great compilation of recipes, Katie. Think I will try making the peanut butter “reeses” eggs soon.

  141. Maddie Mantyla says

    Is there anyway Sunmaid prunes would work as a substitution for dates? They’re all I’ve got on hand most of the time!

  142. Maggie Young says

    I think I’m in love. My vegan roommate has been introducing me to recipes over the last few years, but this is by the far the most outstanding! Chickpeas in a pie…what?
    So yummy I want to eat it forever!

  143. Leslie says

    Hi Katie! I am new to your site and am wondering if you could answer a question I have? When you say you could bake the recipe in two 8-inch pans, do you mean pie pans? Sorry for the dumb question!

  144. KMoss says

    I just substituted dried prunes for the dates, used coconut milk and instead of sugar, I used honey. My kids can’t even get past the ‘dough’ without trying to devour it!!!! Serving this around to different friends and acquaintances and they are amazed (some completely speechless) at how delicious good, healthy food can be!!!

  145. Louise says

    Made this today, with a couple of tweaks……wow! So tasty! Instead of using 300g dates, I subbed for 300g bananas, and added 75g dates for the sweetness. I left out the oil and applesauce, but it still worked out really well. Makes 8 good sized portions – I’ve frozen some of them, so hope they keep well in the freezer. Will definitely make again x

  146. Karen Dumbrowsky says

    So thankful for recipes like this! I was skeptical. I am a self proclaimed singer addict. Quit using sugar in September. When I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it. Wow!! It tasted great. I can’t wait to try more of your recipes!

  147. Karen Dumbrowsky says

    So thankful for recipes like this! I was skeptical. I am a self proclaimed sugar addict. Quit using sugar in September. When I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it. Wow!! It tasted great. I can’t wait to try more of your recipes!

  148. Gina says

    Hi, this looks so good. I have already made numerous desserts from your website and loved them! Everything you come up with looks amazing. Anyways, just wondering if I can substitute raisins for dates, I went to buy some yesterday and the grocery store did not have any?

  149. Patrice Caprieta says

    OOOOH!! Made this for mother’s day! I had to HIDE some from my 9yr old son because I promised my co-worker a taste….which ended up being 2 small (tiny) squares! Needless to say noone believed me when I said it had no flour and no added sugar!

  150. Caitlin says

    Yayayay! I’m a baby cook and haven’t acquired better (read: more expensive) equipment yet, and I didn’t think my Black and Decker processor would hold up to the dates, so I tried it with banana. It worked beautifully! The middle has sort of a soft, pie-ish texture and the edge is hard like a crust! Plus, my springform pan was occupied (long story) so I had leftover batter and scooped some on top of my brownie batter frozen yogurt…mmmmm…

  151. Roisin says

    Your recipes look great!! This one especially is one for the books. I have just started my very first blog and we are kind of on the same wavelength! My blog is called One Girls Broke kithchen

  152. Katie N. says

    I made the Deep-Dish Cookie Pie before and my husband loved it! So for our family dinner to celebrate his birthday I made the new Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie- Sugar free version and loved it even more!!! My whole family asked for the recipe! They are “foody” people, aka tough critics and they LOVED it! I sent them all a link to your blog. Thanks Katie!

  153. min. says

    I’d like to make this, but I’m confused about the amount of beans to add.

    You say: “2 cans white beans or garbanzos (drained and rinsed well) (500g total, once drained)”

    Around here, a normal sized can of white beans is around 15 ounces. So two would be around 30 ounces together.
    500g is 17.637 ounces.

    How many ounces are in each can of beans you’re using? I mean, I imagine that they lose some weight after being drained and rinsed, but I don’t think they lose 12+ ounces.


  154. Therezia says

    I did a carrot cake version. My boyfriend loves carrot cake but did not care for this, so I ate most of it. He is not a big fan of bean desserts. I added a cup of shredded carrots instead of chocolate chips, raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. I thought it was delicious…

    • Liz says

      Awesome idea! I’m always on the lookout for healthier carrot cake recipes. Will have to give this modification a try!

  155. Mel says

    this was really good, i made it the other day and the dates are so sweet – you couldnt tell there was no processed sugar – nobody noticed it was made from beans. i used milk chocolate chips and it was fantastic.

  156. Rodney7777 says

    Hi Katie I have a crock pot of navy beans that didn’t come out too good taste wise. I
    have a blender, but not the other thingy. Plus I have everything else right
    here. So someone you know used a blender? If I use a blender, should I
    make the mixture a little thin and fold in some powered sugar (for the
    sweetener)? Did I mention that you are my newest best friend? Bean cookie
    dip (or pie), gotta have it. 🙂 Rodney

  157. meaghan elizabeth says

    just put this bad boy in the oven- hoping it comes out as good as all the comments say it does!!!!

  158. Allie says

    I was super excited to make this as it was my first sugar free recipe, but it turned out awful! I followed the directions to the T, but it tasted of beans and mushy.

    I used a 9″ cake tin and a 6″ spring form pan. My country doesn’t carry sunmaid dates, so I used a random brand but they were quite soft. Not sure what went wrong, as I not only rinsed the chickpeas but I also peeled them (it makes hummus fluffier so I thought it might help the pie stay smooth).

      • Allie says

        Hi Katie,
        I used 365 brand from Whole Foods, and my food processor is a Cuisinart.
        I left the pie out overnight to cool, and it actually tasted much better in the morning but there was still a lingering bean taste. I may try the original (non-sugar free version) and blend blend blend. I don’t want to give up!

  159. Tracie says

    So I subbed prunes for dates, which made the pie a bit of a darker tint than your pic. But it was terrific! My husband and kids raved before I shared about the garbanzo beans:)

  160. Paige says

    Honestly, I’ve always been skeptical about baking with beans. I am so happy I tried this, it was absolutely delicious! Thank you Katie!

  161. KonaGirl says

    Love these! I’ve made them at least a dozen times now and everyone who tries them loves them–including me. I have made them w both white beans and chick peas and I prefer the chick peas which have a firmer end result texture. Also, around my 6th batch I tried to save a few pennies and bought private label (Safeway) chickpeas. I did not like them as much as the Busch’s chickpeas. The Safeway brand were more yellow in color, did not blend as well, and left a different end taste (maybe bc they did not blend as well?). Thanks, CCK for the great recipe!

  162. Sarah says

    Another question: how many cups of beans or chickpeas would I need if I would cook them myself (instead of canned)? I unfortunately don’t have a food scale!

  163. christina says

    Why the need for baking powder and baking soda if there is no flour in this recipe? I’m new to baking so this may be a stupid question. I was thinking of leaving it out to see if it made a difference.

  164. Nikki says

    Hi thislooks amazing, but i was wondering in your reciprs when ounday 1tbsp of oil, if using cocanut is it 1tbsp once melted or while solid? Thanks

  165. Wendy says

    Hi awesome recipes but new to this site. What size cup for cup measures or how many grams please. Going to make chocolate-chip pie later today.

  166. Kathleen says

    Really good! I baked it in the springform pan and probably baked it 55 minutes. Still gooey but not too under baked. I ate about 1.5 pieces and am going to bring the rest to work. Could have done without the half piece but ehh whatcha gonna do?

  167. Amy says

    So I just made the sugar free recipe and it is great. However, it tasted a tad beany. Do people recommend chick peas or white beans? Also, I halved the recipe and used an 8 inch pie pan. Is it better making narrower but deeper pieces. Also, is this version as good as the full sugar version?

    Sorry for all the questions. LOVE THE WEBSITE!


  168. Rochel says

    I just ate some of the raw batter…. Y.U.M. There is nothing else that needs to be said. Although, if anyone is wondering, there are 3 cups of chickpeas in 2 cans (in case anyone is starting from dry beans…) Enjoy!

  169. MLR says

    Just made this for the weekend-but as bars instead of pie.
    So I divided the batter into 2 and one pan I burned 🙁 the other came out fine.

    but next time-I think I will blend up the beans (I used garbanzo and hubby said it smelled and tasted a bit like hummus) till smooth,blend up the oats-seperately-till smooth,then mix and blend.

    And I used honey-not sugar.I was hoping it to taste more like the cookie dough dip-just cooked.I might omitt or use a lot less flour next time and use coconut oil instead of apple sauce too.

  170. anne says

    Katie! I made this last night for a potluck dinner. It was the first cake/pie I’ve EVER baked, and the first thing I ever processed in my brand new food processor. I was so worried people would hate it (I often like weird healthy dessert but I know a lot of my friends don’t) but I must say, this cake is BRILLIANT! You deserve all the credit, really.

    I personally hate really dry cakes and super creamy mousse based cakes, so this is the perfect in-between (Well because it tastes like cookie dough! The greatest food on the planet).

    Anyway, the cake was a great success and no one believed there was no flour in it, but beans! My picky non healthy eating roommate even found it delicious.

    Thanks again for this great recipe!

    • anne says

      I forgot to mention, I accidentally only used 1 cup of dates instead of two and after mixing the batter ended up adding 3 more packs of stevia just to make sure it was sweet enough. Was still delicious and the perfect amount of ‘sweet’.

  171. Jessica says

    I’m making this for dinner (beans and oats=a meal), and while being distracted chatting with friends I put soy sauce in instead of vanilla! Haha I put vanilla in too and after tasting the dough I don’t think it will be obvious, but too funny not to comment!

  172. Kim says

    Hey Katie, love soo many of your recipes but have a question- what will happen if I don’t use a food processor? I live in Korea in a TINY apartment so a food processor is just not in my future. I do have an ok blender though. I’m wanting to make something for a Christmas party but I don’t want to do it if my lack of food processor will ruin it, it’s too expensive and hard to get these kind of ingredients to let them go to waste!!

  173. Janette says

    I wish more people that had actually tried the recipes would post.
    I just made this and you can taste the beans. I tried putting peanut butter in to mask the flavor of the beans and that definitely helped. I probably added about a cup of PB.
    They are fairly good for a healthy snack.

  174. Sable says

    I fell in love with this chocolate chip cookie pie to the point that I make it practically every other week now. The other day I started to make it when I realized that someone ate all of my chocolate chips. Instead, I covered it with cinnamon and a hint of nutmeg & allspice– Snicker-doodle cookie pie! It was fantastic! I love this website and I appreciate you sharing these wonderful recipes with the world!

  175. Kathy says

    I just made this recipe and OH MY GOODNESS it is sooooooo good. I gave a piece to my brother and did not tell him it was made with chick peas. He never knew and was surprised when I told him. Thank you for these healthy recipes!!!! 🙂

  176. Jackie says

    Okay, I have been a long-time recipe-user/ comment-stalker here on cck. Just made this recipe for the bajillionth time tonight and decided it was time to join the verbals:

    THIS RECIPE IS AWESOME. All my friendies have no idea that it’s healthy — they genuinely like it. With that, if you are looking to experiment, here’s what I’ve done:

    I use the bulk dates from Whole Foods against the advice of the masses, but soak them in hot water for 10 minutes to get them squishy. You can either do it over low heat on the stovetop, nuke for a bit, etc.

    Also, I add a small splash of brown sugar and use truvia instead of straight-up stevia. Just a taste preference and I don’t care enough about the bennies of stevia vs. truvia.

    Also DO NOT substitute ripe banana for the applesauce. I thought that would fly. I thought wrong. Ewwww.

    Also, I prefer using great northern beans instead of garbanzo for this recipe. To me, they are even more flavor neutral (but it could also be the power of suggestion at work.)

    Finally, I know that CCK does a lot to figure out the perfect ratios for her recipes, but….you can really mess this one up and it will turn out fine. I don’t even measure anymore, and sub-in coconut milk for the oil/milk combo sometimes, split the whole thing in half and make it in loaf pans….a very forgiving and delicious recipe.


  177. Vicki says

    This was really good–especially since it has no wheat or eggs or refined white sugar. My husband had to have seconds! Thank you for sharing this recipe. 🙂

  178. Joy says

    I followed the recipe to a T with coconut oil. Even with the Stevia packs, the “general public” (teachers, church people, and boyfriend) all loved it and couldn’t believe it was made of garbanzo beans! Several people asked for the recipe and I guided them all to CCK! Thanks Katie!

  179. Rose says

    I LOVE this recipe!! I have tried a different recipe for chocolate chip garbanzo bean cookies and they made me sick… but I could eat this whole cookie pie myself if I wanted! Instead of adding the dates, I substituted them with one mashed banana and some agave (I didn’t measure). My 2nd batch of the week is currently baking in the oven! I can’t wait :p

  180. Beth says

    I just tried this and it is amazing!!! I even made homemade sugar free chocolate chips from your recipe. The chocolate was a little bitter (for me) on its own but it was perfect in this recipe!! Thank you for a healthy substitute for me cookie cravings!!!

  181. Hanna says

    I made this tonight in honor of pi day. I was not disappointed AT ALL! It was sooo yummy. My friends were impressed. I had them try it before telling them what was in it and they thought it was really good. One of my friends spent the next fifteen minutes trying to process the fact that there were beans in it. Thanks a bunch for posting 🙂

  182. AnnaBananaBelle says

    This looks great! i was going to use it for the “cookie dough brownies”. I have not gotten the chance to try any of the recipes with beans but i can’t wait to give it a try! The beans are considered “wet” ingredients, right?

  183. Brent says

    Hi Katie. I just wanted to tell you about a modification I made to this recipe that others might want to try. I’ve made it many times, to the letter, because my wife loves it and it fits with her (our) slow-carb diet. It’s fantastic for breakfast, as well as a great desert after dinner. Worried that it was getting to be too much of a good thing, I changed it up a little: I added half a cup of cocoa powder(maybe a tad more), a couple more packets of Stivia, half a cup of virgin coconut oil, and a few tablespoons of agave syrup… Wow! I hesitate to say it’s an improvement, but it certainly changes up what has become a staple to our diet.

    Keep cookin’!

  184. Gail says

    A new favorite, Katie! This recipe is excellent. =) Thank you!
    Made it twice in 2 days. And craving it again. 😉

  185. Nora says

    I was just wondering why the number of sugar grams is left out of your nutrition facts for your recipes. I’d love to know how much sugar is in each recipe!

  186. Valerie says

    I wonder if a double chocolate version of this would work – kind of like a double fudge brownie pie? Not sure if cocoa powder would go well with the beans.

    • Liz says

      Give it a try! One of my most favorite cakes is made with a garbanzo base. I think the chocolate masks the beans even better than the milder ingredients in this recipe 🙂

  187. Olivia Polk says

    Before I review this recipe, let me just say that I’m always searching for healthier recipes made with whole ingredients that actually TASTE good. Unfortunately I haven’t come across many even worth finishing eating.
    But let me tell you, this is HEAVEN. I’ve tried “chickpea” cookie recipes in the past and was mostly disappointed. They were okay, but nothing I found that satisfied that sweet tooth. I was a little worried that this would be too good to be true…but boy was I proven wrong!

    Made this tonight!

    First of all, the end product looked the exact same as the picture posted. SUPER easy recipes, directions are so simple. The taste is amazing, you would never know it was made with chickpeas and dates. I plan on bringing some home to my dad and not mentioning what’s in it. 🙂 That’ll be the true test!
    I did used dark chocolate chips to cut back a little on the sugar without using sugar free, and ended with really great Nutritional info and a rich taste!
    I can’t wait to try each and every one of these recipes!
    Don’t let past failed recipes keep you away!

    Thank you thank you!

  188. Christina Madarena says

    I just made this because I was having a killer sweet tooth. My son can’t handle sugar so I thought it would be perfect, but was a little skeptical about the taste. OH MY GOODNESS. Really, it was AMAZING. Even my husband and son LOVED it. I used coconut palm sugar instead of stevia and about 1/4c semisweet chocolate chips and 1/2-3/4c of stevia sweetened dark chocoalte chips. I also just used old fashioned organic oats and I only had one can of garbanzo beans so the other can was great northern beans (another white bean). Anyway, this didn’t taste “healthy” at all and I am SUPER impressed! Thank you!!!!

  189. Daniela says

    Hey Katie

    I made this desserts a few time. I really like it. The only problem is, I don’t get the chickpea taste out of it. In the end of every bite I still taste the chickpea taste.
    What am I doing wrong?


    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      See Katie’s FAQ page at the top of the blog for the troubleshooting section. But also be sure you are using a food processor, not making any substitutions, and rinsing the beans fully.

  190. Maria says

    This is surely a dumb question 🙂 but, by quick oats, do you mean uncooked quick oats or cooked ones? thank you, I cannot wait to make this recipe!! Love your blog! You’ve actually helped me overcome anorexia because I look at how much amazing food you eat and realize that there is more to life than obsessing over weight. (And over chocolate, although now I’m obsessed with that–and coconut, thanks to you!) Keep up your wonderful work!

  191. katelyn jenkins says

    I have been eyeing this recipes for MONTHS now and i’m finally making it!!! In fact its in the oven as I am typing ;). I made half the recipe (as I am the only one eating it) but I doubled the chocolate chips and added chopped walnuts. But… I did not stop there. I topped it off with more chocolate chips and walnuts. The kitchen smells sooooo goooood and I cannot wait to try it. For all you’s reading this comment, make it now! It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are, just making this is worth celebrating! Thank you very much for the recipe, Katie.

  192. Jennifer says

    I have made your chocolate chip cookie pie several times, and it is just as yummy as it looks it the picture! The last time I made it, I only used dates to sweeten and 100% chocolate chips (no sugar or dairy added). I did not miss the sugar or stevia and my unsuspecting husband gave it the thumbs up, too. I have also gotten better at making it in my Ninja since my food processor broke. If I blend the beans and the milk first, then add the dates and blend, and then add the rest of the ingredients it works just fine. Hmm.. maybe I make this recipe too often. 🙂

  193. Julia y says

    I am making this recipe for my family’s Fourth of July party! The pies are currently int he oven and I licked the mixing bowl clean. The batter tastes absolutely amazing! I cannot wait to a we how the pies turn out!

  194. kathy says

    I have a professional ninja blender that I’m told works like a food processor it has a pulse and an extra blade accessory and want to know if this Will work for brownies or not. I also have a very inexpensive food processor would this work better?

  195. Babette says

    Hey Katie,

    Just made this the other night and it was delicious! However, my trial had a more cakey texture and didn’t crunch up at all on the top/edges. Do you know what might have gone wrong?

    Thank you!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      It’s not supposed to crunch or be hard. It is a cookie dough pie and therefore your cake-like texture is correct.

  196. Evie Camus says

    In our lastest run of this recipe, we used white kidney beans instead of garbanzos, and I really think that they are a better choice and taste less “beany.” Garbanzos that are canned also have more salt (1/3+ more then white kidney beans), so that may contribute.

    In previous runs using this recipe, I didn’t find the taste to be that great, because it was way too much bean taste, but that was when I used only garbanzos. I tend to modify a lot of recipes to be healthier, so I’m not new to odd substitutions, if that gives anyone an idea where I’m coming from. This time, I’ll see if this new variety of beans mentioned above fares better — so far, I think so, because the raw dough was absolutely amazing and delicious.

    In addition, on my new attempt, I omitted a 1/2 cup of dates (because that’s too much sugar) and added a sugar free vanilla syrup in some vague amount (probably about 1.5 TBSP) to compensate for the lost sweetness.

    By the way, as a note for Katie, you should really not advertise this recipe as “sugar free” or “without sugar”, because it’s not true. All dates have sugar. Perhaps “no refined sugar” or “no granulated sugar” or “reduced sugar” or “sugar from fruit only”? I don’t know, but I kind of laughed when I saw dates on the ingredients list and felt a little misled. 🙂

  197. Diana says

    Katie, this was an unbelievable recipe! I prefer this over standard cookies and will make this from now on! Thank you so much for sharing!

  198. Stephanie says

    I made this for a casual dinner party the other day and everyone LOVED it!
    It was a little too gooey in the middle after 35 mins and even after 10 more mins in the oven it was still a bit doughy. Clearly that didn’t stop us from devouring it, though. Everyone came back for seconds, which is a great sign. Next time I think I’ll split the batter between 2 smaller pans but aside from that, I wouldn’t change a thing!

  199. Megan says

    Why not a blender? My vitamix would blend up the dates wonderfully! I also have a food processor but was just wondering why not a blender?

    • Amy says

      The Vitamix is the holy grail of all blenders/food processors so I would go ahead and use your vitamix for this recipe! I think when Katie mentioned “blenders” she meant like a cheap smoothie blender 🙂

  200. Amy says

    Currently cooking in the oven. I have super high hopes for this recipe! I taste tested the dough before baking and I could have just eaten the entire bowl with a spoon. Really yummy. Has a nice oatmeal flavour too. I should also mention I used white kidney beans in place of chick peas. I also did the sugar free version with dates and stevia chocolate chips. I can’t wait for the results! Patiently waiting….*sigh*

  201. Mal says

    Is there anything I can substitute for the dates? This looks so good but dates are a little too high on the glycemic index for my liking. I would LOVE to try this though!!!

  202. Hannah says

    I just made this pie following the recipe exactly – I opted for white beans, 4T sugar (instead of stevia), unsweetened almond milk, coconut oil, and dark chocolate chips. It turned out amazing! Thank you!!

  203. andrew says

    As a board certifiend Family Practice physician and long time health nut i cant say enough about this dessert. Loved the brown sugar for dates swap out. i aslo used a 70% cacao bar broken up, instead of the semi-sweet chips, to reduce the sugar further, and it was just as phenomenal and even richer. I also like to throw some chocolate bits on top when it comes out of the oven; using a knife i spread the melted chocolate and once it cools it looks great.
    I do a LOT of cooking and baking and this is my favorite dessert recipe. Cant thank you enough!!

  204. Sam says

    This is outrageous! Made it with white beans and regular (not sugar free)chocolate chips and refrigerated it overnight once it came out of the oven. It was delicious warm and gooey but still tasted beany. A night of refrigeration took that taste away entirely!! Now NO ONE will know how ridiculously healthy this treat is. It’s my baby’s 3rd bday today and she will go crazy over this for breakfast (with some vanilla ice cream of course)

  205. Dedria says

    Oh. My. Goodness!!! Katie, you are a genius! This was my first recipe of yours to try. I was a bit skeptical but they are absolutely delicious!!! Looking forward to trying your next recipe. Thanks for all your hard work!

  206. Ivy says

    Wow. I know baking with beans is not a new thing, but ever since I had a bad experience with some beet brownies a year ago, I’ve been thoroughly ignoring dessert recipes made with not-dessert ingredients. The texture of this cookie pie is a bit different, spongy when I push on it, a little creamy in the middle (maybe I needed to bake it more, but the top was starting to burn). Regardless, the flavor is spot-on amazing delicious chocolate chip cookie. My kitchen smelled wonderful as it was baking too. I will be making this again. Thanks!

  207. Kelsey says

    Tried this last night….it turned out AMAZING! My family has already polished off nearly half….

    I decided to cut the recipe in 1/2, but to my horror realized I didn’t have baking soda (?!) AND had forgotten to pick up Stevia at the store…. instead I used organic maple syrup (sooo no sugar added) and just used the amount of baking powder listed for the full recipe…it turned out GREAT! SO maple syrup, definitely fine to sub in 😉

    Thanks so much! LOVE your recipes!!!!

  208. Honey says

    5 stars
    I made this today for a family gathering with my inlaws. It was great! I baked it in two pans. In one pan I used 1/2 cup chocolate chips. In the other pan I used some date paste/coconut oil/cocoa powder fudge bits that I made, as my husband is not eating any sugar so he didn’t want normal chocolate chips. Everyone loved it! Oh, I left out the stevia and it was still plenty sweet.

  209. Mish says

    I made this two days in a row, on the first day i was just testing to see if it was yummy enough to bring to the boyf (i am sorry for doubting) and I ate it for dessert. and then breakfast. and then I made it again and my boyf and I ate it for dessert. and then breakfast.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Both are dairy free, if that’s what you mean. When it says milk of choice, you can use any nondairy milk you choose. I know Katie likes almondmilk.

  210. Nancy says

    Katie, I really love your recipes, but not your choice of titles. “No sugar”, but the recipe has 2 cups of dates and 4 stevia pack. According to my source, Diet Power, 1/2 cups of dates has about 56 grams of sugar. If you would include “no refined white sugar” in the title then the title would be more accurate. I see that your nutrition facts do not include sugar, so I think you know what I am saying.

  211. Adina Antar says

    5 stars
    Hi!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!! I’m a BIG desserts person and I’m also trying to eat healthier and when I came across your blog, it was like the heavens opened up and G-d himself was there guiding me through your website. Honestly, whenever you post something new, I think “YAAS!!! CHOCOLATE COVERED KATIE DID IT AGAIN!!!” So when I found this recipe that is a sugar free version of your amazing cookie dough pie, I knew I hit the jackpot! I plan on making this recipe VERY soon, just had a quick question- I don’t have Stevia but I do have Equal packets. Can I replace one with the other? Thanks in advance!!!

  212. Danielle says

    5 stars
    Made this today – it was delicious and everyone loved it!!

    I made it with chick peas, the 4 tbsp of sugar and coconut oil (which really added a lovely coconutty flavour!) – I actually only used a basic stick blender, but soaked the dates in hot water first and it all blended pretty smooth. It was still very gooey in the middle even after the full baking time, but in a tasty way!

    This is the first time I’ve ever commented on a recipe I’ve found online, just figured it’d be good to mention that I’d actually made it and it was lovely 🙂

  213. Joga says

    What did i Do wrong?
    After one hour it was still wet( almost liquid) in the middle.
    Also it tastes really strong like beans.
    What is your cup size?maybe thats the Problem. It Seemed like a Lot of beans!
    Thx for advice

  214. Shawna says

    Hi Katie! Love your site and very eager to try all your recipes! I have a trouble shooting question for you. I made the No Sugar Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie this past weekend. They didn’t seam to have turned out right. Now I fully expected for it not to taste or have the same consistency as the conventional recipe would, but I don’t know if I didn’t bake it long enough (35 min) or what but it ended up tasting like choc chip mashed potatoes. My daughters and I both agree that the flavor was good, but the consistency was a huge turn off. Now, I think I should also mention that I did not use canned beans; I started from dry beans. I also had the thought that maybe I cooked the beans too long and to much water was absorbed by the beans…. any thoughts? Also, we tried the black bean brownies… much better success with them. Taste really chocolaty and are soft and moist. The only thing that was “unappealing” was the way they looked. In your picture, your brownies have a moist, gooey sheen (for lack of better term) Mine “looked” like dry brown cardboard. (again started from dry beans) I know it shouldn’t matter as long as they tasted good, but you see Katie, I have a 18 year old son who is a major snoot when it comes to “healthy” or “good for you” so I need the items I make to look as good as they taste…. it’s the only way I will be able to “convert” him. So any ideas or pointers you have would be greatly appreciated!

  215. Beth says

    5 stars
    I substituted the dates with two cups of bananas, the 4 tbsp of sugar with 3 tbs of agave and carob chips for the chocolate chips, oh and 1/4 cup coconut flour for the oatmeal (but potato starch also works). It’s very good! Even my picky eaters eat it! Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  216. S says

    If I’m like you and don’t have to have it super-sweet, what’s the minimum amount of dates I can get away with and still have it taste good? (My stomach can’t handle too much dried fruit but I want to make the sugar-free version!)

  217. Meghan says

    Hi Katie! I’m just getting around to making this now, and I’m so excited to dig in! I was wondering, how long would it keep in the fridge? Is it possible to freeze? Thanks soooo much!

  218. Emily says

    Wow,these cookie pies look delish! Planning on making one for my dad’s birthday but not sure which there a big difference between this one and the original? And which one do your prefer?

    • Jason Sanford says

      If making for a birthday, I would go with the original. Both are good, but that is better for so-called “normal” eaters, or people used to traditional desserts.

  219. Sherry-Mae Hedgecock says

    Two recipes won’t print. Deep Dish Cookie Pie & Flourless Brownie Pie. Today is 2/1/2018 Thanks. I have to copy so I can remember, takes to much time to write everything down, and then type it out for my binder. Anxious to hear back.
    This ask did you Try This Recipe? How can a person if you can’t get a copy of it?

    • Jason Sanford says

      Hmm I think it’s because they are older recipes so don’t have a print function yet. Just copy by pressing control and c on your keyboard, then paste into a word document.

  220. Matilda says

    Katie , I’m into my kitchen to mix this up now. These days with thunderstorms are great for reading your blog and making one of your fabulous recipes. I will be eating this for lunch and dinner, can’t beat that , right ? Have a wonderful day. Matilda

  221. Matilda says

    Katie, I just ate some of my pie. It is awesome and will become one of my stand by favorites. I do not have a camera or I would send a picture ( it looks just like your picture on the blog, just no ice cream on top of it )YET! . That will be made later. Thank you again for the wonderful recipes . Matilda

  222. Lynn Asher says

    I just made this lovely recipe and let it cool down before tasting. I had a lot of trouble blending it in my high speed blendtec blender as it was too thick, so needed to add more liquid to puree the ingredients. It had a nice texture, kind of like a real thickened sticky hardened bread pudding . Hard to describe it exactly. I enjoyed the flavor but did not find it sweet enough..I generally don’t like really sweet but this would have been perfect perhaps with maybe a 1/4 cup of maple syrup added Im guessing. Digestive-wise, WE’LL SEE given that high fodmap foods like chickpeas and dates are problematic for me. Either way thanks for the sugar free and some oil free desserts as well. You must be genetically made from part chocolate LOL

    either way I think you’re just brilliant Katie with you amazing recipes. The black bean brownies I went crazy over but unless I have people sharing them with me right away I eat way too many. Thanks for creating sugar free desserts. Also prefer oil free as well. Thanks!!!

  223. Alicia Croft says

    This works great if you substitute the oats with 1/2 the volume of chickpea flour (because it will have greater absorption, surface area etc). Also using natural Erythritol instead of sugar, and buttery vegan marg instead of oil (I know some people are against but it really helps the ‘cookie’ flavour!). Making for the second time, today.
    Wonderful recipe, thank you!!! 🙂

  224. Mona says

    Trying out a recipe on your blog for the first time (excited!). Could I use date paste instead of the pitted dates? If so, how much should I use?

    • Jason Sanford says

      You definitely could, but we haven’t ever measured how much that would turn out to be. I’d use the amount of dates the recipe calls for and turn it into a paste and see how much it makes. Then at least for the future you will know!

  225. Edie says

    This was fabulous. We don’t consume refined sugar in our house and try to limit even unrefined sugars. You still need a dessert now and then, especially for the holidays. This just hit the spot. It came out absolutely delicious with a wonderful, soft texture. This will be my go-to dessert now for company and for us. I keep home-cooked chickpeas in the freezer, so I can whip this up any time! Thank you, Katie!

  226. Paula Franklin says

    would love a cookie version of this … with a crispy outside. (request from my bf)

    P.S. I added 1/4 cup of chocolate chips to the batter, in addition to the 1 cup of choco chips, and also a cup of walnuts and 1.4 of pecans. Came out good, but a little too soft.

  227. Brigitte says

    I baked this for Christmas brunch I processed it in two batches , , my second batched was smoother . I mixed the Vegan dark chocolate chips . I baked it for 35 minutes , I served it with coconut whipped cream. It was so good perfectly baked …very good I used 3 table spoon coconut palm sugar , it was sweet enough for me . Super good .

  228. Dan says

    I made this for a bunch of dudes and didn’t tell them anything about it and everyone loved them. When i told them the ingredients they were shocked. Fantastic delicious healthy recipe! Thanks

  229. Emma says

    It was really confusing that the nutrition info was posted for if you had made 2 cookies. The recipe is most clearly written for one cookie in a springform pan, and that is what is shown in all of the photos. Clearer nutrition info would be appreciated.

    • CCK Media Team says

      Hi sorry we are confused by your comment. The recipe says it makes a deep dish ten inch OR two regular eight inch cookie pies. The photos are of the eight inch cookie pie slices. So the nutrition facts reflect the cookie pie that’s shown.

  230. Alexandra Colacito says

    5 stars
    I’ve been making your traditional cookie pie for years, and I had to try the sugar free version, just to compare. And omg, it’s just as good. This is magical! Dessert for breakfast! Dessert for dinner! Non-stop dessert!!! How can such healthy ingredients taste so good?????

  231. Amanda Adkins says

    I finally made this and I love it, but I wanted to ask about something. It’s kind of mushy, even after baking for 40 minutes. It doesn’t bother me but my kids don’t love the texture. I guess I just want to check and see if there’s something I should be doing differently, or is that the way it should be?

  232. Maryanne says

    5 stars
    Sooooo good! This was a hit with my whole family, including my 7 year old, a very picky 5 year old, and a very picky husband! Everyone wanted seconds and thirds.

  233. Dan says

    All these people saying oh great, it’s sugar free! Help them out Katie and tell them it’s not. It’s more wholesome than refined sugars, but it will have near enough the same effect on weight gain as a pie made with granulated white. Ditto blood sugar levels for diabetics. The only benefit compared to a regular sugared recipe is that it’s more natural, tastier and probably has a slightly lower glycaemic index due to the use of dates that contain fibre. But don’t encourage readers to kid themselves that it’s healthy compared to using sugar. Eating it will still help them get or stay fat. I do believe strongly that people should be properly informed about what they eat. Amazing blog and recipes nonetheless!

4.99 from 52 votes (41 ratings without comment)

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