Can you say that three times fast?
Because I was out so late on New Year’s Eve, I opted to take a rest day from running the next morning and sleep in. Of course, “sleeping in” for me means sleeping til 7:30, because my body naturally wakes up with the sun. So I had a nice, leisurely breakfast:
Until this morning, I don’t know that I’d ever had a parfait before. Can you believe it?
I’ve posted the recipe for the mousse before. But, so you don’t have to click more links, here’s the recipe again:
Vegan Pumpkin Pie Mousse
(serves two)
1 cup canned pumpkin (such as Libby’s)
1 tsp cinnamon
up to 2/3 cup milk of choice
4 ice cubes (optional)
Sweetener of choice, to taste
Whip it all up in the blender for a loooong time.
Layer in a parfait glass, with pom seeds and Soy-Free Vegan Cream.
Along with the parfait, I also had a crumbly Single-Lady Muffin.
New Year’s Blog Changes:
I changed the blog header again. What do you think of my blog’s new look?
Basically, I was never 100% happy with the “strange diet” caption, as it sounded like I thought veganism was weird. Other captions I tossed around included: “Healthy is the new Naughty” and “Eat nice, feel Naughty.” I’m also in the process of updating pages, but who knows when they’ll be finished. (College starts again soon… where did Winter Break go???!)
Kat @ Cupcakekat says
yum this looks good. I like your blob header
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Thanks, Kat! 🙂
Cassandra says
That pumpkin pie parfait looks great.
Juliet says
I would LOVE to find a few recipes with fresh pumpkin (like how we use squash) that is not in a dessert or sweet format. We are a GFCF home and not real big on soy. Please share:)
Arjan Khalsa says
Dear Katie,
I love, love, love your blog (so does my family and their friends). I am so looking forward to when you are able to put a cookbook out! I hope this is in the works. I probably look for recipes daily to make quick desserts. When the internet is slow or dysfunctional, we aren’t able to connect to make some fun treats. Your cookbook will help solve that problem 🙂 Let me know if you need support at all on this… I’ll help you.
Lots of blessings to you and thank you so much for sharing with all of us. It’s making gluten-free and dairy free and sugar free living so much more enjoyable. I tell all of my patients about your blog and encourage them to try it out.
Dr. Arjan Khalsa
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Walker says
Hey Katie, Thanks for this great article on parfait. I can’t wait to pass this along to my patients. We would love to see more content like this in the future.