Readers have been asking about my references to leaving Texas, and since I promised to make the blog more personal anyway, it’d probably be good to elaborate. If you’re only interested in recipes, feel free to skip this post; the recipes will continue soon.
I’ve always been a passionate person.
This can either be a good or bad thing, depending on the situation. From the moment I decide to do something, I will throw all of my energy into it, can’t be talked out of it by anyone (including myself), and stubbornly refuse to give up until I’m successful. Or until I’m dragged away, kicking and screaming.
(My apologies to anyone who knew me as a two-year-old and witnessed one of my epic temper tantrums.)
In terms of the blog, this passion could mean baking seventeen batches of brownies in the span of two days to perfect the recipe… it could mean staying up until 3 am writing and editing a post I’m dead-set on publishing the next morning… it could mean reading through an entire computer self-help volume in a night to figure out how to implement one piece of coding… All real examples of things I’ve done.
And in my non-blog life, this passion manifests itself in the risks I take, some of which people would consider to be crazy.
Like when I quit college to write a food blog…
In mid-October I decided that I wanted to was going to move to New York City, and I was going to do it before the month was over. So after planning everything down to the minutia, I packed my belongings into the car and commenced the long drive, pausing only for what was supposed to be a short detour to stay with cousins I’d promised to visit, directly along the way.
However, life decided it had a better idea than mine.
The morning I was scheduled to finish the trip, I woke up with a 102-degree fever; only the third time I’ve been sick in fourteen years. No big deal… I called my sister in New York (at whose apartment I’d planned to stay while looking for my own place) and told her to expect me the next weekend instead. Friday night before the next weekend: little sister calls me this time, saying she’s dealing with a gas leak at the apartment and could I please stay where I am for the moment? And then an unseasonably-early ice storm hit, rendering the roads un-drivable.
Meanwhile I found myself developing close relationships with some amazing people around me. Every day was a new adventure–from a Washington, D.C. socialite gala to a Rob Zombie concert, and everything in between. I was experiencing life in a way I’d never experienced it before, and it made me wonder…
Once I got it in my mind to stay?
Of course there was no talking me out of that decision either.
Valeria Swartz-Diaz says
Congrats on your move! I live in DC, too, off of Georgia Avenue. There are so many amazing, vegan/vegetarian restaurants from every culture in this area. I am new to your blog, but have gotten quickly addicted! If you have any questions about the area, you can email me I’m about to be done with college and feel like we are in the same boat! Once again, congrats and enjoy the spontaneity while you’re young :)!
Jordan Lynn // Life Between Lattes says
Welcome to DC! You must try Sticky Fingers Bakery – awesome vegan cupcakes, donuts (!!), and food!
Mandy says
Congrats Katie. You have been very successful. I hope that you continue to grow into the beautiful woman that your passion shows you are capable of. Turning your demons into your dreams is the ultimate success. Trust me, I know.
Trish Bakes says
Just wanted to comment on how RADIANT you look! You’ve always looked healthy with your beautiful hair and clear skin, but the curves look really sexy. 😉 Not that a woman should be judged by having curves or a lack thereof, but they suit you well. And congrats on the transition to D.C. I knew IMMEDIATELY I wanted to live there back in 2009 when I visited. Those amazing townhomes just outside of downtown, all lined in charming perfection…yup. I’d love to call one of them home someday. At least for a while.
Sarah says
I hope you like DC! I moved here in July and count that as my most recent risk. 🙂 Enjoy the sights and good luck finding your furniture.
Mick says
How much is your rent? I pay $450 in Las Vegas for a large 1 bedroom.
Natalie says
Just started following your blog and came across this post :).
My biggest risk was moving from my hometown in Florida up to NJ to be with a boy that I met that lived there. He flew down and we packed up my car and drove it up together. Now, 9 years later, we are married with two kids and live all the way in California! Life is crazy 🙂
Kimberly says
Thanks for the neat info about yourself. I appreciate healthy deserts because of the havoc that sugar does to one’s body and immune system. I’m always cutting back on sugar, and using coconut oil for most desert recipes I find, so was glad to find your blog. So, did you finally move to New York? It looks like you did, but you really didn’t say – but the picture looks like perhaps you did! 🙂 Your a beautiful gal, keep up the great work!!
KimHop224 says
I started a healthy lifestyle and fitness journey just a few months ago, and since then I have stumbled across you blog and now own your book. THIS blog describes who I am to a “T”. From deciding to go back to college after my mom died, to deciding to be a single mom AND still work FT while going to school FT. I took 2 weeks off for baby #1, 2 days off to get married, 1 week off for baby #2, immediately pursued a Master’s degree that I completed in under 3 years. Yes, I completed a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree while working full time, having 2 kids, and getting married. My biggest and most recent *risk* was leaving a full-time permanent role to take a 2 year contract role. I am only a few months in (as is my fitness journey), but I can honestly say it was the RIGHT choice for me and my family. Gone are the days of 50-70 hour work weeks, the stress, the lack of work/life balance, the sleepless nights, and the mood swings & anger. Gone are the days of no motivation and sitting on the couch as well as the days of eating everything on the *not good* list and ignoring the existence of *healthy options*. So, with risk comes change, and with change can come happiness you didn’t know existed. By the way, of the recipes I have already made for my family, I have the approval from my picky eating youngest and diabetic husband. THANK YOU!!!
ThatGirl says
Last year, at twenty years old, I decided to move from Colorado to Chicago. I made this decision in two days and started packing before I had even told my family! I left Colorado one month later, and moved to a big city that I had only ever been to once. To say that this last year has been a roller coaster would be an understatement. But I’ve made it. I have a job, I have friends, and I’ve created a life I’m proud to call my own. I grew up so much in he last year, and I am so happy I made the choice to move! It can be so scary when you are thinking about making a major life change, but I feel like it’s so important for us to find that we can stand strong, and put down roots, no matter where we are ‘plunked down’.
Lisa Parker says
I think you’re great! I recently read your post about anorexia. On the one hand, I think it’s crummy that you’d even have to talk about it, on the other, I am glad to know you’re healthy! Some of us are just concerned for your well-being. Anyways, I’m a 41 yr old mom of 3 and I love your recipes. My boys eat pretty healthy, but they do like dessert, so I love knowing I’m feeding them something healthful when they think they’re “junking it up”! Thanks again and good luck in all you do. Sincerely, Lisa
michael says
DrOlivier says
You are the best the most amazing women!
Karen @ Seasonal Cravings says
Congrats on the new move and best of luck to you in your new ventures!!
KC says
Sounds like a Hallmark movie. Love your recipes!