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As visions of sugarplums did not dance in her head

When I started my blog, I was trying hard to gain weight by consuming tons of vegan junk food. If you read my early entries, you’ll find many posts about sugary desserts, and even some posts that mention me having a snack of multiple pieces of cake (such as in this post).

I was constantly consuming exorbitant amounts of vegan layer cake, brownies, cookies, and downing soy ice cream by the pint (in a single sitting) in an attempt to put some weight on. However, there were two problems with this strategy:

One was that I’d feel so awful after stuffing so much junk into me that it would cause me to undereat later (and thus, I didn’t see any lasting weight gain). Two was that all the sugar I was consuming was really draining me of energy.

After a few months of eating like this, I had to seriously change my diet.  Nowadays, I eat a high-calorie diet, but it’s mostly made up of healthy foods, with very little sugar. I feel much better this way.

See the following post for more: Chocolate-Covered Katie: My High Calorie Diet.

Published on August 26, 2008

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. A.Cook says

    Not boring at all–always interesting to see how people choose their blog names or URLs or both.

    PS-Your little cousins are actually some of the cutest children I have seen in a long time!

  2. Green Eyes, Green Heart says

    I like your URL! And I think you look great–just the way a chocolate-covered vegan should!
    (People pick on me for being “too thin” also, and whenever someone asks me how much I weigh, I counter with: “Would you ask an obese person that question?” Works every time. ;D )

    • Hawaii Leah says

      From another “thin” person who has experienced that same question one too many times–thank you! I am definitely going to use that line next time!

  3. Ricki says

    Thanks for the explanation, though you shouldn’t feel you have to explain yourself! And whatever URL you choose to use, I’ll still read. 🙂

  4. shellyfish says

    You don’t need to explain a thing, baby!

    My mum grew up stick thin and had just the most horrible time with people being mean, name calling, etc. I mean, really thin. In her early 20s the doctor then suggested she drink chocolate malts and eat junk to gain weight so she could have kids. She very reluctantly followed this horrible advice and sadly became really addicted to junk food. She had her first heart attack before hitting 50, and now just longs for the days of being skinny. I’m so glad you got out of that trap, Special K! You’re a smart cookie!

  5. Nikki Douglas says

    Katie – I have been very slim and very fat and you are 100 percent correct that it is about coming to terms with YOU, just as you are – no matter how much or how little you weigh. My best friend Stephanie was very thin in her youth and didn’t start to gain weight (she is very healthy – a yoga teacher) until she was in her thirties. She will not ever be curvy but she looks great. Thank goodness we aren’t all the same.

  6. RhodeyGirl/Irbas/Sabrina says

    thank you very much for the explanation. i also wondered about the blog name. good for you for listening to your body. that is really great

  7. Vegan_Noodle says

    I don’t think your blog url should be a big deal… blogs are evolving just like people so it’s hard to choose one thing that will stick forever! And I must thank you for leaving it so we don’t all have to change our blog readers, etc…. such a pain!

  8. Bianca says

    I had wondered about that…not because you’re thin but because most of your food is super-healthy (even if it is in large portions…I’m a little jealous that I can’t eat that much without blowing up like a balloon…but I was a fat kid, so I know my limits…).

    I’m glad you’ve learned to love your body and stopped cramming down junk food (even if junk food does taste yummy!). I think you’re adorable just the way you are!

  9. Theresa says

    I used to hate it in high school and the early days of uni (before I started drinking beer) when people would make remarks like “you’re so skinny” or “don’t you ever eat?” If it were the other way around, and someone said “You’re so fat, do you ever stop stuffing your face?” it would be completely unacceptable.

    So, although I love your blog url, I’m very glad to hear that you’ve come to terms with yourself and stopped listening to people who say you need to bulk up!

  10. Ruby Red Vegan says

    Hey, I thought this was a really interesting post! I’m glad you made the point that a junk food vegan diet just isn’t sustaining, and also that you found a way to eat that you’re really happy with. Yay for those healthy foods! Can I also say that I am secretly excited about your “what I eat in a day”?! I think it will be amusing, with that crazy revved-up metabolism of yours!

  11. Lauren says

    You don’t have to explain a thing! I think you are (and look) fabulous! 🙂 And of course you can add me to your blogroll!

  12. Vegan On Stage says

    KATIE! i think that you look great and the most important thing is to be healthy. I have had the opposite problem in the past. My weight has always been an issue and veganism has been a wonderful answer. I think its great that you have chosen to eat a high calorie healthy diet (god knows there are ways!) I also think your a great role model for those who do struggle with gaining weight.
    Just know that your beautiful!!!

  13. aTxVegn says

    As they say, what’s in a name? I’m glad you don’t blog about how to gain weight eating junk food! You are beautiful and I can’t imagine blogland without you.

  14. Anonymous says

    eating junk food to gain weight is incredibly dumb. there’s a healthy way to do everything, even putting on pounds.
    i’m not a vegan, not even a vegetarian, but i’m a health nut, and i eat mostly vegan/vegetarian, mainly because preparing meat takes time that i don’t always have.
    plus, i just happen to love the way a lot of vegan/vegetarian food tastes.
    i was wondering, do vegans ever battle anemia? i had a problem with it when i was younger, and was put on iron pills, but they made me sick and have horrible cramps. what do vegans do to treat anemia?

  15. VeganCowGirl says

    Katie! You are who you are, and folks who write comments about your weight are so short sighted and unimportant.

    You are an uber wonderful blogger, and an obviously great cook/baker!

    Thanks for sharing the information!

  16. The Voracious Vegan says

    Be proud of who you are. My entire family is very thin but extremely fit and healthy. In fact, when I was younger, I got called into the counselor’s office at school to be asked if I had an eating disorder. And when people find out I’m a vegan they get this look in their eyes like ‘Ahhh….that is why she is so thin.’ But they are wrong, I’ve just always been like this. I don’t care about being thin, I care about being STRONG, and I am!

  17. CeciLiA says

    You are so kind, Katie!! You don’t have to explain a thing to anyone about your URL :0)

    It’s annoying that people always assume that every skinny people MUST have some sort of eating disorder if they eat too healthfully (of course, there are some out there – BUT not all of us have one!!!) – I mean people who look ‘normal’ can eat as healthfully as they want to – i.e.: have low fat food, and people won’t pick on them – but when it comes to skinny people eating such food – some ‘anonymous’ commenter just jumps in and declare that you have an ‘eating disorder’, sheesh, give me a break!!!

  18. Aimee says

    You are such a sweet person, as anyone who reads your blog can quickly discover. I think that it is great that you strive to be and feel healthy.

  19. sportsnutritionliving says

    I really enjoyed that post.. it is great thatyou are so open about your body image and stuggles, I am sure you have heard a lot of people say things to you… but I think it is def important to learn to be comfortable with who we are and except things we may never be able to change!

  20. Vaala says

    Just thought I’d let you know you have good taste! The Princess Bride and chocolate…truly awesome like you said (oh, and awesome like you!!).

  21. Cody says

    I had a lot of issues with my weight when I was in high school. I remember eating a lot of peanut butter, because it was the most calorie-filled thing in the house. I also remember eating an entire stuffed-crust pizza on my 14th birthday and throwing up. A lot. I wore long sleeves all the time, trying to avoid comments about my arms.

    Lately, though… I’m quite happy with my body. I even think I look decent in skinny jeans, which just accentuate the bean-pole shape of my body.

  22. Patrick says

    You could always come hit the weights at the gym with my friend and I! We’ll get your weight up!

    I’m thinking of having that BBQ like Sunday the 14th. Would that be a good date for you? I’m trying to get an idea of what works for people

  23. Patrick says

    Actually, after I posted this I remembered I’m going to be out of town that weekend– the next weekend then!

  24. lengslog says

    I wouldn’t mind at all to change your URL on my blogroll. I agree with Ricki. I will still read your blog, regardless of the URL name.
    happy blogging and eating! 🙂

  25. ChocolateCoveredVegan says


    Haha, I’d love to go to the gym with you and your friend! I try to lift weights three times a week, but it sadly doesn’t seem to be making my arms any bigger (although I know I’m getting stronger, because I’ve progressed from 5lb weights to 8 to 10).

    I think I’m around all September ;o).

  26. Stephanie says

    hi, i’m a new reader and i really love all your recipes and blog posts!! i’m a huge lover of those clif bars and stuff as well.
    i’m just commenting because i just feel the same way as you do. I’ve been trying SO HARD to gain weight recently..
    Lyk i’ve eaten 3/4 cup (180ml) of peanut butter A DAY.
    And then i would feel so sick and stuff for the entire day..and I would have diarrhea everyday (even now)
    I’ve been eating protein powders and trail mixes as well..
    Now I’ve gained 4kgs since I began doing all this.
    I was really interested in your blog because I was originally a really healthy-eater. I love eating foods that just happen to be healthy! (lol)
    When this weight-gain journey is over, I’m really looking forward to trying your recipes. But really, I just wanted to say Thank You.

  27. Tricia says

    I can see how you feel about eating too much sugar. when i get too much sugar, i get a bad migraine and end up incapacitated for the rest of the day or so :P. Same thing happens when i consume too much caffeine.

  28. Julia says

    Hey Katie! I am a huuuuge fan of your blog so i thank you veeery much for being such a wonderful blogger. I am so impressed and find myself drooling like hell on the computer way too often at the recipes;) And I totally know how you feel when people comment on your weight as you have told! I have also been quite skinny my whole life and I lost some weight because of stress a few years ago and people still think they have some right to have an oppinion about my looks even if they didn’t know me that well. Most important is as you have said that you yourself know your healthy and the closest people in your life too! So thank you again! Oh and yeah you rock girl keep it going!<3

  29. Monica says

    So if you’re trying to eliminate your sugar intake then why do so many of your recipes include foods like bananas? their sugar amounts are really high, is this type of sugar OKAy to consume?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I never said I’m trying to eliminate my sugar intake. I eat in a way that works for me, which is low in added sugars and also not super-high in natural sugars. Yes, I use bananas, but it’s not like I eat 5 every day. Maybe I eat 2-3 servings of fruit per day? Honestly, I don’t really worry about my sugar intake; I just don’t eat all the processed junk anymore, and I feel so much better.

  30. Shanna-Banana says

    I love your blog! I was surprised to find someone with such a similar problem to mine. I did the exact same thing, and I’m currently struggling to gain weight on a HEALTHY diet (I want to go at least vegetarian, but my parents won’t let me–I still tend to stay away from meat though, except fish). I learned that even eating a ton of sweets (like eating a whole pint of soy ice-cream or a whole giant bar of super dark chocolate–which I will admit to doing; I still occasionally eat entire bars of Green & Black’s 85%) won’t help you gain weight, for that exact reason. Binging like that made me feel horrible and guilty. I’ve tried quite a few of your recipes, and loved ALL of them, especially the healthy milkshakes (the mint-chocolate chip is my favorite!;). Pretty much anything tastes good with frozen banana, so I’ve learned. I love experimenting with food and making healthy-as-possible and creative snacks and meals, and hope to one day be a chef. Again, love your blog! It’s awesome. : )

  31. MinTheSugarholic says

    Ohmigosh! This is so me!! I do think I used to feel better when I was in highschool and mother cooked for me…but now we’re kind of in diffrent countries.Hmm,, I think I really should think about this “Consumption of Sugar” thing. In my case, since sugar makes energy fast and doesn’t require cooking, I always have it nearby…And If i quit sugar, I’d be eating next to nothing. But I’m concerned that living off sugar isn’t the way to go for health.
    But quitting sugar isn’t easy… Maybe I’ll call Mom and ask for some advice.,

    Thank you Katie, for your reply(I wasn’t expecting one so fast…you’re great.) and advice.
    If I hadn’t read your postings, I wouldn’t have thought about my eating habits at all! Your posts have been very helpful ;D

    ***Lots of Gratitude from Me to CCK***

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I definitely wouldn’t quit sugar all together… we need a little sweetness in our lives, right? 😉
      But maybe even cutting back just a little bit (while not cutting back on calories) will make you feel more energetic. As I said, I don’t know if it’ll work, but it worked for me!

      Chocolate hugs to you 🙂

  32. Michelle says

    I love reading about your experiences with your weight. Sometimes it’s hard for us to come to terms with who we are because people keep telling us to be what we can’t be. Not everyone is meant to be slim, and not everyone is meant to be curvy. But everyone in the world can be two things, happy and healthy. As I got older, I leaned to accept myself and you have helped me do that, Katie :). I just really hope that others can read the things you post and interpret them the way I have. Life is too special to waste on diets and obsessive eating. The biggest tragedy that a human can experience is existing in a world where there is so much brilliance, and not being able to see it or feel it. Life is too precious to waste.

  33. Whitney says

    I LOVE this! I’ve wanted to write on this matter on my own blog just to convey a different understanding of weight, but have been so hesitant in fear of the responses. My fears aren’t entirely unjustified because I’ve heard some of the nastiest, rudest remarks regarding being thin. (Serious- “I want to stove spoonfuls of mash potatoes in your mouth” was one individual’s eloquent comment to me!). I’ve tried to gain to no avail. I’ll never be curvy, but it would be nice to actually be able to shop in the women’s dept. considering I’m in my mid 20s. haha. Interestingly, my husband is the exact same way. We’re both tall and lean, and together we’re quite the pair. We frequentlly joke about the double dose of long & lean genes any child we would have would inherit. haha. Anyways, I just wanted to share a little as I know that there aren’t many others who truly understand this side of things. Thanks for sharing your story! 🙂

  34. Jess says

    I LOVE your blog and your recipes!! I also love reading about your journey with diet/exercise. I would like to know what your pre-run breakfast consists of. I run or spin or do some form of exercise very early in the morning and I usually just have a banana and coffee before I start. I’ve often wondered if I could go longer with protein or something with more sustenance, but I don’t really know what to try. I love oatmeal for my post-run/exercise meals, but what about before?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I know it’s a really personal thing… Some people can eat huge amounts of food and be ok, while others can’t even tolerate a little. For me, I usually eat a handful of nuts and some fruit. (So like 1/2 a grapefruit and some pistachios, or 1/2 cup honeydew and some cashews, etc :).)

  35. Heidi says

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I have one daughter who is underweight, so it’s always a struggle to find high-calorie food that is healthy. She is only 2, so I want to make sure she gains weight, but also learns healthy eating habits at the same time. Thank you!

  36. Heather says

    I enjoyed reading your story as I also have heard all the comments (“You’re trying to gain weight? Wish I had that problem. Want some of mine?”). It is very frustrating & hurtful. I have also gone down the trying-to-gain-weight-in-not-so-healthy-ways road. It is so nice to see someone else in the same boat as me!

    Hope you’ve had a great weekend!

  37. Kris says

    I have a similar story in some ways. I was really underweight in high school and I tried eating junk food to gain weight, but it didn’t work. I found that when I didn’t stress too much and made sure I got enough protein, I was able to gain weight.

  38. alya says

    Katie, your body is gorgeous. You’re gorgeous! don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
    I know i have a nice curvy body, but unlike you, i store fat so easily :'( (but i do train and workout to get a nice balance).
    I’m curvy but i wish i was less curvy. SO be grateful for what you have. Every single person on this blog is crazy pretty anyway!

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