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Never Ending Oatmeal Bowl

chia seed oatmeal recipe

When I first tried chia seeds (in the form of chia pudding), I wasn’t a fan. I wanted to like them: they’re so good for you. But eating something just because it’s good for you?


You don’t have to suffer for health.

If you aren’t big on a certain food, there are plenty of ways to get all your nutrients somewhere else. For example, my sister hates bananas. So she gets her potassium from foods she does like, such as yams, spinach, and broccoli. No big deal. Remember that mental health is an important component to overall health, too. If you’re choking down foods you detest, your mental health will suffer.

Going back to the chia… Although I didn’t like the pudding, I was willing to give the seeds a second chance. Perhaps I’d enjoy them in a different form. After all, everyone in the blogworld seems to adore them. So when the Health Warrior Company offered me some samples, I accepted.

giant bowl of oatmeal

And I discovered that I do like chia seeds. They are awesome in oatmeal!

Never-Ending Oatmeal Bowl

(serves 1)

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 1/2 cups milk of choice
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup more milk of choice
  • sweetener and add-ins of choice

Either cook oats, milk, and salt on the stovetop, or place your oats and salt in a large, microwaveable dish (I use a pyrex 4-cup measurer) with the milk of choice. Microwave 1 and 1/2 minutes, then add your chia and 1/2 cup more liquid. Microwave 2 more minutes. Don’t open the microwave door yet. Instead, leave your mixture for five minutes. Then stir and put in the fridge—uncovered—overnight. Next day, it will magically be thick and ready for your favorite add-ins!

For sweetener, try using The Melted Banana Trick.

Also, I really like to put the cooked oatmeal in my Magic Bullet and blend just a little. This “blended grains” trick really helps all the flavors to meld together.

chia oats

Do you ever eat foods you don’t really like, just because they’re good for you?
Or do you ever feel pressured to eat a certain food because other bloggers like it? We are all different and our bodies crave different things (and amounts). We should NOT base our food choices on what anyone else is eating. It’d be really weird (not to mention boring) if we were all exactly the same.

This is one of the main reasons I’m not planning on doing another “day in the life” post even though a lot of readers have asked. I don’t feel comfortable knowing others will compare their eating habits to mine or try to mimic what I eat. The way I eat is only perfect for me. You need to listen to your own body, not to what anyone around you is doing.

Published on July 7, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. VEGirl says


    Thank you for this :). I’m so glad that the blogworld has been raising this issue more. I don’t necessarily feel pressured into eating certain foods, as much as eating certain amounts. I think blogs were/are a great resource (for me, who knew that eating smaller, more frequent meals would clear up a lot of my digestion issues? I didn’t do it because I “had to” really, but becuase I was curious to try it. And it worked… FOR ME!).

    I sometimes feel like my posts have to reflect the ideal me or show me indulging to show I don’t fall into the comparison blog trap. But I am not ideal, and I compare, too! There is a fine line between setting a good example and not making your life miserable doing so.

  2. Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says

    I totally agree that you shouldn’t make yourself eat something you don’t like (though I’m telling you – my peach chia pudding is realllly good! 🙂 ). There is way too much good food in the world to force something down – there are other ways of getting nutrients. Nothing in the world will get me to eat cauliflower. The. End.

    P.S. This just made me think of my mom saying “If everyone was jumping off a bridge, would YOU?”

  3. Lisa Fine says

    That’s such a good point. I love blogging [and food blogs] because I find out about lots of interesting, new foods. But I also never force myself to eat something I don’t like.

    On another note, my partner often mentions how he doesn’t get the food combinations I make. Some things I like to eat may be strange, but if I find them delicious, so be it.

  4. Qi Ting @ Misadventures of Fat free Baking says

    I have been trying eggplant time and time again because I read that they are super-healthy. But I never liked it! I don’t really feel pressured to eat a certain food other bloggers like. Mostly, its because I can’t (because its not available) or I’ve tried it and did not like it. Hehe.

    I’ve never ever had chia seeds before or even seen the real thing! Its only available at organic shops in Singapore. Looks great though! 😀

  5. Mellie says

    I agree, you shouldn’t eat things if they don’t taste good just cause they’re healthy! And I don’t like avocados either, yuck!

  6. teabagginit says

    i so tried to love/force down avocados because i know they’re so good for you, but i just can’t! i naturally don’t like fat-containing foods, so i have to make sure to include good fats like sardines, salmon, and walnuts just to meet my macro reqs!

  7. Pureglow*16 says

    LOVE THIS so much. You were probably SO right on everything you said about the blogger peer pressures. I’m pretty sure everyone has somehow gotten caught up in that b4! Weird all the little issues that can happen in the BLOG world right? haha. Its so important to listen to YOUR body because what other peoples bodies need may be COMPLETELY different!!

    Also I was going to ask you if you have ever used sunwarrior protein powders?

  8. Louise says

    I’m intrigued as to what you might suggest for breakfast if you don’t enjoy oatmeal.

    Personally I only enjoy a few combinations and I get bored quite quickly with them if I eat them constantly so I’m wondering what you would suggest for another breakfast – cold please, I can’t eat hot food in the morning!

  9. Leslie Paquette says

    Awesome post! I agree that you shouldn’t eat foods you don’t enjoy just because they are healthy. Easy for me to say though because I like pretty much everything 🙂 They are so many foods out there that you should certainly eat the ones you enjoy. The “right” food choices for one individual may be completely different from another. I use other bloggers diets only as ideas for myself. I may try eating a certain food for breakfast and then decide I’m not enjoying it or it’s not keeping me full long enough and try eating something else. I love all of the recipe ideas on all of the blogs because they help add so much variation to my diet. Regarding chia seeds- I love them. I use them mostly in overnight oats or chia pudding but I’ve also added them to baked goods, pancakes, granola bars etc for a little extra nutritional boost.

  10. Jennifer says

    Thanks for this great post! I have always hated dairy milk. I didn’t like the look, taste, or smell of it. However, when I was a kid, my mother insisted upon buying it and insisted that at least occasionally I drink it or put some in my cereal (which I ultimately stopped eating entirely) because she claimed that I “needed calcium.” One day, she was complaining to a doctor that I did not ever drink milk. He looked at her and said, “Ma’am, your daughter is not a baby cow. Milk is for baby cows not humans. If she doesn’t want to drink it don’t make her.” 🙂

    Recently, I discovered almond milk and coconut milk, which taste much better and are fortified with more calcium anyway.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      LOL Oh I wish your doctor had been mine! I was the same way. My mom had to put chocolate in my milk in order for me to drink it. I would NOT drink plain milk, and she was so afraid I wouldn’t get enough calcium.

  11. Laura@keepinghealthygettingstylish says

    I lurrve chia seeds and have been making your oats with them for a while then waking up to amazing overnight oats in the morning! I think your totally right, if you love things like broccoli then thats great but whats the point in eating (or doing) something you don’t love, even for the sake of health? I think good food should nourish your soul as well as your body, something that can certainly be said for your amazing recipes!

  12. Jenny says

    I second Leslie’s very first words: Awesome [awesome awesome awesome] post! I’m jumping on what I’m sure will be a huge bandwagon of people agreeing that YES, you’re absolutely right – in my opinion – about not forcing ourselves to choke down foods that we don’t like, merely because they’re touted as healthy or superfoods. I never eat foods that I hate just because they’re healthy, and similarly I most certainly don’t fight allergies in order to eat some of the healthiest foods in the world (coconut oil or butter, eggs…).

    I used to feel pressured to eat like bloggers, until I noticed that a common theme amongst the blogs was that the bloggers’ opinions seemed to all say one thing: “To each their own”. And it’s not like all the food bloggers eat alike, anyway! So I spent less/no time copying bloggers and more time finding what works specifically for me… and it’s done wonders. 🙂

    Thank you thank you thank you for bringing this topic up! It’s great to be reminded that we shouldn’t ignore our preferences and enjoyment of life, and that there are numerous ways to get nutrients from other foods. As for chia seeds… I love ’em! It’s fun to take advantage of their ability to expand, of course, but I have to admit that I also love sprinkling them on stuff. Makes food look so pretty!

    Have a great Thursday~!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Aw, I’m so glad you liked the post! I just feel like there is a reason a person doesn’t like a particular food. Ya know? Like, maybe their dislike is their body’s way of saying, “This isn’t good for me, personally.” I always think it is so funny how we can be so different. For example, you could not make my grandpa’s food spicy enough… yet my mom (his daughter) hates ALL spicy food!

  13. Laura says

    “life is too short to eat food you don’t absolutely love”
    Keep in mind this is a really privileged stance. Not everyone can afford the cost in time or in money to eat only foods they love.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yeah, I guess that’s true. Thanks for bringing this up. You’re right that food is nourishment first and foremost for many people in the world, and they don’t have the luxury of choosing what they want to eat. I didn’t mean for my post to sound elitist :(.
      But if you ARE lucky enough to have a choice, don’t waste it!

  14. Nicole @ Giraffelegs says

    THANK YOU, for saying that we are all different and that our bodies requires different amounts of food. When I first entered the blogging world I would compare myself for just about every food/health blogger out there. Then I realized that my body may need more/less food depending on the day, or my cravings or how tall I am etc. Being healthy is a state of mind and feeling good about yourself, not how much you eat compared to someone else=)

  15. Pam says

    What kind/brand of chia seeds did you use and where did you buy them? I used them once. I forget what kind I bought. But I could never get good results from them.

  16. Allie says

    I love chia seeds in overnight oats–glad you gave them another try! I haven’t used them in hot oatmeal yet, but I’m just not a hot-oatmeal-in-summer sort of person. And I dislike smoothies. Don’t care how much the health world loves smoothies/shakes and how often recipes appear all over the place, I just want to EAT my food, and will not go for the health benefits of green smoothies/etc because I know I won’t be satisfied. That said, I like giving health food a go, because you never know what you might find and like.

  17. Molly says

    Oh my gosh, I hate avocados too! Like, literally, I HATE them! My parents buy them all the time and I tried one and spit it out. I told my mom it tasted like a vegetable trying to be a meat. Haha I have no idea where that statement came from but its how I felt :p

  18. Lauren says

    I’m pretty sure every single blogger in the universe eats oatmeal for breakfast but I do NOT! Maybe I should re-name my blog “NOT an oatmeal eater”. Don’t get me wrong, I like oatmeal but for some reason it is just a little too heavy for me for breakfast. Instead, I start every day with two eggs scrambled, an english muffin and some fruit. I think the blogging world needs to give some more props to EGGS!

      • Paula says

        Now I’m confused. I thought you were an ethical vegan Katie. You think a blog supporting consumption of eggs would be a good thing? Please clarify.

        Also, I am disappointed to see that some of your readers still don’t have a clue or a heart about animal exploitation, suffering or slaughter.

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Ohhhhhh no. I didn’t say anything about the eggs. I said I think her idea to start a blog called “not an oatmeal eater” would be popular. So many people tell me that they don’t like oatmeal!

      • hannah @ Theflexitarianeater says

        And yes, I ONLY eat eggs from my local farmers market (and believe me, I have interrogated the farmer extensively) or from my neighbors chickens! Please don’t be so quick to judge…

        • Lauren says

          I’m also very picky about where I get my eggs…usually they are from my personal friend who has chickens in her backyard! Of course I’m still sensitive to those who don’t eat any animal products and those that love their oatmeal 🙂

        • Paula says

          Still I wonder what happens to the male chicks even in these “humane” scenarios … and so, yes I am quick to judge (especially when someone generally refers to eggs). I don’t trust it, don’t trust it all.

  19. Paula says

    But doesn’t heating the chia (or flaxseed for that matter too) reduce its value?

    Katie — do you like hemp/hemp milk? I tried hemp milk and it’s thumbs down.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I don’t know about the heating thing. I never thought about it! I’d be interested to know… but honestly, I get enough omega 3s anyway, so it’s no big deal.
      I’ve heard that overcooking your broccoli reduces its nutritional value… but that doesn’t stop me from microwaving it for 12 minutes! Oops ;).

      And I am right there with you on hemp milk! YUCK! Hemp protein powder too!

  20. Barb says

    I love chia seeds! I bake them in pretty much everything… I’ve been putting them in my oatmeal, homebaked bread, and granola bars for a year now!

  21. Megan says

    THANK YOU for your encouraging and empowering post! I don’t have a blog but I definitely keep up with all the blogging foodies. I often feel like I am so unhealthy because I don’t eat ______ food. Thanks for reminding me that everyone is completely different! I am recovering from ED and so my meal plan looks different (and sometimes bigger) than other people…and that’s okay! Also, chia pudding never looked appealing to me either; however, I do like them in overnight oats!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh my gosh, yes, it is definitely ok to be different! I do not eat at all like my friends… but we have taught each other things along the way. I’ve taught them to like tofu, and they taught me about the joys of eating pillsbury frosting from the tub.
      Oops, I mean… I did not just say that on a healthy-living blog ;).
      (Hey, it’s actually vegan!)

  22. Carrie (Moves 'N Munchies) says

    I LOVE VOLUMINOUS OATS! i made a trick too with oat bran that works magically..! ive tried chias before but sometimes i get get over the texture!! volume is a win tho! i think ill have some oats from lunch in my dorm room!/…. nahh i never ocmpare myself.. i just do what i want and eat what i want and i know im doing fine that way!

  23. Paula says

    Eggs? Gosh, if you are not vegan-conscious then I at least hope that the eggs you’re talking about are truly free-range and raised with a no-kill intent. If not, please see some footage.

        • Lorin says

          Some people like to eat eggs and that’s there choice, stop attacking people about what they like to eat without even knowing them.

          • Paula says

            Ahhh … another invocation of the notion of personal choice. I take it you would protect the choices of pedophiles, slave and sex traders, Jeffrey Dahmer, Michael Vick, genociders, agricultural workers who suffocate or wood-chip male chicks …? Personal choice is fine as no-one, including an animal, directly or indirectly gets hurt. What’s your definition — I like it and it tastes good so I’m going to do it and don’t tell me what to do? Very smart, very smart.

            And in case you didn’t know it, this is a pro-vegan website, and my reaction was quite appropriate. I wasn’t attacking anyone, I was defending these animals by telling it like it is. What does knowing a person have to do with anything?

  24. Sylvia (My Attempt at Balanced Living) says

    I don’t force myself to eat anything that I don’t want to but I did think it was weird that I seemed to be the only one that wasn’t a fan of oats in the morning. I did keep trying oats and found a way to enjoy them in things other than oatmeal cookies. BUT onions and I will just never be friends! Thanks so much for bringing this up 🙂

  25. The Teenage Taste says

    I wouldn’t use the word “pressured”, but I’d definitely say I have been influenced by bloggers and their meals. Haven’t we all? I believe I’ve been influenced in a good way though. Blogging has taught me that it’s okay and necessary to have some healthy fats in my diet and it has introduced me to many great things that I couldn’t imagine life without now! 🙂

  26. Julene says

    Do chia seeds have a taste to them? I’ve seen them mentioned in a lot of recipes lately but am wary… completely without reason, apparently.

  27. Michaela says

    I really like that post, thank you.
    I NEVER eat something only because it´s good for me, never!! I feel eating has to be something enjoyable and I do pretty well with the food I eat 😉

  28. Lissy says

    there’s really only a handful of foods I hate and the only healthy one is asparagus. It’s been pretty easy to avoid 🙂
    I’m not a big fan of meat, but I eat it out of convenience (don’t want people cooking special for me) and to not feel sick when I really am craving a good burger.
    The last time and only time in the past year when I’ve forced myself to eat something was the turkey wrap at Jekyl and Hyde. it wasn’t healthy, but I had to eat for the sake of keeping myself fueled and it was just the worst meal I ever had. salt salt salt

  29. lindsay says

    the comparison trap really strains us, doesnt it. Everyone has different needs, wants, etc. when it comes to food and we should embrace our so called “individuality” when it comes to food choices. And that definitely takes time and confidence. Well said Katie!

  30. Aja says

    Looks good, and I bet a lot of oatmeal lovers will enjoy it, but for some reason I have a kind of intolerance for oatmeal. I couldn’t eat it as a kid and I tried again when I read all these blogs and how much they loved it, but I just can’t enjoy it.

    I hate comparing myself to other people. I always feel terrible for it so I try to stop as soon as I can.

  31. Cait @ Urban Fencepost says

    I got a lot of good recipe ideas from other bloggers, but I don’t ever feel pressured to eat certain things. I’ll give all the foods a fair shot, but if I don’t like them, I’m not eating them. Way too many things out there I DO like to be wasting my time with foods I don’t.

  32. Caitie says

    I definately have to have my morning oatmeal or oatbran. If you haven’t tried oatbran yes I completely recommend it! I find it’s much creamier than oatmeal and has much more fibre in it. While I’ve never tried chia seeds in my oatmeal/bran I usually add in 1 tbsp of flax seeds (you have to love those omega fatty acids!). I assume it would have about the same effect as chia seeds as it adds a fun bite to it!

  33. Alyssa says

    Amen! Life is too short for (IMO) brussels sprouts. So Hubby gets more!
    I’m going to have to try the blender trick, as well as the banana trick.
    I think when your book comes out I may have to quit my job, just so I have time to focus on making all your recipes!!!!!!

  34. lynne says

    I’ve actually never tried chia seeds…but they sound yummy now! Hm, yea i’ve def eaten some food just because they’re healthy. like fish bones (YUCK!) i didn’t want to eat them, but they were “supposedly” supposed to improve my bones…

  35. Rachel @ The Avid Appetite says

    I really love your tips for making oatmeal last longer and taste better! I do like oatmeal, but I feel like sometimes other bloggers can really go overboard on their obsession with it and posting about it I get it that it’s good, but…it’s just oatmeal! I can’t wait to try out your tips!

  36. Tara says

    Ick, I never make myself eat things just because it’s a blog world trend! Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of oatmeal. I like it occasionally – I had oat bran this morning at it was AWESOME, and it had chia seeds but thats not the point – I’m not gonna force myself to eat it because everyone else does. Luckily there aren’t many foods that I don’t like!
    Have you tried using chia seeds as an egg? It works just like a flax egg, in fact I personally think it works better!

  37. Char says

    Yeeeaaahhh, Katie!! You tell it, girl!! 😉

    I used to struggle with eating ‘perfect,’ but I’ve gotten to the point where I eat what I want, when I want, & feel HAPPY about it! Life is meant to be enjoyed!! 🙂

  38. Amber K says

    I can’t eat things I don’t like, whether they are healthy or not. If something hits my tastebuds wrong I can’t even swallow. Blech. I am a FUN dinner guest, really. 😉

    Like, I love the idea of getting to eat a huge bowl of oatmeal, but I only like oatmeal if it is super thick and dense with the consistency of an oatmeal cookie. Which automatically leads to only a smaller portion.

  39. hannah @ Theflexitarianeater says

    What a wonderful post, Katie! I wholeheartedly agree that one should never force him or herself to eat something unappetizing! I love healthy food, but there are definitely some healthy foods I absolutely will not eat (beets being the primary one haha). I personally don’t worry too much about what I eat compared to others, but I can definitely see how that could be and is a problem.

    As for the chia sweds, I’m so glad you posted this, because I just tried making chia seed pudding and DID NOT enjoy it one bit. But just last night I was thinking to myself that I still ought to try chia seeds in my oats… What perfect timing!

      • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

        Ooh I am right there with you on the beets! In fact, I picked up a beet the other day on the Whole Foods hot bar, because it sounded good (marinated in orange-sesame sauce, or something like that). But even in the yummy-sounding sauce, I still didn’t like it!

        Also, i-phones are the bane of my existence! My mom keeps asking if I want one for Christmas every year, and I keep saying NO! I can’t type on those things at all! lol

  40. Jess says

    cool trick! i’ll take my chia seeds with me. personally, i use chia b/c i find it tasteless, but prefer them ground, otherwise they end up stuck in my teeth. i used to sneak them in those homemade larabar/fudge baby recipes, but i haven’t made those recently.

  41. Aine @ Something to Chew Over says

    I wish I could try this, it seems like every post I read these days features chia seeds! But they’re simply not available in Ireland. I usually sub in ground flax anywhere chia is used but I don’t know if it’s that suitable a substitution? Having never had chia seeds 🙁

    I don’t force myself to eat any food I don’t like – I think there are so many different options out there that there’s really no need. It might be different if I didn’t like an entire food group, like vegetables in general, but that’s not the case for me. Why force myself to eat oranges when I love all other fruit? I’ll just eat all the other options!

          • Aine @ Something to Chew Over says

            Aww thanks anyway Katie, Maybe they’ll make it to our shores one day 🙂

          • Jenny$1983 says

            Hi Aine – I live in England and I get mine from as they’re the cheapest, not sure if they deliver to Ireland (it says UK), but if they don’t might deliver to you, and also have chia seeds in stock. It’s worth checking out! HTH 🙂

          • Nic says

            Aine, I live in Ireland too and I order Chia Seeds from! A big tub costs $3.50 to ship, I can’t remember the price of the tub itself but I know it’s way cheaper than my local healthfood store.

          • deisegal says

            Another vote for iherb delivering to Ireland here! I’ve also seen chia seeds in Nourish health food stores and Down to Earth on George’s Street (but those are all Dublin based which might not suit). I’ve only bought one pack of chia seeds in an actual shop though becuase iherb still works out cheaper even with shipping ! The post man in work just LOVES me as I’m always getting packagings 😉

  42. Amy @ Elephant Eats says

    I actually put them in cooked oatmeal too! I purosefully cook my oatmeal with too much water. After 2ish min in the microwave, I take it out and stir in 1 Tbsp chia seeds, then let it sit for 5 mine. Stir it up, and voila, no more liquid in the bowl! Perfect for when you add too much water by mistake too!

  43. Jen says

    I completely agree with you about not eating food we don’t like, just because it’s healthy. That’s such bullshit. Life is too short to eat foods we don’t enjoy. There are so many healthy foods out there, that there is definitely no shortage of nutritious things to eat…nutritious things that we actually WANT to eat.

    I don’t like veggie juice, so I’m not going to go juice a stalk celery no matter how many other bloggers do it. That goes against eating intuitively, which is something I strongly believe in. Satisfaction comes from giving our bodies what they want. 🙂

  44. Girl In The Pink says

    Sometimes I really want to like foods that everyone else likes. My struggle is eggplant – it s such a common vegetarian option at restaurants, but I just can’t get on board with it!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I have a love/hate relationship with eggplant. Some days I love it, others I hate its texture… I think it also depends on the eggplant. You can get a really ripe, yummy one, or a really chewy, icky one!

      • Nathalie says

        Have you ever tried the small Japanese eggplants? They’re sweet enough to eat raw, whereas the typical (huge) ones you can get in the states are quite bitter.

  45. A Tablespoon of Liz says

    Thanks for this post! I loved it. I went through that with my blog, the whole, I have to eat what other people are eating. And you were right, it didn’t work out. My blog felt fake. So I started eating and posting what I wanted to, and it’s sooooo much better. p.s.- that oatmeal looks soo good! I’m so glad it’s summer and fresh fruit and berries are in abundance.

  46. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    My eating style is different from a lot of bloggers simply by virtue of my schedule. I eat a lot of leftovers because I cook at the beginning of the week. And I definitely only eat things I enjoy! Life’s too short. I’m glad you found a way to get your chia in!

  47. carrie says

    Love this post – I hope your thoughts travel all around the blog world! And I’m with you…not a fan of chia pudding… but also thankful I was able to read about it and discover that for myself! (I’m also not an oatmeal person, but hopefully i make it up to you by still dreaming about your “hummus” cookie pie! :). Thanks always for speaking honestly and doing what you do. And for chocolate-coating it!

  48. Holly @ The Runny Egg says

    There are plenty of foods I don’t like — #1 being coconut!!! I’ll trade you all the coconuts in the world for the avocados that you don’t like 🙂

    I don’t feel pressured to eat/try certain foods, I feel more pressure to make sure everything is organic, from mindful companies, etc — and for me that is hard to keep up with. I do the best I can but I’m not perfect.

  49. LizAshlee says

    Great trick! I am all about getting the most volume out of the least ingredients!! 🙂

    I don’t feel pressured to eat foods I don’t like-I typically will find a modification for the ingredient to make it more suitable for me! I am pretty open-minded when it comes to trying new foods though and willing to try pretty much anything!

    Enjoy a lovely day!

  50. Faith @ lovelyascharged says

    I will make myself try a food even if I don’t think I’ll like it, but I won’t (and CANT) make myself actually like something. That’s just life!

    Although, I think we balance the blog world perfectly. You can have all the icky coconut shtuff and I’ll take all of the avocado deliciousness. Deal?

  51. Emilia says

    What a great post! So true indeed: what we enjoy and how much we require is so unique to us and not the same for everybody. When I was little I was forced to eat veggies, nuts and other things I didn’t enjoy as I didn’t like them at all. Coincidentally, now, I love them– maybe eating a few things I didn’t like caused me to love them in adult life 🙂
    Really though, so spot- on. We shouldn’t eat foods we don’t like just because we think it’s healthy. Lucky for us there’s SO many more options out there to get in healthy nutrition!
    Also, I heart chia seeds!

  52. Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says

    I have been trying to like avacado and cottage cheese for awhile….YUCK!! I dont wanna force-feed them any longer haha. I am actually still on the fence about chia seeds, I need to get more to try again 🙂 great post girl!!

  53. kaila @ healthy helper! says

    I actually don’t like chia seeds either. I think they have no taste whatsoever and they get stuck in my teeth…yuck! I know they have good nutrients but I would rather eat nuts or flax for the same nutrients because atleast those add some flavor! Chia’s are just kind of….blaaaah.

  54. O.C. says

    Yay for this post 🙂 agreed that life is too short to eat things we don’t like. And everyone likes different things! That’s what there are so many interesting kinds of food.
    I am so trying chia seeds in oats. I put them in smoothies to thicken them up but I’d never think to do it with oats.!

  55. Ellie@fitforthesoul says

    awww you’re such a sweetie, Katie! I love how you don’t want others to compare themselves to you. I think that shows humility and genuine care and concern 😀 To be honest~~with the exception of crazy greasy foods, and all that stuff like soda, I like almost about anything!! Like you said, we’re all different in our food preferences and tolerance, and for some reason almost any food that’s actually deemed “healthy” is delicious to me. After all, I was the child that ate all her veggies 😉

  56. Ragnhild says

    I love your answer to these questions Katie! THAT is what healthy eating means! Listening to our own body, and not what any blogger, friend, family, whatever says. Of course, hearing other views and options are great, but in the end, it is your own body who knows best!

    I would love to see what you eat in a day. But at the same time, I think it is so great of you to not post it! I know we all are compering ourselfs to each other (I know I am, at least). Im working on not doing that. But I do find it helpful to see that other bloggers eats, and that I should up my food intake!

    Have a wonderful day sweetie <3

  57. Kristin @ STUFT Mama says

    You’re awesome. I love that you talked about this. Not only have I noticed that I felt pressure to try certain foods because other bloggers do, but I actually put on a few pounds trying too many new things (that aren’t a part of my normal eating habits) and spent A LOT of money on new expensive ingredients that I don’t usually ahve around the house. Ha ha ha! I’m taking a step back and refocusing a little.
    Gotta love the oats though!!!! 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Expensive ingredients, yes!!! Reading blogs can be expensive!
      I’m always curious when I read about a new foodie product… like Sun Warrior. Everyone raves about it, but you have to buy a big tub online, which means a lot of $$ and extra shipping. So far, I’ve resisted that one, but who knows in the future!

      Or companies sending you products that you get hooked on? Yes Artisana, I am looking at you! 😉

  58. Abby says

    Terrific post, Katie! This was so helpful for me. I am one of the ones who’s been asking you to do a day in the life, and now I can totally understand why I shouldn’t be looking to you as an example of what to eat even though I do look to you as a shining example of how to eat without guilt. You’ve helped me in my struggle to conquer my ED so so so much, and I am so grateful to you!

  59. sarah says

    oh thanks for this post, in the past I have ate things i didn’t like but not because they were good for me particulary but because of the calories and that they were safe. now I am still tryin g to work out what foods i do like not what my ed likes! I need to try chai seeds though.

  60. Bianca says

    I love chia seeds, but I wasn’t super crazy about them in the uncooked overnight oats. I liked chia pudding though….so I will try your cooked version. I bet its delish! There’s actually no food I don’t like, except for licorice….which is really not a food anyway. Oh, I’m also not so crazy about arugala. I guess that’s two foods.

  61. Katherine says

    I love the bowl, and the oats look rocking.
    I have never tried salt in my oats. It seems so strange…

  62. Julia says

    I used to eat Flinstone’s vitamins because my mom said they were good for me. They were disgusting haha, but I don’t think that’s what you meant.
    But seriously- I truly don’t like bananas that much but feel like I’m totally missing out because they are on every blog every day! I guess everyone else’s banana is my apple…=)

  63. Lindsey @ Why Just Eat says

    Thanks for posting a recipe with chia seeds! I’ve had a rather large container of them sitting on my kitchen counter for several weeks, just begging to be tried. But they scare me. I’m going to put them in my oatmeal in the morning and hope for the best! (I’ve also heard they are great in muffins)

  64. Jessica says

    Ever since reading blogs and discovering new foods, I have experimented with said foods, but I, too, have not liked all of them! I can remember the day when I was so excited to try the much raved about coconut water-hated it. Absolutely hated it. I fully agree with you saying that everyone eats different and no one is the same! 🙂

  65. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Chia seeds make everything just expand and grow and puff up…truly they make things never ending. The volume they generate is mind blowing!

    Do you ever eat foods you don’t really like, just because they’re good for you? = sometimes I would rather have cookies than salads but in the end, I know the salad contains what I need nutrient wise. But I always follow it up with cookies if I am still wanting those, too 🙂

    Or do you ever feel pressured to eat a certain food because other bloggers like it? = no but I am a 30something grown woman. If I was 18 or 22 and reading blogs, I could definitely see falling into this trap. And sometimes I impulse buy products (less now though!) b/c i see someone use it or buy it and I dont even want the item…but b/c so and so tried it, I do too.

    There sphere has been great for getting me to try certain things that i never would have known about but there is a fine line between pressure and trying things just to try them and that line blurs for many I feel, sadly.

    And good for you for NOT posting a day in the life b/c yes, comparisons. Not good! I talk about this all the time, too!

  66. Moni'sMeals says

    I love this trick, I love my oatmeal but it must be nice and thick. 🙂 i have been doing this for awhile now with the chia seeds, so great!

    I agree, eat what you like rather than force it.

    I am a lucky one, I love almost all “healthy” foods but that does not mean I don’t eat just about everything too. 🙂

  67. Ann Claire says

    Ah I love this post! You are so right about not comparing ourselves to others in what we eat (or in anything). I think I’m the old food blogger that doesn’t like sweet potatoes or bananas, but oh well there’s lot of other nutritious food that I do love! and your oatmeal looks delicious! Your photos are so pretty, as always 🙂

  68. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    I always put chia in my oats! And in everything else, really. I enjoy feeling the little bubbles in my mouth! reminds me of a soda my mom used to by me when I was little and there was a babysitter coming….I wasn’t very good about letting m parents leave…even if it was only for a couple hours…

    And I don’t really judge my eating habits on other people’s or bloggers. I mean heck, I don’t eat any dairy, gluten, or sugar! Most foods I can’t eat anyway! And I’m ok with that. I have fun experimenting with my own diet and making my own choices with it.

  69. Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel says

    i agree, life is too short to force feed yourself something just because its healthy, even if you don’t like it. i would never want to see you eat avocado with a look of disgust on your face as you cringe aweee, but oatmeal is a welcomed staple 🙂

    xoxo <3

  70. Aly says

    Hey Katie,

    First of all, love Chia seeds for growing oatmeal too and I haven’t found any other uses either. The bag I have is about a year old! Maybe one of your readers will suggest something fabulous?!

    Also, I have a question about your blog (like your actual blog, the technical part). I looked for an email address, but couldn’t find one. If you don’t mind, maybe you could email me at when you have a second?


  71. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    Aaah SO with you here!! Awesome post!! Actually, I can’t really think of a food right now I don’t like, but I’m sure there is, and I NEVER eat something if I don’t want it! Food is AMAZING and there to be enjoyed 🙂

    P.S. Guess what is in my fridge right now waiting for tomorrow morning? I’ll let you know what I think then, but I can tell you already that I will LOVE it cos it’s a Katie recipe and I’ve yet to try one that I DON’T love!! 😛

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh now I feel pressured to not mess up in the future! But seriously, Emma, my feelings would not be hurt if you ever didn’t like one of my recipes! I can’t think of any way that I would stop loving you to bits and pieces like I do now! 😉

  72. BroccoliHut says

    I can’t say I’ve really experimented much (yet!) with chia seeds. They’re a great source of calcium though!
    I remember feeling pressured to get in on the Green Monster trend with raw kale–let’s just say that was the only time I can remember pouring a smoothie down the drain.

  73. joanne says

    you should try adding flaxmeal to oatmeal. it makes everything SO juicy and big and voluminous and everything else i think you’d like. plus it tastes great 🙂

  74. Nathalie says

    I dunno if I can say I let pressure to eat certain foods affect me, but I definitely am open to food suggestion! I will almost invariably try a food if it is available to me or made known to me.

    I agree with you on the avocado thing though. I don’t find that avocado added to sandwiches/salads/on their own do much for me. BUT, and this is a big BUT, avocado *smoothies* are pure awesome. Sweetened like I dessert, I love ’em. Add sweetener, maybe some coconut extract/oil, a pinch of salt, a bit of ice and blend away. It’s really good and refreshing in the summer.

    As for foods I genuinely dislike…. grapefruit. I can’t get over the bitter element. Also most fake fruit flavors. (Artificial banana = suck, real banana = win)

    I can’t think of any food I dislike to the point of flat-out refusing to consume it save for alcohol. I HATE alcohol.

      • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

        I’m not big on alcohol either… I told my friend that maybe it’s because alcohol is sweet and fruity, not rich and creamy and chocolatey (well, the vegan ones, anyway). But even in chocolate drinks, it just has such a STRONG flavor. I probably just don’t like it because I don’t like when one flavor trumps all others and makes it impossible for you to enjoy all the distinct tastes. Like cilantro. Yuck!

  75. Rebecca says

    Well said. Everyone’s different and what works for one person might not work for another. Each body is different and the important thing is learning what you like and what your body needs. If I don’t like something I won’t eat it, healthy or not, you have to make sure your physically and mentally happy.

  76. Jess says

    Yummm! I like your voluminous oat trick Katie! It makes me excited to get up in the morning and see them! Also a healthy food I cant bring myself to like even when i mix it in muffins or something is banana. I dont know why there is something about them I really dislike, its a good thing I like oats though cos theres alot of oat recipes on here 🙂

  77. Jess says

    hahahha also I ate raw kale the other day to be healthy but i bit down so hard a small corner of my tooth chipped off! think i need to eat it some other way thats a littly yummier and less dangerous…lOL!

  78. Damjana says

    I try to eat foods I like but sometimes I make something which doesn’t taste so good. Then I’m in dilemma wheter to eat it or to waste it. Usually I do eat it because it’s better than to stay hungry. When there’s nothing tasty around I’d eat untasty foods just because I need to eat something.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I hate wasting food too! Usually, I try to save something that isn’t good, by adding new flavors or a sauce. But sometimes I’ll also try to pawn it off on a friend. Some of my guy friends will eat ANYthing!

  79. Karine says

    I totally agree with what you said! “Healthy foods” don’t mean “foods-you-have-to-eat-otherwise-you-are-a-bad-person”..!
    By the way, what do you think about “superfoods” like chlorella, spirulina, lucuma, maca, etc.? I sometimes wonder if is actually worth to buy them, because they are so expensive (and a lot of people live well without them)(not to mention that these foods travel a lot to get to your plate)… On the other hand, they seem so good-for-you, fun, etc… but I wonder how far the sellers influence our judgment.
    Anyway, I digress.
    Don’t you have “two kinds” of “healthy food” that you don’t like?
    For me, it’s as if there are the “foods I don’t like and I don’t want to like” (like natto, combination of mint+chocolate or orange+chocolate, vegetables juice, etc.), and “foods that I don’t like but wish I’d like them” (like olives, umeboshi, dulse, etc.)…

    • cck says

      Yeah, I don’t really think it’s worth the high cost… you’re so right that people are healthy without them! Now, if it were a proven fact that someone who eats acai powder or maca or whatever lives 10 years longer, then I’d definitely get on that bandwagon! 🙂

  80. Hannah says

    Teehee, I wish I’d known you didn’t like chia earlier, because I would’ve told you to do precisely this with them! I’ve never been able to make chia seeds into raw pudding (they just never thicken up for me the way they do in the blog world!!) but I love how thick and solid they make cooked oatmeal when you add them at the beginning. Solid chia oats may or may not be my standard work lunch 😉

  81. Mihika says

    Hey Katie! I love my chia, so it’s nice to see them on your blog, only they’re about 10 times the price of flaxseeds so I usually don’t buy them! Tip: I suggest not microwaving your chia, because heat destroys the omega-3s. If you stir them in at the end you’ll get the same result + omega-3s!

  82. Emily says

    Awesome awesome post! And I have a bag of chia seeds that would be perfect for this breakfast. I’m going to try it out tomorrow :)!

  83. Jenny$1983 says

    I’ve had to use this method quite often because I actually fail completely at your voluminous oats trick: it won’t work for me whatever I do (cooked on full, medium and low power in the microwave for various amounts of time with different grains, cooked on the stovetop…), so after several tries I put chia seeds in, which actually didn’t fully absorb all of the water either, but more than the oats alone. Now I tend to just keep trying it then draining the water off (because I fail) when I come to eat them.

    I’d been eating the VOO recipes from Oh She Glows every single day for breakfast until I found your site (now I alternate them with yours 🙂 ), so I’m very familiar with chia seeds and their magical effect! Love them 🙂

  84. Charlie says

    I don’t eat foods I don’t like just because they’re good for me, but I try to make myself eat something I don’t like at least a couple times before deciding I really don’t like eat! Most of the time, I end up loving it!
    Sometimes, I also begin by adding a little to a recipe and adding a little more each time.

  85. Jackie says

    I made this and am going to eat it tomorrow morning after my run. I don’t know yet what I’m going to put in it.

    I also went a little stir-crazy this weekend and made your deep dish cookie pie, raw chocolate fudge cake, some variations of lunabars/fudge babies (you have to try “chocolate covered cherry”: cocoa powder, dried cherries, dates, and cashews), and blueberry pancakes. My poor blender and food processor! Both are old and not very powerful. I am pining for a vita-mix!

  86. Kayla says

    Let’s face it. I really don’t like avocado either! But I also don’t see why everyone loves coconut butter so much. I love the blog world because I’ve learned SO MUCH about trying new foods, but just because one of my favorite bloggers likes something doesn’t mean I will and it doesn’t mean I still have to eat it! It was a hard concept to learn!

  87. Monica says

    There’s just so much to do with chia seeds! I love adding them into smoothies, and oatmeal. It’s amazing how such a tiny seed can grow and make something more voluminous.

  88. amber says

    i love to make chia pudding! it’s especially good when you grind the seeds first, makes for an extra smooth pudding. i’m also going to start adding them to my smoothies, once my vita mix gets here! yay vitamix!!!

  89. Rachel F. says

    I’ve been meaning to try chia seeds in my overnight oats in a jar (OOIJ) for forever. I’d also like to put them in smoothies.

  90. hannah says

    i’ll use them in all sorts of recipes, the one i’m thinking of right now are homemade vegan energy bars!

  91. Jody says

    I’d just add them to the top of my already amazing bowl of deliciousness since I already have oatmeal with greek yogurt and fresh fruit every moring (this am it was blackberries and strawberries, tomorrow raspberries from my neighbours garden. SCORE.) Teeheehee. Love Berry season. I’ve been wanting to try Chia seeds but haven’t made my way over to the 1 health food store in town to look for them.

  92. Erin says

    I would use the chia seeds in a pudding, or try as an egg/fat replacer in baked goods.
    I’ve made some chia gel pudding before and it was tasty. I’ve also added them to homemade granola.

  93. Tricia says

    If i were to be graced with the presence of chia seeds in my household, I would make extremely volumous oatmeal and chia pudding and probably put them in cookies and put them in cupcakes and muffins as well 🙂

  94. Amber says

    Most of my diet is foods that aren’t exactly normal tastebud heaven. Like green smoothies with tons of bitter wild greens packed in and the only sweetness comes from a handfull of blueberries and a few drops of the herb stevia. One of my favorite sweet snacks, however, is (unsweetened) yogurt with a big spoonful of Chia seed. I put in a few drops of stevia extract, a sprinkle of cinnamon and a little vanilla in it and even my kids will eat it. 🙂

  95. Nicole Miele says

    WOW! I would love to make vegan chia muffins! I’ve been making jam lately and I bet I could come up with a jam recipe with chia seeds in it…YUM! Or pudding! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  96. Vegan Alexandra says

    Stir them in oatmeal,
    bake them in a cookie,
    dunk ’em like O’neal
    puff ’em up like Snookie


  97. Albizia says

    I have never tried chia seeds but i have always wonder how they change the consistence and are the vegan overnight oats really as good as they look.

  98. Charissa says

    I will be putting them on every smoothie and bowl of oatmeal I eat. And then putting them in my vegan superfudge bars…and then make a pudding…and then…

  99. Robyn says

    i use chia seeds in my raw mint chocolate chip cookies! (i use them in my overnight oats, too! super yum)

    the sprouting chia seeds story is HI-LARIOUS.

  100. Jocelyn Rodgers says

    I LOVE CHIA SEEDS!!!!! If I were to win, I would continue to use the chia seeds in my oatmeal but I also have a great brownies for 2 recipe that I will use them in!!! Yum!!

  101. Maria @ runningcupcake says

    Great post! I like reading blogs and I have discovered new recipes that I love. I also bought spirulina after seeing loads of people add it to their green smoothies (and reading about health benefits etc). Well, I could not stand the salty fishy taste- nothing I put in it would hide the taste, so I gave it away and learnt a lesson!
    Someone recently sent me some chia seeds (Lucy from porridge and parsnips) and I quite like them mixed with a mashed banana, cocoa powder and milk, and then left to thicken up- makes a nice chocolate puding.

  102. katie says

    AHH I would love to put the chia seeds in some sort of protein muffin recipe! I bet they would add a great texture!!! I also love chia gel in my oatmeal, it adds SO MUCH volume!!

  103. Jessica H says

    I love soaking them overnight with oatmeal and blending in a smoothie! They do not sell them around here! I would love to win!

  104. Amy says

    What will I do with the chia seeds? Well I would make endless amounts of oatmeal bowls, so I would be eating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    I actually really love over night oats with chia seeds in them. I looove how fluffy and fat they get! 😀

  105. Peonyjen says

    I add chia seeds to our daily bowls of steel cut oats and the occasional smoothie. I’ve been wanting to try the chia seed pudding, but yet the thought of it gives me the heebie jeebies.
    I also use chia gel as an egg replacement in baked goods, since my little one has a severe egg allergy.

  106. Darlene says

    I LOVE making chocolate chia pudding. I could eat it til I burst! I got my mom to try it and she liked it…but said I need to add raspberry to justify the seedy texture lol. I think I’m gonna try it 🙂

  107. Fran@ Broken Cookies Don't Count says

    I usually add my chia seeds to my cooked oatmeal. Since I’ve recently gotten into the whole overnight oats surge, I’m using chia seeds in that too. They are great and I like the idea of a natural source of so many healthy things like the omega-3.

  108. Lindsey @ Why Just Eat says

    If I win chia seeds, I will start a chia zoo in my kitchen window. My five year old says she would like to start the “Barbie Chia Experiment” to see which of her broken barbies (ie missing limbs) can grow chia hair. She won her school’s science experiment, so this will likely be a success! {I will also use them in oatmeal, muffins and cupcakes}

  109. Melissa says

    I love putting them in smoothies! Some greek yogurt, peanut butter, spinach, berries, almond milk, and chia seeds. Mmmmm!

  110. Sarah says

    If I won I would make pudding, put them in smoothies, and grind them into meal to add to pancakes and baked goods.

  111. Nicole G. says

    This is funny because I am actually eating oatmeal with chias right now! I currently have a bag of Tru Roots kind but they are almost gone-I would love to win =)

  112. Kim says

    I love chia seeds! I put them in my green monsters and oats for a good breakfast. I once found a great recipe for homemade jam that called for chia seeds to plump it up. It was fantastic!! I hope I win – then I can make more strawberry jam. 🙂

  113. Jen says

    How do I love chia seeds? Let me count the ways… Sprinkled on smoothies and pancakes, stirred into oats and greek yogurt, ground and put into baked goods… <3

  114. Anna says

    I mix a few chia seeds into my traditional oatmeal in the mornings, but I really like to use them as an egg replacer in my baked goods!

  115. Katie Ann says

    Oooh, I already had chia seeds on my grocery list to try after reading this post, but free would be too awesome. I’d definitely try them in the overnight oats, and the mysterious chia pudding I’ve read about but just cannot envision, and smoothies, and there would be much googling for more recipes. 🙂

  116. Rachel says

    i can’t contemplate how chia can get in your bra but i happen to find food in unusual places as well

    i used chia in my oatmeal before it ran out and that was about it, i’m not that creative! but i like how it added a different texture and some nutrition, and i also liked looking at the little dots 🙂

  117. Shannon Roche says

    i love overnight oats with chia seeds in them! i could eat it every morning.
    i also like to throw a handful of chia seeds into my cookies for some added nutrients!

  118. Kimberly says

    What a wonderful give-away! I love putting chia seeds in my oatmeal; they get so puffy and add a nice texture! Thanks Katie!

  119. Vanja says

    Chia seeds are great as a dietary supplement. They are so good for one, and you can use them in…well almost everything and don’t even notice that they are there. It wouldn’t just be great for me to win, but it will help my family, that is in general overweight. I could help them, especially my little sister, to get on a better road.

    Chia seeds are by the way almost impossible to find here in Norway.

  120. Lilly says

    hmmmm with a giant bag, I’d put them in everything! LOVE I would def try the never ending oatmeal too of course 😀

  121. Joanna says

    I’ve been adding chia seeds to almost everything lately! My favorites are in smoothies & especially overnight oats!

  122. Danielle says

    I admit it, I am really really curious to try the oatmeal. I eye chia seeds whenever I’m in a health food store, but I resist.

  123. courtney says

    Mmmm, I want to try a chia pudding! They look so tasty, and wonderful during these hot summer days when I don’t even want to turn the microwave on 😉

  124. Emma says

    I add chia to everything: vegan overnight oats (from Oh She Glows), smoothies, dips, sauces, you name it! I’ve never tried them in regular oatmeal, though…That might have to be my next venture!

  125. Megan says

    I love using chia seeds to make chocolate freezer cookies. I mix cocoa powder, mashed banana, almond milk, vanilla, and whatever cereal I have on hand, add chia seeds to thicken it up, form cute little balls, and freeze them for a quick chocolate fix.

  126. Erin says

    I have never tried chia seeds yet, but I have wanted to for awhile. I would put them in my yogurt and oatmeal!

  127. Amy Latterner says

    If I had chia seeds I would use them in many desserts like brownies (instead of eggs), PUDDING 🙂 (i love contrasting textures), yogurt, and of course overnight oatmeal. When I wake up in the morning to my overnight oats, i add half a melted banana 😉 (your trick), molasses, and a bunch of spices like cinnamon, cloves and ginger to make gingerbread oatmeal! The best! I think the chia seeds would make a great addition, but I don’t have a local health foods store available. Thanks for the oppertunity

  128. Lisa says

    I’ve been wanting to try chia seeds for a while. I want to make chia pudding, use chia eggs for baking, put it in oatmeal and smoothies, and make lemon chia muffins. Great giveaway!

  129. Shelby says

    I love chia seeds! I would put them not only in my oats but also in smoothies, chia pudding, and baked goods!

  130. Jenny$1983 says

    I confess I’d probably eat overnight oats 3 times a day if I could, so that’s mainly what I’d use them for, but I like them in baked goods as well: I made Angela’s (Oh She Glows) Cherry, Banana and Coconut Bread (that *does* taste as good as it sounds, by the way) a few days ago and they’re in that, you just get the odd tiny crunch in with the smooth buttery texture and it’s wonderful! Occasionally I like them in smoothies too, I like the texture they give the smoothie ’cause I like ’em thick! 😀

    Thanks 🙂

  131. Rachel says

    I’d like to try your recipe! 😀 Sounds great…and maybe this chia pudding that I’ve heard so much about.

  132. Kady says

    I usual use chia seeds to make voluminous oatmeal and sometimes in smoothies – I would like to try some other recipes though, like chia seed pudding or using them in bars.

  133. Hawai'i Leah says

    I use this incredible go-to chia cracker to give me an energy kick before a heavy workout, trail-run or hike. And interestingly enough, my supply of chia seed is almost depleted…..hmmm…?

    To make my chia energy crackers, I just soak the chia seed for about an hour in kambucha (my guess is that other fruit juice would work as well), then drop the puffed up mixture in tablespoon sized rounds onto my dehydrater trays (i’m sure low temp in the oven would probably work too). Once fully dehydrated, these chia crackers hold together to make a perfect energy packed little cracker round. They are crispy, just barely sweet, and loaded with healthy energy for endurance without the sugar crash! Gotta try them!

  134. Mary L. says

    I like adding chia seeds to smoothies for a little protein boost. I’ve also heard you can make “chia egg” in a similar manner to a “flax egg” though I haven’t tried it yet.

  135. Rachelle says

    Call it weird, but I like to mush a banana with a tsp of pb and combine it with a tbsp of chia seeds and some almond milk. I think it tastes delicious 🙂

  136. Linda says

    Never used chia seeds, but I’ve wanted to for a long time. Not sure where to find them where I live, but I keep hearing how they’re so great, and I think chia pudding looks delicious. Maybe I should try harder to hunt some down.

  137. Jessy says

    With chia seeds I would try to make a pudding (I’ve been wanting to try them for a long time now, but they don’t sell them here) and use them in other breakfast creations! 😀

  138. hipveganchic says

    i would use the chias to make a yummy raw poridge for the hubs. complete with pepitas and dried fruit and nuts. he would love me forever!

  139. Katie says

    I haven’t been able to find chia seeds where I live, so I’m looking forward to trying all sorts of recipes including oatmeal 😀

  140. Pamela says

    I love using chia seeds in my overnight oats. One of my favorite combos is oats, vanilla almond milk, vanilla protein powder, chia seeds, raisins, and cinnamon! Chia seeds are also great in homemade granola!

  141. Shanna-Banana says

    I’ve been meaning to pick up some Chia seeds, because I’m always seeing them used in breakfast recipes, especially oatmeal and other things of the sort. Seeing as breakfast is, hands-down, my FAVORITE meal of the day (serving it up Shannon’s way;), if I won this lovely, conveniently-timed giveaway, I’d use the chia to make all sorts of scrumdiliumptous breakfast oatmeals and puddings, etc. in a variety of flavors (classic favorites and new ideas). I might even try a granola of some sort sometime in the future with the chia (can you do that, I wonder?) : )

  142. Sarah says

    I use chia seeds almost every morning in a raw blend of apple, banana, collards, and celery. Leaving it a little choppy and adding chia seeds and cinnamon makes it taste/texture similar to oatmeal.

  143. Lindsey says

    The first thing I would do with chia seeds is put them in my oatmeal!!! (such as this recipe!) And then I’d probably try pancakes w/ them

  144. Cindy says

    I’d use the chia seed to make a giant bowl of oatmeal ;D , some pudding, and i would put chia seeds as a crust on tofu and as a crunchy texture to dishes!

  145. Jenn says

    I love chia seeds in overnight oats! Best way to thicken it up! I also like to sprinkle them on pb and banana sandwiches! Gives it a nice crunch =)

  146. Michelle Hollie says

    I have never tried them but would love to try them in oatmeal or cream of wheat> Hope I am chosen to get some of them to try.

  147. Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says

    I have only tried chia seeds acouple times! I am dying to try new recipes with them! They are soo good for you. I would love to bake with them more and add them to my oatmeal 🙂

  148. Niki (Life's a Payne) says

    I would honestly put chia in anything just to get my hands on some. I found it at a store here months ago and then never again! I have looked everywhere!

    I really want to try chia pudding, chia is smoothies (to make ’em extra thick), and in oats!

  149. Noelle says

    My favorite way to use chia is in yogurt. I add a couple tablespoons per cup of yogurt, and let it sit covered in the fridge until super thick. Yum!

  150. Lindsay@LivingLindsay says

    A giant bag of chia seeds?? Heaven!! I would use them in oats, yogurt, smoothies, cookies, bread, salads….everything!! I love them and make sure to eat at least 2-3 TBSP everyday!

    Loved your story about the chia seed incident! Too funny – I can only imagine. I dropped a teaspoon on the counter once and they were impossible to clean up!! 🙂

  151. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    Love LOve Love chia!!!! I put them on everything….and I love the little bubbles! I put them in oatmeal, in pancakes, in pudding, in baked goods, in my morning drink, in smoothies. Gosh darn I love ’em!

  152. O.C. says

    I have been LOVING never-ending chia oats!! I also make chocolate almond chia pudding with cacao nibs and I like putting chia seeds in my green smoothies so they are super thick 🙂

  153. Lexi says

    I would love to have Chia seeds, but they’re sooooo expensive. If I were lucky enough to win your giveaway, I would make the never-ending oatmeal recipe, all those amazing sounding chia seed puddings, and experiment with it in the kitchen! Mmm…

  154. Mary @ Bites and Bliss says

    I’d like to try chia seed cookies. It’s be really interesting how they’d come out…maybe gooey..but worth a shot!

  155. Jen says

    I’ve been wanting to try chia seeds, but I hate to spend a lot of money if I don’t know if I like them. First up–this never-ending oatmeal bowl!

  156. Emilia says

    I use chia seeds for just about everything! Favorite uses: putting in oatmeal, grains, and smoothies 🙂

  157. sara says

    I use chia seeds everyday more than once! It is a weird obsession but I love them!! I would love to win some since I go through them like no other!

  158. Ashlyn Nunes says

    What WOULDN’T I do with chia seeds! I am a fourteen year old in a family of unhealthy eaters, therefore if I want to splurge on an expensive, health food such as chia seeds I have to use my own money (and really, I can’t afford that!!!)

    I absolutley love to cook/bake and I could make chia pudding which I’ve been dying to try (not literally, but you get the point (; ) it as a thickener in my overnight oats or even my beloved hot oats, and in pancakes, does that even work?? I guess I will find out!! Also in baked goodies such as cookies, and in my smoothies for an extra dose of nutrition because after all, I am a growing soccer player and I need my grub!!

  159. Kristen says

    I would attempt for about the 10th time to make overnight oats… For some reason, mine never seem to turn out as well as yours do!!!!!! I hope I win 😉

  160. Jialin Zhang says

    I’d love to have them on top of my morning smoothie, or maybe incorporated in some egg dish? 🙂

  161. Green Groats says

    I add chia seeds to everything!! Oatmeal, smoothies, dips, you name it. I also love making chia seed pudding too! Thanks for doing this awesome giveaway, Katie.

  162. carol says

    Great post! I love your site and your recipes so much! I use tons of chia seeds – in raw crackers, granola bars, on salads and for raw wraps. I haven’t tried chia pudding yet – so I guess that would be one of the first things I would try. Thanks so much for the giveaway opp!

  163. TJ says

    I’ve been wanting to try chia seeds forever, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere in D.C. I guess the first thing I would do is to try adding them to oatmeal, just to get a feel for it.

  164. Monika says

    The first time my mom bought chia seeds, I would always put them in yogurt, I had no idea what else to do with them. My mom bought them because she said I wasn’t eating healthy enough at the time! When we ran out, my mom stopped buying them because they’re pretty expensive.

    A few months later, I came across this Chewy Oat Squares recipe: One of the ingredients is chia seeds, so my mom bought them again. After that, we kept on buying them! Everyone in my family loved the oat squares, even my brother who hates healthy food! I haven’t made them in a while, and some free chia seeds would probably encourage me to do so 😀

    Then I found this Chewy Granola Bars recipe: For the 1 cup combination, i would add chia seeds, shredded coconut, pepitas, and sunflower seeds. They are deee-licious!

    What I’ve been doing the past few months is adding them to oatmeal along with flax seeds, cinnamon, honey, and shredded coconut. It’s so good! You don’t even taste the chia seeds (if you don’t add too much.)

    And last but not least, I’d obviously use them to make your awesome recipes!

  165. Jazmine @ Gracefully Glutenless says

    i would make chia seed pudding and add it to oats of course! ive been wanting to try em for so long!

  166. A. Cook says

    I’m laughing out loud over chia seeds sprouting in your sink. Sorry you had to deal with the mess but at least you got a funny story out of it! You won’t believe it but I still haven’t tried chia seeds, though I see them literally every day on blogs. I think I would want to make overnight oats with them–theylooked so healthy and tasty in all of the pics I saw!

  167. Kasey says

    I love chia seeds!! I use them in everything to help bind things together! I make overnight oats with them and eat it every morning, I put them in baked goods and mix them with some peanut flour and almond milk to make pudding!!

    And I tweeted 🙂

  168. Liz says

    I would put the chia seeds in my non-dairy milk shakes (to keep them more creamy), in my never ending oatmeal!!, in my salads, smoothies, baked goods (chia eggs) and maybe even plant a chia seed garden! 🙂 hopefully a sprout isn’t in my bra like yours 😛 haha 😀

  169. Colleen says

    I have never had chia seeds and would love to try them, I will make lots of “Colleen’s Creations” (baking experiments) with them!

  170. Melanie says

    I love to put chia seeds in my oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies…pretty much anything! It gives a great texture and has so many health benefits.

  171. Nikki says

    I have been wanting to try chia seeds for months now! I have been unable to find them in my small town, however. I want to try chia pudding, I want to put them in my smoothies, I want to try them in no bake cookies… I have a long list.

  172. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    OMG awesome!! I’d use these in chia pudding, quinoa flake bakes, and overnight oats!!!

  173. Ashley C says

    What an awesome giveaway!! I do follow you on twitter (amc91) and I would love to try the Chia seeds to make the never-ending oatmeal!!

  174. Isobelle says

    I have chia seeds in my oatmeal or bran-flakes every morning. I think I go through a bag every two weeks! I love them though. They’re great for smoothies and baking too.

  175. Tamar says

    I used to not like avocado, so I can relate. Although, I have to say, it’s one of my top 5 favorite foods now! I love chia seeds. I put them in my smoothies every day and I love the chia pudding phenomenon too. Just a bit of almond milk and stevia, delicious! I would definitely make great use of the lovely chia seeds!

  176. Jenn says

    I’ve never used chia seeds, but I can see these guys on top of salads, in oatmeal, or even sprouted on and layered on salads or sandwiches. YUM!

  177. Anita Ruiz says

    Due to budgeting I took chia seeds off the list but if I won the first thing I would do is sprinkle them on my oatmeal….I get all giddy just thinking about it.

  178. Carolyn says

    I would love some chia seeds to add to my morning meals! I have been looking for ways to spice up my breakfast to make it fill me up more and keep me from feeling hungry soon after eating! id love chia seeds for oatmeal and other breakfast items 🙂

  179. Blair says

    The first thing I’d do with chia seeds is use them in this recipe, then sprinkle some in greek yogurt and some fruit, and use them in overnight oats. Yum!

  180. Erin says

    What would I do with the chia seeds if I win them? What wouldn’t I do? I would be trying so many new recipes! I would probably throw some into my smoothies as well! What a great giveaway!

  181. Amber @ Stop and Smell the Wildflowers says

    I always put chia seeds in my overnight oats! I’m running low, though…. 🙂

  182. Nichole says

    I’ve never tried chia seeds! but I’m all for trying new foods. mm. If I just happened to find myself with a bag of chia seeds, I would put them to good use, starting with this oatmeal!

  183. Jillian says

    I’ve been dying to try this in a muffin that I make and also in a recipe from my favorite raw foodist’s pudding!

  184. Leslie says

    I like to sprinkle them right on top of my oatmeal and salads (not cooked in like in your recipe), and I use chia gel to substitute half the oil in many of my baked goods (makes a super moist and chewy cookie!).

  185. Irina says

    Chia seeds are my go-to egg replacer! I also make chia pudding out of them and add them to my post-run smoothies. I love love love them!


  186. Jo says

    I love chia seeds! I add them to just about everything – mostly chia seed pudding and my smoothies, but also scones!

  187. Michelle says

    I have also recently became a huge fan of chia seeds! I have been putting them in my smoothies, in overnight oats, and using them as egg replacers in cookie and muffin recipes. I was also a little weary of them the first time I tried them- they way they gel up looks kinda creepy, but now I really love the gel-y texture, especially in my oatmeal.

  188. Claire says

    I’d love to reap the benefits of the chia seeds by putting them in my protein powders… IN addition to trying them in my oatmeal, of course!!!

  189. blossjoss says

    I must confess I’ve never tried chia seeds. But I am dying to try them in overnight oats and chia pudding. And perhaps homemade protein snack bars and breads. The possibilities seem endless!

    Also-I’m a first time commenter. Love your blog. Love chocolate. 🙂

  190. Mona says

    If I every win a pack of chia seeds, I might try growing them . . . . like those “chia bush” commercials! 😀
    And then I’ll probably try them in yummy recipes like your’s 🙂

  191. Lorin says

    I would make overnight oats with chia seeds. I use yogurt now for overnight oats, but am interested in how it tastes and the texture is with chia seeds.

  192. Sara says

    I would love to bake with Chia seeds; ie. Lemon chia seed cookies (instead of poppy seeds), Brownies, Blueberry pie, Chocolate chip cookies… LOTS of possibilities!! 🙂

  193. Taya says

    Chia seeds!!! Those have been on my wishlist for the longest time – I never buy them because they seem so expensive, but then I regret not getting them! I’d definitely add them to my oatmeal, smoothies…so many possibilities!

  194. Kate says

    Experiment! I’ve not had occasion to purchase chia seeds, but I would love to play around with a big bag of freebies 🙂
    thanks…I enjoy your innovations!

  195. Alyssa says

    I would see if the chia sprouts would work in smoothies, and let’s be honest…I’d totally bring my Chia Head out of retirement.

  196. Meredith says

    i would love to try chia seeds in my oatmeal. i use xanthan gum as a thickener, but would love to have some variety and use cha-cha-chia!

  197. Patty Blake says

    Soooo..I know you said someone ONLY from the US could win this. However, IF by chance I did win, the chia seeds could be sent to my mom, and she could send them to me!! 🙂

    I currently live in Seoul, South Korea. Therefore, I sadly can not buy chia seeds here…

    If I had them, I would sprout and add them to your AMAZING green smoothie/mint-choc chip ice-cream (which I can’t get enough of, by the way^^)!!!

      • Patty Blake says

        WOW… you are such a traveller!! I love it! Before I go home (I’m on an ESL teaching contract here), I REALLY want to go to China!! If you are interested in cooking/baking vegan Korean food, check out: She is AMAZING (be warned though, with her restaurant reviews… you may find yourself wanting to come back here!! haha). She also has TONSSSSS of veganized Korean recipes!!!

        There is a traditional Korean dessert/celebratory/snack food called 떡 (pronounced dduck…), or in English, simply rice cake (don’t be fooled, it isn’t ANYTHING like a dry, crispy, Americanized rice cake…). You may even know what I’m talking about since you lived in China! Not that I’m hinting at anything (hehehe), but I always imagined what it would be like to have it flavored with chocolate/pb or blueberry/banana^^.

        On a completely different and random note… I might actually be moving to TX next April/May/June!!

        Rice and kimchi (vegan, of course^^) hugs from Seoul!!! 🙂

  198. Liz says

    I would do exactly what you did! That looks delicious! I usually just place them in my oats and mix them around and eat them up!

  199. Caitlin says

    I think I would like to try chia pancakes!! I usually make pancakes with raspberry preserves, but could you imagine snickerdoodle chia pancakes? Healthy AND delicious! (Need those omega-3’s from somewhere!)

  200. Sarah says

    I really want to try them! i’d add them to my oatbran and peanutflour pudding i make to make both more vulumptious!

  201. Beth says

    I generally put some chia seeds with water and let them sit overnight (and bulk up), then I throw them in a smoothie in the morning!

  202. ilana says

    I’ve actually never tried chia seeds and would love to try them… )I’ve had a hard time convincing my family to purchase chia seeds! 🙁
    I would love to try out your chia seed-filled recipes!

  203. Hannah Bone says

    Oh how I’d love to add them to many things! Oatmeal, cookies, smoothies, yogurt, muffins…so so many baked goods!

  204. Rosalind says

    I am in love with chia! They’re also really pretty looking upon close examination, like teeny tiny marbled pebbles.

  205. Kathy says

    If I were to win the chia seed giveaway, I would definitely put them in oatmeal my too! LOVEeee how it thickens the oatmeal up, though I also love to throw chia seeds in my smoothies! 🙂

  206. Jillian says

    Chia seeds are one of my favorite! I made some bread with them using almond flour and it was delicious! Dense and moist…. I would like to expirement with some more chia baking!

  207. Megan says

    I’ve been wanting to try chia seeds since I’ve first heard of them (sadly, only a couple of months ago!), but never seem to have time to track down where I might get some. I would definitely like to try them in whatever form I can – I’m particularly curious about a recipe I saw about sprouting them and making socca with them! And definitely smoothies as well, as I’m always looking for things to add to my blended concoctions!

  208. Ashley C. says

    What wouldn’t I do with a big bag of chia seeds? Smoothies, oatmeal, granola bars, muffins, pudding… I would make it all!

  209. Hannah says

    Hi, I would use the chia seeds in a green monster smoothie, from the blog oh she glows-

  210. alena schoeller says

    i would use them in so many ways (more than i can think of!) i have read in blogs like yours about the oatmeal and how it expands but also in other things…on top of smoothie bowls, granola (YUM), new recipes to make things healthified and just to add more protein to my healthy lifestyle 🙂

  211. Kari says

    If I were to win the chia seeds (let’s cross our fingers that I do!) I would use them in my quinoa granola, smoothies, oatmeal and would even throw some on top of ice cream if I’m feeling really wild and crazy!:)

  212. Rachael says

    Okay. I’ve NEVER tried chia seeds before. However, everytime I go to Whole Foods, I see a bag of them and think to myself, “i really need to try those sometime…” Now would be perfect! I don’t even know what I’d do with them, honestly…muffins, granola, oatmeal, baking, and what about cookies?! The possibilities are endless! 🙂

  213. Kiriel says

    I’ve never had chia seeds, but I keep seeing blogs about them! And then just today, I found a recipe for chia coconut pudding! I think that sounds absolutely amazing and I think that’s what I would try to do with them. Or the chia asparagus omelet recipe I also found.

  214. Sharon says

    If I win the giant chia seeds I will use them in my overnight oatmeal…a raw oatmeal concoction that is similar to your cooked one…yum, yum, a cold treat on a summer morning!!!!

  215. Stephanie says

    omg if i win this giveaway i will burst with joy!
    just like the chai seeds when they get mixed into a yummy batch of oatmeal and make it creamy and thick. i mean plus i can be cool like all you bloggers and oodle with love over my bag of chai seeds. 🙂

  216. Susie says

    I love ch-ch-ch-chia! They’re divine sprinkled on nut butter, banana, and granola toast, mixed into oatmeal or baked goods, or added to salads.

  217. Amanda says

    I’d put them in oats and chia pudding (and the other 4000 recipes that everyone’s been making with chia!). 🙂 I’ve never had ’em, and I’d love to try ’em. Right up my alley. 🙂

  218. Katherine says

    I will be adding them to my oatmeal! Hmm, and I have been dying to try that chia pudding type recipes.

  219. Molly says

    I love Chia seeds!! If I win I will sprinkle them on my salads, cook them into my oats, mix them with yogurt, eat them with every meal, and practically bathe in them. nbd. 🙂

  220. Renee V. says

    If I had chia seeds I could finally make your recipes as well as a few others I’ve saved the way they are meant to be! Not to mention experiment myself.

  221. Rachel @ Eat, Learn, Discover! says

    I’ll make chia pudding, overnight oats, cook them with my regular oatmeal, use them as a smoothie thickener, grind and use them as egg replacer for baking, and so much more!

    Have I mentioned that I love chia seeds?

  222. Laura says

    I have never sprouted them but I have started adding them to oatmeal, granola and protein bars. What next…?

  223. claudia says

    i was going to buy them once but they were really expensive- $11 for a teeny bag! i’ve seen so many recipes using chia seeds, but the first thing i’d make is a HUGE bowl of chocolatey chia voluminous oatmeal 😀

  224. Molly says

    I would most likely use them in my oatmeal just like you:), or vegan overnight oats. Perfect for summer:)

  225. Merritt says

    I would definitely use the chia seeds to make chia seed pudding with peanut butter and chocolate… my very favorite flavor combination!

  226. Elizabeth says

    I want to start baking with chia seeds. I was reading the gluten free girl blog and she bakes with chia seeds to give body to breads. Sounds good to me.

  227. Kim says

    Hehe, your chia seed disaster story was pretty funny 😀

    I know I can’t enter the contest but I felt compelled to tell you about my experience with chia. It’s been almost 10 years since the hype started about the health benefits of chia, and it was hard to find. Also expensive. But I bought a small package for the sole purpose of growing little chia plants for my community garden to sell at a fair! Apparently the fully grown shrubs are quite pretty-about 5 feet high and wide with purple flowers. I didn’t actually try eating chia for another 5 years!

  228. Kayla says

    I have never tried chia seeds and I would love to! I would use them to supplement my difficult but essential Gluten free and vegan diet. I definitely need to try them in oatmeal! I would also try them in possibly baking, and smoothies!

  229. Toni Hardy says

    I love chia seeds – I am new to using them – but love how they fill you up and you can put them in anything!!

    a few of my favorite raw vegan recipes with chia seeds are:

    Sweet Shortbread Chia
    4-5 tbsps chia seeds
    2 cups fresh apple juice
    2 tbsp lucuma powder
    1/2 cup dried mulberries
    1/4 cup pumpkin seeds

    Soak the chia seeds in the apple juice. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.

    ‘Chia Fresca’
    2 tsp chia seeds
    10oz pure water
    juice of one lemon or lime
    agave syrup or raw honey to taste

    This is still a popular drink in modern-day Mexico. Simply stir the ingredients together and enjoy.

    Fruity Chia
    3 small or 2 big apples
    8 dates, pits removed
    4-5 tbsp chia seeds
    1/4 cup dried mulberries

    Blend the apples and six of the dates together. Transfer that mixture into a bowl and stir in the chia seeds and mulberries. Chop down the remaining 2 dates into pieces and stir those in too. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.

    Bana-paya Chia
    1 banana
    1 cup papaya flesh
    6 dried Turkish figs
    4-5 tbsp chia, ground

    Blend the banana and papaya flesh together. Put the figs in this mixture and leave it to soak overnight. Blend the whole mixture, including the figs, the next day. Stir in the ground chia seed. Serve.

    Banana-nut Bread
    2 cups vegetable juice pulp (preferably at least half carrot)
    8 tbsp ground chia
    1/4 cup chopped walnuts
    1/2 cup raisins
    5 bananas
    Mix together the veggie juice pulp and bananas in a food processor. Add in the ground chia and let the food processor run until the seeds are completely mixed in.
    Transfer the mixture to a bowl with the walnuts and raisins and mix them in thoroughly by hand. Shape into a loaf. For major yumminess, top with ?Cream Cheese? (see below).

    Cream Cheese
    Flesh of three avocados
    9 dates
    juice of 1 or 2 lemons
    big handful of dulse seaweed


  230. Karen Andrews says

    I’d put them in my Sweet Potato Spoon bread!!!!
    3 small sweet potatoes, baked and peeled
    3 c. almond milk
    2 c. yellow cornmeal
    1/2 t. salt
    3 T raw brown sugar
    dash or two of stevia
    2 t. baking powder
    1 t. melted coconut oil
    1/2 t. baking soda
    egg replacer to equal 3 eggs
    Preheat oven to 375. Combine 2 c. “milk”, cornmeal and salt in a large saucepan. Stir well w/whisk and cook over medium heat 4 mins. Remove and stir in sweet pots and sweeteners of choice. Combine potato mixture, remaining “milk”, powder, coconut oil, soda and egg replacer in large bowl and stir well. Place into sprayed 11 x 7″ baking dish and bake 40 mins. or ’til done in center! Of course…the 1/4 c. chia seeds will make it all the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!

  231. margaret hutchings says

    If I won the chia seeds, I would give them to my husband who eats them on Everything. He even read a whole book called Chia.

  232. Dorothy says

    I love chia seeds in my oatmeal! I just saw a recipe for chia crackers in a catalog. I think I would try the recipe if I won!

  233. Kaycee says

    yay for chia seeds! i have a bazillion ideas for chia seed recipes. i would probably make some chia seed pudding (chocolate flavored, of course), along with some bread made with chia seeds, chia seed filled smoothie, chia energy bars, chia pancakes, chia oatmeal, chia BOATmeal….the possibilities are endless ;p

  234. Katherine D. says

    If I win the chia seed giveaway, I’m making oatmeal and chia overnight oats…ASAP 🙂

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

  235. Jessie says

    I’ve never tried chia seeds (to be honest I’d never heard of them until I read this post!). So if I got my hands on some I think the first thing I’d do would be to test this out as it looks yummy!

  236. Nikki says

    Chia seeds in oatmeal sounds delicious! I don’t eat a lot of oatmeal because I have to watch my grains in general, but I love chia seeds in energy bars with nuts, seeds, coconut, protein powder, and some fruit. I enjoy reading your refreshing view of food and your insight into what’s healthy and tasty to one person isn’t necessarily so for another is so right!

  237. Haley N says

    I love chia seeds! I bought them once and sadi havent restocked. I like to put them on yogurt, in oatmeal, and surprisingly, it’s great to put in chili to thicken up 🙂

  238. Alessandra says

    Chia seeds are (one of) my favorite things ever! If I were to win the chia seed giveaway, I’d make loads and loads of chia seed pudding! I also add them to my raw protein smoothies (along with chocolate!) for extra texture, fiber and omegas! YUM chia!!

  239. Christine says

    Mmmm, chia seeds! I love to use them in overnight oats and chia banana pudding. I put them in smoothies too! Yum! 🙂

  240. Naomi says

    I do sometimes eat foods I don’t love but I won’t eat anything I hate. My chiropractor suggests avoiding this or having that and I do what she says because I trust she is helping me. Without guidance, it’s all a crapshoot. I like chia – the crunch is fun. I assume it’s good for me and the advantage over flax is you don’t need to grind it. I go simple and toss some in my Greek yogurt. And then I pick my teeth before leaving the house because those suckers like to hide in all the nooks and crannies!

  241. Julie @ Shining From Within says

    I would add chia seeds to my oatmeal! That’s my fav way. I wonder if you can make chocolate covered chia seeds….hmmmm

  242. Julie @ Shining From Within says

    I would add chia seeds to my oatmeal! That’s my fav way. I wonder if you can make chocolate covered chia seeds….hmmmm. Oh, and I tweeted about the giveaway!

  243. Sarah says

    Mmmm chia! I will definitely be trying this. If I win the chia seeds, I will also sprout them and then incorporate them into some homemade granola:)

  244. Diane says

    I recently discovered chia seeds, after exploring some of my favorite food blogs, including CCK. And I gotta say that I am so happy I decided to try them! I put them in my oatmeal and overnight oats to give thicker consistency. Right now I am training for a half-marathon, and I have noticed that adding chia seeds to my breakfast has made me feel a lot more energized throughout the day! In the future, I plan to try out more recipes using chia seeds – smoothies, baked goods, even pasta sauces… the great thing about them is that they are so versatile 🙂

  245. Raychel says

    I LOVE chia seeds! If I were to win, I would DEFINITELY use them! I add them to my oats (I stir them in at the end of cooking) or as sprinkles on almond milk ice cream (your recipe, too, by the way- my family and I LOVE it!)

  246. Jen says

    I’ve been LOVING this recipe lately, adapted from Ashley’s recipe at Make a chia egg, with 1 T chia seeds 3 T water, let it gel (about 10 mins). Add 1/4 cup corn meal, 1/4 cup water, a hefty sprinkle of nutritional yeast, some cayenne pepper. Microwave for 2 mins. It’s the perfect vessel for any “condiment” — salsa, guac, hummus, chili, tomato paste, quark, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. I have one almost every night while my husband has his nightly bowl of ice cream (I never thought I’d choose a savory dish over ice cream!) and I’ve been making a major dent in my chia seed stash since doing this. Before, I only used them in oatmeal or smoothies. It would be great to replenish my stock!

  247. Laura says

    it took me a bit to get used to chia seeds but now it’s weird when I eat oats without them. i’m almost out, so this giveaway comes at the perfect time! 🙂

  248. Cathy says

    I have never tried chia seeds. I heard it has omega 3 and it is good for the digestive system. If I happen to be the lucky person, I would make gluten free chia cookies with coconut flour, a banana and dates. Love your recipes!

  249. Melonie says

    If I were lucky enough to win the chia seeds I think I would try them on everything, since I don’t know what they taste like and they seem nutritious enough for that to be an okay thing 😉

  250. Laura T says

    I would grow out the chia seeds as a grass snack for my felines to nibble on. When put in matching a small pots it would like decor aswell.

  251. Maxene says

    I have never had chia seeds before, and I can’t imagine not liking them, so after a few test rounds, I will invite my friends over for breakfast and make a coconut-banana chia pudding. I will make a lot of pudding 🙂

  252. Kathi says

    What don’t you do with Chia Seeds? 🙂 I put chia seed in my smoothies, my oatmeal, my baked good heck I guess you eat them by the spoonful if you wanted! I can not live with out these little beauties. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  253. Kalynn says

    I’ve been wanting to try chia seeds for a long time, but still have yet to do it! So, obviously, I’d love to win this!

  254. Tasha says

    I enjoy reading your blog everday and enjoy tring new recipes. Thank you. I would have fun trying new recipes with the chia seeds. Enjoy the pudding one too!

  255. Jenn says

    Chia seeds! I’ve just gotten into them this past month on the blog world. Have seen them but never bought them. Got my first bag at an Amish grocery store in northeastern IN! I plan to put them on every bowl of oatbran and oatmeal and sprinkle them in my cereals and yogurts. One thing is…always check your teeth after eating them:)

  256. Anita says

    I wouuld use the chia seeds to make a pudding with unsweetened coconut milk. I could add this to my morning overnight oats also. As for the carrott juice, yes, it can be rough. Better mixed with orange juice and maybe a hint of ginger. Carrott cake is better.

  257. Caroline says

    Cool chocolate malt chia pudding!! I just bought a new canister of the chocolate malt ovaltine flavor and am in love. I’ve been fantasizing about how fantastic it would taste in pudding form…make my fantasies come true!?!

  258. Victoria says

    I add these amazing little seeds in my smoothies daily. There so great for digestion and getting some extra omegas in your diet. I also use the Salba seeds in addition to flax & hemp seeds in my smoothies.

  259. Larissa says

    Yumy stuff! I love chia seeds! If I win some I plan to use them in my homemade granola and granola bars for my kids!

  260. kathryn says

    Oh man. If I won those seeds, I’d make the most awesome smoothie ever. With, like, banana. And chocolate. And spinach. And maybe even a little coffee.

  261. Chelsea says

    I’ve never tried chia seeds, but I’ve been dying to make overnight oats using chia seeds to thicken!!!

  262. Tiffany says

    I LOVE chia seeds! I like to sprinkle them on salads, use them in smoothies and especially in overnight oats! Pick me! 🙂

  263. Emma says

    Hey Katie! New reader, first time commenter! I have been dying to try chia seeds ever since they first appeared in the blog world in overnight oats like yours and as a binder in baked goods, similar to flax eggs. I have never tried either of these (you introduced me to voluminous oats and baked oatmeal a few weeks though and no joke, I have had one or the other every morning since!) but what I would probably use them first for is pudding! I am a vegetarian, not vegan (sorry….I love my dairy and eggs!), but I am a pudding fanatic and have had so much trouble making it from scratch, either with eggs or cornstarch.

    Anyways, I have spent hours reading over your blog since stumbling across it and have tried several recipes with rave reviews. Thanks so much for the great ideas and recipes!

  264. Sharon says

    I love chia seeds. I would put them on cereal, put them in a smoothy and use them as an egg replacer in baked goods. They are really marvelous!

  265. raechel says

    I have yet to make over-night oats, so I’d totally do that if I won the chia seeds! But I also love them like sprinkles on banana soft serve! Also in smoothies, of course. And homemade granola bars! And on salads! Oh chia seeds, I love them so! : )

  266. Monique says

    I have this muffing recipe that calls for chia seeds and pumpkin. I want to try them out before the fall season so I can serve the perfected ones at parties I’m hoping to host.

  267. Leigh says

    Hi Katie!
    We love chia seeds over here. They are great in green smoothies, raw granola (I make my own with sprouted buckwheat, sprouted raw almonds and chia seeds….yummm), chocolate mint chia pudding and chocolate almond chia puddings. They are soooo good! Thanks!!

  268. Becca says

    Oh, Katie, If I won the chia seeds, I add them to my oats!
    I also have a few healthy cookie recipes I put them in. Yum! I tried the “pudding” you can make from chia, but it was too slimy for my taste.
    I’d also give some to a gluten-free lady at work. She’s been dying to try them, but they’re so expensive around here she hasn’t done it yet.

  269. Terri Sue says

    I love chia sprouts. i’m old enough that i was an adult when the first chia pets came out in the 70’s. a friend gave my husband and i one and we were hooked. i also have bread recipes that call for them and like to add a tbs. to a pot of rice. believe me if i won they would not go to waste!

  270. Lisa Fine says

    I really want to try making chia seed pudding. I keep seeing recipes for it on food blogs, and would love to create a chocolate chia pudding recipe.

  271. Tina says

    My only experience with chia seeds was on several Chia Pets I had in college. (Please tell me someone else had these!) I didn’t even know you could eat them until recently. So I guess if I win, I’ll be trying this recipe!

  272. Madelaine @ Healthy, Hot & Happy says

    Oh, how I adore chia seeds! I use them everyday in my morning green smoothie and in baking. (:

  273. Cindy says

    I like chia seeds in muffins, oatmeal, and I grind them and put them in fresh baked bread–super yummy and it gives a nice, flavorful crunch in the crust!

  274. Kalyn says

    Katie, I know exactly what you mean about feeling an almost “pressure” to eat certain things that others are because of the health benefits; however, you make seriously valid points in this post! I however, do really enjoy chia seeds. My favorite way to eat them is just sprinkled in a bowl of yogurt, raw oats, berries, and honey.

  275. Shiloh says

    I totally want to try chia seeds in my morning smoothies! I also wonder how it would be to bake with them… or make granola, yum 🙂

  276. Angel says

    I would use the chia seeds to make lots and lots of chia energy balls – kind of like your fudge babies. Yum, yum, yum. Oh, and some chia pudding now and then, and if I had a LOT of seeds, I’d experiment some, because I do like them. What fun!

  277. elyse says

    i’ve always wanted to try chia seeds but i’ve only seen them in pudding and oatmeal, and they’re a little pricey to only be used in two things! but i’d still love to try them!

  278. nicole says

    I would use the chia seeds in my morning green smoothie, to help keep me fuller longer. I would also use them in my morning oats.

  279. Jean says

    I’m just sooooo happy to find out that I’m not the only o e who loves oatmeal this much. My family thinks I’m nits. I’d try chia seeds in oats if I win some.

  280. Veronica says

    I’m not familiar with all the things you can do with chia seeds, so I hope it’s not too unoriginal to say that if I won them, I’d make your neverending oatmeal first!

  281. Necia says

    Chia, chia, chia! Oh the many ways to consume. I would mix with my oats, mix with my smoothies/shake. Mix with water for my run, and oh I would try to create my own fuel gel.

  282. Lindsay says

    I’ve been wanting to try chia seeds for awhile, but I haven’t just yet. I’ve heard they’re a great binding agent for gluten free recipes and they’re so good for you!

  283. Maya says

    I’d bake something with chia seeds as a replacement for eggs. I can eat eggs, but my brother’s vegan and I hear chia seeds are a good alternative!

  284. Amy says

    I’ve only gone through one bag of chia seeds so far,but my favorite way to use chia seeds is to just eat them by the spoonful. I love the nutty taste and the transformation they make after they hit my mouth. I just have to remember to check my teeth in the mirror after my chia snack. 🙂

  285. Serena says

    If I won the chia seeds, I’d make my first ever Chia pudding! And I’d put them in my oatmeal, and make vegan desserts…

  286. Kristin says

    What don’t I do with Chia? It is the ultimate heartburn remedy, for one. Take a Tbs dry and 5 min later drink lots of water. It absorbs excees acid and gets rid of the burn. Awesome! Besides smoothies, sauces, baked goods, and oatmeal, I like my chia pudding: cocoa, agave, a dash of vanilla, a bit of coconut oil for richness, and raw milk (you can use almond milk). Shake. Shake again in 5 minutes. Serve with raspberries and mash them in. Heaven!!!

  287. AJ says

    I’ve only used them in shakes and crockpot oats. Would love to experiment with other ideas, though. ( my 12 year old likes to nibble on them plain!)

  288. Michelle says

    I love to put them in my oatmeal and my smoothies! But I think I will start trying them in baked goods and pancakes!
    Love your blog!

  289. RA says

    I want to try chia seeds in a smoothie on my exam days. I’ve heard they give great boosts of energy, and that is certainly something I need to power through our test days that last all day long!!! It would be a wonderful way to cut down on my coffee 😛

  290. Marion says

    First off…I am LOVING all the fun breakfast ideas! And sweet ideas… The cookie dough dip made of garbanzos is freaking genius! I used the uneaten leftover as a cookie base…unbelievably good!!

    As far as chia seeds go, I know it’s used an awful lot in facial products now, but I am hearing alot about food application. I am interested in it’s nutritional content- I wanna put it in everything to boost texture, taste and value. 🙂 I love to experiment, like you do!

    Thank you for all the great ideas!! 😉

  291. Megan says

    I love chia in my oatmeal! I have tried the puddings and can’t find a recipe to like! I also put it in my regular cold cereal with almond milk, tasty!

  292. Courtney says

    Hi Katie,
    I’ve never used chia seeds before because I’ve never been able to find them in my area. I’d like to put them in smoothies, make your never ending oatmeal, and chia pudding and a quinoa flake bake as seen on the Tie Dye Files. I really love oats and am always looking for new, delicious ways to dress them up. 🙂

  293. Marianne says

    I’m with you on not wasting your time on foods you don’t enjoy. I do think everyone should give foods a fair chance to decide if you really do or don’t like them, because sometimes you may only enjoy them in one specific preparation, but if not, then why eat them? It’s not like there are any nutrients we need that are only contained in one food on earth, so just find the variety of items that work for you, and enjoy!

  294. Carissa says

    Ohhhh Katie! I love chia! I am a big fan! I put them in smoothies, cereal, oatmeal…and I’m thinking of trying them in a quinoa fried rice dish! I hope I win! 🙂

  295. Barefootcookingirl says

    Hmmm….gonna have to try this. What would I do with a freebie big bag of chia seeds? Start sprouting them babies, and then putting them in everything!

  296. Whitney says

    I’ve been so curious about trying chia seeds! Maybe this can be my chance 🙂 I would definitely start by putting them in oatmeal.

  297. Weslea says

    I make a delicious pudding with chia seeds using almond milk, cashew butter, and cinnamon… Delish!! I follow you on Twitter as well.

  298. Katherine says

    I honestly put chia in everything! Anytime I open my cabinet, I think, “ooh chia would be good it…” I still haven’t tried chia pudding, so that is the first thing I would make!!

  299. Cathy says

    I have been wanting to try Chia Seeds but have been unable to find them in a store in my area. Hopefully I win so I can finally try them!

  300. Kelly says

    I buy chia seeds in bulk I use them so much. I use them to make my own gels for when I race and ride my bike, I use them in my chia fresca drink. I would love to win some chia seeds.

  301. Minerva says

    I will use the chia seeds to make “eggs” for vegan recipes. I used a chia egg last week for a batch of mexican black bean burgers…mmm

  302. Jeanne says

    Hi Katie! Awesome giveaway. If I win the chia seeds I would sprinkle them on top of my protein smoothies.

  303. Lacey says

    Chia seeds are my favorite egg replacement. They work really really well, and unlike flax, you don’t have to ground them to get them to form a nice, uniform gel. So I’d use them in baked goods and smoothies, because I always put chia seeds in my smoothies…well, when I can afford them.

  304. Haneul says

    Oh I’ve always wanted to try chia seeds!! I would definitely eat it on top of yogurt and oatmeal, and I definitely have to try this never-ending oatmeal recipe!!!!

  305. Becky says

    I would try using chia seeds in my homemade honey-cinnamon granola for some added crunch and nutrition! 🙂

  306. Katie Weber says

    I’d love the chia seeds for salads and smoothies! And I’d love to try to make some oatmeal with them too!

  307. Kerstyn LaManna says

    I sprinkle chia seeds onto almost anything! In my granola, yougurt, cereal or even on top of salads! I would definitely like to try incorporating them in baked goods as well.

  308. Sherry says

    I would love to try them in healthy baking treats, oatmeals, and yogurts. I’ve never tried them before so this would be awesome!

  309. Pamela says

    I loved the never ending Oatmeal recipe! I tried it this weekend, and I ate it cold, I thought cold.. ew.. but I added a little agave, some blueberries and a half of a banana.. excellent. I am definitely going to make it again.. CHIA.. I love them.. they are the greatest little bitty seeds ever.. they are cute, they act like tapioca! I add them to all my smoothies, to my juices and to my oatmeal now!! THANKS

  310. Betty says

    I just love using these tiny tiny wonders. Are all Chia’s created equal. I don’ t know but I sure would like to win yours and to a blind study. Thanks :}*

  311. Ali says

    If I were to win, I would use them in:
    Cooked oatmeal
    Raw overnight oats
    Chia eggs for baking
    Experiments with my food processor (nut butters, frosting, cookie dough)

  312. Brieann says

    I’ve not tried Chia seeds but have picked them up and put them back at the store many times. I just wasn’t sure what to do with them. I’d love to try them in the oatmeal and then experiment from there!

  313. Christina says

    I’m so excited about your giveaway! I’ve been dying to try chia seeds but I can’t find them in stores anywhere! I would put them in my smoothies, oatmeal…. I think I’d try to put them in everything!

  314. Lauren says

    I would make tons of cocoa pudding with the seeds, maybe mix it into oatmeal and other baked goods. I’ve also been thinking about all the creamy soups to use it in this winter.

  315. Heidi S says

    I bought some chia seeds, but haven’t made or taste them yet. I wanted to try them, but don’t know how to use them 🙂 Heard great benefits about it- few simple recipes with chia are helpful. Hopefully I’d like them! Thanks for the suggestions:)

  316. Lita G says

    I recently tried chia seeds after reading about them on your blog. Fortunately I fell in love with them because I need to eat healthier as per doctor’s orders, so chia seeds have been helpful in that aspect.
    If I won your contest, I would probably try them with more stuff besides oatmeal and bread, maybe muffins? salad? oooohhh the possibilities…..

  317. Anna says

    I use chia in almost everything!! I might be obsessed with them…. I’ll even just eat a handful for a snack!

  318. Sarah says

    I want to try them in a buckwheat chia pudding!!!! I have seen it on a few pages. CHA-CHA-CHA-CHIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  319. megan says

    What I would do with the chai seeds is sprinkle it over my cereal and almond milk or try the other voluminous oatmeal trick. Plus I would really like to try them on top of banana “ice cream”

  320. Sarah M says

    thanks so much for the giveaway!! I would definitely put them in my smoothies to start…and then probably overnight oats 🙂

  321. Anna says

    I love chia seeds! I put them in my overnight oats or oatmeal, I make pudding with them, I add them to salads and peanut butter sandwiches. I have even added them to my homemade pizza crust!

  322. Anna says

    Follow you on twitter and tweeted the giveaway 🙂
    I love your photos! They always inspire me to get into the kitchen and start creating!

  323. Natalie says

    I would probably put them in my oatmeal or use them in a drink like in the book Born to Run. Thanks! Love your blog!

  324. Cari says

    If I won the chia seeds, I would make lots of yummy green monster smoothies in a variety of flavors and plenty of bowls of super thick oatmeal!

  325. Victoria says

    Since I love alfalfa sprouts, I would use chia sprouts in place of them in my salads! Maybe some chia crusted roasted tofu? I also wouldn’t mind growing some chia sprouts in tiny clay pots to decorate my tiny apartment!

  326. Jenn says

    I’ve never had chia seeds!!! But I’m dieing to try them. There’s so many good recipes out there, some of Julies (pbfingers) smoothies look great with them!

  327. melanie says

    i’ve been making chia protein pudding with coconut flakes and dried fruit. so tasty! would love to be able to replenish for supply!

  328. Trina says

    I’m new to the health and nutrition world, so I haven’t tried these yet. Would love to tho! I think I’d start out easy with them in my Pineapple Citrus Oatmeal muffins.

  329. Dandelion says

    I can tell school is really taking over my life, because when you pointed out the black dots in the oatmeal, I thing “Nuclei of fibroblasts in connective tissue”…

    Anyway, I love chia seeds, but I’ve never mixed them with oats before- I’m trying to get more healthy seeds into my diet, and this is a good way to do it 🙂

  330. sarah beth says

    I think the better question is what WOULDN’T I do with chia seeds? Cookies, oatmeal, pudding, soups, bubble tea, etc. etc. etc. etc.

  331. Hayley says

    Thank you SO MUCH for this recipe!! I have been looking forever to try and find a great voluminous/overnight oatmeal recipe! I made this and it keep me full till lunch! The only thing i changed was adding flax seeds instead of chia because I did not have any chia. Thanks! =]

  332. Katrena King says

    I have wanted to try these ever since I saw a Dr. Oz program featuring them. Who would have thought you could eat the annoying, ‘ch-ch-ch chia seeds that we got so sick of hearing on the chia pet commercials!

  333. Stephanie says

    I like chia seeds in my smoothies, as an egg substitute in my baking, OR in my chili to thicken it up. Chia seeds are amazing!!!

  334. Elzie says

    Hey! I was just wondering if you had ever tried adding wheat bran to oatmeal? It adds a lot of volume to oatmeal without adding lots of calories and it is rich in fiber, omegas, starch, protein, vitamins and dietary minerals. Wheat bran = 30 calories for a 1/4 cup. :DDD

  335. Cierra says

    Can you use chia seeds in your baked oatmeal cakes? And can you do the never-ending oatmeal trick where you add extra liquid, and then use THAT for baked oatmeal? Or would it turn to gross mushiness?

  336. Elise says

    As a lover of baking AND all things nutrition (funny right?) I am obsessed with your blog!!! So happy I found it!!! I eat oatmeal with chia or flax seeds for breakfast everyday already, however tried your Volume trick today!!! Genius!! Can’t wait to try your desserts!! Congrats on the fabulous site!!!

  337. Dick Waskey says

    Yes, we eat foods that we do not enyoy a whole lot just because they are good for us.
    We eat 1/2 cup of any type of “Dry” bean every meal. At first we did all these extravagant things to make it taste great but now we do not. We eat them and it’s almost like just taking a “Supplament” or a vitamin… I have even just opened a can of black bean and eaten them cold…

    When I have time I take my soaked and cooked black beans, saute them with a tiny bit of bacon grease, onion garlic and then add a little strong elderberry vinegar. “The BEST!!”

  338. Jane Borduin says

    I eat chia seeds every morning for a snack. Soaked in coconut milk, and with some fruit yogurt added it is a delicious. Great opportunity for creativity to make delicious treat.

  339. Jane says

    I eat chia seeds every morning for a snack. Soaked in coconut milk, and with some fruit yogurt added it is a delicious. Great opportunity for creativity to make delicious treat. The health benefits are worth it.

  340. Alison Bond says

    Love, Love Chia seeds in just about anything I can put them in……mostly shakes, puddings, pies, but also love them in Kombucha drinks!! Umm think I would add them to my newest love, your Pumpkin Bread bowl!! mmmm

  341. Melinda says

    My favorite recipe with chia seeds … every morning I have 1 cup fresh kale,1 cup of fresh spinich ,1/2 apple,1/2 bananna ,/1/2 avocado ,1 tsp hemp seed ,1 tsp chia seed and 1 cup coconut water blend and enjoy.. delicious… I need those free chia seeds…

    Thank you,

  342. Katie Z says

    I love chis seeds! Chia pudding is a fav pre-hot yoga food! I make it with 1/2 cup nonfat plain keifer (hemp milk or almond milk is delicious too), 1 scoop protein powder, 1-2 Tablespoons chia seeds…mix and let sit for 10 mins~! I also like to mix in 1 TBS canned pumpkin puree fpr Vit A and fiber!

  343. Daniela says

    gosh this is SO good! i’m eating it right now and make it at least once a week 🙂 and i use the melted banana trick for sweetener + i add in some chopped date. i love it when i can eat GIANT portions and not feel like i’m overeating. case in point, i love this recipe! please share more giant-portion recipes soon!

  344. Sheryl says

    I LOVE chia seeds! I use them in my smoothies every morning and add them to just about anything! If i win them I’ll be sure to try them in …well…anything I haven’t yet tried them in! they are a fun addition to juice with an extra little “pop” in your mouth!! 🙂

  345. Monica says

    Thanks, Katie! I actually did feel a little pressured to try something I was pretty sure I hated…chia seeds! My husband and I tried them about a year ago and just could not find a way to incorporate them into our diet that wasn’t disguisting (to us). I don’t know how I missed your post on it.

    BUT, after browsing around your site the other day, I came across this recipe and thought, “Phtt…if Katie put it in oatmeal I bet it tastes pretty good. Guess I’ll give it another shot”.

    SO, maybe not pressured, but inspired to try something again. Thanks again for the great recipe. It’s been my breakfast three days running 🙂

  346. Bee says

    Hi I have wanted to know this for ages and was wondering if you could help me? I have heard chia seeds are really good for thickening things and adding nutrients to e.g. possidge and I wanted to get some but they are really expensive! Howver linseeds/flaxseeds are uch cheaper and i was wondering what the difference was and which one I should buy? If they are both pretty much the same I’ll know to buy flax because they are also cheap! Thanks!!

  347. Eva says

    This is so good! I’ve just got my my braces, so my teeth are very sensitive and this recipe is my saviour! It goes wonderfully with the cereal milk and I’m sure I’ll be making this recipe a million times more!!

  348. angie says

    Put them in drinks (I like how they become gelatinous and I like the sound of the word gelatinous, on oatmeal, in muffins, on fruit, and wherever else my imagination and taste buds lead me… 😉

  349. Pippa says

    I love the idea of this and I’ve tried it a few times now, you get such a great yield for such a small amount of oats! I can’t seem to get over the chia taste/texture though. It feels a bit frogspawny to me.

    Any tips on things I can add?

  350. Nikole says

    I love chia seeds i make chia seed pudding at least once a week you can also make chia seed and oatmeal vegan cookies
    I also add it to my smoothie bowls yogurt and oatmeal
    I LOVE chia seeds

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