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Whipped Cream’s Healthy Makeover

Don’t tell me that, as a kid, you didn’t enjoy eating bowls of plain whipped cream.

What? You didn’t? It was just me?

Especially around Thanksgiving, I could’ve done without the pies. Just give me the heavy cream and nobody’d get hurt. Therefore, I am head-over-heels in love with this recipe. It’s light, airy, and… creamy!

It’s the perfect substitute for heavy cream on top of pie, ice cream, or a parfait.

You can even try this in the Voluminous Oatmeal Recipe.

Or just eat the entire bowl straight-up, as I like to do!

Soy-Free Vegan Cream

(Makes 1 1/2 cups: one Katie-sized serving!)

  • sweetener of choice
  • 1/16th tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 T water (20g)
  • 1/2 serving agar base (see below)
  • 3 drops coconut extract (Optional, but highly recommended)
  • optional: cocoa or fruit (for flavored cream)

Instructions: First, make up the agar base. When it’s cooled, put half of it in a blender (or Magic Bullet) with all the other ingredients and blend away.  Whip very well. I like to put it in the freezer for a few minutes prior to eating, so it’s super-cold. Optional: add fruit, cacao nibs, cocoa powder, or other add-ins.

Nutritional Info:
(for the entire bowl!)
Calories: 60
Fat: 3g
Protein: 2g
Carbohydrates: 3g

Want a version without agar? Try this: Coconut Cool Whip.

Uses for the Vegan Cream: Pour over berries, pie (pumpkin pie?!), waffles, or you can even eat it plain.

Or try it over pancakes, such as my Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes.

(That’s soyatoo in the photo, but you get the idea)

Published on November 18, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Tangy says

    I am excited for Thanksgiving!! I get to see a lot of family I only get to see a few times a year. It’s going to be a huge family gathering and we always have a blast and oh, yeah, there’s all the FOOD! I am a little nervous about my self-control but I know it will be a fun day!

    I don’t use whipped cream very often…usually the only time of year is on Thanksgiving day! I made some a couple of weeks ago using coconut milk, agave, and vanilla on HEAB’s pumpkin bars…it was ahhhhmazing 🙂

  2. Valerie says

    I love whipped cream! And yes, I’m a vegan. And no, that doesn’t stop me from eating whipped cream in abundance. Of course, now it’s just in the form of soyatoo and mimicream and your tofu vegan cream, which my whole family ADORES! The kiddies eat it over berries all the time, and I beam at knowing they’re enjoying a healthy snack :).

  3. bittersweetbaker says

    I’m fairly new to your blog, and I just wanted to tell you that even though I’m not a vegan, I love reading your posts!

    I also can’t believe that there is just one week until Thanksgiving. My father makes the meal, but I take care of dessert – I’d better start planning!

  4. Marissa says

    I’m not a vegan, and I’m not allergic to soy per se, but I really try to limit it because I blieve everything in moderation. So I am jotting this recipe down to put on top of my pumpkin pie this year. Thank you SO MUCH!!!! 🙂 🙂

  5. Psyckoprincess says

    OMG! I hapen to have agar flakes right now and have a pumpkin pie to top for today’s potluck at work! Ack! I’m so excited to try this! OH I have to get my base made so it can cool *runs around like a crazy person* Katie where do you come up with these fantastic ideas!?!?! 🙂

  6. abby says

    i’ve made your banana cream recipe before and it is heavenly. you can bet i’ll be trying this one. maybe with a single lady cupcake crumbled in? 😉
    how good does that sound?

  7. purplebirdblog says

    I know it practically makes me a communist, but I am just not a huge fan of whipped cream. I liked Cool Whip when I was a kid, but I just prefer things without any of that these days. *ducks from thrown tomatoes!*

    • abby says

      oh well, they’d be throwing tomatoes at me too, because i was the BIGGEST cool whip fan when i was a little kid. my sisters hated it, but i could and did eat gobs of the stuff, like ice cream!

  8. Leslie says

    I’m very excited for Thanksgiving. My parents are flying in, and it is going to be a HUGE party. We’re all going to have so much fun… that is, until we all get sick of each other! LOL

    The cream looks terrific. I’m a sucker for cream on top of pie. I think it makes the pie.

  9. Jennifer - jcd says

    You’re so brilliant! I’ll have to try this cream. I looooved whipped cream, especially in trifle, but I also ate it plain… We had Canadian Thanksgiving in October. It’s a nice family holiday and the food is always yummy too, once you get past the dead bird part. My parents are nice enough to skip the turkey on my behalf, so we had pumpkin chili, pumpkin pie, roasted veggies, and store-bought vegan whipped topping. Yum. I also like Christmas food – can you ssay Figgy Pudding?!?

    Hmm… I wonder how crumbled fudge babies and this whipped cream would taste? Pretty good, I’m sure. And I made a new ice cream recipe I thought you’d like: 1 frozen banana and 5 frozen strawberries, blend it up with a little soy milk, juice, or water and ta-da! Yummy ice cream!

  10. courtney says

    What do you mean “used to eat whipped cream by the bowlful?” Istill do that! Whipped cream is my favorite thing ever–I love the real stuff that is freshly whipped and doesn’t really have sweetener added. I will have to try the vegan version; thanks for the recipe Katie!

  11. Erika @ Health and Happiness in LA says

    I can’t say I’ve ever eaten a lot of whipped cream (and in my house that only meant the stuff from a can or a tub, we were not the kind of people who made whipped cream from scratch). But I did get a can of Soyatoo last year and we had it with berries. Now that is a divine combo.

  12. Caitlin says

    I love Thanksgiving! This is the first year I will not be home for it, but luckily two of my best friends will be here with me.

    Whipped cream is one of my favorite foods (err….treats?)! I love the aerosol kind and the freshly whipped kind. I often eat ice cream and pie ONLY as an excuse to eat way too much whipped cream.

  13. spoonfulofsugarfree says

    I love Thanksgiving!!! It is my favorite holdiay….but I have a tennis tournament in Georgia, and my sister has one in Michigan. So we will be spending Thanksgiving apart 🙁 And on the road 🙁

  14. Amy says

    I am so excited. I just found your site through I am eliminating dairy from my diet since I don’t like how it makes me feel and a blood test I had resulted in an “allergy”. I love whipped cream and was wondering if I would ever be able to have it again and now I can try this!

  15. jodye @ 'scend food says

    you’re not alone, I was always a straight up whipped cream girl. I was also a big fan of clotted cream which I got from my british dad. He ate it with scones.. I skipped the scones and went for the cream by itself.

  16. Bianca- Vegan Crunk says

    Agar is the final frontier for me. I’ve never had luck with it, and I really need to get in the kitchen and master it. I hate not being able to do something! I puffy-heart Soy Whip, the kind in the box…not the can.

    I’m sooooooo excited about Thanksgiving. Its one of my fave holidays. My mom makes everything vegan for me, so I can stuff myself crazy like everyone else.

  17. bloomingbuzz says

    I just had whipped cream on top of a brownie with ice cream for dessert last night 😀 it was sooo good…definitely one of my favorite ways to enjoy it!

    and on that note, I will be enjoying my fair share of the stuff this time next week and I could not be more excited to celebrate!

  18. Camille says

    Ooh, what a great idea!
    Usually I am super excited for Thanksgiving because I get to see my entire family. This year, however, I have moved away so I’m not quite as excited. I am excited that the same weekend is my birthday, that will be fun!

  19. Aly says

    I love whipped cream!! 🙂 I used soyatoo for last Thanksgiving and this Thanksgiving, I’m not entirely sure what I’m making for dessert! Menu time…? 😀 I am super ecstatic about Thanksgiving. My family (i.e. everyone apart from my mommy and daddy) don’t understand why I’m vegan, so I’m going to be in for a question and answer session, but I’m bringing lots of vegan food to share! 😀 I just won’t claim it as such and see what gets eaten!
    Yay family though!!
    I really wanna try your cream recipe. 🙂

  20. fitchocoholic says

    Yum! Where do I buy agar, though??????
    Must make this soon!!!! As in whenever possible. I might even resort to buying tofu and trying out that version. Throw in some chocolate chips and maybe a drizzle of honey……..and eat it for breakfast. Because tofu is healthy, and chocolate has antioxidants, so this is practically health food!

  21. theflourishingfoodie says

    This sounds so good! I just need to get my hands on some agar base.
    I”m really not a big fan of pumpkin or apple pie, so usually on thanksgiving I just have a tiny slice of pecan pie and a huge plate ful of whipped cream. Now that I”m trying to limit my dairy consumption I really need to try this!

  22. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    This looks AMAZING!!!

    I loved Cool Whip as a kid. And Scott may have a minor cool whip addiciton 🙂 Mostly broke him of it, but he loves the stuff..eats it frozen like ice cream.

    I have tried Tru Whip which is coolwhip’s healthier cousin, and it’s good but harder to find and much pricier. And it’s not truly vegan. It’s dairy free but not vegan b/c of trace dairy i think. A reader told me that…anyhoo…

    I have also made tons of cashew cream in my time, but it doesnt have the light totally fluffy texture that your latest recipe has…Job well done, Katie!!!!!!


  23. Erika says

    As much as I love whipped cream on ice cream or pie, my favorite way to eat it is by squirting the whipped cream out of the can and into my mouth! 😛

  24. Heather @ Get Healthy With Heather says

    What a volumous whipped cream! I usually don’t eat whip cream but this one does look tasty.

  25. Sarah says

    You are a very, very nice person! I haven’t eaten ice cream or anything yummy creamy for the last 2 years due to health issues (get real sick with anything too high fat). I can totally have this!!! Let me rephrase—I AM going to totally have this today!
    My 6 yr old and I made your agar pudding last week and it was awesome–she loved it as much as I did. So this is the next logical step…

    Thanks for sharing your great ideas! I would be lost without so many great food blogs to follow!

  26. LenaBena says

    Hmm, sounds good!

    Hi Katie,

    I found you through Julia over at Islaborg. If I can find agar then I’ll definitely try it. Question: do you think this could be used as a meringue if some arrowroot was added?


  27. Erin says

    If I were to win your Magic Bullet Thanks Giveaway then I would def try out this vegan cream. But I’m also dying to make some homemade hummus 🙂

  28. Dominique says

    Am I really the first one to enter the magic bullet giveaway!? If I won, I’d use mine to make green smoothies (how original, i know). Sometimes, I’m just too lazy to wash my regular blender so the magic bullet would be a great addition to my kitchen.

  29. Lindsay says

    Fairly new to your blog, and although I’m not vegan your recipes never cease to make me drool! Keep it up! 🙂

    Oh, and I’d make green monsters, after green monsters in the MB! It would actually make me drink them more since it would be so much easier to clean than my blender!

  30. Tara says

    hi there katie!
    i only recently discovered your website, and am having so much fun with it! i have definately passed in on to others who understand chocolate! i immediately started making your chocolates – katie i never thought to do these things, and i just love it! i am making vegan cream today!
    i am a personal trainer, and i have a magic bullet that i use Everyday. my first appointment is at 6am, and everyday i arrive with my magic bullet smoothie in hand! i am always singing the praises of my mb, and what’s in it!
    if i be part of this giveaway, i would giveaway the magic bullet to someone i work with who would use it, and very much appreciate it!

  31. Lauren says

    Excited for this giveaway. If I won this giveaway, I would love to make personal smoothies and endless amounts of sweet cashew cream. Yum!

  32. Anonymous says

    Mmmm where to begin?? If I had a magic bullet I would start by making lots of banana soft serve & hummus variations. Yum.

  33. Dana says

    mmm with a Magic Bullet, I would love to make banana softserve or whipped up oatmeal! Pumpkin pie smoothies wouldn’t hurt either 🙂

  34. Eileen says

    I love whipped cream on everything. I used to love Cool Whip and then it just started tasting chemically to me (understandably if you read the list of ingredients!). I can’t bring myself to use regular whipped cream because of the loads of milk fat so I am very intrigued to try this recipe out. thanks for sharing!

  35. Jessica F says

    Yum….the possibilities excite me! I think I would use a magic bullet to make (among other things) smoothies and this silken tofu chocolate pudding recipe.

  36. Ashley Hull says

    I would make everything! salad dressing, smoothies, anything at all! It would be the perfect single serving size for me!

  37. Sonya says

    I would love to make this to eat on Raw Cheesecake 🙂 My girls LOVE the cheesecake, and whipped cream. I just ordered agar and when it comes in we’re making raw cheesecake AND this whipped cream. Thanks for so many yummy recipes, and the cool giveaway, too!

  38. Elizabeth says

    vegan creme loooks delish!!!! I would make hemp pudding!!!! Oats, hemp protein, coconut milk, berries-mix then add agave and chia seeds to taste!!! Perfect post workout snack!!

  39. kelly says

    I would make EVERYTHING in the magic bullet!! But def. smoothies and salsa! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! I “offically” follow your blog now, LOVE IT!!

  40. Gina says

    Ahhh magic bullet! I would make green monsters (a la ohsheglows) and blended oatmeal (a la CC Katie. It’s my favorite now). If I won, I won’t have chunks of spinach/kale in my smoothies anymore, yippeee!

  41. fitchocoholic says

    I’m entering the giveaway! I would use a Magic Bullet to make yummy Banana soft serve with chocolate chips, and then use it again to make whipped cream to top the soft serve with!!!!!!! Also, I’m linking to this contest on my blog!

  42. Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn says

    With my Magic Bullet, I would be making loads and loads of personal-sized vegan Greek yogurt cuppies (I’ve been hooked on the stuff!) and of course, my homemade Katebars!

    I would also be making plenty of banana soft serve and frozen-fruit-froyo. I would definitely have to try out this whipped cream recipe..wouldn’t be right if I didn’t! 🙂

    Plus, a Magic Bullet would be so handy in college next year..who wants to bring a clunky blender to college? 😉

  43. Anne says

    My sister has a Magic Bullet and I am so envious! She makes these amazing (!!) mocha frozen drinks that I adore…that would definitely be the first thing I make!

    atimchula715 (at) gmail (dot) com

  44. Elizabeth says

    I would make smoothies if I were to win. Pick me! You don’t want to deprive someone of smoothies, do you? 😛 😉

  45. Erika says

    With the magic bullet, I would make personal sized vegan pumpkin pies (pumpkin pie mix + cashews + tofu cream cheese). Delicious! Would also come in handy as an at-my-desk smoothie maker.

  46. Patty says

    If I won a Magic Bullet, I would definitely use it for all of my soups. I don’t have a blender or processor or anything, and really want to make some creamy soups!! Soups with chunks are all right, but they just don’t compare:)

  47. Coco says

    I would LOVE to have a Magic Bullet. I have thought about buying one for a long time, but unfortunately can’t justify spending the money on a college student’s budget. If I won the giveaway I would most certainly make blended wheat berries! Blended grains in general just sound to die for!

  48. jc says

    i would definitely make raw tomato sauce to go with my awesome zucchini noodle!

    awesome giveaway~

    or your soy-free vegan cream sounds really good too!

  49. Coco says

    I now follow you on twitter too! I retweeted your giveaway…I just got a twitter myself! Not quite sure how I feel about it yet!

  50. Susan says

    I have to say that I would use it for smoothies! I love smoothies and I don’t want to bring out my big blender – the Magic Bullet would be perfection!

  51. Erin says

    If I had a magic bullet I would finally be able to create wonderful smoothies! Everyone raves about them but I am sorely lacking in appliances.

  52. Anastasia says

    I just recently ran across your blog, and I love it. 🙂
    I’m not a vegan, but I really enjoy a lot of vegan recipes, and I’m always looking for healthier options…

    If I had a magic bullet, I’d make some of your vegan ice cream!

  53. Ellen K says

    I’ve been wanting a magic bullet for soooo long!they’re not available in the UK 🙁
    i would make everything from oatmeal to soup to smoothies…
    and nut butters like almond butter which i loooove but are almost impossible to find here!
    i want one so bad!

  54. Albizia says

    This sounds like a great giveaway. And great isn’t even the right word but my vocabulary doesn’t provide a better one 😀 . It’s so nice (and selfless) of you to offer something like that to your readers.

    With a Magic Bullet I would probably make a lot of smoothies because I’ve always wanted to try them seeing them on other people’s blogs and more desserts with dried fruit and nuts for which the blender at home isn’t powerful enough and I have to mash them by hand. Cooking and fitness in one 🙂 .

  55. Katie says

    Love your blog! I would make all sorts of different kinds of hummus with the Magic Bullet! Happiest of Thanksgivings to you!

  56. Natalie F. says

    I know so many people who have magic bullets and love them! I would definitely use it to make iced coffee drinks that are alot healthier than those ones from starbucks! I would love to try your cream topping for the top of some of those drinks – guilt free whipped topping? Count me in!

  57. Natalie F. says

    Not sure if this is where you wanted all entries — I’m following you on twitter via @natcatty!

    and I retweeted your link to your giveaway! 🙂

  58. Jaisan says

    LOL I’m de-lurking for the first time over this whipped cream! As always I love reading your recepies and ideas! I keep passing them on to my friends. I think the first three things I’d make with my Magic Bullet are

    1. Vegan Cheesecake!
    2. Vegan Whipped Cream. I am now hopelessly addicted to this!
    3. Spicy Salsa ( I love it as a mexican style salad dressing!

    Hugs and shimmies! Keep up the fun Foods!

  59. Kelly Michelle says

    I would make smoothies…. but I would make them at work! I saw someone in the kitchen do it today. she brought in a magic bullet and she keeps smoothie stuff in the breakroom fridge/freezer. so smart and healthy

  60. May says

    I have been wanting to make all you recipes for quite some time, actually ever since I found your blog, specially the raw cheese cake!, it looks something to die for…cant wait to try it out some day.

  61. Demelza says

    I’d love to try out the banana blender cereal or, with the cold weather over here, perhaps some nice blended grains. ;]

  62. DCrunner says

    I’ve been wanting a Magic Bullet to make green smoothies! But I love to cook, so I know I’d find a million ways to use it. I hate getting out my food processor b/c it’s so big and has too many parts, so this would help me make all the recipes I avoid (or half-ass!) because I don’t want to lug out and wash my food processor.

  63. Anna says

    I stumbled on your blog and love it!!
    You have such creative ideas that are sooo delicious sounding!!
    With the magic bullet I would make banana peanut butter soft serve, raw dough balls, vegan whip cream, and some kind of pumpkin soup!

  64. Merry says

    I’m so glad I stumbled across your blog! I’ve been looking for blogs with good vegan recipes! I would definitely use a magic bullet to make delicious, fresh salsa and smoothies.

  65. Katherine says

    With the magic bullet I think I would probably make my many smoothies that I love. I am *trying* to recover from anorexia and smoothies are always my go to when I need a few extra calories without going overboard and having a complete panic attack.
    I will also follow you on twitter and link back to this in my blog entry tonight (

  66. Lili says

    If I had a magic bullet, I’d be making everything in it from whipped cream (!) to hummus to salad dressings to smoothies! Next year I’ll be in college, and it would be so helpful to be able to make at least some of my food.

  67. Courtney (greeneyedrunner) says

    that looks so good! i can’t wait to go home for christmas and try all your recipes in my kitchen at home! if i had a Magic Bullet, i think the first thing I would make would be a batch of FUDGE BABIES. they just look incredible! and then i’d take some inspiration from HEAB, and make homemade cacao bliss :]

  68. Haylee says

    I will make some yummy breakfast smoothies for my hubby! He never eats breakfast, but would totally love protein shakes if I made them for him 😀

  69. Sora says

    I would love to make some apple pie in a glass, or pumpkin pudding! And I’ve been following you on Twitter (vaguelybackward)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  70. Frances says

    a magic bullet would really help with making batter for cakes and the like…it’d really help my baking endeavors! i might also try to use it for making nut butter, definitely pureed soups, and maybe an occasional smoothie 🙂

  71. Jamie says

    i love my blender, but I would definitely use to magic bullet to actually make my smoothies PORTABLE! I love the size! In keeping things seasonal, my post workout smoothie of choice recently has been pumpkin pie smoothie: banana, pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla protein powder, a TB of nut butter and ice. delicious!

  72. Katie says

    I would use the Magic Bullet to first make that amazing vegan whipped cream! After that, the possibilities are endless! Nut butters, squash mousses, sauces, soups, and of course my daily green smoothie. Please pick me because my cheap blender is about to die soon!

  73. Cellabella says

    With a MB, I would make lots of peanut butter, soymilk, and frozen banana smoothies when it’s hot outside, and lots of savory/creamy dressings and vinaigrettes for my roasted veggies when it’s cold outside 🙂

  74. eatinglikeahorse says

    I think it would have to be all about butternut puree/mousse, pureed mixed berries (if you blend them when they’re part-thawed it’s like an amazing sorbet – but my hand blender does NOT like it so I have to drag out my prehistoric “food processor” handed on from my mum 🙁 )
    Plus, nut butter, the agar pudding, bean burgers… I could write an essay but I think I’d drool too much!

  75. Caitlin says

    I have always wanted to use a Magic Bullet to make smoothies RIGHT IN THE SERVING cup! Then I can put one of the cute colored bands on it to differentiate it from others’ smoothies.

    Seriously, I’ve wanted to do this since I first watched the infomercial.

  76. Austin says

    I’d whip up some blended oats ASAP! We used to have a Magic Bullet, but my brother in Philly kidnapped it. Its the perfect size for a self sufficient feeder/cook such as myself.

  77. Anne says

    If I had a Magic Bullet, I’d use it to make healthy baby food for my new baby boy. A Magic Bullet is already on my Christmas list!

    Love the whipped cream recipe, BTW. 😉

  78. Anisha says

    banana soft serve. smoothies. soups. vegan cream sauces that require a lot of cashew-grinding. the possibilities would be endless with a magic bullet!

  79. Jess @ Two Faced Chef says

    I really like the Peanut Butter Magic Bullet idea! It would probably work really well for Walnut butter, since they are easy to chop up. But I would probably use it for individual Smoothies.

  80. Sheree says

    Actually I have one, but Brandie, my vegan daughter, really needs one. She uses hers almost daily and the motor in almost burned up. Please bullet fairy, send me a magic bullet so I can give it to Brandie!!!

  81. hayleemarie says

    I would make some madly delicious smoothies in my magic bullet! Jamba Juice has got nothing on me. 🙂


  82. abby says

    my favorite thanksgiving dish is cranberry sauce. i just made my own for the first time… not great, but not too shabby. could use some vegan cream on top. as for the magic bullet giveaway, i keep frozen berries in my freezer to make breakfast smoothies, but there are so many little parts to my food processor, it’s a little bit of a pain to clean. plus, the texture changes when i store it in the fridge or freezer. it would also be pretty helpful for mincing garlic – i use garlic in almost everything i make!

  83. Hayley says

    I would make smoothies, but really, vegan cream sounds pretty good to me too. I have never tried a vegan version of whipped cream (or real whipped cream, for that matter) but I remember when I was little and I would eat little bites of dessert, I usually liked fluffier and airier types of dessert rather than the dense stuff. So I would probably love vegan cream!

  84. Megan G. says

    If I won you Magic Bullet Thanks Giveaway I would make banana soft serve! I can’t make it in the cheap/weak blender that I have. Yum!

    I’m also following you on Twitter (@megangilson9).

  85. lauravirginia says

    I have been wanting a Magic Bullet forever! I love all your recipes, but I don’t have any “blending device,” so I would love to try the vegan cream if I won!!!! 🙂

  86. Kelly says

    If I won the magic bullet, I would continue to make all of the recipes (I’m having so much fun with them right now), the clean up will just be a little easier since it will not be my big food processor

  87. Meghan says

    I would obviously make your Vegan Cream. And I have been making a lot of Green Monsters lately (spinach, banana, milk smoothies), so this would be perfect!

  88. Maria says

    If I won I’d pretty much make everything! I have a small apartment, with a tiny kitchen so I don’t have room for a lot of kitchen gadgets so this magic bullet would be perfect! I’d make these yummy looking creams, babies, you name it!

  89. runRedrun says

    Oh, so many options! I’m going to go with salad dressings (miso+tahini+other stuff). I usually stir it with a spoon, and it takes forever for the miso and tahini to incorporate into the water.

  90. sarah says

    I’ve been dreaming up this coconut cream pie smoothie. However, all I own is an emersion blender! I need a magic bullet!!!! In my smoothie would be: greek yogurt, coconut butter, and a couple tablespoons of (sugar free) coconut pudding mix (+ ice and almond milk) sprinkled with toasted coconuts and toasted almonds…ummmmm yummmm?!

  91. Ali says

    I’m hoping this is open to the UK as well…

    I would make (amongst many others!) alfredo sauce, my own nut butters and mole fudge babies (hot chocolate fudge babies with a hint of chilli, nom nom!)


  92. Shannon says

    If I won a magic bullet, I would make some CHOCOLATE soy-free vegan whipped cream, and possibly a chocolate pumpkin smoothie to go with it. holy YUM. 🙂

  93. Raquel says

    Hey Katie! I’d definitely make the vegan cream in my magic bullet. I’d also make these raw soups I’ve been discovering on the net. There’s a mushroom soup that really tastes good to me! I don’t know that I won’t heat it up, though…

    I’d also make banana butter, chocolate butter, homemade smoothies, and all sorts of things! 😀

    Thank you, just for being you, ma’am!

  94. Sarah A says

    I’d make everything that can possibly be pureed, mixed, or otherwise combined. Hummus. Fudge babies. Pumpkin/squash/broccoli/any type of pureed soup. Creamy oatmeal. Homemade nutbutters. Protein shakes. The possibilities are endless!

  95. Kaycee says

    Goodness this giveaway is exciting! I was actually going to go to Bed Bath and Beyond on Black Friday to buy a new blender because I broke my old blender trying to make almond butter (which, may I say, turned out into a horrendous mess). As for what I would make with a Magic Bullet, my first choice is homemade larabars! I tried making homemade larabars with my old blender but again, horrendous mess ;p Then of course I would have to go with classic smoothies, dips, vegan pudding, vegan cream, and some other recipes that I’m dying to experiment with!

  96. Kianni says

    Ha, I was thinking of how much I’d want a Magic Bullet to be able to make this Vegan Cream! I’ve made it once now in the blender, but it seems like som of it goes to waste because it gets stuck all over the big blenders blades and jar- not to mention I have to use the whole big thing trying to maneuver it and scrape every last bit off becuase I’d hate to see it go down the drain! *gasp*. I’d also try some blended grain reicipes and soups and a whole lot more! Mostly all that stops me from doing recipes is the thought of it getting stuck on the blender bottom and sides and not getting as much (wasting) out of the recipes no matter how much I spatula the sides!.. Speaking of which I just made a Vegan Chocolate Fudge Cake…Should I go and hug it? ;D

  97. Vanessa says

    If I had a magic bullet I would have to skip work one day and make every recipe I can. The first thing I would make is a smoothie. Then I go on to make the vegan cheesecake. Oh, and of course I would make some homemade nut butters. I want one sooooooo bad!!

  98. Wendy says

    I would make so many different things if I had a Magic Bullet, haha. The closest thing I have to a food processor is a 20 year old blender.

    I think the first thing I would make is the vegan cream. I mean, who can resist bowls and bowls of cream? 😀

  99. Tricia says

    If i had a magic bullet of my own, i’d make that whipped cream, smoothies, blended oatmeal, and your raw cheesecake. With that whipped cream, i’d top my oatmeal with it, my hot chocolate, and some pumpkin pie this weekend.

  100. liz says

    I would lOVE to win the Magic Bullet! I can think of tons of things to make with it! First on my list during these Fall days would be a pumpkin moose or pudding. Lately I have been so into pumpkin. I’d mix pumpkin with sugar-free vanilla almond milk, some unsweetended cocao powder, chocolate protein powder, a touch of guar or xantham, sweetener, and voila!

  101. Erin says

    I work on a trading desk and get to work at 6:30 so I would definitely use the magic bullet to make a green monster for breakfast!

  102. Isaure says

    I’d make smoothies! I live in a dorm since I’m in college, so I don’t have room for any fancy blender or anything, and it’s so hard to get enough fruits and veggies in the dining hall! A magic bullet would help me eat up all my fruit before it goes bad, and it’d be great on-the-go while walking to class. :

  103. Isaure says

    I’d make smoothies! I live in a dorm since I’m in college, so I don’t have room for any fancy blender or anything, and it’s so hard to get enough fruits and veggies in the dining hall! A magic bullet would help me eat up all my fruit before it goes bad, and it’d be great on-the-go while walking to class. 🙂

  104. A.B. says

    Homemade guacamole! I would love to make this! Sadly, I am currently blenderless, but a Magic Bullet would be a fantastic substitute! 😀

  105. Michele P. says

    very cool…I am definitely going to keep this recipe and try it out. Something I would make in a Magic Bullet would of course be smoothies. Papaya and banana and strawberry smoothies to be exact. We started making them when we spent part of the summer in Guatemala and love them. Here in Maine the fruit is not as fresh as the mercado in Guatemala, but we still do it occasionally. And we are heading back again in June so this would be great to take with us!

  106. Frances says

    I would make banana ice cream for my boyfriend in large quantities. And smoothies for us both. And something involving peanut butter for our dog, Jim.

  107. Hannah says

    I would make this recipe or a smoothie with frozen banana, coconut butter, and cacao with the magic bullet! I don’t have a blender so can never make smoothies, you see 🙁

  108. Sara says

    I would love to make some soups and smoothies with the magic bullet! I was just thinking the other day how nice it would be to have one!

  109. lora says

    if i had the magic bullet I would be able to make chili or soup in a snap! chopping and processing would be so much easier for me in my little apartment space! thanks katie! this is awesome!


  110. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear says

    I have no idea if this is open for non US residents too, but I would definitely make my own hummus and deeeeeeeelicious smoothies.. or even juices! I also follow you in Twitter.

    Favourite way to eat cream? with strawberries or raspberries in summer 😛 I wish it was SUMMER!

  111. Jillian says

    I would make bunches and bunches of banana-mango smoothies. They’re so great. Also some banana ice cream and whipped cream and mousses. Yum, I’m salivating just thinking about it!!! I really want the magic bullet! I also follow you on Twitter, so I’m not quite sure how the extra vote thing works, but yea, that’s that. =)

  112. Heather says

    I could really use a Magic Bullet tonight. Vegan cream would be wonderful on top of the apple pie that is baking right now 🙂

  113. Elaine says

    If I were to win the magic bullet— I would make banana espresso chocolate smoothies! For breakfast- a good alternative to oatmeal 😀

  114. Lizzie says

    I would be making some almond butter. I have been waiting to try it for a while but do not have a machine to do it with right now 🙂

  115. missymiller says

    Oh me. Oh my.
    I have CRAVED, LUSTED after, and DREAMT about owning a magic bullet.
    What would I make in it? Easier to answer what I would not….wait. That would be difficult, too.
    So…I guess the very FIRST thing I’s make is a smoothie. A fearless smoothie with lots of stuff my blender just can’t handle.


  116. Kate says

    If I won the magic bullet giveaway, I’d whip up some “pumpkin pie” – the remix. Organic canned pumpkin, pecans, dates, and raisins….with a dash of cinnamon. Yum! Thanks for all your great dessert ideas. I, too, have a huge (vegan) sweet tooth!

  117. Kate says

    Katie, I would be so so so so happy to win the Magic Bullet. I have been yearning to try your blended oatmeal trick and top it off with the vegan cream!!!

  118. Maya says

    This is perfect! I can’t do soy, so all of the “creamy, dairy-free” recipes out there are forbidden. It’s fabulous to find something creamy, sweet, and delicious like this!

    A Magic Bullet would be amazing to have at school! I would whip up a batch of avocado chocolate pudding, to start! That’s with an avocoado, agave, a sliver of apple, raw cacao, and warm coconut butter (although not necessary with the avocado- i just love it). Next up would be pureed cinnamon coconut acorn squash!

  119. gaby says

    Well, whipped cream, duh! Then of course my standard smoothies, sandwich spreads and nut pates, nut butters, pesto, super smooth guacamole and hummus, or even a way to cheat at mixing up single lady cupcake batter 🙂

  120. danna says

    i tried to make vegan whipped cream with an immersion blender the other day. um, no dice. with a magic bullet, my creamy whipped dreams would come true! i’d also love to make anything with cashews- ricotta, cream, you name it.

  121. Esther says

    I want a magic bullet so bad!! I would use it to make smoothies, nut butters, ice cream, etc. The possibilities are endless 🙂

  122. elaine says

    i can not tell you how excited I would be to use the magic bullet to make this whipped cream recipe! finally a vegan cream recipe that doesn’t contain nuts! i would also use it to make coconut butter 😀

  123. Renee Bezuidenhout says

    Hi ya Katie… It is so challenging finding all the ingredients and goodies for your recipes were I live! So I would use the MB to make all the recipes you post, and make all the goodies I can’t buy here. It is so CHALLENGING when one can’t go to the store to buys what one needs… so making is the next best thing… But I would need a MB.
    Oh my goodness if I had a MB, I could make all your recipes.
    Nut butter, whipped cream, smoothies, hummus, salsa, coconut cream, and I could go on, and on…none of these things can be bought here is our stores!
    So I would really make good use of a MB, it would be used in my kitchen every day!!!

    Thank you so much for all your advice, ideas, recipes and encouragement!!!! There is not much following her or support here, so reading your blog really helps me in trying to live a wholesome sustainable lifestyle… Thank you : )

  124. Erin says

    I will make peanut butter. I have just about worn out the motor on my current food processor and I cannot NOT have PB in the house.

  125. Emma says

    Oh WOW I would love to win this magic bullet. Of course, you have numerous recipes I’d love to use it for, but I think I would most commonly use it for magic green smoothies and such, my current blender right now just doesn’t make the cut! I also make a frozen fruit sorbet that I think would work perfectly in this.

    Thank you for the shot!

    I subscribe to your twitter and email also… no blog though! 🙁

  126. Sarah says

    So, I have an entire list printed out of what I would make with a magic bullet. It will suffice to say that you and I, Katie, will be living parallel lives in our eating habits!

  127. Liz says

    If I had a magic bullet the first thing I’d make is carrot cake macaroon babies! When I first found your blog I tried to make fudge babies and my tiny little food processor couldn’t handle the nuts and dates 🙁 I’ve been dreaming of baby-making ever since.

  128. Anne says

    I would make…raw chocolate cake =)
    I saw a recipe and it called for pulsed nuts and dates..and i kinda can’t do that since I dorm. BUT if I get the magic bullet it would be possiblee!! hooorayyy

  129. Lida says

    Hi Katie,

    I love your blog, I’ve been following it for a while now. Like you, I am likely to wind up incorporating some form of chocolate into almost every meal 😉

    What I would make in the magic bullet: Simple but blissful – My favorite chocolate banana shake:

    Brazil nuts, water, frozen banana, flax or chia meal for thickness, dates or agave nectar (I prefer the vanilla infused agave), and of course 3 tablespoons cocoa powder. I also like to throw in some cinnamon and/or nutmeg. Quick, easy, and delightful – brazil nuts are great for a milky/creamy taste.

  130. Bernice says

    Yep… I think a big bowl of this is in order. I might make add chocolate. I bought the big thing of cocoa powder when I started reading your blog!

  131. Meredith says

    If I won the Magic Bullet, I would use it to make smoothies 🙂 and also to blend up frozen bananas and peanut butter into a lovely “ice creamy” treat!

  132. Abby says

    Oh Magic Bullet….how I have coveted thee!! The infomercial never ceases to draw me in no matter how many times I’ve watched it! There are so many things I would make–from homemade salad dressings to green smoothies to your delicious pumpkin cream mousse!

    I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!

  133. Kayla says

    I would make nut butter in a Magic Bullet! I’ve done some “experimenting” with my VitaMix, but the square-ish shape of the container just does NOT make nut butter-making very easy! 🙂 I’ve never used a Magic Bullet but from what I know, they are round, so it would be easier to make nut butter and even fudge babies!

  134. molly b says

    I would make vegan cream, larabars, and some single serve muffins. I have been dying for a Magic Bullet to try your amazing recipes!

  135. Cass says

    I just discovered your site a few days ago, and I LOVE it! I usually just buy similar products to the ones that you make, but your recipes are so easy 🙂

    Anyway, I would use the magic bullet for the banana/pb mixture…I love both foods so much!

  136. Rachel Lauren says

    This sounds so good. I must get agar agar flakes at wf’s today. I want to try the agar pudding idea… I usually just make tofu pudding. I really want a magic bullet, sometimes I just don’t want to clean the food processor!

  137. veggie365 says

    If I win, I will use the magic bullet to try making “babies” – these look so good, in so many variations, but I do not currently have the equipment to try them! 🙂

  138. Caitlin says

    I would use the MB to make banana/peanutbutter mixture, and to puree bananas for my oatmeal. I would also be able to make smaller amounts of fudge babies. I tend to make a big batch in the food processor because it’s big, and then I eat them all in a day or two. Not the best idea…

  139. Melissa @ I Never Imagined says

    Oh, the things I would make!! My vegan Chocolate Ginger Snap Pie would be first. Then some fresh vegan pesto. My hand blender just doesn’t cut it when it comes to these two dishes! I am getting a bit tired of crushing things by hand! 🙂

  140. Erika Bryant says

    That’s so funny. I was just telling my husband the other day that I would like a magic bullet. I would definitely use it to chop garlic. I wanted something that I could make a couple of smoothies for the kids. They love it when I make them. I saw that you could use it to make salsa. Yum. I made cashew cream for the first time today and I liked it. I was going to make your cheesecake, but the recipe would not pop up so I used it to make cashew cream. I wonder what you could make with that. Do you have any suggestions?

  141. JeanBean says

    Must whip the beans, my daily staple. Add veggies, rice, garlic, spice or anything you like! Yum, yum, yum, eat for dinner or for lunch, but don’t forget the beans must be mush! Hummus good, garbanzo : ( . Love the taste, not the texture. That bullet sure would make my lunches from home a “take away breeze”.

  142. minyo@m3foodpassion says

    yo mrs pretty cocoakattie !! :O
    hehe 😉 i am now making this whipped cream! 😀
    but instead using soymilk i use 4T coconut cream dissolved in 2 C of water.. i am making huge serving 😉 hehee..
    i cant wait to taste it! i want it super cooollddd haha ;D
    u have any idea for my toppings? 😀

  143. Beth says

    Hi Katie,

    I tried making cocoa pudding last night. I used 1 1/3 c. almond milk, 2 1/2 tsp. agar agar powder, 1 TBSP cocoa, and a little salt. I brought everything to a boil, let it simmer, then turned off the heat to let it cool a bit. I then poured it into a plastic container and let it cool quite a bit more before I refrigerated it. In the morning, it had solidified/gelled, and it was very dense and hard. I tasted it (tasted awesome!), but the texture was off. I put it in my foodprocessor to see what that would do, and it turned into a mousse. It’s delicious, but I wanted to know how to make it more pudding/yogurt-like. Did I use too much agar agar?

    I may try your recipe for vegan creme, but I still wanted your input on this recipe.


  144. Amy says

    With frozen raspberries and some vegan probiotics, I have yogurt for the first time in over a YEAR! (I’m allergic to dairy, gluten, soy, corn and coconut) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

  145. Gabby says

    Hey Katie!

    I’ve been reading your blog for some time now, and loving the new products and chemistry-like tricks to which you’ve introduced me.

    However, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to make this whipped cream recipe work. The agar base just blends into a gelatin-like pudding, and doesn’t even come close to looking like your pictures.

    I was wondering if you had any tips or tricks to help with this problem.

    Thanks so much! Again, I love the blog.


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hey Gabby!

      I’m so sorry it’s not working for you :(. After you let it gel, do you blend it in your blender? After mine turns into a gelatin-looking block (after like a day in the fridge), I put it in a blender and blend til creamy!

  146. julie says

    do you use coconut milk for the agar base? I used the almond milk and my cream looked like butterscotch pudding!! Also–which appliance do you whip it with? Yours looks so fluffy!

  147. Jillian says

    I have a question. I hope this wasn’t already asked. I’ve no doubt answering the same questions must be tiresome. I was at my local grocery store today and wanted to buy coconut extract for this whipped cream recipe. I’m not really familiar with coconut extract and saw that it was imitation. I didn’t know if there was only imitation or if there was in fact imitation and pure. I know there is a HUGE difference in taste between real vanilla extract and artificial and wondered if you knew if the same held true for the coconut as now I have found out that both do exist. I may be able to find it at my specialty store if need be.

  148. Maddie says

    Please create a recipe for healthy oreo’s. I would adore you even more than I already do, which is saying something (:

  149. Anonymous says

    I’m thinking of using this inside the Hostess recipe but I’m worried it might be too runny, will it achieve that fluffy whipped texture of Ricemallow etc?
    Thank you!

  150. Julia says

    I tried to make this today, but it REALLY didn’t come out right; it was just like milk, no “whip” at all. Any idea what I did wrong?? I’d really like to be able to make it–it looks AMAZING!

      • Julia says

        I used 2 tbsp agar flakes with 2 cups unsweetened original Silk pure almond milk…I tried to “slow boil” it as best I could, and then I brought it down to low for 5 minutes. It got really really frothy at the beginning and so I reduced the heat and stirred it–was that a mistake? Do you think not letting it cool for long enough could’ve contributed too? (I put it in the fridge after only 5 minutes…I was impatient to eat it! haha)

  151. Julia says

    Okay! Thanks so much for the tips 🙂 I can’t wait to try it again. Love your blog, by the way–everything else I’ve made has turned out DELICIOUSLY.

  152. Joanna says

    I really Love your site. Even though I am not a vegan and actually quite the opposite we both share a major love for chocolate but a desire to keep the sugar natural and LOW. Please check out my blog and feel free to “like” it and my Facebook page. I think you will love my coconut Kefir recipe and my brownies (u can sub the egg with flaxseed meal) I have shared several of your post. Thanks!
    oh and I dont think these cookies look bad, i would still eat them lol my blog is

  153. Stephanie says

    I wonder what I did wrong with the vegan whipped cream. It looked NOTHING like yours in the photos, was not that creamy/fluffy and definitely NOT that white! Any suggestions?
    PS – Your blog makes me otherwise very unproductive 🙂

  154. Debra says

    I really enjoy your website and recipes. I usually have no problems having something come out well but I have tried this one repeatedly with very little success. The cream is soft and does not get firmed up.

    I have not tried commercial almond milk, but use homemade. I used powdered agar and it is usually 1 tsp = 1 Tbsp agar flakes. Still no luck.

    How long do you let the mixture cool before blending? Mine looks like the photo of the gelled agar base but after blending gets really soft.


  155. Kylie says

    looks good, what do you do with the other half though? because you say (put half of it in the blender) but never mention the other half…?

  156. katrina says

    can i ask, what in that list of ingredients actually gives it the white colour and a nice flavour?
    it looks like something is missing…
    i have used agar agar loads and it sets into a clear yellowish jelly like block…adding sugar to it would make it sweet, but not nice tasting enough to drizzle over a dessert!
    theres also no fat in that at all…
    i just don’t get how it is supposed to turn into a creamy tasty topping??
    also, when you blend up agar once it has set, it resets once you refridgerate it ,so you would have to blend again beofre use?

  157. monica young says

    hi katie i’ve got a question about your vegan whipped cream does the agar give this version versus the coconut milk version a stiffer more stable texture, is it stiff enough to stand up like buttercream frosting, for instance as in cake decorating? would it be considered on par in texture to stabilized whipped cream? Would I be able to use agar to stiffen up the the coconut milk version? finally i can’t find powdered agar or I can’t afford it, can i subtitute a packet of Knox gelatin, that’s been bloomed in cold water(I know your probably going eek gelatin)? also approximately how much does each of these ‘whipped cream’ recipes make? thanks

  158. HappyCook says

    Hi Kate I love all your posts and how easy they are to follow, but I think I went wrong somewhere in this one it came out a little flat and off white then yours. 1st, when making the agar base should they be stirred once in a while or left alone the whole time? 2nd, for the “sweetener of choice” how much of it do you suggest? Thank you much! 🙂

  159. kim says

    Quick question – could you please give some suggested sweeteners and amounts? I am more of a ” follow the plan” kind of girl as opposed to the creative type in the kitchen.

  160. kim says

    Quick question – would you mind giving some sweetener suggestions and amounts? I know it is very subjective but it is nice to have a starting point.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I never actually measure, and it depends on the sweetener. For example, you’d use much less pure stevia extract than you would sugar. Perhaps start out with a tablespoon (if using sugar) and taste test… you can always add more, so it’s best to UNDERestimate to begin with.

  161. megan100779 says

    Im not vegan, or vegetarian…. but your food is delicious! im gonna put this on your chocolate pie for a family get together tomorrow so my uncle can have dessert 🙂 but when making this for myself do you think i could sub gelatin for the agar?

  162. sooz says

    I used unsweetened vanilla rice milk, agar flakes, vanilla extract, stevia and instead of a blender i whipped it in my magic bullet..

    it didn’t come out very whipped creamy, it was more like white jello that was mushed up.. Does that make sense texture wise? Is that what yours is like?

  163. sarah d says

    I am in love with this recipe. I never even liked pudding before… but it is so versatile! The coconut extract is genius in it. And I’ve been adding cocoa powder too! And I made a maple version with maple syrup and maple extract! I just wish I could find agar for cheaper!!

    Thank you for coming up with this!

  164. Celeste says

    I was super excited to try this! I knew I bought that Agar-Agar for something cool! Mine was powder not flakes and I followed directions to the ‘T’ and got something other than whip cream. Do I just need to use less b/c it’s powdered and more concentrated? Still cool, had to blend with another cup of almond milk and got a pudding base. Thanks for the great recipes!

  165. Linda says

    Hi Katie

    I’m a huge fan. Made many of your recipes with great success. Even my family, who generally are wary of what I concoct in the kitchen, like the stuff I make from your recipes ;]

    I made this cream and I accidentally made the mistake of thinking agar flakes were the same as agar powder. I know, brain fart moment. Anywho, I followed the recipe exactly with the exception of the whole agar flakes/powder thing and it turned out like custard glugginess. But then I just put it more water, I dunno how much, I just eyeballed it. Then I blended it for maybe four or so minutes and it turned out fine. Added banana as my choice of sweetener and now I’m eating it with my oatmeal and on top of my muffins and even straight from the bowl. My sister added cocoa powder and sugar to hers and she loves it too.

    Hahaha I think this is more like an essay than a comment but oh wells.

    Have a nice day Katie and thanks for your blog!

  166. Amy says

    Thanks for this! I can’t do soy yogurt- makes me bloaty 🙂 Would this work with probiotics to give it tanginess similar to your soy greek yogurt recipe?

  167. Astrid says

    Hello katie 🙂 first of all i love your recipe and your website’s layout …not forgetting your amazing photos! could you please help me? i have tried twice to make this vegan whipped cream , but i failed twice! 🙁 i used low fat milk for the agar base and agar powder instead of agar flakes. Is it maybe because i cooked the agar base too much? or because i shouldnt use low fat millk…? anybody’s help is welcome! 🙂 thx in advance

  168. April says

    Hey! Thank you so much for the tip, I’m looking forward to trying it out. One question: have you found that it holds up fairly well, relative to traditional whipped cream? Like, will it hold stiff peaks as nicely?

    I’m hoping so, because I’d love to use it as a vegetarian base for entremet-worthy mousses! =]

  169. Molly says

    Would Gelatin work in place of agar? Gelatin has collogen which is important for my healing does agar have the same benefits?? Thank you

  170. Amy says

    Hi! I came across your website purely through curious searching for sugar free desserts. I have diabetes and I love sweets unfortunately they don’t love me!!! I had never heard of agar agar before. Could a sugar free fruit soda be used to make jello with agar? I’m not sure what type of sweetener to use as I dont really care for sweet and low or splenda types- what would you use? (especially for puddings). or could you go with out any sweetener at all? I’m fascinated with this discovery!!!!! Thank you

  171. Hong says

    Hi Katie!
    I never leave any comments on blogs but I just have to leave this one. I had a lot of doubts making the agar base and having it somehow turn into this whipped cream creation. but HOLY SHITZELWHOIEFHOIFH!!!! My mind is blown. I made the recipe using the entire batch of agar base (and I used the 30Cal/cup almond milk) and it made this HUGE bowl of CREAMY cream/pudding!!! (really, emphasis on the HUGE and CREAMY). I still don’t know how that happened. And the whole bowl is only 80 Cals! Thank you, thank you so much!
    Now the only problem is deciding what to eat with it. And I also have a serving of the voluminous oatmeal in the fridge, and currently making another batch of the agar base. So so much food and I’m running out of calories to eat for the day haha.

  172. Lara Arar says

    Hi Katie! This recipe looks absolutely amazing, and I want to try it right now! But I’m not vegan, and I don’t have agar flakes , so do you think I can use gelatin instead? Thank you <3

  173. SJ says

    Amazing. I never tried blending the set agar mi always use agar by making the pudding outright. I also never had whipped cream until I think high school…
    But I think I’m doing something wrong. Your picture looks so fluffy and creamy but mine turns out disgusting and gel like. Not smooth or creamy at all! Do you have any idea what happened? I really want to try this so please help!!

  174. Kat says

    Every time mine just comes out as this… liquidy pudding =\ I can’t get it even remotely close to a whipped cream. It tastes good! But yeah… more… very thin pudding. I used a super powerful food processor instead of a blender… is that why? I’d love for this to be more whipped creamy! Any suggestions?

  175. Tracy says

    Making this tonight to try with a bowl of berries!
    Where do you get xylitol? Can I use stevia extract in your baking recipes? How does it compute? Three drops is enough for a huge smoothie.

  176. Kate says

    Hi Katie. Love your recipes. Thanks for posting them! I am looking for a dairy free frozen dessert like “ice cream” that I can make in my ice cream maker. Have you ever tried to freeze the whipped cream to see what it would be like? Thanks!

  177. Whit says

    Hi Katie, I was just wondering if the agar- agar base can be stored in the freezer for later use. Would I be able to make a large batch and just use it when needed?

    Also, I was wondering if you have ever seen, or made, a recipe for an agar-milk cheesecake or an agar-greek yogurt cheesecake? I know I have seen it used with tofu and sour cream, but I haven’t seen anything for strictly greek yogurt. Any thoughts?


    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Does not look like she has an agar cheesecake recipe here, but if you try one be sure to report back!

  178. Jen says

    How did you get your Agar Agar whip to turn out so white and fluffy? When I tried the recipe using vanilla almond milk it was a beige/pink looking gelatin goo. I used a blender for quite some time and then a hand mixer. Still no luck. It came out very much like jello pudding. Do you think the sugar quantity makes a big difference in texture or look? I put in 3 tablespoons sugar.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Nope, sugar won’t matter. Unless you use brown sugar, in which case yes it will not be white. But I don’t know how yours couldn’t turn out creamy unless maybe you used too much agar? I’ve never had an issue with this recipe, but maybe try using less agar next time.

  179. Manisha says

    Hi Katie, I tried your cream for my almond cake layers, I used almonds extract instead of coconut extract , agar powder instead of agar flakes and I can’t tell you how awesome it turned out, similar to whipped cream. After taking it from fridge, wow, my family and friends loved it so much. I can wait to buy more agar, I feel more excited in baking since I read your fantastic recipe! Thank you so much Katie, special greetings from Mauritius.

  180. Melanie Grube says

    When you say ‘1/2 serving agar base’, do you mean half the total batch that is made in your Agar tutorial or half of one of the 1-cup servings? I ask because on the tutorial it says the output is about 2 cups or two generous 1-cup servings, therefore “1/2 serving agar base” would be about .5 cups of agar base, but in the instructions above you say to make up the base and put half in the blender–which would be about 1 cup of agar base.

    Thank you so much! I’ve been looking for better thickeners to replace wheat & corn, and this looks like it will work!

  181. Cait says

    It’s easy and cheap to buy kanten here, so I bought it and gave this a try with almond milk and oh my, it is perfect!
    I layered it in a parfait with granola, cherries and chopped 86% dark chocolate and then I ate it all by myself. As you do.

  182. Mish says

    Ok so i made this twice, the first time I was too impatient to let the agar set before i blended it, so it continued to set after and i had weird lumps all through it. so i tried it again. i still didn’t think much of it until i stirred in some cacao powder and PUT IT ON STRAWBERRIES and it was AMAZING

  183. E says

    Has anyone tried making this recipe with a hand mixer? No counter space for a blender or Bullet in my tiny apartment kitchen!

  184. LNdA says

    I didn’t see any comments from people who actually made the recipe. I made it and here are my thoughts: Though I liked the taste of this recipe, it was nothing like a cream. It is definitely a pudding. It’s thick and glossy–delicious as a pudding but not a whipped cream substitute. It’s way to heavy for that. The photos with the berries show the true texture. The photo with the pancakes was misleading. I was going for the airy texture apparent in that photo. Later I read the caption that says,”(That’s soyatoo in the photo, but you get the idea).” I feel a little tricked 🙁

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