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Sugar Free Powdered Sugar

5 from 26 votes

How to make sugar free powdered sugar, which works for any recipe that calls for regular powdered sugar. It’s SO easy!

Sugar Free Powdered Sugar Recipe

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…

Is it snowing where you are?

As usual, Dallas weather doesn’t know what it wants to do. So it vacillates from 25 to 75 and back again.

Shorts one day, fleece pants the next. Always on our toes.

No snow here yet, but I do have white powder of a different sort: sugar-free powdered sugar. (Oxymoron?)

Every Christmas for as long as I can remember, my mom has made multiple batches of pixie cookies (the little chocolate crinkle cookies, dusted with powdered sugar).

Last month I decided it was time to try creating a healthier, vegan version of those crowd-friendly chocolate pixies. In my quest to “healthify” the recipe, I landed on an article describing how to turn Splenda into powdered sugar.

This got me to thinking, “If you can do it with Splenda, why not with other sweeteners?”

So I tried it, first with Sucanat and then with Xylitol.

Both times, it worked!

vegan powdered sugar

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Sugar Free Powdered Sugar

How to make keto and sugar free powdered sugar the easy way at home.
Total Time 5 minutes
Yield 1 recipe
5 from 26 votes


  • 1 cup granulated sweetener of choice, such as coconut sugar or erythritol
  • optional 1-2 tsp arrowroot or cornstarch, to prevent clumping when stored


  • Blend all ingredients in a blender. It’ll smoke a little, but that’s okay. You should have powdered sugar in a matter of seconds! Store in a covered container in the pantry, just as you’d store regular powdered sugar.
    Healthy Glaze Icing:
    Combine 1 cup of the above powdered sugar with 1 1/2 tbsp milk of choice and 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract. Use in place of regular powdered sugar icing, on cookies or cupcakes, etc.
    The Best Cinnamon Roll Baked Oatmeal Recipe


The recipe is sugar-free if you use xylitol or erythritol, but the technique works with regular sugar too, or evaporated cane juice, sucanat, coconut sugar, or even brown sugar. So if you find yourself in the middle of baking something and you run out of powdered sugar, just make your own!

Have you made this recipe?

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And now I’m going to return to eating my chocolate pixie cookies. Hope you all have a lovely day!

Published on January 22, 2012

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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    • charlie says

      wait just a gosh darn minute! i remember my 7th grade chemistry; starch is just two sugar molecules together! this is hardly sugar free; in fact, one tablespoon of corn starcg has 15 more grams of sugar than plain old granulated sugar!! WTF!! the chemicals added in terms of cylitol or splenda hardly outweigh the fact that you are literally eating 150% of the sugar you would have had eith actual sugar. maybe those who eat healthy should actually study nutrition and biochemistry. this is a load of orse manure.

      • Jason Sanford says

        No idea where you are getting your information, but cornstarch has zero grams of sugar, even for a full cup. The cornstarch is also optional anyway, and the recipe does not mention Splenda.

        • Jim B says

          Xylitol is considered a sugar alcohol, therefore it is not a good substitute for diabetics. How do I know this? I have diabetes and was told by my nutritionist to avoid sugar alcohol as it is worse than sugar.
          Sucanat is sugar, albeit less refined. It also costs 50% more than regular sugar. So, again, it is not a good substitute for regular sugar.
          Don’t be fooled by the media when it comes to sugars. Just because something comes from a plant, doesn’t mean its healthier for diabetics. Diabetics are told to avoid fruits, sugars, sugar alcohol and many other items. Why? Because they all have an effect on blood sugar.

          • Kyle says

            The type of sugar alcohol makes all the difference and xylitol is very appropriate for diabetics. Erythritol is even better as it has absolutely zero effect on blood sugar. Xylitol and erythritol can both be purchased granular or powdered and for recipes calling for powdered sugar I just use one of these straight out of the bag. I also use these (primarily erythritol) as a direct substitute for sugar in almost everything.

            They measure just like sugar. Xylitol is just as sweet as sugar and has 60% of the calories. Erytritol is 70% as sweet as sugar and has zero calories. They do not caramelize like sugar and are poor substitutes in recipes where browning is important (although you can often get away with replacing just part of the sugar). The don’t work well with yeast breads and in some baked goods they result in cakes that are a little dryer and more crumbly if you don’t compensate in other ways.

            But sugar-free pumpkin pie with erythritol is easy and awesome! I can’t tell the difference.

      • Doug says

        Charlie… I think you are very confused as to what “sugar free” is exactly as well as the difference between “Sugar” and “Carbohydrate”. Table sugar is known as Sucrose, there are a few other forms of sugar, and are single carbohydrate molecules. Starches (as well as some other molecules) are lengthy chains of carbohydrates that are bound together often with a different molecule at the cap… this makes them break down and get used slowly in your system giving a consistent low amount of sugars slowly that your body can handle better then a sudden intense rush of pure carbohydrates. By your logic, almost nothing that exists would be sugar free… any vegetable, any meat, any dairy, just about anything I can think of have natural carbohydrates even when they do not contain sugar. Sugar free candies, vegan diets, you name it… still have carbohydrates. The only thing that I can think of that is something other then water that is carbohydrate free would be the flavored waters and drinks which have 0 calories. Now, as far as why the distinction is important, sugar will cause problems as far as insulin response or lack of which is a MAJOR problem for diabetics who’s body cannot handle to much or to little carbohydrates in the system at a given time, it takes a great deal of carbohydrates (or lack of) to have the same issues. There is also a difference in weight gain/loss, but there are so many other factors involved such as other hormones, energy cycles, etc that can have problems that are beyond the intake of carbohydrates that can cause problems… but yes, again, Sugar is worse then general Carbohydrates (although, Carbohydrates in great excess can still cause the same issues that a very small amount of sugar would cause). This recipe, even using starch, is sugar free… it is not carbohydrate free, but for most people that will not be an issue.

      • Patricia K Ward says

        You tell ’em Charlie. I’m all for eating healthy but a little sugar here and there won’t kill ya. These health nuts live in denial and they know everything.

        • Julia says

          5 stars
          Please do not indulge in meaningless, unhelpful insults. Educate yourself independently and you will achieve respect for yourself and from others.
          Thank you for the recipe, Katie, and for the work you put into creating tasty, healthier suggestons.

  1. Clare @ Fitting It All In says

    KATIE – you talking about the Dallas weather reminded me to tell you that I just accepted a job down here so I’ll be staying Dallas instead of moving back to St. Louis as originally planned. I know you live a little outside the city but we have to find a time to do a meet-up or dinner somewhere!
    Also my best friend is seriously your biggest fan.
    <3 Clare

  2. teabagginit says

    i definitely have to vote for the granola bars. ever since i started this sugar-free detox, i haven’t had a granola bar – would really love to see a sugar free version!

  3. katie @KatieDid says

    I never knew sucatant was sugar free, interesting! I made chocolate crinkle cookies over the holidays and they were sooo easy and flourless. Love a simple recipe like crinkle cookies.

    • Melissa says

      It’s not. Sucanat IS sugar. The name actually stands for SUgar CAne NATural. It’s a less processed sugar but it’s still cane sugar. So, the name of the recipe is actually a inaccurate (sorry Katie). Sucanate is just whole cane sugar without the good stuff all removed.

  4. Alan Kleesattel says

    Just a FYI for some poeple;
    I’ve had success in the past using a MagicBullet with the FLAT blade like when grinding coffee beans, it works great. (I’ve only used the small cup before but any would be fine I would assume.

    (Katie – I have some questions about Coconut Oil, I’ll most likely be sending you another comment sometime soon)

    Thanks for the continuing great recipes!

  5. Brooke says

    Hi katie! Love reading your blog and can safely say i have eaten (and loved!) almost all of your recipes! Shame on me that this is my first time leaving a comment! I would love to see granola bars
    and am always looking for new ways to make them!
    Hope all is well! Brooke

  6. beccky says

    ive been looking for a sugar-free method for this for a while. i really want to sugarproof frosting without compromising on texture.

    love your posts, as always!


  7. Christina says

    This is such a great idea! I am excited to use this to make sugar free frostings and so much more. I recently stumbled across your blog and your given me hope that I can incorporate delicious desserts into a healthy diet (when fruit just won’t cut it) without sacrificing nutrition. I am loving it, thanks!!

    And I vote for granola bars, if you can healthify granola you will be a total food goddess 🙂

  8. Sondra says

    This post would’ve been amazing before the holiday season. I still remember the tireless hours online trying to find a sugar free royal icing recipe for our family’s gingerbread house to no avail. I finally gave in and used real sugar and declared it “decoration only.” (I try my best to keep my 15 month old girls from too much sweet stuff so they won’t develop mommy’s horrendous cravings for desserts, kind of difficult though when all you want to bake is cookies, cakes, and quickbreads, lol.) And granola bars please!

  9. Susie says

    Powdered sugar has never looked so cute!

    I’d love to see a granola bar recipe… especially one I can make in large quantities to send with Mr. Susie for his work snacks 😀

  10. Jennifer says

    granola bars! My sister tried making them a few weeks ago because her boyfriend doesn’t eat “baked goods” (i.e., cookies, cakes, bread…). Well, the granola bars she made were more like granola crumbles. I think we need Katie to come to the rescue!

  11. Paula says

    Xylitol? Gosh I guess it’s ok — I was in a vegan restaurant a few weeks ago and ordered the cappuccino at the end and it was sweet. I asked what they put in it and they said xylitol. I was shocked, thinking it wasn’t good … like mannitol in diabetic products which I think can give you diahrrea. I guess xylitol is becoming more common-place now?

  12. Paula says

    Xylitol? Gosh I guess it’s ok then — I was in an organic vegan restaurant a few weeks ago and ordered the cappuccino at the end and it was sweet. I asked what they put in it and they said xylitol. I was shocked, thinking it wasn’t good … like mannitol in diabetic products which I think can give you diahrrea. I guess xylitol is becoming more common-place now?

  13. char @ char on a mission says

    Coooooookies, please!! I’ve been craving cookies for the past 4 days and only have the time to make them today. So, more cookies would just be delightful! lol

    • Jade C says

      P.S – I do this with Coconut Sugar and it works great.
      P.P.S – Do YOU personally use Xylitol?? I’ve been avoiding it as I’ve heard it has a negative effect on the body :S.

      • Melissa says

        What negative effects? I’ve only read good things about Xylitol. It helps prevent cavities, etc. It’s got an interesting cooling effect in your mouth when eaten, so I’d probably mix it with another sweetener like Stevia to cut that back a bit.

        The only negative I’ve heard is it’s very toxic to dogs. But so is chocolate!

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          And raisins! Poor dogs ;).

          Jade: I don’t honestly know much about xylitol. I picked it up out of curiosity, because I know a lot of my readers appreciate sugar-free options in my recipes… so I thought I’d play around with it a little to experiment. But really, I haven’t used it for much besides this yet.

          • Trish says

            It can, and will, in some people, those who are sensitive to it. But this isn’t necessarily the case for everyone. I also have a VERY sensitive stomach and GI track, but I’ve never, ever had an issue with xylitol. I love it. I bake cakes with it (although I’ll usually combine it with raw cane sugar or something else natural like coconut palm, even honey…) and use it for other things.
            I’m happy to see this ‘recipe’ for the powdered sugar. 🙂 A local store here sells it also, but it contains erythritol and tastes awful. Waaaayyyy too sweet and has that distinct ‘sugar alcohol’ taste to is whereas xylitol alone tastes more like granulated sugar, just not as rich.

          • Jade C says

            Thank you everyone for your replies before!! I decided last .inth to give Xylitol a go, and am seemingly fine with it :). We only have one brand here, XyloBrit – anyone else recommend another brand, I’ll look online!! Also, does anyone else in the UK have advice for which online health store to buy from?? I’ve been using iHerb as love their range, but shipping is soooo expensive!! Have checked out Goodness Direct already, but am not really impressed by what they have to offer.. Advice would be really appreciated!! 😀
            Jade C

          • Jacque Foster says

            I am addicted to “Xylitol Plus” which is half Xylitol, half Stevia. Alone, Stevia is too sweet for me; Xylitol is too bitter. Brilliantly, this company combined the two, and for every one of Katie’s recipes where she calls for a packet of Stevia, I sub in a packet of Xylitol Plus. The brand is NOW. I buy it at Whole Foods or a local health food store, but I know it’s available online. I drink a packet a day, at least, in my cup of hot tea. No GI issues for me. (I think that may happen when someone has made a batch of something, like cookies, and since they think of as “fat free” they eat the entire batch. And then they want to blame the ingredients for their stomach upset! ha!

          • RE says

            I’m interested in what you describe… But I’m so against using anything not 100% natural esp if my son (toddler) will be eating it!!

            For now I’m learning to bake with all coconut sugar and I’ve also gotten sugar made from dates and maple syrup too.

            Definitely against Splenda!

        • Katie says

          Xylitol Is fatal for dogs. More so than chocolate. Xylitol poisoning in dogs has been on the increase since 2002. So dog owners should be highly aware

  14. Cathy says

    granola bars- with no coconut, golden syrup, molasses or treacle..maple syrup possibly.

    i’m so picky but they have to be just right! xx

    never used or really heart of suncanat, im in england that’s prob. why!

  15. Malia says

    Granola bars! YUM! Would it be possible to do it sugar free like with stevia, maple syrup, honey or molasses? Cuz I don’t eat any sugar, not even sucanat:)

  16. Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather says

    So cool! I’ve seen this done with sucanat, now there are more options! And I vote for granola bars 🙂

  17. Katie @ Nutrition in a peanut shell says

    Oh Katie granola bars please! I tried to make some today but they just crumbled and turned into granola :C

  18. Nathalie says

    Granola bars sound intriguing! So that’s what Imma vote for ^_^

    Question for ya, Katie: Have you ever posted a recipe for a vegan pie crust? I don’t recall you doing so but I thought I should ask. And if you haven’t, I humbly request you put your vegan genius to the task. I had a “pudding and a movie” night this weekend; I served your banana bread and your cookie pie, both well-received. But we’re gonna do it again next weekend, and I want to do your fudge pie. The problem is that there are NO prepared pie crusts to be had in Japan, as far as I know D=

    If you don’t have a recipe but know another way to get around it (besides crustless, I think my guests need some kind of crust-y element), lemme know! Thanks for all the awesome recipes, as always!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      I know there are some good pie crust recipes out there! The only ones I have would be to do something like use my Cashew Cookie Baby recipe (or PB Cookie Dough Cookies) crumbled up and pressed into a pie pan as a crust.

      • Nathalie says

        Katie – that’s an idea. or I wonder if I could make a really thin “boatmeal” crust perhaps….

        Alan – Thanks for the link! Sadly, though, graham crackers are yet another thing that aren’t to be found except in specialty foreign and import shops . I wonder if I could use Japanese rice crackers for a crust, haha.

  19. STUFT Mama says

    Oh my word, I’ve been wondering if something like this would work. Yay! Can I try it with Splenda? That’s all I have. I’m assuming I would use the granulated one that measures cup by cup as sugar. Love it Katie!

  20. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Cool idea!

    Funny when you said your Vitamix smoked a little. One of the very first times I ever used my Vitamix, I was making raw vegan brownies and the batter was so thick and dense, my Vita started smoking and overheated.

  21. Pure2raw twins says

    we have made our own powder sugar before in the past, but never thought about using it with other sugars! thanks for the idea


  22. Meggan says

    I’ve never had luck with this method:( I’ve tried it before, but I guess my blender isn’t fancy enough. The sucanat just stuck to the sides of the blender and I got a tiny bit of powder, but mostly just the same sucanat I put into it…

    • Angela says

      I have the same problem with my food processor using raw sugar. The only powder I get is stuck to the processor parts. Are there any ideas on how to get it to work better?

  23. Amber K says

    Cookies are my absolutely favorite dessert, so of course I have to go with those.

    And I hate buying powdered sugar, so I always make it myself. I agree it doesn’t even really feel like a “recipe,” but it’s definitely something more people need to know!

  24. Melissa says

    Hmmm… that gives me an idea – using the xylitol version for lemon coolers! Xylitol already has a cooling feel in your mouth when you eat it, so it would be perfect for lemon coolers. 🙂 Now, if I just had a recipe for the “cookie” part of the lemon coolers…… I guess my vote is cookies!!!!

  25. Kit-Kat says

    Here in Washington State, we had a state of emergency issued out because we had so much snow. We were snowed in for the whole week, and it is only NOW starting to melt. Let’s just say me and my siblings built a lot of snowmen! 🙂 I love snow, but after a while, I get stir crazy. Plus, you can’t play in the snow when you lose power, because when you come inside from the cold, you can’t get warmed up again. Oh well. Thankfully we were fortunate to only lose power for a little bit, but many (like my grandparents in Pualup, a little further than Seattle,) were out for a few days from the snow-laden trees that fell, and from freezing rain.
    Yum! I love powdered suger, especially on french toast. I’ll admit I used to (and sometimes stil do) mix powdered sugar with cocoa powder,add a drop or two of soymilk and a few tablespoons of water, stir, and eat (it’s like icing!) 🙂
    I vote for cookie-like bars, so we can get the best of both worlds. I have a great idea! Why not make a version of the Kid Clif “Z” bars, like Chocolate Chip or Brownie? I think that would go over VERY well! 😉

    • Trish says

      YES! I second the Z Bar Brownie suggestion… I am addicted to those! It would be nice to have a home-made alternative 🙂

      • Kit-Kat says

        I love how they are so sweet…. when in reality, they’re totally healthy! I even saw they made a new oatmeal cookie flavor, too! 🙂

  26. Amy says

    I guess I am confused at how using Sucanat can make this sugar-free powdered sugar because Sucanat is a minimally refined form of cane sugar (in other words, it’s sugar). Do you know something I don’t? 🙂

  27. Stephanie says

    Boo, seems like I’m outnumbered but I’ll put in my vote for the cookies anyway! Chocolate crinkles are one of my absolute favorite holiday cookies 😉

    I’ve tried blending Xylitol into powdered sugar before and didn’t think to add in cornstarch/arrowroot. Needless to say the “sugar” ended up clumping together and Xylitol’s cooling effect was a bit too foreign for my tastebuds. I can’t wait to give it another go with Sucanat and this time, I won’t forget to add the thickener! Thanks Katie!

  28. Katharina says

    I’d like to see both!! Man, I am glad to be back and reading blogs 🙂 I’ve missed your delicious recipes and your positivity, Katielove.


    p.s. that cinnamon bun baked oatmeal looks so scrumptious!

  29. Gi says

    Cookies for sure, please!

    and… I was wondering… do you by chance have a vegan version of the classic Scones?
    You know, just wondering : D

  30. Anonymous says

    love it! … I always do:D don’t think there’s a recipe of yours I don’t love… and I haven’t yet seen anyone else with the same amount of imagination! or healthy alternatives that turn out so amazing haha! Would love to see granola bars 🙂 xx

  31. Rachel says

    love it! … I always do:D don’t think there’s a recipe of yours I don’t love… and I haven’t yet seen anyone else with the same amount of imagination! or healthy alternatives that turn out so amazing haha! Would love to see granola bars 🙂 xx

  32. Melissa Herrmann@ Kids in the Sink says

    Katie, I’m new to your blog so I’m not sure what Xylitol is. I get that it’s a sugar substitute but is it natural or more like an artificial sweetener? I’m familiar with sucanat and have recently ordered some so I can’t wait for it to come in to try your powdered sugar recipe.

    • Steve Johnson says

      Janice, if you care ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR MOM, PLEASE DO NOT USE SPLENDA! It is deadly to your good bacteria, it cannot be used in bread making, as it kills the yeast. It cannot be used in making yoghurt, as it kills the bacteria that is required to make yogurt. It does the exact same thing to the good bacteria in your gut. 3 tablespoons of Splenda does equal damage to your digestive system as taking a anti-bacterial.

      Stevia on the other hand has become the top rated and recommended zero calorie sweetener by almost all health experts, including Dr. Mercola, Dr, Weil, and Dr. Oz.

      Don’t know about the Stevia in the Raw version but you can do it with arrowroot combined with pure stevia extract powder. You can just mix it as you wish to get the desired sweetness. Would NOT recommend corn starch or any unhealthy corn products.

  33. Kathy says

    COOKIES for me please! It seems granola is a big hit here.. never realized there were so many interested in it before. I wouldn’t mind it, but it’s way down on the list.. give me cookies anytime. My daughters new boyfriend is allergic to corn… I can use arrowroot instead of cornstarch… I have never used it however and have no idea if one uses the same ratio as cornstarch and if it thickens the same, what type of texture etc. If you would happen to know this information i would be grateful if you were to share it…thanks. It is actually odd that i have not tried it as my daughter is allergic to dairy and egg and i have tried different substitutions, but i don’t think arrowroot was ever used as one of them.

  34. Sheilah Miller says

    I just used this to make frosting for my daughter because she can’t have sugar right now, trying to kill excess yeast in her body. It worked great! Thanks so much. It was a little too sweet for me so next time I may double the cornstarch so it will thicken faster without the sweet taste. thanks again

  35. Kathie says

    You said you made the powdered xylitol in your vita-mix, did you use your regular container or a dry goods container? I look forward to your answer!

  36. Claire says

    I also love to use xylitol to sub for regular cane sugar as it contains less calories gram for gram, also it does not raise the blood sugar level as fast as regular sugar so it is diabetic safe. However I read that some people can be sensitive to it and cause loose stools when they eat it. So I only use it in my baking for myself and a few friends who I know have tried it and have no problem with it. I wouldn’t bake with it when I am baking for a party when I do not know whether someone at the party is sensitive to it.

  37. colleen tribout says

    Ridiculous to call anything with artificial chemical sweetner healthy!! Using real, natural ingredients and eating less is whats really healthy.

  38. Kate Linder says

    You shouldn’t use Xylitol or other sugar alcohols in those amounts because it causes serious GI issues. Hence, the reason they’re used in minimal amounts in gum and a few candies.

    Sincerely, a Registered Dietition

    • Abby says

      Hi Kate,
      Maybe it’s only certain people who are affected? I use xylitol to sweeten all the time, and I’ve never had any problems at all. But I’m interested to know more from a dietician’s point of view. Thanks!

  39. Kylie says

    Thanks so much for sharing this! It seems common sense, but my sister and I have been wondering how to make some frosting without any powdered sugar. I am going to have to try this and maybe mix it with some canned coconut milk for a creamy frosting!

  40. Kayla says

    Katie, your brilliant!

    I want to use this in a peanut butter frosting recipe, do you think the powdered sugar will stand up to it just like regular powdered sugar?
    Thank you!

  41. Maxine says

    This is a comment about xylitol. As we speak I have it in a bag to take back to the health food store where I bought it. I used it in over some strawberries for strawberry shortcake. I had a reaction that was awful – the one where your stomach turns inside out, and you end up in the bathroom for an hour!!! It was unbelievable!! So if it’s your first time using xylitol, especially a cup of it in a recipe, watch out.(those symptoms are also listed as a side effect on the package)

  42. Ann says

    I just made powdered sugar with Sucanat and arrowroot (in my Vita-Mix). I turned it off, opened the lid and it was definitely smoking as you said it would! Wow! It’ll definitely work in my Paleo Nanaimo Bars. Yum! Thanks for the alternate powdered sugar recipe so I can stay away from cornstarch and processed sugars.

  43. Danielle says

    First I was excited to stumble onto your website today. I’ve been making “sugar-free” powdered sugar with Splenda and corn starch since my daughter was diagnosed with T1D in 2008. The sugar cookies I make call for 2 1/2 cups and I didn’t want her to not enjoy. And I use it cup for cup in my recipes. Just note that it does bake a little lighter than real

  44. Jess says

    Chocolate Covered Katie! I love love love you blog. I just know if you lived in Austin we would be friends. HAHA 🙂 Anyway, thanks for the idea to make “powdered sugar” sugar-free. Super genius.

  45. Danielle says

    Tried this with coconut sugar and mixed with coconut milk for the breakfast cake. Cake is still cooling but I could eat all the glaze while I wait! So delicious!

  46. Nessa says

    For those that were wondering if this would work with the “Stevia In The Raw”..the stuff in the green bag?

    Just…. Don’t. 😛 trust me..

    I just tried making the powdered sugar with Stevia in the Raw, and it was an utter FAIL. It looked great, but the taste was bitter-too-sweet! Go for the xylitol or even blend the Stevia in the Raw with equal parts of xylitol.

  47. Hannah says

    How are you so awesome? This is exactly, and I mean exactly, what I was looking for!
    My mother is avoiding sugar and dairy for her new baby, but I’m making a dairy free, sugar free version of her favorite Christmas cookies, which take powdered sugar!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  48. Mia says

    Just wanted to add that in case you either don’t have a food processor or yours isn’t the fanciest, like mine, you can grind xylitol or spenda in a coffee bean/spice grinder. You can only add about 1/4c of granules at a time, but this method makes fool-proof, fluffy clouds of powdered “sugar.”

  49. Shmlss4gb says

    Has anyone tried it with Erythritol instead of Xylitol? Same sugar-free results, without the potential GI upset and erythritol doesn’t have the cooling effect (which I personally do not like). I think I’m going to try the healthier Reese Eggs receipe that you posted this weekend. But curious before I try E instead of X (I have both here though). Thanks

  50. Marisa says

    These are delicious! One thing though – when I made the coconut oil and milk mixture I didn’t think to warm the almond milk and the coconut oil hardened. Might want to give us newbie bakers a heads up that that’ll happen:)

  51. Helen from the UK says

    Just posted on Katie’s Healthy Krispy Kreme post about a tip when using a spice/coffee mill. To remove any stale smells from your mill, grind up some dry raw rice and throw that away before adding in your expensive Xylitol. It saves it tasting of curry, ha, ha and the spice mill works a treat. My blender is just a standard one and found that even after quite some time ‘blending’ the xylitol is was still not powdery enough so used my mill instead.

  52. Margot says

    Wondering…I have a food processor and a stick blender, but not a regular blender. Do you think either would work to make the powdered sugar? Seems like the food processor would just whirl it around…

  53. Kinsey says

    I recently tried making this glaze on a carrot cake and it turned out to crystalize once I put the icing on. Do you know why that might be? I used xylitol if that makes a difference.

  54. Andrea says

    Hi – I love the taste of the lemon bars, but I don’t like the color! I made my own powdered sugar using a sucanat and coconut sugar mix, but it makes it turn a dirty brown. I don’t want to use “regular” sugar, although I know the color would be much better. Also, I don’t use any of the “ol’s” (xylitol, etc.) Any suggestions for a more appetizing color? P.S. I love, love. LOVE all your recipes I’ve tried so far!!

  55. Hannah says

    I made it with coconut sugar just now for your peanut butter eggs. Very delicious. But it didn’t grind up as well as I would have liked. I have a Ninja blender, I think, and that might have been the problem. I guess it just doesn’t grind well.

    Thank you!

  56. Sarah says

    What kinda of VitaMix do you use? I’ve been looking into getting something like that but never have and it’s a little confusing.

  57. rachel says

    just be super super careful if you buy xylitol and have a dog! dogs can die from ingesting extremely small amounts of the stuff, so take the necessary precautions to keep it securely out of their way.

  58. Lana says

    I used to think Xylitol was from the birch tree but if you try to find the source on the packages in stores, it won’t tell you they get it from CORN – most likely GMO! :~( You also need to be careful with sugars in how they process them because many are NOT VEGAN – just wanted to share this important information.

  59. Caroline says

    I forgot who introduced me to your site by posting your Single Serving Chocolate Chip Cake in a Mug post/recipe, but OMG am I grateful for the introduction to your site! Today I made the cake in mugs, and it was amazing. Now I’m exploring your site and am totally excited to make these things. I’m vegan, healthy with my food consumption and don’t really eat sweets (nor do I crave them). However, I am so happy seeing these and they are really so exciting that I’m fine with cheating a couple of times a week for these delicious treats!!! 🙂 Thank you!

  60. Tonya Dugan says

    Do you think you could make the sugar free powdered sugar using Stevia powder? I use Pyure organic sweetener. The ingredients are: “Organic Agave Inulin, Organic Reb A (Stevia Extract), natural flavor.”

  61. Hannah says

    I made powdered sugar yesterday for some homemade chocolate (I’ve practically memorized your Three Ingredient Chocolate Bars, I make them so often!) but I used Truvia instead of Sucanat or xylitol. It worked beautifully and, in my opinion, tasted better than any powdered sugar you get at the store. Thanks for this recipe!

  62. Mayra says

    I’m so excited to try this out! Just came across your site. We’ve nixed sugar from our eating lifestyle but I admit I miss powered sugar on a few things! Great idea!

  63. Karen says

    Great post. We have been SF for about a month and was looking for different baking ideas. This recipe sure will cone in handy.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You can hi-light just the recipe itself, then right click and hit copy. Then open a new document in Word and hit paste. You can name & save this document in a CCK folder, and print the recipe as needed.

  64. Gina Sengupta says

    I have found that powdered xylitol works best in raw recipes. I used it as a sugar substitute for your Copycat Reeses Eggs and it was good, however in baked recipes like cupcakes it tastes horrible.

  65. Regel Bisso says

    I am a diabetic and use Splenda frequently, especially since I can substitute the same amount as sugar in recipes. Do you have a problem with Splenda? When you said “If you can do it with Splenda, why not with other sweeteners?” it made me think so. If so, could you tell me what it is?

  66. Annika says

    Katie, have you tried to powder erythritol? Have you ever tried baking with it? Any thoughts on that? I would rather use erythritol than xylitol as I try to stick to a paleo diet and I’ve heard erythritol is ok but not xylitol. I would simply use stevia for every recipe but I don’t like the taste of it. I have found that using part stevia and part other sweetener works pretty well for most of my recipes. It’s a fine line though. Too much stevia and I ruin the recipe…. Thanks!!! 🙂

  67. Ann says

    You are soooooo creative! I am amazed with all the different ideas you have! Even sugar-free powdered sugar! Thank you for sharing! I am suffering with losing weight and getting healthy and your website has been Heaven on earth to me! Thank you again, Ann

  68. Kim says

    My veterinarian just told me that Xylitol is TOXIC to pets. So, if you plan on sharing this or any other recipe with your pets, ( I have a mini pig). Do NOT use xylitol. Btw, Katie, Thank you and I can’t wait to try the pop-tart babies recipe.

    • Kim says

      Sorry, I didn’t notice that xylitol has already been spoken of. Sooooo many posts, I didn’t take the time to read first. LOL… Btw, it is often used in chewing gum. Just in case someone didn’t know. Thanks again to all.

  69. Haley says

    I never thought about sugar-free powdered sugar even EXISTING, and now I am soooo excited!! I made this in my Magic Bullet and it was easy-peasy. I am storing it in one of my empty (and clean!) canning jars.
    Frosting to me is ALWAYS the most important part of the cake (or cinnamon roll) but it is so high in calories and sugar, it tends to ruin the healthy dessert that it is topping 🙁
    I plan to now make the pumpkin cinnamon rolls (again) but make the glaze with a 3:1 ratio of sugar free powder sugar to regular powder sugar to seriously knock out calories and sugar. This is honestly the best thing. Ever.

  70. Alison says

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love making healthy cinnamon rolls but missed the icing. Now I can indulge and not feel guilty. 🙂

  71. James says

    Hi Katie, I’m very interested in this xilitol powdered recipe. I do have some reservations. I want to frost a cake. It’s not a enormous cake, I think 8″ round. I’m nervous about the laxative effects of Xilitol. I don’t want to send everyone to the bathroom. Do you think a slice would do that?

  72. Pamela says

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have opened up a new door and brought my family into a new world. First my son who is type 1 diabetic (insulin dependent) and my daughter and I are allergic to wheat amd MSG have now been able to love food again. I was a typical southern cook and 22 years ago I had to learn to cook ‘sugar free’. We had sweet n low and equal to choose from then came splenda. Well I didn’t feel good about any of these choices and aspertame was out of the question. It was a challenge, but do able. Then we learned that my daughter and I are allergic to wheat and MSG. So I really had to rethink our entire way of eating to a much more healthful way. As I am again relearning all things about food,cooking and our health and life choices it has been an amazing adventure to being healthy and eating well. But the best part about having ‘hick-ups’ is your blog! We can eat GREAT tasting food again and be HEALTHY too!

  73. nancy keeton says

    LOL I kept seeing sugar free powdered sugar in your recipes and I have been trying to find it in stores. Of course I haven’t found it in the stores and realized you made it! MAkes so much more sense haha!

  74. Anna says

    Just used your powdered xylitol to make the chocolate egg copycats and they turned out amazing albeit not as pretty as the picture. The leftover chocolate sauce also made an amazing topping for so delicious ice cream- JUST LIKE MAGIC SHELL!


    Can the “One minute chocolate cake in a mug” also be made as a whole cake? If so, what would the portions of ingred. then be?
    What is the brand of your favorite choc. fudge frosting you used?
    Can I use coconut flour for this recipe?
    Do you first liquefy the coconut oil before using in this recipe? Or just measure it as a solid?
    Is cane juice a dry ingred., or liquid. Can I get it at Dierbergs super market, here in St. Louis, Mo? Or at a Trader Joes, or Whole Foods store? Your recipes are very interesting.
    Mary Schroeder

  76. Jenna says

    Hi! I’m just curious if anyone has tried coconut milk powder. I’ve read that it can be used as a replacement for powdered sugar. I know it’s probably not as sweet, but it seems a lot healthier.

  77. Ashley says

    Has anyone tried this with monk fruit or other sugar substitutes? Coconut sugar tastes like dirt to me, so I don’t wanna use that– but I will… in the spirit of not being wasteful, since I already bought it before I knew how much I hate it.

  78. donna m says

    I love your website. I do have one important request…
    whenever you use xylitol as an ingredient in a recipe could you PLEASE place a warning that even a TINY amount of xylitol will kill a dog. As great as it is for humans, it’s fatal to dogs, even a stick of gum containing it can kill a large dog. Thank you!

  79. Joyce says

    This is a genius idea! I use pure stevia in my cooking/baking, but sometimes when the recipe calls for powdered sugar, I always have to find different ways to substitute it. I’ll definitely try to use this way (maybe with some modification) to make my own powdered sugar. Love the idea use cornstarch. Thanks for sharing!

  80. Renee Dean says

    5 stars
    Hi Katie! I am a celiac and am also required to abstain from sugar which is extremely difficult. Thank you for your post about how to make powdered sugar. I use a sweetener made from “Monk Fruit” which can be purchased from the Wheat Free Market online. It is four times sweeter than sugar so a little goes a long way. It is easy to digest and does not have a chemical aftertaste. I am excited to try this with that sweetener and thought you might like to know about it. Thanks again! Renee in Jackson MS

  81. Karen says

    I love the fact that you provide nutritional information. For diabetics, it would be great if sugars are listed, even if it’s 0…we really like seeing the 0’s. ?

  82. Nancy says

    I really love your site and recipes…am signed up to receive them, however i get the pop up box to subscribe constantly while i am trying to read…how can i keep this box from appearing?
    Thanks! 🙂

  83. Amy Green says

    I made this in a pro power blender, belnding for 10 secs. Then used it for cream cheese frosting. The frosting is gritty… don’t know if maybe a special recipe has to be used and not just subbing the sugar in any recipe. Also maybe it needed longer blending to get really fine…?

  84. Colleen Davis says

    You can whirl brown surgar with arrowroot or cornstarch to make a powdered sugar? I suppose you could do with organic coconut sugar or others like that as well ? Did I misunderstand? Thanks Colleen

  85. Julie says

    Can someone please tell me how I can use sugar free powdered sugar when making meringue cookies? I have tried one recipe for sugar free powered sugar but all it did was make the cookies like little hard bricks and tasted as bad. Has anyone had luck with this type of sugar free cookie Thanks for the help

  86. Matt Fa says

    The recipes using Xylitol leaves me with one question. Xylitol is often used as a laxative. The heavier chains of sugar alcohols are harder for your body to handle and can result in upset stomach and diarrhea. Sorbitol, Maltitol, Mannitol, and a few others will do the same thing.

    I bought a sugar-free chocolate bar once, before ever knowing this, and it was full of maltitol. An hour after eating the thing, I was dying.

    How do you get over this issue with Xylitol?

  87. Sarah Spiers says

    Please YouTube what happens to dogs with xylitol poisoning. It’s probably the most dangerous substance, aside from dark chocolate, for dogs. At least with chocolate you have a chance of your dog not dying. Xylitol not so much.

    • Tamara says

      Erythritol is a better alcohol to use all the way around. It’s not toxic to dogs, has even less effect on blood sugar, and the laxative effects of it are not nearly so strong. although they can still happen until a person is used to it.

  88. Tamara says

    Great to hear that someone’s tested this. I recently bought a decorating kit, and wanted to try making some things with royal icing, but my mother is diabetic and I’m trying to minimise my sugar intake (both to lose weight and because my physiology is so similar to hers that I’m likely at risk as well.) I had thought it might be possible to substitute my erythritol/stevia blend, but wasn’t completely sure.

  89. Alana says

    I love all of your recipes!!
    My question is can you make powdered sugar from regular Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener?
    I can’t find the powdered version any where in my area! They carry the red bag but not the blue one and I’m eager to make your carrot cake recipe with your cream cheese frosting!!
    Thank you for giving a sweet tooth satisfaction without all the unnecessary junk!

  90. Allison says

    Hello, have you tried making this with a form of stevia? I’m looking to make a natural sugar free buttercream that also holds up well when additional liquid is added. Thanks!

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