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Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins

4.94 from 15 votes

These homemade chocolate chip zucchini muffins are moist, sweet, and packed with whole grains and shredded zucchini.

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins Recipe

Do you know what yesterday was?

Why, it was none other than National Zucchini Bread Day… a very special day – right up there with Thanksgiving and Christmas as one of the most important days in the history of forever and ever.

Or… maybe not.

But still, a day worth celebrating with homemade zucchini muffins. 

When I realized how few zucchini recipes there are on my blog, it made me sad.

So today you get my best zucchini muffin recipe!

Also try this Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipe

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins
zucchini muffins

A great way to use up zucchini, they’re the perfect healthy muffins for breakfast, snack, or dessert.

Or maybe even dinner.

Hey, they’re practically a vegetable! 😉

It’s obviously too late to go back and make these zucchini muffins for National Zucchini Day this year, but do not despair!

National “Sneak some Zucchini onto your Neighbor’s Porch” Day is August 8th.

Yes, that really is an actual holiday.

Super weird, right?

The muffins make a great breakfast paired with Tofu Scramble or a Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie.

Homemade Healthy Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffin Recipe
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Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins

These homemade chocolate chip zucchini muffins are moist, sweet, and packed with whole grains and shredded zucchini.
Total Time 20 minutes
Yield 10 – 12 muffins
4.9 from 15 votes


  • 1 1/2 cups spelt, white, oat, or gf ap flour (For low carb, make these Keto Muffins)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • optional: 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup sugar of choice, or xylitol
  • optional: 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup applesauce
  • 1/3 cup oil, or sub applesauce if you don’t mind the texture of fat-free baked goods
  • 1 tsp white or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup grated zucchini


  • Zucchini Muffins Recipe: Preheat oven to 350F and place 10-12 cupcake liners in a muffin tin. Combine all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, then set aside. In a large measuring cup, combine all liquid ingredients (including zucchini). Mix wet into dry, and immediately portion into the baking cups and place in the oven. Bake 19 minutes, then allow the zucchini muffins to cool before removing from the tray. These vegan zucchini muffins are soy-free and can also be gluten-free and sugar-free.
    View Nutrition Facts


Also be sure to try these Applesauce Muffins or these Oatmeal Muffins.

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Published on April 25, 2013

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Cassie says

    Oh my these look so good! I have tried stuff like zucchini bread, but I have never made it so I am a little nervous and I hope I do everything right!
    But, I just wanted to say, I love your blog and I read it all the time and refer to it every time I need a sweet tooth fill. You really are just amazing! Thank you for everything you do!
    If I made up a holiday, it would probably be something like National Creativity Day or something like that where everyone gets to show off their special talents. I don’t know, though, just a thought. (:

  2. Sarah the official CCK drooler says

    Haha, every day is “don’t get out of your pjs day” for us home schoolers! And zucchini brownies?
    I would want every day to be “No SAT To Worry about Day”. Yeah, I’m that stressed out high schooler.
    I saw SMU (I think you went there?) in the news yesterday! How cool for you 🙂 (Yes I have prospective colleges on my mind, forgive me)

  3. Christine Moore says

    The reason why “Sneak Zucchini on your Neighbor’s Porch” exists as a holiday is because some people during the summer are overloaded with zucchini from their gardens. I have heard of stories of people giving neighbors bags of zucchini only to find it returned to their porch! This kind of thing surprises me because I love vegetables and there are so many ways to use zucchini in cooking that it would be very difficult to reach this point of saturation.

  4. Jill says

    Looks yummy! What is the difference between the 1/3 cup xylitol and the uncut Stevia? I get confused by all the sugar substitutes. Do you keep standard ones in your pantry – if so what should I keep onhand?

  5. Jamie says

    Just left the produce stand! No zucchini! So sad! Can’t wait to grab some so I can try this- looks great, thanks!

  6. Chantal says

    Hi, I love all your recipes but I’m curious why you don’t use a lot of ground flaxseed and water for substituting eggs in recipes?

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Actually, a lot of them DO call for flaxseeds. But in this particular recipe, there is no need. For eggs, the applesauce takes the place of the binder, and the vinegar reacts with the baking soda to help it rise (among other things).

      • Regina says

        So does that mean (if you are not vegan) you could you replace the applesauce and vinegar with an egg?

  7. Anonymous says

    Is it possible to switch the sweeteners for honey in this recipe. I would imagine so, but thought I should check.

  8. Lisa says

    Chocolate chip zucchini muffins are one of my favorite! Right behind banana dark chocolate chip! These look fabulous.
    Make up a holiday…hmm that would be tough, I don’t even know!

  9. Ali @ Ali Eats Clean says

    Can I just say I’m completely impressed you don’t have batter all over the muffin tin? Not even a drop? 🙂

  10. Edith says

    I am so glad that I forgot to throw my second zucchini into the soup I made earlier this week – that means I had enough to make this recipe this morning 🙂 We definitely did not wait for the muffins to cool in the pan, they were so delicious while still warm! And I made these with a gluten free whole grain flour blend I had made this weekend and they turned out great.

    By the way, I recommend your blog to everyone! I always say “that Chocolate Covered Katie, she’s a genius!” I have tried so many of your recipes and I have loved every single one. Thank you! Being relatively new to several dietary restrictions has been a challenge, and I have survived in large part thanks to you!

  11. Kristen says

    I’m making these right now. Subbed oat flour instead of the options posted, We’ll see how they turn out 🙂 and I’ll let you know 🙂

  12. Kristen says

    I made these with oat flour, reduced the sugar by three Tbsp (used coconut sugar) and used 85% dark chocolate crushed up for the chips. They turned out great! I just ate THREE…..Although, I only got 8 muffins. Still super yummy! And really quick and easy to whip up.

  13. Amy says

    I think that there should be a National Zucchini Bread Day every month! It was one of my favorite treats growing up, but my grandma was the only person who baked it for me. Since she only visited once every other year, I had to cram two years’ worth of zucchini bread into one week. I’d eat half a loaf every day, so it’s probably a good thing she didn’t put chocolate chips in hers… I would have consumed the entire pan in one sitting!

  14. Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake says

    They look delicious. I’ve never baked with zucchini but this recipe is making me want to.

  15. Aislynn says

    I had almost everything on hand so I made this to go with tea tomorrow. I didn’t have chocolate chips because they somehow accidentally managed to fall into my boyfriend’s mouth so I subbed in half a handful of raisins. I had half the oil so I used more applesauce and I also made a cake instead of muffins.


    This cake is perfect! Sweet enough to settle my sweet tooth without being too much. And even with only half the oil it wasn’t gummy, but moist and slightly dense (which is my preference anyway).

    Thank you Katie!

  16. Lisa B says

    I love how you can see the pieces of zucchini!! I don’t know about a special day but the last few weeks I’d like to get rid of Thursdays…so maybe move to a 4 day week but have day in between off?? But I do love your ‘Never Stop Eating Chocolate’ Day!!

  17. Anna @ Your Healthy Place says

    I’m grateful you’re always on top of these ‘holidays’ as I always forget about them! I would definitely make a National Massage Day – that is my FAVOURITE treat!

  18. Katy @ Katy's Kitchen says

    What a great way to get your veggies into breakfast, I certainly have a hard time doing this! If I could make up a holiday, it would be national sing-along day. Everyone would have to sing instead of talk. I think it would just make people laugh and spread a few more smiles around the day. 🙂

  19. Anonymous says

    Katie, today I bought an Endangered Species chocolate bar (88% cacao). And I am having second thoughts. Because my diet is so incredibly clean, I feel like I’m doing the wrong thing in eating chocolate bars. What is your opinion on the matter? I know you love chocolate bars and chocolate chips and such, and you’re really healthy and glowing! Please, please help me! I am a tad anxious about this… 🙁

    • Anonymous says

      Hi there! I’m not Katie, but I do have experience as a nutritionist. Nothing is wrong with eating chocolate bars, and you made a better choice by choosing Endangered Species with 88% cacao. You can still maintain a clean diet and enjoy chocolate at the same time, just make sure to eat it in proportion!:)

  20. emma says

    These are amazing! made some this morning and they got a big thumbs up from my boys, who have taken the rest of them and gone off fishing at the lake. I used unrefined organic cane sugar as it’s all I had, worked just fine.

  21. Bianca says

    I LOVE ZUCCHINI!!! This looks so yummy:)
    If I could make up a national haoliday, I think it would be National Skipping Day! Or maybe national Be Random Day…

  22. Andi says

    I made a batch of these today due to lonely zucchinis in the fridge and an empty cookie jar. My sister’s comment upon biting into her first ran along the lines of, “This is amazing! Heavenly! Wait a second, there’s something green. Don’t tell me, is it spinach?” Fear not, she ate around 5 more, plus expressed hope that they could count as salad!

  23. j says

    These look fabulous, but Katie or Anyone – know how to change this recipe into a cookie recipe? I would love to try these but the kiddos are not fans of muffins. On a side note, they are completely in love with the eggy breakfast and the deep dish cookie pie (and I used a lot less sugar than called for). Thanks for the completely awesome, kid friendly recipes. I am so happy to have healthy, vegan recipes (and lots that are soy-free, too!) I can serve them!!!!

  24. Jessica says

    Made these yesterday and brought them to the last day of class today – they were a hit! My veggie-averse boyfriend loved them as well. I used an average size zucchini and got almost exactly two cups shredded, so I doubled the recipe and got 24 muffins. After I took them out of the tray, I let them sit on a cookie rack to cool down a little, because they are pretty moist and I think they would get gummy if stored right away.

  25. Anna {Herbivore Triathlete} says

    I love zucchini bread! I made OSG zucchini muffins last year and they were so good. I will have to try yours as well, because, well, everyone is better with chocolate!

  26. Lauren says

    Love love love your recipes! Thanks for taking the time to create this website. I just so happen to have all the ingredients for this so I’m getting to work on them now 🙂

  27. Eris says

    My grandma made chocolate chip zucchini cookies once and I really enjoyed them but I wasn’t sure about these muffins. But I made them last night (I got 11 muffins) and I took one to work for breakfast. It was good. Really good actually. I was surprised at how much I like it and wished I had brought more then 1.
    Keep up the good work!

  28. Taylor says

    These are so good! I made them last week and I think I’m going to make them again tonight. Perfect for breakfast, snacks, and dessert.

  29. Jennifer says

    These are delicious! I love zucchini bread, but wanted something a little healthier, and these hit the spot!

    I have no idea what holiday I would want to make up, I’ll have to give it more thought!

  30. June Stone says

    Can you tell me where I can order sugar free chocolate chips? I live in Israel and depend
    on my friends to bring it to me when they visit. Are there any national chains that carry them? Love your recipes especially the sugar free. June Stone from Tel Aviv Israel.

    • veganlivingrocks says

      Xylitol will kill your pets if ingested. Do not give them or let them taste or eat any of your baked goods with this in it. It was on the local news here in Orlando recently. Love your website.

  31. Beth says

    I just made these yesterday, and not only are they delicious, but my boyfriend (who, once upon a time, would not eat ANY vegetables OR whole wheat breads) raved about them. He’s broadening his diet, so I’ve taken the opportunity to try to introduce him to as many delicious, healthy foods as possible.

    Also, I added some unsweetened, shredded coconut to a portion of the muffins, and it’s delicious!

    Thanks, Katie!

  32. Kim Priestley says

    I was just wondering if you could freeze grated zucchini for use at a later date? I want to try all these recipes but don’t have enough of all the other recipes. You obviously know how expensive the GF (and Soy free) flours are. I just can’t afford to do them. But if I can freeze the zucchini, I can do them throughout the rest of the year. Thanks! I can’t wait to try these muffins!

  33. Irish says

    Hi Katie,
    First: I’m SO thankful for your blog – my kiddos are on a low sugar, high veggie diet this summer and your site has been a life saver for me – thank you!

    I made the chocolate chip zucchini muffins with: double the stevia, combo of date & maple sugar (next time I think I’ll do 1/4 c b/c they were plenty sweet), pureed the zucchini with a bit of water, whole wheat pastry flour, and added 2 T coco powder and they are AMAZING! Thank you!

  34. Margaret says

    Katie, I love your creativity, your generosity and your overwhelming zest for all things delicious. And I’ve enjoyed many of your recipes. Any way you could sometimes include “regular” ingredients for some of your recipes (like todays zucchini muffins) instead of only listing the gluten free versions? Thank you!! Also, how are you surviving the Whole Soy debacle? It’s killing me!!!! Thanks for all you do.

  35. Barbara says

    Hi Katie

    I was in Wegman’s watching a VitaMix demo and told many people about your fabulous blog. I have finally made the decision to purchase a VitaMix knowing it will come in handy when I make your fabulous recipes.

    Thank you so much for creating and continuing your blog:)


  36. Irish says

    Love these Katie! Today I was out of zucchini & applesauce and wanted to make for my kids so below are my modifications. They aren’t as tasty as original but pretty darn good and considering large amount of greens added I’m pretty excited 🙂

    Instead of zuch & applesauce I pureed (really really well) my fresh organic 10 oz spinach package plus 2 bananas which equaled 3 c of pulpy liquid, whole wheat pastry flour, 1/2 c erythyritol (sugar alcohol) + 1/4 c maple sugar (not syrup), 1/4 t liquid stevia, 1/2 c enjoy life baby chocolate chips, 3/4 c coconut oil, and 6 T coco powder.

    Followed rest of recipe the same way and my kids love em ! Thanks!!

  37. Erin says

    I just made these last night. My kids (3yr. and 6yr.) ate two a piece after dinner and thought they were great. Mommy thought they were extra yummy too! Thanks for the recipe!

    • Rachel says

      I just made these and ran out of applesauce so I subbed pumpkin for half of it. I did use oil. They are still in the oven; they are very soft in the center. I also subbed banana for half the sugar though. I’m betting they will turn out fine, maybe a bit too moist. Depending on your expectations, I’m sure subbing all pumpkin would work. 🙂

  38. Mary says

    Made these a few times and they turned out great, I used 1 large zucchini and it made more than 1 cup, so I froze about 1/3 cup for later. I dried the zucchini with paper towels and squeeze out more water. I know no egg is needed but one time I added one and 2 tbsps flax seed with 1 tbsp water. I also used King Arthur white wheat flour which makes a more dense healthier muffin. Add dark chips every time. I also made a crunchy topping of chopped walnuts, cinnamon, 1 Tbsp sugar. Love these!

  39. Stella says

    I made these a moth ago, and they were soooooo good. I couldn’t stop eating them. I also added a dash of cinnamon and a few walnuts to the batter.

  40. Paul says


    I’ve been eating my wife’s cooking for years, and years…it’s good. But tonight, I came home to a real treat. This is the first time that I’ve eaten zucchini anything, and do I need to say…that is one good vegetable. The recipe is amazing, the texture of the chocolate chip zucchini bread is awesome. It’s healthy!!!! Come on…I love it. Told my wife to try other recipes that you have…great job. Really impressed. Thanks, a loving husband.

  41. LRT says

    I made this as a bread earlier this week and it was AMAZING!! Super moist and delicious – it was especially good right out of the oven when it was warm (I had to fight my husband off at least until we finished dinner :-)), and still really good the next day (I don’t think we’ll get to see how it holds up past day 3 – it will definitely be gone tonight!). To make it a bread, I just baked it for about 45 minutes in a loaf pan rather than 19 as muffins. Thanks for the great recipe!

  42. Emily says

    I’ve been scouring the internet for a vegan zucchini bread recipe that isn’t overly-sweet. I made this in my loaf pan and it came out absolutely perfect. 🙂 The texture was fluffy and it was just the right amount of sweetness with the added chocolate chips. Thank you!

  43. Andrea says

    Any idea how long these stay good? I’m making them now for the snack for my daughter’s preschool class for her birthday. Her birthday is in 3 days. Think they’ll still be good or should I freeze them? Thanks for the great recipe!

  44. beth c says

    these are amazing!! thanks so much for sharing the recipe! i made these yesterday with bananas because we didn’t have any zucchini, and i’m back to make some more today! 🙂 they were a huge hit, and one of the first muffin recipes i’ve tried online that actually turned out decent! i think i’m going to lessen the sugar & add a little flax meal today! yummm!

  45. Lisa says

    just made these!! eating one as we speak(; i followed the recipe exactly and i thougjt they tastef really good! my mom bought like 10 zucchinis since they were on sale so this was a great way to use em up! thanks katie(:

  46. Lisa says

    oh and one thing, i i make these again i would probably add a teaspoon or two of baking powder to help it rise, as it looks like yours didn’t rise much as well(:

  47. Emma of Zimt says

    Katie- I, and my minimal volume of dirty dishes must pay you a formal thank you. THANK YOU for putting the gram measurements for so many of your ingredients in your recipes! I just chuck stuff into a couple of bowls and voila- easy as can be.

    These are in the oven and smell great! I added chocolate (of course. Like I didn’t have enough of that today…) – guess which brand 😉

    Hope you’re well!

  48. Stephanie says

    I made these tonight for my toddler who is dairy, gluten, soya, egg and nut free. They are actually pretty good! I cut down the sugar and still think it could be cut further. I used GF flour and some xanthan gum – this wasn’t in the recipe but I assumed it was required?? Took a guess and put in 1 tsp. I found them nice and crispy on top but kind of wet and gooey on the bottom. Any idea why??

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You need to make the recipe exactly as written. Otherwise, neither Katie nor anyone else can predict why the results are the way they are.

      • Stephanie says

        OK – but if I swap for gf flour do I need to add the gum? It says gf works with this recipe and all of the other recipes seem to use the gum so I wasn’t sure! CanI make it by just swapping flours?

    • Erin says

      I made these muffins again except I used maple syrup for the sweetener instead. They turned out really great! I only used 1/4 cup maple syrup, added an additional 1/8 tsp baking soda, reduced the amounts of apple sauce and oil just slightly. And reduced the temperature to 325 for 30 minutes.

  49. Kc says

    Hi. Love your site! Would like to see a week of food geared to babies and toddlers especially healthy food combos that they won’t detect! Thx 🙂

  50. Lynne says

    Hey Katie!

    I’d like to see Smoothie Week! I’m having a Date Vanilla smoothie right now and it’s swee and so delicious!!!

    Or maybe Dates Week! I love dates!

  51. Patrick says

    Really like your recipes but I’ve noticed a lot of oats and being gluten-free that makes them unusable for me so if you can drop the oats
    Keep up the good work!!

  52. te says

    Why the emphasis on bake “immediately”? I only have one muffin tray so I can only make 6 of these babies at a time.

  53. Sue Colantoni says

    Thanks for your recipes! I am trying to go gluten free, sugar free and somewhat grain free for my daughter and grand daughter who are dealing with gut issues. I am encouraged by your postings of recipes for dessert and breakfast options. Thanks for testing, trying and posting. Sincerely, Mimi

  54. Kim says

    This is one of our favorite recipes ever, been making it for a few years now and still love it!!! Just picked some zucchini from the garden and going to make some now!

  55. Rachel says

    These are delicious! I have no patience for grating, so I pureed the zucchini, converting to grams per your zucchini pancake recipe, so 180g. I used less sugar (they were still way sweeter than I needed them to be) and mostly whole wheat pastry flour (I didn’t have much spelt). I also threw in a few homemade chocolate chips (another CCK recipe)! Yum!

  56. DeeDee says

    5 stars
    I have been making these muffins since this recipe was published. They are amazing! My children request them all the time! I am up at 4:30 this morning making them for my daughter’s class to celebrate her birthday. These muffins have been her *requested* birthday treat for her class three years running. Thank you!!

  57. Lee says

    Hi Katie, I just found your website and wanted to thank you for putting in measurements for sugar substitutions and the real stuff. I usually lose interest as soon as I see the dreaded stevia word (ragweed allergy), sweeteners are such a personal choice item, kudos to you for realizing it!
    This recipe looks great and I have some extra zucchini I was trying to figure out what I could make, so this is on tomorrow’s agenda!

  58. JD says

    Hi Katie!
    I wanted to make these for my dad. He can’t have sweenters or refined sugars. I was wondering if it was possible to sub them out for banana instead?

  59. Carrot Muffins says

    Hi Katie,
    I’ve made this recipe many times and I really love it.
    I thought you and maybe your readers might be interested to know that I’ve also made it with carrots instead of zucchini, and raisins instead of chocolate chips and ground cardamom instead of cinnamon. I guess it’s a totally different muffin altogether but your proportions are so great that it really comes out tasty!

    For me grating the veggies and cooking the applesauce take a while, so sometimes I make a double batch of both, then combine measured portions of the wet ingredients including: the zucchini (or carrot); oil; vinegar; vanilla; sugar (I use brown sugar); applesauce; and cinnamon (or cardamom); (and raisins – I wouldn’t do this with chocolate chips), and store it in a good quality, air-tight container in the refrigerator for a day or two. Then it only takes a few minutes to whip up the second batch.
    I hope you enjoy these tips!

    <3 Charlie
    P.S. Sorry my carrot version doesn't include chocolate 🙁

  60. Maie says

    Made these today! Loved them and was so glad I’m tricking my mind into eating cake while in actually eating veggies.

  61. Cari says

    Just made a double batch for my family of 12 and they were such a hit that I made another double batch before the oven had a chance to cool down. Your recipes are divine, Katie! Thank you so much!!!!

  62. Angela says

    Made these with dairy free chocolate chips for my 11 month old (dairy, all nut and egg allergies), 2 year old and 5 year old and we all enjoyed!

  63. Karen Becker says

    I was looking for a recipe that includes zucchini and chocolate chips for my son and this is it! very moist and delicious and I love that it uses spelt flour. I would say it makes 9-10 muffins. Thanks Katie for another yummy recipe 🙂

  64. Naomi Goldstein says

    I enjoyed these but tried many alterations. Will have to try it as is later on
    1.5 c total mix of whole wheat flour, flaxseed meal, peanut flour, almond flour, hemp seed, cocoa powder,
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    3/4 tsp salt nutritional yeast mixed
    1/2 tsp heeding Allspice and ginger

    1/4 c honey
    3/4 c apple sauce. Maybe try banana
    1/3 c oil mix of olive, canola, coconut
    1/2 c mix chocochips, raisins, crushed walnuts or any nut
    1 tsp rice vinegar
    1 tsp orange oil
    1 cup Shredded carrots
    350 convection
    19 m

  65. Joy says

    These were delicious! My kids said they were “the best in the whole wide world” 🙂 I subbed 2 mushy bananas in for the applesauce and oil, and they turned out great. However it only ended up making 8 muffins total, so next time I’ll double the recipe. Thanks!!

  66. Melissa says

    These were amazing!! I loved them as a snack with cream cheese on it. I omitted the chocolate chips, and made the recipe as directed. They came out perfectly moist! I love your recipes Katie!

  67. sona says

    4 stars
    These taste really good, but wondered if they are supposed to rise? They are like little soft hockey pucks. Any ideas for improvement? thank you

4.94 from 15 votes (9 ratings without comment)

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