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Healthy Krispy Kreme Donuts

5 from 50 votes

Time to make the doughnuts. These homemade healthy Krispy Kreme donuts can be vegan, sugar free, and you can customize the basic recipe to make different flavors! 

Healthy Krispy Kreme Donuts - 1 cup flour, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/3 cup... Full recipe: @choccoveredkt


Sticky, sugary-sweet Krispy Kreme homemade donuts.

So do these homemade donuts (doughnuts or donuts?) taste exactly like real Krispy Kremes?

No, and they’re not supposed to. I always thought Krispy Kremes were too saccharine, with all that glaze covering every inch of the greasy pastries, weighing you down and zapping your energy.

Today’s recipe yields doughnuts that are super light and fluffy, not dense or gummy, which is a problem with many baked doughnut recipes.

Healthy Krispy Kreme Donuts - 1 cup flour, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/3 cup... Full recipe: @choccoveredkt

These doughnuts will leave you feeling full, yet energized!

Above, frosted with my simple Healthy Glaze Icing.

Good for breakfast, or dessert, or even as a healthy post-workout snack.

Did you know there’s a charity race called the Krispy Kreme Challenge, where participants run 2.5 miles, shove down an entire box of Krispy Kreme donuts, and then run another 2.5 miles back to the starting line?

healthy doughnuts

krispy kreme donuts

I can’t even imagine the horrible stomachaches that must ensue.

Who comes up with these things??


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Healthy Krispy Kreme Donuts

These homemade baked healthy Krispy Kreme donuts are the perfect way to satisfy a donut craving in healthy way.
Total Time 15 minutes
Yield 6 donuts
5 from 50 votes


  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar or white vinegar
  • 2/3 cup milk of choice
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp coconut or vegetable oil (many readers say applesauce or mashed banana work for fat-free)
  • 1 cup spelt or all-purpose flour (A reader had success with gluten-free ap flour)
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup regular sugar or coconut sugar, or xylitol for sugar free
  • 1/4 tsp salt


  • Combine first four ingredients in a small bowl, and whisk well. Preheat oven to 350 F and grease a doughnut pan if you have one. (If you don’t have a doughnut pan, you can cook in a mini muffin tin for doughnut holes.) In a large measuring bowl, combine all remaining ingredients and stir very well. Now pour wet into dry and immediately pour into the pan. Bake 15 minutes, then allow to cool before removing. Top these healthy doughnuts with jam, or chocolate frosting, or glaze. (My simple glaze recipe is linked under the second photo in this post.)
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Zucchini Muffins

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins

Someone recently pointed out that my blog—while filled with chocolate, peanut butter, and coconut—is very much lacking in international flair. Tarts, flans, sticky rice, churros… all of these things (and more) are missing from the recipe archives, and I’d like to remedy this. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated: What are some good desserts to try from around the world?

Published on February 22, 2013

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Mandie says

    This recipe looks great! Because doughnuts are #1 on the “worst foods” list, I committed to not eat them – ever. But finding healthy alternatives that are much healthier is wonderful! Thanks!

    International recipes…… about……..Biscotti, Italian Gelato, Tiramisu (yes, yes, yes!), Pavlova, Baklava (please?) :D, and Crepes ??? Recipes from around the world are so neat to look into.

    I hope you like my ideas!

  2. Katie @ Cake Vs Scales says

    Oh my word…Running AFTER eating a Krispy Kreme…I’m with you in the *against* team there.. fitting in with your international comments how about lightened up Pain Du Chocolat? – I love these but they are so fatty, naughty and very much on the ‘occasional treat list’…But there’s something about biting through crisp fresh pastry to be hit by rich dark chocolate – Plus they fit with your chocolate covered self!
    I made Skinny Nutella Biscotti (Recipe on blog) but I’m sure you could make it better with your own Nutella or similar?
    Just some ideas 🙂

      • SGM says

        I’ve actually made a “healthy” Baklava – vegan and nut free – using sunflower seeds, coconut oil, organic or whole wheat phillo dough and organic sugar. My friend greatly enjoyed them (even though I wanted her to share them with her nut and dairy allergic daughter). The way I learned to prepare it makes it less drenched in the sugar syrup like many commercial or restaurant baklavas. The trick is to make bakalava rolls, not layered sheets.

        • Michelle says

          OMG. I would So VERY MUCH love to get a recipe for vegan/healthy baklava. My daughter is vegan and misses baklava more than anything. Would be so appreciative if I could make that for her.

  3. Grace says

    These look so yummy! Thanks for sharing! To answer your question, I second the churros idea, but I’d also love to see a vegan-healthified canoli!

  4. Kayla says

    Baklava (euro/mediterrean) is fun!! Also, lamingtons (australia) and tapioca pudding (asia). As long as we get some chocolate! ;D

  5. Tenley says

    Baklava would be amazing!! I’m not sure if it’s possible to make an healthier alternative but if it is I would adore it!

  6. Amanda says

    I’m really not a doughnut fan, but I may try these! I think it’s the grease I don’t like about doughnuts. Now to see if my husband will accept a “healthy” doughnut!
    For the international recipes I’d love healthy versions of baklava, sticky rice, and gulab jamun.

  7. Aline says

    I’d love you to post some Brazilian deserts, such as “brigadeiro”, “pudim”, “maria mole”, “casadinho”!! And would be great to have the recipe of homemade vegan dulce de leche (doce de leite)!!!

    • andrea says

      briagdeiro!! yummmm! im brasilian and actually tried to make brigadiero with some soy condensed milk i found in a Carrefour in brasil…it was HORRIBLE. maybe there are better vegan soy condensed milk alternatives in the States…vegan dulce de leche would be TO DIE FOR

  8. Amy says

    I agree with Eline, Kayla and Heidi and would also like to add rice pudding. And when I say rice pudding, I’m referring to the South Asian versions of it 🙂

  9. eating 4 balance says

    Beignets, plaintain sandwiches, italian pasta, rice pudding, mexican hot chocolate, enchiladas, pierogies, some more of your awesome oriental dishes!, falafel, baklava, scones, tarts, goulash, macaroons, etc. I’m not sure those all count as “worldly.” lol.

  10. Beth J says

    I don’t mean to be rude, but why use a title like “Homemade Krispy Kreme doughnuts” if they don’t taste anything like them, especially if “they’re not supposed to?” I’m a HUGE fan of those doughnuts, so this was kind of a letdown.

    • Mer says

      Agree completely. Just seems like a cheap way to get people to look at the recipe. “Ooh, A healthier Krispy Kreme!-oh, I guess not.”

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I was thinking more along the lines of, “If Krispy Kreme made healthy doughnuts, this is what they would be.” When I think of doughnuts, I immediately think first of Krispy Kremes (like kleenex or band aids). Or it’s like when someone says, “Do you want a coke?” and then they ask you what kind: 7 up, pepsi, dr. pepper? (Or maybe that is just a Texas thing.)

      • Mint says

        You aways respond to these comments so kindly, politely, and professionally. Thank you so much for these amazing recipes, and if it helps, I think the title is just fine :). Mentioning that they aren’t meant to be exact flavor replicas of krispy kreme doughnuts in the blog post itself is enough. Some people are a little too harsh here.

  11. Andie says

    Every since I can remember, my family (we’re German & Danish) has always celebrated everyone’s birthday with a Kringle. There are many types of Kringle pastries, but the my family’s recipe is actually more of a bread, but sweeter & fluffier. It doesn’t have eggs, and milk could be substituted for almond, but it does call for canned almond filling, which isn’t vegan. I would love a substitute vegan Kringle!

  12. Kacey says

    I would love to see your take on a croissant recipe. I already have a recipe for vegan ones that I make every once in a while (well, every once in a while when I have like 12 hours to kill), but while delicious, they’re basically just as bad for you as the omni version. I bet if anyone could make a healthy-but-delicious vegan croissant, it would be you. Also biscotti! I made biscotti for the first time like three months ago and have been obsessed ever since.

  13. Hunter Hutchinson says

    You should attempt to make a crème brûlée or a tiramisu! It would be amazing to enjoy these recipes in a more healthful way!

  14. Claire H says

    I think that some yummy things to try would be Crème Brûlée, Tiramisu, and Pavlova! I know that some of these could be really challenging to make vegan and healthy, though.

  15. Olivia@ OmNom Love says

    Yum! I will definitely be experimenting to make a paleo version of these. 🙂 I totally support more international flair. Churros would amazing. So would flan. Fried ice cream, gelato, cannoli… I could go on. 😉

  16. Ellie says

    Sopapillas are my fave, and a vegan (not honey) sauce for them would be awesome! also, Russian blinichiki are kind of like pancake crepe hybrids and have fun toppings/presentations.
    I know that I always have missed praline/toffee things a ton since going vegan, not very international though (kind of italian?)
    Malva pudding is also awesome, it’s South African. (All African/Ethiopian food is amazing, and a lot is naturally vegan, like Misir Waat and veggie berber dishes).
    I used to love nanaimo bars, plus they minght be easy to recreate because they’re no-bake and use layers of graham cracker, pudding-like filling, and chocolate.
    That was a ton, sorry! Gonna go make some donuts now 😛

    • Loreen says

      My boyfriend was nice enough to make me a HUGE pan of vegan toffee (covered with vegan chocolate!) for valentine’s day. It was pretty simple, just Earth Balance, sugar, vanilla and a candy thermometer (though definitely look it up to be sure haha). And I mean…he’s not so hot at cooking, so if he can make it, and make it delicious (which it was), I think it’s safe to say most anyone can! 🙂

  17. Charity says

    How about Chinese Bao? They are steamed buns and the desert version is usually filled with a sweet red bean paste. My husband and I have done them filled with chocolate, strawberries and chocolate, banana and chocolate, peanut butter and chocolate, and marshmallow (which I don’t eat anymore because they make me sick). Usually works best if we use frozen fruit instead of fresh, so they don’t disintigrate in the heat.

  18. kris says

    It is so weird that you just posted this recipe. I have been making donuts for the past couple of days using a recipe very similar to this one. The donuts I make are truly delicious and light and fluffy so I am sure your recipe is equally as good if not better! I’ll have to try yours out.
    As for international dessert suggestions, what about Madeleines or French Macaroons.

  19. Sarah the Official CCK Drooler says

    Ok, I seriously have to put in a word for some Indian food. Indian food tends to be pretty healthy…until you come to the desserts. I love payasam (my grandmother in India makes THE BEST). It is basically a pudding, but SO good. Also check out halwah, burfee, and my favorite- gulab jamun- sweet doughy balls in a ridiculous syrup (hello, sugar high). I’ll be on the lookout for some healthy makeovers!

    • Maya says

      And ras malai. Yummm. Yeah, Indian sweets are WAY too sweet for me sadly. But I do enjoy the ones that aren’t. Doodh peda is also a good one!

  20. kris says

    I forgot to add that I throw chocolate chips in the batter and top the donut with fudge icing! Yum! Peanut butter icing is also good too.

  21. Lisa says

    These look so tasty! And they look kind of perfect. I’m always intimidated to make donuts for some reason, but this looks really yummy!

  22. Anna N. says

    Oooh, I like churros a lot. Maybe you could make some sweet mango sticky rice? It’s already vegan and I’d like a version that uses less sugar.

  23. Heidi says

    I also love baklava, but if you could capture the texture of flan or a custard-like dessert without the heavy saturated fat content, I would be so excited!

  24. Gianna says

    Happy Friday! These look fab, I must try making these this wkend!
    Quick question: I’m gluten free, do you think coconut flour can replace spelt?


      • Jasmine says

        Yeah, I wish I had read this before I tried it! I had to use 2/3 cup of regular milk then I had to add 2/3 cup of almond milk. They turned out…um interesting. I’m 12, and I can honestly say they were unbearably sweet. I’ve never had Krispy Kreme doughnuts through, so I can’t vouch for whether they taste the same or not.

  25. Olena @ - High protein and low carb recipes says

    Hi Katie. It’s my first time commenting on your website. First of all I’m very impressed with the hard work you put in developing the recipes. Bravo! Totally fearless and it’s something I need to learn. You have great resources on your website. Thanks for sharing!
    As for the international treats…I would recommend highly “international” good old breads, muffins, scones. Why not?! Or do you already have a lot of these too?! Filipino? East Indian? Italian? People like those. How about ice cream and sorbets?

  26. Anna @ Your Healthy Place says

    These sound great – I agree with you, my issue with doughnuts is always that they taste too sweet or too greasy so baking these will help with that problem!

    Quick question for you re: your powdered sugar. You offer a few different alternatives to make the sugar-free powdered sugar – which do you use when you make it as pictured?

  27. Aneliese (the veggie whisperer) says

    Oh no, Katie! What happened to the new and improved blog you had on the 20th? It was so beautiful, organized, stylish, and sophisticated! Plus, if was your best blog look yet! Why did you change it? I love your blog, but I can’t say the same for this “newer new one”! Please change it back!

  28. Lilia @ healthymakesithappen says

    I like the idea of croissants! Is it possible to make a healthy croissant? I’m sure you’ll be able to do it Katie! Also I love mochi and green tea flavored things. Since you spent some time living in Japan and China, it would be awesome to see some authentic Asian desserts healthified and veganized!

  29. Joe @ The Frolicking Fells says

    You know, I’m glad that you said that you’re not a fan of Krispy Kreme–I’m not either! A lot of friends like to gather there and for a long time I dreaded those outings because I thought the donuts were gross. Some of the non-glazed donuts are good, but the glazed ones that everyone likes are just too sugary for me.

    I guess “food runs” are popular in some circles! A fraternity during college had a run called the “Chipotle Relay”. In this run, you’d from campus to the nearest Chipotle (about 1.5 miles), consume an entire Chipotle burrito, and then run back to campus. I wasn’t a runner back then but I heard a LOT of horror stories about people getting sick during that run.

  30. Nanna says

    Katie, I was just thinking I’d love to see you do a French macaroon, and you ask about international suggestions!
    It’d be tricky because they’re egg based, so you probably haven’t tried it before. I love how simple your recipes are though, and I’ve struggled making these as they’re quite fussy beasts.
    Looking forward to whatever you do.

  31. Rams says

    The world needs more vegan baklava recipes. Please. I’ve made attempts, but it always turns cloyingly sweet. And the delicious cloyingly sweet. And this looks so much fun. Thanks!

  32. Annie says

    KATIE! It’s like you read my mind! I have been scouring the internet looking for a healthy doughnut recipe and here it is! It’s a miracle – thank you!

  33. Katie*** says

    Hey there, Katie! I figured I should stop girl-crushing on you and living off of your recipes without introducing myself and giving my input. I think you and all of your recipes are really awesome! You and a couple of other good blogs have inspired me to create my own healthy recipe blog, although it’s just an idea right now because I’m still not really sure how to create my own recipes! But it’ll be up here one of these days! 🙂
    I did the KK Challenge two years ago. 5 miles, 12 donuts, 54 minutes. 😀 …I still start gagging at the sight or smell of a freshly baked donut. HOWEVER these might become the exception!
    Something that I really would like to see is CCK-ified cannolis! :))
    Thanks for all that you do!

  34. Dana says

    Katie you are so awesome! come visit Bklyn, NY =)
    I think a vegan, healthified version of the sweet Arabic dessert baklava would be great….but I know there is honey in it so not sure how agave would work…Hmm..also maybe an Italian almond cookie? … or an Asian inspired papaya milkshake! those are so yummy but I know have tons of calories. Thanks for all the great recipes Katie! I might make the donuts for my friends tomorrow night, since one is allergic to fruit(so no fruit desserts) and the other hates chocolate (i know, it’s insane)
    HugS from Bklyn!

  35. Tamara says

    I’ve been loving your blog for several weeks now — I’ve tried cookie dough pie, healthy fudge and “betterfingers” — thanks for the great recipes. I even bought a food processor so I can make more of them!

    For international flair, how about pista kulfi – indian pistachio ice cream or rava kesari – a semolina dessert flavored with cardamom, saffron, golden raisins and toasted cashews. Either would be great with coconut milk.

    You could also do a French charlotte – basically chocolate mousse (or you could do berry mousse) wrapped in ladyfingers. More challenging and less well known would be canneles de Bordeaux — little sweets that are custardy on the inside, carmelized and crusty on the outside, and flavored with rum and vanilla. Tricky to get right, but so darn good! Careful on the spelling if you google them though, because canelle is french for cinnamon and canneles are the sweets. 😉

    Everyone else’s suggestions sound delicious, too!

  36. Jen says

    I would love to see some Asian-inspired recipes. I lived in Indonesia as a kid and have great memories of international cuisine. Thai sticky rice pudding tops the list, but there are endless possibilities! Good luck. 🙂

  37. Brenna says

    yum yum yum yum. off to try these now! I’m loving your recipes, Katie. I’m neither vegan nor vegetarian but I love your recipes as my mum and I are trying to eat better. I just made them the cookie pie the other night and even my fried-food-and-meat dad LOVED it! So good. Thank you so much! 🙂

  38. Grace says

    Okay, these look delish… My mouth is watering at this very moment… OMG! CCK strikes again! So as for desserts from all around the world, anything works for me! I have the biggest sweet tooth ever so anything sweet, well, I’ll take it! (Plus, I’m not picky at all so I’ll eat anything and everything haha)

    Flan, gelato, crepes, sticky rice, churros, mochi ice cream, soufflés (preferably chocolate!), taffy, baklava, thai mango sticky rice (this stuff is soooo good!), dulce de leche, and mango or coconut pudding (like the kind you can get at a chinese dim sum place!). That’s all I can think of at the moment haha but the all around the world recipe idea is awesome! 🙂
    -Grace 🙂

  39. Ashlee says

    rice pudding, bread pudding, italian cookies (pignoli, pizzelle, rainbow cookie cake, zeppolis), plaintain chips, soufflé (chocolate & vanilla)

  40. LJ BRiar says

    These look amazing! I’m so picky about doughnuts, and these look like the kind I like.

    As for international desserts I like a Serbian sweet, I think they’re called bajadera. They look like little Nanaimo bars (taste is quite different, though). Gulab jamun is also amazing.

  41. Kelly says

    You should try to make a healthier version of a the popular chinese dessert Nian Gao (: it’s a sweet chewy rice cake! Or steamed Asian buns

  42. Nicole says

    Katie, please please PLEASE do a cannoli recipe!!! I ate them all the time as a little Italian kid, except once my lactose intolerance got bad, no more cannolis 🙁 Then I went vegan so forget about it! Haha
    I’d love you forever and ever (I mean, I already do, but still) if you figured out a healthy vegan cannoli <3

  43. Anna Osatuke says

    These look really cool, they would probably be great with chocolate coat!
    I think you could do a lot of great things with mochiko rice flour. It’s chewy and super yummy in sweets!
    Also, as a Russian, I also second a recipe for Russian Blini. I just made a post on them, myself, and seeing them veganized would be super. If you could make Russian bird’s milk candies then that would be the best thing ever!

  44. Catherine says

    I lived in Egypt for work for a few years and I discovered my all time favourite dessert there, Om Ali! It’s heavenly! Not vegan, but I’m sure you could work something out 🙂

  45. Mary Ellen says

    Katie can you use coconut flour instead for this recipe and if so is it the same amount as you would all purpose flour??

  46. Mer says

    Why capitalize on the Krispy Kreme name in your blog title if A: they taste nothing like Krispy Kremes, and B: you’re just going to insult the brand – the brand name you just used in your title to make your recipe look more appealing? After all, “Healthy Krispy Kremes!” gets way more attention than “Healthy Vanilla Doughnuts!” Surely you realised that tons of people would read that and think “ooh, healthy Krispy Kremes? I’m all over it”, and eagerly read on, only to read the next sentence- “do these taste like Krispy Kremes? No, and they’re not supposed to”. Hmmmm.

    It just makes no sense. If they’re nothing like Krispy Kremes, and you dislike them so much,, why use the name in the title?

  47. Melissa says

    If you could figure out a way to make Vegan French macaroons, I don’t know what I’d do with myself. Except make and eat a lot of Vegan French macaroons.

  48. Kristine says

    Hi Katie! Thanks for the doughnut recipe. Looking forward to trying it. I have yet to try one of your recipes and fail. They have all been successful attempts! For international recipes, I was wondering if you would try Torta di Riso (Italian rice tart/pie). Churros would also be lovely. Thanks for your wonderful recipes!

  49. Brooke says

    Made these with half wheat/half white flour. Still super light and fluffy (: Thanks for the recipe! Everyone loved them.

  50. Gillian says

    Please please please make a healthier version of tiramisu! A lower calorie version (that actually tastes good) of sticky toffee pudding would be very appreciated by my Welsh husband.

  51. Nicole @ Fruit 'N' Fitness says

    That race sounds horrible! There is no way I could eat that many donuts after running and then go run again, I actually don’t think I could eat a whole box of donuts even without having been running.

  52. Olly says

    Hi Katie

    Loving the new site!
    French desserts and patisserie..? As others have suggested, crème brûlée would be great, and what about Tarte Tatin? Tarte au citron?
    If you can master the croissant can you also tackle almond croissant, pain au raisin or even the Breton kouign amann (gorgeous but FULL of butter)

    Thank you for all your fabulous recipes!

    PS I’m in agreement with the churros & chocolate and dulce de leche recipes too!

  53. Danielle says

    Hello! I LOVE your blog, I’m currently in Madrid, Spain, but when I’m home I always make your yummy desserts, and even my mom and sister, who love all sorts of unhealthy and non-vegan desserts love your healthy ones. One thing here in Spain is chocolate con churros, which is fried dough churros dipped in a REALLY thick chocolate sauce, kind of like melted chocolate bars. I was wondering if you could make a vegan version of that? I feel like it would be pretty easy based on your other desserts. Also, they have polvorones, which is an almond cookie that’s pretty much all butter. A healthier version of that would make me very happy as well 🙂 Thank you for making so many delicious recipes!

  54. Kelly says

    Vietnamese desserts! I cant think of any English words to describe them, a bit like pudding, with the use of lots of beans and coconut , and banana! Super vegan-friendly

  55. Joanna says

    I’ve tried a lot of your recipes and out of all of them, these are my new FAVORITE! My kids gobbled them right up and so did I! Thanks for another amazing and HEALTHY (ish) recipe!

  56. Melissa Ann says

    I haven’t heard of the Krispy Kreme doughnut race before – but my high school track team had a” jelly doughnut relay “. Basically all the members of the 4 x 400 relay team had to scarf down a jelly doughtnut before their leg of the race. I can’t believe we got other schools to agree to do this with us…

  57. BangkokBakingBonanza says

    These look great! Now all I need is a doughnut pan, any suggestions?

    Can you please make lighter versions of Indian desserts? I love them but always find myself feeling so heavy and guilty after eating.

    P.S. Your blog has been such a great place for me to realize how fun being healthy can be… thanx! 🙂

  58. Lea @ Greens and Coffee Beans says

    I’m so excited for healthy Krispy Kreme doughnuts! I’m from NC, AKA the birthplace of Krispy Kreme and I loved them growing up! But now between the lard and gluten I just can’t do them anymore. If only I could eat your doughnuts in the Krispy Kreme challenge I would actually participate!

  59. Erin says

    I love your blog because everything is delicious. Don’t feel pressured to change a thing. Keep doing what you’re doing! 🙂

  60. Tina Piche says

    Ever see Julia & Julia? I need to change my name to Katie and do a Katie & Katie!! My hubby said I have to wait until he retires from the military first, because he would fail his Physical Training tests! Haha!

  61. Allison says

    Oh please PLEASE do some french desserts like fruit and chocolate tarts! Or pastries, such as a religieux. My personal favorite, however, is a tarte amandine aux framboises et chocolat (an almond paste tart with raspberries and chocolate chips!)

  62. chris says

    PLEASE come up with an egg free, grain free, gluten free,soy free, sugar free pancake. Maybe one that includes protein powder.

    I know this is a challenge!


  63. Christi says

    I would love to make these donuts, but I need to get a donut pan first.

    Everyone else already named them, but I will second them! Tres leches Cake, Indian rice pudding, Indian sweet cheese balls, baklava, Thai coconut pudding. I would especially love to see tiramisu, cannoli, and mochi recipes. Looking forward to it! 😀

  64. Rachel says

    Brilliant timing! Scotland’s first Krispy Kreme has just opened here in Edinburgh and I might be one of the few who aren’t donut-mad enough to queue for hours just to get one, along with those funny hats. I’ve never really liked the greasy fried ones but these look lovely and light!

    In terms of international desserts, I agree with those who have voted for baklava and Indian-style sweets! I work in a posh restaurant that’s got a dessert on the menu: poached fruits with a coconut pannacotta, which sounds delicious…the only problem is the gelatine! Maybe you could vegan-ify it with agar, or the like?

    Ideas for Scottish/British desserts:
    Cranachan is a traditional Scottish one that’s toasted oats, fresh raspberries, honey and whipped cream (often whisky-flavoured). I’d bet your coconut whipped cream would be perfect!
    Hobnobs are a favourite biscuit here, a sort of oat biscuit, and the best are the chocolate-covered ones!
    Sticky toffee pudding. If you’ve not had it before, it’s lush and amazing and possibly the greatest thing you could ever ingest on a winter’s evening.

  65. Laura says

    Hey, let’s not diss the Krispy Kreme Challenge…certainly not the healthiest workout, but they raise a lot of money for the NC Children’s Hospital, which is a really important cause. Healthy eating is a good thing, but there are also other good things too: like supporting families who have a child with cancer. Just a thought.

    I would love to see Tiramisu on the blog 🙂

  66. Barbara says

    Hi Katie. Thanks for this recipe. I’m curious. Since you don’t have much of a sweet tooth, would you use less sugar and/or stevia than shown in the recipe if you were making these for yourself? Thanks.

  67. Wendy says

    Hello, Chocolate-Covered Katie! I’m so happy to discover your site and your luscious, healthful recipes. I’ve got a list going of the ones I want to try out. I can tell they will be yummy even before I’ve baked a single one. Thanks for your creativity and for showing everyone we don’t have to give up our favorite foods in the name of health!

  68. Gabriella Sosnowski says

    hello! you’re blog is wonderful, but may i suggest some Japanese/Asian desserts. healthy red bean or sesame ice cream, healthy boba tea, healthy mochi…halo halo, sticky rice, warm black stick rice with coconut milk. i also second (or millionth?) the baklava idea!

  69. Jessica says

    You should do a paczki recipe! Then I wouldn’t have to wait until fat tuesday every year to have one lol. Also tiramisu or creme brulee would be cool.

  70. Debbe says

    I’ve been wondering this for awhile now. Why is it that so many of your recipes use both, “xylitol or sugar” AND “stevia or more sugar”.

    LOVE your recipes!

  71. Angie Dye says

    Hi Katie,
    For international desserts, I think sticky rice with mangoes is right up your alley. So coconutty and delicious and a lot of people don’t think of it for an easy, delightful dessert. Also, there are many eastern european desserts that are very nutty and seem Chocolate-Covered Katie-ish. Potica is a Slovenian or Croatian nut roll, that is somewhat laborious to make, but maybe the flavors could be inspirational to something quick and easy? More international flavors would be great. Good luck. I always am inspired by your creativity!

  72. P. says

    I vote for healthy Indian sweets! Gulab jamun, ras malai, and laddus especially.

    Also totally agree with the suggestions for vegan tiramisu. Ridiculously delicious. Can’t wait for more international flavors on CCK– so exciting!

  73. Julie says

    Hi, Katie,
    Your blog is not lacking in anything. It is what it is, fantastic. And complete. We know where to find recipes from afar… and quite frankly, those are often more compatible than American treats with our son’s diet (Mexican ? corn, not wheat! Thai? Coconut milk, not cow’s milk.) No, it’s the American desserts which are the hardest for us to convert or to imitate, and that you are helping us with. Thank you!

  74. Bridget says

    Healthy croissants would be fabulous! I would also love, love, love to see you come up with a healthier pasticiotti recipe. It is an Italian pastry filled with a creamy pudding. My family actually calls them bocconotti and they were always present at any and every family gathering with my mom’s side of the family.

  75. Cathy Ponsano says

    I have always loved authentic British scones, not the huge, dry ones in American coffee shops. I would love to see some healthy recipes for scones.

  76. Julia says

    Hi:) First of all, you rock. Scones popped to mind. I know it’s not international- the scones I know are probably so far away from traditional as to be a travesty….
    But I LOVE Bigby Coffee’s blueberry scones, so sweet and cakey, with a hint of lemon… and weighing in at a whopping 500(ish) calories per serving (I can’t remember if that’s for a whole scone or just a measly 1/2). I’m sure you could make that over!

  77. Julia says


    I live in Switzerland, and we have some great desserts around here for you to try out!
    Vermicellis: Chestnut purred and pressed through a ricer to make a spaghetti-like sweet and nutty dessert thats really popular in autumn.

    At Christmas we eat a spiced bread called Lebkuchen. Another spiced bread (that is miles better than Lebkuchen in my opinion) is Magenbrot (literlly “stomach bread”). It is an amazingly sweet spiced bread that is sometimes dipped in chocolate. I would love a healthier version because it’s impossible to eat more than two pieces even though it is amazing.

    The tradition here is on your birthday, you make your own cake and bring it to school or work to share with others. One of the most popular flavours is lemon with a simple sugar glaze.

    In Italy I had these flat deep-fried doughnuts with nutella on them, it was amazing!

    Thanks for all of these amazing recipes, I want to go out a buy a doughnut tin after todays!

  78. Marisa says

    They recently did a Krispy Kreme challenge where I live (Wilmington, NC) – I saw a few people running the 2nd lap. Turns my stomach to think of it!

    I’d love to see a recipe for healthy creme brulee, personally. My favorite dessert!

  79. Darlene says

    Try a Tarta de Santiago – made from ground almonds – it was my favourite dessert as I walked the Camino de Santiago last fall, remaining gluten-free.
    Love your blog!

  80. Sunnie says

    Hm, I can’t say that I ever thought that your blog was lacking anything… except maybe artificial ingredients. 😉 Honestly, your recipes never cease to amaze me – it’s like normal American comfort food, sans terrible ingredients.

    BUT, if you’d like some suggestions . . . let me think . . .

    – Ladyfingers (Not sure where these would be from…)
    – Cream puffs (French!…?)
    – Baklava (Turkish – I’ve never tried it, as I’ve heard it’s normally sugar-laden)
    – Napoleons (French)
    – Baked Alaska (I’ve heard that you can use Ener-G eggs to create an authentic meringue, if you’re up to it! ;))
    – Castle Pudding (English)
    – Tiramisu (Italian)

    LOL those did NOT come off the top of my head, BTW. I Googled “international desserts” 😉

  81. Rain says

    Omg, these are so good! I topped them with the xylitol glaze and they are so sweet and delicious! I had four right out of the oven :). Can’t wait to bring these to a party. You’re a genius, Katie.

  82. Alice says

    Hi Katie, love the blog! Could I suggest you try to make a healthy flourless, citrussy almond cake – the type that are drenched with honey and gorgeously moist. I don’t know whether it’s possible to make a vegan version but I’d love to find out!

  83. janet says

    mochi, biscotti’s, tiramisu? also some recipes with cottage cheese!!! I once made cottage cheese pancakes. Super yummy and they have PROTEIN! :DD

  84. Linda says

    Hi Katie

    Donuts look absolutely delish!

    How about trying kem chuoi (Vietnamese banana ice cream)? I know you’ve made banana soft serve but this one’s a little different. You get some Lady Finger bananas, squash them, then dunk them in coconut milk and then sprinkle with crushed peanuts. Then freeze. Very simple and delicious.

    Or you can also try Vietnamese mochi in ginger syrup which is a famous Viet dessert. Thankfully most Vietnamese desserts are vegan already.

  85. Melissa says

    Being full blooded Italian my vote is for a creamy, rich but healthy tiramisu or if by some miracle you can create a healthy cannoli…. that would rock my socks…

  86. Kristy says

    I second the Sticky Toffee Pudding! Maybe you could try some Puerto Rican desserts – tembleque, which is a coconut pudding, arroz con dulce, etc. Thanks for the mobile settings on the new website. Super helpful!

  87. Elisabeth says

    Looks yummier than Krispy Kreme 🙂

    International treat: how about Pavlova? It’s a national favorite in New Zealand (and a few other countries, too), especially topped with whipped cream or custard and lots of fresh fruit (kiwifruit, raspberries, blueberries, mandarins, etc.). There must be a way to healthify it….

  88. Janne says

    Hi Katie, I have to say I love your blog just as it is… but maybe some churros served with chocolate sauce would fit in quite well!
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes with all of us.

  89. Amanda says

    Hi! I’m a new subscriber to your site & I already love you! ^_^ This recipe is ingenious! I’m on a very restricted program right now, but when I start adding starches back in, you can bet I’ll be trying these and many many more of your recipes – thank you!!!! ^__^

  90. Cosette says

    I made these the other day and everybody said they were delicious! Did they know it was healthy? Nope! They couldn’t even tell. AND it didn’t even get a chance to put any toppings on! This one’s a keeper.

  91. Myrthe says

    Churros!!!! I have always wanted to try these yummy snacks/deserts, but have not yet managed to find a diary-free version. Preferably non-greasy, too, haha 😉

  92. Andrea says

    These look great! I recently made your secret-ingredient cake and crustless pumpkin pie which were very good. I’m looking forward to making more treats. I was wondering if you had any recipes or ideas on making coconut desserts like coconut cake or 7 layer/hello dolly bars. Thanks.

  93. Fay says

    I would just like to echo everyone who has already voiced their opinion on churros. I remember eating them on occasion when my family went to Sea Worl (Orlando, FL) and remembering the taste still makes me drool!

  94. Aly says

    Hi Katie,
    Just made these…super yummy..I ate one warm without anything, very moist and light!
    I added some freshly ground nutmeg to the batter, then made a glaze with some stuff I had on hand..coconut butter, coconut oil, almond milk, stevia, honey, vanilla and lemon juice…
    Thank you for this, made me finally break out the donut pan for the first time!

  95. Jess says

    Churros with hot chocolate are amazing but pretty unhealthy. The hot chocolate is quite thick usually, and the churros are completely deep-fried. The last ones I had were set in paper towel to sop up the grease (just like bacon!).

    Flan (caramel custard) is also very popular in Spain. It’s similar to ‘Crema catalana’ which is a sort of crème brûlée. I tried both of these there, and while they are different I can’t remember which one was better!

    Last one – German black forest cake? It’s already fairly popular here but fundamentally German. One of my favorites 🙂

  96. Sarah says

    I live near the Krispy Kreme challenge in Raleigh, NC. So gross. They also serve burgers on krispy kremes at the state fair. So gross.

    I never noticed that your blog doesn’t have international treats. I just ooh and aah at whatever you put up 🙂

  97. Helen from the UK says

    I made these this morning to go with my Soya Latte, they are amazing Katie, thanks. I made up some Powdered Xylitol as per your recipe, I used my spice mill to do so (tip, if your spice/coffee mill smells of your last recipe pop in some raw rice and blitz it up and throw away, it takes away any stale smells and tastes!). It worked beautifully and my sugar loving husband even thought it was sugar (ha, ha little does he know).

  98. Colette says

    I just made these this morning for my 3 year old daughter who was asking for donuts yesterday and they came out amazing! I did not have the sweeteners on hand you use for your sugar free glaze so I used a little bit of regular powdered sugar and added unsweetened cocoa (we are chocoholics over here), but I figure that’s better than a factory made, chemical laden processed donut. Thank you! These will be a favorite recipe around here now for a treat!

  99. Ilta says

    Yes, Churros definitely! I’ve been fantasizing of those for way too long, especially lately when I visited Barcelona and didn’t find any vegan 🙁 Healthy Tiramisu-recipe would be great too 🙂

    btw. Greetings from Finland! I’m most likely your number one fan here, you have the best dessert blog ever 😀 Keep up the good work!

  100. Ryanna says

    International desserts–I agree that gelato would be awesome! Scottish shortbread, Tirimisu, caramel flan, chocolate eclairs, scones (I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!) Thanks so much for your blog. We aren’t vegans, but our little girl has a dairy allergy. I love that she can always eat your recipes without having to change them!

  101. Michelle says

    I love your blog….made so many things …forwarded your page to many….
    Just thought id say that again 🙂
    CROISSANTS yes please
    Cannoli used to be my favorite
    Creme brulee and flan all good 🙂

  102. Shay says

    This looks great:) Yeah, I’ve tried a few baked doughnut recipes and they didn’t taste too great:( But I’m sure this one will be delish!
    For the international recipe thingy, I think you should try to come up with a recipe for these Jewish cookies called hamentashens! They’re these adorable triangle cookies with jam in the middle:) They usually have dairy, so they’re not vegan :/ It’s not chocolate, but it’s still yummy!

  103. Madeline says

    Well, I don’t know if you already have a recipe for shortbread, but how about Hungarian shortbread? When my mom makes it, she separates the dough into two parts and refrigerates them both. Then, she grates the first half into the bottom of the pan, drizzles blackberry jam over it, and grates the second half on the top. It comes out SO flakey and buttery.

  104. Sophie says

    I would love to see Tiramisu! And I know that cheesecake isn’t international– but I have been craving one! What about Irish Soda bread… or baklava, or biscotti…

  105. Sheelagh says

    Hey Katie,
    Mmmm finally a guilt-free way to enjoy Krispy Kremes! 🙂
    I definitely agree with everyone who has suggests baklava and Nanaimo bars. If you manage to come up with a healthy Nanaimo bar I will be forever in your debt!

  106. BlindGrrL says

    Hmm… International flair… I remember you mentioned on one of your blog posts that you grew up in Japan (do I remember this correctly?)- maybe you could whip up a mochi type recipe? As you know, sweetened beans have long been enjoyed as a treat all over Asia (hello adzuki & mung beans!). And I know you’re no stranger to this as well- your chocolate chip cookie dough dip is next on my list of things to try! I bet you could come up with a phenomenal mochi dish- in fact, I’ve yet to see any type of chocolate mochi, and I’ve seen a lot of mochi in my day (Taiwanese-American roots here)… just a suggestion 🙂

  107. celeste says

    Hi Katie, I love your blog as I try and eat as healthy as I can, but when it comes to cake and chocolate, I always cave in! So for the past 6 months I’ve been a happy convert to all your healthy desserts! Thank you.

    I was just wondering what you do for a living? Or is your blog a full time job now it’s so popular? I just couldn’t work out where you get the time to do it all.

    Thanks again Katie,

    From Celeste in Australia 🙂

  108. agapeadrienne says

    International flair? You have the Katie flair. If I wanted international, I’d follow and international blog. I like healthy desserts, chocolate, and you, just the way you are. But of course, explore any ethnic flair foods and I’ll explore them with you.

  109. Beth says

    Mmm, looks great (as always), Katie!

    One of my favorites I’d love to get your take on is baklava. Tiramisu would also be wonderful. Thanks!

  110. Erica says

    How about Danishes? And there’s a Jewish dessert called Hamentashens which are triangular pastries with jelly inside! And this isn’t a dessert really, but granola would be nice too!!! Thanks!

  111. Andrea says

    These look delicious! I have always wondered if I would use a doughnut pan, and now that I am vegan I think the answer is a definite yes! I get a coffee every morning, and I am newly-vegan enough that I still get a little sad I can’t have them. They just look so delicious sitting behind that glass display case!
    As for international dishes, I second the flan and sticky rice pudding. Crepes and croissants would be good too! Also, if you want a real challenge, a vegan sugar cream pie. It’s not international, but it’d be a good challenge!

  112. Leslie says

    You should try investigating tarte tatin – it’s a classic french tart with caramelized apples, butter and sugar, then topped with a layer of puff pastry and baked (upside down). I’m not sure how well the ingredients would translate to vegan/healthy ones, but could be worth a try? Another one (that would be easier), would be a clafoutis – which is a fruit custard/cake that’s not uber unhealthy. And a vegan eclair. That would be amazeballs.

  113. Shirley says

    I would love a healthy version of Koeksisters (a South African fried dough that is drenched in sugar syrup). They are so yummy, but so bad for you.

  114. Emily says

    Hi Katie,

    I’m a college student and all my friends rant and rave about the chocolate croissants here on campus. And while they certainly smell amazing, they’re not vegan. I’ve been dying to show my friends and my bf that I CAN, in fact, make a good vegan chocolate croissant recipe except that I have tried to no avail. Could you help me out?

    By the way, for Valentine’s Day I made your chocolate mousse pie and got every single one of my friends to try it. And you know what? THEY ALL LOVED IT! It was only until after they had cleaned their plates that I told them that it was made out of tofu…

    Thanks for the recipes. I really, really enjoy reading your blog. Perusing yummy dessert recipes is a fantastic procrastinator. 🙂


  115. Hannah Harper says

    Oh, I’d love to try this! I don’t usually have crispy cream, unless I’m visiting my relatives, because they don’t have it where I am. 🙁 I do love Kakigori, which, I’m sure you know, is Japanese shaved rice. I love, love, love it! However, I hardly ever have it.

  116. Denise says

    You should try making a healthy version of empanadas! Especially the pumpkin or pineapple stuffed ones. I would also love to see your take on a ‘Tres Leches Cake’!

  117. Sc says

    I’m about to end an extended stay in India. The dish I think I’ll miss the most is a type of street food – pani puri. It’s not really a dessert, but it makes a fantastic finger food, and I intend to try and veganize this for movie nights back home! If you were to find a way to make this bakeable (the shells are supposed to be fried), you would be my unqualified heroine!

  118. Robin says

    Wow, Chocolate-covered Katie, you never fail to inspire me to bake! Thank you for being the perfect resource for health-nuts and vegans with a sweet tooth. I really admire that you are so incredibly conscious when it comes to your readers. International sounds awesome!

  119. Monica says

    One of my favorite things are Strawberry custard tarts. If you could find a way to make them healthy, I would literally build a statue in your honor.

  120. Adrienne says

    How about a vegan cream tea? It’s a scone served with preserves and clotted cream (and of course, English tea and milk, which is substituted nicely with coconut milk!) If you could figure out how to make vegan clotted cream, that would be amazing!

  121. RC @ Just Add Cayenne says

    I never really thought your blog needed more international flair, but it’s always nice to see something different.

    I know the Italian Pannettone (sp?) bread would be a great thing to healthify, and as you meantioned….churros! Baked churros would be awesome!

  122. Angela says

    Hi Kate,
    I love your blog and recipes. I am an American living in Germany and can tell you that if you are looking for a good international recipe to try to make over into a healthier one, crepes might be a good one to start with. They are very popular over here. We live 45 minutes from France, so beignets are also very popular. Thanks for all your hard work!

  123. Katharina says

    I would loooove a healthier recipe for Stroopwafels, that are dutch caramel waffels/wafers. one thin waffle has around 200 calories, but they are just sooo delicious!
    i also love apple strudel, but the dough is usually full of butter and sugar, so that would be awesome too 🙂

  124. Lara says

    Hey Katie,

    So this suggestion might not be the “international flair” quite type you were looking for, but last week I was making ANZAC biscuits, and googling for a healthier alternative to no avail. They’re biscuits that Australian army wives used to makes in the war to send to the soldiers overseas, given the ingredients in them didn’t spoil!

    Happy to see a non-chocolate recipe today, I gave up chocolate for Lent (quite a feat). Almost 2 weeks in, nothing cocoa based at all! Still deciding what to have as my first treat at Easter though..

  125. Sue says

    Katie, you have made a dream come true for me with this donut recipe! I cannot wait to make them later today!

    As for international recipes, I would LOVE a healthy version of tiramisu, creme brulee and anything, absolutely anything, with blueberries in it! lol

  126. Natasha says

    These look delicious. My favourite “international” recipe is Indian burfi. It’s basically powdered nuts with spices and sugar. There’s many different varieties and a lot of them are vegan already and some are made with dates so they’re sugar free too.

  127. Kathy says

    I personally think your website has a nice variety of foods. A little entree and a log of YUMMY!!! If you need to branch out to international foods, how about a take on a healthy Tiramisu. As long as it quick, easy and yummy, knock yourself out!!! Also love the new header.

  128. Teresa says

    I made these on Saturday, they were amazing! I used all purpose flour and vanilla almond milk. For the frosting I adding a little cinnamon to the powdered sugar. I just bought a doughnut pan a week ago, first attempt at doughnuts, a success!! Will try a GF version next.

  129. Genevieve says

    I’d love to see your takes on traditional desserts from cuisines around the world, although I would think it would be hard to recreate if it’s something you’ve never tasted before, so it could be a tough challenge! I like the cannoli idea from other readers, and another one I’d love to see would be Portuguese custard tarts!

  130. Lady Jennie says

    Hi, can I humbly suggest that you take a look at my recipe page and close your eyes over the meat portion of it (I am in France after all) and head over to the desserts? There are a lot of French desserts made over into gluten free. Maybe you can go one step further and make them over CCK style?

  131. Allyn says

    How do you use coconut oil when it solidifies the minute it touches the cold milk? That isif it isn’t already solid, which mine is this time of year. Thanks!

  132. Ellie Rainey says

    Baklava and sticky rice for sure. Also, there is a delicious Jewish cookie called Hamantashen made by stuffing pastry with a sweet poppy seed filling. They are so yummy!

  133. Ali says

    i once had apple stuffed churros with a caramel dipping sauce at a tapas restaurant that were amazing!! if you did those i would be in heaven!!!

  134. SGM says

    I would like to see a vegan version of tres leches cake. I’ve never made it and I think I tried my friend’s (that she ordered at a restaurant) once, but according to my friend a vegan version would be blasphemous and never as good. So…have at it. 🙂

  135. Sarah says

    Hi Katie,
    Let me start by saying that I love many of your recipes! I make a few of them on a regular basis and they’re really good (my favorite recipe is the black bean brownie one). However, I must point something out. In the title of many of your recipes, you put “healthy”. I am confused by this (especially for this particular recipe) because none of the ingredients seem healthy to me. While Stevia and Xylitol may have fewer calories than regular sugar, they certainly aren’t healthy.

    • Becca says

      I think she means “healthy” in that the recipes use non-processed ingredients, so it’s not as junky as say, store-bought donuts. At least, that’s what I’ve gathered from reading the rest of the blog. 🙂

  136. Lauren says

    Hi! These look gooooooood ! I was wondering if they could be cooked in a doughnut maker? I have one for making mini doughnuts so would love to put it to a healthy good use !!

  137. Mae says

    OMG!!! These are so f@#$ing good!! I used half whole wheat half all purpose flour and made them as regular cupcakes since a cupcake pan was all I had. I just pulled them out of the oven and I’ve already decided I’m making more right now. My son also has a b day party coming up, I’ll be making these, cupcake style, for his party. This is the first recipe I’ve tried from your blog and I can’t wait to try more. Honestly, I was skeptical about this recipe but my husband likes donuts so I made it for him. I’m completely shocked (completely shocked!) how good these are. Next I’m trying the black bean brownies. I may even be brave and try it with old fashioned oats. If it works out I’ll let you know.

  138. jennifer says

    I love this recipe. I’ve already made three versions of doughnuts:
    1. vanilla doughnuts with a lemon glaze (I poked holes in the doughnut so the lemony goodness seeped throughout)
    2. chocolate chip doughnuts with a bittersweet chocolate frosting (I used vegan chips)
    3. vanilla doughnuts with a maple sugar glaze and topped with vegan bacon chips

    Thanks for this and other awesome recipes!

  139. Danielle says

    BAKLAVA would be amazing!!! Also churros, real Belgian waffles (they’re very different from waffles here!), croissants! Great question to post 🙂

  140. Ashley says

    I made mine with Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free flour and they were fantastic! Even my little brother, the pickiest one in the family, loved them! I tried it with glaze, chocolate, chocolate frosting, and lemon glaze. I recommend the lemon glaze =)

    Thanks for the recipe Katie! I’ll be making these again soon!

  141. Sam says

    I’m lucky there are no Krispy Kremes in my state. I’ve had them in Florida and NYC and Oh MY GOD they are good.

  142. Jenya Alexandrovna says

    Internationally speaking I’m thinking veganized macaroons, napoleon cake, and cream puffs. I’ve been scouring the internet trying to find working recipes for them, but alas I have failed.

  143. Becca says

    I made these with olive oil and made them as muffins (I don’t have a donut pan) and they are AWESOME. I stuck frozen strawberries in a few of them and that made them even better. Perfect Vanilla indeed!

  144. Kathryn says

    Made these tonight and they were delicious! Great taste and texture. My hubby loved them too. We are not vegan, but we both enjoy many of your recipes. 🙂 I made them in muffin tins and it made 9. Added some cinnamon and freshly ground nutmeg, and it didn’t even need a glaze – they were great on their own! When I make them again – because there *will* be a next time! – I will melt the coconut oil on the stove before baking – there were a few fat pockets because the oil had semi-solidified. Thanks for another winner!

  145. Evelyn says

    I made these today and they were fantastic ,and so easy to bake. I was also able to give them to my lactose intolerant father which brightened up his day. With these i also made a raspberry dipping sauce using some raspberry jam and a little icing sugar . You could probably omit the sugar for an even healthier option. Very lovely recipe thanks so much will be making these often.

  146. Amanda says

    Hey katie! I have two ideas for a foreign food makeover! The first is to go with chocolate filled croissants… I mean who doesnt love French pastries? The second is to go with a Chinese dessert, being half Chinese myself. I know you lived in China, so maybe you would like to put your own twist on sesame balls, moon cakes, etc. Hope you read this and tell me what you think!

  147. valechan says

    Hi katie, im so in love with your blog and recipes! I wanted to ask you something about the baked stuffs in general, can u microwave them where is not specifically written? Cause i don’t have an oven but i want to bake so hard(sound malicious huhu) 😀
    And im so disapponted that here in italy we can’t get special dietary stuffs like coconut milk ice cream or coconut butter or applesauce ecc. argh i want to try theeeem ! And maybe buiyng them online is too expensive for me.. well anyway; thats my question ^^
    cheers from italy

  148. Am says

    These are awesome!!!!!!! I used brown rice flour and some coconut flour as a substitute for ap flour. I used beet sugar instead of reg. sugar. Thank you 🙂

  149. Amy says

    How about vegan madelines for international flair? You know, those soft buttery cookies found in ALL French bakeries?

  150. Danielle says

    Made these today – so delicious! Nice and light and tasty. I made them gluten free using 1/4 c almond flour, 1/4 c potato starch, 1/4 c sorghum flour and 1/4 c coconut flour along with 1 t of cinnamon.

  151. suzieq says

    I used to live in China too, though I was in Beijing. Did you eat mooncakes while you were there? They seemed like they had so much potential, but all the ones I ate were blech – too thick and cakey, and filled with red bean paste which I’m not a fan of. If you’re familiar with these little Chinese holiday treats, maybe you could try to make a healthier – and yummier! – version….

  152. Karri says

    Made these this morning. Used a mini doughnut machine. It made 16 mini doughnuts & there wasn’t one left after breakfast. 🙂 This one will become a favorite. I want to try a chocolate spread or peanut butter glaze on them next time. Yum. Thanks for sharing.

  153. Saima says

    I have somr questions..
    1.You said mix first four ingredient in a bowl, wouldn’t milk curdle if we mix ut with vinegar?
    2. What is the purpose if using vegetable oil?
    3. Can we substitute vinegar with lemon juice?

  154. Erin says

    I am confused on the nutritional information. It says this recipe makes 6 donuts using the listed ingredients in the listed amounts. The 6 donuts are said to have 133 calories, but 1 cup of flour alone has 400 calories?

  155. emaliah82 says

    Hi Katie, have you ever tried using whole wheat pastry flour in place of the all purpose or spelt flour in this recipe? I’ve been reading online about substitutions and it sounds like it might just work. I didn’t read through the piles of comments so am hoping someone didn’t already ask that. 🙂

  156. Josephine says

    I’m german, how about a german black forest cake? It’s with chocolate, and cherries, and whipped cream and sooo delicious! 🙂

  157. Rebecca says

    How about a traditional Arabic dessert? Um Ali? It is something like bread pudding made with puff pastry.

  158. Jade says

    We are having a summer kick off donut blast work and no one ever thinks that there are people that can’t eat eat that stuff. Sharing food is such a part of what people do andit is hard when you can’t participate in stuff like this, so thanks for the gluten dairy free donut recpies it helps make folks like me feel like part of the world again

  159. Julie says

    Oh boy did I ever run with this recipe and came out with a fabulous batch of mini muffins. I would have loved to have followed your recipe to the letter but I don’t have any xylitol on hand and recently gave up cane sugar AND used up all my coconut sugar so I had to adapt. I ended up subbing in maple syrup for the xylitol and just omitting the second line of sweetener (stevia or sugar). I added in some extra flour to soak up the extra moisture from the maple syrup. I also made a glaze using coconut oil, maple syrup and cinnamon. It wasn’t the prettiest glaze but it was fantastic tasting. Thanks for the inspiration and for doing all the hard work getting these recipes worked out!!

  160. Andrea says

    Ok, I just made these and I had to post- these were DELISH! So quick and easy to make. Since I didn’t have a donut pan, I used a mini muffin one….whether yours come out looking like a donut or muffin, they were great and healthy alternative to other sweets. Thx for the recipe!!!
    PS: I rolled them in sugar

  161. Susy says

    Before I went vegan I use to eat a lot of the Southern South American flan (different from the other versions) It was so good but I haven’t find any vegan version that could be even close to it, I think this dessert is a big challenge for vegans, since the recipe calls for many eggs, separate whites and yolk, condensed AND evaporated milk:
    Ingredients: 1/2 cup sugar, 2 1/2 tablespoons water, 4 eggs, separated, 1 can condensed milk, 1 can evaporated milk, 1 cup milk, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    Preparation: Preheat oven to 350°F. In a saucepan, combine sugar and water, and boil rapidly until a deep amber color. Pour the mixture in the bottom of a 9-inch glass or ceramic pie pan and coat sides. Let cool.
    In a bowl, stir egg yolks and then add all the milks and vanilla. Mix batter well. In another bowl, whip egg whites until fluffy, not stiff. Fold whites into batter. Pour mixture into the caramelized sugar-coated pie dish.
    Place dish in large roasting pan or baking pan. Add enough hot water to come halfway up sides of pie dish. Bake flan in water bath for 1 hour, until set in center. Let cool, then cover and chill overnight. (Can be made two days ahead. Keep chilled.)

    And definitely, not healthy…

  162. Cheryl says

    These are the best doughnuts! I just made a wheat free batch for my 6 yo with multiple allergies, and they are amazing. Just made a glaze using icing sugar and rice milk as she has fructose malabsorption, and they are sweet and moist. The best doughnuts I have ever eaten. Thank you for your beautiful recipe.

  163. Deese says

    Hi Katie!
    I have to say I love your blog! I just popped these doughnuts in the oven, but am worried I over filled the doughnut pan. How many was this recipe meant to make? I was able to make 6 regular doughnuts and 1 twisted long john using Wilton pans…this is my first attempt at baked doughnuts and I’m very excited. 🙂 I guess if I over filled them I get the excuse to make more!
    🙂 Deese

  164. CW says

    I successfully made a low carb version of these today using almond flour. I had to cook it longer to get them to stay together so I think next time I’ll add and egg or two to bind them.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Yes, pure stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar. You want what is equal to 2 tbsp sugar. Or use packets, which are cut so they are not pure stevia. Use 2 packets NuNaturals.

  165. Macy says

    These are delicious! Mine, however, puffed up in the oven but flattened when I took them out. I followed the recipe exactly. Any ideas?

  166. Alli says

    Hii Katie I loved these donuts I used half a cup whole wheat flour and a little less than a quarter cup homemade coconut flour and they turned out great!!! 😉 I also love ur blog but I think it’s missing some coffee goodness, and I mean the Italian way, I love tiramisu and if u can find a healthy way to make me that would be awesome!! Ur awesome!! Xxoo 😀

  167. Crystal says

    I’ve tried this twice, making donut holes instead of donuts because I don’t have a pan. The weird thing is that both times, they ended up smelling good and looking fluffy, but when I eat it, there’s an odd taste at the end. What could it be? Would it be the pan?

  168. miky says

    hi, not sure if you already answer this, i was wondering how many doughnuts is this recipe yield to? I can’t seams to find that info. Thanks

  169. Angela says

    Can you make these in a donut press? I have one of those mini donut presses and I know that you mention in your FAQ to follow directions exactly.

  170. Jellybean says

    Hey Katie! The maximum heat for my oven is only 200F. But I really would like to make these doughnuts. Do you know how long would I have to bake them instead?

  171. Stephanie says

    Just made and um… INHALED these! I made them with whole wheat flour and they turned out fabulously! I made the mini muffin Tim version and they only needed to bake about 7 mins. I didn’t know baked goods without eggs could be so so so SO good!! Thank you!

  172. Carrie says

    These were really good! I made them with whole wheat pastry flour although I am sure they would have been even better with spelt. I used a variety of different glazes including yours (very good) and made them cute for my kids on valentine’s day! So much better than getting fried doughnuts. Thanks 🙂

  173. Amanda says

    OMG thank you chocolate-covered Katie!!! I just stumbled across this website and am in awe of such a thing as chocolate-covered health food! This is Sooooo perfect for me. Trying to live a healthy lifestyle is so hard when you’re a chocoholic. I’m so glad I found this website, amazing and genius!!!

  174. AnnaBananaBelle says

    I tried these this morning and they were great! I made a few changes though. I used half honey half sugar (I am not a vegan) and used a gluten-free baking mix for the flour. Since i was cooking with honey i used a little baking soda and cut down on the baking powder since i used the baking mix. Thanks for the great recipe! Everyone loved them!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Good news! I saw Katie said in the past that there’s a chocolate version going in her upcoming cookbook out in December.

  175. JennB says

    I can’t wait to make these for my daughter who is turning two tomorrow and LOVES doughnuts. Could you please tell me how many doughnuts this recipe makes? I just bought a regular sized doughnut pan and am now wondering if I should have bought two….

  176. Julie says

    I used Mama’s Almond Blend AP Gluten Free Mix + 1/8 tsp zanthan gum, coconut palm sugar and rice milk and they are AMAZING!!! I also made them in my little doughnut maker (shaped baking on a little waffle-iron type thing). Suuuuuch a great GF option. My family is inhaling them for the second time.

  177. Kristal says

    I am so going to make these! As for international desserts I think that churros would be great. I used to love them, but I haven’t had one in a long time!

  178. Jen says

    Quick question: is whole wheat pastry okay for this recipe? I’m trying to gear away from refined sugars and white flours!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You will have to experiment! But the flour Katie calls for–spelt flour–is a whole grain flour.

  179. Janet Mylin says

    I made these gluten free by using 1/4 cup coconut flour, 1/4 cup brown rice flour, 1/8 cup almond meal, 1/4 c + 1/8 cup white rice flour and 1/4 tsp xanthan gum. (Those are just the GF flours I had on hand.) I also added about 2 T more milk because coconut flour absorbs a lot of moisture when it’s baked. Super good and moist!

  180. Amy says

    I went out and bought Wilton’s doughnut pan just so I could make these.
    I’d never made doughnuts before but I thought these would be good for breakfasts. I didn’t know what to expect since there’s no butter or eggs in them.
    But I baked em up, glazed them and took one bite and said “OMG…THAT’s GOOD!” This is the best doughnut I’ve ever had AND it’s less than 200 calories even with the glaze.
    I used brown sugar, 1% dairy milk, canola oil, white all-purpose flour, and white vinegar. I baked em for 12 minutes and they were soft, fluffy, moist and delicious.
    I will DEFINITELY be making these again.

  181. Meagan says


    i think the one thing you are missing, when comparing to “Krispy Kreme” is that there are two distinct doughnut varieties – Yeast doughnuts and cake doughnuts. The Krispy Kreme brand sells yeast doughnuts whilst your recipe is for a cake style doughnut.

    You may want to reevaluate the naming of this recipe… perhaps copycat Entenmann’s, Sara Lee, Drakes, Etc…

  182. Nance says

    Your “doughnuts” look delish! To make the flavor more old-school-authentic, I’d recommend adding about 1/4 teaspoon of mace (the spice, not the spray!). It’s a traditional doughnut ingredient. And I think I’ll try milk kefir as a replacement for the milk plus vinegar.

    Glad to have found your website so we can have goodies without guilt!

  183. Sybil Chrzan says

    Hi Katie!
    A suggestion to your call for international recipes:
    Coconut Sticky Rice. I think every Thai restaurant has a version of this, I have had it several places; but the place in my town has the best I’ve ever had! Somehow, it is tinted a pale beautiful, celadon green; I have asked, I don’t know how they do it. All I have been able to glean is that it is coconut milk with the sweet sticky rice. Then there is the sliced mango,
    and it is topped with black sesame seeds. They may use green jasmine tea in cooking the
    rice, I’m not sure. It seems so simple, but it is just unbelievably flavorful and light. Like all
    Thai cooking, there is obviously a subtle balance of flavors. It is really really really good!

  184. Michelle says

    Thanks again for a delicious, easy recipe! My daughter was recently diagnosed with Celiac. I just made these with GF flour and she LOVED them!

  185. Traci Garcia says

    I made these this morning for my family. I can’t find spelt flour at my store so I used half whole wheat and half all purpose flour. I made them in my mini muffin pan- so cute. Had to double for my family of five. Really enjoyed them. I’m slowly making my way through ur healthy recipes as my family is on a mission to eat better. Made these with a smoothie this morning for a very enjoyable breakfast. Thanks for the recipe!
    By the way I have made your chocolate chip cookie dough dip three times this week. It keeps disappearing. 🙂

  186. Krys says

    Just tried these in a sunbeam donut maker for the first time. Got the machine from a thrift store for $5 and it works great.
    My version of the recipe is nearly identical, I just used whole wheat flour instead of ap flour. The donut maker is muuuch faster than 15 minutes (We had two sets completely cooked by the 15 minute timer we set, the machine lights up green about the time they’re done.. we left them in an extra approx. 30 seconds after it would turn green) and while some recipes might puff up too much, filling all the way to the top of the bottom half of the donut maker creates a full, fluffy donut. Sprinkled with cinnamon/vanilla sugar/powdered sugar mixture. Everyone loved them, and cool stuff like this is helping me stick to my resolution of cooking from scratch for my meals. Thanks for the recipe, it worked beautifully and the kids couldn’t tell they were healthier versions of those chaulky donettes they eat in the bags from the store.

  187. Diane says

    I just made these!!!! I even halved the recipe and used coconut palm sugar. They are even better than most of the full fat non healthy baked doughnuts I have made in the past!!!! I love these!!! I also just dusted the tops with sugar (like sugar coated cake donuts)!!! Sooooo good!

  188. Mieka says

    Hi Katie, was just wondering what to use if you wanted to make these as chocolate doughnuts – cocoa powder? If so, how much and would I have to sub some flour or something out so they weren’t too dry? Thanks! 🙂

  189. LJ Briar says

    Gulab jamun! I think that would be right up your alley, especially given this recipe here. I’m not Indian myself, but every time I go to an Indian restaurant I want to eat eighteen gulab jamuns.

  190. Lilan says

    For how much doughnuts is this recipe? Would love to make it (Even though I have no doughnut pan, and no muffin form either)

  191. GG says

    5 stars
    Hi Katie,
    The boyfriend and I have been on a healthy eating journey for some time now and discovering your site and book has been a godsend! We’ve been meaning to write in to thank you for a while.
    So far we’ve made:
    Pixi cookies
    Secretly healthy brownies (my favourite)
    Sinless peanut butter cookies (his favourite)
    Flourless chocolate chip cookies (we ate a batch in a day – two days in a row. Oops!)
    Krispy Kreme chocolate doughnuts (both of our favourites, they’re light, fluffy and divine!)

    Thank you so much for putting your recipes out there for everyone to benefit from, they’ve totally changed our relationship with dessert.

    Re international deserts to healthify, if you could work your magic on Czech desserts (think kolaches, honey cake and lintzer cookies) you will truly make my day!

    Thank you from myself and the boyfriend, please continue your excellent work.

    GG x

  192. Karen says

    I’m a new diabetic who is missing donuts terribly. Do you think it would work if I used Coconut flour instead of the recommended flour, and use Stevia in the raw for the xylitol and sugar?

    • Diana says

      I have never baked with coconut flour before, but from what I understand, it cannot be subbed 1:1 in recipes calling for a different type of flour because it absorbs too much liquid.

  193. Diana says

    5 stars
    I made these today, and they were fantastic! The yield was 6 doughnuts (regular doughnut pan). The texture was amazing – definitely better than most other baked doughnuts I’ve made before. I used this glaze: It hardened nicely and fairly quickly. I also added a little bit of coconut flavor to the glaze, but it didn’t really change the taste at all. I might try adding some cinnamon to the batter and using cream cheese glaze next time.

  194. Nicola Justice says

    5 stars
    So yummy! I have made these twice already for my food allergic son’s ‘Donuts with Dads’ at preschool.

  195. Cara says

    If they dont taste like Krispy Kreme and arent supposed to… Why call them “Healthy Krispy Kremes”. ?Thats a little misleading, isnt it? Just like your “Shamrock shake that tastes nothing like a Shamrock shake”. I know you do it for clicks, i just think its lame. You see the headline and youre like ooh, healthy version of my fave? Yay! Then u read the article & youre like… Ohh.

  196. Carolina Diaz says

    Hi I wanted to know, if i can sub the flour for oat flour, or any other grain free flour

  197. Isabelle says

    These turned out exactly like you said they wouldn’t, they came out dense and gummy. I followed the recipe exactly, so I’m not sure what happened…

    • A H says

      Exact same ingredients? Maybe a mis-measurement somewhere? Not sure what else it could be, as I’ve never had any problem making these, and I’ve done so many times. Check Katie’s FAQ at the top of her blog for some other ideas.

  198. Ida says

    Eclairs, vanilla slices/millefeuille, – do you have them in the US? – pain au chocolat, criossants, barfi (sort of the Indian version of fudge), baklava…

  199. Anne says

    Wow! This recipe looks AMAZING! So just a question, I don’t know if I’m somehow blind and I can’t see it, but how many servings does this make?

  200. Carie says

    I’m just thinking it’s a bit misleading to label something as a Krispy Kreme doughnut for SEO purposes if in the first two sentences you say that it tastes nothing like a Krispy Kreme doughnut. And for what? Traffic? Why not be an honest blogger and own the health food thing in your post’s title? From the comments it sounds like a lot of people share your opinion of the horrors of ingesting the chain’s signature food item. How about the Krispy Kreme Fonut Recipe, The Anti-Krispy Kreme Doughnut Recipe or something that at least hints that the recipe you’re sharing will not satisfy the same cravings (not that that’s bad) but still get you that key word?

  201. Dana says

    I made these donuts. They are awesome. I ate one plain and warm and they were delicious! I melted chocolate chips and used that to ice them. They were still good, but not as good.

  202. Jessie says

    Are we supposed to mix the dry and wet together? It doesn’t say in the recipe, but if we do not stir, then wouldn’t it be lumpy and have dry ingredient spots in the donut?

  203. Songbird says

    Nice recipe for doughnuts!

    If you wish to go international, why not try Tiramisu? A chocolate Tiramisu obviously ^^

    Thanks for sharing your awesome recipes,
    Regards from France

  204. Rebekah says

    Made these for our family and topped them with a maple frosting! Seriously Katie – out of this world!! I just love that you love chocolate and desserts even more than I do and have the gift of turning delicious treats into healthy delicious treats!

    Thank you for being you:-)

  205. ruth marshall says

    This recipe is the real deal! I loved it. Very tasty – like a combination between donuts muffins and scones (english version) – I’ve been calling them nutmuffs / doffing.

  206. patti says

    I just made these doughnuts and followed the recipe to the letter.
    There was a bit more dough than what I needed for 6 and I didn’t see where it said how many it made so I went with 6 as that is how many my pan takes. I cooked them 15 minutes and did the toothpick test. They were still not cooked through so I put another 3 minutes on the timer. The toothpick came out clean after that. I let them cool and set them on a rack. After an hour I cut a small edge off to taste. All I really got was a mouthful of doughy flour tasting blob. There was no flavour and they were super dense.
    I wonder if I should have done 12 and if they’d have turned out any lighter. I was rather disappointed after using all the ingredients. I’ll ice them and try them again. I can’t take them to work though b/c they would not do my baking reputation much good.

  207. Mira says

    I made these for breakfast this morning using coconut sugar and a mix of spelt and einkorn flours. They came out great. Super delicious. Thanks for the recipe!

  208. Katie says

    So yummy! I used 1/2 regular sugar and 1/2 monk fruit sugar. The donuts were soft and fluffy and my kids loved them! Thanks Katie!

  209. Syl says

    I haven’t tried the recipe yet but I plan to. When you say ‘milk of choice” does this include plant milks such as almond, rice, oat, soy, etc.? Or do you mean dairy milks ?
    I’ve subscribed. I think I’m going to like this site.

  210. Caitlyn says

    5 stars
    I made these for myself and my baby, her favorite pajamas recently have been ones with donuts on them. She is a year and a half old so I’m still not giving her sugar. Tragic life. So I got some granulated Xylitol, never use the stuff before, I made a single batch I ate half the donuts. They made me so sick! I did a little research, it says you can get diarrhea and stomach upset from 20 to 30 G of Xylitol and I ate a little bit more than that. Oops. Good learning experience. Think I might try the recipe with regular sugar so I can eat as many as I want 😉

  211. Debra Johnson says

    5 stars
    This doughnut is soft and moist and yummy with chocolate icing on top. We used 2 Tbsp. apple sauce and 1 Tbsp oil and it was lovely!

  212. Kelly says

    My go to donut recipe. Gluten free flour works well with this recipe also! The kids and I love them! Thank you for the awesome recipe!

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