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Running in the Rain

The smashing sequel to Singing in the Rain.

Murphy’s Law:
If you are out running, and a rainstorm hits, it will hit when you are far away from home.

Sad to say, Murphy doesn’t like me much. I checked the weather forecast very carefully, and it clearly stated “scattered showers beginning at 10AM.”

running in the rain

Beginning at 10AM, my foot! It was perfectly clear when I left at 7, with only a 10% chance of precipitation listed for 8. But at around 7:45, all hell floods broke loose.

Mimi's and Sanctuary 002

When I finally arrived back home, my mom was there to greet me.

But what did she have in her hands?

A. a soft, dry towel?
B. a warm cup of tea?
Nope, it was a camera, to capture my ridiculous, soaking-wet style. Thanks a lot, mom!

Her words: “I figured you’d want to post a photo for all your blog friends to see.”
How well she knows me! (And, as it turns out, she did have a towel for me too. What a nice mommy.)

Question of the Day:
Have you ever gotten caught in a rainstorm? Or, have you ever been a victim of Murphy’s Law?

For some reason, it seems to rain a lot when I go to the grocery store and have many bags to carry out to the car! As for running in the rain, I kinda had fun yesterday. It cooled me off. At first, the rain was getting in my eyes, which was uncomfortable. But I figured out how to turn my head so it wasn’t a problem anymore. I felt pretty hardcore… until my dad told me he used to play soccer in thunderstorms all the time.

And if you think I look silly when soaking wet, you should see these guys! 🙂

Published on July 14, 2010

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. britchickruns says

    WOW that looks wet!!
    I once did 10miles in the torrential rain, with long jogging trousers that dragged on the floor…quite possibly the worst experience of my life!

  2. Marilou @ Mostly Healthy says

    Thunderstorms are a great way to improve your sprints hehehe!

    I was almost caught in a tornado this week, out running. Ok, maybe not a tornado… but strong wind.

    Your mom and I need to be best friends. Now 🙂

  3. Katie says

    I LOVE running in the rain!! I posted some pictures VERY similar to these last week after I got stuck in a monster rain storm. I think it’s so fun, and I feel hardcore out there running as the raindrops pelt me in the face. Haha…enjoy your rain!

  4. Jessica says

    Haha I love this post! Is it mean of me to be laughing at your miserable situation? 😉
    Well, it looks like you enjoyed it though :).

  5. sarah b says

    My most favorite time to run is in the rain!! There is something so relaxing about the raindrops running down your face–almost masking the sweat running down your face! hehe. YOU GO GIRL! 🙂

  6. elk says

    I’ve been reading for a while, and I have to say I’m really enjoying reading more now that you’re putting more of you on your blog (not that I didn’t before…but you know what I mean ;)).
    Those pictures are great. Nothing like a bit o’ rain!
    Hmm, Murphy’s law…though I think we call it Sod’s Law over here. Generally if it’ll go wrong, it will for me. Though speaking of rain, I have pretty long hair and it used to be that whenever I washed it it would rain (sort of like raining on the day you wash your car), and I also went through a phase when I was about 18, working in a cafe, when it would be guaranteed that I’d drop a plate or glass and break it between 4pm – 4.15pm…very odd. That went on for a few weeks….
    Have a fantastic holiday!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Thanks for the support! It’s a little nerve-wracking for someone who can be shy to open up so much (especially when I know that my family and even a few ex-boyfriends know about the blog!). So I really appreciate your kind words :).

  7. Becca says

    LOL! Bless you, Katie – how typical that it would rain! Last time I ran in a rainstorm, I got a terrible cold 🙁 I think I must be one of those sickly people.

    I was so excited when I moved into a flat (appartment) on the top floor of this very swish block in the centre of Birmingham. Unfortunately, whenever I’d done a big food shop, the lift (elevator) would break, so I’d have to carry all those bags up six flights of stairs. Fun!

  8. C (Slide into Hippiedom) says

    My Murphy’s law of running is more around my dog than the weather. If my dog is going to act up or take a poop, it will be while I’m in front of the only person coming out of the house in the entire area. It’s also never someone rushing off to work, it’s the woman who’s just meandering around her car, watching my dog poop in her yard.

    If I trip, it will occur when someone is watching. Same goes for almost anything embarrassing that might occur while running with my dog. One time it was a bee flying at my face, which caused me to spaz out completely, flailing around. Of course that’s when a guy was standing in his garage, watching me act like a crazy person.


  9. Amy says

    Do you have any suggestions of other high-quality food processors that are not as costly as the amazing Vitamix?

  10. Michelle Gooch says

    Oh…the lovely rain. :o) I went on a motorcyle trip with my husband and some other friends a couple of years ago, and we got caught in a down pour on the interstate….all I could do was laugh at the time. The rain was so cold and stung like crazy on our faces. But looking back, it was so much fun!

  11. Molly says

    I have been caught in the rain many times while running in attempt to “beat the clouds” 😛
    Just this past week I was on a 6.5 mile loop and had to turn around when I saw cloud-to-ground lightning right in front of me! The rain finally let up so I got the full mileage in but I was totally soaked and my makeup probably looked like the Joker from Batman. Just another reason to do morning runs with a fresh face!

  12. Michal says

    Ive been caught out running in the rain too.. only I was wearing a white tank since there was no sight on rain on the morning news. Lets just say I ran really really fast to get home! 🙂

  13. A Teenage Gourmet says

    Haha, that’s adorable! I’ve been caught in the rain while walking my pup. Nobody knew that I was gone, so nobody came to save me. 🙁 Haha. I’m not familliar with Murphy’s Law —-> Google. <3

  14. Jessica @ Lima's Vegan Kitchen says

    This looks like SO much fun!!!!!!!!! If I didnt hate running I’d join you!!! 😛

  15. Kim says

    Oh yeah, got caught in a thunderstorm riding my bike back from the repair shop! If there’s one thing to be grateful for when wearing spandex, it doesn’t feel any different soaking wet;)

  16. Mushrooms says

    Hey, that’s not fair! I love rain but I almost never get caught in it!
    Oh well … At least you got a shower 😀

  17. Meg says

    I love running in the rain too! Especially in the summer- it’s been so hot lately that I look forward to rain!

  18. erinsloves says

    Ahh I would have died! I am such a baby with rain I hate getting wet! I used to work at a vet and would hate to have to walk the dogs in the rain, I would wear a huge over-sized raincoat with the hood zipped all the way up even in like 100 degree weather! Your a ballsy girl!

  19. Little Bookworm says

    Looks like a lot of rain – not fun. Just thought I would let you know this post does not seem to be showing up on your rss feed? Hope you have a great day!

  20. Jessica (PB & Jess) says

    I love running in the rain, even when it pours. I’m usually all sweaty and gross anyway, lol. It rained buckets when I ran my first half-marathon and since that day I actually seek out rainy runs! 🙂

  21. Justine says

    When Maman and I were on vacation, it started pouring absolute buckets when we stepped off of the metro. We were only a few blocks from the hotel, but naturally we left the umbrella in our room. It made for a fun afternoon though. 🙂

  22. Kady @ Livin, Lovin, Learnin says

    I got caught in rain a couple week ago when I was running, but it was just my last mile and I was hot and sweaty, so it was wonderful. Today I rode my bike 15 minutes home from work in a thunderstorm (yes, I could have asked or called for ride, but I wanted to do it!). It was exhilarating! Only problem was the lake in my shoes and difficulty seeing. I love that your mom was ready to take pic!

  23. Mary @ Bites and Bliss says

    hahahah your mom’s awesome! 😀 Of course, it would have been great if she had a fuzzy towel to accompany the camera but at least you got good pictures out of it! My dad and I have run into Murphy’s Law a few times. Everytime I’m home, we go for a walk on a greenway that’s close by. It’s two miles one way and the rain ALWAYS hits right when we reach the other side. Now, I’d have no problem running but he kind of does, so we casually walk the two miles back to the car. It’s happened a few times..not the typical “go home” tradition, but I’ll take it! 😛

  24. caronae says is indeed a major liar. Yesterday afternoon, after about three or so, it was very sunny. According to, it was pouring in my zip code — and new york zip codes are very tiny, so I don’t really know how they could screw it up. Oh and it is also supposed to be raining right now and 77….It is sunny and very hot.

  25. Danielle says

    haha I love that your mom thought to capture you for the blog. I actually like running in the rain! Except for the whole wet opid situation…anddd as long as there’s no lightning 😀

  26. Kiersten says

    Wow, you got soaked! I’ve gotten caught in rainstorms a few times. It always happens to be at a really inconvenient time- like when I am walking home with bags full of groceries.

  27. says

    ive gotten caught in a rainstorm.. A COLD WINDY ONE! EW!

    omg look at you dancing around haha.. i would say “running around” but im pretty sure it would be hard not to feel like a free bird in a rain storm 😉

    Ur adorable!!

  28. cookeatburn says

    I love running in the rain! Well, I mean perhaps I wouldn’t want to do an entire run in a thunderstorm, but a steady rain is so refreshing (especially when it’s breaking the gross humidity we get up here!) :).

  29. Purplegirl says

    Haha. I love the pictures. You may have been wet today, but I got dirtier. I’m volunteering at an outdoor education camp, and we got in a huge mud fight today. 😀 Would have been nice to have your rain to clean us up afterwards.

  30. shesarunner says

    I don’t like to run in the rain because my shoes get all sloshy and it’s really uncomfortable! Rainy days are treadmill days, for sure. Although I guess it was pretty unavoidable in your situation! I’m glad you at least managed to have fun with it. You have to make the best of every situation right?

    I’ve gotten caught in the rain many times…usually at the worst times. Like right after I’ve gotten my hair done. I just have to laugh it off…you can’t control nature, right? 🙂

  31. Donna says

    Iguess Murphy loves me, too! I seem to get caught in the rain when i”m walking the dog and putting groceries in the car. Also, just about every graduation party I go to, all the guests end up crammed like sardines in the house because it’s pouring out! And, of course, IT POURED on my wedding day!

  32. BroccoliHut says

    I’ve been caught in pretty much every weather condition imaginable–blazing heat, snow, and rain. I think snow is my favorite:)

  33. Pure2raw twins says

    Oh yes, we have got caught in plenty of rainstorms when we went out for a run. : ) At first it is annoying, but then it feels nice!

  34. Serena says

    As long as the rain is warm, I LOVE getting caught in the rain.
    Rainy season in the Philippines spans from late June/July until around September (give or take a few months) and I love frolicking in the (albeit acidic) warm rain showers, feeling the water really thundering down around me.
    I lived in New England for a while and it rained a lot, yet not with the same powerful force. I found it funny how many of my friends would freak out about “storms” when the word that came to my mind would have been “drizzle” or “shower”. 😛

  35. livingfreeforever says

    This post made me laugh–not AT you, but WITH you–haha 🙂 I carried an umbrella with me on my walk today because I was afraid it would rain buckets and it didn’t even sprinkle. Ya never know!

  36. Faith says

    I love running in the rain! It’s so exhilarating…unless, of course, you’re a clutz like me, slip in a puddle, fall, and hurt yourself :/ Oh well, just a few battle scars, right?

  37. Katherine: What About Summer? says

    I love that someone was there to take pictures haha I don’t mind the rain until my feet get wet!

  38. Jennifer - jcd says

    Awww, you still look great when you are sopping wet! I ran in the rain this morning too. It was so much fun once I warmed up from the initial chill. Double socks are a must. The best part of running in the rain is splashing in a few puddles before you get home. It looks like you had a nice one in your drieway. 🙂

  39. Melissa says

    Oh, also, wet sleeves + no bodyglide = HOLY ABRASION BATMAN! That was excruciating painful for a full day. Ow. And then I scabbed over and it hurt less. 🙂 The lovely water blisters from the wet feet were also great.

    I ran with a pace group and our leader would call out the puddles. My favorite quote?
    “Puddle to the left … LARGE puddle to the left … SMALL LAKE to the left!!!” as we got closer to the thing and it’s full mammoth girth became more apparent. It was crazy. I think Nessie had taken up residence in that thing. 😉

  40. Tanya @ Dine, Dash, and Deadlift says

    I have definitely been caught out in the rain. Such a pain while wearing nice clothes, but I don’t usually mind it while running. In fact for the one awful year I lived in Houston (my apologies a I know you are a Texan – but I am a mountian girl at heart, so needless to say Houston and I were NOT friends) I would deliberately plan my runs for late afternoon when chance of thunderstorms was highest. It was just sooo hot in the summer that running in the rain helped to cool me off a bit!

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