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The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie

P.S. Thanks to all who now follow me on Pinterest!

What if I told you that in less than ten minutes, you can make this homemade chocolate fudge pie:

Don’t let the healthy ingredients fool you! This rich chocolate pie is so luxurious and so decadent it turned even my health-food-hating boyfriend into a believer. I swear by the recipe for parties and holidays... It does not disappoint! Full recipe:



What if I told you that this chocolate fudge pie is…

  • Dangerously rich and delicious
  • Much healthier than it tastes – and lower in calories!
  • Did I mention it only has 6 ingredients?

Warning: If you bring this chocolate pie to parties, people will devour every last chocolatey bite. And then they’ll realize they’re about to choke from gobbling it up so fast they forgot to stop and breathe. Sounds intense… but don’t worry. If you make this, you will never bring it to a party.

You won’t want to share.

Chocolate Fudge Pie - Don’t let the healthy ingredients fool you! - This chocolate pie is so good it turns even people who claim to hate healthy food into believers... The recipe does not disappoint! @choccoveredkt

The ultimate “does not taste healthy” dessert.


Even my health-food-hating friends like this pie. Actually, I don’t know a single person who doesn’t! If you’re looking for a healthy dessert to bring to a party that does NOT taste healthy, this is the dessert to bring.

Well, maybe this pie and the Deep Dish Cookie Pie.


tofu chocolate pie

My friends say it’s a tie. I say this pie wins.

chocolate pie

vegan chocolate cream pie

Today is my birthday! Someone suggested I should take the day off from blogging. But that’d be no fun. You know what would be fun? Sharing one of my absolute favorite recipes in the whole wide world!



The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie

The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie

Total Time: 5m
Yield: 8-10 slices
Print This Recipe [mrp_rating_result show_count="false" show_rich_snippets="false"]


  • 12.3 oz silken or firm tofu (I highly recommend Mori-Nu silken-firm for no aftertaste)
  • 1 1/2 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp milk of choice
  • scant 1/8 tsp salt
  • 8 to 10 oz chocolate chips (about 1 1/2 cups or more)
  • 2-3 tbsp sweetener of choice (If you are used to less-sweet desserts, you can omit)
  • optional: extracts, flavorings, or liqueurs


Carefully melt the chocolate (either on the stove or in the microwave – google how to melt chocolate), then throw everything into a food processor and blend until super-smooth. Pour into a pie crust if desired. Fridge until chilled. This gets firmer and firmer, the longer it sits. It’s also firmer if you use firm tofu and more like mousse pie if you use silken.

I promise you, everyone will rave about it, and no one will believe it has tofu!!

View Nutrition Facts


Link Of The Day:

chocolate coconut banana bread

Gooey Chocolate Coconut Banana Bread


Published on September 6, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. amy @lovetotrain says

    this looks AMAZING. AMAZING. there is no other word… i want some now. might have to pop out to buy some tofu…!
    I LOVE birthday cakes ( especially animal shaped ones) so I am always the (self) designated birthday cake baker when its someone’s birthday.

  2. Bethany says

    OMG YUM!!! I am out of chocolate chips but that is easily (and speedily) remedied! Totally making this today!

    Happy birthday! May you have many, many more!

  3. Qi Ting @ Misadventures of Fat free Baking says

    HAPPPPPYYYY BITRTHDAY KATIEEEE!!!! I’m so glad you had a chocolate-covered-birthday. After all, you were pretty much born covered in chocolate ;-)! PS: I made a filling like this before! But used it to fill a cake!!!! I’ll try yours for my next pie/cake!!!
    Hee I eat birthday cake whenever I feel like it, so I only eat it if I feel like it on my birthday (which is most of the time) but next year… I’ll have a chocolate covered birthday like you did. (Sorry, I just HAVE to steal that idea. A chocolate-covered-birthday is too good not to have! ;-))

  4. Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) says

    Happy Birthday Katie! The pie looks amazingly fudgy and delicious! I only do special treats on my birthday since my boys think you need a good treat to celebrate. My latest favorite is my gluten free angel food cake. It is so light and fluffy…a little seven minute icing and some coconut, pure heaven!

  5. Melissa says

    Happy Birthday, Gorgeous Girl!

    I love chocolate birthday cake with white icing. It’s my favorite birthday treat! This pie does look delicious, though. I need to make it with a batch of that whipped cream you’ve been raving about! 🙂

  6. Megan says

    Happy Birthday Katie!!! I hope you enjoy your day! You are so sweet to blog and post this recipe on your birthday. This looks incredibly delicious….like I want to make it right now even though I already had banana pancakes delicious. I am not a huge cake fan either…I would rather have strawberry pie, cheesecake, or parfaits. Again, Happy Birthday!!!!!

  7. Ali @ Peaches and Football says

    I turned 30 a couple weeks ago and spent the day at a football game. Usually I spend the night with my family and we do eat cake / ice cream although this year my mom bucked tradition since I’m trying to eat less sugar and gluten and make blueberry crumble. Yum!


  8. msdramateacheraldy says

    Happy Birthday!!! I love birthday cake, no candles (you realize how many germs can be transmitted by someone blowing over a cake). Yellow cake, chocolate frosting.

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  9. Jenny says

    Happy Birthday! Echoing what everyone else had said… but have a WONDERFUL [hopefully chocolate-full and chocolate-covered] awesome day. 😀

    Can’t believe you blogged on your birthday! Just goes to show how dedicated you are. Amazing. Thanks for posting and sharing!

    (Have to agree about pie crusts, too. Actually, I don’t like pie. I don’t like warmed fruit! Crustless chocolate fudge pie though? Mmm… sounds and looks delicious.)

  10. Jennifer says

    Happy Birthday, Katie!!!!! I hope that you have a wonderful day today–You deserve it for all of the happiness you bring to other people!

  11. Shelby says

    Happy Birthday Katie! 🙂

    The next holiday in my house isn’t until the beginning of october…but who can wait that long?! I’ll make up an occasion just to have this pie!

  12. Sarah says

    Happy happy birthday! quarter of a century, eh? 🙂 Congrats!
    I am actually a cake person, I’d totally go for a traditional layered birthday cake any day, or rather, year. hehe. Your pie looks pretty fantastic though. I don’t like normally like gooey (yeah, I know!), but I think it’s an irrational fear that the goo comes from raw eggs. So knowing this has no eggs solves that problem.
    Plus it just looks so delish! I need an excuse to make this. Dinner party? I should plan one now…

  13. Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel says

    such a gorgeous fudge pie- extra fudgey judging by the texture! i hope you like my surprise birthday shout out to you on my blog. I wanted to celebrate your special day because you have been such an amazing person to me <3 Happy Birthday! xoxo <3

  14. Ashley says

    This looks so delicious! I always love making my birthday cake– red velvet:) I especially love making them as cupcakes!

    But this chocolate pie may just need to be made for a special occasion… I know I can find one here somewhere:)

    I’ve never had tofu, with the exception of it being in a banana bread recipe. Does it affect the texture of the pie? And where, I know this sounds like a crazy question, but where do I find tofu at?

    Thanks and have a great birthday!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Silken tofu is a great stand-in for heavy cream! Hmmm… at a regular grocery store, I can sometimes find Mori-Nu in the natural food section (it’s shelf-stable). At Whole Foods, it’s usually in the Asian section (and sometimes in the gluten-free section too). If you go to google images and search “mori nu” you can see what you’re looking for :).

      • Ashley says

        Ah okay! Thank you! I’ll definitely be making a trip here in Reno to Whole Foods soon– I’ve been staying away from it for the past week or so because of Burning Man!
        I turn 25 in January! I can’t believe it, haha. Thanks for the help! I can’t wait to try this recipe:)

  15. Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries says

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope your day is a great one! That chocolate fudge pie looks incredible… I’m not a fan of tofu, but I’m still convinced I’ll like it after looking at the photos and other ingredients. The face that it’s a “healthy” version is a big plus too! I, personally, am not a big fan of traditional cake, but I always celebrate with SOME sort of dessert!

  16. katie says

    Happy Birthday Beautiful and Chocolate Loving Friend!

    I wish you the best and sweetest birthday today : )

    Your birthday cake looks perfect : )

    xoxo <3

  17. Lilly says

    Happy chocolate covered birthday! Oh My Pie, this looks awesome 🙂 I always rolled with ice cream cake as I was never a huge cake fan either. I think I want THIS on my birthday now! Have an amazing day Katie!!!

  18. Ab says

    Happy Birthday!

    While this pie looks delish, it also makes me cry! Of course I’m allergic to soy….and dairy:( Boooo! If you ever think of a substitution for the tofu, let me know:)

  19. Nicole says

    hey. im not trying to be rude i’m just stating my opinion. that could matter, or could not matter at all. but I do think you have some sort of an eating disorder. maybe orthorexia. it seems you never eat anything…normal. EVERYTHING on your blog is low calorie, or has the option to be. and it just seems like you are happy when you make things such low calorie. you know, sometimes and most times its okay to eat everything high/normal calorie. not everything has to be 45 calories. it just breaks my heart to see this happening all over the blog world. just make normal food. screw the low calorie crap. if your so called “reason” is to just make low calorie options for higher weighted people who read your blog, thats …crap. they dont have to read it then! its healthy stuff and it can be higher calorie and all they have to do is WORK it into their meal plan. like you say all of the time, everything in moderation. so stop this craziness.

    • Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

      I’m sorry Nicole, but to tell someone that you think they have an eating disorder based on RECIPES they post on a blog is completely ridiculous!! And I think leaving such a negative judgemental comment, especially on Katie’s birthday, is completely uncalled for.

      • Melissa says


        Step off, Nicole. Your rudeness, especially on her BIRTHDAY, is incredibly distasteful.

        Guess what? Some of us WANT to eat delicious treats without all the garbage in them. Garbage-free goodies are lower calorie. It doesn’t make someone MORE healthy to just be okay eating garbage and not caring about calories.

        This is dessert. Dessert that tastes amazing and is low cal = good. More room in your plan for other foods! No reason to eat high calorie junk when this stuff tastes BETTER.

  20. Nicole says

    I really didnt mean for that to be mean at all katie. i didnt even re read it before i posted it. i hope that didnt sound mean or anything. i didnt really write it well i see, haha. im just stating my concern. really. have a good day!

    • Lisa C says

      Wow, that was you NOT trying to be rude? Ha, I wonder how you act when you ARE trying to be rude. Couldn’t be much different! If you have a problem with Katie’s blog, why don’t you just not read it, troll?

      Believe me, no one wants to hear your complaints (which show obvious jealousness of Katie). It really honestly sounds like YOU are the one with the eating disorder. And no, you can’t pretend that your rudeness was out of “concern” for Katie. Oh please!

      • Sarah says

        Nicole im sure you had good intentions, but i would NOT have posted that on her bday or any other day. Some people have different lifestyles. Some have other definition of healthy. This is the way Katie and others like their food. Low calorie and delicious. the weird thing is wanting to have “normal food” that tastes the same but is way worse for you.

        • Amy Lauren says

          I agree with the others. I happen to like this blog because there are so many allergen free recipes. One of my coworkers has a child who is allergic to peanuts and gluten. I sent this blog to them because it has recipes they can make for their child and eat as a family. Lots of schools and daycares are pretty strict about what parents can bring too because of children who have allergies. I think the recipes are interesting, the ideas are new to me and a lot of other people but there are people out there who need them for allergies or even legitimate weight loss reasons.

          As far as being rude goes, I work as a writer for a living and know most communication is nonverbal so yeah, maybe you weren’t trying to come off rude. However, I think if you’re sincerely concerned about a blogger’s health, it’s probably a better idea to e-mail them personally rather than in a public blog comment.

          • Ally's Oma says

            I love this blog….Thank the Lord there is a Katie out there who cares enough about herself and others to take the time to come up with healthy, low cal, good for you foods. Natural foods, not the fat full, unhealthy, chemical full, preservative full, processed kind with no nutritional value that almost killed me. Found Katie not too long ago, and am so happy to be able to add some healthy, good tasting variety to my small list of foods I’m able to eat. GO KATIE!!!! You know Katie….one nice thing about ignorance (ignorance means lack of knowledge, you don’t know the situation), you find out how many people love you.

  21. Lisa C says

    Happy birthday, sweet Katie! That fudge pie has my name all over it! I just bought a thing of tofu so I could make your crazy ranch (a staple in my house now), but now I am not sure if it should be put to this use instead! I might just have to postpone the ranch. Oh decisions decisions!

  22. Andrew Smith says

    Hey Katie, I seldom comment but I always love your posts 🙂 I just wanted to wish you an amazing birthday 😀 today’s post looks phenomenal, so good I may have a second birthday this year just to male it for myself. Thanks for every post you make, have an amazing day, if anyone deserves it its you 🙂 Enjoy your pie

  23. Jenny$1983 says

    Happy Birthday! I make my own birthday cake 🙂 This year I made Angela’s (Oh She Glows) Healthy Blueberry Chocolate Glaze Cake: nobody believed it was healthy and my friends loved it so much I had to make another for a friend’s birthday a few weeks later. Yay for “do not taste healthy” desserts! 😀

    Have a great birthday, you lovely, lovely person 🙂 xxx

  24. katie @KatieDid says

    wow HAPPY 25th!!! I remember reading about your 21st birthday, I can’t believe it’s been that long. Do you drain out all the water from the tofu or can you just drain off the excess water and use it? I love that this is gluten free and incredibly quick, I’m bookmarking this recipe I’m so excited to try it!!

  25. Amber K says

    Happy Birthday! I have only found one gluten-free cake that is also free of everything else I’m intolerant of so I made one for myself on my last birthday. Unfortunately that cake is also not in any way low in calories or fat and I ate almost the entire thing myself. It is THAT good. So good where I am fully willing to eat only veggies for the rest of the day just so I can eat more cake!

    (Thanks so much for the link to the soy-free version!!)

  26. Kathy says

    Happy Birthday Katie!! ^^
    That pie looks delicious! My birthday is in 2 months, and instead of buying a cake (filled with white flour, white sugar, etc.), I’m deciding to make my own (sucks for me, the birthday-gal on my birthday, but I don’t mind ^^). Originally, I was going to make cupcakes with frosting (something I never make) but I think I’ll make this instead!…or…maybe I’ll just make this every weekend ;D

  27. Ally's Oma says

    I’ve never tried tofu before….but this might be a first. Any ideas about replacing the choc chips? I’m allergic to the milk/butter, and can’t have sugar. Happiest day ever and huge chocolate birthday hugs to you….signed, your new fan.

  28. Vanessa N says

    This looks pretty good – I’ll definitely have to give it a try. I was a big fan of the garbanzo bean blondies 🙂 Just a question on your nutritional stats: What are you considering a serving size? I didn’t see it stated there. I’m guessing 1/8 of the pie b/c that’s how you cut it in the picture – but I was just hoping for clarification. Thanks and Happy B-day!!!

  29. shannonmarie (rawdorable) says

    Happy birthday lovely lady. You do look younger than you are, but I agree that is a good thing. I was always told I come across younger, too. I’m a whole decade older than you. Shhh …

    Pie looks delish. Tasty way to celebrate 🙂

  30. A Tablespoon of Liz says

    Happy Birthday Katie! This pie looks so amazing… And I have all the ingredients for it in my kitchen right now.. So maybe I’ll make it! And then of course when my family asks what the special occasion is I’ll be like, duh, it’s Katie’s birthday. They never know anything, lol.

  31. Sarah says

    WOW! 25 years old! Accept my condolences. Just kidding. Forget that you are 5 years away from the big 30. Happy birthday. Wait. I am getting this all wrong. Was i supposed to say happy birthday first? Is birthday supposed to be capitalized? Should i have not mentioned 30? Tell me when you are 60. Maybe i can try this again.

  32. Maya (Dessert is in a Different Pocket) says

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope your day is amazing and full of chocolate.

    This pie looks great. I agree with you on not loving cake- I always liek gooier things, like underbaked brownies or cheesecake. Mmm…time to go have one of those for breakfast…

  33. Iris says

    Happy birthday! That dessert looks delicious! I’m a cake girl for birthdays…love a white fluffy cake with frosting, but chocolate pie would work too. 😉

  34. Maya (Dessert is in a Different Pocket) says

    2 more things: I bet adding some extra chocolate chips (unmelted) would give you an amazing chocolate chocolate chip pie. Too much? Never.

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      You said the magic words before. Lack of gooey-ness is the reason I don’t like cake!
      Also, I was thinking about adding extra chips… and peppermint extract. Mint-Chocolate-Chip Pie!

      Oh, and the conference was called National Youth Leadership Conference. They select two kids from schools all around the country, and it’s two weeks long. It was amazing!

      • Maya (Dessert is in a Different Pocket) says

        Sounds like an amazing experience!

        Mint chocolate chip pie (mmm or PB chocolate now that I think about it) would be amazing. I’m totally going to make this for the hubby and not tell him there is tofu in it until afterwards.

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Haha I did that with an ex-boyfriend once. He had told me he wouldn’t touch tofu with a giant spoon. After eating the pie (and finding out what was in it), he changed his mind and said I could make him whatever I wanted… as long as I didn’t tell him what was in it until afterwards ;).

  35. Diana (Soap & Chocolate) says

    Happy, happy birthday, Katie! I may need to celebrate too, now that I have this pie recipe. And when I eat it again tomorrow, I’ll come up with someone else whose birthday it is. There’s always an excuse for chocolate. 🙂

  36. Melissa says


    This looks like French Silk Pie. Does it taste like FS pie? DOES IT KATIE?!!!
    If so, you have made my life.

    Also, happy happy birthday to a super awesome lady.
    *giant hugs*

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I love you, Melissa! You are the sweetest!

      Also, I am feeling very deprived here… and am about to call my mom up and yell at her for neglecting to ever give me French silk pie when I was younger. What is it? What does it taste like? How on earth have I never had this???! 😉

      • Melissa says

        Yeah, now I see them!

        French Silk Pie is dense and rich and somehow, magically, light and airy and… mousse-y!
        And very very chocolate. Very. I haven’t found a good vegan recipe yet. I think there needs to be some air whipped into the tofu mousse to get that light but creamy texture.

        I really wish you’d had it before, I’ve got my money on you or Isa being the ones to nail a good version. 😉

          • Melissa says

            Yes.. but less puddinglike than chocolate cream.
            It’s more like rich mousse that’s also airy. Ugh. Cannot explain properly.

            It’s very much it’s own thing so it’s hard to say it’s like something else.
            It has eggs, traditionally, so that adds some lift to the filling. Not as much as a meringue but it has that sort of airy poofiness while still being rich and dense.

            It’s magic. I cannot seem to nail that texture, sans eggs.

  37. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATIE!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! 25 25 25 25 25 25 !!!! What a big day! Have a great one! I’m sure you will with this pie 😀

    I actually had a chocolate banana cream pie for my birthday last year-did not miss cake!

  38. Lorin says

    Happy Birthday! I tried your chocolate cake batter smoothie this morning. It was pretty good, more like a chocolate smoothie though, but still delicious! I hope you have a great birthday. I’m with you on the cake thing as well, I like it, but I rather have a cookie cake 😛

  39. Faith @ For the Health of It says

    Happy birthday!!!!

    I’m not much of a cake person either – I prefer pie, brownies, cookies or scones…I may or may not have been joking this year when I asked for a b-day cake made out of sweet potato sushi rolls stacked on top of each other (and I might have been slightly disappointed when I actually got…real cake.)

  40. L. says

    I used to have a cake until I went vegan last August (my b-day is in November). Then last year I got taken out to dinner and bought dessert–uhh…not really the same but oh well lol. Maybe I’ll buy or make my own cake this year–honestly if I make it it will probably be this one!! This looks wonderful and easy to make, and I’m a little health obsessed so I am definitely all over this 🙂 Thankyou so much for sharing!! It’s wonderful.

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I hope you have a wonderful and thoroughly chocolate covered day, filled with lots of love! 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      No no, I hear you! I have made things with tofu before, where it tastes weird. In fact, if you try to make a chocolate mousse with just cocoa powder (as opposed to the melted chocolate chips), you’ll get that weird aftertaste. I think the chocolate chips mask the tofu taste in this recipe :).

  41. Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather says

    Happy birthday girl! Its crazy how delicious and rich silken tofu gets. I’ve made chocolate mousse with it before… This will be my next thing! Yum yum yum!

  42. Liz @ Southern Charm says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! That cake looks amazing! What a great birthday treat!!

    Yes, I love eating cake on my birthday. My mother and I usually buy each other a mini cake from a local bakery we both love (our birthdays are two weeks apart) so we don’t have too much.

    Hope you have a fantastic day!

        • Danielle says

          Hi Katie,

          I’m your newest follower! While I believe God put animals on this earth for us to eat, I don’t believe that they should be tortured by factory farming and genetic modifications before they are eaten…hence my new found vegetarianism/social omnivorism… 🙂 I made this pie last night and it is quite good. I think next time I’ll use evaporated cane juice instead of agave, b/c the agave added a weird flavor…but..(sorry for my long post!!!) I know you don’t like pie crust…but I do, and when I looked at store bought crusts, I was mortified by the trans fat (and even LARD!) in them. Can you help me find a good healthy vegetarian pie crust??? (Maybe with one of your cookie recipes???)

          • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

            I’ve seen some at Whole Foods under a brand called “Wholly Healthy.” But you could always try googling “healthy pie crust” to find a recipe. Or maybe use cashew fudge baby batter, smushed into pie-crust form?

          • Tara says

            I have a daughter with an egg allergy, so we do a lot of vegan baking and I use the Cook’s Illustrated Foolproof pie crust for EVERYTHING. and if you sub the butter for a margarine of your choice, or vegetable shortening (Crisco)–though that’s not the healthiest or tasties choice, and use a raw sugar if you’re strictly vegan. As for graham cracker crusts, if you don’t mind not having vegan sugar, regular graham crackers are vegan and therefore you’d just need margarine to make a basic crust. However, you can also make graham crackers yourself if really feel like it. Graham cracker crusts are SO EASY there’s no reason to ever buy one filled with junk.
            Hope that helps!

  43. Lenna says

    It looks awesome! I hope someone has a birthday soon, so I can make this 🙂 I rarely eat cakes/pies, but I enjoy making then 🙂

  44. Kayla says

    Oh my gosh. Haha, chocolate pie!! Really?

    My birthday was on Sunday and on Monday we went and saw the new movie, “The Help”. The movie was sooo good, you would love it, Katie! Go watch it and you will understand.

  45. Jennifer JCD says

    Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day, celebrate with your family and friends, and enjoy your 26th year ahead. 🙂 My husband requests a very similar ‘Magic Pie’ (as we call it) every year for his birthday too! Mmm… so simple and delicious! I usually opt for something fruity, like cobbler, for my birthday, although mango cake and carrot cake make the occasional appearance.

  46. Emily@RunningPerspective says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! um you are the most amazing cook EVERRR THIS CAKE LOOKS DELICIOUS!!!

  47. Elise says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you’ve had a fantastic day! The pie looks incredible. I made a similar looking recipe for chocolate mousse, but it didn’t look as rich and delicious as yours. I am definitely trying this!

  48. Aine @ Something to Chew Over says

    Happy birthday Katie! It was my birthday on Sunday! My boyfriend made me a vanilla sponge cake with a raspberry filling – my favourite 🙂

  49. Michaela says

    I am wishing you all the very best to your birthday!! May you always be well nourished, happy, healthy and next to some chocolate 😉 I hope you had a great birthday, but with THAT cake, I am sure you did!!!! Chocolate hugs!

  50. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY my beautiful (much better looking) birthday twin(ish)!! 😀 I hope you have the best day ever!!

    That fudge pie looks AMAAZING!! I prefer anything chocolate fudge, so chocolate fudge cake is awesome!! But that pie has me drooling!! 😛


  51. Anna @ The Guiltless Life says

    Happy birthday! And wowza does that look good! I have yet to venture into silken tofu though as a vegetarian I do eat the firm kind often. Does it really not make it taste any different? I look forward to trying it out soon, if I do I’ll post on my blog and of course credit you. Hope you have a great day!

  52. Lauren says

    Happy Birthday! I’m totally making this for my birthday next month. I’m not a big cake fan either, more of a cookie/chocolate fan.

  53. Adrasteia says

    Wow, this is definitely going onto my list to make this week. Happy birthday to you, I hope you have a wonderful day.

  54. Colleen says

    OH. MY. GOD. I didn’t think anything could get better than the cookie pie, but this is INCREDIBLE. I put it in a crust that I made by mixing 2 cups graham cracker crumbs and 1/4 cup Peanut butter with a little bit of water, and it is probably the most luscious pie I have ever tasted. the only “problem” I had was I got a lot on my hands when I was scraping the food processor. Looks like I have to lick it off, bummer. 😉

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      YAY!!!! I am so so so super-excited that you tried it! I think you’re the first one 🙂 :). I love your pie-crust recipe too.

      Haha licking the food processor blades, hands, spatula… definitely a must for this recipe. Definitely a must for any chocolate recipe, really. Wouldn’t want to waste any chocolate, right? 🙂

      • Casey says

        Think you are right, she was the first one to try it and report back. I love reading your recipes and reading other readers comments, but sometimes I just want to read the comments related to the recipe. Are you familiar with I look there for “bases” for recipes. I have an idea of what I want to make and look up something similar to have an idea of where to start, then I branch out and re-arrange 1/2 the ingrediants! Have to make it my own. But I enjoy reading what other people comment saying “I replace the white flour with whole wheat and it added a grainy texture and delcious flavor” or “I tried added raisins and that was a bad idea…” These types of comments help me decide other ways to change a recipe. Like this reader added that she used a graham cracker peanut butter crust, that sounds DELICIOUS, but I had to read through several other comments just to get to this one of someon else who has tried the recipe. Wish there was somehow a seperate section for people discussing the specific recipe. No idea how you could set that up, but I would greatly appreciate it! Sorry if this comment seems negative. I truely enjoy this blog! Keep up the good work and since this was posted on your birthday… happy (significantly belated) birthday! 🙂

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Sorry, I really don’t know how one would filter out comments. I do know that if you scroll to the BOTTOM portion of comments on my posts, that’s where most people will start leaving comments about their trials with the recipe (as opposed to how it looks). Hope that helps!

  55. Jenna W. says

    Happy birthday Katie! Hope you have an amazing one because you deserve it! 🙂
    The pie looks sooo good. Just to confirm… do you blend the melted chocolate with everything? Thanks Katie 😀

  56. Alexandra (Veggin' Out in the Kitchen) says

    I’d been counting down the minutes until I got back from school all day so I could get to my computer and wish you the happiest birthday EVER!!! 😀 😀 Katie, you are such an amazing, incredible, sweet, thoughtful, wonderful person!! Oh and the BEST dessert chef EVER!! (My taste-buds can attest to that 😉 ) I think I said this before, but you deserve an amazing birthday – and I think you got it with that pie!! It looks incredible and I need to make it asap for breakfast. Yes, pie for breakfast… life is too short to not eat pie for breakfast 🙂 As my grandpa would say (as he eats his cherry pie before his veggies and pasta), “You never know if you’ll make it to the end of your meal, so you might as well eat dessert first.” He’s obviously a very wise man 😉
    And I also wanted to tell you that I was definitely thinking of you this morning as I sat down with a plate of brownie batter pancakes, coconut banana butter, sprinkles, and chopsticks. A breakfast made and dedicated to you! I wish I could have sent it to you, but since I couldn’t do that, I took care of it and ate it myself 😉 And may I say it was INCREDIBLE!!! Your brownies batter pancakes were the first recipe of yours that I made way before I ever commented or started my blog, and I decided that if you could make pancakes with spinach taste amazing, what you couldn’t you do? I’ve since found that there really isn’t anything you can’t do! So thank you for all your time spent in the kitchen to come up with amazing, healthy recipes that taste even better than they look in your beautiful pictures! And thank you for being your amazing, wonderful, sweet self!!

    Have the happiest, most amazing, chocolate-y birthday ever, girlie!! *Chocolate birthday hugs* x 100000000! <3 <3

  57. Ivy says


    I am 16 today. And it was my first day of school. 🙁

    Happy Birthday! I will definitely be making this pie soon!

  58. Emilia says

    Once again you post a recipe that makes me say “oh my gosh!” and want to run to my kitchen to make it right now (I even think I have all the ingredients…hmm).

    I usually have some kind of fancy dessert for my birthday, but not necessarily cake. Tiramisu seems to be quite a popular pick with me, though a couple years ago it was gianduia pie! 🙂

  59. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    If you told me all of these things, I’d wish I were celebrating your birthday with you! Happy birthday my love, enjoy your pie and your day!

  60. Kristin @ STUFT Mama says

    Happy happy happy birthday Katie! 🙂 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day! 🙂 I’m a sucker for a big piece of cake with lots of frosting. I wish I wasn’t though. 🙂 Quick question about the Evil Whipped Cream post. Wher can I get agar? Is it similar to guar gum? I can’t wait to try the recipe!

  61. VegAlexandra says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE! This looks sooooooooooooo delicious… too bad I just used the rest of my silken tofu on your mushroom stroganoff… I know, stroganoff in “autumn” (it’s still 95 degrees here in Florida! So, summer…) isn’t exactly what most people eat, but I’m not most people 😉

    Guess I’ll have to run my butt over to the grocery store and get me ‘smore tofu for this. 😀

  62. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Happy Bday!!!!!!!

    The pie looks incredible!

    I have never made pie w/ tofu or any kind of choc mousse-like creation with tofu. I usually use avocado and then add so much cocoa powder you’d never know it started out green 🙂

    For my bday, I do love cake with extra frosting but cookies, cupcakes, pie…I’m not picky!

  63. HC says

    OH…this looks so delicious! I’ll have to make this soon! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! Even though you look younger than 25, enjoy your youthful look as much as you can. I used to have a youthful look myself but now that is gone:(

  64. Albizia says

    Happy birthday, Katie! I hope your beautiful smile always stays on your face and I wish you a lot of chocolate sweetness in every day of your life.

    Since I am in the homeland of tofu, I should probably finally stop pretending that it doesn’t exist and give it a try in a dessert. The pie looks delicious.

  65. Lauren says

    Happy birthday, Katie!

    This looks amazing! I may have to make it in your honor tonight!

    As far as age goes…you don’t look 25, but that’s fine, I think it will push you in the Michelle Pfeiffer direction 🙂 . I’m 27 and I’m still not always flattered when I get carded–although this weekend I got carded at a Bar Mitzvah, which made me think they thought I passed for 13….

    Have a great one!

  66. ~Jessica~ says

    OOh, from a selfish perspective I am very glad that you decided to post this recipe on your birthday 😀

    Forgive me as I am not a talented chef and baker like you, but I was wondering how to make the pie crustless and hold its shape without it sticking to the edges of whatever you use to mould it (this is probably the world’s stupidest question but I am the girl that has only baked once in her life and has set fire to a) a teatowl b) her sleeve c) her own hair and d) a spatula. Do not ask me how I managed that last one…



    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hahahaha I have set the microwave on fire! (Note: don’t put tin foil in the microwave ;).)

      You just put it in a round pan and be sure to let it chill at least overnight. It should get firm enough that then you can just slice it and use a pie server to get under each slice and slide them right out :).

  67. Katie @Nutrition In A Peanut Shell says

    Said it on Twitter but I’ll say it 1,00 times again..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Katie you should post like, a shopping list. Foods that’re essential to your recipes. It seems like you use a lot of the same stuffs (Bananas, tofu,..dates 😉 )

    In all honesty, I don’t like birthday cake. I hate icing.. which makes it difficult to nom cake 😉

    Much prefer brownies or cheesecake

  68. Moni'sMeals says

    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOLL! Have a great day Katie!


    I am so making this! I have one similiar but yours has the crust baby! 🙂

  69. Tara says

    i’m so glad I’m not the only crust hater.
    I’m so glad I can make this pie without crust.
    I’m so glad this pie can be made really fast.
    I’m so glad you chose to blog today.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! This pie is happening, and it’s happening SOON!

  70. Baking Serendipity says

    I clicked on the nutrition facts link and was totally blown away! I seriously think I love this pie 🙂 Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing something so awesome 🙂 Wishing you a year of happiness!

  71. Robin says

    Happy Belated Birthday!!

    I always have cake on my birthday, and more than one slice at that. It will be a bit of a challenge to make a vegan cake that will suit to taste all of my guests too. Though your chocolate cake might just do the trick.

  72. BroccoliHut says

    It wasn’t until recently that I discovered the wonders of silken tofu in pie-making. I love, love, love it! Can’t wait to try this recipe.

  73. ketapang says

    Just finished making this with peppermint extract (definitely no sugar needed, the chocolate chips were sweet enough). Wow. Just wow. If I didn’t put this together on my own, I would swear that crack was one of the ingredients! Genius! So simple yet so delicious. And it hasn’t even chilled yet…I think half the batter went strait from spatula to mouth. Can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow morning.

    Happy 25th! Keep eating chocolate and maybe you’ll stay 20-somthing forever!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Ooh that’s what I’m having for breakfast today too! 🙂 🙂
      (And I agree about the extra sugar thing!)

      I keep meaning to try it with peppermint extract… did you happen to measure how much you used, by any chance? (If not, no worries. I can easily experiment!)

      • ketapang says

        Sorry, I didn’t measure! I don’t have a dropper so I just poured a small bit into the cap of the peppermint extract jar. The result came out mildly minty and delicious 🙂

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Oh no worries! I hardly ever measure things either. It’s really bad, because I will so often have a recipe I want to post on the blog… but I won’t know how much of each ingredient I used, so I end up having to make the recipe over again! Oh well, more desserts is never a bad thing ;).

  74. Amy @ Elephant Eats says

    Happy Birthday!!! 25 is a biggie 🙂 This pie sounds awesome! I think I may have to try it next week when i get all the ingredients on hand. I’m wondering how much of a tofu taste the finished product has? I love tofu but find it’s very apparent when i use it to make desserts…

  75. Hannah says


    I’m almost as excited by your birthday as your admission that you hate pie crust. Me too! Whenever I see pies I think “but could I make it without a crust?” and thank heavens, you’ve answered that for me 😀

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Honestly, who thought crust was a good idea in the first place? It just stands between you and the pie. And let’s face it: no one’s ever gotten excited about a slice of pie because they wanted the crust. Or, at least I’ve never heard of such a phenomenon ;).

  76. Paula says

    Loving best birthday wishes to you, fellow virgo. My birthday was 2 days ago.

    Again people, EMAIL the MARTHA STEWART SHOW to recommend having Katie on the show.


  77. MissKitchenMason says

    Hi Katie, This looks delicious! I want to try it myself to see if it really doesn’t taste like tofu! I was curious though… next to non dairy milk & agave you have a “T”, what does this stand for? I want to get the measurements correct so it tastes as good as yours looks : D

  78. Dawn @ Blonde on a Mission says

    I wish I was on my computer & saw this yesterday 🙁

    I hope your day was fabulous!
    By looks of it, it was definitely chocolate filled 😀

  79. LizAshlee says

    Hope you enjoyed a most lovely and special Happy Birthday!!

    Heck yes, I eat cake on my birthday…in some fashion…wait, I at least have some dessert, maybe not cake, but I should!!! 🙂

  80. Stephanie says

    Happy “belated” birthday Katie! 😀 Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Mine is in a few days and I think I might make this chocolate fudge pie since I’m not really a “cake person”. 😛 I have always loved chocolate pudding pies and this looks even better! What a great idea!

  81. Erin Milgram says

    I made this for my family tonight. It was a big hit! Even my meat-loving husband liked it! Your recipes always turned out so well! Thank you!

  82. VEgirl says


    I wish I cold have commented yesterday, on your big day…. but we literally just got our power back on like 5 minutes ago! There was a major storm this weekend that knocked tons of trees and power lines down in our area (including electrical fires, eep!), and our power (and internet) has been off for days (my poor abandoned blog :().

    Love you girl!

  83. Amry says

    Hi Katie, so for being late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thanks for all your scrumptious recipes and mostly for your endless positivity! Your blog always adds more cheer to my day :o)

  84. Tory says

    Oh……YUM!!!!! I am making this tomorrow as soon as I rush out to get the tofu. Nothing beats choc!.
    I just love your site. Thank you so much for all the wonderful yummy recipe ideas.

    Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a really lovely day.

  85. MaryBe says

    Happy Birthday a few days late! Glad it was a nice one.
    You and my daughter share a birthday, although she turned 28. Pretty sure she’d rather be 25! She lives in Tampa and they stayed at the Pink Palace (the Don Cesar) where she had the Vegan Corn Spaghetti. She’s vegetarian so not totally vegan but she loved it!

  86. Jackie says

    Happy Belated birthday!!!

    I made this yesterday and set it in the fridge, and we had some tonight. It didn’t set as much as yours looks like it did, but it is DELICIOUS and my boyfriend LOVED it and had no idea it had tofu in it (although I think he may have suspected something was in it because he knew I got the recipe from you, but not because he could taste the tofu). Anyways, I used an 8oz bar of Baker’s semi-sweet chocolate and 2T of agave, and no crust. Seriously SOOOOOO good! Thank you!

  87. Emma says

    Happy birthday 🙂

    I don’t really like cake, but this year for my birthday my partner made a peanut butter chocolate cake which was awesome…I’ll usually make little tarts or pies or cookies 🙂

    This pie is so amazing. I made it today for eating tonight and yum. I could eat it all day!

  88. Jordan says

    Hey! Happy belated birthday! Also, I just made this. It is FAAANTASTIC!!! First time using tofu as a pudding base, and I am sold. Thank you!!

      • Cindy says

        I didn’t have much luck, although the birthday boy loved it. I’m not good at melting the chips. They went from not melted to burned in one second. I had some chocolate syrup that I used for half of the sweetner. It was not very firm, maybe I shold have fixed it the day before serving.

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Hi Cindy,
          Yes melting chocolate can be very very tricky!
          It does get thick overnight, but it should be pretty firm right away. Maybe your pie lacked firmness because of the extra chocolate syrup in place of the more-dense chocolate chips? (And make sure you’re not using soft tofu. I recommend Mori-Nu firm or Mori-Nu lite firm.)

  89. Violet says

    Just made this tonight with a friend and we were IMPRESSED! So yummy. We couldn’t wait for it to chill so ate it at a mousse-like consistency – I’m hoping it’ll get fudgier overnight but maybe I didn’t squeeze enough moisture out of the tofu. This was at least as good as any “regular” chocolate pie I’ve ever had and so cheap! I didn’t know tofu was so inexpensive. I will definitely be making this again for a crowd, and will have to add a crust, but I def don’t think it needed any extra sweetener, and like it just the way it was – super dark and rich. Can’t wait to try more of your recipes now!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Violet! 🙂

      It does get firmer as it sits… but I’m thinking maybe we used different types of tofu? Was yours firm or soft? If you can find Mori-Nu silken-firm or lite silken-firm, I recommend those. You definitely get more of a cream pie if you use soft tofu.

      I am so so glad you liked it!

  90. Marianne says

    Happy Belated Birthday! The pie looks delicious, of course.

    I almost always go out for a birthday dinner with the family, and usually end up ordering dessert when I’m out, but sometimes don’t. The restaurant always changes, because I think it’s boring to go to the same place every year.

  91. Nad says

    I made this yesterday. I agree that the agave didn’t have to be, but tasted good with it! Great, I’m recommending this recipe all over 🙂

  92. Liz says

    I was skeptical, because I have tried other tofu desserts before and I can always taste a weird aftertaste. But I read all the comments above mine and everyone seemed to like it… So I figured I’d give it a shot! I AM SO GLAD I DID! Katie, this is my new favorite dessert EVER! I am in love with a pie! My boyfriend doesn’t mind, though… Because he likes it too!

    Yes, a meat and potatoes boy likes this tofu pie. Everyone, go make this now! It is SO GOOD!

  93. Heather says

    I don’t know if I’ve ever seen silken-firm tofu. I have two packages at home right now – firm and silken lite. Do you think one of these would work? Or maybe half of each!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I think both will work, but it depends on what kind of pie you want. If you want a denser pie (more like fudge pie), go with the firm. Just be sure to drain it first. If you want more of a chocolate cream pie (that needs a crust), use the silken :).

      • Heather says

        I went with the silken tofu and it was AMAZING! My boyfriend could not guess the “secret ingredient” and when I told him it was tofu, he said he never would have thought that! We both loved it by the way. It tastes just like chocolate mousse!

  94. Carmen Westcott says

    Dear God, how could anyone hate pie crust???? My all time favorite thing in the world. I could throw away the chocolate and eat the crust. Joking aside, this looks good. I should make this for the chocolate lovers in my life.

  95. Amy @ ElephantEats says

    Hi Katie. I made this pie today and it is TOTALLY delicious. I’m glad that it’s healthy since it has protein from the tofu, but is fairly low in calories. Perhaps you used a different type of chocolate than me, but I used semi-sweet chocolate chips (but didn’t use additional sweetener), and it came out closer to 175 calories total than 143. It was around 140 for the chocolate chips alone (for 8 servings). Can you tell me what type of chocolate you used?? It was worth every calorie though, especially since less than 200 is still a very healthy dessert.

  96. ambiguous says

    This looks like a pie my roommate and I made and ate excessively in college. Only we did these crazy things:

    Melted a second bag of chocolate chips and pour half this second bag *and* a very generous serving of almond butter on the crust before adding the chocolate/tofu filling, and then added more melted chocolate and almond butter on the top. Let set. Everyone who tries this will fall in love with you. Even though you’ve gained 15 pounds from eating a pie a week for the past two months. It’s worth it.

  97. Hazel says

    I am so about to get in my kitchen and whip this up! Like, as soon as I post this! I think I might make it in a larger glass bowl and then just eat it with graham crackers as my spoon 🙂

    I do looooove to make deserts with tofu. It absorbs the flavors so well and noone ever can guess what is in it. I made a vegan pumpkin cheesecake for my family recently and they kept trying to guess, but never got it. Of course, I’ll pass on telling them it’s tofu… for whatever reason, the word itself seems to make people do one of those weird faces! It’s delicious, that’s all that matters, right!? Can’t wait to taste this!!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Ooh I hope you like it!

      Haha yes, that IS all that matters! That’s why I often don’t tell people what’s in something until AFTER they make up their minds as to whether or not they like it. I don’t want their judgment to be clouded. 🙂

  98. Sheesh says

    I made this twice on the weekend, SOOOOOOO delicious, I had to make it twice since I was sharing with everyone 😛 This was such an easy but decedent dessert, thank you!

  99. Ilene says

    I agree with your friends…the fudge pie is better than the cookie pie . I made the cookie pie last week and it was good. My husband couldn’t even tell there were beans in it. I made the fudge pie today and it was so good and so easy. Great chocolate flavor. Thanks!

  100. Lauren says

    I just tried making this…looked SO good! But it ended up as chocolate pudding. Didn’t set at all, and I left it in the fridge overnight. Is there a certain brand of tofu that is better? Or are you only supposed to use the firm kind? I used silken and it didn’t work so much for me. BTW it tastes great as chocolate pudding! Haha

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yes, if you use silken it’ll be more like mousse pie. (I think I recommended morinu firm or morinu lite firm in the recipe, for a denser pie?) Also, I think the more agave you add, the softer it will be. But it’s definitely more like mousse pie if you use silken. Glad it tasted good, though!! 🙂

  101. Anonymous says

    Hi, I was wondering, did you use semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips? I don’t want it too bitter because I’m not a huge fan of dark chocolate…

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      You can use any type of chocolate chips . I’ve never used milk chocolate chips in this recipe, and people love it anyway. But if you do use semi-sweet and find it too bitter, you can always add a little more agave. Taste the filling before putting it in the crust, and if it’s too bitter, add sweetener to taste.

  102. Jessi says

    Katie, I really want to make this recipe but I have regular firm tofu and it’s not Mori-Nu.Do you think the pie will turn out alright if I use this kind of tofu?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Yes, I think so! Others have commented and said they used that and it worked well! Just be sure to not use the whole thing if it’s more than 12.3 oz, which is the amount of the mori nu package. It might be too tofu-y if you use a whole 16-oz package.

  103. Betsy says

    SO DELICIOUS! I just made this for a dinner with my gal pals tonight and licked every utensil clean. mmmm. Can’t wait to share it. Also, I added a small handful of frozen raspberries that I had in the freezer and I think that made it extra delicious.

  104. Kara says

    Hey Katie!
    Thanksgiving here in Canada is coming up pretty quick here, and I would love to make this because I happen to have it all on hand. Buuut, to be a little more festive, I was considering incorporating pumpkin into the fudge pie? Do you think that would work out/taste alright? And if you do think so, do you have any suggestions for amounts that might work alright?

    Thanks so much in advance, hopefully you can get a moment to reply 🙂


    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Kara!
      I actually did make a chocolate-pumpkin pie! I wasn’t planning to post the recipe just yet… but I can leave it here in a comment if you wish. When is Canadian Thanksgiving? (I should know this… I forget lol)

  105. Kara says

    No kidding!?! Oh my gaaaaad you’ve thought of everything. I would love if you were willing to share but it’s alright if you don’t want to post it anywhere straight away 🙂
    Canadian Thanksgiving is this coming Monday!

    Thanks as always,

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I’ve only made this once. I loved it as-is. My one friend said it was too pumpkin-y… but then she also told me she doesn’t like pumpkin pie! So she isn’t the best taste-tester for the recipe lol. If you do make it, I’d love to know what you think (and if you have any suggestions for changes). Also, I made it no-bake and it set up fine. I’m wondering how it would work if it was baked… I might try that sometime in the future.

      1 can pumpkin (15oz)
      1 tsp pure vanilla extract
      2 tsp cocoa powder
      level 1/4 tsp salt
      1 cup chocolate chips
      optional: sweetener (Taste first. I thought it was sweet enough without additional sweetener.)

      Melt chocolate chips. Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until very smooth. Pour into pie crust and chill 8 hours, or until firm.

  106. Jessica says

    I made this for a catering event I did today. it got such rave reviews! I topped each piece with a strawberry, and so it looked and tasted fantastic. I can’t believe how good it was!

  107. April says

    I made this over the weekend for my family and it was DELICIOUS! I didn’t tell my stepdad or 16-year-old brother it had tofu in it until after they’d already gobbled up their slices. Needless to say, everyone was very impressed!

  108. Emily says

    First of all- I love your blog! I did an article on veganism for my college magazine and included some one-person cupcake recipes from you (cited and everything 🙂 )
    But I was wondering- what do you do without crust? Do you still make it in a pie dish and slice it? Or do you treat it more like pudding? (really sorry if the answer is buried amongst all these comments…)

  109. Liz says

    I have to ask because I suffered a disastrous attempt at tofu frosting (silken tofu, confectioner’s sugar, vanilla soy milk)—it was VILE–does this chocolate pie taste like chocolate (i.e. is the tofu undetectable)???

  110. Claire says

    Did you calculate the calorie count with the crust, or without? I’m curious what the recipe is without the crust. It was absolutely to die to though! I think I ate more that one serving. 😉

  111. Michelle says

    Oh my god! I just made this, sooo quick and easy and I can’t believe how delicious it is! I didn’t put it into a crust either, just some fancy little glasses…wow, I think I could eat it all!

  112. Anaïs says

    Hello ! I’m Anaïs, I’m a 17-year-old french girl who fell on your blog …. and spent the last three hour reading all of your amazing recipes ! I already convinced my mother that some of your desserts are fully healthy, so it means we are gonna cook today … 😉
    I was wondering, about this chocolate fudge pie, you don’t need to bake it ? Anyway, thank you, your imagination seems boundless, I like it ! I can’t wait for trying out your blueberries pancakes tomorrow for my breakfast !
    Thank you and good continuation !

  113. Katie R. says

    Katie, I tried out your recipe and it is truly great! I was wondering, have you ever made something similar vanilla flavored instead of chocolate? I DO love chocolate, but the creaminess of the tofu filling was so delicious it made me crave some vanilla as well. Any ideas?

    Thanks from a new fan!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I just tried out a peanut butter version (without chocolate) that is AWESOME, so hopefully I’ll get that one posted soon. But I haven’t tried a vanilla one yet. I can definitely put it on my to-do list! I think you might have to use something like oil (coconut oil or veg oil?), because I think fat helps mask the “tofu” flavor.

      Oh, I’m also working on a cheesecake version that’s pretty vanilla-y… I’m not sure if it’ll firm up without being baked, though. I have to experiment a little more :).

  114. Kathy says

    Hi Katie – my daugher can’t do sugar at all, and chocolate chips have sugar. Do you have a subsitute you would suggest? We are also dairy-free, gluten free, etc. etc., so this pie looks heavenly and we can make it work, I’m sure! Thanks!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hmmm… here are some ideas I thought up:
      1. Use 8oz of a sugar-free chocolate bar in place of the chips (I think they sell some sweetened with xylitol)

      2. SunSpire grain sweetened chocolate chips with no cane sugar

      3. Use unsweetened baking chocolate, and just add extra sweetener (stevia, agave, or whatever your diet allows) to taste

      4. Make the version I linked to at the very bottom of the post. It’s sweetened only with banana 🙂

      • Kathy says

        Thanks, Katie! I’m going to try using the Endangered Species chocolate bars, which are sweetened with beet sugar. I wll be on the lookout for the SunSpire chocolate chips, though. Can’t wait to make this!

  115. Jessie Ngaio says

    So I just made this with silken tofu and while mine was a little hard to serve without falling apart (very mousse-like and gooey) it was utterly, ridiculously delicious!

    Holy cow… you’re right, none of us could believe it was made with -tofu-. It really, really tasted like regular chocolate mousse and by “regular” I mean AWESOME. I think next time instead of making this in pie form, I’m simply going to pour it into separate little dishes and serve it as mouse because the texture was just divine. I just finished polishing off the tiny bit of leftovers from last night and it was glorious.

    This is the first recipe of yours I’ve tried as as someone who is addicted to sweet food but desperately needing to cut back on processed junk… your website is a God send. Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU!

  116. Karen says

    You did it again. We are impatiently waiting for the pie to firm up in the fridge. I almost cut my tongue on the food processor blade because I licked the thing clean. So good! I used a graham cracker crust and bittersweet chocolate chips.

  117. Danielle says

    Hi Katie,

    So I had to give you an update! I’ve now made this pie twice, and let me tell you, I had absolutely no trouble eating it (all by myself!) But…the second time, I replaced the almond milk with some strong coffee, and the agave nectar with about 3/4 T stevia and 1.5 T evaporated cane juice. I personally think agave has a slightly strange flavor and I’m not sure it’s much better than high fructose corn syrup based on some research I also made a homemade graham cracker crust, a bit healthier with only about 1 T butter and 2 t honey and a tiny bit of cinnamon and brown sugar. (I also found a recipe that used yogurt, and I’m sure you could use soy yogurt, or even your coconut cream to make it vegan) And let me tell you…the second pie….AMAZING!!! And, based on your most recent post…you could use your homemade graham crackers to make the crust! (I used Trader Joe’s brand, and they were pretty good!) Anyways…Thanks again for an awesome recipe…I still haven’t tried it on my friends yet…b/c I eat it before I can get it to them!

    • vicki says

      The research on Agave is true, unless you use RAW ORGANIC AGAVE. You can find it at your friendly whole foods and have no worries when using it. Just need to keep it Raw.

  118. Deane says

    Just found you today through a post from money saving mom. Forgive my non-vegan ignorance- but is non-dairy milk like soy milk? Would a low fat or non-fat cows milk be ok in your recipe’s?

  119. Dominique says

    Holy _____

    It works! I am so happy you discovered this…tofu…it totally works. Here’s the kicker…I didnt even use chocolate chips. I used a packet of low-calorie hot cocoa mix and a scoop of chocolate protein powder. A-mazing. Turned out exactly the same (I assume it tastes different) but for a power athlete/bodybuilder like me, everything has protein powder….and it tasted great. The texture is really what’s up though. Thank you! I excourage you or anyone to sub protein powder…even better for you plus now its jam-packed with protein (post-workout-recovery-pie?) 😀

    For my second batch (I test everything in half-batches so I guess technically this equals one) I tried adding a banana and about a quarter cup of homemmade pumpkin puree…absolutely wonderful! Less added sweetner too because of the banana. 🙂

  120. Jennyb says

    Finally making this tonight for dinner guest – or rather i’m making it this morning so its nice and chilled & set – now panicking that i should have looked for extra firm tofu rather and just mori-nu silken Firm. Also bought little individual pie cases as i think some might want a little pastry as you mentioned some finding too rich – but then pastry still scares me, so i’d rather have it without so am thinking maybe do a few in cupcake cakes too. We normally offer a choice of desserts, so little CCK fudge pies will work as then they can have a little of both – not that i will be going for the shop bought cheesecake over these!!

    Haven’t managed to hide the tofu issue from mum or step dad, as i had to get the recipe printed by them due to home computer issues, but hopefully they’ll not tell the guests! Will post a photo on your facebook page.

    Happy Weekend.


  121. Wendy Yamazaki says

    I made this a couple of times now and it’s great…this time I made it with dessert tofu, almond flavour. It’s very smooth so you’ll need to drain the tofu first, but it added a nice flavour to the pie. Also, because the dessert tofu is already sweet, there was no need to add any more sweetener. I think I’ll try it with coconut flavoured dessert tofu next! Yum!

  122. Wendy Yamazaki says

    I made this with dessert tofu, almond flavour and it was SOOOO GOOOOOD! I don’t know if you have dessert tofu where you live, but where I am, you can get all kinds of flavours. I just used the equivalent amount and because dessert tofu is A LOT softer than smooth (silken) tofu, I let mine sit in a sieve for about an hour to drain it a bit. The result was a very smooth, mousse-like, almond chocolate pie. YUM! The dessert tofu is quite sweet on its own, so no sweetener was necessary. I’m going to try this next with coconut flavoured dessert tofu!!! 🙂

  123. Wendy Yamazaki says

    ha ha – i forgot that I already mentioned my variation and I posted it twice on two different days! a big EPIC FAIL on my part! 😛 I’m getting old – forgetting everything!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Haha no worries! I always love hearing from readers… now I can smile TWICE! I used to see dessert tofu a lot… I haven’t seen it for sale in years around here. I actually thought they’d discontinued it. Weird! I’ll have to look out for it again.

  124. Marti says

    Hey Katie…

    I’m not sure what “non dairy milk” is? Is that like non-dairy coffee creamer? The dry powdered stuff? (Coffeemate, cremora, etc?) Or what is that?
    Can you link me to what you used?

    Thanks! Uber cool looking recipe. Starved for sweets here at my place!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Oh no, nondairy milk just means soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, or any other type of milk you wish. I use almond milk, but I know people like different types of milk. (This is a vegan blog, so I will never call for cow’s milk in a recipe, but for this recipe I’m sure that’d work too, if it’s what you have on hand.)

  125. L says

    YUMMMM!!! I bought tofu yesterday so I can make this! Do you happen to know what the sugar count is? I can’t believe how low it is in calories with all the chocolate in it! I bet it would be good with a peanut butter swirl =D

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      The sugar will depend on the brand of chocolate chips you use. Also, when I make this for myself I don’t add the agave, but if you do add it it’ll add more sugar grams. So I can’t tell you a specific number. And heck yeah to the pb!!

  126. Emma says

    Hi Katie, I really want to make this for my boyfriends birthday but don’t have any chocolate chips, do you think I could use cacao powder and cacao butter instead? If so, can you recommend the right ratios? Thanks 🙂 I love your blog!

  127. vicki says

    You are such a genious! I made this pie for Thanksgiving. Once w/ soft tofu and once w/the firm tofu. I prefer the firm. My tofu comes in 18 ounces, so I cut it in 18 squares and then use 12. I think it’s working out okay. I covered the entire pie w/the coconut milk whipped cream. THAT STUFF ROCKS!! It got rave reviews. I ended up eating..A LOT. I tried to convince myself that the tofu made it more like the “meat” for a meal and since it was so low in calories, it was okay for me to devour it. Not sure if my reasoning stands up! I just know I want this again. Right. Now.

  128. phoebe says

    hey katie

    thanks for sharing your awesome recipes =) I’m thinking of making this for a coming x’mas potluck… Can I use a smoothie maker/mixer instead of food processor (sorry not too familiar with this equipment)?


      • phoebe says

        Hi Katie – i made it in the weekend, n it’s a success!!! the chocolate fudge is gone fastest among all desserts n people r dying to know the “secret ingredient” in it!! (ha!) none of them can guess, though. i just told the girls, and they want the recipe 😉

        my mixer is a magic bullet, but it’s tiny so I have to blend 3 times..
        PS. I know what you mean about doing crust-less now. i think i’ll skip the crust next time, too.
        Thanks so much!!

  129. Vee says

    Hi Katie, I just discovered your blog a week or two ago and I love it. I’ve been vegetarian since birth and also wholeheartedly share your thoughts on factory farming and animal cruelty. Recently I’ve been moving away from using dairy and eggs too for sustainability reasons. Just a question; where do you buy agave? I can find it here at health food stores but it is ridiculously expensive and I’m on a student income. Have you ever tried cooking with rice syrup? It’s a cheaper alternative, not too sure about the health benefits of it though. Also, another question: I’ve been under the impression that coconut oil was a fairly unhealthy fat. You seem to use it in a few of your recipes though. Is it really healthy after all? My friends have the palates of 5 year olds, so I’m constantly looking for ways to hide things that I usually eat in foods that they will love. Hopefully this does the trick!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Vee!
      I actually find agave everywhere… even in regular grocery stores like Kroger (near the other sugars). I know there’s one cheaper brand that looks like it’s in a salad dressing bottle, so keep your eyes peeled! I also am usually able to find agave at stores like Marshalls or TJ Maxx, where it’s discounted. And whenever Whole Foods has a sale on their brand, I make sure to buy it. So I never buy it if it’s full-price (i.e. $6.99 for a little bottle!).
      I’ve only used brown rice syrup a few times. I need to experiment with it more.
      As for the coconut oil, just google “saturated fat in coconut” and you’ll get a wealth of info. I do believe it’s healthy– in moderation, just like many other things ;).

  130. Nicole says

    I just have to tell you that I’ve made this “pie” three times now. The first time I made it, I accidentally used the entire bag of chocolate chips(not so much a bad thing). This made a very firm, RICH chocolate pie. It was soo good though! I ate almost the whole thing myself! The second time I made it was yummy too. I used less chocolate chips and no crust(used mostly semi-sweet and just a lil bit of white chocolate chips.). This one, I couldn’t even wait for it to set up to eat it! Finally, I just made it again crustless with 95% white chocolate chips and like 10 semi-sweet chip-if that makes sense! Haha! It looks like it’s going to be even thinner. I’m waiting to try it still! So I’ve decided that the more chocolate I use, the firmer the pie. I used Mori-Nu lite silken Firm tofu in all three pies. Thank you for the recipe. I’ve also tried your chocolate chip cookie dough dip. Thanks again, your blog is great!

  131. Stephen Lucas says

    Hi, Just wanted to say thanks.

    My Mum and Dad (UK so not mom haha) have both been on a diet lately because of health problems. They are doing really well and I wanted to treat them. So I made them this, shown them the nutritional facts and they now think this is the best pie in the world.

    Thanks so much.

  132. Nicole K. says

    I just made this the other day for my grandpa’s 97th birthday. He LOVES chocolate so I thought this pie would be a perfect fit on his birthday. Everyone who tried it thought they had died and gone to heaven! They couldn’t believe there was tofu in it…and that it was healthy. I love tricking people into eating healthy desserts 🙂 Thank you for this amazing recipe, Katie!!

  133. Cari says


    I’m curious if the nutritional information includes the pie with or with out a crust? This looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it! Thanks for the amazing website!

    ps….I’m not vegan, if I chose to use cows milk in your recipes would they turn out the same?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Cari,

      The info is crustless, since I didn’t provide a crust recipe (and crust nutritional info will vary depending on what recipe you make). And yes, unless a recipe specifically calls for “canned coconut milk” you can probably use any milk you wish.

  134. julie says

    This looks AMAZING! I’m planning on making this for new years 😀 I have a few questions though…

    Is it okay if I use a 14 oz package of tofu? Is the amount of chocolate chips in the recipe BEFORE melting, or AFTER? Also, this has nothing to do with this recipe but do you use coconut buter to substitute regular butter? Because I can’t find coconut butter at any stores (and I doubt my mom would let me make some ._.”) but your recipes look really good~!

    Sorry about all the questions ^^”

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Julie :).

      I’d stick with the 12.3… it might taste too tofu-y otherwise. And the chips are measured pre-melting.
      I think *some* recipes might be ok if you subbed in butter for the coconut butter, but I’d recommend the actual coconut butter for most of mine (like the fudge or fudge cakes). I really don’t think there’s a substitute that would work the same way :-?.

  135. Diane says

    Any way you can add the carb info to your recipes. To calculate WW points we need Protein, Fat, Fiber and Carbs.
    Love your blog, and the recipes are delicious!

  136. Vanessa says

    Me and my sisters made it today for our grandpa’s 80th birthday! We followed the ingredient amounts and instructions exactly but we thought it still tasted really tofu-y so we added one more tablespoon of cocoa powder and added a bit more chocolate chips. It turned out really yummy!

  137. Anonymous says

    I tried to make it and i used tofo then i left in the fridge over night and in the morning i tried it and it didnt harden or anything it was still flop, should i have used the silken instead?

  138. Christina says

    Hi – I can’t wait to try this, I’m trying to cook healthier lately…question for you, what type of nondairy milk do you use? Do you use soy or rice milk? Thank you!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I usually use Almond Breeze almond milk, but honestly any milk would probbably work! I know others have used other milks.
      (Oh, and I also just discovered Almond Breeze coconut almond milk and it is delicious! I haven’t tried it in this recipe, though.)

      • Christina says

        OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! So, after posting this question early, I went through older comments and found that you suggested using almond milk. I immediately got my kiddos in the car and took a trip to the grocery store. I just finished making the pie and have put it in the fridge to firm up a bit, but of course, I had to taste the filling out first. 🙂 I am SHOCKED at how AH-MAZE-ING this is! I had no idea that tofu could be used this way! I ended up putting in 2 tablespoons of Agave, and used semi-sweet chocolate chips…do you have any idea what the calories would be per slice with my additions?

        I’m looking forward to trying many more of your recipes…I’m SO glad that I stumbled across your site and love the fact that even though I’m trying to lost some weight, and cook/eat healthier, I don’t have to give up yummy desserts just to be healthy! Thank you Katie!!!!!

  139. Cindy says

    OMG – I’ve been wanting to try this pie for so long and finally made it last night for a healthy alternative our anniversary dessert, especially since we splurged a little with steaks and baked potatoes……..
    This pie is SUPERB! There is not one hint of a tofu taste and the only added calories was the pie crust I pseudo-made (bought from grocery store and rolled out – lol). It was very rich so I think next time I would cut down on the choco chips a bit – maybe 3/4 of a cup or so and it definitely didn’t need the agave I added. I’m also thinking I would make it again with the silken tofu and just eat it as a pudding rather than adding pie crust calories. I promote you, CCK, like crazy over on BlogToLose and people love your yummies! Thanks a gajillion!!!

  140. Eleni says

    Wow. I tried this and it was SO GOOD. I can’t wait to make it again! I want to try other things besides chocolate. I wonder if it would be know, using other “chips”, like peanut butter chips, butterscotch chips, white chocolate chips, etc. I wonder if those flavors would be strong enough. I’m definitely trying it with other flavors, too! I have one question-how did you get yours to be so firm? Mine turned out more wet (you can see it on my blog here: I used firm tofu and it sat in the fridge over night, so I’m not sure why it didn’t turn out dryer and firmer looking like yours, but it was good anyway!!

      • Eleni says

        I used Wo Chong tofu, and it was just plain firm. Not silken firm, because I wanted it to be firmer-not like a mousse. I did cover it when I let it chill, but after about a day I uncovered it. Yours is definitely much firmer than mine, but it was seriously sooo good. I think I’m going to make it again this week!

  141. Tawsha says

    I just found out yesterday that I am allergic to soy (no tofu for Tawsha), any recommendations for a substitution? I want to try this pie so bad!

  142. Katie says

    I made this today and am hoping it gets better as it sets because the texture is just off. I used mori-nu extra firm and probably 10 oz semisweet chocolate chips. It seemed pretty thick when I made it and tasted good, but a bit just like melted chocolate chips. After 2 hours of being in the fridge my son wanted to try it and I put some on a plate- i had to spoon it on, it’s not setting up at all more than it was when I put it in. It is getting grainy and less appealing! I don’t know what could have happened, I followed the recipe exactly using the extra chocolate and firm tofu (not light), no crust. I don’t see us finishing this pie, which is crazy for me, I always eat anything sweet. I don’t think my son will have more and my dh will probably not try it.

  143. Angel says

    I made this today for my hubby because he is obsessed with chocolate and is the pickiest eater ever! He can’t have gluten either.
    I will not tell him there is tofu until he eats a piece! = P
    I licked the bowl and spoon and it is amazingly good, I have never had tofu before. I used chocolate cookie crumbs(gluten free) for the crust.
    I will definitely be making this again and trying more of your recipes!

  144. Amy says

    Katie. KATIE. This pie is AMAZING. After polishing off the first pie, I keep making more so I’m never without it!

    I noticed that the pie tastes better every day it sits, but it’s always delicious!! The texture (and taste, oddly enough) reminds me of chocolate cheesecake…YUM.

    Seriously, this is the best thing ever!

  145. Jackie says

    Katie, have you ever thought of freezing this pie? I haven’t tried it yet (and I’ve made the pie 3 times so far in the last couple of days since I first saw it!), but my husband and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and thought it might be good as a frozen pie.

  146. Kelsey says

    Hi!! Just finished making this recipe. It’s in the fridge chilling now, so I haven’t tried the final product yet, but I did, of course, lick the spoon and YUM!!! FYI, I do like things sweet, but left out the extra sweetener..actually, my original plan was to taste the filling before adding it to decide if the extra calories and sugar were needed, but I forgot until after I’d already dumped it in the shell :). Anyway, I think it’s perfect without it- plenty of sweetness from the chocolate chips. Thanks for all of your great recipes!

  147. Kera says

    I’m eating this as I type! It is so good! My kids and husband are on board too. I got a skeptical, “What’s the story with this pie?” before hubby’s first bite, but after his second piece he’s sold 🙂 I’m a complete chocoholic, so this is just great for me, as I’m trying to eat a lot healthier!

  148. MrsOgg says

    Hi! I’m new to your blog and just made this recipe yesterday. I served it to my chocolate loving group of girlfriends when four of them came over last night. I waited until they all tried some and were saying how good it was then, I told them it was made from tofu! They were pleasantly surprised well, except for one girl who was really shocked and told me she had never eaten tofu. Haha I can’t imagine being 25 and never having had tofu. Either way… it was a success, thanks!

  149. Mary-Claire says

    Oh…my…word! I made this for dessert last night and it was Di-vine! I ended up using a mix of unsweetened, semi-sweet, and Ghiradelli chocolate…so good! Thank you Katie for this recipe, I have never had tofu and could not even taste it. I think this is officially my favorite CCK dessert now!

  150. KatrinenfromEurope says

    Wow, I Iove your recipes. Discovered your blog 36 hrs ago and already made the 1-minute-cake (cool, never microwaved a cake before) and this ultimately yummy fudge. One of your garbanzo recipes will be next – the chickpeas are soaking already. Thanks for all this inspiration!

  151. Michelle says

    I made this last night and it is amazing!!! I will probably make this pie for years to come (and won’t tell my husband it’s made with tofu or he wouldn’t eat it anymore even though he loved it)! Thanks for the awesome recipe!!

  152. Lesley says

    Made this last night and then I didn’t even get a piece tonight… was DEVOURED by my husband and two boys. The firm tofu makes it very firm (at least the kind I used) and it is VERY (!!!!) rich. I think next time I’ll try the slightly softer tofu and maybe about 1/4 c. less chocolate (I know, blasphemy). My mind is reeling with possibilities: top with a little organic, no-sugar rasberry jam (or maybe put it over the bottom and put the chocolate on top. Sweetened whipped cream with some mint extract (or maybe the natural Cool Whip stuff I can’t remember the name of). Heck, I even scooped out some of the pie filling, mixed it with unsweetened almond milk, some frozen strawberries and a little stevia and one a very yummy smoothie this morning (hence the reason I wasn’t allowed a piece of pie tonight). Thanks, Katie!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I’m so so glad it turned out well!
      LOL yeah it’s pretty rich! Another thing that can make it less rich is adding more agave/maple syrup. Also, if you can find mori-nu silken-firm tofu, it gives the pie a great texture :).

  153. Kate says

    Does the nutrition info outlines above count for the crust or crust-less version? Thanks for the recipes! I’m new and totally obsessed with your blog!

  154. Stephanie says

    What pie crust did you use? The pre-packaged one I found was like 200 calories, which kinda ruins the point of the pie

  155. Casey says

    First of all, I LOVE your blog! Secondly, I made this tonight as a pre-Valentine’s Day pie for my health food hating husband. 🙂 He loved this and couldn’t believe it was made with tofu. Next time, I would probably use the silken tofu because the firmness was a bit too much for my liking (I used firm tofu). Thanks for the healthy recipes!!

  156. Anonymous says

    What can I substitute for tofu that has the same creaminess? (I’m allergic). This pie is making me drool and I want to make one!

  157. Raquel says

    Hi, Katie. I am a spanish girl trying to eat in a vegan way, so no eggs, and no cow-milk. It is the first time I visit your blog, and your delicious recipes looks to suit perfectly in the vegan cooking,,so I am happy to try some of your desserts 😀
    I am having some dificulties understanding the recipes in English (and, by the way, sorry because of the mistakes I am making with my English!), so, can I ask you?
    -What’s the meaning of “T”? Maybe, a big spoon? And “c” (a little over 1 and 1/3c or more)?
    -I dont have a food processor, so, do you think I can beat the mix with another thing?

    Congrats and thanks for sharing your recipes, they all look so yummy and good!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Raquel!

      Oh your English is much better than my Spanish, I bet! Actually, I am pretty good at writing in Spanish… I am just horrible with speaking and listening ;).

      T is tablespoon, and c stands for cups. So 1 c would be 1 cup. Sorry for the confusion! And if ou buy soft silken tofu, I think you can probably mix it without a food processor.

  158. Raquel says

    Hi, Katie!

    Thanks so much for answer so quickly! You are really nice.
    Great, now I think I understand everything, and also, I have learnt some new English expressions, so, good for my stomach and good for my English! 😀 I am looking forward to try it.
    I am going to look for you in facebook too, so I will easyly follow your recipes.

    Thanks again, and have a nice day!

  159. Lena says

    Katie, I’ve just made the most marvelous thing ever. It involves this fudge pie (which is amazing by itself as well, although I did add about 2T more sugar because most of the chocolate I used was 72% so it wasn’t quite sweet enough to “overpower” the tofu taste), iced with a layer of three-ingredient soft-serve ice cream (frozen banana, peanut butter and cocoa – defrosted it in the fridge for a while to make it spreadable), topped with stripes of peanut butter. Glorious. And totally worth the mild stomach ache I now have from eating too much of it. Funnily enough, “too much” for me usually means “crap I ate half of the pan”, but in this cake it’s only two small squares. This thing is soooo rich. I love it 😀

    • Lena says

      Aaaand despite the fact that I left the house today in the morning with all of the pie – minus 2 small squares that I ate last night – intact, I came home less than 12 hours later to approximately 1.5 squares of pie left. And there were only 3 people home to eat it, one of which is my grandpa, who ate like half of a square. I’m going to take that as a sign of its perfection and glory 😀 (Seriously though, I have no idea how they did it. It’s so *rich*!)

  160. Musugonekuku says

    Tonight some friends are coming over for my birthday (it was actually Monday, today is just the party) and I made a double batch, half silken tofu, half firm. It’s still firming in the refrigerator but since not all of it got into the crust I “needed” to eat a portion already. Oh my! You are right Katie! You can’t taste the tofu at all and it reminds me of a chocolate pie I once made but this one is so much easier and healthier.
    But the crust.. I forgot it in the oven so it’s a bit to crunchy now, but it was already more decoration than anything else.
    Tomorrow I’ll post what they thought about it ^^

  161. Valentina says

    I’m. so. happy!!!
    I love love your blog! I just mde this recipe, just added some more milk to make pudding, and it’s gorgeous! I’m just wondering if here in Italy every food is heavier, because with firm tofu and extra bitter chocolate, I came out with 196 calories and 10 grams of fat :/ but it’s not too bad anyway 😉

  162. Danielle says

    I just got done making this! It tasted so i cant wait for a piece of it later! Im changing my life eating very healthy and have lost 19 almost 20 pounds since Jan.17th. But im a total chocolate lover I LOVE your blog thank you for the great recipes so i can still indulge but feel way better afterwards! Oh and I used dark chocolate chips my fav kind. 🙂

  163. Cilfa says

    This ‘pie’ is delicious! However, since I used Silken Tofu, it was more like a mouse. So we ate it cute little cups instead of as a slice. Now, I have one tiny issue with it. When you pour molten chocolate in a roomtemperature mixture, it coagulates very quickly. I ended up with a lot of hard chocolate on the bottom and sides of my blender. And after chilling, I noticed that the chocolate made the entire mixture gritty, not mousse or fudge soft. The taste was still terrific, but my husband was a bit put off by it, even though it was gritty chocolate.
    I didn’t use extra sugar, the callebaut dark chocolate callets I used were sugary enough (bit too sweet even). The tofu taste was hardly noticable.

  164. Hawai‘i Leah says

    Happy Birthday!

    Two questions:
    1) does the calorie count include the pie crust?
    2) what pie crust recipe did you use/would you recommend using for this recipe?

  165. Sheree says

    I just made this pie and wanted to let you know how amazing it is! (but you already know that!) I used a store-bought Oreo crust (they are vegan, yay!) and my beloved, who is not officially vegan, but is when he’s with me because that’s the only kind of food I make for us, had no clue there was tofu in it nor did he ask nor did he care. He just ate it and loved it, as did I.

    The best part is how thick it gets which makes it so easy to cut! (pies are usually kind of hit-and-miss in that regard). Just wanted to thank you for such a great recipe!

  166. Jade says

    Hi Katie, this pie is absolutely amazing! I’m so happy to find a recipe that’s healthy AND tastes amazing, I think this will definitely become a regular, I can’t rave about it enough! I made a base for it out of crushed oreos which was nice but I think I’ll follow your lead and make a crustless version next time, the filling is definitely the best part! Keep up the good work, I love your blog.

  167. Anna says

    Wow this cake looks amazing! I wonder if a thin layer of cherry compote on top would be a nice addition. What do you think? I feel like I might need some fruit with all the chocolate… : )

  168. Jana says

    Is “hard” tofu the same as “firm” tofu? All my grocery store had was medium or hard. Thanks…this recipe looks amazing and I am trying it tomorrow.

  169. sachi says

    I made this today and it turned out wonderful! I accidentally left ouf 1/3 cup of the chocolate chips and it was still a success! Thanks so much for the recipe!

  170. Coco says

    im sure everyone has been posting things like “everyone ate it and nobody noticed it was vegan!!!!!” or something, but im a teenager and i invited my friends over and offered them pie and each person had like two pieces!!!! they wouldn’t shut up about how good it was!!!!!!!!!!!! now i understand how good it feels to have someone like something of yours thats secretly vegan and not know it!!!! thanks Katie!!! this is my new favorite pie recipe

  171. Emily D says

    This pie is amazing! I made it with silken tofu last night and it was like a pudding pie. Delicious! My friends all loved it, even the one who’s not big on trying new things. She, in fact, licked her plate clean! Next time I’ll make it with firm tofu so its easier to get out of the pan and onto the plate. Thanks Katie! Love your blog!!
    (Next I’m making your homemade Nutella recipe!!)

  172. Paige Flamm says

    Hey Katie, some of your most amazing recipes have tofu in them, and that kind of creeps me out. Just because I’ve always imagined it tasting bad! Can you really taste an icky tofu taste? Or does it really taste like the amazing chocolate wonder that we have here?

  173. Julie says

    Katie! I hate pie crust, too! I think you are the first person I have ever heard of in the no-crust club. I do love a crusty, crusty bread, and a crispy crunchy pizza crust. Don’t try to figger me out….

  174. Michelle says

    Lovew this! Adding cocnut extract sounds great!
    Also I made mine in a loaf pan and ate it like a chocolate pate! Yummy! No one knew what they were eating!

  175. Lucy says

    This is probably a silly question, but when you write the nutritional information, is fat referring to saturated fats?

  176. Kati says

    Dear Katie!

    I just made this, and I am really happy that it does not taste like tofu at all! Yeah! I used a little more ‘metric’ amounts, like 400 g Tofu, 300 g chocolate, etc., which made a slightly bigger pie. And I used regular bars of dark chocolate. We have some without milk components here (for everyone in Germany: I used Ritter Sport Halbbitter, it was the least expensive). Instead of a pie crust, I started with a base made from cookie crumbs (put wholemeal cookies in a freezer bag, make fine crumbs with a rolling pin and mix with ca. half the amount of very soft margarine). I never thought that I would ever say that, but: I had ONE piece (I cutted 12) and I don’t feel like eating any more chocolate today! Wow!

    Thank you very much,


  177. Sabrina says

    I will try it but I’ll change some stuff. Like milk per almond milk or coconut milk , and use CF chocolate.. so I make it dairy free.

    And I’ll make the crust with Kinnickinnick graham cookies and vegan butter ( GFCF) so is also Gluten free…

    Thanks! This way my GFCF kids will be able to try a yummy chocolate pie!

    • Kati says

      Hey, Sabrina! This recipe is totally dairy free per default…it is vegan! 🙂 I used oatmilk, but it was such a small amount that I think it would have been ok to use plain water instead. And with ‘regular’ tofu (not silken tofu), the pie is very firm and could be delicious without any crust. That’s what I would say after today’s experience. Enjoy!

  178. Jewels says

    I’m not a crust fan, myself, but if I was to serve this to guests, I’d use this Weight Watchers trick, for a nice presentation: Spray the pan with cooking spray, then top with a half sheet of phyllo dough. Spray lightly, and top with another half sheet, placing so that the corners are just to the right of the previous sheet. Repeat with more layers of phyllo. They say 8 total, I don’t use as much as that. Press into pan, and roll edges of dough. Bake at 350 F for ten minutes or until lightly browned.

    I thought this was tasty before I chilled it, we ate it at the pudding stage, and I look forward to seeing how it sets up overnight. I think it would be tasty with almond extract, and slivered toasted almonds on top, or with a raspberry sauce. Or with peppermint extract, and crushed candy canes sprinkled on top.

    I found your blog recently, and look forward to trying more recipes. I lost ~35 lbs with WW ten years ago, and have kept it off BUT I NEVER MISS DESSERT. I love the Peanut Butter Breakfast Pudding. Oatmeal+Peanut Butter+Banana=Three of my favorite things all together!

  179. Angie says


    I made this pie, and my family and I absolutely love it! It’s to die for!

    I do have a question though, I plugged it into my calorie counting website (as I track my diet) and It registers that 1 piece of pie (1/8 sized slice) has 320 calories!!! I figure it’s okay if mine is off by a little, but it’s a crazy different calorie total from 143. Help! 🙂

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Since I didn’t include the crust, my pie is crustless. If I remember correctly, I went and broke down each ingredient and its cal amounts earlier in the comment section. I’d do it again but lol it’s time consuming! But the calculations are correct :).

  180. Arlenys says

    Woohoo for March babies!!!!!!!!!!! I, too, turned 25 this month!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! The pie looks amazing!

  181. Julie says

    Happy Birthday Katie! You’re beautiful and create such delicious looking recipes. I would like to try this one but I don’t know the carb count. I could swear I’ve seen that on some of your recipies. Would you let me know what that is and perhaps post that with your recipe info in the future? I’m on Weight Watchers but am a total sweetaholic and would like to make lots of your recipes! Yum. What I need to determine the damages are Fat, Carbs, Fiber, and Protien. I appreciate anything you can do. You know, you should sell your creations too. Online sales or a store. There are plenty of people who don’t know your recipes. Copyright them or something at least. Keep up the great work birthday girl, and go out and do something fun for yourself today. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
    ~ Julie

  182. Boo says

    Now here is my plan – make this pie with a crust made from flattened-into-a-pie-tin hot chocolate cookies….. Mmmmmmm this has got to work!

  183. Lauren says

    Made this yesterday for pie day, since I was short on time – I LOVED it! It was so tasty, and my boyfriend loved it too – although he’ll try anything (especially if I’m baking it 😉 he was a little confused by my “I-need-to-go-get-tofu-to-make-pie” statement. I do have a question, though – from a calorie aspect! I’m assuming your numbers are NOT including the pie shell, correct? Also, I plugged the recipe into my calorie counter and it was over 150/serving (based on 8) before I even added the tofu in… is there a special type of chocolate chips you’re using (since that’s where they all seemed to come from)?

  184. Alice says

    Hi! Quick question: Do you think this pie would turn out okay if I omitted to cocoa powder and used white chocolate chips instead of regular chocolate chips? White chocolate fudge pie seems like it would be AMAZING! 😀

  185. Nichole says

    First of all- I loveyour blog and your recipes! Second- Ive been dying to make this pie since I first saw it! So I decided to make it tonight while my hubby was out and I have some comments/questions:

    How do you get yours looking so creamy and smooth???? I used a medium-firm tofu and it was very difficult to blend! I started in my blender, moved everything into my food processor, then finally tried to use hand beaters. I got it kinda smooth, but there’s definitely still small lumps… maybe the brand of tofu affects it? I got my tofy from the local HEB, so my selection was zero…

    Second, I calcuated the calories out to be about 250 calories per slice, counting 10 slices to the pie…. Does different tofu have different calories? or maybe the chocolate chips? any thoughts?

    Thanks for being so creative! Im looking forward to your homemade shamrock shake for breakfast tomorrow!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I use Mori-Nu silk-firm. It’s not in the fridge section.
      Maybe HEB has it in the Asian setcion? My kroger carries it as well, and obviously Whole Foods does.
      Yes, mori nu has fewer calories than firm, I think.

  186. Nichole says

    sorry, just now seeing your calories comments ffrom the previous few posts… can you adddress the smooth/creamy tofu mixing though??

  187. Chocoholic says

    Hey, I love love love this blog. Discovered it just yesterday, I’m a HUGE chocolate fan but Because I put on weight with every bite of chocolate, this recipe seemed godsend!! Much love and hugs from India to you Katie 🙂

    Just a small embarrassing question —-> I’m not much of a cook, but how exactly do you drain the tofu?? Don’t judge me :p

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Judge? LOL I am a terrible cook! That’s why my recipes don’t call for things like yeast and stand mixers ;).
      I usually use Mori-Nu tofu, which is found in the Asian section of a store like Whole Foods (not refrigerated). All you do is open the package and pour the little amount of liquid out of the package. But if you want to use actual firm tofu, you do the same thing (there’ll just be more liqid), and then you blot the tofu with a few paper towels. Also, if you do use refrigerated tofu, be sure to not use the whole 14-oz package. (Mori Nu is only 12.3 oz.)

      • Chocoholic says

        Thank you so much! I thought draining meant keeping it in a seive overnight or for hours or something :p
        we get mori nu light firm and silken in almost every neighborhood—lol, ( I live in India, so there really wouldn’t be an asian foods section, considering we are in asia :p )
        Can’t wait to make it this weekend… you should consider publishing your recipes!

  188. Phi says

    I tried this recipe and it was a bummer, it came out with the right consistency and looked beautiful, but it tasted like raw tofu. I was bummed because usually all the recipes from your blog are amazing. My fiance liked it though, so maybe it’s just a taste preference

      • Phi says

        Thanks for the reply, I’m sure it is something I did wrong, or maybe the wrong tofu brand? I used these exact ingredients…maybe because I used skim milk instead of non dairy milk?

        1 package firm tofu
        1 tsp cocoa powder
        1 tbs pure vanilla extract
        3 tbs Skim Milk
        1/8 tsp salt
        1.5 cups chocolate Chips
        4 Tbs Agave or other sweetener

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          It shouldn’t be the milk… but the tofu definitely could cause an issue! Especially if you used the whole package… is the package more than the 12.3 oz that the recipe calls for? If you ever want to try it again, I highly recommend mori nu silk-firm tofu (not in the fridged section). It has a great texture for this, and it’s already 12.3 oz so you don’t have to guess on how much to cut off :).

  189. Ellamay says

    I’m not sure how I haven’t had this sooner. I made it today and it is about the best thing ever. I wasn’t very precise with my measurements, but it turned out just as I had hoped-fluffy, chocolatey, and DELICIOUS. Instead of making an actual pie, I just filled up some custard cups to serve it in. Thanks so much for the greatest recipe of all time, Katie!

  190. Miranda says

    Seriously Katie, I’m typically a strong believer that desserts should be left as they are: as a dirty little indulgence. I think you’ve converted me with this pie! I went to the store last night and grabbed firm tofu, a graham cracker crust, and some Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips, whipped it all together in the food processor and let it sit uncovered in my fridge overnight….um, wow. I just got back from the gym and cut myself a tiny slice and was blown away.
    Take it from me, I DO NOT like tofu, this pie is delicious! Excellent work and I can’t wait to try some of the modifications!

  191. Meme says

    Just made this to my friend today! I made a crust with spelt and oats and some vegan margarine, and since I didn´t have any chocolate chips I used vegan margarine and more cacao powder! It was sooooooo good and I actually flavoured it with grapefruit zest (just blended it in with other ingredients). It was crazy good. Next time I´ll try banana 😉

  192. keep calm and eat chocolate says

    a small issue popped up when i made this today 🙁
    the chocolate chips wouldn’t melt! i put them in the microwave for 2 mins and the entire batch burned!! then i bought a new pack of chocolate chips and tried on the stove, and again it burned.
    these were both separate brands and yet something was going majorly wrong! are we supposed to add milk or water to these chocolate chips while melting them?

    • Miranda says

      To melt chocolate in the microwave, you should be doing it on medium heat about 30 seconds at a time, stirring after each interval. To melt chocolate on the stovetop, you need to use a double boiler. If you don’t have one, grab a large pot, fill about 2-3 inches from the top with water, bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer. Place your chocolate chips in a smaller saucepan and set the pan in the hot water, holding onto the handle. Stir the chocolate every few minutes until melted. Hope this helps!

  193. Marie says


    I would like to know what T (as in 2T of nondairy milk) stands for? I’m french canadian and I just CAN’T find what it means after approx 25 minutes of intense google-ing 😉

    I would really appreciate a response because this pie seems deeeelightful!
    Thank you so much!

  194. Katie says

    I just made this last night (found you on pinterest) and my tofu hating husband loved it! I topped it with strawberries and he thought it was just a no bake cheesecake. Thank you for a healthy dessert that satisfies my sweet tooth without making me regret the extra big slice I cut myself 😉

  195. Julie says

    I was looking for something to make this weekend and I can across this post. Sounds perfect. Also I looked at the date and you are only 1 day older than me!

  196. Hema says

    I will admit at first I thought tofu and chocolate sounded strange but the picture looked amazing so I had to try it. I had to control myself from not just taken a spoon and eating this right out of the food processor!! It’s fantastic!!!! I’m new to tofu and this is only the second dish I’ve ever made using it. I’m certain this had become one of my favorite desserts. So quick and so good!

    Only issue was that my 9in pie dish was WAY TOO BIG! What size do you use? I ended up using my mini cupcake pan and filling cupcake liners with the batter. Great way to grab a small bite for when I’m craving something sweet.

    Thanks for this awesome recipe!

  197. Cherie says

    YUM!!! Made your chocolate pie this morning, and put it in the freezer for quick setting – it was so easy and tastes amazing. I made a crust by melting butter and adding almonds and coconut (freshly ground to a flour in the coffee grinder) then pressing this mix into my pie pan. I threw this into the freezer for a few minutes to set before pouring on the topping. An excellent low carb, diabetic friendly dessert. Thanks so much 🙂

  198. Yvette Kane says

    This pie is evil!! It called my name until I ate it all! I made your fudge babie recipe for the crust. Oh my!

  199. Sherry says

    I made this pie Friday night, and it’s good, but not as chocolatey or dark as yours, and mine didn’t “pour” it had to be pressed into the chocolate crust I made. I used firm tofu, and even though your recipe didn’t say, I pressed the tofu in a sieve to get the liquid out, til it was almost dry. Should I have left all the liquid in the firm tofu? I was worried my pie would then be too wet, or tofu tasting. HELP?

  200. Eve says

    Oh my gosh this is amazing. I’ve been creeping on your blog for some time but this is the first thing i’ve tried making… i was NOT disapointed. My mum is adament that more soya in her diet with help with her menopause… so i decided to make something delicious instead of her just eating special yoghurts all the time. This might be some of the BEST pie i’ve ever eaten. Well not pie really, as we made it without a crust 😛 it tasted exactly like the new cadbury’s philadelphia in england- you would not know it had tofu in it. Thankyou for posting this recipe and i’ll definately be making more from your blog

  201. Lisa says

    I love your blog- it makes my mouth water! And I LOVE this pie!!! I made it last weekend for the first time for my husband’s family. Everyone loved it- and my mother-in-law and husband could not believe it had tofu in it! I used silken tofu and an oreo type crust and it was chocolatey-mousse-y deliciousness. My husband melted a little peanut butter and drizzled it over the top of his slice. Of course I had to sneak a bite and it was great. And then i just made the pie gain because i couldnt stop thinking about it all week! Thanks for sharing your yummy recipes!

  202. Renee Thompson says

    Katie – I followed your recipe but was not able to use a food processor. I used my beaters and I could still see some of the tofu pieces while pouring into the crust (but they were small and I’m not too worried about that). The pie is currently setting in the fridge. I plan on trying it tomorrow. I used a full bag of 60% cocoa Ghiradelli chocolate chips (came to about 9 oz). I also chose to use the 2 tablespoons of agave. My nutrition calculations – based on cutting the pie into 8 pieces – came out to 222 calories (crustless). With Pillsbury crust – based on cutting the pie into 8 slices – I calculated 322 calories, 20.9 g of fat, 160 mg sodium, 35.9 g carbs, 2.5 g fiber, 18.2g sugar and 5 g protein. I still think that is pretty good stats for a slice of chocolate pie (rumored to be super rich from the previous posts!) BUT, I am wondering how you got your nutrition stats so low. I used the Mori-Nu Lite Tofu. I know yours was crust less….but my crust less version was still 222 calories. Only one other person mentioned finding different nutritional values. Fill me in if you can! I recently found your blog and am looking to try more of your recipes 🙂

  203. Christie F. says

    I can’t remember whether or not I ever told you that I’d tried this recipe, and LOVED it. It didn’t have a ‘strong’ tofu taste, and was so creamy and ‘chocolatey’- just what I wanted. 😉

  204. Kristy says

    I make your vegan dessert of the year recipe for my husband an a bunch of friends. They loved it! The fudgey part is unbelievably creamy and rich. I also made the whole thing almost sugar free as I am diabetic – I used xylitol, Stevia, a little agave, and unsweetened baking chocolate. It was amazing. Everyone thinks I’m an amazing cook now thanks to you haha.

  205. Emely says

    Mmm! I just made this tonight! Yummo! Definitely will make it again. And my non-vegan family will also for sure enjoy this recipe! Thanks AGAIN! 🙂

  206. Sherry says

    I made this pie a second time, this time using the Mori Nu Silk Firm tofu, and it did make it more of a pudding consistency. Still not fudgey or firm, more like pudding. And for some reason more like a cheesecake flavor, there’s no cream cheese in it, but it has that flavor. But still tastes good, still trying to get a fudgey firmer pie and more of it, it only filled half up the side of the shell.

  207. sarah jane smith says

    have you every tried making it with half silken, half firm tofu? I kind of want to try that to see if i can get a texture that is something in the middle….

  208. anonymous says

    just stumbled across this recipe…..i’ve never cooked ANYTHING with tofu before but am interested in starting for the sake of just being overall healthier. This recipe peaked my interested since I’m a chocaholic and so I would like to prepare this tonight.

    Question: I don’t have a food processor (it broke and I don’t have the $$ right now to buy another one). Can I make this using an electric mixer????

  209. Krista says

    I’d never used tofu in a dessert before, so I was a bit nervous. I tried the recipe as is, but couldn’t stop thinking about tofu haha. So I added about 1 tbsp peanut butter and it was phenomenal. I realized that yes, I did indeed love this when I found myself eating off the spatula, food processor, etc. yummmm… Thank you!

  210. Dana says

    Hi Katie – just want to let you know I made this for the first time this past weekend to bring to my parent’s country house for dessert and everyone loved it, the parents and the boyfriend..they were so impressed and could not believe there was tofu in it..and it was so easy to make! I loved time I’m going to do only 1 tbsp agave because it was just a little too sweet for me…but wow what a chocolatey fudgey and good for you treat! I’m not vegan but I love all your dessert recipes, and I think some of the best desserts I have ever made have been vegan! The best banana bread I ever made was a Vegan Pineapple Coconut Banana Bread, I did not share that with anyone! LOL. I also I have really enjoyed being a part time vegetarian and eating a lot less meat. Thanks for all the great recipes!
    -Dana from Bklyn

  211. Madison says

    Hi Katie!

    I’m not sure if this question was already asked, but there are so many comments! Anyway, it looks like this is pictured with a graham cracker crust. Is the nutritional information with or without that crust?


  212. Jane says

    I tried this tonight and it is SO GOOD. I’m breastfeeding my son who has a severe milk protein allergy, so I have to avoid milk completely. I sooooo miss things like mousse and delicious desserts and I was so afraid this was going to be one of those “kinda like the real thing if you pretend a little” desserts. This is the REAL DEAL. I made an Oreo crust (vegan and therefore dairy-free), used 1/2 tsp. stevia extract as my sweetener, and substituted 2 Tbsp. coffee for the choice of milk. I ate 2 pieces and I am desperately trying to resist the rest!

  213. Meghan says

    So, I hate cooking. I mean, HATE IT. And I REALLY suck at eating healthy, although I often try. BUT, I really wanted to try this….oh my word, it was SO good! I have never used tofu, or agave…typically, it’s heavy cream, butter, powdered sugar, etc for dessert making. But this was SO easy to make and ended up SO good. My kids were so excited about it and ate it, which made me laugh that they were getting so much good protein! I did also try to make the coconut milk whipping cream…I have to go find the sugar you talked about–I don’t obviously have that. But, I am looking forward to trying some of you other dinner recipes on here, as well as your vanilla chai milkshake. I’ve already posted several of these on my facebook page as things I would like to try. So, thanks for making cooking somewhat exciting for me, as well as a little bit healthier!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Aw I’m so glad you liked it! I actually hate cooking too! Weird, I know… but that’s why all my recipes are fast and don’t have a lot of ingredients. I get overwhelmed when recipes have long lists of ingredients or take hours to make. I hate to cook, but I love to eat ;).

  214. Bekki says

    I know you hear this a lot from readers, but I love your blog. My daughter is almost 3 and it’s virtually impossible to get good food into that child – or was impossible, until I found you! I made this pie and she had no idea she was scarfing down tofu! (And the deep dish cookie pie – genius. She definitely had no clue she was eating chickpeas.) Anyway, I was making this pie and wanted something for a “crust” and happened to have a few chocolate cupcakes (your recipe, of course) leftover. I crumbled them into a pie pan and then spread the awesome tofu fudginess over the crumblies. It. Was. Awesome. What could be better than cake and fudge???

  215. Amy Sobolik says

    Just wondering where I might have gone wrong with this pie.I don’t mean to be rude,but I always double check calorie counts when it comes to desserts,simply because I love them,and want to get as much them,with as few calories, as possible So I counted the calories for this pie both by calculator,and on,with their recipe calculator.I came up with over double the calorie count that you did.302 calories per slice,at 8 slices.Even without the crust I came up with 180 calories per slice.Can you help me out here?Did you use sugar free chocolate chips?

  216. Zee says


    This is the first recipe I’ve tried from you and I’m not disappointed. I’m always on the lookout for a low-calorie yet good dessert, esp chocolate ones because DUH chocolate is awesome. Chose this recipe because it was simple. Im a student at a busy school period so I have no time to bake something complicated, yet my fingers were itching to bake.

    Using tofu is so clever, never used it before! Asked my mom about it and she gave me a puzzled look. Lol. I had good reviews for this recipe, and my non-chocoholic partner even said that it was too chocolatey. What blasphemy, there’s no such thing as thaaat.

    Thanks for the recipe and sorry for the long msg hehe. It’s just that you sounded like a friendly person 🙂


  217. Josh SM says

    Hey Katie:
    Do you think it would be possible to make this more Raw-ish with cacao powder and dates instead of chocolate chips?



  218. Ginger says

    I made this tonight on a whim…it is very good! I did a store-bought pastry crust and added a tsp of pure almond extract, as well…yum! I made my husband guess for an hour what the “secret ingredient” is…and he finally guessed tofu! haha. He is not a tofu eater normally and was surprised how much he liked it! 🙂 Someone would never know otherwise!

  219. Andrea says

    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS IS LITERALLY THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER MADE/EATEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it’s “healthy”! This deserves an award!!!

  220. Lauren says

    Made this for a mothers day dinner tonight and it was incredible. Rich. Decadent. Perfect texture. I put sliced strawberries on the side and topped with coconut whip cream. So good. Thanks!

  221. Rachel says

    Hey Katie! I made this pie last night and it was wonderful (: I used mori nu silk firm but it didn’t come out as firm as the photograph. Did you use something different? Thanks so much!

  222. Carly says

    Just made this pie-it is AMAZING! Doesn’t taste “healthy” at all. So excited to serve it to my family this weekend–and surprise them with the ingredients 😉

  223. Lucy says

    Just made this chocolate pie and it was super quick and sooooooo delicious!!
    Thanks so much for the recipe!

  224. Lindsey says

    This looks DELISH!! I’m a little skeptical about the tofu though :/…do you think cottage cheese might be a good substituation for the tofu?

  225. Sherry says

    Ok, so this is the 3rd time I made this pie, and it came out AWESOME! PERFECT! DELICIOUS! I did make it more caloric by using 12 oz. semisweet chocolate chips + 1/3c. of dark chocolate chips..oh well…I also used rice milk the last 2 times, but this time I used coconut milk, not the canned thick stuff, but the cartoned milk section coconut milk…and for some reason this time it was fudgey fantastic!

  226. Mia says

    could you use splenda instead of agave? and will you still get the same results with skim milk instead of a non-dairy substitute?

  227. Jodi of Chloe's Tray says

    I’ve been looking at this recipe for a couple months now and debating making it. I finally made it and it’s chilling in the fridge now. I did lick the food processor clean and it was awesome! I’m taking it to a friend’s house tonight, so I hope everyone likes it. I feel so sneaky! 😉 Seriously the best way to eat tofu!

  228. Teri-Ann says

    Oh my gosh! I have just made this recipe with a dairy free graham cracker base & topped with whipped coconut cream (divided into 10 individual ramekins so I don’t just cut “just a small slice” about 6 times for my self!) and you are now my new favorite person! Thank you!

  229. Lady says

    I found your recipe on pintrest, my husband and i made it last night, i have to say this is sooo delicious!!! Thank you very very much!!!

  230. Maise says

    I got almost everything ready to make this thing for my Mamma’s birthday!Can’t wait, but what brand & type of chocolate chips did you use?:)

  231. Alisa says

    Hi Katie, we featured your blog as Foodista’s Food Blog of the Day! I love your recipes and I cannot wait to try them. The feature will be a clickable link directing our readers to your blog, and we will do some shout outs too from our twitter and facebook page. We have a badge we would like to give you. I hope you can send me an email so I can tell you more about it. Thanks!

  232. Molly says

    Hey Katie!
    I made this for my husband who looked at the blog pictures and said “That looks like doo-doo.” and later, as I was making it, “It has tofu? I’m not eating it.”
    Then it came out of the fridge and he said “Okay, I’ll take a teeny-tiny, the-tiniest-ever, bite.”
    So I set my piece in front of him. He cut off a millimeter. Touched it with the tip of his tongue. Sniffed it. Ate it. Then went back for a slightly bigger bite. Sniffed again. Chewed. Eyes widened.
    “This has tofu?! It tastes like pudding!” Ate more. (My piece was soon demolished.)
    He declared that he loved it and asked if he can divorce me and marry you instead. Heehee…. so, guess you have a winning recipe there. 😉
    Thanks and I still, always and forever, love your blog and recipes. You’re the best. xoxoxoxo

  233. Ann says

    Thanks for the great recipe–this was so incredibly delicious! I modified it so that instead of making it into a pie I made tiny little dark chocolate cups (I melted dark chocolate and then painted the chocolate into mini cupcake wrappers the size of mini Reeses cups, then froze them). I filled the cups with a tiny bit of the chocolate tofu concoction, chilled them, and then put a tiny swirl of whipped cream on the top. They were a huge hit, and no one guessed that there was tofu in it! They were the perfect size so that the chocolate wasn’t too rich–after having one everyone was completely satisfied!

  234. Jihyen says

    I never liked fudge, the first time I ever had it-and never ate it after then. But your picture makes me want to try this fudge cake-give it a shot, I say! Looks so yummy!

  235. Jenn says

    Made this tonight, & it was a hit! The kids love dessert, & I love to make it for them. But I’m very aware of the dangers of overly processed foods, fat, sugar etc. you give us many options. Can’t wait to try more recipes 🙂

  236. Lies says

    Hi Katie!
    I made this cake yesterday, the taste was really good, but i think i did something wrong, because it was more a kind of mousse than a pie. What kind of tofu did you used in the cake on the picture above? (I used silken tofu)
    And my cake looked a lot smaller than yours.. how big was the springform you used?

    P.S. sorry for my spelling, i’m Dutch 8)

  237. Evelyn says

    probably the most delicious pie i baked for my family and boyfriend none of them even knew tofu was in it thank you soo much 🙂

  238. Jennifer says

    Made this last night- soooo yummy, and normally I’m not a tofu person! Even my husband thought it was delicious! Thanks for the recipe- this one is a keeper!

  239. Mira says

    I know this is a stupid question, but can you use refrigerated tofu in this recipe (the recipe for the lemon squares got me very confused about your tofu recipes) ??? XD

  240. ClevelandWhiteout says

    I made this last night. Thank you thank you thank you! No one would ever know that this is made with tofu. I added a pinch of stevia instead of agave and it turned out great. So rich and chocolatey! I am thinking of serving it as mousse in individual dishes instead of in a pie crust next time. But I do love graham crust!

  241. Cat Hahn says

    My dad and I tried this pie and it was wonderful!
    Our only problems had to do with the consistency. The pie melted as soon as we took it out of the freezer so we had to gobble it up fast! But we had no complaints! It tasted perfect.
    Next time we make it we’re going to use better quality chocolate chips and FIRM tofu instead of silken. I think that will work out a lot better!
    Thanks for this great post!

  242. Jess says

    … Pardon me for asking, but how much tofu in one package>? I accidently bought a 530gram package, and I’m beginning to think it’s too much. I don’t want too much tofu taste. How much did you use?

  243. Molly says

    I made this yesterday using cacao because I didn’t know chocolate chips (dark, semi sweet) have milk and/or milk fat in them. It was really bitter and no matter how much extra agave I added, it didn’t help. The nutrional info on the chocolate chips said “contains less than 2% milk” and I am not gluten or dairy free but am making this for a group of women where some of them do have allergies. Since there is so little milk/milkfat in the chips, does it still count as dairy free? The party is in 1 1/2 weeks so I have time to find a different recipe but I really liked this one and know it would be delicious if I could use regular chocolate. Thanks!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      No, if it has dairy it is NOT dairy free. Try Whole Foods brand or Enjoy Life brand or even the gold package of Ghirardelli. Or google “vegan chocolate bars” for brand ideas, and use chopped up chocolate bars instead :).

  244. Becky S says

    I make this pie all the time and love it. Today, I decided to add a tsp of cinnamon because I was in the mood for Mexican chocolate. OMG. It’s to die for. You should try it!

  245. munchiii says

    So excited I found your site! I am currently on a health quest, but don’t want to feel like I’m missing out on all the fun. Your recipes show me that I can still have fun with my foods :).

    I am going to make this pie to take to a friends place this weekend. I’m going to keep the tofu a secret and see what they think hehe. Then I tell them after they eat it :).

    Thanks again CCK! Keep the amazing recipes coming!

  246. Madi Riley says

    this looks too good, definitely making it this afternoon(‘: can’t wait to try this ‘ultimate non- healthy tasting dessert’!

  247. Nikki says

    Every birthday, I end up with a cake, even though I’m not a big fan of cake and after half a slice it pretty much goes to waste. One time my step-mother made me an apple pie, but that was it. I think this might be the new birthday tradition!
    I might even make this today just because I can!

  248. Julia says

    Happy Birthday!

    I also like pie for birthday celebrations, and I have one coming up in a few weeks- I’m going to try the chocolate fudge pie this year.

    Love your blog!

  249. Allie says

    Hey Katie,

    I have a substitution question. I have been having a lot of fun making your recipes but my mother in law cannot have soy do to her thyroid medication. What can I substitute for tofu without adding lactose in any way? I made a delicious cashew ricotta cheese and she can’t have any (or this pie 🙁 ) due to the soy.

    Just in case, the cashew ricotta recipe:

    Thank you (or anyone else) for thinking out this for me!

  250. Jenna says

    So, I just served this amazing pie to my entire non-vegan, non-tofu family. We’re talking hubby, mom, dad, brother, sister and my two small children. I told no one what they were eating, and had to hide my smile while they ate it. They all LOVED it!! I served it in a graham cracker crust made with coconut sugar and coconut oil, and topped it with fresh raspberries. Everyone was licking their plates!! And they were FLOORED when I told them the truth (as we were clearing the table :)). Thank you so much for such an amazing recipe! I’ll never make a boring old pudding pie again!!!

  251. Elana says

    Hi Katie. The pie looks amazing. Just wondering, can I use soymilk instead of regular milk? Definitely going to give this a try.

  252. Nikki says

    While I love the recipe, I have some gripes.(not entirely recipe related)

    1. It’s a little bit tart, I added agave as well as sweetened chocolate chips, but it was still a bit off. My boyfriend tasted it and made the worst face. He ended up making me add more sugar (actual white sugar) and still said it had a strange taste that he couldn’t put his finger on.
    2. I tried my blender for this, but it just wasn’t happening, it blended a little and then stopped working so I ended up digging through a million boxes to find my food processor, which finally worked.
    3. The recipe is a little bit smaller than I expected, either I did something wrong or you have a very enlarged photo (I’m banking on the former).
    4. This is just a personal gripe, but I’m angry, so I’m going to gripe. After my fiasco with the blenders and the boyfriend taste test I told him that I wasn’t making a crust, either we could have mousse or he could make the crust. He decided to make the crust and I was trying to find the recipe for the crust that just called for crackers and milk, but then he said that didn’t make any sense and started mixing his crust with butter and crackers and stuff and I’m just frustrated.

    So, I know it’s not your recipes fault, but this pie has brought me all kinds of trouble today!

    Regardless, I don’t hold you at fault, and thanks for being wonderful and innovative even though some people don’t seem to see it that way and think your recipes are silly =[


  253. Lily says

    Happy (belated) birthday!!
    I know I#m commenting on the wrong post but your recent post led me to this one.. However 🙂 i can’t decide on which pie to make next: Peanutbutter or Chocolate? DON’T ask me, I can’t decide anyways 😉
    just one question: How many grams are in one package Mori-Nu? I can’t buy it here.

    So i wish you a wonderful week and of course YEAR! :))

  254. Louis D. says

    The exact recipe + a frozen banana = the ultimate banana-fudge pie!

    For the fourth time I was making the recipe, I decided to be a bit adventurous, and what a delicious result! I sprinkled some coconut on top too, and it’s just wow!

  255. Debbie says

    UNBELIEVABLE!!! I made your chocolate fudge pie last night, the one that is made with tofu, and my family could not believe it was made with tofu. My youngest saw me take the tofu out of the wrapper and actually said “I will never eat that stuff” but he had three servings of the finished product! The only thing I did different was a made a regular pie crust instead of the graham cracker. I brought the left overs to work today, let everyone have a bite before I told them what it was made out of and they were literally in awe when I told them the main ingredient was tofu and they all wanted the recipe. Your recipes are simply amazing and so healthy. I will definitely be using your site a lot!!

  256. Aisha says

    Katie i love your blog, and i also love chocolate!!!
    Durring 7 years of being vegetarian/vegan I’ve never made anything with tofu before!,,,,So, I bought srpouted tofu just to try this, I dont know if its because the sprouted soy tofu, or the trader joes chocolate chips, but it did not taste at all like chocolate silk pie ..wich i miss dearly 🙁 even when the pie it became too sweet u could still taste tofuness,,,,anyway im freesing it into fudgesicles that I think will be ubber yummy. I love all your recipes except this and the healthy choclate cake,I firmly belive you should step it up on the chocolate! Chocolate donuts chocolate cheesecake chocolate milk……all that vegan stuff<3

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      If you can find the Mori-Nu, that’s what I use. People say it has MUCH less (if any at all) of an aftertaste. I’ve never heard of sprouted tofu, so I’m not sure how it’d work. Look for the Mori Nu (if you ever want to give this another try) in aseptic packages, in many grocery stores.

  257. Linde says

    Oh my, this cake is THE BEST. I made it yesterday and just had a piece of it.. AMAZING.
    I think it has become even better after some hours in the fridge, to let it firm up.
    I made mine with homemade chocolate. Im not sure whether they sell it in every country, but in Holland the supermarkets sell creamed coconut (santen) and I melt that to make my own healthy chocolate bars.
    This homemade chocolate does taste like coconut, because the santen has a strong flabor, so my cake did taste a bit like coconuts, but it doesnt matter cause I love coconuts!
    Do you know whether it makes any difference if I would use coconut oil? Does that also have a strong coconut flavor?
    Anyways, bloggers: do try the cake, its so easy and DELICIOUS!

  258. Sam says

    Hey katie! I tried making this with mori nu silk firm tofu last week and it never hardened or firmed up like ur picture! Do u think id need exra firm? Is it the choclate or the tofu that makes it hardens as it cools?

  259. Monica says

    I made this tonight with the Mori-nu silken tofu. The flavor is great and extremely rich! I think next time I’ll leave out the extra sweetener. The texture is a little off though. I’m not sure what I could have done differently. Its almost like the chocolate chips hardened into little chips once it got put in the fridge. I’m still going to eat all of it though!

  260. Jet says

    I know this is an old post but I just discovered this recipe. Mine turned out grainy. Perhaps it was the sweetener I used. Maybe I should stick with liquid sweeters. Did anyone else have this problem?

  261. BeccaG says

    The absolute WORST part about making any of your desserts is HAVING to lick the bowl! Can you hear the sarcasm? 🙂 Seriously, I look forward to the fact that I will have to taste test. Haha Anyway, I have made this recipe several times and this last time I let it set and then put it in the freezer overnight…creamy chocolate ice cream! It worked really well! I am going to give some to my little boys and I know they won’t be able to tell it’s full of tofu. *evil laugh!*

  262. Anonymous says

    to start out i wanted to let you know that i LOVE your blog. your incredible and all of the recipies of yours ive tried have been delicious. and the fact theyre all healthy is unbeleivable! ever since ive been making alot of your recipies my hairs had so much shine and im full of energy even though i get very sleep. so i just wanted to say THANKYOU!

    anyways, i just tried this recipie and it has a slightly weird texture, its a bit grainy. is the tofu supossed to be cooked? and i used regular (it dosent say ots silken or firm) tofu, does that still work? im hopeong it will smooth out while chilling. beside the texture, its great!

  263. Amy says

    Hi Katie!
    I’m getting geared up to make this, but since it’s for a dinner party, and I would like to try various twists (with candied ginger, with rum, etc) I was wondering whether once slightly firm it can be rolled into truffles?
    Thanks! xxx

      • Amy says

        Ah but it can 🙂 since I didn’t have time to wait for a reply, I went right ahead and tried it, and it worked like a charm! Absolutely delicious chocolate truffles, which my (dairy and gluten fearing) mother could eat with pleasure, and which my (tofu and health-food fearing) father could gobble up in utter denial! I made some with a little coconut thrown in, which of course gave them more texture and density, but I think I prefered the simple chocolate ones. This is an amazing recipe – and YES it makes truffles <3

  264. Lisa Woodruff says

    “Insanely delicious” is the understatement of the DECADE!!!! I just made this (with your sugar-free chocolate chips recipe) and I’M KINDA FREAKING OUT its so good!!!!!!!! I’ll be taking this to a girls’ night tomorrow night, and it will take EVERY ounce of my self control to not eat it before then! BAH!! You’re AWESOME!!! Just licking off the spatula and bowl (my 2-year old happily helping me with that part, and she really got in there! haha) made me want to get a spoon out and start attacking it!! OH MY GOSH this is good!!!!! It melts in your mouth!!!!

  265. Laura says

    I have made this SO many times, and love it. Just yesterday I added about 1/4 to 1/2 cup peanut butter and oh my goodness…if you love the chocolate/PB combination you HAVE to try it! 🙂

  266. Danie says

    I was wondering if there are any soy free options for this pie? We have soy allergies.. Looks amazing though! And happy birthday!

  267. Cassandra says

    To be completely honest, I was a little wary of this recipe because I have never made anything with tofu before. But shut. The. Front. Door. This is AMAZING. I pretty much licked the bowl clean after pureeing everything together. So rich and delicious. And without all the heavy creams and fat. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!

  268. Hilary says

    I made this tonight for dinner and it turned out FANTASTIC!!!! I knew I needed to write and tell other readers that they should make it immediately!
    My family is full of omnivores who are not usually overly enthusiastic about my more “healthy” tasting desserts, but they LOVED this! They even said it was “too rich”.
    I used firm tofu with about two extra tbsps of soy milk and 3 tbsps of agave nectar. I also LOVED it and know I will be making it again very soon. It kind of reminded me of a really amazing chocolate cheesecake. I put mine is a Keebler pre-made shortbread crust (vegan) and really liked the flavour combination. Thank you for the amazing recipe Katie! No one would have ever guessed it was tofu if I hadn’t told them.

  269. Anonymous says

    Just made this. I did not have a food proccessor so I used a hand mixer and it worked suprisingly well (dont even try putting it in a blender). I tasted the batter before chilling and im very suprised that I did not taste the tofu (bc most recipes that say you cant taste the tofu are lying). Cannot wait til it completely chills.

  270. Eliza says

    Hey Katie I got silken tofu and am using a crust.. Do you think if I make it two days in advance will it firm up or should I just go buy the other firm tofu?

  271. roxanne says

    I love the flavor of this pie but mine was only a 1/2 in tall in a spring form pan where did I go wrong I had the same issue with the cheesecakes too please help

  272. Rachel says

    This pie is so amazingly delicious! Thank you so much for the recipe; chocolate mousse is one of my favorite desserts, but I recently became butter/lactose intolerant and thought I’d have to give it up. I made it yesterday for Thanksgiving, and it was a HUGE hit! It went so fast, I’ll have to make it again (and this time, don’t share…)

  273. Annie says

    My two year old daughter LOVES this recipe. She keeps asking me to make her more Chocolate Pie. She is dairy, egg and nut allergic so from the bottom of my heart I am thanking you for creating and posting this recipe. As a mom, I firmly believe that every child should grow up being able to eat special treats at the holidays. For my family, this is one of those recipes.

  274. Maraika says

    Delicious!!! I used another brand silken type Tofu as I can’t get Mori-Nu here so added 1 tab of Cornflour. And 1/2 vegan choc chips and 1/2 vegan dark chocolate from a block. Next time I will use a springform pan but for now it cuts beautifully and yes I used a Graham type crust. I will definitely take one to my non vegan family Christmas function! Thank you for sharing this yummy recipe.

  275. Lori J. Delgado says

    Hi Katie, wow this looks amazing and I am just about the make it!!! Question, do you think with the chocolate and vanilla it is sweet enough and ok w/out the extra sweetener? I tend to prefer things not too overly sweet so I am thinking it would be fine w/out?? Thanks

  276. Charmine says

    Hi Katie! I tried this recipe out yesterday and it turned out GREAT 😀 I’m thinking of making it into a pie cake topped with fresh fruits for my boyfriend’s birthday. it’ll be great to see his face when he knows he’s actually eating tofu 8)

    anyway, I’d like to ask if it’s possible to substitute the melted chocolate with (melted) nutella instead?

  277. Julia Smith says

    OMG! This is heavenly! My mom saw I was making this with tofu and was lie “Ewww” but I totally proved her wrong!!! Thank you so much Katie, you are amazing! 😀

  278. Stacey Doe says

    I made this for Easter and it was such a hit they want me to make it again for Christmas! Nobody believed tofu was in it, it was delish!!! 🙂

  279. michelle says

    Pardon the pun, but that was easy as pie! I just whipped one up so I can have dessert for Christmas tomorrow (I’m nursing my baby and he seems to react to both gluten and dairy) . I had to shoo my other kids away so they wouldn’t eat it all before I put it in the fridge. 🙂

  280. Nar says

    I made this pie last night, and now all I want to do is talk about the pie and eat the pie and talk about it some more. It’s so good!

  281. Andrea says

    I am going to put this to the ultimate test. My husband is one of those scoffs-at-everything healthy types (especially healthy desserts), and any time I make anything with tofu he won’t even look at it. I have a craving for chocolate cream pie tonight, and all the recipes I’ve looked at are 300+ calories per serving. I don’t want all that! So I’m making this, and I made sure my husband didn’t see me put tofu in it. I even used regular milk (I normally use soy milk) so he can’t blame any weird taste on the milk too. I will report back after he tries it to see if he noticed anything!

  282. Ashley @ Blissful Basil says

    I made this a few nights ago for a date night and it was DELICIOUS! I was hesitant to go crustless but did and the pie was so rich and fudgy that crust would have merely been an obstacle to work around in order to get to another tasty bite. Yum!

  283. Linda says

    This is soooooo good. This is the first thing that I have tried to make from CCK. Now I am a believer.
    Amazing. It doesn’t taste like tofu, no after taste. Easy to trick people. 😛
    Very easy to make and even easier to eat!

  284. Kellen says

    Hey Katie,

    I really love all the recipes you post! Trully amazing. I was planning on making this tonight but im out of tofu. What could you suggest as a quick substitute and how much of it?

  285. emmylee says

    I’ve had this recipe saved for a looonggg time and finally decided to make it. I’m so glad I did! I’m now in the process of making my 2nd pie of the weekend for a 2nd get-together. It was a hit at the first one and I’m sure it will be again. I love that it’s SO incredibly easy, HEALTHY, and tastes amazing. Even my boyfriend who shudders at the sight of tofu and was extremely skeptical thought it was delicious. I’m adding strawberries and whipped cream to the top of the 2nd pie and my mind is literally spinning thinking of all the other variations that are possible. Every once in a while a recipe will get me really overly excited, and this one has done it! 🙂

  286. Addie Zebrowski says

    I just made this for my family using Hershey’s Special Dark chips and 2 tbsp of agave. I made it with the “Ridiculously Easy Chocolate Pie Crust” too. We all loved it!!!! Definitely my new favorite pie/cake!!!

  287. A tasty love story says

    Hi Katie…
    Love your creativity, so cool, def. gonna play around with tofu (I’m telling you it is not a common product here in Denmark). I was just wondering if the calories from the pie crust are included in the nutrition calculations or am I gonna add it myself?
    All the best from Josephine

  288. Kira says

    I made this tonight, using 8oz Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate chips, firm tofu, Stevia, and no crust. Wow. I thought I’d save some cutting time, and portioned them into 8 foil cupcake liners. Worked like a dream!!! Instant pie on the go!! Going to try another round of it using PB2!! Thanks for the great recipe!

  289. Alexis Morris says

    I made this last night and it’s awesome. So quick, simple,and delicious. I can’t believe it took me so long to learn about this recipe.. this is going to be a staple!

  290. cessily says

    I made this with two packs of tofu and a whole bag of chocolate chips, then put it in and almond meal crust ( 1 1/3 cup almond meal 3 tablespoons butter) in a springform pan. It was like chocolate cheese cake yumm!!!!

  291. Erica says

    This pie was SO GOOD. New staple recipe in my house!!! I brought it to school for a belated Pi Day celebration in my math class (we had finals on the real Pi Day), and it also happened to be my friend’s bday today so it was perfect – Everyone who tried it loved it so much. Even this one guy who NEVER says nice things about anything/anyone told me that it was incredible and gave me a fist bump, lol. Thanks!!! I can’t wait to try new combos – my mom thinks it would be good with a tiny bit of orange cointreau … I think I’m going to try raspberry or mint extract next!

  292. Anastasia says

    Thanks for the inspiration! I made this today, with the following ingredients:

    325 grams very firm tofu, pressed out as much water as i could
    2 overripe bananas
    200 grams dark chocolate
    bit of extra cacao
    bit of salt
    Crust: oatmeal, cacao, coconut oil, honey -> bake 10 min

    It turned out as a nice and firm mousse, absolutely delicious!! No tofu taste whatsoever. Will definitely make more versions. Thank yoooouuu!

    • Anastasia says

      I’m thinking of spreading a thin layer of peanut butter under the mousse next time I make it… Ooooooh can’t wait!

  293. Sophie says

    Hi! I just wanted to say that I made this today, and my family of non-health food eaters loved it! it was amazing, thank you so much for the recipe. I will definitely be making it again.

  294. Melissa says

    I have loved every recipe I’ve tred from here – and that’s been a lot of recipes. I have to admit I was a little skeptical of this one. I’ve never had tofu and really didn’t want to try it. But I decided to give it a shot. I couldn’t find the tofu you recommended and almost gave up on making it because I didn’t want to use a different tofu. Well I went ahead and bought the kroger organic brand of firm tofu because that was basically my only option. Well, I can honestly say I’m in love with this pie!! It’s soooo good!! My kids love it too! My husband however didn’t – oh well – more for me!

  295. Nicole says

    Whoa, so would I be correct in calculating that using lite tofu and no chocolate chips or crust, the ENTIRE pie would have less than 200 calories?!

  296. Rosemary says

    I make this weekly. I do not use a crust. My family LOVES it! It is perfect as is. I have made changes over time in an effort to use less processed food. I use 1/2 cup chocolate chips, 1/4 cup cocoa powder, 2-3 tablespoons maple syrup and omit the milk. Thank you Katie!

  297. Lee says

    Katie, is is really only 1 tsp of cocoa powder in this fudge pie recipe?
    BTW, had this at a party and it was the hit of the evening.

  298. RadioTunerLooser says

    I made this just the other day and it didn’t really turn out that well. I used firm tofu, but my blender was packed so It didn’t mix that well. So anyway, it had a horrible texture. It wasn’t bad tasting though!

  299. Audrey says

    Ok, so I’m a proud Polish girl who was raised on good food, and lots of it. When I see a recipe like this, I instantly think, “Pfffft riiiiight.” Well, I decided to give it a try. Oh. My. Goodness. I only licked the spoon, but it was amazing.

    Humbled Polish Girl

  300. Julia says

    Hi Katie!
    this recipe looks fantastic! Do you think it would be possible for me to replace the melted chocolate with 3/4 cup banana/applesauce/pumpkin and 1/4 cup cocoa (with added sweetener of course!)? I was making this for my dad and he really needs to watch his fat intake (even healthy fats).
    what would you recommend? Again, Thanks for sharing! Love your site 😀

  301. Kathleen says

    I just made this, and it is wonderful. I used 8 oz of Trader Joe Pound Plus chocolate (72%) instead of chocolate chips, and I used the Mori-Nu firm tofu. As an aside, I have been finding Mori-Nu tofu at Fred Meyer in the refrigerated section with the other tofu, even though it doesn’t need refrigerating. For a crust, I used the crumbs from the bottom of a bag of Costco Cashew Clusters I’d been wondering what to do with. I just threw them into a pie plate and poured the pie filling on top. Easy! Delicious! Thank you so much for a great idea.

  302. Sarah says

    I just made this.. It literally is the best thing I have ever eaten. I can’t believe I have been living without knowing about this! And you’re definitely right. I REALLY did NOT want to share. And I used day old babycakes cupcakes as a crust. Pretty fantastic that way. Even my dad that swears that he hates tofu in desserts raved about it! Thank you again Katie for all your fantastic recipes! It’s going to be my new go-to stress snack when I’m in med school!

  303. Mich says

    Hey Katie!

    I made your fudge pie last night and although it tasted AMAZING it was more like a pudding as it did not firm up…I followed the directions, sprayed a pie dish with olive oil (to make it crust-less) and placed it in the fridge for 3 hours before serving. I would love to make it again as it was a huge hit with the family, any tips on what I can do to firm it up next time?

    Thank you 🙂

  304. cindi perron says

    i absolutely adore this recipe! i thought i’d lost the link forever as one day i got a message that i needed to be invited to view your blog. don’t know how it got fixed, but i’m very glad it did!

    • cindi perron says

      oops! i wrote that comment on the wrong blog!! hehe…….can’t wait to try this chocolate pie, it looks divine!

  305. Sherri says

    Have you figured the carbs? For those of us doing the “low carb” thing…I wonder if this would be a good dessert. Thanks,

  306. Missy says

    Okay, now that I’ve tasted the spoon–and my crustless pie is chilling for 7 hours before we enjoy it for Sunday dessert (think we’ll last that long?)……there are no words! Just a steady progression of m’s!

    I attempted to make this a month ago when I found your recipe. I can’t believe it’s been here for nearly 2 years and I JUST discovered it. For my first attempt, I didn’t have a working blender NOR food processor and thought I might try really, really mixing it with a whisk. Bad idea—grainy texture, not good.

    Hubby bought me a new blender, and I scored an almost-retro 1970s General Electric workshorse blender at our Goodwill for $5.99. This thing is orange and brown, heavy, made of solid heavy metal and plastic parts and wow, it was just the thing to make your pie perfectly! I gave my slightly-drained tofu a quarter-inch dice, threw it in with other ingredients except chocolate chips, gave it a few pulses, added about 1 T extra of almond milk, plus about 1 T of cocoa powder, and gave it a whir. THEN I slowly drizzled in the melted chocolate while it was whirring. I had to stop it to scrape the sides, and trickled in just a bit more almond milk as it was the consistency of butter (not a bad thing). Voila! Into a glass pyrex pie plate I scraped it, then of course I had to have a spoon to scrape the last bits. WOW! A texture like thick chocolate buttercream (and how does it taste like chocolate buttercream?). I drizzled the remaining melted chocolate chips (I used the whole 12 oz bag–why not?) on top for a chocolate crowning glory!
    Your side photo of the pie is what got me. It looks like the texture of a good, solid scoop of actually chocolate ice cream…like the Haggen Dazs I love. See the texture? I knew such a pie was for me, and I can’t wait to share this recipe with all my friends! THIS is the pie I will share at all my girls’ gatherings, homeschool coop meetups, Sunday dinner desserts and MORE! thank you thank you thank you and just….mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

    • Missy says

      Whoops, that’s a GE food PROCESSOR, not blender, that I used. Everyone who tried this–you really need a good food processor, or maybe a Vitamix would work. Start by pulsing all ingredients save for your melted chocolate, and drizzle that in slowly. Stop once or twice to scrape sides. I finished by drizzling in a tiny stream of more almond milk. Also, there is absolutely no additional sweetener necessary (agave recommended as optional) for this recipe–the chocolate chips are sweet enough, and I find the tofu to be naturally a little sweet on its own. I’ve made peanut butter pudding before by blending peanut butter, tofu and almond milk in my blender, but now I’m thinking of amazing ways I could add to this pie (peanut butter? Mint? A layer of almonds and homemade caramel for caramel turtle pie), but then my good sense tells me to leave well enough–in this case, pure chocolate perfection–alone! Anyway, sorry for my numerous typos and misspellings. I am really bad about typing (quickly and passionately) and not proofing FIRST. 😉

  307. Bridget says

    Hi Katie,

    I LOVE this recipe. Brought it to a party – it was DEVOURED. I do have a question though – if I’m craving banana cream pie, like freezer box banana cream pie, is there a way to use the same silken tofu base? Maybe using vanilla flavoring & bananas? I’m seeing a lot of vegan recipes that call for coconut milk as the base, but thought you might come up with a twist so I can use the other pack of silken tofu I bought 😉

    Thanks & great recipes,


  308. Sarah says

    Hi, Katie!
    you know it’s an awesome recipe when people are still leaving comments about it two years later! I just made this, and it was amazing. I was going to tell you that your Vegan Cool Whip is a perfect addition, but then I saw that you’d done that in one of the pix. Great minds think alike? I found the Mori-Nu tofu – it was packaged in a carton with very little water, not in a tub like the other tofus in the store – so the filling came together just as you describe in the post. I also found a wonderful pie crust made with almond flour from some Paleo diet website, and it was perfect with it. (I’m sure you’ve tried such things – you don’t even like THOSE pie crusts???) Trader Joe’s coconut cream eventually whipped into Vegan Cool Whip, but I hadn’t chilled it much at all before I started…
    You create the kinds of desserts that I would create if I had more time – so I just love it that you’ve put them on the web for the rest of us to enjoy. I also want to try those Zucchini fries you posted not too long ago…. those look like THE way to eat up all that zucchini!

  309. Noree says

    I always love looking through your recipes but I usually don’t have time to make any of them since I have very little time and usually don’t have all the ingredients. After bookmarking this recipe a few years ago I finally got around to making it! It was DELISH!! Although I don’t have a food processor so I had to make it in a magic bullet… you can imagine it took much longer than the expected 5 minutes. First I blended the tofu in batches until it was smooth, then again in batches I added the remaining ingredients and then finally blended everything together in batches to add to the pie dish. I didn’t make a crust because who knows how long that would have taken to make in the magic bullet 😛 but it tasted amazing, I used firm tofu and refrigerated it in my way-too-cold fridge so it was sort of a mix between chocolate pie and a brownie, so good 🙂 thanks for all the recipes katie!

  310. Elena says

    Hey Katie! I know this is an old post, but you need to know that you’re a wonderful human being. I put this in a flax pie crust of my own and it’s just amazing.

  311. Elizabeth says

    This recipe is RIDICULOUSLY delicious. I just licked the bowl like a mad woman! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  312. Victoria Van Vlear says

    This is my family’s favorite Chocolate Covered Katie recipe! Even though it has tofu (definitely not a family favorite), they love it. Whenever I make it, they insist on rationing the pieces to make sure that no one gets more than their fair share 🙂 I have been allergic to dairy my entire life, and this pie (with the diary substitutes) has allowed me to find out what chocolate fudge tastes like for the first time. Thanks, Katie!

  313. Tamara says

    I just made this and Love it! Thank you so much! I have one question. What size portion is the nutritional information for?

  314. Lily says

    Hiya! I don’t have your recommended tofu, but I looked online and apparently there is another type of tofu that people use from Trader Joe’s. I know you have said before you don’t have a TJ’s, but do you know if Nigari Silken Tofu works for this recipe?

  315. Savannah says

    Hi Katie,

    I just made this pie and it’s in the fridge. Delicious! However I’m not sure that I’ll get it all eaten in time before it goes off, so I was wondering, do you think you could freeze it?

  316. Savannah says

    Hi Katie, I just made this pie. Absolutely delicious! However, I don’t think I’ll get it all eaten by the time it goes off, so I was wondering if you are able to freeze it? Thanks 🙂

  317. Lily says

    I just made this recipe for people that are not used to healthy desserts, and they love me (and you for that matter) for this recipe! I found your tofu, and I just used regular chocolate chips so no risks for them DELICIOUS! THANK YOU!

  318. Chris D. says

    Hey Katie! I love the way this tastes but I’m having trouble finding the ingredients that match the nutritional value of what you listed. I completed the recipe using the ingredients below, used 10 slices as my nutritional value, and I listed below what the total value was. What did I do wrong or which brands specifically did you use? I think what blew it out of the water for me were the chocolate chips (Ghiradelli). Thanks!!

    Nutritional Value based on 10 slices:
    Calories: 172.9
    Fat: 11.5
    Protein: 4.4

  319. Julia says

    I’ve made this cake twice in only a few days. It’s REALLY good! Today I had it with a crust made out of shredded coconut and dried apricots, and I served it with fresh raspberries. Just… wow. ‘Amazing’ doesn’t even cover it! I had my non-vegan friends try it and they were impressed, to say the least. Not a single crumb was left on the plate.

    Also, thank you for this wonderful blog. I’m recovering from an ED and your recipes – as well as your attitude towards food – have offered me a lot of help. Thanks to you I’m not as afraid of fat and sugar anymore. 🙂 So yeah, thank you!

  320. Jen says

    Made this for family reunion. Doubled the recipe for a 9×13″ pan, and used a mix of 78% and 72% cacao chocolate and lite firm and extra firm mori-nu silken tofu. Everybody enjoyed it, even my health-un-conscious dad.

  321. Alice says

    Hey there!
    Your latest post made me crave chocolate so i tried this recipe with some leftover firm tofu. I only had a really small amount of tofu on hand so i made a super-mini-version of this recipe and made xxxs-“muffins” out of it, but it was SOOO awesome! Mori Nu is not available where I live so i had to use regular, which really caused a slight aftertaste. That wasn’t too bad, i like the taste of tofu, but the chocolate fudge it turned out to be was so filling that i was full after half the mini-recipe (wich equals like 1 1/2 slices or so).
    Is it strange to eat this cake for breakfast?

  322. Veronica says

    I just stuck this in the fridge to chill for my son’s 3rd birthday tomorrow. I looked like a crazy person trying to lick every ounce of left over batter, it is so good!! I can’t wait to see the final result. My son topped it with rainbow sprinkles upon request, haha, so that will be interesting. I think he’s going to LOVE it (he’s a sucker for chocolate). I love your blog and wanted to say thank you so much for all of the recipes! My baby has issues with allergies so your recipes have helped me to feel like I can spoil him on occasion without giving him a load of crap ingredients. :]

  323. Nan C says

    Pinned this a while back and finally made it today. It is truly easy, delicious, decadent, and creamy! Even my boyfriend loved it and he is a sweetaholic. Loved that something this good is good for us. Thank you!

  324. Cassandra says

    This pie is awesome!! I made it today for my vegan husband and our non-vegan friend. Our friend said that this was the first vegan pie he’s ever eaten and he was raving about it. So rich!!!

  325. healthy pie? says

    Ew. Doesn’t look good to me. Then I scroll to the ingredients list, nd there you have it. TOFU. um.. noFU thank you. I don’t even know how to buy tofu. oh well 🙁 Tofu substitute?

  326. Emma says

    I had a little left over tofu so I decided to try and make a half batch of this recipe – which ended having to be put in separate single serve moulds without the pie crust – to try it… And oh my!!! This is seriously amazing. So rich and delicious! I gave it to my Mum and she feel in love with it and then I told her it was tofu. She didn’t believe me! Thnak you so much for this recipe : )

    P.S. I can’t wait for your cookbook!

  327. Nancy Stein says

    This is the most wonderful chocolate pie in the world. Unfortunately, it is NOT healthy made with tofu. Evidently, the only healthy tofu, is of the fermented variety; definitely not pie making material. There must be a solution to this tragic dilemma.

  328. Silke says

    Best. Dessert. Ever. Period. Thanks so much for coming up with this delicious recipe. I can’t believe I only discovered it now, as I love all things chocolate! This entire website is a wonderful idea, and I can’t wait to try more of your recipes – and have already recommended you to a few friends. 🙂 Keep up the amazing work!!

  329. mary says

    I’m sitting in here in Scotland on a cold day browsing for recepies. I came across this website. What can I say. All these great choc recepies made in minutes. I have just mixed the ingredients for the choc fudge pie but I have some left. Can I freeze the remainder? If not I’m going to have to eat it all. Thanks

  330. Jenna says

    Hi Katie, I just made this pie last night using your chocolate crust. I put it in muffin tins – it filled 18 of them, but when I calculated the calories I got that each mini pie was 191. Where do you get your numbers? And how do you get the filling to be smooth? I was having trouble in the blender because it seemed too dry and the melted chocolate started hardening. I kept adding almond milk so it would mix. Should I warm up the tofu first so it is not cold (I think this is why the chocolate chips were hardening)? I also drained the liquid off of my tofu. Should I have used it in the pie?

    – Jenna

  331. Luciana says

    Hii! I really wanna do this recipe, but where I live I can find tofu, is there other ingredient I can use to replace it? Love your blog. Have a nice day!!

  332. AKG says

    I’ve made this a few times now. It’s delicious, thanks so much! I find that the tofu aftertaste is lessened by pressing the water from the tofu before using it. I wrap the tofu in a towel, put my cutting board on top, and set a book or heavy bowl or something on the board to press the water out, which the towel then absorbs. I leave it like this from 10-15 minutes. This works best for firm tofus — the silken ones leave lots of detrius on the towel. Anyway, pressing tofu really makes a difference in taste and texture! (I also try to freeze my tofu and then thaw it before pressing/using it if I want it to be firm… It changes the texture a lot.) Anyway, thanks again for the recipe. It’s great!

  333. Dori H says

    I found your blog and need to say thank you. You were my gift this year, not you but your work. :). I absolutely love the refuge pie, so did family.

  334. Taisa says

    LOVE this recipe! So delicious and easy! I made it with your easy chocolate pie crust. Both myself and my dad are celiac and chocoholics, so it will be nice to have another recipe in the bank for birthdays!

  335. Justin says

    This was totally fantastic. It feels like it should be sinful, when its really not bad at all! Non-vegan friends thought it was too bitter, so if I make it for friends and family in the future, I might just toss in some real sugar instead of stevia. But when I make it just for me (…to eat in one sitting, most likely), I think it’s perfect just the way it is. Oh, just the way it is and topped with your coconut milk “whipped cream.” Love it! Thank you!

  336. Heidi says

    WOW, I just made this and it did NOT disappoint!! Then again, how could it, with all that semi sweet chocolate?! But I’ve used silken tofu before and I love the way it created the mousse-like texture. I took the liberty of adding a scant teaspoon of coffee granules, bc I’ve read that it enhances chocolate flavor. You were right about the Agave!!! It what have been sweet enough without it… next time 🙂 THANK YOU for this delicious dessert recipe… by the way, I’m 19 wks preggo, so the baby thanks you too, ha!