It’s completely crazy how much this hummus tastes like Cool Ranch Doritos.
Every single time I eat it, I just can’t seem to stop thinking about Doritos! This is definitely one of those times you just have to try it to understand…
Often during meals, my mind will go wild brainstorming different flavor combinations for whatever food happens to be on my plate. Last week, that food was hummus… and as soon as “ranch hummus” popped into my head, I fixated on the idea and wouldn’t let go.
One quick post-lunch trip to the grocery store later, I threw chickpeas into the blender with an assembly of ranch spices, then turned on the power, stopping every now and then to taste and add more seasonings until I was happy with the flavor.
The result was this crazy dip that looks like hummus and tastes like ranch dressing.
P.S. Those are Earth Balance Sour Cream & Onion Kettle Chips in the photos. Dipping ranch-flavored potato chips into ranch-flavored dip is surprisingly delicious!
Cool Ranch Hummus
Adapted from Melty Pizza Hummus
- 18 oz cooked chickpeas OR 2 cans unsalted and drained
- 1/3 cup water
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 2 1/2 tbsp oil OR more water
- 1 tbsp onion powder
- 2 tsp dried dill
- 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp salt, or more to taste (I like 1 1/4 tsp)
- optional 1/4 cup nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor
Note: Including the oil will yield more depth of flavor; however the oil can easily be left out if a lower-fat version is desired. If you peel the chickpeas before blending, you’ll get a smoother result, but it is NOT required. Ranch Hummus Recipe: Combine all ingredients in a high-quality blender or food processor and process until completely smooth. You can also do a half portion of this recipe using a hand blender if desired. Store leftovers covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
View Ranch Hummus Nutrition Facts
Edit: There is now a Nacho Cheese Doritos version!
CookieMonster says
Delicious! Tastes just like Salt & Vinegar / Cool Ranch chips. I omitted the garlic altogether because I took this to a meeting. Garnished with olive oil and dried dill on top. Yum!
Margie says
This was delicious! I’m in the slow process of becoming dairy free without processed dairy substitutions and I was craving ranch and carrots. This is perfect.
Deborah Tyree says
First homemade hummus I ever made, OMGOSH yum! I need to cook my chickpeas a little longer as it was a little grainy but I love the flavor. Nacho Cheese Doritos next!
CS says
I’m not a hummus lover but this is really good even my grandchildren loved this. It’s so easy to make and alot cheaper than the grocery store.
Joanna says
This was so delicious!! I cant wait to make the nacho cheese hummus next!!
Sway Yates says
This is soooo so good. mine wasn’t creamy so i added some extra water and i wish i didn’t add nutritional yeast because it overtook the flavor a bit but still so so good. yummmmmmmm
Deborah Droste says
The recipe calls for 18 ounces or 2 cans chickpeas. That would double the amount. Do you mean 2 cups?