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Chocolate Strawberry Truffle Pie

4.75 from 4 votes

chocolate strawberry pie


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truffle pie blog

strawberry chocolate cake

How about now?

Back when I was in high school, a few friends and I started a tradition of an annual “girls’ night” on or around February 14th. Going off to different colleges forced us to skip a few years, and new friends are added as others move away, but we’re still trying to keep up the tradition. This year, we met a few days before Valentine’s Day, to accommodate the girls with boyfriends… or husbands. (Wow, I feel old.)

One girl supplied the nailpolish, another was in charge of movies. (We ended up watching my favorite: Love, Actually.) Someone else brought wine (red, of course), and it was my job to bring the dessert.


Wanting to make something fun and fancy, I decided on pie—chocolate truffle pie. I just kept adding ingredients to the vita-mix, tasting as I went along (best part!). Here was the final, delicious result:

NO sugar, NO flour, no-bake recipe... Ingredients: 3 cups strawberries, 1/2 cup cocoa powder, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 1/2 cups... Full recipe:


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Chocolate Strawberry Truffle Pie

4.8 from 4 votes


  • 2 1/2 cups strawberries, or berries of choice (250g)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp dutch or additional regular cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 cup raw cashews or macadamia nuts
  • 1/2 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup virgin coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup agave or pure maple syrup, or 1/8 tsp uncut stevia
  • 1/8 tsp salt


  • In a bowl, cover the cashews with water and let sit at least 4 hours. Then drain and pat dry. Combine all ingredients in a Vita-Mix or high-powered blender or food processor. Only if using stevia, add 4 tablespoons water. Blend until a super-smooth texture is achieved. Taste and add more sweetener until desired taste is reached. Pour into a prepared pie crust (see below the next photo for a crust recommendation), and freeze.


For crust, I highly recommend this Healthy Chocolate Pie Crust.

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chocolate strawberry pie

(That’s not actually the hot chocolate crust in the photo. I ran out of time to make a homemade crust before the party. But if I’d had time, I would’ve made the hot chocolate one… An excuse to make this pie again!)

If you can’t have nuts, try this recipe: Nut-Free Chocolate Silk Pie.

(I’ve included the above link because I know many of my readers have nut allergies, and I’m sure people are going to ask!)



What do you think of raw desserts?

Although I seriously doubt I’ll ever become a raw foodist, some of my favorite desserts are raw: my fudge babies, mint-chocolate milkshakes, chocolate-raspberry cake, coconut cream pie…

coconut oil fudge

I have an entire recipe category: Over 100 Healthy Raw Dessert Recipes.

Published on February 16, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Sarah the official CCK drooler says

    Goodness gracious Katie! I am standing in a puddle of my own drool. I re read that and am grossed out with myself. But its your fault so i make no apologies. Now i am going to make this, send it to the Biebs, and see if Selena doesn’t find her self single the next day 🙂

    • Sarah the official CCK drooler says

      I want to make this for company, but i dont have any cashews on hand- would i be able to substitute with almonds or walnuts ( that’s what I have)? Thanks!

        • Sarah the official CCK drooler says

          Alright, thanks! I’ll look at the comments. I really don’t want to spend a ton on macadamias, they’re so darn expensive!

          • L says

            I just got finished making this for the THIRD time! It has easily become my family’s favorite dessert. If anyone has any doubts about making this, because of the lack of sugar or cream, DON’T! 😉

            Also, I used 1/2 macadamias the second time, because I’d run out of cashews, and it was just as lovely. I think this recipe can do no wrong!

    • Sarah says

      Hello everyone! So I am totally new to making raw desserts. I have tried a few of Katie’s and Totally love them!! My Ninja stopping working at the end of this dish.. I still ate the pie lol however I am thinking (from looking at the pictures) it was suppose to be even more smooth and creamy then it was. I guess my question is will the consistency change the more I blend it? Of course this means I will have to make it again hehe Thank you so much and I appreciate the reply!

  2. Ali @ Peaches and Football says

    Chocolate, strawberries, and cashews? Sign me up!

    I’ve seen a lot of bloggers go into the raw food phases – they seem to require a LOT of planning and never last very long. I admire those who have the time and desire to do it though! I’m not quite on top of things enough to try. But I have been known to just mix peanut butter, chocolate chips, and almond flour together and grab a spoon. I’m weird like that. 🙂

  3. amy says

    Hi Katie, looks divine as usual but when I follow the link to the crust it takes me to your Fudge babies. If I may be so bold what crust DID you use because it does look beautiful!

    • Lisa C says

      Under the title “fudge babies” it says (or Hot Chocolate Crust).

      I have actually used that recipe as a crust for Katie’s chocolate-banana pie, and I can attest to how delicious it is!!! 🙂

      • Janie says

        Actually, actually, it says she didn’t have time to make the hot chocolate crust so she used a store-bought one 😀 it’s probably dark chocolate graham cracker or maybe Oreo?

      • Johanna says

        Maybe cocoa butter could be a substitute? Not sure where to buy the edible one though.
        Or do you think, adding melted chocolate might help with texture?
        If you are not vegan, you could use butter – I think that should work. How about using margarine? That should solidify after cooling, right?

      • Johanna says

        How about using cocoa butter or margarine instead of coconut oil? They should solidify after cooling, shouldn’t they? (Not sure how they will behave, not a pro.) If you are not vegan, butter could work as well.
        What might also help with texture is adding melted chocolate. 🙂

        I will def try this – I’ll have anything with berries and chocolate!

  4. Lisa C says

    Katie, you have outdone yourself this time! The photos look absolutely professional. Not that your other photos don’t always look professional, because they do. You just never cease to amaze me with your skills. Creative chef, kind and compassionate person, pro photographer, eloquent writer… is there anything you can’t do?!?

  5. Samantha says

    I pretty much have everything for this one although I think it will be my first recipe I try coconut oil. I really have been wanting too and now seems like the time. I even have raw cashews. This looks heavenly. Hopefully will try this in the next couple of days.

    I also noticed it went to the fudge babies page too, but I think you just mean make the hot chocolate fudge babies and press into a crust?

    Very excited about this one!

    • Sarahishealthy says

      From another commenter:
      Under the title “fudge babies” it says (or Hot Chocolate Crust).
      I have actually used that recipe as a crust for Katie’s chocolate-banana pie, and I can attest to how delicious it is!!!

      Just thought I’d pass that info along.

  6. Samantha says

    And PS. I doubt I would go 100% raw myself. I have no problem integrating the options in my diet but no desire to go 100% raw. I have eaten a healthy vegan diet for a very long time and that works for me.

  7. Camille says


    I LOVE this website. You are truly a genius. Do you have a substitution suggestion for someone with both nut and coconut allergies? (tricky I know) I have only been able to try a few of your recipes because of this (though they’re my new favorites!)


  8. The Better Baker says

    YOu are an amazing creator! I love your RAW recipes…everything is wonderful that I’ve tried. I am SO thrilled to be making my own sugar free chocolate with your simple recipe too. Thanks for all you share.

  9. phoebe says

    Wow Katie I’m amazed!! you post a new recipe EVERY DAY.. that’s unbelievable! Thanks for all your hard work (or possibly enjoyment? lol) we really appreciate it!!

    Can u tell me the difference (in terms of texture / taste) between this truffle pie and the Chocolate-Raspberry Fudge Cake? They look similar, but the truffle one has vanilla and cashews as well. Which is richer / firmer / more dessert like, etc?

    PS I just made your 1 min chocolate cake yesterday, (with applesauce so it’s kinda chewy)… my boyfriend saw the photo and went, “i want a dozen of these!!” i said, “it’s single-serving , i don’t do mass orders.” so he said “6” then “5” then “4” then…”seriously…it can’t be less than that!!”

  10. Andrea says

    This looks awesome girl! Love that it’s raw. I am not a raw foodist either, but making raw desserts is just so fun!

    I have one question. You seem to use stevia packets quite a bit. I have some pure stevia powder, and was wondering the ratio for stevia packet to pure stevia powder?

  11. Kristin says

    I don’t think I could every love or prefer all raw desserts but I do enjoy those Fudge Babies! Love, Actually has become one of my favorite Christmas movies. Also, I’ve made your Secret PB Cookies about 4 times in the last two weeks. I add some oats and semi-sweet chocolate chunks to them 🙂

  12. KellyBelly says

    I love raw desserts (as well as other raw dishes). It is amazing what a vita mix or food processor can do to nuts, seeds and chocolate!
    A breakfast or desset you may be interested in is breakfast fruit soup. Mix in the processor: mostly berrries, a little coconut or nut milk, and a little sweetner if needed or vanilla. Kind of like a smoothie but served in a bowl. I did add in some protein powder and flax meal but my kids don’t need to know that part.

  13. Ashley says

    Hi Katie!
    Does this recipe need to be doubled or tripled to make a 9″pie? I want to make it to be a “normal” thick 9″ pie, so plenty to share!!

  14. Guest says

    Trust me, I’m a fan of this blog, so I’m not trying to “troll” or be “hateful” or anything of the like; but I have to say, this just does not look appetizing. It looks sort of spongy and chalky kind of like a cheap marshmallow.

    Sorry, but I think I’ll pass on this one! Your Chocolate Bar Pie/Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie look *so* much more appealing, to be honest.

    • anon says

      I cannot believe this comment. I’m in shock. Why on earth would you take the time to write something SO RUDE??!? If you really think the pie looks bad then why not keep it to yourself? Why would you put down someone who obviously works hard on creating and photographing beautiful recipes for your and my enjoyment every day? And you get to see all this hard work for no cost to you whatsoever. Your comment was absolutely OUT OF LINE. And to be honest, I do’t think you really think the pie is ugly. I think you’re a troll who’s just testing katie to see if she leave your comment up. Just my guess!

      I’ll leave you with a quote from Bambi: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

      • L. says

        Katie is a person, with feelings. Why would someone who’s “not trying to be a troll” write something like this? It’s not like you’re paying her, so who are you to criticize?

        • Guest says

          I put that disclaimer because I knew that I would be accused of being a “troll”, which I’m not.. just a reader. As I said before, I love the blog; the pancakes and muffins are great, and there are many other recipes that I’ve been wanting to try out.

          It was not my intention to stir up anything; everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Believe it or not, not everyone is going to share the same feelings. Some people may think something looks or tastes good, while others may choose to pass it up. I’m allowed to express my opinions, you know.

          • L. says

            Sure you’re “allowed” to express your feelings, but why would you WANT to hurt someone ELSE’s feelings in the process?

            Katie works hard at her blog every single day, and I think your rudeness to her is absolutely insensitive and uncalled for. I second anon’s bambi quote. Just because you CAN express unasked for criticism doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

          • Anne says

            Katie also makes a living off this blog. The blog is a product. Products are definitely allowed (and should) receive constructive criticism.

          • L. says

            Do YOU pay for the product? No. Then you have no right to criticize it.
            You should either be grateful that you get it for free, or you should leave. Plus, as someone else said, how exactly is this CONSTRUCTIVE criticism?

          • Izzy says

            What exactly waas your point in writing this? What exactly was your goal? Unless your goal was to be nasty to CCK, I can’t see how this is constructive criticism in any way, shape, or form.

          • Amanda says

            You’re right, everyone has a right to their opinions, but maybe you could have been a little more tactful with your criticism…?

            And just so you know, I just made this dessert with the “fudge baby” base and it is so far from being a “spongy, chalky, cheap looking marshmellow”. Maybe your computer screen isn’t showing the picture the best?

            But I can assure you that it’s lovely 🙂

      • Krystina says

        Get your head out of the clouds, “anon”. If you think THIS is so shockingly rude and out of line, you’re in a harsh awakening once you go out in the real world.

        • Steph says

          It’s just a comment. If you guys want these to go away, just ignore them. Don’t fuel the fire. Honestly though this pie looks not too different from her other chocolate pies. This first commenter is being really nit-picky.

    • Lisa Kline says

      You realize that it looks “chalky” because you freeze it and the cold makes it a little white when you take it out of the freezer (not unlike a fudge pop fresh out of the freezer).

      The texture of it looks “spongy” because it’s like a mousse that has been frozen…

  15. Jennifer says

    This looks absolutely amazing. I’m waiting on my new food processor to arrive so I can dive in and make a BUNCH of your delicious recipes. Question on this one: are the cashews you used raw or roasted?

  16. L. says

    Most gorgeous pie ever! I really wish you’d posted this BEFORE Valentine’s Day. Now I need a new excuse to make one, because I can’t make it just for myself. Or can I??? 😉

  17. Jennifer D. says

    Looks yummy!! One question: why do you soak the cashews? Just curious. I have never seen that in a recipe before. Thanks for sharing!

  18. teabagginit says

    i’ve been totally loving on raw energy bars/bites. i even used your oatmeal raisin bars and rolled them up with a peanut butter filling! peanut butter cinnamon rolls were born!

  19. ennaejay says

    4 hours after reading your post, I was eating a piece of this pie. (So I rushed the cashews a bit, even though you said not to 😉 Then I found myself eating another piece. Cold, creamy, perfectly sweet, and the crust turned out a perfect chewy cocoa accompaniment. “Chocolate-Strawberry Truffle Pie” is the perfect name for this decadent treat! Thanks Katie! I never thought GOOD food could taste so…. GREAT! 🙂

  20. Gi says

    Hi Katie!
    The pie looks delicious and in a couple of week will be my sister’s birthday so I would LOVE to make it… but I always mess up with cups and spoons measurements ): ): ):
    Could you please please please please please write the weight the ingredients? I know it’s quite a fuss but.. you would simplify my life so much! Otherwise I wouldn’t know how to do ._.
    Ahaha I’m even ready to send you a scale if you’d promise to use it in every recipe xD
    I hope you aren’t so busy that you can’t do that.. but I think I would understand if you couldn’t put the weight of the ingredients ._.
    Loooove! (:

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Gi,

      Good news :). I’ve already listed the amounts except for the cocoa, and cocoa is 5 grams per tablespoon… so 30g for this recipe. Coconut oil is around 75g per 1/3c. And agave is 15g per tablespoon if you use the agave version.

      • Gi says

        Oh yeah I noticed it!
        I was just having problems with the oil needed (:
        Thanks a lot! I’ll remind these quantities for the next time too!

  21. Christina says

    Hi again Katie – Can’t wait to make this recipe! Do you have the nutritional info on it, so I have an idea of how many calories per slice? Also what is considered a serving size? (how many slices should one pie produce)?

    It has been such a blessing to find your website! It’s been helping me on my weight loss quest…I don’t feel the need to ‘fall off the wagon’ with crappy food, because I’m able to eat desserts that are wonderful, and not 1200 calories per serving… LOL Your recipes fix my sweet tooth every time.

    Thanks so much!

    • Amy says

      I love having nutritional info too, but I understand it is a pain to do for everything all the time. You can get a free app for your phone called MyFitnessPal. If you don’t have a smartphone I know there is a website by the same name. You can create recipes in there and it will give you all the nutritional breakdown. Couldn’t live with out it!!

      • Casey says

        I just calculated the nutritional info using spark recipe analyzer and found that per serving (if you cut the pie into 8 pieces) is 255 calories, 14.7 carbs, 3.5 g fiber, 4.8g protein and 21.8g fat. This was calculated without including the crust and using stevia and just cashews.

  22. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    Ohhhhh mmyyyy… It looks so amazing. I AM IN LOVE!! (that was fast).

    Love your idea of girls night by Valentine’s day! I’ll have to steal it for next year!

  23. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    The pie looks so beautiful and delicious…and fancy with the strawberry and greens attached! mmmm, I’d love to dig into a slice!

    Raw desserts are great because anything that doesn’t require turning on an oven for is often times a bonus 🙂

  24. Moni'sMeals says

    yes, so so so in love. I am not always making raw desserts, for no specific reason, but this willl be a must. thanks Katie!!

  25. Emma says

    YUM! Oh my gosh, this pie tastes AMAZING!!!
    It tastes like something you’d get at a very fancy restaurant. I can’t believe I made it in my own house, and it was so easy (I’m not a cook like you)! My husband is going to FLIP for this!
    🙂 🙂

  26. Kaila @healthyhelperblog! says

    Is that an oreo pie crust I spy?! My grandma uses those when she makes peanut butter pie and they are SO delicious! They totally make the dessert!

  27. Albizia says

    If it looks so good, who cares it’s raw? 🙂 But as much as I love raw desserts, I don’t think I could ever become a raw foodist because I prefer my meals cooked.

  28. Tierney @ Get Your Veg On says

    That looks delish! I’m a huge fan of the chocolate/fruit combo. I made a vegan chocolate layer cake with a raspberry center last week, and now I’m adding this one to my list since the cake disappeared pretty quickly. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  29. Lila says

    Oh wow. Just made this today. I didn’t have dates on hand for the hot chocolate crust, so I used pecans (raw) processed with a couple squares of a 90% dark chocolate bar and a dash of salt.

    I gave up processed food and sugar recently and have been searching for new healthier recipes to try. This recipe has just gone right to the top of my favorites list. Can’t wait to make it for a special occasion for friends/family. They’ll love it! Thanks so much 🙂

  30. Natalie Kaczmarczyk says

    This looks awesome Katie!

    So I’ve made a couple of your recipes, but when I got to try a new one I’m always missing one ingredient or don’t have one component of the recipe. Would you be willing to possibly share some staples you always have on hand? I love your indulging yet maintaining a vegan diet, as I myself try to eat as raw as possible! I just thought this could b a post idea or even just helping a sista out!

    Off to try making this!!!

  31. Colleen says

    Katie, This looks simply amazing!! I want to try the jelly roll too! I love that the Sarah commenter calls herself the “official CCK drooler” — too cute!! She is not the only one (clearly!) who drools over your recipes! I just cannot believe the depth of your creativity! Each recipe you make seems completely different from the last!

    I’ve noticed that there is more and more Stevia (not larger quantities), just that sweetener is becoming more common in your recipes than it used to be. Stevia and agave are so much better choices of sweeteners than sugar or any artificial sweetener, but I still prefer when you use dates. Unfortunately, stevia is considered a “dietary supplement” which means that it isn’t regulated by the FDA/government, until there are may problems reported. Stevia has long been used in other countries, but as for it’s use here, I just wish it would be considered a food, moved over a few shelves with the other sweeteners, so production would be regulated. You lived in Japan as a child right? Since that’s a country that has been using it a while, did you grow up using it? Curious on your thoughts! Have a good night!

    Thanks as always,
    Colleen (

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I actually don’t think I’d ever had it in Japan… Maybe in tea? I was so young when I lived there, I didn’t really pay much attention to the things IN foods. But I do know I ate a lot of chocolate!! Pocky, chocolate-filled koalas, yan yans (chocolate dipped breadstick things), etc. 🙂

  32. Cari says

    Thank you for another fabulous recipe! My cashews are soaking and crust is made in anticipation of making this tomorrow. I just have a little question about the coconut oil. Should we put it into the Vitamix in liquid or solid form or does it matter?

  33. Kathy says

    I LOVE pie. But all the ones my family eats are so heavy. The pie looks delicious!

    I like raw foods, except the dehydrating part as I do not own a dehydrator! And sometimes I’m lazy to make them because that means I have to wash my blender right away or else my parents yell at me (wow…never thought I’d say that on a food blog, comment or not)

  34. Katie @ Nutrition in a peanut shell says

    This looks delicious Katie! And is that an oreo crust? My mom uses ’em to make oreo cheesecakes. Very delicious 🙂

  35. michelle says

    I’ve definitely done raw minus the dehydrator no room in the kitchen and we just got the pro series vitamix!!! Im so wanting to make the cashew cheese …anyway I do love getting your emails in my inbox even just to see what you’ve made now! 🙂

  36. STUFT Mama says

    Oh yes, I am in love!!!! And Love Actually is the best holiday movie around. 🙂 I need to try this pronto! I might have to make up a special occasion to have a reason to make it. Ha!

  37. MigraineMe says

    I just discovered your blog! I am in love, and yes, crazy in love! I am a terrible cook and an even worse baker, but I think I might even try to make this because it looks so good! Thank you!!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Ooh I hope you like it!

      Surprisingly, I don’t really like to cook! But I love to eat, and so I try to make my recipes as quick (and with as few ingredients) as possible… so people like me can eat without having to slave away with complicated recipes ;).

  38. Ella says

    Hey! My Stevia is just pure Stevia powder, so this recipe makes no sense to me at all in what it comes to amount of Stevia. So could you tell me how much would you use pure stevia? ½ tsp ? Thanks 🙂

    And by the way, this looks so asjgasgrjas amazing that I think my laptop gets broken just because I drool so much….

  39. Rachel L says

    the coconut oil you used, is it the solid type? i only have the liquid ones here… would it be the same?

    and is there another crust i could do? that has no dates in them? or can i swap the dates with raisins?

  40. kendra says

    I’m so thrilled this doesn’t have soy in it! And I have a bag of raw cashews ive been dying to use. I will be making this THIS weekend. Horray! Haha everytime I tried to type Horray my auto correct keeps changing it to hortatory.

  41. Steph says

    I spell it hooray or hurray and it doesn’t autocorrect! Also I might try this with almonds as well since I can’t get to Whole Foods at the moment.

  42. Emilia says

    This looks so delicious and perfectly decadent. The filling sounds fantastic, I love the idea of using soaked cashews (i wonder if it would work with other nuts) and frozen berries together, so good. I definitely can’t wait to try it (but alas I must wait to be reunited with my food processor) 🙂

  43. suzanne says

    I have a question about some of the recipes – how do I know what xx grams of something is if I do not have a kitchen scale (or any scale for that matter!). It seem most of the time you say both volume and grams but I was just looking at hot chocolate fudge babies and it did not seem to specify volume…unless I missed something that was right in front of me (entirely possible!). Thanks for inspiring recipes!

  44. Maria @ Beautiful Busy Bee says

    Mmmmm so tasty looking!!! 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day. My friends and I did the same thing this year! A single ladies’ Valentines. So much more fun that a date! I haven’t tried many raw desserts but your fudge baby recipe seems a lot like Larabars, and I love larabars! I’ve also “favorited” some raw puddings and such on foodgawker but have yet to make them.

  45. Javelin Warrior says

    Katie, love this truffle pie! It looks so dense and incredibly chocolatey and I love the contrast of color between the crust, the filling and the strawberries 🙂 I have featured this post in today’s Friday Food Fetish roundup. Let me know if you have any objections and thanks for the inspiration

  46. Kathleen says

    Your recipes are ingenious!

    Awh, CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (these are chocolate-covered hearts ;))

  47. MrsOgg says

    Hi, Katie! I just wanted to say that I am so in love with your blog and trying your recipes. I’m kind of new to your blog but, you inspired me to do a little experimenting of my own and I came up with kind of a healthy fruit glaze and used it to top your WONDERFUL fudge pie (my cck fave recipe that I’ve tried so far). So, I hope you don’t mind but, I posted it to my blog with a link to your recipe. Anyways, it just made me think of my “version” when I saw this pic. Now I can’t wait to try this pie! I just had my second child last Friday and I made my mom go get the ingredients so I can make this! haha Thanks for all of your great ideas. They kept me inspired to try some new things in the kitchen during those last few difficult weeks of pregnancy. 🙂

  48. phoebe says

    hi katie

    i made your 1 min chocolate for the 2nd time, but this time i put some chocolate chips in the middle, so they melted and become easy molten chocolate cake!! my bf was SO impressed. he called it a chewy “brownie”!! yummy!

  49. says

    This pie looks utterly amazing– you are so creative! I love your recipes– they’re just so delicious and easy to make too!

  50. Hey says

    I have a challenge for you! Try creating more recipes using beans, no flour! I think you can do it (just because you´re clearly a genious) and it would be REALLY cool to see what you can come up 🙂

    Okay this challenge is mainly because I love your blondie recipes but I´ve done them so much that everyone starts feeling a bit fed up…exept me 😉

  51. Lisa says

    Got some coconut butter from Mom’s Organic! Yay! I also found a product that reminded me of you, Katie!

    They’re these chocolate sauces made by Wax Orchard, and they’re fruit-sweetened, fat free, and completely vegan. All that’s in them is pineapple juice, pear juice, dutch cocoa, and natural vanilla. They’re sooo good, and I was like “Katie could make this…” haha

  52. dc says

    Yikes… I just made this, had a taste of the delicious ‘batter’ and put them in the freezer, came back to the computer to tell you how good it tasted already…then realized that I totally forgot to add in the coconut oil!! So I’m guessing mine will turn out more like a frozen yogurt/ice type thing? :\ Oh well, it’ll still be yummy 🙂

      • dc says

        It was very tasty, I thought 🙂 (my husband thought it was just ok). I used almond milk instead of water, raspberries and blueberries instead of strawberries, and no crust (froze them in ramekins) so it was like a sorbet/ice cream… delicious! Luckily, I was just making it for myself, and not for a party or dinner or anything. Will definitely try out the recipe again, making sure to add the coconut oil 🙂

    • Krista C. says

      Made this tonight! So good. I used one packet less Stevia. I don’t know what I did wrong, but my crust wasn’t big enough. Was I supposed to make the first or second recipe you linked to? Anyway, we’re eating this tomorrow after Sunday dinner! My kids are so excited. As for raw foods…I’ve been 100 percent raw vegan, vegan, and vegetarian in the past. Right now I try to eat an 80 percent raw diet. I still eat soups (and some animal products like eggs) because of a thyroid issues, so I’m not vegan at present. I love raw foods, but I find the lifestyle hard to maintain with a large family. The desserts are the best! Thank you, Katie.

      • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

        Ooh sorry to have been confusing! I never actually measure when I make the fudge babies anymore, and I make a bigger batch if I’m making a crust. The recipe was just for an idea of a crust, not necessarily the right amount. I can see now how that is confusing, and I’m going to make a note to fix my post when I get a chance!

  53. Lea(: says

    Hi Katie! I just wanted to say thank you for posting such beautiful recipes, and putting so much effort into making us readers happy. I am recovering from an eating disorder, and the road ahead looks very bright. You helped show to me that I can be happy, healthy, fit, and beautiful without having to give up chocolate (my favorite thing in the world), and that really means the world to me. I will be trying this cake soon, and I know it will be great, like all of your other recipes I have made.

  54. Louise says

    This was the first recipe off your blog that I decided to make – but definitely not the last! I am totally in love with this pie! My husband thought it was really good too. I made the hot chocolate crust with half walnuts/half almonds – delicious. And the pie filling is SO GOOD and has such a fabulous texture on its own, I would eat it just like mousse right out of the food processor. I’m new to using coconut oil, but so far I am loving the flavor and richness it adds to any recipe. And a note to other readers: I used solid coconut oil and it worked perfectly!
    Thanks for the awesome recipes Katie – I’m so happy I found your blog!

  55. Mstricker says

    Hooooooly AMAZING. I made 2 of this pie this weekend – one for a gift and one for a dinner party. Everyone was in HEAVEN, and so was I knowing how easy it was. Chocolate Katie, you take the cake sweetheart! Can’t wait to try another recipe next weekend!

  56. Sarah M says

    Another beautiful and delicious dessert!! Mine is in the freezer…I counted down the minutes while the cashews were soaking 🙂 Thought about trying to lick the inside of my Vitamix, but reluctantly settled for a spoon instead! Sooooo yummy!

  57. Amanda says

    Thanks Katie, it’s my boyfriends birthday dinner tonight and I’ve made him this as his birthday “cake”, I’ve tried the mix that came out of the blender and oh my yum it was soooo good!

    You’re always my first stop for amazing vegan dessert ideas!

    PS before I found the recipe to this pie, I came across your little minute chocolate cake… So I had to make one then and there and try it! I WILL BE MAKING THAT BAD BOY AGAIN!! It was SO good, light and fluffy with just enough chocolate to feel naughty!

    Love your work 😀

  58. Marci says

    Made this pie yesterday. Didn’t have time to make crust. LOL. Also wasn’t sure how to serve it so left it out on the counter too long and got mousse. Creamy, delicious mousse! Now I have a frosting or pudding to use with other recipes as well as the pie which I will definitely make again.
    Another winner Katie. Thanks!

    • Lisa says

      I am so glad I saw this comment, because it inspired me to make a mini pie and use the rest to frost cupcakes! Thanks to this recipe, those cupcakes are now my new favorite dessert :).

  59. Betsy says

    I made this today for my little girl’s first birthday, it was delicious and amazing! I was looking for something chocolate and cake-like and this was perfect. This was her first sweet thing that she’s tasted and I loved how it was raw, didn’t leave a sugar low, and doesn’t have a lot of sugar. I’m not into babies eating tons of sweets but still wanted something special for her birthday. We had 10 kids altogether who love sweets and gobbled it up, couldn’t even tell it was made with nuts instead of something else like cream cheese. I had other adults who are chocolate connoisseurs and loved it! Thank you for your amazing recipes! This is the second one I’ve tried, I have made your fudge larabars and they have become a weekly staple! I’m not a raw foodist, but a vegetarian, whole food eater, and love to incorporate raw foods wherever I can!

  60. Jamie says

    I made this and it was so delicious!! I made it a second time around with walnuts instead and it was aldo very yummy!! Gave it a much sweeter taste, and I did not add as much agave. I also made it the second time with a mixture of frozen blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries, and it was good with those fruits as well.

  61. Kate says

    I made this a couple days ago with the larabar crust. I love your larabar recipe, and the pie filling was okay, but the two together didn’t go well. My roommates and I all agreed that the taste of the dates and the taste of the strawberries clash. So I would recommend using a normal pie crust.

  62. Sarah says

    Hi Katie,

    You don’t know me, but I just thought I’d let you know that you are my hero :). I am a terrible baker, but even I was able to whip this pie up in no time and impress the socks off my husband’s parents when they came for dinner last night. And my husband loved the pie! Normally, it’s such a struggle to get him to even touch a food that isn’t bacon or loaded with sugar!
    So thank you!

  63. Emma says


    And I’m not even a health food person!

    I stumbled on this pie by accident. Or maybe it was fate???

    All I’m sayin is YUM!

  64. Sue Breem says

    Yes, I fell in love with this pie. Deeply and madly in love.

    I’m thinking of leaving my husband for this pie… although I might have to take him with me. He adores this pie too! 😉

  65. Anonymous says

    Do you think this would come out as well/similar if mori-nu tofu was subbed for the cashews, like in your chocolate bar pie recipe?

  66. farraha says

    Could you please put nutrients value on this and some of your other recipe’s?
    I’v seen that some have it but the last few I went to did not.
    we are really counting our and would love to do this one and few others but don’t have time to figure out the counts, this would really help me out thank you, love your blogs

  67. Anonymous says

    This is a stupid question, but did you defrost your strawberries first or did you just throw them in frozen?

      • Anonymous says

        Awesome! Wasn’t sure if I used them frozen if the water content when they defrosted would make the pie runny or gooey. I’ll be making this A.S.A.P. Looks delish!

    • Stefanie says

      I have been researching and apparently I can use butter in place of coconut oil. I think I will give that a try!

  68. Catherine says

    Yum! I just made this and put it in the freezer. Katie, do you serve it straight from the freezer or fridge? Or let it thaw a little??

  69. SmilingVivianna says

    I just made it! I used raspberries instead of strawberries. I can’t wait until it’s ready. 🙂

  70. Emily Nell says

    I made this pie for my boyfriend, and….oh my gosh. When I tasted my first slice, I literally said “oh my gosh, no way!” out loud by myself in the kitchen! It has the best texture, and perfect blending of flavors. It tastes like something you’d get at a fancy vegan restaurant! Love love love love love this recipe. I’ll absolutely be making this again. Thanks for another winning recipe, Katie! 😀

  71. sarah waldin says

    HI Katie
    well I made this last weekend and I love it. Its the most amazing feeling … to have something so chocolatey and cold/refreshing … and not have that dreadful heavy I-ate-too-much feeling afterwards. A true result indeed.
    Am off to look at the other recipes on your site. Great work. thanks for sharing!!
    sarah xx

  72. Kate says

    I just made this…but with a twist. Since I already made a chocolate pie today (Yay Pi day!) I turned this into a peanut butter and jelly pie. I used peanut butter instead of cashew cream, and almond meal instead of cocoa powder. I know, no chocolate involved but oh my god it’s amazing! THanks for everything you do!

  73. Samantha says

    Just wanted to let my fellow Weight Watchers (I know I’m not the only one reading this!) know that I calculated the points for this– it’s 9 points for 1/8 of the pie, or 12 points for 1/6. Don’t know the calorie count since the new WW system doesn’t track calories, but I know this will be helpful for some. Thanks for the great blog, I’ve been making at least one of your desserts every week since I found it and have still been losing the baby weight! The deep-dish cookie pie is my favorite so far, I bring that to pretty much every dinner party and make people guess the secret ingredient. This pie looks awesome, though, and is waiting in my freezer right now!

  74. Fiona says

    Two for two today! I made your melty pizza hummus and this and they are both fantastic! I made this with the stevia packets and added 3 extra tablespoons of maple syrup because I didn’t have agave. I also used an Oreo cookie crust. I served it to my in-laws, who eat the SAD, and they LOVED this pie. My father in-law is diabetic and was happy to be able to enjoy a lower sugar dessert with us. I loved this pie too! Next time I think I will try cutting down the coconut oil just a little bit, to 1/4 cup, since there is already fat in the cashews. I will also try to make my own homemade crust next time. Thanks for another winner!

    • Fiona says

      Made this again for dessert on Xmas eve but tried it with frozen cherries this time and it wasn’t quite as good as with strawberries. The pie is super soft when refrigerated but hard as a rock when frozen and I am often too anxious to wait the 20 min or so it takes to thaw a piece from the freezer so I think next time I may use a solid sweetener without the water (I use sweetener and the stevia) and see if it will allow it to be firm while kept in the fridge. I made my own oreo crust by processing vegan oreos and some earth balance but my crust wasn’t nearly as good as the official Oreo crust unfortunately.

  75. Anonymous says

    Just made this and am (im)patiently waiting for it to freeze. I made one adjustment, I used 1/4C (actually 1/3 C, because I grabbed the wrong measuring cup by mistake….ooops) of homemade date paste/syrup in place of the agave (I can’t eat agave). I also added 5-6 drops of stevia. I’m not sure how it tastes when it’s all set up and frozen, but I’ll tell you, I had a hard time keeping my fingers out of the Vitamix. I also used half dried prunes and half dates for the crust (ran out of dates, hahaha). I’m thinking the date paste will make it less sweet than the agave, which is fine with me, overly sweet is yucky. : )

      • Anonymous says

        Ok. So the pie has set up and been tested. Sooooo good. Very subtly sweet, which is what I like. SUPER rich and decadent. It’s almost like a cross between a high end fudgsicle/frozen pudding and ice cream cake. The filling would make KILLER fudgsicles!! Soooooo goooood! The date syrup worked really well for those of you who don’t want to or can’t use agave. And the 6 or so drops of stevia I used did NOT leave a bitter aftertaste or even a Stevia taste at all.

        • Anonymous says

          Speaking of Vitamix blades, my blade thingy came apart while I was blending the filling….WTF? Must have loosened them off and forgot about it, whoops. Had a bit of a chocolate disaster, which meant an unnatural amount of counter licking. Wouldn’t want to WASTE all that spillage, now would we? : )

  76. Lynette says

    I made a slightly modified version of this today and all I can say is O.M.G. I want to live on this and this alone forever and ever and ever. Thank you yet again, Katie. You rock!

  77. Ellie says

    Hi Kate! This is my first time commenting on a recipe, and I have to say, I can’t think of one more deserving than yours to comment on!

    I’ve never had much luck in the kitchen, especially where desserts are concerned, but with this strawberry/chocolate pie, I got to have my cake and eat it too! The first bite was an explosion of flavors, a bittersweet, delectably light, and fantastically sinful combination that even had my mom, who’s not a fan of vegan desserts, singing your pie’s praises (the 3 slices she ate also expressed, without words, her love of this decadent dessert. ^_^)

    I just wanted to thank you for posting this recipe, for your whole webpage in fact; your shared genius allowed me to whip up at least one delicious concoction in the kitchen. Now I’ve been ordered to make this pie anytime we have company! I can’t wait to share such vegan delights with the rest of my non-vegan family!

    Much love to you Kate!

  78. Evelyn says

    I accidentally ran across your blog after a pinterest photo and I love it!!! Thank you for so many ideas! Any chance you can ballpark calories on some of your food? Thanks! Much health and wealth to ya ^^

  79. Kaylin says

    In light of desiring this recipe, as well as a lara bar- I have been enlightened enough by your blog to create my own recipe for Strawberry shortcake Lara Bars 🙂

    So far-

    1-1 1/2 tb Coconut butter
    1/2 cup dried strawberries
    1/3 cup cashews
    1/4 dates

    First cut 4-5 strawberries into slices and place in oven at 175 (or dehydrate) for 2-3 hours. Then add dates to processor, mix!! Add everything else, process and enjoy deliciousness 🙂

    One idea I had, that I have yet to try out, is maybe using a cashew frosting, dates, cashews, and coconut oil, on top and then placing them all in the freezer to solidify the yummy goodness!

    However, you of course are the queen bee of these wonderful desserts! But I shall let you know how mine turn out 😉

  80. Ellie says

    Hi Katie,
    I’m really excited to make this for my son’s birthday this week using the ‘hot chocolate fudge crust’ but am just wondering if it will be difficult to slice and get it out of the pie dish. The fudge is so gooey that I can’t imagine I will be able to remove it neatly. Is it easier to do once frozen? Any suggestions?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Ellie,
      I didn’t have a problem slicing it. But you might want to thaw a little after freezing so you can slice it better. And also you can up the ratio of nuts to dates in the crust if that part’s too sticky :).

  81. Melissa says

    Hi Katie,

    I made this pie and the flavors were wonderful , I couldn’t stop eating it before I put it in the freezer. However, I think I let it freeze too long because now it is hard as a rock. From now on, how long would you recommend to freeze it before eating? I think I’ll just thaw it out, but I was worried about the consistency after freezing then thawing. Thoughts?

  82. Thia says

    Trying to make sure I do this right, as I can’t wait to try it. My problem is that 1 1/2 cups of the raw cashews I have is 200g. Do I go with that, or go with less in order to have the 150g?

    I love, love love all your goodies. My sweet tooth family is happy with the recipes done without the extra sugar, and I feel relatively guilt-free eating Mini Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookies everyday… all day. :o) The Pumpkin Brownies don’t even make it a day. I so appreciate what you do, and can’t wait for the cookbook too!
    If you are ever in cooking in Austin, I would be happy to taste test for you. :o)

  83. Jeanne says

    I loved the hot chocolate crust and will definitely being making cookies with that recipe. My family liked the pie but didn’t love the stevia aftertaste. Could you use xylitol?

  84. Anonymous says

    How should I measure the strawberries? Put whole strawberries in a cup? Or should I slice them or halve them or something alone that line? I feel like an amateur 😛

  85. tamara says

    I am so glad I fonud you! Like you, my daughter LOVES chocolate! LOVES!!! She was recently diagnosed with food allergies and cried believing she could never have chocolate again. (never mind the mac n cheese – it was the chocolate that got her.) She is allergic to most nuts (she can have sunflower seeds and coconut), all dairy, (we became vegans immediately) and soy! I would love to make her a number of the recipes listed but you use either soy or nuts for the chocolate pies. Do you have any other ideas? Thank you!

  86. Dana says

    Has anybody tried this with bananas? I made the Chocolate Strawberry and loved it. Making with bananas today! I’ll let y’all know.

  87. meg says

    I made thus the other night. Liked it. I did substitute coconut milk for the oil. Not the same will try it again soon. I also did use salted cashews, & omitted salt. My family gave it a strong 6…they rate my cooking!!! 🙂 next time I make it the right way I know it will be a 10.

  88. Rhonda Boyle says

    You have saved my life, Katie. Being extremely allergic to wheat, gluten, eggs AND dairy is really limiting. When I found your blog on Pinterest, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I can have dessert again!!! You are the best. Thank you so much for experimenting with recipes and finding healthy, allergy-free ingredients that I can eat. I love, love, love you!!!

  89. Katherine says

    Made this for my birthday and it was a hit! My family did not even know it was healthy! I had some of the batter left over since I made my crust too small, so I poured the leftovers into a bowl and mixed in a scoop of protein powder. It was seriously the yummiest thing I have ever eaten. I’m going to make a variation of this recipe in bar form:)

  90. Bec says

    I made this today with cherries and almonds and maple syrup (no oil) and it tastes absolutely delicious! Thank you Katie. This vegan thing is easy as. 🙂

  91. ruby says

    hey katie, i suppose u’ve used fresh strawberries 😉 but do u think i could use frozen ones as well since fresh ones aren’t in season, here in germany at the moment.. xx

  92. tori says

    hi katie, i love your website. and i am planning on making this pie for my friend, she is allegic to milk, but she loves sugar. so i was thinking instead of using stevia and agave. i would use regular sugar. but i was wondering, would it still be 1/4 cup of sugar like the agave or would it change to a diffrent amount?

  93. Trajayjay says

    I guess raw desserts are better in the summer, but I love the homemade larabars. Who new that dates could be a perfect substitute for sugar/corn syrup, and much more nutritious. Recently, I’ve found out how to make a date puree, that you can use in place of agave, honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, molassess….. this puree has more fiber but normal tastebuds might find it a bit more bitter.

    Anyways, blend 120 grams of dates (about 20 small ones or 5 larger ones) with 1/2 cup of water in your Ninja, Magic Bullet, or other high strength blender. You should have something the consistency of applesauce but much sweeter.

  94. Andreea says

    I would like to try this recipe but I can’t find coconut oil in Sicily… What do you suggest me to use?
    Thanks a lot!
    P.S. You blog is awesome!!! Love it!

  95. Sherry says

    Hi Katie,
    My daughter and I love your recipes. I am excited for your cookbook. I find stevia bitter and gives an aftertaste. I have been using nectresse, monk fruit. do you think this is a good healthy alternative?
    Thanks for your time!
    Sherry in Pittsburgh

  96. Sarah says

    Hi! I made this delicious-looking pie last night. It tasted pretty good, but mine did not come out as smooth and creamy as yours looks. Mine had a bit more of a grainy texture. It doesn’t look like anyone else had this problem (I just looked through all the comments to see if someone posted about this) so I was wondering if you had any suggestions. I soaked the cashews for about 5 hours and mixed everything in a food processor. Do you think I just need a higher powered blender to get the smooth consistency? (ps: I made it with the Hot Chocolate crust which was delicious. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten dates that tasted so good!)

    • Mia says

      The first time I made this pie, I used the soaked cashews method in a food processor (don’t have a blender) and my pie also turned out “grainy.” I could not get the pie to be smooth and silky, no matter how hard I tried. So, the next time, I just processed raw, organic cashews (not soaked) until they turned into cashew butter and the pie was *perfect.* Very smooth and creamy; looked just like Katie’s pictures. 😀 Quicker and easier than using soaked cashews too. I suppose store-bought cashew butter would work just as well. I only used 1 C of cashew butter and there was more than enough to fill the pie crust (I make a paleo/grain free chocolate crust.) Also, as a random side note, I tried this using raspberries, and I don’t really recommend it. All the seeds blended in with everything gave the pie a strange, bitter taste. It’s definitely best with strawberries, in my opinion.

  97. Maria says

    I’m going to make this for a birthday. Is there a frosting recipe you recommend to go with it so I can write “happy birthday”?


  98. da1nonly87 says

    This looks amazing and I will make it for our guests this weekend!

    Do I serve it frozen or let it thaw a little bit beforehand?


    • Alia says

      I saw your link to a nut free one,, but the other reason that I’m wondering is because I have the book Vegan pie in the sky (I’m not vegan, just allergic to dairy and nuts and raw egg) so I was looking for a substitute as I can’t have any of the cheesecakes! 🙁

  99. Meagan says

    Your link to the Hot Chocolate Crust doesn’t link to that-it goes to some chocolate nut ball-things. Where can I find the recipe for the Hot Chocolate Crust?

  100. Delia says


    I don’t usually interact on any blog that I follow, but I must say THANK YOU!! this truffle pie is so delicious, it combines three of my all time favorites: chocolate, almonds and strawberries! I paired this with your coconut chai milkshake turned in to ice cream and I’m still drooling….. Can’t wait for your cook book to come out and buy it. Thanks for such amazing recipes 🙂

  101. Amy says

    I made this pie today. I don’t have a Vitamix so I used my regular food processor. It didn’t get very smooth; the cashews got down to a gritty consistency and wouldn’t grind any smaller, so I pushed it through a fine mesh strainer with a rubber spatula to remove the grit. It definitely helped! It’s in the freezer now so hopefully it still behaves without all the cashew particles I took out.

  102. Mozzie says

    Hi Katie, I must say something – I used this recipe for this cake to participate in one event in my company. There is a Charity Cake fair – everyone bakes something, other people in the office buy the cakes, and the money goes to charity. This year there was additional contest for the participants, which was the award for the most tasty healthy cake… and I won 😀 you won in fact with the recipe, I only followed you 🙂 of course every time somebody asked for recipe, i was redirecting them to your website 😉

  103. Janelle says

    I tried making this recipe, please do not use your ninja. I baby my ninja, only doing 5 second grinds at a time, i destroyed it before it could blend even slightly. It seemed to be really really really bitter, and tastes almost like aspartame? Maybe because I couldn’t get it blended all the way. So if you don’t have a high end processor, don’t do this recipe 🙁 I did soak my cashews for about an hour longer, not sure if that had something to do with it. If you can’t make peanut butter in your blender then don’t do it!

  104. Kim says

    Has anyone tried this with frozen raspberries? I just did and it came out very very sour (not bitter like dark chocolate). I followed the recipe exactly, and ended up adding a bunch of extra sweetener to it. Now it is done and I have a pie that tastes pretty much like raspberry sherbet with a little cocoa stirred in. Is it possible the measurement is different with frozen berries? I don’t have a way to measure it by weight, so I had to just measure 2 1/2 cups. Maybe the raspberries were just really sour? Or maybe raspberries have a stronger flavor than strawberries so they just drown out the chocolate? Anyone have any ideas?

  105. Helene says

    Hi Katie
    I just made this, and served it to my dad who is a diabetic. His comment was: I can’t believe I can eat something this yummy, and that is is good for me too. Make more!! 🙂 I loved it as well, and i am so sorry I left the rest with my parents, because I want some more right now!

  106. Andrea says

    Just made this using blueberries and almonds. It taste Great! doesnt look as smooth as yours but its probably the almonds or maybe I just need to toss my ninja and get a vitamix

  107. masa says

    Hi Katie! I love love love this recipe! I want to make it for my family ( to prove to them that healthy desserts CAN be delicious – they don’t belive in healthy eating :/ )

    Anyhow im wondering if you maybe have the amounts in grams… Im not sure how many grams 1.5cup of cashews would be…and 1/3 cup coconut oil…

    Thanks <3

  108. LMS says

    Delicious! I just made this as a birthday cake to myself! Sadly though no one to share it ith since my family will not try RAW!! n. Will definitely make it again, thanks for sharing !

  109. Belle Plummer says

    I wanted you to know that I made this for my synagogues’ sweets table for after the Rosh HaShonah services tonight. For the Jewish New Year it is traditional to eat good sweet things in the hopes that the year will also be good and sweet. I thought this would be a lovely addition. Thanks Katie, and may you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a sweet year, full of health, creativity, love, learning, charity, and prosperity.

  110. Olga says

    God bless you, CC Katie! It’s the fourth day I am enjoying this pie, and I can’t believe it was me who made something so outstanding.
    It’s hard to get dates (both the fruit and the social activity, not that anyone asked) where I live, and I was out of Oreos, so I just made a no-bake soft crust from shredded coconut, sesame and poppy seeds blended with cane sugar and cocoa powder. It still came out delicious. It’s hard to mess up this one, isn’t it.

  111. Charlie says

    Hi Katie, I really love all your recipes! I was wondering if there is a coconut oil substitution as it’s insanely expensive over in the Netherlands, Would any other oil work like canola ?

  112. Prue says

    Hello and thankyou!
    I am planning to make this for my husband’s birthday on Wednesday. We are going out for dinner, will it be ok if it is out of the fridge for more like 60-90 minutes, rather than 20?
    Thanks 🙂

  113. Shannon says

    Hey! I have a quick question… I soaked my cashews overnight, since I didn’t have four hours in the evening, and tried this recipe this morning. Is it possible for cashews to “sour”? I keep adding more sweetener, but my attempt at this beautiful desert definitely has a hint of “funk”. ?? 🙁 I’m making this for my husband’s birthday… and I’m afraid I’ve ruined it! Any suggestions?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Yes, rancid cashews are unfortunately quite common! Do you have any of the raw cashews left? What do they taste like raw?

      • Shannon says

        Oh yeah… I didn’t even think about that! Unfortunately no, I didn’t have any of the raw cashews left, but I didn’t taste them before I soaked them either so that could definitely have been it! Duh – that makes perfect sense! Thanks, I’ll have to try this one again (and check the cashews FIRST!)

  114. Melanie says

    Hi Katie! I would love to try your recipe but unfortunately can’t really afford to buy virgin coconut oil; can I still sub it with butter? If not, what else can I use? Canola oil? Thanks so much in advance.

  115. Monika Doepgen says

    Thank you so much for your inspiriting blog. I’m a sweetaholic myself and your recipe’s together with the photos are excellent. I’m not having much time on my hand right now but I sure will come back to visit your blog sometime soon. Kind Regards, Monika 🙂

  116. Laura says

    Wow, I did everything wrong and it was still delicious! I used macadamia nuts because that’s what I had on hand, only soaked them 2hrs and after blending with my cheap old smoothie maker (gotta upgrade) it was a gritty weird mess, I almost tossed it out at that point but after freezing the texture was perfect. All I had on hand was stevia with maltodextrin added (not the uncut stevia) so I just added it to taste. It was awesome! Thanks Katie

  117. geneva says

    I really hope that I get an I got the whole recipes finished in at the very end you said freeze. So I did just that. I put the desert in the freezer.and there it sat until it froze, rock solid. Unedible unless I wanted to eat a giant pie popsicle!a Delicious one at how long do I freeze it 4? And what do I do with leftovers. Can it be refrigerated. Will it harden enough to be edible if it is in the refrigerator?thank you for your time. I have never made anything like this before so am sort of dum to it all! Please help!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      If you freeze it, the directions say to thaw before serving. So just freeze and then take it out a few hours before you wish to serve. Hope that helps!

  118. Juliet says

    Hiya! Just tried this, tho i am thinking the coconut oil should have been melted? as the consistency with the unmelted stuff is somewhat vile 🙁

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Yes, coconut oil should always be melted first when making recipes. Otherwise you will get chunks.

  119. Elana says

    Just made this for my fam for Mother’s Day and it was a huge hit! That is saying something because we have a lot of picky eaters and everyone likes different things. I will say that everyone said it was “different” but good! And I am all about the organic/raw movement but the fam is a bit slow on the approval of that so I am delighted that everyone had some! Definitely serve with some fresh berries on top…that really elevated it!

  120. dori says

    What if you just DONT like cashews?? Can you taste them at all?? Because of all the nuts in the world, I would DIE before I ate a cashew….bleh!

    If they can be avoided, DEF want to try this recipe!!

  121. Tahira says

    Hi Katie,
    I have finally got around to making this dessert, it has been sat in my favourites box for weeks, now it’s sat in the freezer and I can’t wait to try it ! how long should it be in the freezer before I can take a slice out?
    Also I followed your recipes with exact measurements and found I had half the truffle mixture left over. Or may be I used too much crust in one dish as I only filled one?? Anyhow, as I have half the mixture left over I was wondering if you could suggest something different I could use it for? Don’t want to make another crust plus I don’t have the ingredients for it.
    Thanks in advance xx

  122. Coco says

    5 stars
    I made this- it came out delicious. I soaked the cashews before leaving for work so they were nice and soft when I got home and was able to make it immediately. I did not melt the coconut oil down first which I think made it not as smooth, so I definitely recommend melting the oil first, also I used a food processor and it wasn’t completely smooth, so a high speed blender is probably a better option.

  123. Julie Sullivan says

    Thank you SO much for your healthy recipes!! They have saved my bacon and kept me on my diabetic diet, of which I am extremely thankful. I cannot wait to buy your cookbook and will do so soon. Thank you again for all your hard word and your amazingly delicious concoctions!

  124. shari says

    Alright made the chocolate Strawberry Truffle pie and it stated to put it in the freezer. How long does it need to stay there? After you take it out how long do you let it sit out ?

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