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Cake Batter Ice Cream

5 from 5 votes

Secretly healthy birthday cake batter ice cream, with no eggs or dairy! 

Cake Batter Ice Cream

I had the privilege of babysitting two adorable little girls last night, and I brought my Vitamix.

As a teenager, I didn’t really like babysitting, even though do I love children.

It’s just… after a while, I get to a point where I never want to see another Barbie or play the role of the dad in “House,” can’t stand the show Dragon Tales, and wish the kids would just go to bed already.

(Now I am very sorry for tormenting my own babysitters and never going to sleep for them.)

That being said, I had the rare opportunity (rare because I pretty much stopped babysitting after high school) to babysit for these little angels last night and actually found myself having fun!

Also Try This Almond Milk Ice Cream – 5 NEW Flavors

Vegan Birthday Cake Ice Cream

I got the cake batter ice cream (or birthday cake ice cream) idea from my popular Cake Batter Milkshakes.

And last night seemed like a perfect opportunity to try it out, since kids love sprinkles. Plus, kids seem to really love blending things. In any case, it beat watching Dexter’s Laboratory. 

The girls adored the cake batter ice cream, which we called “Fairy Dust Ice Cream.”

Vegan Cake Batter Ice Cream

Did you ever babysit?

When I babysat, the kids often wanted to just watch tv, which made my job easy, but boring. And some of the shows were really awful. Cow and Chicken, Ed Edd and Eddy, Lizzie McGuire, SpongeBob…

(Ok, so I secretly liked SpongeBob.)

Were you good about going to bed for your own babysitters? I was not. But these kids were incredibly good.

Vegan Cake Batter Ice Cream Recipe
Healthy Cake Batter Ice Cream

I’m already looking forward to spending time with them again. Our next project is to cake batter-ify these Vegan Donuts.

Or, as the girls would say, fairy dust doughnuts!

Secretly Healthy Birthday Cake Batter Ice Cream
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Cake Batter Ice Cream

Secretly healthy and vegan birthday cake batter ice cream, with no eggs or dairy.
Total Time 5 minutes
Yield 4 – 6 servings
5 from 5 votes


  • 2 cups milk of choice
  • 4 tbsp sweetener of choice
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sprinkles, or homemade sprinkles
  • 1/2 cup butter, or coconut, almond, or cashew butter (for no butter, try this Coconut Milk Ice Cream)


  • *For more cake batter flavor, add 1/4 tsp butter extract, which is surprisingly vegan. If you don’t have an ice cream maker or high-speed blender, see these directions.
    Whisk ingredients. If you have an ice cream machine, churn according to manufacturer’s instructions for your machine. Or if you have a high-speed blender like a vitamix, pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze, then blend the frozen ice cubes until smooth, using the tamper to blend evenly. Eat now, or freeze about an hour for a firm texture. Due to the lack of preservatives, homemade ice cream is best the day it’s made (you can technically freeze up to a month and thaw before consuming).
    View Nutrition Facts


Feeling adventurous? Stir pieces of Vegan Chocolate Cake (or this Keto Cake) into your ice cream!

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More Ice Cream Recipes

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is banana-ice-cream.jpg

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More About The Cookbook

Published on June 22, 2011

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. krickit6 says

    Katie, can I just say: I cannot imagine YOU being a devil-child!! 🙂 This ice cream looks incredible, too.. My goodness, I.NEED.A.VITA-MIX!! 🙂

    Thanks! 🙂

  2. Lisa Fine says

    Such a fun idea to make with kids. I love cooking with kids – and I love that they always seem to enjoy whatever they’ve made, including vegetables!

    I used to babysit quite a lot, since I worked at a day camp and was able to sit for many families. It was always a great way to earn extra money, and it was usually a lot of fun. There weren’t many kids I babysat for who just wanted to watch tv, luckily.

  3. Jennifer JCD says

    I had to read this post twice because I didn’t believe what I was reading… Fairy Dust Ice Cream!! Wow! I think you made my day.

    I babysit a lot when I was a teenager, mostly as a nanny for the neighbour kids after school and in the summers. It was lots of fun, but once I reached university, and the neighbour kids were in junior high, it tapered off because the kids didn’t need me any more. 🙁 It was fun while it lasted, and the kids I babysat never had Barbies or played ‘house’ much… they were more into dinosaurs, playing in the park, and building forts with blankets and chairs.

  4. Kayla says

    This looks amazing! Katie, are you REALLY blending the ice cubes in the Vitamix, because your icecream just looks so perfect! What are you doing? When I blend icecream cubes in the Vitamix the icecream never comes out so perfect looking! It’s more of a slushy, yet delicious, mess!

    I love how they butter extract is vegan. Haha, now what does that tell you? 🙂

  5. Katy sparrow says

    Aw, you’re such a sweet babysitter! Bringing over the blender and everything! I know those little girls are talking about you nonstop.

    I babysat for several sweet kids on the beach where I lived while I was in college this past year..the little boy that I watched 3 times a week was such a great kid..we had lemonade stands with organic lemonade and vegan cookies sometimes and he saving the money to donate to Adopt an Angel, an animal adoption charity..And at bedtime I would sing him jack johnson songs until he fell asleep. Gah I miss him!

    When babysitters would come over, I would first off run and hide and later I would cry a little if they beat me at the Memory game. Hhaha

  6. tea-bag says

    i never baby sat – everyone knows i hate kids & i once accidentally dropped a baby. yeah, true story. don’t let me watch your kids! i might add some nyquil to this ice cream, though, and then i’d for sure baby sit them! jk! … 🙂

  7. Jamie aka "Sometimes Healthy" Girl says

    I love everything about this recipe! You are most likely (if you weren’t already) now those girls favorite babysitter 🙂 I love the name too – how perfect for the children!

    I didn’t babysit that much but I’m going home in July to Omaha and have already offered to babysit for my best friend’s ADORABLE 1 year old boy. I cannot wait!

  8. Michaela says

    Seriously? I was only looking up the Cake Batter Milkshake recipe last night and now you came up with c.b. ice cream!! I love it! I wish I had a babysitter who brought their vitamix (!) and made us ice cream (!) with sprinkles (!).
    I do love babysitting and I have been doing it for ages! Also, I have been an aupair twice 🙂 But I certainly didn´t like having someone babysit ME! All I wanted was my mummy and I rarely went to bed when she wasn´t there 😉

  9. Cait @ Beyond Bananas says

    I babysat all through college. The family I worked with ended up being MY second family and I am still very close to them three years after graduating! I worked in the husbands law firm through college too – and just recently went to the bar mitvah of the oldest boy. It is awesome watching them grow!

    I rarely ever got babysat..because I would CRY the WHOLE time.. because I wanted my mom!

  10. kristi (sweet cheeks) says

    I wish I had YOU as my babysitter when I was younger!!! Those girls are so lucky to be able to enjoy your awesome kitchen creations. You seriously amaze me with everything you make…so much creativity and nothing but pure healthy REAL ingredients. I love it..and you! 🙂

  11. Alyssa says

    My kids would LOVE you!!!!!!!
    I was good for my babysitter. But I did often ask a lot of inappropriate questions, to which she replied “Ask your parents. PLEASE ask your parents!”

  12. Lisa says

    ah! I lOVED Lizzie McGuire! and before I ever started babysitting! haha 🙂
    but agreed, i HATE playing house. UGH!!!! im like, cant I just sit and watch you guys play? but nope! they wont have that!
    i dont remmeber if I was a good “going to bed” child, but my mom told me I would scream and cry when she left the house with my babysitter. I was a demon child!! 🙁 haha

  13. Barb says

    What can you use to blend your ice cream if you don’t have a vita-mix? Will a regular food processor work?

    My specialty with the kids I babysit for has been brownie cupcakes (brownie batter in cupcake tins). Easy to decorate, not as messy to eat.

  14. vogelstar says

    I babysit my niece and nephews. I love tricking them into eating soy ice cream and such. They have no clue and they love it. And I do remember giving my babysitters a hard time when it came to sleeping. If I only knew then what I know now about how wonderful napping is, I would have happily taken all of them.

  15. Aja says

    My job right now is babysitting, but it’s not on a schedule. I babysit when people call. One family has twin boys and they just play video games all evening and go to bed when I tell them to, so I kind of just laze around and watch television. The other family I have to keep entertained but no television for them while the parents are gone. I put the little girl down for a nap and the boy just likes to talk.

    My parents were always home in time for bed, so my babysitters never had to deal with that.

  16. The Teenage Taste says

    This ice cream looks fabulous…and the name is so cute!
    I hate babysitting, but maybe I’ll grow out of it like you did. When I was younger I was always really shy and quiet around my babysitters which is weird because now I hate it when I babysit a shy kid. Ooops. 😉

  17. Sarah says

    Awww how sweet! Fairy dust ice cream haha I love kids 🙂 When I used to babysit I would always make homemade pizzas with the kids. They loved that

  18. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says

    Ohh I love the “fairy dust” ice cream idea! It looks so pretty and I bet it tastes even better! You are an excellent food photographer too- your pictures always look so pretty! I’m glad you had a nice time babysitting! I’m with you- I think I’d enjoy babysitting now more than I used to! And I wasn’t so bad for my babysitters but the combination of me and my 2 older brothers was the bad part- the 3 of us together must have been quite a handful!!

  19. Bianca- Vegan Crunk says

    I hate babysitting! Ugh! I’ve managed to avoid it most of my life, but I have one friend who used to always make me watch her kid. Thankfully, that kid is now 14, so my babysitting days are over. I’m pretty sure the task would have been much easier with a scoop (or five) of that ice cream. Geez, I NEED a Vita Mix!

  20. Veronica says

    I love that you can make icecream without an icecream maker! I have a food processor and have used it to make banana soft serve, but I bet I could make your ice cream recipes as well. I was never watched by a sitter in the evening, so I never got the opportunity to terrorize them about not wanting to go to bed. I used to go to daycare during the day and at nap time, I would just lay there, bored to death. I never was a nap-person.

  21. Amber K says

    I babysat constantly! I actually liked it a lot better then than I do now. I find that I have much less patience for watching kid TV and replaying the same game over and over and over and over now. Although I hung out with my niece (7) and nephew (5) this past weekend and I had NO idea how excited they would be to shred papers. I bet those kids liked blending, because these kids went bat-sh!# crazy shredding paper after paper!

  22. veganteen11 says

    I am babysitting this summer for 6 week straight! I’m running out of ideas to do with the kids.. Yesterday we made vegan orange sorbet, but they wanted something like real ice cream. I will have to try this.
    Thanks for the ideas!

  23. Nicole @sugarcoatedsisters says

    Wow Katie this is beautiful! I love that it’s “fairy dust,” I bet the girls you babysat liked that 😉

    I babysat a bit, but I never got into it so much. I feel like parents got less willing to pay for a babysitter as the economy went bad, so I lost lots of opportunities. I probably wasn’t good at going to bed for a babysitter because my babysitter was oftentimes my older sister; and no one likes to take orders from his/her older sister!

  24. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    Awww Fairy Dust Ice Cream?! So sweet!! More importantly, so YUMMY!! I’m planning on making this later this week yaaaay!! 😀

    I was good for my babysitter, because she bribed me with chocolate! She definitely knew the way to my heart 😉

  25. Serena says

    I tried to make my mint ‘ice cream’ in the vita and it didn’t work :/ It just kept getting stuck. Maybe it was because I didn’t thaw enough, though.
    Beautiful ice cream. It really does look like fairy dust!

  26. Dawn @ Blonde on a Mission says

    I used to babysit 2 little girls and they insisted we all sing karaoke christmas songs in October…
    This was a while ago however, and I remember I helped them bake cookies. Baking/cooking/experimenting in the kitchen with kids is so much fun for them! Really keeps them focused because they know there’s a yummy outcome! This kind of makes me want to babysit now : and you’re teaching young kids that healthy food can look like THAT!

  27. Jen says

    I’ve never been the biggest babysitter, although I’ve done it before. I babysat an actual BABY once, and he cried (correction: screamed bloody murder) in my ear for 70% of the night. That was fun. When you babysit kids that are old enough to eat solid food, dessert is definitely the way to their hearts! Keep making these girls dessert and they’ll want you over every night. (I kinda want you over every night to make ME dessert…)

  28. Mandy says

    I babysat quite a bit in middle school, and I loved it! I had the cutest boy and girl … ahh memories! I bet those little girls LOVED you! Fairy dust ice cream? How fun is that!

  29. Carrie says

    OH MY LORDY!!! this is fab and GORGEOUS!!
    YES i babysit!!! a lot actually!! but i was a tERRIBLE little kid! i talked and danced NON STOP.. for real

  30. LizAshlee says

    YUMMMMMMmmmmm!! I am going to make it a point today to get an ice cube tray!! Recipe sounds usual!:)

    I haven’t babysat recently but I use to quite a bit before I start my current position. It was a great job to have through grad school and the kids were adorable! Adorable and also difficult at times, but I have always loved working with children!

    Love that you took the vita-mix with you! I always packed snacks… 🙂 and made a point to make the kiddos cookies or brownies while I was watching them and let them help with the mixing and pouring ingredients…so fun!

    Have a perfect day!

  31. Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says

    This is AMAZING. and yes i was good to my babysitters. We never cooked/baked together!! what a great idea,… i am stealing it 🙂

  32. Kate (What Kate is Cooking) says

    I work at a daycare, so I’m pretty much a professional babysitter 🙂 And Dexter’s Laboratory is still on! I don’t know what channel, but one of the channels at work plays a bunch of old cartoons (The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Powerpuff Girls, etc) are played on there. I HATE Dexter’s Laboratory, but unfortunately the kids love it!

  33. Ann Claire says

    That is awesome that you took your vita to babysit.
    When I babysit, I try not to let the kids watch too much TV, but sometimes that’s all they want to do. I’ve definitely done some cooking/baking with the kids and that is always fun.
    I remember my siblings and I had this one guy babysitter and we would never go to bed for him. One time we finally agreed that if he told us a story about his girlfriend we would got to bed. Not sure why we cared about his girlfriend, strange kids we were (are).

  34. Emilia says

    I never thought to travel with my vitamix anywhere– it is pretty light and packable! I’m SO glad vitamix blender isn’t glass or else that would be bad news 🙂
    Mmmm– i’ll have to try this!

  35. Laura says

    I babysit all the time and love it! I have found it helps to play card games or board games with the kids, color, read books, and even watch movies. Really, kids love anything if you are interested in it as well.

  36. katie @KatieDid says

    I made some coconut ice cream this morning using a similar method and I was so pleasantly surprised at how creamy and ice cream like it came out with no need of an ice cream maker! My only issue was trying to take pictures of it for my blog, it got melty so quickly I had to re freeze it for an hour and try again! I can only imagine in Texas how much harder it must have been to get a great shot, but you definitely managed, it looks awesome!

  37. Jess @ Keeping It Real Food says

    One time while I was babysitting, one of the kids got electrocuted. She was fine, but freaked out! Weirdly enough, the family asked me to babysit a few more times. I didn’t do it that often, though. I was usually too busy.

  38. Ragnhild says

    Im not a big fan of sprinkles, but this looks perfect for kids 😀 I guess they loved you!
    I have been babysitting a lot over the years. Not too much for the last couple of years though, but from time to time 🙂

  39. Kristen @ The Red Velvet Life says

    Fairy dust ice cream — so precious and delicious! I’m sure the girls were in heaven with you as a babysitter! 🙂 I used to babysit, and I kinda miss it! I have a friend where we moved with a wee babe, so maybe I can babysit while she and Hubs have a night on the town. 😉

    I have an actual ice-cream maker that I received as a wedding present in ’08, but it’s never made it out of the box! Now that I have some more counter space in the new kitchen, I might try using it for something like this!

  40. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    You sound like a fun babysitter!

    I always loved babysitting because I love playing with little kids 😀 And making them treats, too! We always play games with their toys, go outside and play, run around, make treats….no wonder I am so exhausted after I babysit!

  41. Amanda Jewell says

    I loved Dexter’s Lab! But as a science nerd… what else would you expect? 🙂
    I babysat all the time! Quick and (sometimes) easy money! Most of my friends are getting married and having babies so I have a feeling I’ll be babysitting (not for $) pretty soon again!

  42. Oc Ziegler says

    I babysit pretty often cause I’m good with kids and just to make some extra cash! This ice cream looks so cute. It’s the kind of thing I would have eaten as a little girl just cause it looks so pretty 🙂 haha I used to do that with the icing on cakes all the time when I was little. I always wanted the piece of cake that had the pretty flower or design on it!

  43. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    You brought your Vitamix to the babysitting gig? Omg those LUCKY girls!!!! My babysitters never brought anything over. Maybe a coloring book? But they certainly weren’t making me vegan ice cream 🙂

    And loving the pics of the ice cream and the funfetti blondie. Very FUN!

    Was I good for my sitters, honestly I think I was. Skylar is good for hers, so maybe there is some karma after all! 🙂

  44. Jess says

    i want to try this soon. i loved the old spongebob, new episodes not so much. it looks so sparkly, but i made raw lucuma ice cream… maybe i can make my own cashew milk for the base.

  45. Nathalie says

    I actually….never had babysitters. Well, I did when I was REALLY young, like 3 or 4. I barely remember that. When I got older we just never ran into the need for one.

    I have to admit that I did, and still would if I could, watch a lot of those original “cartoon cartoons.” I LOVE (the original, pre-style change) Dexter’s Lab, Johnny Bravo, even the Power Puff Girls. I always thought there was something in those for both the adults and the kids. A certain je ne sais quoi, a bit of bite, a touch of sarcasm. Er.. yeah.

    It’s suddenly gotten WAY hot here X_x. I’ve been playing with lighter, more refreshing lemon themed versions of some of your recipes. I’ll link ya when I finish the post on it (^.^)

  46. Sarah says

    Well, I’m 20 and I still babysit.. but I like to think of myself as a nanny now. Sounds much more mature.

    The cake batter ice cream looks soo good! Soo do the blondies!

  47. Carey @ Positively Blonde says

    You are definitely their favorite babysitter!!! When I use to babysit, the treat woudl always be using the Easy Bake Oven. Those treats far surpass that! haha

  48. michelle says

    It’s so funny you have this blog tonight. My 13 yr old is on her very first babysitting gig. I’m in constant text with her and she’s loving it! Like you I didn’t really enjoy it either but she’s loving the little girl and counting her $$ in advance. I’m going to suggest she take healthy snacks with her next time.

  49. Amy says

    I love this whole cake batter/sprinkles theme you have going! So adorable and colorful! It is hard not to want to eat anything that looks this delicious! I need to try out this recipe :)!

  50. Colleen @ Jimmy Choos on the Treadmill says

    Recently found your blog–love it! Healthy desserts are right up my alley! I’m a nanny, but babysit for over 10 families! It gets crazy at times, especially because I don’t go a single day without getting a new job and my schedule is constantly changing! I love it though!

  51. Cait says

    that’s awesome girl- i love babysitting but i know how crazy days can be especially if you’re like me and you nanny on a day to day basis. doing fun things like DIY projects are always a hit. that ice cream looks fabulous! xo great job girl!

  52. Lindsay@ In Sweetness and In Health says

    Oh wow that looks so good. When I go home after my summer class ends, I’m planning on making a bunch of your recipes!

  53. AikoVenus says

    There are so many things that I have to say about this. 1 – This is absolute favorite type of ice cream and uses all of my favorite nuts. 2 – Your pictures are so beautiful and clear that I’m a bit jealous. 3 – Oh my goodness, sprinkles? I need to confiscate all of them for…research.

    Don’t even get me started on the blondies.

  54. Nikki says

    I am not sure if this question was already asked because I don’t have time to read 100 comments, but how long does this last if you make it and put it in the freezer? Also, how long after I make a smoothie using a banana can I keep it in the fridge before it starts effecting the taste and texture?

  55. Marissa says

    I hate children and thus will never babysit, lol. I have been asked many times. I say no. I am child adverse…

    When I was little, I would NEVER go to bed! I would always stay up until my parents got home, haha.

  56. Erin says

    I’m 17, so I still get the “Oh, hey, do you babysit?” whenever I meet adults. I’ve always thought about bringing along something to bake but I was always too scared at the idea of making a mess in their kitchen! I think “Fairy Dust Ice Cream” would be a pretty safe bet though 😀

    But actually, the only babysitting I’ve done “officially” was for a 10-month-old boy and later, for two sisters: an 8-year-old and an 11-year-old. The baby was obviously pretty simple; he went to bed after around an hour of playing with his toys. The girls though… that was harder. We played A LOT of cards, I cooked them dinner, we watched TV, walked the dog, went swimming, etc… just basically whatever they wanted to do. The hardest part was that I had to channel some of my inner pre-teen so that I would be fun to play with! Haha.

    I was a dream child to babysit. All I did while she was there was play video games or computer games by myself. I didn’t want to bother the babysitter, haha.

  57. Twyla says

    I never babysat, though I was secretly in love with the “idea” of the babysitter’s club, I never read any of the books either. I failed – yes straight out failed – miserably – the course at school when I was like fourteen and never looked back.
    Now I have a daughter of my own and think those people who run the course are full of sh— and if I failed then *good* for me. I wasn’t wrong then. Those people must not have heard of common sense.
    Now I have a question: why can you not omit the salt?
    (and yes … its still on tv in its fifth or tenth season of re-runs – much to my dismay and my DD’s enjoyment, though really it should be replaced by ‘angry beavers’ because really, who doesn’t love Stump?)

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      LOL I guess you can technically omit the salt if you want to… I just wrote not to because I know people will think it’s weird to have salt in a sweet ice cream recipe. But a tiny pinch of salt really brings out the sweet flavor :).

  58. Andrea @ Wild Bean Vanilla Co. Blog says

    Love this recipe, and your blog, what a great concept!! I’ve pinned it on my “things to make” recipe board on Pinterest and am going to follow you on Twitter too!

  59. Diane says

    This is excellent! Just made it for my husband. His favorite ice cream flavor is cake batter. I added 2 drops of blue food coloring to make it more believable. Thanks for all your amazing recipes 🙂

  60. Jen says

    I saw this unsweetened almond-coconut milk blend (by Blue Diamond) and thought it would be perfect for this recipe — and it is deeeelicious! Well done.

  61. JMIKES says

    Dear CCK,

    I have a life-threatening allergy to coconut and all coconut products. Is there any kind of vegan recipes you can come up with for me?


  62. Abby says

    How do you keep the sprinkles from losing their color when mixing everything together? It looks so pretty in the picture!

  63. Anabel says

    Oh my goodness this is delicious! I made it with some friends and let me tell you it was NOT enough to go around three people..mmmmm…..we made a second batch, of course!
    As a high school student I currently babysit some kids of a long-time family friend. I know them well but these three kids are little devils haha! One of them was kicked out of pre-school for being so rude, and the other has more attitude than all the Bratz dolls combined! (Am I the only one who finds them creepy? lol) The last, fortunately is a sweet little thing but a VERY nit-picky eater. I plan to make some of this when I babysit again next week. Who knows…maybe they’ll love it so much they’ll go right to sleep afterwards! Fingers crossed =)

  64. Tisha says

    When you said you can use butter extract instead of coconut butter, do you mean imitation butter flavoring? I can’t find butter extract anywhere.

  65. mrs.iHB @ says

    This looks absolutely delish!! I love cake batter but hate all the junk that’s in it!
    I baby-sat A LOT in jr. high and high school but now that I have my own son, I’m less into other people’s kids….kind of interesting. I still love my friends kids, but I’m good just hangin’ out with my little guy 🙂

  66. Sarah says

    I tried making this tonight. Even with a normal blender, this came out pretty creamy. Next time, I’m going to try adding some coconut milk or cream — the almond flavor was nearly overpowering for me.

  67. Sella says

    You are on a cake batter rage! I think you like sprinkles more than those kids..hahahaha!! I can’t wait to try this recipe. Thanks!

  68. Shabnam says


    I first wanted to let you know that I LOVE your blog! In fact, you have inspired me to go vegan! Anyways, I am trying to win the cuisinart mixer and I re-pinned the cake batter frozen yogurt. I chose this recipe because what can be better than ice cream and cake, all wrapped up in a bowl?!

  69. Nic says

    I made this with homemade coconut milk (sans the sprinkles) a few nights ago and it is by far the BEST vegan vanilla ice cream I have made. Adding the melted coconut butter really helps the flavor and texture. I can’t thank you enough. My husband and daughter love it. I actually can’t stop thinking about it! Thanks again!!

  70. SaraAnne Stahl says

    Hey there, Little Miss Chocolate Covered Katie!
    First, you re so darling and I love all of your wonderful ideas! We are all about the cake batter recipes and can’t wait to try this one. I was just toying with the exact recipe idea for your chocolate chip mint ice cream from frozen bananas (less the green) and I will now try it for certain! Also, did you know that IF you use white beans instead of garbanzo beans and melt the chocolate chips prior to adding to the blender, your deep dish chocolate chip cookie pie turns into AMAZING BROWNIES!?!?! (Also, you can lessen the oil by more than half and substitute with fat free Greek yogurt to lessen the fat, but I think that goes against your idea of staying away from dairy.) Thanks for such great posts! Keep up the wonderful work in the kitchen!

  71. Laura Dembowski says

    This ice cream looks incredible! Love healthy, lighter ice creams that are still super tasty. I have never baby-sat before, as I am kind of uncomfortable around kids. But I used to love my baby-sitters. It was like having a best friend who played with me and went shopping and out to eat – it was a blast. I’m sure you’re a great baby-sitter.

  72. Sandra says

    I made this recipe as written but, put the liquid into silicone molds. My daughter LOVES her new ice cream treats!

  73. Aleshia says

    Please DO NOT USE STEVIA FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12!! It is well proven that it can have side effects that mimic stereroids in their systems. Both my family doctor and my nutritionist warned me of this. Just use sugar.

  74. Rachel says

    This looks great, have you tried making it in a regular ice cream maker? I have one just laying around because I am avoiding the dairy fat but I haven’t found any other recipes. This looks like it might work, so creative, job well done.

  75. Jeanie says

    Hey Katie!
    I’ve been chowing down on your recipes for a while now (telling everyone who’ll listen in the meantime) but this will be my very first comment! I’ve made this recipe as written several times but… I just got an icecream maker so I had to try it out! I made the peanut butter version in the machine as written and it was fantabulous! I decided though that I would try the cake batter recipe smushed together with another recipe I found for cornstarch icecream. (The recipe can be googled) I pretty much just used almond milk as the milk in the other recipe along with your suggestion of coconut butter and of course the vanilla and salt. Holy cow. It’s amazing and you must try it immediately.
    That is all.

    • Heather says

      I was so excited to see your comment. I am trying to find recipes for our 4 quart ice cream maker, what size is yours and could you please tell me what quantities you used?

  76. Emily says


    Can you explain how this is 40 calories a serving to me? Silk almond milk is 90 calories per cup, so I am confused as to how this actually pans out. Thanks!

  77. Heather says

    Katie, Have you ever made your recipes in an old fashioned ice cream maker? My kids have dairy allergies and I want to make large batches for our family (6 of us!) I would love to have recipes with adjusted measurements for a 4 quart ice cream maker. Any ideas? Thanks!

  78. stephanie says

    wow katie i like the cake batter ice cream it,s good,:) how are you,:) and talk to you soon,:) bye,:)

  79. Sam says

    Would these work with an ice cream/froyo maker? Like a cuisinart one? I don’t have a vitamix but I was planning on buying an ice cream maker to make your ice cream recipes at home!

  80. Monica says

    I will defiantly try this but I really love chocolate, so maybe I will modify it, and I just became the owner of a vitamin a couple of months ago! 🙂

  81. Bethany says

    Hi Katie,
    I REALLY need a substitution for coconut butter. I can never find it ANYWHERE and you use it a lot in your recipes.
    Thank you!!!

  82. alya says

    just made this 😀 😀 can’t wait to see how it turns out!!!

    you are an amazing person Katie!

    All your recipes are just amazing! i’m amazed a little bit more each day i find a new awesome recipe! Keep them coming gurlll and thank you! I really appreciate you posting your recipes instead of selling them to people! 🙂

  83. Karen W says

    This looks yummy! I just treated my family to an ice cream maker, so we’re trying a vanilla ice cream recipe as I type! I was wondering, can this be made in an ice cream maker? I’m hoping so bc my daughter, even though she’s almost 13, would LOVE this recipe!

    Wow, you must be the BEST babysitter EVER!

  84. Audrey says

    Did you use sweetened or unsweetened almond milk? I try to follow recipes 100% the first time (then decide whether or not to tweak it for my personal tastes).

  85. Cynthia says

    Hi, Katie,
    Used to love cake batter ice cream, so this is great, but isn’t it really ice milk if you don’t use full fat coconut milk? Would putting it in an ice cream maker make it creamy?
    Thanks for all you do!

  86. Unofficial CCK Helper says

    You need to use the tamper. For easier blending, either thaw a little more before blending or you can double the recipe, which makes for smoother blending as well.

  87. Sue Cousins says

    What is coconut butter, and where can I find it? Is it high in everything? Is the stevie good for the recipes. Just don’t want to gain any weight! Where can I get chocolate protein powder for three fro you recipe

  88. Seva says

    First of all, I don’t do pinit, nor tweet or any of the other social media things but I do like your site and your recipes help a lot because I am diabetic. Thank you for all your recipes, and I do like the fact that you allow us to print some of them. I have tried everything to get a print of the Cake Batter Ice Cream but nothing works. Please don’t ask me to cut and paste as I’m very old and am lucky to have found your website!….lol.
    Please tell how I can get a clean printable copy of this recipe.
    Will be truly grateful.

  89. kristi says

    Katie can you please email me receipes . I can figure out how to sign up??? Saw Alfredo avocado one. Looks good and dessert ones for sure…??? Thank you. Just saw one on Pinterest !! 🙂 thanks

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