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Chocolate Covered Katie Anorexic?

Addressing the elephant in the room.

It’s not something I ever wanted to address; the subject of eating disorders has nothing to do with my website nor what I stand for, which is why I’ve let the rumors go unchallenged for so long.

But readers have recently been leaving an even higher number of weight-related comments than usual, now calling me both too thin and too fat. (I’ve even been called pregnant and anorexic in the same post.)

As I know girls are using photos of me for β€œthinspiration” and citing my blog as a reason it’s okay to eat 100 calories a day and starve down to 70 pounds…

I feel addressing it at this point is the right thing to do.

If you’ve ever googled β€œchocolate covered katie,” you’ve probably seen the search engine’s lovely (I say this facetiously) list of related searches, which includes β€œchocolate covered katie anorexic” and β€œchocolate covered katie eating disorder.”

It’s self-perpetuating: curiosity will cause people to click on the terms, and therefore the suggested searches will most likely never disappear.

Although I don’t have an eating disorder and have always eaten well, I did have an unhealthy relationship with exercise in the past that took a toll on both my appearance and mental health.

While I’d thought I was happy during those years and was technically healthyβ€”with normal lab work and a good relationship with foodβ€”the over-exercising was sabotaging my efforts to gain the curves I desired. I wouldn’t allow myself to entertain the possibility my running routine could be partially responsible for my inability to gain weight.

When I finally did make the choice to give up running (that story is linked above), I gained about 10-15 pounds quickly, easily, and happily. Imagine discovering, almost overnight, that you suddenly have the body you’d always wanted.

Looking back, I wonder why I didn’t realize sooner the extreme exercise was not the healthiest thing for me: it had become a source of stress in my life and was draining me of energy, which was manifest in my appearance.

I am a million and a half times happier now, and it shows.

It’s difficult to make guesses about a person’s life simply by looking at a photograph or by judging his or her online persona.

No, my life is not all about food; and yes, I occasionally do indulge in β€œunhealthy” meals and desserts. I just don’t post about these occasions because it isn’t relevant to the theme of my website.

Hateful things are written on the internet under a cloak of anonymity, and it’s unfortunately women putting down other women all too often, writing words they would never feel comfortable saying in real life.

In my years of blogging, I’ve been called everything from β€œskeleton” to β€œfat slug” to β€œanorexic with a boob job” (neither of which is true; but even if they were, would it mean someone had any less worth as a human being?). The comments eventually forced me to realize my self worth needs to come from something other than the opinion of a stranger on the internet.

The routineness with which I receive these acrimonious messages has at least given me the ability to shrug them off.

Although… when I saw the β€œfat slug” comment, I could not stop laughing.

I completely stopped reading the internet rumors and conspiracy theories about myself a long time ago, even if that means letting some false claims about my life go unchallenged. While I could defend myself against the rumors, doing so would become a full-time job, and I’d rather focus my time elsewhere.

The people who know me in real life are easily able to tell the truth, which is all that matters.

However, the one thing I feel I do need to clear up is that anyone who tells you my blog promotes eating disorders is grossly mistaken. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Chocolate Covered Recipes have healthy fats, whole grains, and real-food (non-artificial) ingredients, and you’ll never find me promoting dangerous cleanses, calorie restriction, or touting any one food as a β€œmiracle” cure.

I’ve turned down so many high-paying offers from companies to promote such things on the blog.

In consideration of the readers with a medical need, lower-calorie and sugar-free options are included in my posts when available. But the recipes are not specifically β€œdiet” choices; just healthier choices, and you can choose the ingredient options that suit your own personal needs.

I go further into detail on this topic in my Chocolate Covered Katie FAQ Page.

Please, the next time you read any kind of gossip online, take a moment to consider the source before believing it as fact. And if you ever come across something written about me that you don’t understand, please always feel free to ask.

I’m one of the most candid and open people you could ever meet, and I don’t get embarrassed easily. If a stranger really wanted to know everything about my life, I’d have no problem leaving in every detail.

At the risk of sounding clichΓ©d… all of the stupid mistakes I’ve made in my life have made me who I am today, and I’m not embarrassed about a single one.

Girl Eating Vegan Ice Cream

If you want to use me as thinspiration, keep in mind that the thinspiration you are using is a healthy woman who eats a balanced diet heavy in calories, healthy fats, and carbs.

Here’s What I Eat In A Day

I’d hope that what people can get out of my blog is the message it’s important to treat your body kindly; to nourish it with real-food ingredients; to truly enjoy the foods you are eating; and to take in enough calories for the strength and energy to live your best life possible.

No crash dieting. No cutting out food groups. No starving. Please take good care of yourselves. β™₯

I also wanted to write this post because I know there are many other girls out there (and guys too) who receive similar online comments. To anyone who might need to hear it, please do not take any of the messages you receive to heart.

Most often, people just like to write things online because they can (especially if it’s anonymous), and it has nothing to do with your worth, no matter whether you are underweight, overweight, or have anything else about your physical appearance that makes you feel insecure or less than.

Now, can we put this subject to rest and get back to the food?

Chocolate Covered Katie Beach

I’m going to hashtag this photo #fatslug Smile with tongue out


More About The Cookbook

Published on July 14, 2014

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC's 5 O'clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Kelly says

    Katie, you are beautiful inside and out. Thanks for your candid post and your grace under pressure. Now THAT’S inspiration!

    • Carolyn says

      I totally agree – Katie, you are amazing! And do remember that whenever anyone criticizes someone else, they are actually criticizing themselves. So just continue to be the inspiration you are and then you will give the “haters” a beautiful example to follow if they so choose.

  2. Hayley@healthyregards says

    Such a well written post, Katie! People are going to judge regardless of what you look like, how you live or your character. Usually it is because of something in their own lives though. We are all (thankfully!) made uniquely different! I am so happy to hear that you aren’t letting other peoples judgements control your own life. Now lets eat some dessert (:

    • Dianne says

      Like the above commenter pointed out, I feel sorry for these haters because they are not mean spirited people but simply people who are struggling. Normal people don’t spend their free time trolling hate forums.

      Also I thought it was funny that some of them are saying you wrote this post to get the SEO for chocolate covered katie anorexic. Do they not know that, as the owner of the domain, you would have already had this top spot to begin with!

    • Lynda says

      I agree with all these comments. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you for sharing this. Keep up the good work. I love your blog and recipes and thank you for all the time you spend trying new things for us and giving so many options with each recipe.

  3. Briana Thomas says

    Katy, from a fellow food blogger, you are my favorite food blogger. I love your creative recipes, and I also love to learn more about you as a person. Anyone who has read your blog for any length of time (OK, so I admit to having seen a *lot* of your material) should know that while the recipes you post are often low-cal, you also often make notes of how you make the recipes richer for yourself. I don’t understand how that could be taken as an “eating disorder.” I think you’re a great role model when it comes to food and taking care of your body. The pictures in this post were absolutely gorgeous, and so are you (I do agree with your self-assessment that the extra pounds you’ve put on have made you even more beautiful). Keep up the good work!


  4. Sandra says

    This is a beatiful post and very refreshing, thank You so much for sharing something so personal is a real inspiration

  5. Hollie says

    This was such an open and strong post. Thank you for being bold and sharing Katie. It is always great to hear more about you personally as well as your recipes. As someone who has worked with those with eating disorders, one of the biggest influencers are people such as yourself speaking out. So thank you.

  6. megan@ says

    What a well written and grace-filled reply! If there’s anything “Unhealthy” and “disgusting” on the internet, it’s how much we feel entitled to verbally judge, criticize and compare ourselves to others we don’t know. Its so ridiculous! As a long-time reader and promoter of your blog (both verbally and on my own blog) I love your candidness, humor, recipes, and health & nutritional information. Those of us who are in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle that’s filled with joy and freedom, appreciate you! Thank you for not letting the “haters” πŸ™‚ get to you, and keep up the amazing delicious work πŸ™‚

  7. Red says

    Your integrity and courage is admirable. It must be difficult at times to have the internet world make assumptions regarding something so personal, but you’ve made your statement with grace. Keep up the good work and, yes, let’s get back to the food!

  8. Ja says

    I think your recipes are great and am sorry the
    haters, bullies and malcontents made you
    feel you had to address this personal issue.
    That said ,thank you for sharing and encouraging thoughts
    on nutrition and preparing healthy & flavorful food . I wish you
    all the best. Btw keep the single lady desserts coming not all of your
    fans have self -control .

  9. Jill says

    Katie, you are a beautiful woman…inside and out. What a mature and wise post. I am so glad you don’t listen to the horrible things people have said…they are truly jealous of you…there is NO other answer! Sad for them and good for you for not wasting your energy on such nonsense! Thank you for being you and for your awesome blog…my family LOVES your recipes and love that we can still have treats while living a healthy lifestyle!!

    • Lee says

      Too thin? Too fat? Hogwash! Honey, you are J U S T R I G H T! I see all these nice comments from girls and women on here and, while those are nice, I’d thought you’d appreciate a comment from a man. Katie, you are smokin’ hot! Just the way you are!

  10. Megan says

    You know- I have never, from the name of your blog to your blog posts, ever would have thought anything about food/weight struggles or disorders.
    I love your site and everything you come up with – keep doing what you are doing and ignore everyone else πŸ™‚

  11. Xena says

    Go listen to Lily Allen’s URL Badman, you’ll feel better. NSFW lyrics though.
    And get a friend or someone who’s not you to review comments for approval. that way you never have to see the truly nasty troll comments.

  12. Angela says

    Katie, I’m a long-time lurker who needed to comment. My teenage daughter and I are on opposite ends of the weight spectrum: she has a hard time gaining weight, while I have a difficult time losing it! My daughter is sixteen and short for her age, hovering between ninety and ninety-five pounds–but she is a ballet student and healthy-looking (just petite). It breaks my heart for people to label her “anorexic” or point out her “thigh gap,” and she gets so discouraged at the comments. I understand how you feel (second hand) and I think it was courageous of you to address the rumors. I intend to show this article to my daughter today.
    By the way, I love your blog and your healthy recipes!

    • Kristin says

      As a dancer who did suffer from an eating disorder, I’d like to advocate the use of the word “anorexic” as identifying a disease whose sufferers need compassion. “Anorexic” is not an insult; it is a sad reality for a great number of girls, women (and yes, some men) today. And although I have beat the disease, I still recognize the need for healthy recipes. We are looking for balance.

      Thank you, Katie, for helping us in the struggle to find a middle ground where we can value health and exercise without succumbing to heart-breaking diseases like anorexia and bulimia.

  13. Bre & Ree says

    It’s unfortunate to hear such terrible things have been said. And, you’re right, you shouldn’t have to defend yourself. Your blog is great, and I’m so glad you have the strength not to take the negative to heart. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  14. Paula says

    Katie, I’ve been reading your blog off and on for years now and am coming out of non-commenter mode to say PREACH, GIRL. I’m so glad you wrote this. I remember reading about your struggle to gain weight and also remember seeing a more recent photo and thinking how healthy you are looking now.

    As someone who struggled with anorexia for 8 or 9 years, I can’t imagine having to hear strangers calling me too fat AND too skinny. And as a person who values balance in her diet, I love that I can make your recipes as healthy or unhealthy as I want (e.g. homemade krispy kreme donuts)! You keep doing you. Props!

  15. Daccota says

    You are amazing. And I’m sure that for everyone who looks at you as inspiration to lead an unhealthy life, there are so so so many more who look at you as an inspiration for living a healthy life! I really wish we lived in a world that had a better grasp of different body types. I know if I ate and exercised exactly as you did I would never have the same size jeans as you – bodies are just different! – but I DO know my health and happiness would shine through the way it does through you! Thank you for leading by example.

  16. Daccota says

    Also, as a biologist, I thank you for turning down the offers to advertise miracle cures. Writing about healthy eating is hard enough without having to sift through the mountains upon mountains of misinformation. I’ve always valued that about your writing and it has made CCK my favorite vegan food blog now for years.

  17. Laura says

    Well written post. I have read your blog for awhile and tried some of your recipes (my favorite is the deep dish cookie pie!). I’ve never thought you had an unhealthy relationship with food. I just assumed you were one of those naturally thin people. I know people like this. I don’t know why some women think if another woman is thin than she must be anorexic. It’s ridiculous! Some people have different genetics!

    Anyways, just wanted to say keep on keeping on!

  18. Jill says

    Great post. It’s sad that it even comes to the point that this is necessary. But I think you hit on a few key things, people need to focus on what is the right choice for them, as individuals. Genetics/natural body type is a huge factor. My body is built very differently than yours and will never look like yours regardless of what I do. And that’s OKAY! Beauty and worth as people comes in all kinds of ways. Keep doing what you’re doing! πŸ™‚

    • K says

      Two of my favorite bloggers! You should both get it to start trending. I bet people would follow and it would catch on with both of your influences behind the movement. I would certainly spread the word and join in on my own Instagram.
      Love you both!

    • Lauren says

      Not sure if you will see this Jordan, but I think you should make Katie a custom shirt that says #fatslug! I love both your blogs too.

  19. Audrey says

    Wow. You are an amazing person Katie and it’s sad to think that anyone would be insecure enough to say things like that to you. You are such an inspiration to me and I make your recipes all the time (and they are awesome! πŸ™‚ ). Keep up the good work.

  20. Librarian Lavender says

    I love your blog and your recipes! It’s hard to please everyone unfortunately :(. My mother always says that it says more about the people who write those things than about you. You’re putting great recipes here for everyone to read for free. I’ve never even thought about this before as I think you look great. I hope those comments won’t spoil too much of the fun for you? That would be such a pity. I like how healthy your recipes often are and how easily I can adjust them because of all your handy tips and tricks. I think many people will agree with me about that. And you have lots and lots of happy readers who appreciate what you’re doing very much :).

  21. Courtney S says

    You look so amazing now!!! I love your new curves you look so healthy and still fit at the same time! Don’t let anyone tell you differently!!

  22. Alexis says

    Katie, you are an amazing person. As a cross-country runner who has struggled with keeping weight on while maintaining a positive body image, your honest and fun blog gives a great example for a healthy relationship with food. Thank you for your candor and courage to put yourself out there!

  23. Eric Jaffa says

    What are you currently doing with regard to exercise (and physical activity such as bicycling to get around)?

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Casual bike rides, and a lot of walking, often in the morning. I am a big fan of walking. And running again only when the desire strikes… which is about once every two weeks, sometimes more and sometimes less.

  24. Liz McConnell says

    Way to go Katie! I have lost 60 pounds over two years and am now stable at my new weight for over three. I have dessert every night and most often these amazing treats come from recipes from your site. It’s great that you are letting people know you can have a healthy body while enjoying both good food and realistic exercise programs. Keep the inspiration and great food coming our way!

  25. Casey @ Casey the College Celiac says

    Katie, I am so sorry you’ve had to deal with these rumors and I entirely admire the way that you have handled them. It seems like in this society, women can’t win. They’re too thin, too fat, too healthy, or a junk-eating “slug.” Stay amazing and know that many of your readers have never heard of these rumors, never given your weight any real thought, or analyzed your recipes past the: “Dang. This tastes AMAZING.” Stay awesome and honest and celebrate with some dessert! πŸ™‚

  26. Brianna says

    Katie, I am so grateful for your blog. My youngest son was diagnosed with failure to thrive last year. I had a terrible few weeks and one specialist told me i had to quit nursing my baby and “make sure he always had food in his hands”. When I asked what to feed him, the doctor recommended ” cookies “. I could not believe it!!! There is so much trouble with obesity in children, and I struggle with it myself. I didn’t want to follow this crazy advice and expose my kids to all of the unhealthy eating she’d recommended. That’s when I found your blog, and I have been using your desserts to try to help my sons gain weight healthfully for nearly a year. My nutritionist has often asked me for your recipes. I’ve just had an annual exam for all three boys, and the doctor was quite happy with their growth. I appreciate your commitment to sensible eating of whole food and natural ingredients. You have been part of the solution for our eating problems, and have hopefully helped me get my boys off to a good start for a lifetime with a healthy relationship with food. Thank you for your honesty, your integrity, and your awesome recipes!!!

  27. Penny H says

    Its about time someone did a post like this. Well done for addressing this issue and for standing up for yourself. Honestly, you look lovely and you’re perfect the way you are.
    Penny xxx

  28. Brooke says

    I’ve been a long time reader, and recipe tryer! I’m super proud of you for writing this, not only to put rumors to rest in your own defense, but also to make an important statement that ALL women need to read. Thanks for your honesty. Good for you. Keep on doing what you’re doing, and I hope you enjoy it as much as your readers do!! Your blog is a gift to humanity, no exaggeration. Ok maybe a little. πŸ˜‰

  29. Jen says

    Wow I love your honesty and openness. Your blog was the first one I discovered when I began looking for gluten-free dessert recipes (without all the crazy ingredients) last year and, in my opinion, the best! I really appreciate that you take the time to test out gluten-free/sugar-free etc versions of your recipes, especially when you don’t have to πŸ™‚ Keep doing what you’re doing <3

    • Jen says

      Also as a fellow naturally thin woman, I definitely understand how it feels when people assume that you must have eating issues. I used to feel like I needed to somehow “prove” that I eat, which is just ridiculous… Now I just go about my business πŸ™‚

  30. Michelle says

    You’re not alone, lady! I think people overlook how often slim people get harassed. It’s seen as some kind of justifiable retribution for decades of thinness being a beauty standard. Ridiculous how people overreact in the opposite direction under the guise of promoting women’s self-esteem.
    What you say is true- eat as much as you want, but make sure it’s REAL food, not processed junk. So far I’ve made your black bean brownies 4 times & your chocolate eatmores- both got rave reviews, everyone wants the link to your site!

  31. Jodi says

    I’m sorry to hear these hurtful things that were said, it seems very backwards to the entire concept of your website. Your recipes are amazing, healthy, and delicious!

  32. Jodi says

    I’m sorry to hear these hurtful things were said, it seems very backwards to the entire concept of your website. Your recipes are amazing, healthy and delicious!

  33. Melissa says

    Katie, it never even crossed my mind that you might have any kind of problem! You look great, and to me it just reinforcees the value of healthy eating and portion control. I think you hit the nail on the head about people saying things anonymously that they’d never say in person. I teach at a university where the student anonymously evaluate their courses online after each semester. The things they say are amazing, and not in a good way! I do take the comments with a huge grain of salt, but even so, they can be painful. I hope you really are able to shrug them off so easily. Good for you!

  34. Jenn says

    This really stuck out to me: “Hateful things are written on the internet under a cloak of anonymity, and it’s unfortunately women putting down other women all too often, writing words they would never feel comfortable saying in real life.” It is all too true. Plain and simply, women are so, SO mean to one another, and it is incredibly sad. Imagine if those people who thought you were “too skinny” sent you a private message, asking if everything was okay, instead of turning to very public negativity? My wish is that women could begin to build each other up, and see that we are all different and amazing in our own ways, instead of feeling the need to compete and bring others down.

    Thank you for addressing all of this and being yourself from Day 1. There are many of us who follow you and are so grateful that you do what you do!

  35. Jennifer says

    It’s unfortunate that you have had to justify your weight and eating habits to people on the internet. I have been following your blog for a few years now and I have never gotten the impression that were trying to diet or lose weight or stay thin. You have never encouraged any of your readers to do any of that either. Your blog is about healthier desserts and a love of food, nothing more. It’s sad that people feel the need to say such awful things about you and make assumptions about your weight and your health. Keep up the great work! I can’t wait for your cookbook to come out! πŸ™‚

      • Miranda says

        Is not quite out, that’s a pre-order link. It says: Available for Pre-Order
        This item will be available on January 06, 2015 – good news though πŸ™‚

    • Lilly says


      Katie, I am proud of your courage to address this. Personally, I was unaware of any of those rumors or accusations, but I understand that with “fame” comes a responsibility to address some issues; but you can never or should ever address them all. Since these were obviously as numerous as your post indicated, I think we were right to address.

      I had a niece with anorexia (onset at age 13) and over the years it became Bulimia Nervosa; an even more dangerous disorder. She died at age 39. And sadly there are many women who do struggle with eating disorders. So, for all the women, and men, who struggle with these disorders, I think you did the right thing by addressing this issue for their sakes. They need to hear the voice of truth and balance so it can shine into the very dark struggle they are fighting.

      I am sorry you have had to endure the remarks you have but thankful to see the good that has come from it in your healthy attitude. As you said, your identity can never be in another, especially a stranger. The sliver lining is the healthy self image you have as a result and being able to let hurtful comments roll off like water off a ducks back. And thank you for being transparent about your running….and I recall you wrote about that a while back too when you stopped. I see you always been transparent and “real”.

      Katie, you are beautiful and healthy. I am thankful for your healthy recipes. And I have always seen your comments where you usually opt for the “full fat” ingredients when there are options…like the coconut oil. That has encouraged me to do the same.

      We should all strive to be healthy and revel in the beautiful form God has given us. Why would we all want to look alike anyway….how boring. Beauty is far beyond a size or shape. It is the attitude, the outlook, the contentedness of being who you are. And most importantly, how one treats others.

      Thank you for your inspiration Katie. For me you have not been an inspiration about size at all, but one of health and exercising the self discipline to make the choices needed to be healthy inside.

      From a “young” 44 year old mom trying to be healthy so I can enjoy life and serve God. Aging gracefully and not artificially. πŸ™‚


  36. Jennifer says

    As an aside, I wonder if the people who called you a fat slug are the same people who called Kate Upton a piggy? I think those awful comments say more about other people than they do about you.

  37. cookie says

    lovely. i enjoyed this post as i can relate__only when i gained weight it went on my butt! your blog helped me recover from anorexia, you are a shining insparation of courage and health.

  38. Sarah says

    I’m glad you spoke up! You should have not have to deal with such relentless scrutiny of your body! I’m glad to hear you are happy and healthy. THAT (not numbers, sizes, etc.) is what’s important.
    I bet it’s hard to be in the public eye like you are, but you’re offering some of what you’re good at to the world, and I’m glad all that scrutiny didn’t cause you to back down from what you love.

  39. Amber says

    I never knew about these claims but what a well written post! I’m impressed by the candidness and openness. You also look wonderful regaurdless if you lost or gained 20 pounds!

  40. Cassidy says

    Dearest Katie,
    I’ve been a fan of your blog for a few years now. As somebody who does struggle with anorexia, I’ve always felt sorry for the accusations made towards you. Ignorance leads many to believe anorexia is completely about being underweight, and that isn’t the case. The mental struggle is so often overlooked. Reading this post has made me so proud that you’ve admitted you had an unhealthy relationship with exercise. I’m very impressed that you were able to get passed it. I’m also very inspired. My struggles with anorexia have been very hard to push through, but you give me hope. I’m sorry people have had negative comments about your body, and I know the feeling. Ultimately it matters that we love and accept ourselves. You do a fantastic job of that. I aspire to have even an ounce of the confidence you display. Thank you for this post. And of course, thank you for the delicious healthy dessert recipes. They help me to treat myself, and quiet the disordered voice in my head. Keep doing your thing, girl. You’re a beautiful person.

    • Morag says

      Amen. As a recovering anorexic, it drives me up the wall when people assume that anorexia is purely based on weight. It’s absolutely ridiculous that someone could call such an obviously happy and healthy young lady such as Katie anorexic. Anorexia is a disease, not a dress size.

      As all the comments here indicate: WE LOVE YOU, KATIE! You are an amazing role model and you clearly lead a balanced and healthy life.


  41. Stephanie says

    oh my, people can be so horrible…. I found your blog within the last 6 months, and LOVE IT. I’ve never assumed you had any type of eating disorder, or looked anorexic. You are very slim, and I assume healthy. Being in the public eye, and especially on the internet, people think you are fair game, and also that it’s ok to personally attack you, without even knowing any facts. I’m sorry this has happened to you, and I can only think the mean comments are coming from people who are extremely jealous of you. Keep up the good work, and keep you chin up!

  42. Reesa says

    I’m sorry you have to deal with comments about you that are mean and untrue. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and always viewed you as a healthy person. Also, thank you for sharing about your relationship with exercise. I think you alluded to it when you wrote the post about cutting down on the time you spend running, but I do think mentioning again will help someone out there. I’m inspired by your healthy recipes and will continue to read your blog to see your good work!

  43. Wendy says

    You know, I think those internet rumors (of which I knew nothing until your post today) are ironic. I like your recipes and have made some of them myself. However, since they use all the healthy fats, when I calculate weight watchers points for them, the points are sometimes very high! So I end up not making your stuff as much as I otherwise might. How ironic that people think you are promoting a diet that starves people when I’ve limited myself to only a few of your desserts for fear that they would make me fat! Haha!
    On another note, I think our country has so many overweight and obese people that when we see people of “normal weight” now (which I always assumed you were), we think they are “too thin.” But that could be an entirely new thesis altogether. Anyway, kudos to you for addressing the rumors. It sounds like you’ve found a way to eat what you like, like what you eat, and stay healthy. Keep it up!

  44. Hannah says

    Katie, you are such an inspiration! Those words seem to be what a lot of young girls should keep in mind. No one could have said them in a better way than you did.
    Your blog is perfect and I love it! You are really doing a good job.
    Please, please don’t ever change the way you write or the way you are!
    Greetings from Austria,

  45. Mindy says

    As a lover of your blog and recipes, and another skinny-mini who has been labeled as “anorexic” or “bulimic” as well as chunky in the past… I sympathize with you. I hate to hear that you have been through what I have. Naturally skinny, I lost about 20 pounds a couple years ago when I was going through a breakup. Literally the stress melted it off me. People don’t realize that being called “anorexic” hurts just as much as being called “fat” … I just wanted to say that I respect you, I love your blog, and I hope that you don’t want the comments get to you like they did me. You’re a beautiful girl, keep doing what you do!!

  46. Lauren says

    Oddly enough, I just had to address this topic on my own blog over the weekend. People haven’t personally accused me of having an eating disorder, but they claimed my blog (because of the healthy recipes) was fueling eating disorders. It’s very frustrating, but like I said on my blog, I have never once promoted cutting calories or losing weight, and I can’t help it if someone uses my recipes in that way (or alters them to make them less hearty).

    The picture of you in the green-striped dress is fabulous! You have the freshest face ever.

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      I am so sorry to know your blog’s message was also misconstrued. But I just checked out your post and think it’s so funny how we both used the same words to describe it! Aldo, that is such a cute blog name. πŸ™‚

  47. Krista says

    I love reading your blog, but I do not read it to watch my weight. I read it to eat less processed foods and so my children can enjoy wonderful healthy snacks that are fun and still feel a little naughty. They think I am letting them get away with junk sometimes… but it is still wholesome food. I enjoy the sugar free options and gluten free options as we have a few food sensitives and it it helpful to find options when family comes to visit. Everyone wants to eat good food, but sometimes we have to think and cook outside the box to get to enjoy the same type of foods as others…thanks for doing all the work. I refer people to your blog often who want to eat yummy food but a healthier version. Everything you have ever posted has only encouraged a healthy lifestyle and I have truly appreciated it.

  48. jane says

    Had no idea these rumors were floating around. So glad you’re above these malicious internet rumors. Keep up the good work with your blog and your inspiring stories, Katie. You are a beautiful woman and people who make up lies and say negative things are jealous of you and they’re insecure about who they are. Your recipes are delicious and healthy and I love making/eating them!

  49. Marina says

    Thank you Katie, your blog has been a source of inspiration to me for the past three years πŸ™‚ I admire your resilience to the people who leave negative comments and think you are a beautiful person inside and out! I am slowly trying to break from my unhealthy obsession with exercise, and this is why you are so inspiring πŸ™‚ I will continue to work my way through all the recipes on your blog!

  50. Connie says


    As a mom of a talented daughter who uses social media to promote her healthy lifestyle and business ( it is very upsetting to read about your situation. I’m sorry that people can be so cruel. Please do not let discourage you from doing what you do so well. My daughter is vegan and I have learned some great recipes from your blog that allowed me to serve her some great treats when she visits. Thank you for that. I wish you so much happiness and success!!

    • Kt says

      The amount of hatred from women on the internet is incredible! Do they not see how much of their lives they are wasting?

  51. Nicola says

    Great post!! I never saw any of the rumors before (I have your site bookmarked so never have to Google you!). If anyone read even one post of your blog it would be pretty obvious to see that you don’t promote an unhealthy lifestyle!

  52. Rachel says

    I loved this post, Katie. I struggled with the exact same thingas you did and remember being called “chicken legs”, “anorexic”, etc. It really hurt. I was addicted to doing long amounts of exercise and was afraid to quit! Now that I have found a happy balance, I have never felt better! You look amazing and I always have ignored the rumors about you! πŸ™‚ Thanks for all you do!

    xxx Rachel

  53. Christina Madarena says

    I have been following your blog for a while now (as I LOVE the recipes!) and have NEVER ONCE thought you looked anorexic or unhealthy. I think you look great! You have given me recipes for healthier (but still delicious) foods for my family. We began eating whole foods after my son’s teacher basically said she couldn’t handle him anymore (“ADHD”) and we were instructed by his doctor (after saying we weren’t willing to put him on meds) to get rid of all refined sugars. This started us on the path to eating much healthier. Your recipes allow me to make fun, delicious food that my kids LOVE while still eating healthy. Since we’ve changed his diet he has improved DRAMATICALLY.

    Anyway, I got totally off topic. There will always be people out there that are going to say ugly things. I can’t understand how those people think (thankfully), but I just wanted to let you know I LOVE your blog and I think you look wonderful!

  54. Anne Shannon says

    Please know that your recipes have been a life savor to my family as we have a daughter with multiple food sensitivities. We LOVE your deep dish cookie pie. As point of reference to what Katie said, after our family cut out processed foods and began to eat clean, I shed 15 lbs without even trying. It is what you put into your body that matters, not how much. You look amazing, by the way!!

  55. JULIA says

    Katie, you are beautiful and your recipes are amazing. You are an inspiration and those stupid comments are from people who are just jealous of you, your looks, your ideas, your talent, your creativity, your humour, your business, your fame, your life.
    I can’t wait for your book to come out.
    Love from the UK. xxx

  56. Medha @ Whisk & Shout says

    You’re so gorgeous and kudos to you for addressing a difficult topic. And hey, don’t let the haters get ya down… love you or judge you, they’re still talking about you, so you’re doing something right for sure! πŸ™‚

  57. Danielle says


    I’m so sorry you have to deal with people judging you, the nutritional composition of your recipes, and your physical appearance. You are beautiful, inside and out, and have helped people like me improve my eating habits without feeling as though I am missing out. Some people will always try to find a way to bring others down, but I am proud of you for speaking out, you don’t deserve the negativity. Your recipes are delicious and brilliant, keep up the incredible work!

  58. emily says

    I have never heard those rumors and am floored! People are disgusting when they try to put down others because they are so unhappy with themselves. I use you not for thinspiration, but for health-spiration. Thanks for showing me ways to be healthy and indulgent! You’be definitely made a huge, positive impact in this reader’s life!

  59. Deb says

    As a long time lurker of your blog (and big fan of your recipes. Many delicious options on your site!!!I feel like I need to commend you for your honesty and boldness in writing this post. People can be so mean behind the keyboard and I am so sorry that you have had to deal with this. Great job on addressing the issue and being honest! Very impressive. Keep up the good work!

  60. Jo says

    this is honestly so inspiring. i love this post so much i keep rereading it.

    i can’t believe how common body shaming is now. a lot of people don’t realize that calling somebody “too skinny”, “anorexic” etc. is not a compliment. it is as offensive as calling somebody “too fat” or “obese”.

    personally, i constantly get attacked on social media with “go eat a burger” and “you’re too skinny” comments. it’s funny because it doesn’t affect how i feel about myself at all considering i know my body and mind and know that i am perfectly healthy and happy. i just find it disgusting how people think it’s okay to make those type of comments. i don’t even fight against them, like you said i’d rather focus my time elsewhere and delete/block as soon as i receive one. i do not want my followers or anybody browsing through my websites to think that these comments are acceptable.

    thank you again for this post, you are a lovely human being inside and out.

  61. Rachael says

    Coming from a girl who has beaten anorexia, I wish there were more bloggers like you. I like to keep things balanced these days and that includes dessert. Veganism has seen me through recovery and continues to keep me healthy and happy!
    Fuck thinspiration! You are my foodie-inspiration!

  62. Maxin says

    I usually don’t comment, but I just have to share: this post made me think of that song, “piece of me” so now I’m going to be busting some moves to that and singing badly and reminding myself that anonymous internet haters are full of you-know-what.

  63. MamaK says

    Long time reader here. I had no idea of these rumors! From what I can tell, you are a beautiful young woman with good genetics and a healthy lifestyle working in her favor. And I, a busy mom of 3 who strives to eat delicious and nourishing foods, love your recipes and lovely photos. I usually go for the full-fat versions of your recipes too. Just because it fits my lifestyle. Love and Peace to you!

  64. Nicole says

    Hi Katie! I’ve been following your posts for over a year now, and I have never commented until now. I feel so connected to your story that I had to this time. I had the same experience with over exercising and trying to get the perfect body (I did have an eating disorder), and when I learned how to give up my extreme routines, the weight was gained and I felt great! Just like you said, it’s such a relief to not have running on the brain!! (There seem to be so many more hours in the day once you stop worrying!) I’m so happy to hear about your transition to loving your body, and I want to thank you for giving me so many recipes to share at family gatherings πŸ™‚ (As a vegan, it’s great to be armed with delicious desserts to share with people!) I’m so sorry people have said such rude things to you, but it really is nothing to concern yourself with, you really are a beautiful person, and anyone who calls you a slug (?!) is just plain rude. (Or may have a very serious problem with their vision). In all seriousness, thanks for sharing this story with us, and looking forward to future recipes πŸ™‚

  65. Shannon says

    I’m so sorry that people have said such awful things. I absolutely love your blog! I love all of the recipes!! I love that you have low sugar options, because like you, I don’t care about cutting calories, but I do care about eating less sugar!! It is so fun to come here and find healthy versions of such fun things! I love combining different recipes of yours – they have become staples in my diet! The Eggy Breakfast Bread goes with everything, and the healthier cream cheese frosting is light and refreshing and tastes good on everything – all of your recipes, even toast!! πŸ˜€ Thank you for doing what you do! Keep on being you, and when the haters hate, just roll your eyes!

    • K says

      Yes! People have asked why I am trying to lose weight and accused me of an eating disorder when I want to just lower the sugar to be healthy. Messed up.

  66. Elizabeth says

    You are beautiful! Thought never crossed my mind, nor did I ever hear about it. I just loved your recipes, of which I use often used and shared with everyone. It has to be hard having a public life (unfortunately the *hate* comes with the territory). You can’t control what anyone else thinks or does. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to react to it and you did it wonderfully. You are setting yourself up as a great role model for others.

  67. Ale says

    Katie I love your blog and I’m so happy there’s people like you in the web, taking the time to do good, healthy and yummy recipes. Just one thing, please, please, please make more easy recipes! I live in South America and some ingredients are almost impossible to find (for example, that special gum). Your blog has been so inspiring … having food allergies, I find in CCK ideas to expand my options, not the other way around. Keep up the good work!

  68. Emmaj says

    I had no idea people were saying such negative things. The internet is a place where some people think it’s ok to be hurtful since they can be anonymous …. I love your website and I’ve enjoyed every recipe I’ve tried. Keep up the great work!

  69. Teresa johnson says

    I love your recipes and have tried lots of them! There will always be haters in this world. Believe in yourself and keep on doing what you are doing . You are an Amazing person!

  70. Jennifer says

    What a wonderful and honest blog post. I’m sorry you’ve encountered such harsh criticism but it sounds like you have found a way to rise above the negativity! I love your blog and all of the options you offer in your recipes! Keep up the great work!

  71. trajayjay says

    Keep in mind that anybody who makes their ideas available to others opens him/herself up to criticisms. As commenters on the internet, we’ve all made ourselves vulnerable to criticisms.

    IMO Katie, it never crossed my mind to associate you with an eating disorder. I might sound like a sycophant, but in your recent posts, I think you’ve filled out quite nicely, but even before then, I never thought you were anorexic.

  72. Paige says

    This is so eloquently and beautifully written. I’ve been a long time reader of your blog and always felt so sad when I would read comments from people saying such hurtful and unfair things. You are an inspiration and role model to many people and this post just further confirms that. Thank you, Katie!! For all the negative people who comment, there are literally thousands who love and support you ☺️

  73. Becca says

    Katie, I really enjoyed this blog post. I love your site with creative and delicious recipes from REAL food. This site has helped me so much as I’ve been overcoming my sugar addiction and determination to get to a healthy weight for my body. Thanks for all you do, and keep it up!

  74. Karen says

    Katie, you are so lovely! I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now and love it so much! You are doing a wonderful job promoting healthy eating and sharing your amazing wisdom of recipes with us. Ignore the hate– you are gorgeous!! You know the saying “you can’t please all the people all the time,” but know that you make your readers very happy every day with your joy, enthusiasm, and optimism. Keep it up lovely!! Xo

  75. Shawna says

    wow — what an inspiring, brave post to write. kudos to you for approaching this head-on and presenting it so well, and bravo for admitting your exercise addiction and how this has affected you, too. people can be so cruel, and you have clearly been able to rise above that and draw from your own inner strength and sense of self. i always liked your blog; i like it even more, today.

  76. Sabrina says

    I don’t comment normally, but I wanted to say “thank you”. Thanks for being real, honest, strong, and beautiful. You are an inspiration to me and probably a lot of other women, too.

  77. Greta K. says

    There’s so much fat-shaming AND skinny-shaming online lately… it’s really sad. I’m glad you spoke out! Keep up the great blogging πŸ™‚

  78. Aimee says

    Katie, a million and half (or two million and half) thank you’s for this post! You are and always have been and will be a beautiful person inside and out. Your recipes ROCK and are inspiring to me as someone who struggles with being overweight, and while I have never EVER believed the outragous rumors, I’m glad you took the time to set the world straight. You shouldn’t have HAD to, but we….your loyal and devoted fans, are so glad you did! πŸ™‚ I admire you more than you will ever know. Blessings in your journey and keep the yummy things flowing our way!! xoxo

  79. Robyn says

    Very well said. And, while I hope you are able to completely ignore the unkind and unwarranted anonymous comments, I do hope you’ll devour all of the kind and wonderful you responses you receive. Those, I’m sure, come from the heart. Whereas the negative comments come from jealousy, insecurity, etc. I’ve followed your blog for a while now. I love your recipes and your stories and, while I obviously don’t know you personally, my impression of you has always been that you’re a healthy, down-to-earth, well-rounded young lady. (Not to mention ambitious and dedicated! Blogging consistently and well is not as easy as people think!). Carry on, girl!

  80. Robyn says

    Oh! Also… a friend once told me this little nugget of wisdom that I’ve been carrying with me ever since: “What other people think of me is none of my business.” Love it! πŸ™‚

  81. Sabrina says

    Hi Katie!

    I never write on blogs or comment but I wanted to address this. Your blog is AMAZING. All your recipes are easy, fun and delicious. You should not have to defend yourself, looks and/or weight especially when your blog has nothing to do with that. I know plenty of people that struggle to gain weight- it is just as tough as overweight people who have trouble losing weight.

    I don’t know your personal life or anything about your struggle with your disorder but I am so happy for you to have overcome that. I hope you get back in to running if that is what you love. I look forward to more of your posts….hopefully not needing to talk about the gossip and assumption of people who don’t know you.

    You are absolutely adorable and incredibly talented. KEEP IT UP!!!

  82. Mandy says

    It’s amazing how hateful people can be. You look healthy and you offer (free) great recipes – end of story!

  83. Isabelle says

    I’m in recovery from anorexia and bulimia and I just want to say that your blog is in no way a thinspiration blog. In fact, it’s one of a few blogs that helped me to concentrate on healthy foods and enjoy nice food again without the guilt. And yes, you show calories. But they’ve helped me too as I know what I’m getting and then it’s less scary. And I know each calorie is healthy. So your blog has been a godsend in my recovery. If people are taking it the wrong way, that’s sad and I’m sorry if that does bother you. But you’re also helping and inspiring many. xxx

  84. Jessica @ Momma Got Fit says

    What a great post Katie, I love all of your recipes and have never once suspected that you mistreated your body, you’re beautiful! Now, as a fellow fair-skinned girl I DO want to know what kind of foundation you use, your makeup is flawless!

  85. Shanna says

    Thank you for writing this, Katie- this was wonderfully, bravely written!! I love your website, both for the delicious recipes and for the personal stories that you choose to share with your readers. Today’s entry really resonates with me, and I appreciate you addressing the importance of eating the right kind of calories instead of starving oneself, as that lesson was something that took me some time to learn, but I am now happier and so much healthier now that I have learned it! πŸ™‚

  86. kstead says

    i think you look fantastic, and think your recipes truly depict healthy eating. good for you to ignore the haters. they should have no affect on how you feel about yourslef. love your attitude and your website!
    p.s. your healthy “betterfingers” are my all time favorite, black bean brownies second favorite. i brought your brownies and a tray of duncan hines to a party, clearly labeled… yours were gone long before the others! next time i’ll serve them with whipped coconut cream.
    love you, katie!

  87. Thanuja says

    Katie, I love some of your dessert ideas! I am sorry you have to defend yourself against such harsh critics… it amazes me how some people can easily be called out as too skinny or unhealthy by others, but to call someone f-a-t is like a crime! Regardless, keep up the good work… there will always be insecure folks that try to bring others down, but you don’t have to feel victim to it… β™‘

  88. Adrianne says

    Hi Katie,
    This post was my first read. I’ll definitely be coming back for more. I’m sorry you felt you needed to write this post but also glad you handled it so well. Bravo!

  89. Juliet says

    Kudos to you!!! So well written and inspirational. I haven’t known of any of the controversy..just really enjoy your well written, great, healthy food blog! Keep it up. You really are an inspiration!

  90. janine collins says

    Its a shame that you have to publicly say these things & defend yourself. I love your website & recipes because as a diabetic with many food intolerances (& a dessert lover of course!!!) I can indulge without affecting my health. Who cares what size you are? Your website is a godsend to me and your beautiful smile makes me smile when I see your photos. People need to spend more time cooking & eating your recipes than commenting on what you look like and then they would have gorgeous big smiles like you! πŸ˜€ Keep up your wonderful work & terrific photos Katie! xxx

  91. Ali says

    Katie-what a wonderfully well-written and brave post. I love your recipes, they have put such a fun spin on baking for me. I understand if you don’t want to answer this, but I at least want to ask. I saw your reply to a previous comment that you still run once every two weeks-or therabouts. As someone who is working on an addiction to exercise-specifically running, do you have any tips for running here and there without letting it take control of your life again? Thanks again for your wonderful example in the food and vegan community.

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      I can definitely try and write a post about it sometime… But I think, for me, just knowing how amazing my life is now is enough incentive to never want to go back. I thought I was a happy person before and was enjoying life, but I had no idea how much richer it could be.

  92. Angela says

    Not sure which rock I’ve been living under, but I’ve been following your blog and loving you and your recipes for years and I honestly had no idea that this whole anorexia rumor even existed. And I honestly never even considered that you might have an eating disorder or that you might be doing or promoting something unhealthy. You’re great, Katie. I recommend your site to my friends all the time, and I’m making your chocolate protein bars for the first time tonight (super excited because they’re gonna be delicious!)! Oh, and “fat slug” IS hilarious πŸ™‚ I like you even more now. Aloha!

    • Haley says

      Same here! I’ve never seen that stuff either. I guess because when we want to look at her recipes we just go straight to the website πŸ™‚

  93. Jolene says

    Now that I’m reading this…I do remember seeing “anorexic” or something flash across the screen during a search for one of your recipes. I thought nothing of it; I like your blog, your recipes rock, and that was all that mattered. It’s unfortunate that people use the anonymity of the internet to bash one another/stir up drama. You are intelligent and pretty; I can only think the negative comments come from a place of jealousy. Everyone has things they struggle with and I applaud your willingness to share with your readers. Keep your head up and keep those awesome + creative recipes coming! πŸ™‚

  94. Haley says

    You’re such a role model! I’ve been making your recipes ever since I went vegan a few years ago. Because they’re delicious, not because I think it’s diet food! And knowing that you’ve turned down offers from companies trying to sell their “miracle” food is admirable and makes me love your blog even more!

    And I know this is also off-topic of what your blog is all about…. but would you mind sharing where you got those adorable dresses? I don’t think you could be dressed any cuter if you tried!

  95. Ruth says

    I’m so glad you wrote this post! My sister has a really high metabolism and was frequently accused of being anorexic in high school. I wish women would stop comparing themselves to each other and picking on each other.

  96. Megan says

    I’m sorry you’ve been so judged. It’s ridiculous the amount of time people take to verbally attack others. Most comments stem from a lack of confidence, unfortunately. You’re beautiful without even takin into consideration your physical measurements and weight. Congratulations on your blog and your ability to overcome the massive mountain you did when facing over exercising. You should be really proud of yourself!

  97. Ray Turner says

    This is a fascinating post. Thoughts about Anorexia hadn’t even crossed my mind Katie. I just follow your blog and have never Googled you, there’s no need to, so I hadn’t seen that list of related searches. In fact, when I tried it just now, the list of related searches included ‘mug cake’, ‘black bean brownies’ and ‘banana bread’. Nothing else, honest…!

    In my experience, the ‘Anorexic’ charge is often used spitefully by people who have the opposite problem, i.e. eating far too much. My advice is to ignore them as it is their insecurity talking. You can be sure that if I stumbled across any of those posts or comments on the web, I would see those comments for what they were….

    You look great to me Katie and I love your blog.
    What chocolate covered delights have you got for us next…?

  98. Leslie says

    Beautiful post, Katie. So sorry you’ve gotten so much criticism and had to cave to address it, but I think you did it wonderfully. I think it’s awesome that you give the lower-calorie and lower-fat options for your recipes – you are giving your readers what we want! It’s a shame some people can’t appreciate that. I’ve made your recipes many times (sometimes the higher fat/calorie version and sometimes not, I love having the options!!!) and they’re always phenomenal.

  99. Frannie says

    I’m sorry that you felt the need to have to justify anything about yourself. It’s none of anyone’s business. So brave of you to put such personal information out into the blogosphere. You are beautiful and I, for one, am thankful for the yummy things on your blog. As long as you are happy, that’s what counts.

  100. Pattie says

    I always thought you looked great! You’re thin (a good size thin) and beautiful. When I look at you I am reminded of my fabulous younger years. In high school/right out of high school I weighted 115. I’m 5’9″. I ate McDonalds, Taco Bell, milk shakes etc., and did not work out. Then in my late 20’s I bumped up to 125. It was just my body with a very high metabolism. Now that I’m older I do weigh a little more. I thought people where mean back then. It seems like as the years go by, the meaner people get. It breaks my heart that you have to reach such mean things about you. You’re an amazing person who opens their lives to us and gives us free recipes. You can not please everyone! You can only do the best you can at being yourself. Please don’t change!!! I love your blog. I’ve been following you for 3 years. Hang in there and thank you for all you do! Sending you a virtual hug!

    • Pattie says

      I always thought you looked great! You’re thin (a good size thin) and beautiful. When I look at you I am reminded of my fabulous younger years. In high school/right out of high school I weighted 115. I’m 5’9″. I ate McDonalds, Taco Bell, milk shakes etc., and did not work out. Then in my late 20’s I bumped up to 125. It was just my body with a very high metabolism. Now that I’m older I do weigh a little more. I thought people where mean back then. It seems like as the years go by, the meaner people get. It breaks my heart that you have to read such mean things about you. You’re an amazing person who opens your life to us and gives us free recipes. You can not please everyone! You can only do the best you can at being yourself. Please don’t change!!! I love your blog. I’ve been following you for 3 years. Hang in there and thank you for all you do! Sending you a virtual hug!

      • Chocolate Covered Katie says

        Thank you! I was unfortunately the same way in my early twenties. I resorted to eating a lot of junk food to try and gain weight and shut people up. I think some of my success now is due to the running but it also might be just due to getting older!

  101. Peggy Beesley says

    Katie – you are beautiful with or without curves. I’m so sorry you’ve been judged so harshly…that is unfair and wrong. I don’t know why people do this. Keep up the amazing work! We LOVE your recipes.

  102. Elizabeth says

    So. Much. Respect.

    This post has really inspired me to try to be kinder to my body (and to find and post healthier baking recipes on my blog). Sorry that you have to endure nasty comments about your appearance, but glad to know you take it all in stride…


  103. Shonalika says

    Everyone else has already said everything I wanted to say. Well done for keeping your head up through all that, it couldn’t have been – and still can’t – be easy. It’s a difficult subject and you’ve tackled it really well. Your honesty and attitude towards yourself should be an inspiration to others more than anything else. (Though, the recipes are pretty inspiring also. πŸ˜‰ )

  104. Lisa Broadley says

    First off love the hash tag!! I will admit that see in your pics before you stopped running I did think you were too thin. BUT my brother-in-law runs a lot too & I think he’s too thin as well. I also know that maintaing a vegan diet will not put a lot of weight on. People who eat meat/processed foods will always be bigger. I love the PIC of you in the green dress! I’m sorry you get the hateful comments & most ppl would not have the guts to say it face-to-face. Just be yourself and know they’re are more of us that think you’re awesome no matter what!!

  105. Nina says

    I have followed your blog for a while. I’m a Holistic Health Coach and I often share your recipes with my clients. (giving you full credit, along with the links to your website). I love that they have healthy fats and a variety of ways to prep (gluten free, lower fat, etc). My clients love that they taste delicious and can make single servings of treats.

    Thank you for sharing and for coming up with new delicious recipes. (I especially appreciate that I commented on a recipe, wanting to see if I could turn into a humming bird cupcake. A few days later you sent out the recipe revised into healthy hummingbird cupcake. It’s one of my favorites especially since the original is such a calorie bomb!)

  106. Katy says

    Great post!! I’ve always been thin too and yes, part of it is definitely genetics, but a larger part is my very balanced diet of whole, nutritious foods and daily exercise. Some people just refuse that there is no magical diet equation that will work for everyone. We will each find comfort and balance at our own unique body size. Don’t let the negative comments get you down. Keep your blog about what YOU want. Those of us who love it (and you!) will always keep reading and cooking with you πŸ™‚

  107. Mellissa says

    I would have NEVER thought that about you. I don’t play into rumors and I ENJOY your blog and the recipes you provide.

  108. Jessie says

    Thank you for sharing that Katie. I have loved all of your recipes. I see them as healthier options to all my favorite foods. I can’t even pick a favorite of yours because I love them all. I am sure you had a tough journey to get where you are at. I am an avid marathon runner and probably over exercise and definitely over eat or compulsively eat. Something I am working on but I cannot give up running yet. But stopping seemed to help you. I hope I can figure it out. But I am sorry for the haters. I think you look great and glad you don’t give up food groups. They all play an important role in our bodies. Keep it up and look forward to more posts and recipes!

  109. Ala Lemon says

    It’s very sad that you’ve found yourself in a position to have to justify yourself. Such a shame!
    Personally, I love your blog and wish you the best.

  110. Amie says

    I say, ‘you go, girl’. You look vibrant, healthy, and lovely. Women SHOULD stick together, trashing each other is a sign of a jealous, insecure person. As for your blog, you have opened me up to an entire world of treat options packed with food value that kick off any craving that may come my way πŸ˜‰ Any day of the week you can open my freezer and find one of your delicious creations inside. You have helped me lose 78lbs and become a fit, healthy person, who is now a Zumba instructor! You keep on inspiring with your bad self and know that there are countless people who appreciate you!!!

  111. Hannah @ TalesFromTheLastFrontier says

    Thank you for this post! As a naturally thin woman, I’ve spent a huge portion of my life defending my weight. I applaud you for making this brave post and addressing this issue. There are a lot of other women out there that struggle with the same thing and you are very inspirational. Thank you for being a wonderful role model!

  112. Donna Bogan says

    Well said and written! For what it’s worth, it never crossed my mind that you might have an eating disorder. In fact, I would tease my son, telling him he should meet you and that you would make a cute couple. Not to worry, I’m not trying to be a matchmaker.
    I love your blog and many of your recipes are my favorites. Keep up the good work. You look great.

  113. Bobbi Beard says

    Katie…Just want to say that I have never looked or thought of you as someone who was trying to convey anything about eating disorders. I have always enjoyed everything about you and your blog…. You give each of us hope that eating healthy does not mean giving up the things we like. Thanks for all that you do for us out in the world. Keep looking up and know that you are wonderful inside and out. πŸ™‚

  114. Michelle says

    Long comment alert…

    Well, Katie. I must admit, that took guts. I dont know you personally, but for some reason, im proud of you?I feel like you are one of the ONLY true healthy bloggers out there in the internet world, using fat (actually, promoting it!) and oils in your recipes – healthy fats. You do have a responsibility as a blogger as you unintentionally ARE a role model for kids and even adults, which is difficult. You’ve taken that responsibility and turned it into good. I need to gain weight myself, due to other reasons, and honestly am so afraid of change that it scares me – but i know that for my own health, i do need to. But i can proudly say (please take this as a complement) you are my inspiration. You were always a beautiful girl, always. But now, your are beyond that. You are now my inspiration – and you are safe inspiration. You are healthy, beautiful and very well spoken i must add! You are living proof that beauty does not lie within a certain weight. I am now following your blog religiously, using your recipes to aid in my healthy weight gain. I hope that someday i will be as happy and healthy as you (plus, your recipes kick major ass). Looking at you, you make those who are unhappy with their bodies (well, me anyway) realise that you can be beautiful with a bit more weight. You have never looked happier – you can see it in your eyes. And i want that now. My body needs to be loved – it is about time.

    I want to thank you for this, Katie. I am really not a strange stalker psycho or anything either im a normal college student in Ireland – so please take this comment will full sincerity and be proud of yourself, for even helping just one person (but i can nearly promise you that you’ve already helped more).

    Best wishes, and take care.

    oh and by the way – meant to post it earlier but forgot. Anyone ever try mixing Raspberry jam with melted coconut butter, and spreading it on toast? IT TASTES LIKE A MACAROON!! amazing. mmmm…

    • K says

      So true. There are a lot of bloggers out there who are giving nutritional advice like they are professionals. The one time I even asked Katie a nutrition question she was very professional in saying she couldn’t advise on it because it would be irresponsible. And just the fact that she actually took the time to answer me at all. Most bloggers don’t. Love how you still interact with your fans Katie.

      • Michelle says

        I would also like to add that i strongly admire Katie for her strength in actually gaining weight. I dont like to talk about weight on this blog and for a long time have avoided EVER mentioning anything about it – that is Katies life and health – none of our business. Nonetheless, it took courage on Katie’s behalf. It must be difficult, to unintentionally become a role model and grow a name for yourself as “super skinny” – and then to gain weight. That is difficult. But, it shows strength, and confidence that you DO NOT have to live up to what the internet has “made you”. I agree, i have googled chocolate covered katie and seen the pages that pop up as “thinspiration” etc – Katie did not ask for that, and im sure is not happy about it. To gain some weight (only a little, but still – this is hard to do!) and show it to people in the form of photos is something that, i think, deserves admiration. No matter what, change is hard. And changing your body is difficult for anybody, eating-disorder or not (ever hear of puberty? similar concept!).
        I congratulate Katie for her amazingly healthy recipes, lifestyle choices (also envious of your job!!!), and most importantly – attitude to life.

        Best wishes again

        • Chocolate Covered Katie says

          Thank you so much! I did figure I’d lose a lot of the pro anorexia followers by posting but hoped others might be inspired to take better care of their health. It is heartbreaking to know something like that exists.

          • Michelle says

            Well, unfortunately it does. A few years ago i wrote an article for the newspaper (and was on TV too! my little 15 minutes of fame!!) about how these pro anorexia websites should be banned etc – but will never happen. Right to free speech etc but all we can do is stay away i suppose. I have unfortunately been a sufferer myself for many years and i dont like to say this publicly but sure feck it – i want to say as a sufferer, you are true, real INSPIRATION. I said it to my father, even – that i’ve started to do better in the last few months due to your recipes and i am not lying. I use coconut butter now and everything – i thank you for this. You should be proud of yourself. You make me believe sometime that maybe, just maybe i CAN be happy with extra weight on me – and to maybe be good to myself. Please be proud of yourself. And keep up the fantastic work πŸ™‚

  115. Agnes says

    People are hating. You look great! Not too thin, and definitely not too thick… And you can be proud of your blog! Keep it up!

  116. Mummy Made.It says

    Katie, you have long been my inspiration. Not because of what you look like, but because of your innovation, imagination and creative genius. Don’t underestimate the amazing positive influence you have had on so many people and the healthy changes you have encouraged in their lives.
    Today’s post shows us that you are also honest and brave.
    Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  117. Trina says

    Hey Katie!
    Just wanted to say I’ve been following/stalking you for a while now and love your site. I would never have thought those things about you because I actually read your posts and you look extremely healthy. It shows up in your skin, hair and well teeth. That sounds creepy I know. I just… well you are an inspiration and were one of the first people I started following for healthier versions of things I shouldn’t be eating. I love the fact that you have options for almost all of your recipes, it makes it easy to adapt to what I have in my house and what my caloric goals are. Thank you so much for being you and I hope your recipe book is coming soon… I can’t wait to buy it!
    – Trina

  118. Michele says

    Hi Katie.
    I found your blog last year when I got to teach a food elective for my middle school students. The majority of my kids live in apartments and have never grown their own food, visited a farmers’ market or really thought about making the foods they like healthier. We had no oven or stove so I relied heavily on all of your no bake recipes. We also were vegetarian. Your blog was a perfect fit. We talked about the food, the substitutions, choices to be made when using a recipe. And the best part was that every recipe led to a discussion about healthy eating and good ingredients.

    I thank you for this post. I thank you for your integrity. And my students and I REALLY thank you for the one cup microwave chocolate cake. You are an inspiration.

  119. Rebecca Wright says

    As someone who has suffered from an eating disorder and over exercise habit you have helped me overcome and continue to help me eat healthy while enjoying my love for food and not punish and hate myself for it. Thank you and I think you’re beautiful just the way you are, for who you are.

  120. Kelly says

    Endless respect for this post. As someone with a past of eating disorders I know how it feels to be questioned and judged whenever I decide to eat or post recipes for healthy, wholesome food.
    Don’t let whispers get you down, your blog is fantastic and inspiring and you seem like a great girl. Keep up the good work! x

  121. Sara D says

    I’ve never commented before! Love your recipes and have made quite a few- they are all delicious. I’m sorry people have called you such mean things! You are beautiful and your food is amazing- keep it up πŸ™‚

  122. Christi says

    Hi Katie, I just wanted to show my support. I’ve been following your blog for the past few years now. I love your recipes and I also enjoy reading your personal posts. You seem like such a great girl and you’re absolutely gorgeous! Its incredibly sad that you receive those awful comments. As you said, women really need to stop tearing each other down and instead, come together, because all of that negativity is counterproductive. I love your positivity. Keep being you!

    • Anon says

      I agree. Women need to start supporting each other. We need to band together. Sounds cheesy but hopefully you know what I mean by that. We need to stop this cattiness spread over the internet. I’ve seen it with other big bloggers I follow too. Some of the comments are so shockingly nasty!

  123. Amanda says

    Hi Katie, I’m so happy you posted about this. It’s great that you were able to recognize your unhealthy exercise habits and kick them- you look so healthy now! I guess I’ve always wondered why you’ve included so many pictures of yourself on your food blog. I love the food photos but I’ve found the pictures of you to be a little bit vain sometimes. I’ve always had a hunch that choosing to post so many photos of your body was what led people to question if you had an eating disorder. I think it opened up the blog to being about the food AND your appearance instead of just about the food. I understand that most bloggers post a headshot and occasional photo of themselves, but yours are usually full body shots. Just a thought.

  124. Karen says

    It seems there is no shortage of critics on the internet. I’m sorry that you felt the need to explain anything, but understand why you did. Comments about thin women not being beautiful because they’re not curvy is just as hurtful as comments about being too heavy. If we spent more time encouraging each other and less time criticizing, the world would be a much happier place. Regardless, I appreciate the time that you take to create all the delicious recipes that you post. I refuse to give up desserts so you make it possible for me to feel a little less guilty about enjoying a treat at the end of the day. Every now and then, I actually share the treats with the rest of my family! πŸ™‚ Thank you for doing what you do!

  125. Jennifer JCD says


    As a long-time follower, I’ve read your ups and downs and celebrations and never once thought you may have an eating disorder. I know people with eating disorders; you lack almost every quality they have. I’m sad that you had to write this post, but understand why you did. It’s a beautiful post by a strong young woman to repeat the message so many healthy women are trying to get out: health and beauty are defined by much more than a dress size. I think you are a beautiful, smart, good looking, and inspirational young woman. Keep up all that you do.

    And now, off to make more fudge babies, because my husband says they are the best food ever to be invented. Your recipes are used every week in our house.

    Peace, love, and chocolate,
    Jennifer (and Kyle)

  126. Megan says

    Katie, it takes a lot of courage to speak up like you did – but I am sorry that you had to. I get a lot of great ideas from your blog . I am very overweight, and watch what I eat, but I like to have treats every once in a while. I feel better eating ones that I know are good for me and are not going to be empty, useless calories that set me back.
    Keep coming up with more yummy stuff! You’ve got a fan here in New Jersey.

  127. Emily says

    This post is awesome! I have never come across these rumors, but I admire you for addressing them in this way. I love your website and discovering it was so amazing for me at a time when I was really unhappy with my body and trying to be healthier, but had to deal with a sweet tooth! I had your oatmeal and pancake recipes practically every morning last semester. It’s so great to be able to eat healthily and deliciously πŸ™‚ Thank you for everything you do, and for not getting discouraged!

  128. Nicole says

    Katie, You are an amazing and beautiful woman. Over the years I have followed you only to be inspired to live a healthier life AWAY from my eating disordered past. Despite the fact that due to intolerances and allergies I can no longer make your recipes, however I still love drooling over all of your recipes. You’ve help me to better understand what it is be a healthy balanced woman and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This post was truly inspiring. Keep it up, love!

  129. RunnerGirl says

    Whenever I read your blog, I’m always encouraged to eat more, not less. Heck, I may even end up getting fat because I can’t stop eating all your amazing recipes ;)) lol jk but seriously, some people just do not comprehend that each of our bodies are designed differently. Some people can eat all they want and still stay really thin, and others can’t.

    I love you Chocolate Covered Katie! You’ve always been an inspiration to me! =)

  130. Katie M says

    As a woman who struggles with her weight, I have always turned to your blog to find HEALTHY alternatives to foods that I really enjoy. I commend you for speaking up, and calling out women who abuse other women in an attempt to feel better about themselves. You aren’t an inspiration to me because you are thin, but an inspiration to me because you are a woman who lives her ultimate life. Thank you for being so candid.

    Katie M
    Apex, NC

  131. Suzanne says

    Our culture is so hard on us women to have a certain body image. It is such a pity that we make it even worse by competing with, criticizing, and comparing ourselves to other women, when what we should be doing is supporting one another and building each other up. Thanks for doing that in your post.

  132. Kim says

    Well said Katie!
    Frick the haters. Rude comments come from a place of insecurity, and that is something you do not exude.
    I absolutely love your blog and every post thank you so much
    Do get discouraged by ignorance use it as an oppurtunity to shine above it all
    Have an amazing day!

  133. Ella says

    I’m glad your taking a stand against this!! Its so stupid how so many people on the internet continue to hate and put down people. You are definitely not too skinny OR too fat your beautiful how you are all the trolls are probably just jealous…. ha. Thanks for the great post.

  134. Gemma says

    A beautiful response Katie,
    I have no idea how anyone could ever get the impression that you promote anything other then a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I found your blog when I was in a very unhappy place in terms of my self image. I was using drastic and unhealthy diets to try and achieve what I thought was the perfect body, I thought it would make me happier and I was wrong.
    Your blog was one of the first healthy eating blogs I ever found, and it showed me that I could eat amazing and nourishing food without depriving myself, I credit your blog as being a catalyst for the much better place I am in now. Your chocolate porridge is a staple in my life (I had your brownie pancakes this morning with some peanut butter and berries OMG).
    And after all that crash dieting I actually finally lost the weight I hated when I stopped eating like a nutcase and looking after myself.
    Anyone who reads your blog properly should know that you have been trying to gain weight for ages and that you are just one of those people who is both blessed and cursed with a fast metabolism. You approached this subject with an enormous amount of grace, if it had been me I think I might have ranted.
    I am sure you don’t need me or anyone else really to tell you this, but keep doing what you are doing. This blog is amazing and so are you.

    • Lisa says

      It helped me as well! I was so messed up before I found your blog. And while I did find you originally from seeing a recipe on pinterest that said it was sugar free (so I clicked for the wrong reasons) once I came to your blog my entire outlook on food and eating and body image changed. I credit you with saving my life. And judging by the comments here, it looks like I’m not the only one.

  135. Amy says

    Great post! I’ve always been a BIG fan of you and your blog and never gave any of those ugly rumors any time of day. Some people are just negative. But I think you were smart to address it when you did. Good for you! And I’m so glad you are happy. And I am also so glad you will continue to bless the world with your amazingly delicious yet healthy desserts (and breakfasts and snacks). πŸ˜‰

  136. Bethany says

    Katie, your blog let me realize my passion for baking and eating healthy. I admire your courage to address those immature comments and rumors – they are just that. You are beautiful no matter what size you are. I am glad I found you

  137. Kathy says

    Well said! I confess I’ve been known to over-exercise after overindulging in your coconut crack, but I’ve mostly learned to control myself, lol.

    I love your recipes and your blog. I shared your home made mounds bars with friends, who begged me to make them again. It’s a shame that people have to be so rude and hateful, or misguided by their own eating issues. I hope they read this blog and take your message to heart. Again, very well done!

    I appreciate these options for healthier goodies that you share, as I’ve learned that I have to treat my body well if it is going to function at its best.

  138. Albizia says

    Truth be told, I found your blog a few years ago through an ED forum. People there seemed amazed with how thin you were. The focus was definitely not on your recipes but I ended up making some high-fat treats in a period when I was afraid of all things fat so I guess your name being on that website wasn’t entirely a bad thing. Of course, this is the internet so there will always be rumours and haters but you shouldn’t let them affect you. People with negative opinions tend to comment more than those who just copy a recipe and continue with their life. “Anorexic with a boob job” really made me laugh. I am not so creative and maybe that’s why I haven’t commented for ages πŸ˜€

    Keep doing what makes you happy πŸ™‚

  139. Cary Hanson says

    Great post, good stand up, trolls are trolls and folks need to realize that people are people. Even when they post/blog things online

  140. Brittany S. says

    Katie, you keep doing you, girl! Your recipes are awesome! Your PB milkshake is so awesome it’s a household favorite! It’s unbelievable how you can substitute ingredients in recipes to make healthy, whole-food, delicious foods for a sweet tooth like myself; you definitely have a gift for that. How we look is such a teeny tiny part of who we are, and your blog shows that you’re beautiful all the way through!

  141. Rachael says

    You’re amazing and so courageous, Katie. Thank you for writing this post, although it’s sad that you had to. People are cruel to guard against their own insecurities, and it’s truly unfair. It just shows how strong YOU are that you can respond in such a candid and calm way. Rock on!

  142. Vieve says

    I loved your site before. I love it more now. You are talented, gorgeous, and courageous (to post this blog entry). Beautifully written. I am more of a fan than ever!

    • Michelle says

      I could not agree more, and dido. I support you too Katie, and I never got the impression that you had an eating disordered. You are my go to cooking blog, the one I recommend to all my friends to healthy sweet treats. I say thank you every day for your recipes. I have celiac and want to healthy but love sweets and I make many of your recipes on a regular basis. I can’t wait for the cookbook.
      From one of your many, many supporters, you are truly beautiful

  143. Amy Pantaleo says

    I appreciate your honesty and I love your blog! Honestly, even if you did have an ED, that is your own personal business and is obviously something very sensitive to triggers, so why are people so rude/horrible?! If you honestly thought somebody had an ED, why would you post it in the comments of their blog? If you absolutely had to say something, why not send a concerned e-mailing stating that it may be out of line, but they are concerned and are there if you need help.. Uh! Anyways, you are looking very healthy and I love the photo of you in the striped dress!

  144. Kiara says

    I think you addressed the subject with grace and honesty. People will continue to be negative, but it doesn’t matter. Stay positive. Love your blog!

  145. Crystal @ Confessions of Crystal says

    I admire your bravery and willingness to address this issue! I love that you advocate a healthy plant-based diet that includes all the necessary nutrients, including my favorites: carbs and healthy fats!

  146. Kathleen L says

    Katie, you are an absolute inspiration to me and it seems, just by reading the comments on this post alone, many others as well. I personally struggled with anorexia and it took me a while to admit to myself I had a problem with food, similarly to your experience with running, so I know what it is like to 1) have an obsession hanging over your head, preventing you from being truly happy and 2) deal with comments and rumors made behind your back that persist even after you, yourself, have gotten your life in balance. That being said, I want you to know that you were a huge inspiration for me during recovery. You made me realize the importance of healthy fats, whole grains, and enough calories for a wholesome diet and clear state of mind. It was your oatmeal and pancakes that got me to stop skipping breakfasts, your homemade Larabars that showed me snacking was okay, and your healthy desserts that allowed me to share my passion for health and nutrition with my friends and family (because even my more “health food-skeptic” friends swoon over Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie and Raspberry Coffee Cake). I had a, for lack of a better term, “You go, girl!” moment while reading this post because of the strength and confidence it exudes simply by stating the truth.
    I’ve commented once or twice before just to let you know what an inspiration you are, but I can’t say it enough so I hope you don’t get sick of the compliments! I just simply adore all the hard work you put into your blog, and I wish you all the best!

  147. Krista Kleinhammer says

    Katie, you are so brave! Way to confront your fears head on and share such a personal story! So awesome. I use your recipes on a daily basis and absolutely love them. I am actually a fitness trainer and Zumba instructor. However, an addiction is an addiction whether its with food, exercise, caffeine, etc. I am, of course, a believer in fitness and exercise but everything in moderation. If any of your habits or lifestyle choices cause you more harm then good, it is definitely the best choice to rid them. Just wanted to let you know you are such an inspiration. Your recipes are fantastic. I love how easy it is to navigate your site too. Keep on keepin’ on girl! You rock (and look amazing)!

  148. Tania says

    This was very well written! Many people often spend time critizing so they don’t have to look at them selves. Tuning out internet hurtful bs is a smart thing to do.! I

  149. Candice says

    Great post Katie! It was really brave of you to address the elephant in the room. This should be a post that serves as inspiration to all girls! Whether girls think they are too thin, too fat, too curvy or anything in between, so many need to really learn that happiness comes from within. I’ve struggled with body image issues as a result of being too thin ( due to medical issue) and can happily say, once I ignored what others and the scale said, I was truly able to find happiness, body satisfaction and a healthy weight for me.

  150. CatrinaT says

    Wonderful response! I appreciate the time you took to answer these questions. My daughter is like you, genetics keep her extremely thin. No matter the amount of food she eats she (and she can out eat my husband at times!). At birth she was in the 5% for weight. As a teen, one doctor was concerned she would fall off the charts and had us give her protein shakes between meals, it did nothing and she didn’t like them. When we saw her regular doctor again, he said not to worry. She is very healthy and he was not worried, she just has a great metabolism and genes. He said if she had been in a higher percentage and then suddenly dropped they would worry but since she is still growing on a curve, there is no cause for concern.
    So glad you can be a role model for girls like this! I love your recipes and am always checking for new ones! Thank you for being you.

  151. Mallory @ Because I Like Chocolate says

    I really appreciate your honesty with this post. People are so quick to jump to conclusions and make unwarranted assumptions about people they have never even met (and likely never will). I would say that if you are happy with your body, it really doesn’t matter, but I see what you mean about perpetuating an image and you don’t want people to think that your blog is supporting an ideology that it absolutely does not support. We can all be judgmental but sometimes it is just way too over the top!

  152. Megan says

    The body image issue is so complicated and personal for those who struggle with it daily. It’s unfortunate that some people feel the need to deal with their struggles by saying hurtful things about others. I always thought you were very pragmatic and fair when providing nutrition info for your recipes, and letting people know this is not a “diet” or “weight-loss” promoting blog. In my opinion, your blog is unique in that you DON’T make people feel like their diet or way of eating/exercising isn’t GOOD enough or virtuous enough as I’ve seen in some blogs. This blog promotes delicious food and creative use of healthier ingredients. Keep doing what you’re doing. Clearly you’re happy and you’re enriching the lives of a lot of other people. Rock on girl.

  153. tiffany says

    Katie, you addressed those nasty rumours/comments so gracefully and truthfully. It is unfortunate that there are so many negative and judgemental people out there. Your blog and your recipes are truly unique (and delicious!). Try to remember that you have more fans who come to your blog, or search you on the internet because they enjoy your recipes and draw inspiration for their own creativity in the kitchen!

    It really is terrible to see how many women feel it is acceptable to shame other women about their bodies, and come to conclusions based on photos from the internet- especially on a blog that is designed around healthy alternatives. Hopefully all of the supportive comments will be remembered more than the accusations.

  154. Samantha R. says

    You’re the prettiest anorexic fat slug I’ve ever seen πŸ™‚ People are going to judge you no matter what, sadly. You’re rad just the way you are! πŸ˜€

  155. Kaila @healthyhelperblog! says

    BRAVO. I especially like this: “eventually forced me to realize my self worth needs to come from something other than the opinion of a stranger on the internet”. As someone who has also faced ridicule and persecution in online forums I 100% agree with that statement. I need to stop letting negative people bring me down and start living with the things I know to be true. This is truly inspiring Katie and I give you so much credit for facing these rumors head on. Honesty is power!

  156. Ann D. says

    Hi Katie,
    I’m sorry people have written such hurtful things about you. When I was growing up there was no internet but people would say to me *you’re soooooo skinnnnny*! I eat mostly paleo now but have been able to enjoy some of your recipes ~ thank you. :0)

  157. Kate @Almond Butter Binge says

    I learned a long time ago not to judge whether or not someone has an eating disorder/other disorder simply by looking at them, or even by reading what they choose to put on the Internet. You look fantastic, but that’s not the point β€” you’re an inspiration, and I hope I speak for all of your readers when I tell you that the fact that you shared your struggle means more than I can say. Thank you, and congratulations on finding the courage to share. <3

  158. Lizzy says

    I hate that people can be so mean to each other, especially adults. Life is difficult enough–I wish people spent as much energy building each other up instead, what a difference it could make in the world. I hope you ignore the negative nellies and keep up your wonderful blog. As a breast cancer survivor trying to figure out the whole foods thing, I am appreciative beyond words of you sharing your cooking talents with the rest of us. It keeps my life β˜†sweeterβ˜†

  159. Yvette says

    We love you katie! Ultimately I enjoy reading your clever and witty recipe posts and love experimenting with your recipies as well. As long as you do what you love and know it brings joy to others, forget the rest bc it’s insignificant. Keep making our faces smile, our bellies full, and our chocolate cravings satisfied!;) xoxo, Y.

  160. Claudia says

    Great post! I’ve read your blog for years and never associated it with eating disorders. While I don’t like to admit it (to the extent that I don’t mention it on my own blog), I have struggled with anorexia for at least two years, and while I’m a million times happier now than I was before, I’m not completely “over” it. The reason why I mention it here is to say that I know what ED behavior/thoughts look like, and your blog is the opposite! I used to look at your blog to make me feel happy and see that food could be a source of positivity, rather than something to feel guilty about. I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with all these accusations. Also, who the hell would call you fat!?

  161. Jeremy says

    Katie you’re a real class act confronting this head on. I really enjoy reading your recipes and making a lot of them or using them as a basis for my low carb diet. I’m probably not your average demographic as a 30 year old man who is a steel worker, but i like the way you write. It doesn’t hurt you throw in pictures of yourself and always look like you’re having fun and you’re very pretty. Pardon my directness but I think if you get sick of food blogging you could easily be a swimsuit mode. keep kicking ass!

  162. S says

    Eating disorder? It never occurred to me actually and it’s not my business. I don’t understand why there would be such speculation surrounding this topic. CCK has been a great find for me. Keep up the great work you fat slug : ) !!

  163. Julia says

    I discovered your blog not long ago and I am amazed at these rumours. I would have never guessed (especially from the recipes you post – it does not look like you are starving yourself at all).
    But I think you handlled this one well. People are always going to criticise and talk. What matters is that you are happy and healthy.
    Keep the great recipes coming!

  164. Jacquine says

    To quote my ‘inner gangsta’… Haters gonna hate!
    People can just be so silly and mean. Well done on addressing this issue.. Regardless of any unhealthy circumstances you have had in your past, what I see when I look at your recipes, photos and other musings is a lovely lady who likes to enjoy life, friends and great food. I’m so glad you don’t let these meanies get to you; not all women are that strong. You are a great example. I’ve found that people who are incapable of complimenting others and always have something nasty to say, are usually not happy with themselves or their own lives. Keep up your awesomeness!!! PS Your recipes look and are delish, mmmmm…..

  165. Meghan says

    The fact that this is the second blog post I have seen in two days that have mentioned ‘addressing the elephant in the room’ makes me so sad. Not at you, of course, but because this should be an issue at all, in the first place. Eating disorders are life-threatening illnesses and it makes my stomach churn to hear of such mockery and labeling. No one has the right to comment on anyone’s body, regardless if they have an eating disorder or not. It’s inspiring to hear how you’ve managed your own struggle with exercise; almost as inspiring as each of your recipes, which only speak of individual health and well-being. I’d like to thank you for addressing this topic so eloquently, and not pointing a single finger while doing so. Good for you Katie.

  166. Gaby says

    When I read the first paragraph I literally saw red, I am so mad that people are threatened by your beauty and success that they have stoop so low as that. You are the truest description of thinspiration, you are thin and your relationship with food is great. Haha if you are a fat slug then I must be obese πŸ˜›

  167. melissa says

    My four year old son loves to proudly tell people we ate or are about to eat chocolate katie for dessert. Its pretty adorable. You are a household name here and we love your healthy recipes. Thank you soooo much for helping me start my children off eating wonderfully healthful and whole foods.

  168. Natalie says

    Thanks for sharing such a personal post. It’s nice to hear your side although the rumours were never believed by me. Your photos look amazing!!! Nice dresses

  169. Sarah says

    Hi Katie,
    I must admit, I have often wondered if you might be a bit anorexic, but never bothered to google the subject any further. Now it appears you are just one of those lucky buggers who are naturally slender, despite your penchant for chocolate-covered goodies. So long as you are healthy and happy, I don’t really care what you look like!
    Best wishes.

  170. Louise says

    Hi Katie, I only came across your website about 2 weeks ago and I have read nearly every post! And implemented your recipes into my lifestyle.
    Anyone who ‘reads’ instead of ‘just looking’ through you blog comments would understand that there is no way you have an unhealthy relationship with food. It dissapoints me that the world is full of mindless idiots who judge by only what they see. These people are green with envy, because you look gorgeous and your a role model to eating tasty food which is good for you, unlike many who cannot find the will power to even entertain the idea. This blog post is brilliant, I decided to comment, because I suffered with over exercising too and was always mistaken for being anorexic (until people sat down to a meal with me lol). This was such a strong post and I really hope people read it and get a reality check. Keep up the tasty food recipes !!! πŸ™‚ Lou x

  171. Kali says

    The health coach assigned to me by my insurance company is the person who recommended your blog to me. Keep being you! We would all be wise to disregard the hate spewed across the internet by people who hide behind cat avatars.

  172. Fabienne says

    If you’re working in a public place in this case the big Internet, people tend to think they can say anything they think about you. It’s harsh and useless, but that’s (unfortunately) life. I think this post should be your only reply on all that rubbish, it’s probably a waste of time and time you can use better on writing those great blog entries with delicious recipes. I love your blog and your recipes! And yes I think you’re skinny, but no way anorexic skinny, definitely healthy and beautiful slim (that sounds better). And yes I would die (no not of starvation and not really of course, just in matter of speaking :P) to have you’re figure, but that’s not me and I’m happy with that. Enough with my bla-bla. Keep up your superb blog work!!!

    • K says

      Exactly! This! Just because people may have a legal right to freedom of speech doesn’t mean it’s morally right to bully someone by hiding behind a screen.

  173. Anne-Alexandra says

    I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time now, and it never occured to me that people could think you are anorexic. Your blog promotes healthy eating, and your recipes are not too sugary nor too fat, and even though some ingredients still sound weird to me (like kale in brownies…) I have loved all those I have made.
    Your blog promotes healthy eating and anyone who reads it for real can understand that. I think it is sad that you were obliged to address all those criticism and that people spread those fake rumors on the internet. I think you are a really beautiful woman and I am happy for you that you achieve not letting those horrible comments let you down. πŸ™‚

  174. Diana says

    great post! I can totally relate. I am in the process of recovery from an ED. I recently relapsed and quite honestly, things are REALLY different this time……I know what i need to do, i know the reasons for abusing myself, i know i need to change my thinking. I absolutely LOVE your blog and find it inspirational. Keep up the good work and know that your true supporters will do just that………support you. Just like we ignore the ugly ED voices, ignore the negativity and keep doing what makes you happy and brings others happiness as well!! (YOUR recipes!! πŸ™‚ )

  175. IC says

    Katie, I think it’s great that you addressed the elephant in the room. It’s unfortunate how often women are verbally attacked for being “too thin” or “too fat” (comments that can come from two photos taken on the same day at a different angle, or even worse, the same picture). If I pick up any magazine there would be a large number of critiques on various women’s figures (too fat/too thin) and few if any on men. For women, 5 lbs can mean the difference of being called anorexic, or pregnant (depending where those 5 lbs land).
    Your post was extremely well written, and appreciated by many of your readers. πŸ™‚

    • Kathryn says

      Love this comment. It’s so true that we place far too much emphasis on women’s appearances while we place so much less on men’s! I’ve never seen a fat actress in a large movie role (unless, of course, other characters are constantly cracking jokes about her weight–why is that even funny?), but hefty men have no problem making it in show business, or any other business. Why? Because we don’t judge men solely based on their appearances. Unfortunately, we tend to judge women first on how they look–everything else becomes secondary. I hope people begin to realize that so we can start applauding women for their talents, not for their thighs!

  176. Emily says

    Heya Katie,
    I just wanted to thank you so much for this post, as it made me realise what’s really important. I did actually struggle with an eating disorder, and I did use your recipes a lot. However I didn’t use them to cut down on what I was eating, nor did I use you to aspire to be thinner. Your recipes and posts made me realise I could enjoy nice food without fearing major weight gain, and once I accepted this fact I also started eating unhealthy’ unhealthy’ foods again, as in, not the ones with only healthy ingredients.
    So I just wanted to thank you, because you’re one of the reasons I got through my rough times. I’m glad you don’t take all the rumours to heart, because you shouldn’t. I’m sure there are many more out there who considered as a healthy inspiration rather than thinspiration.
    All the best x

    • Anon says

      Same here! In fact when I was struggling I would think to myself “well CCK eats peanut butter and fats and still looks thin (and more importantly happy and healthy) so I can feel comfortable challenging myself.” Your blog more than any other was instrumental in helping me start seeing food as fuel instead of poison. I was restricting so much before and am so much better after reading your blog!

  177. Anon says

    THANK YOU! I have been attacked by those internet hater sites, and if anyone even dares to defend me they attack her as well! I don’t even have a big blog! I can’t imagine how much worse it must be when your blog is popular as yours. I really appreciate you writing this, as I’ve thought about giving up before. It can be overwhelming to see so much hate about you being said.

  178. Angie says

    It horrifies me to hear such critical statements made about you and I commend you for your response to them. It’s very difficult to tell ourselves that people making such hurtful, ridiculous statements are the ones with the problems, not us. I appreciate your blog and make many of your recipes. I’m sorry that by sharing this part of yourself with your readers you have had to endure such hatefulness.

  179. Margeau says

    People are jealous of your creation and this lifestyle. Those who say hurtful things are just insecure and want to put down others. Keep doing your thing! For every hurtful comment there’s about 10 more women out there who love and appreciate your work! Most people only post when they have a complaint or something negative to say! We really need to encourage others to post more when they see something they really love! Keep at it Katie! I’ve been following your blog since the early stages and I can’t wait to see what else you have to show us!

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Haha, love this! Very often I am terribly unstylish (is that a word?). But I will tell my sister your comment, as she’s always making fun of my style… especially scrunchies. And one very cold year, I tried to wear sweatpants on Thanksgiving.

      That did not go over well.

  180. Jodi says

    Katie, I have made many of your recipes and have only thought of you as a genius, recipe goddess! The internet can provide so many great things to us, but sadly, can also bring out the worst in people. You are a beautiful woman, but your personal appearance should have nothing to do with the blog! People are so shallow and ridiculous, so I’m glad to hear you’re paying them no mind. And you certainly are not a fat slug, although I also got a good chuckle out of that. Keep the recipes coming and I hope that any girls that see you as thinspiration will keep in mind that a physically fit, well-fed body is much more beautiful than a starved body. Even more importantly, true beauty comes from the inside.

  181. Angie says

    Katie always remember that people that are being cruel and hateful are actually giving you a look into how they feel about themselves, it’s their problem not yours. I really enjoy many of your recipes (I would love some more breakfast smoothies like the PB&Banana :)) because I like that they are made with real food! Keep your head high and the awesome recipes coming! (and get that puppy!!!)

  182. stacy says

    Hi. I love reading your blog and your photos always succeed in making my mouth water. I am shocked that there was ever any such rumours. I applaud your bravery to address it. Thanks for sharing. Keep doing what you do, you obviously glow with health because of it!

  183. Jocelyn Butcher says

    Hi Katie. I’ve read your blog for a veeeery long time and used your recipe regularly. I love how you represent the content of your blog and your personality. I think I can figure out that you are a patient, loving young lady who loves cooking :p lol
    All I want to say is, first, thank you to advocate your time to write such beautiful things in your blog for us your readers (and girl fans lol) and second, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP GIRL!!! Don’t worry about those rumors and rude comments. You know, there is a saying silence is gold and it is true that a dog must always bark louder to get an attention. In bottom line: IGNORE IT! I know full well from beginning you are a completely normal -healthy, happy girl who just mind your own business and keeping in touch with people around the world. I think the one who should be labelled as a “psycho” and has a “mental disorder” instead of “eating disorder” are people who uses you deliberately as a “thinspiration” figure and verbally abuse you. Those people should be ashamed and readjust their life a lot better. One thing that I can see is jealousy! I mean what else? You are pretty, funny, great cooks (Oh yes I can tell from your recipe and my results gurlll) and has a lovely smile. Just do what you love and move on. Trust me, I’ve experience the worst of all: both mentally and physically bullied. The more I reacted the more suffer from the perpetrator’s acts. I don’t know whether you will read this comment or not among many others. But if you do, I’d love to read your reply πŸ™‚
    Hope you have a great day! God Bless xx
    P.S: I laugh so hard when people calling each other names and talking rubbish. It shows how silly they are. Great entertainment isn’t it? Also, it shows how low their education level is. (MUAHAHA I SOUND LIKE A CRUEL SARCASTIC GIRL NOW LOL)

  184. Brianna says

    Very well said, Katie. It is sad to know that there are so many out there who take so much time posting hate on blogs and people trying to do what they love, whether it be write about a weight loss journey, review beauty products, or cook amazing, healthy versions of delicious sweet treats. You handled this with such calm and grace, and it helps remind bloggers like myself how to handle situations like this should they ever come up. Thank you for being a beautiful woman, inside and out.

  185. Renee says

    Thanks for this post Katie!
    Although you really are not responsible for clarifying untruths that others spread, you did so eloquently and addressed the major issue of overexercising at the same time. Finding the healthy balance of enough exercise, but not excessive is important for many.
    Thanks again for your truth and best always!

  186. AnnaBananaBelle says

    Katie you are absolutely beautiful and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise! What an amazing post. You truly inspire me. I love your blog!

  187. Amanda says

    I know at least one of the hater forums you were talking about, and you should rest assured that any normal person who reads through their crap (as I did once out of curiosity) will just laugh at the stupidity!

    I think they all have eating disorders or other issues, so they are finding parallels to their own experiences and mistaking that for evidence you are more like them than you actually are. They need to find something better to do with all that time they’re wasting! It’s pathetic!

  188. Lydia Hill says

    What a perfectly written post (& response to the haters)! You are simply stunning & people are always going to have something nasty to say about everyone & everything. What I’ve realized is that with the internet as their weapon, people are so much more “brave” to say terrible things then they’d ever say in person. I’m SO GLAD you promote healthy fats, good food choices & being kind to your own body! I had a sister that struggled severely with eating disorders & it wrecked havoc on her body & mind. We should all be SUPPORTING each other & giving love instead of tearing one another down. Have a great day, Katie! xoxo

  189. Karen says

    I am very sorry people say mean things. As someone who was anorexic in high school, the thought that you may be anorexic never, ever crossed my mind. You look too good to be anorexic! LOL. I had horrible thin hair because it fell out, I couldn’t stand up because i was so weak and tired. I was sleeping all the time because I wasn’t getting all the nutrients I needed. For someone to say you anorexic means they have no clue what a real anorexic person looks like. You have shiny hair, clear skin, and I can tell it is from healthy eating, not from starving yourself. I had dark circles under my eyes a sunken face, grey skin. When others body shame, calling people anorexic when they are clearly not, it detracts from the real people who are dealing with a serious disorder and who need help and aren’t getting it. Anorexia isn’t being thin, it is slowly killing yourself. Clearly you are not doing that (I am don’t mean for this post to take a depressing turn, but for those who don’t recognize what anorexia is, it may help)

    But anyway, I follow your blog for the great recipes and because I had a daughter allergic to nuts and eggs and she can enjoy treats that are better than her friends! I don’t know you, but you are really the ONLY blog I follow, mostly because you seem very down to earth. So keep going, and I am glad you don’t let those silly people get to you. It is sad that people want to bring others down (and honestly I will say I am one of those people who does at times get jealous, because I am human, but I keep it to myself – posting mean things to others just adds a whole level of desperation and sadness)

    Keep posting your recipes please!

  190. Karen says

    After my son was born in 2012 and I was nursing him round the clock my calorie needs went through the roof, and all I wanted was sweets – I think I had one of your pb cookie milkshakes everyday for the better part of the first month of his life! Being able to indulge my sweet tooth and also know that I was being healthy in my choices was all due to you. Most of your recipes are easy and quick, perfect for a new mom. Plus my husband loved all the goodies like black bean brownies and cookie dough dip that showed up in our house. Thank you.

  191. Chris Freytag says

    Katie- beautiful post. As someone who also receives criticism on social media and elsewhere, I whole heartedly agree you have to ignore it and not waste your energy on it. I obviously LOVE your recipes because I post them all over my website:) I am a personal trainer and health coach with a sweet tooth. I appreciate your approach to dessert and all food for that matter. I am passionate about helping women realize that eating healthy is a way of life and FUN!! Thank you for all you do! We all appreciate the energy you put into your recipes:)!!

  192. Tiffany says

    Hi Katie,
    I was shocked to read this latest blog. I applaud your response…thoughtful, sensitive and intelligent. I actually shared the post on my FB page with this from me…
    “I have followed Katie’s blog and sampled many of her recipes. I just adore her and find her words and recipes amazing and inspirational.
    I have never followed the gossip, but this response from her is as beautiful and eloquent as she is.
    Whatever your size, judgement on someone else, is ugly.”

  193. Susan S. says

    I don’t normally comment. I suppose I’m more of an observer. But, I have enjoyed your blogs and think you look healthy and vibrant. I don’t think I’ll ever understand people who are so hateful and mean in their postings. But, continue doing what you’re doing. Thank you for this post.

  194. Cortney says


    I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve received so much harsh criticism in so many different extremes. They missed out on seeing what I love most about your blog – a happy, healthy lady trying to promote well-being and healthy habits. Keep up the great work. You are such an inspiration!

  195. Mandy says

    Oh, for pete’s sake. Everyone wants to tell everyone else what they’re doing wrong. Keep at it, Katie. Some of us out here on the internets aren’t complete idiiots (keeping that typo there because it’s freaking perfect).


  196. Sarah S. says

    Girl, this post was so classy! Glad to see you started to exercise at a healthier level. I went through the same thing! Exercise is potentially addictive, after all. Keep up the amazing work. I don’t have to tell you to stay classy – that clearly comes naturally (like your body type).

  197. Mckenna says

    I think you are a beautiful, wonderful, and strong young woman, Katie. I am so sorry people have said hurtful, and downright horrible things about and to you. I admire your strength and self-confidence so much. Thank you for all your posts and recipes!

  198. Hayley says

    I can relate. For a long while just last year, I ate so much less at meal times and exercised compulsively (7 days a week, 45 minutes a day at least). I am happy to say that stage of my life is mostly over and that my body is almost at a healthy weight again. So I can say with certainty it must have been hard for to stop your disordered habits and your body looks seriously great now!

  199. Judy E says

    Love your website, your recipes are an inspiration. Ignore all the pathetic, sad (probably jealous) losers. Keep up the good work!!

  200. Christie Nix says

    And with a zinger at the end! What an extremely well written response to the unfortunate falsities that anyone on the internet can blast endlessly without any repercussions. Thank you for what you do…and by all means, let’s get back to food!

  201. Julie S says

    Rock on with your bad self. Don’t pay attention to mean people. They have no clue what your reality is. The are judging by assumption. From where I sit 99.9% of the people who follow you appreciate what you put out into the world. Maybe they should eat something chocolate covered and relax.

  202. Tina C says

    Beautifully spoken!! I love all of your food and have never thought that about you. I am very much over weight attempting to eat more healthy. I have never thought you to be anorexic. Some people are jealous and will find any excuse to make themselves feel better. Sadly, you were a target. Keep up the good work! And recipes!!

  203. meagan says

    I’m so sorry you have had such hateful things written about you! I never really stopped to think about how you put yourself out there at risk of being attacked by trolls. Such sad people who lack true happiness and must go out of their way to make others feel bad about themselves. I never thought you looked too thin. I could see the it is just your frame, the way you’re built. Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many! And thank you for giving us healthier versions of some favorite desserts.

  204. Leah says

    Katie, thank you for sharing your story! I get a lot of inspiration from your website and really enjoy your recipes! I’m working on the transition from vegetarian to vegan, and your site is a treasure trove of nummy stuff that I can make and eat, guilt free. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  205. Courtney says

    Katie, thank you for sharing. You look and sound much happier, healthier, and more beautiful. Your post is very inspiring.

  206. Kaitlin says

    Katie, your post is extremely well written especially on a topic that is truly hurtful for so many people and to have others make those criticisms is just awful.
    It’s disappointing that you feel the need to have to address the issue at all and anyone that has read more than one of your posts rather than just look at a few pictures can surely tell you’re more interested in eating yummy food that just happens to be healthy than you are in being thin.
    You are amazing and an inspiration not just for people wanting to be thin but those just wanting to make lifestyle changes.
    On another note I made your Deep dish cookie pie for a friend who is hypoallergenic and she said it was one of the most amazing things she had ever tasted πŸ™‚

  207. erika says

    I’m so sorry that you have had so many disturbing comments and I cannot fathom people using your blog to promote an unhealthy lifestyle. I have never read anything like that from your posts. Thank you for your recipes and posts – I love them! I have often recommended your website to those of us who want to be healthy but feel like we are indulging in something naughty πŸ™‚

  208. Cindy says

    Katie…You are beautiful! The people who always make the hurtful comments are just jealous! You know what’s best for you. Be true to yourself!

  209. amy says

    aw Katie, Im glad to hear that you’re not hurting yourself and that you feel good! I bet the rumours have something to do with that “skinny bitch” book from a few years ago that advocated a vegan diet as a way of becoming super skinny. now if you see a thin woman who’s a vegan you have to wonder if she’s using the word vegan as code for not eating. but what does your appearance have to do with the fact that you create awesome recipes that I use all the time? thanks for sharing your talents. it’s hard out here for a woman.

  210. Albert Doolittle says

    Anorexia is a disease of the mind. Too many people are now seeing it as a disease of the body.

  211. Cami Martin says

    I never leave comments. I read your blog and just couldn’t help myself. Noone has to follow your blog, so I don’t understand why anyone would think they have the right to comment about you. Isn’t your blog more about healthy recipes? You are beautiful young lady and we all learn from our mistakes. And I enjoy your recipes. Keep up the good work and don’t let negativity effect you!!

  212. Tanya says

    What a beautiful post! I had never heard any of those rumors. But, as a person who is on the other spectrum of weight seeking health now, I really appreciate your openness and honesty. Your recipes aren’t just amazing, you are an inspiration! Again, thank you!

  213. JN says

    You have inspired me to eat well!!! I am SO GLAD that you are not letting these horrid comments get to you and you shared it with folks like us who root for you & wish you well. I am still shaking my head as I had not seen those nasty comments. Please continue with your lovely blog that has helped someone like me who never cooked in her life, to make Healthy Nutella (amongst other things from your blog)!!! My family & friends know about your blog, the one that made me turn healthy! THANK YOU!

  214. Alanna says

    Girl, you were beautiful and healthy before, and you’re beautiful and healthy now! Way too many internet haters who think the world needs to hear their ignorant opinions. You are wonderful; don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

  215. Beth says

    You deserve so much more respect than all that nonsense.

    Not only is your blog my go to for recipe inspiration, not only do I adore you for posting recipes sized for one person, but the format of your blog has set the bar for anything else I subscribe to. You’re so professional and personable! You’d be surprised (or maybe not) how many vegan bloggers don’t have a basic grasp of reader-friendly formatting or who come off as blatantly trying to make money off the blog. Your blog is friendly and fun, and like reading something a really organized friend wrote.

    I’ve followed you for about two years now, and it’s the blog I look forward to most in my inbox and I wish you all the success in the world. I hope you feel appreciated for the positive influence you’ve had on all of our eating habits. You’re a gorgeous person and your weight should stay between you and your scale. Ignore the ignorant out there, they’re wasting their precious short time here spreading hate instead of enjoying it like we are πŸ˜‰

  216. Kara says

    This post just made me love you even more. It’s awful what people can saw to someone when they know little to nothing about the person in real life. I’m glad you keep your head on straight after all of that! I love your blog and think that it really does represent someone with a balanced perspective on food and life. Thank you for everything you do for us!

  217. Lisa says

    Katie, you are gorgeous INSIDE and OUT!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes with us!!! They have been a blessing to my family!!!!!!! I love it that my kids get insanely excited about eating “desserts” sweetened with dates πŸ˜‰ You are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
    p.s. and although I am insanely jealous of your beautiful hair and high metabolism, I have never once thought a single bad thing about you πŸ˜‰

  218. Danae says

    Bravo Katie!! You are so courageous to address what you did in such a kind, forgiving way. I am thankful that you are a shining light and encouragement for women out there no matter what their sizes. You admonish us to help each other and lift each other and that’s what we all need. So grateful for that.

  219. Pamela Glose says

    Hi Katie, I’m very surprised and sorry to hear that you have received such negative comments from people who are looking for an easy outlet for their own negative energy. As you know, it’s about them, not you. I’d just like to thank you for the time and expertise you put into your impressive blog. As a healthy eater who likes to indulge in sweets now and then, it’s perfect for me and very much appreciated. I’ve been doing a monthly video blog (on silk painting, not food) for two years now and you’ll be my inspiration if I ever have to deal with similar reactions from those dealing with low self-esteem. Sounds like you’re doing a good job of not letting them get to you. Keep up the awesome work and by the way, you are gorgeous, adorable and perfect just as you are! With many thanks, Pamela Glose

  220. Krissy says

    Katie you are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your story – it took a lot of courage to finally see the exercise addiction and to stop it. I am currently struggling with exercise addiction and it is very difficult to recover from it. You are an inspiration with a story of recovery and that it is attainable. Thank you! I am sure you are helping a lot of people by sharing your story.

  221. rick tara says

    I felt the need to comment because my wife is exactly like you (but older) and people always tell her to eat something… I know for a fact that she eats as much as I do, but burns it right off.
    You go girl

  222. Aimee B. says

    I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with such hateful comments. (((Hugs))) Thank you, Katie, for always being so kind, honest, and graceful to everyone, even those who are being unkind to you. You are an amazingly beautiful young woman, inside and out! <3

  223. Elizabeth says

    People can be so unkind. You are no where near a fat slug. But compulsive over exercise can be a eating disorder in itself. And even if the exercise was not modivated by calorie burning it can still cause crazy damage. I was one of those “naturally” skinny people who always thought she hated being underweight. I thought that eating 1000-1500 a day was enough to make me healthy. My under eating didn’t develop into an ED until much later. My point is that given your heart history I hope you are making sure that your health is ok. Being slightly under your set point could cause damage overtime.
    But I actually didn’t make your recipes when I was actually restricting. Most were too high in calories. Now in recovery I make them all the time. I made your Chocolate Pudding Cake last night. That is so good and really decadent. I think I know where a lot of the rumors are coming from and that particular person has a bit of a reputation for mud slinging online.

  224. Laura says

    Katie, this is a really wonderful post. You are really strong, I admire you!! I sent you an email through Facebook, but I have the feeling you might not receive it. I hope you see it!

    Thank you very much for this post, actually! πŸ˜‰

  225. Laura says

    Katie, first all of just let me say that you look great and I love your recipes! It really takes a truly special person to handle criticism and respond as gracefully as you did. There are so many of us that appreciate all your creativity, hard work and dedication so do not let anyone bring you down! And as a dedicated follower of your blog, let me add that I never once got the impression that you have an eating disorder, you are always telling us that you eat the full fat version of all the recipes! I have recently been told that I’m dairy and gluten intolerant and your blog has been an absolute life saver! I love being able to enjoy desserts without all the processed ingredients and guilt. My nutritionist asks for your recipes a lot and he is not easily impressed so take that as a huge compliment πŸ™‚

  226. sonya says

    I don’t know what people are talking about… I use you as fuel in my recovery from anorexia. Your view on healthy fats is INSPIRING. and your hair is enviable.

    People that accuse you of having an eating disorder may not have any idea what it’s like. It’s obvious to me you love food and baking. You’re not saying anything about “it’s ok to eat seconds” (or maybe you are, because it IS ok). You’re not using sugar subs left and right, you’re not portioning into itty bitty ‘once in a blue moon’ bites, you’re not TRACKING; you’re eating real food with real ingredients.
    The only thing I see is the calorie counts (which you’ve explained in a previous post) and I am grateful that you hide behind a link.

    It’s refreshing to hear posts about ‘unhealthy exercise’ in this fit-spirational world.

    Again, you’re an amazing person, a pleasure to read and !@#$ gorgeous inside and out.

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Thank you! That is exactly what I want the site to be; helpful, not harmful. People with eating disorders go through enough, and I would never want to add to that by sending out a dangerous message of restricting food groups or fasting or endorsing any sort of diet products.

  227. Kara says

    I admire you so much, and your post just totally proved how beautiful and inspirational you are! Ignore all those jealous comments; you’re perfectly imperfect!

  228. Theresa says

    Katie, you have only one problem… you are a beautiful woman with a great body that is thin and curvy in all the right places, and you eat chocolate every day. Unfortunately, instead of being inspiring to all, that causes jealousy in some. And unfortunately, those “some” can have a loud voice that distracts those you would inspire. I am a certified health coach that have been a loyal follower since I first found your website. I provide your website as a good resource for my clients that are working on adopting new, lifelong habits for sustained health. I have been both overweight and anorexic and can tell you that at no point has your website EVER given the impression that starving yourself is the way to go. If it did, I would not promote it the way I do. I know just how dangerous anorexia can be.

    I admire your ability to push these ridiculous accusations aside. Many don’t have that level of self confidence and self worth. I think this example of your strength of character is your most inspiring moment yet. I will continue to happily follow you and promote your website to my clients and will use this specific article to inspire my clients to embrace who they are because no matter how thin, fit or healthy they become there will always be someone ready to knock them down… but only if they let them. As Eleanor Roosevelt stated, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ”

    Thanks for all you do and who you are.
    Theresa Paganini
    Owner, The Monarch Effect

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      I definitely didn’t have as much self confidence when I was younger! I was quite insecure about my body as a teenager. Oddly enough, I think the internet haters helped… I realized not everyone was going to like me, and yet it would still be okay.

  229. Nikki says

    Good for you! I admire your taking the high road and the positive one, as well. Keep on with all that you re doing. You inspire even a 65 year old!

  230. becca says

    Its been said many times before my post, and I never post online-
    but I wanted to commend you for this post and also to say – what you said about online forums making everyone more ‘brave’ to say things they would never dare say in real life- its true and its very unfortunate. Being anonymous doesn’t mean what you say doesn’t matter.
    I think you’re beautiful, I love your creative ideas, and appreciate your clean and appropriate blogging. You never post anything lewd, anything which promotes unhealthy body-conscious attitudes, and all your haters are, I think I can safely say, probably just very jealous.
    Thanks- keep the recipes coming!

  231. Susan says

    Thank you for being willing to be open about this. I have always been small at around 110 pounds and people feel that they can make comments. I love your blog and the fact that you provide nutritional information and alternatives (I’m diabetic). And I think you are cute as a button. Keep up the good work.

  232. Luci says

    Great post Katie – it is highly admirable that you face these comments head on and do not lose sight of who you are and what you stand for. Your website has been and continues to be one of my all-time favorites (of ALL sites, not just food blogs) and has been such a creative release. You provide a fun way to get back in tune with read food, not crazy processed or chemically-laden ingredients. Thank you for all you do and stay rock-awesome!

  233. Amanda says

    Thank you so much for what you wrote, it was such a powerful and personal post. I can completely relate to over-doing workouts and having to endure people’s negative comments about my body, even though I’ve never had an unhealthy relationship with food. After giving up the daily and high-impact workouts, I felt my body changing (for the better), but still had to endure negative comments disguised as compliments (“you look much better now”, lol). I don’t know what’s wrong with people. But you looked great before and great now. Your happiness really shines through. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  234. Pamela says


    You are clearly a strong woman, inside and out. I admire you for your all of your abilities and creativity in the kitchen, but more importantly, I admire you for your courage, determination, and your strength. While, sadly, many of the “haters” will not be swayed by the truth (they have to make up nasty rumors to make themselves feel better about their own unfulfilled lives), but I think your post will inspire girls and young women who are letting their insecurities lead them to unhealthy means of dieting and/or exercise. So many young women look up to you and I applaud you for candor in this post and your previous post when you shared your personal struggles with over-exercising. Every woman, myself included, has issues with her body. Your message, along with your wonderful recipes, is a positive, encouraging one. Keep up the good work! πŸ™‚ And remember, there will always be people out there who are so unhappy with themselves and their lives that they will waste their time judging others they know nothing about. You have countless supporters and cheerleaders who know better than to believe everything they read. πŸ™‚

  235. Pam says

    You look great!!! As long as you are healthy and happy that is all that matters. I love your recipes and use them regularly. Thank you for what you do. Please continue and don’t let the negative people invade your world. You do GREAT work by sharing recipes that are not only GREAT TASTING but HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS!!! Personally – I thank you and truly appreciate your work!!!!

  236. Christine says

    Nicely written article. However, I feel a little disappointed that you ever had to write such an essay.
    I stumbled on your Blog when I was searching for healthier snacks and treats for my son. Whether by nature or by nurture, he and I both have a sweet tooth. I love your Blog because there are 100s of great recipes and ideas. I love that you provide alternatives and options for folks with special dietary needs or preferences. I can’t imagine the research that goes into developing all these recipes. Although, I imagine some of the research and tasting must be fun!
    You seem like a lovely person, and I think your efforts to share your healthy-eating research is admirable. Thank you!!!
    I also understand how exercise can become addictive, especially when one reaches a higher level of fitness. The next challenge is always right down the road, so to speak, and it becomes almost intoxicating to strive for and achieve the next perceived milestone.
    Thanks again for your inspiring Blog! I love following your posts.
    Now off to try your healthy blueberry muffin recipe…. πŸ™‚

  237. Pamela says

    Katie –
    You are clearly a strong woman, inside and out. I admire you for your all of your abilities and creativity in the kitchen, but more importantly, I admire you for your courage, determination, and your strength. While, sadly, many of the “haters” will not be swayed by the truth (they have to make up nasty rumors to make themselves feel better about their own unfulfilled lives), but I think your post will inspire girls and young women who are letting their insecurities lead them to unhealthy means of dieting and/or exercise. So many young women look up to you and I applaud you for candor in this post and your previous post when you shared your personal struggles with over-exercising. Every woman, myself included, has issues with her body. Your message, along with your wonderful recipes, is a positive, encouraging one. Keep up the good work! πŸ™‚ And remember, there will always be people out there who are so unhappy with themselves and their lives that they will waste their time judging others they know nothing about. You have countless supporters and cheerleaders who know better than to believe everything they read. πŸ™‚

  238. Sharon says

    Dear Katie,
    You are a beautiful young woman, and my daughter and I love your “chocolate covered katie” website!!!! What you are doing is a good and wonderful thing: giving us healthier alternatives for foods that we love to eat. We are so glad you are not allowing negative comments to affect you in any other way except to make you laugh!!!! Very good!!!! God bless you and keep you strong, and may you continue to spread love and joy everywhere!

  239. Gail says

    Great post, Katie! Others slam people anonymously because it makes them feel better about themselves. So sad.
    As a very healthy, slender woman near 50 years old, I love your blog! It helps me to eat what I want to eat–but without the sugar hangover the next day! I believe that sugar is the most common addictive “drug” of this generation! Those who have learned to wean themselves from it know it truly will give you a hangover if you over-indulge! To me, that is proof that it is addictive and unhealthy.
    Thanks for all you do!

  240. chelsea says

    katie! I love this. I’ve “read” your blog for years now off and on. I say “read” because basically I’m a slacker and only come for recipe inspiration before dashing away again. But, i do get your newsletter so I often see the title of the email even if I don’t read it all, and I knew that like me you were a big runner. Around the same time that you stopped running I was going through something similar. My runs had stopped being enjoyable and instead had become a chore that I felt forced to do 4-6 mornings a week. I always ran for around an hour and that usually covered 6-8 miles. However, unlike you, I was definitely NOT eating enough and over time my body was starting to show signs of my metabolism slowing down and just general unhealthiness. For a long time I prided myself on how healthy i was; i’ve been a vegan for something like 7 years (and only cared about health aspects for the last 5), i exercised regularly, i was strong, i ate the cleanest diet of anyone that i knew/know, but at some point it went awry. somewhere along the way running became a compulsion and i began eating less and less. Eventually, I reached out to a dietician who instructed me to stop running and to begin eating far more than I was at the time (and frankly, more than i’ve been able to work up to yet). It’s been a real challenge for me. Despite not enjoying running anymore it still provided some huge sense of accomplishment for me sooooo often. I think it’s really brave of you to talk openly about the unhealthy relationship that you had developed with exercise because it’s something that people often overlook; so good for you! And lastly, anyone that accuses you of an ED is absurd. I’ve often wished I could eat as many of your wonderful desserts as you and be so thin, but it was always abundantly clear that you weren’t suffering from an unhealthy relationship with food. I think a lot of times those of us with eating disorders often envy women that are even thinner and we project our own negativity onto them. You’ve done nothing wrong, and your critics need to take a step back and look inward.

  241. Danica @ It's Progression says

    You handled this beautifully, Katie. Don’t let those awful things people cowardly say online to mess with your self-worth. And thank you for reminding everyone that those nasty comments people throw around online should be taken with a grain of salt – it’s impossible for us to really know any blogger whom we’ve never met in person. Keep being you, girl!

  242. Amber Apple says

    Nicely written! I’m so sorry you’ve been called mean names, that’s awful! I have food allergies, I know I can always stop by your blog and find something sweet to eat. Thank you for making delicious recipes and sharing them! (Proverbs 16:24) -Amber

  243. Sasha says

    Been following your blog for years, and love this post so much. Thank you for your honesty, it’s so refreshing and inspiring. Congrats on all of your success with CCK. Even though I don’t know you, proud of you lol. All the best and continued happiness πŸ˜€ xoxo

  244. Karen says

    You are so brave! People are SO mean and say such hurtful things to others. Thank you for standing up to what is essentially cyber bullying and keeping up your business. You are so strong! I would have quit.
    Thanks for being beautiful you!!! Xo

  245. Caitlin says

    Thanks for sharing Katie! I think you are wonderful, and I appreciate how your posts are always upbeat and positive (in addition to providing delicious desserts).

  246. Kayte CookWatts says

    I am sorry people are idiots. They are projecting their misery onto you.I love the joy in your posts, and check your blog regularly.Don’t change a thing!

  247. Katy says

    I don’t typically comment on blogs, but I was very moved by this post. I have the utmost respect for your courage to stand up to the public and let them know your self-efficacy and personal satisfaction are not based on their opinions–whether good or bad or just plain mean-spirited. I love your blog and the creativity you bring to your recipes. I, much like you, like to think outside the box when it comes to food and use some perhaps unorthodox ingredients to achieve a healthier result. It is also such a treasure to find a blogger who posts nutritional info for their recipes along with substitutions or alterations that allow others to personalize the recipe to meet their needs. Keep up the fantastic work and know that no matter how many negative posts you see, you have far more fans and supporters out there cheering you on!

  248. Megan C says

    Dear Katie,
    I don’t usually post either, but wanted to add my voice to the chorus of positivity here! I am a huge believer in real, nourishing, whole food (as opposed to the trend for empty “low-cal” type food products), which is why I like your recipes so much. I love that I can always find something delicious here when I cook for myself alone (the single, mug portions), for my vegan hubby, my young growing kids, for my sis-in-law with type 1 diabetes, my old roomie with Celiac’s – and anyone who LOVES chocolate! πŸ™‚ There’s something for everyone here. And I know the results of the recipes will be nourishing AND tasty! I’m puzzled as to how negative posters think you can create such delicious and reliable recipes without 1) tasting them, 2) testing them repeatedly, 3) being passionate about delicious, whole foods. I am sorry that some folks feel that the way to make themselves feel better is to put others down. Good for you for addressing it head on. I hope those folks can figure out a way to share the love instead! I had a fairly extreme drive with exercise (and everything in life) and ended up totally burnt out and ill, physically and emotionally, when I couldn’t keep it all up after having 2 kids, one of whom has cerebral palsy. Learning to nourish myself was a big part of rebuilding and cooking at home is a beautiful way to slow down. Wishing you all the best and continued recipe inspiration – and congratulations on the publishing of your book. xoxo

  249. Sergio says

    Dear Katie,
    I would tell you just to continue to go on with your blog.
    The work you do is invaluable, because it teaches to make it clear to your readers how important nutrition for the health of our body.
    Other than anorexia or other such things, it is really ridiculous. Your blog is a tribute to real life, to physical and mental wellbeing, a healthy diet to which we must all strive for.
    Just look at the statistics and see how many diabetics there are in Western countries. This is not only because of poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, but also for the killer ingredients that the industry uses in its products and that are often not even mentioned on the label. Your bolg is really the most beautiful and is a true masterpiece , it is worthy only of a smart girl who you are. It ‘a ninth of Beethoven ….. an ode to joy!

  250. sean schumacher says

    Thank you for such an honest blog entry on July 14th concerning the “elephant in the room.” I am proud of you for taking the high road. For someone as young as you are I am impressed with your mature attitude in regards to people’s comments. I truly think you are beautiful inside and out and unfortunately some people are hurting and insecure inside so they want to pull you down to make themselves feel better. It is sad.
    As Mother Theresa said, “Be Happy anyway.” She has wonderful words on success and how to manage it when you deal with the world. Be HAPPY Katie. Your site is great and I use it all the time, you are a success!!!

  251. Donnamarie says

    I had anorexia betwen the ages of 15-17. I was miserable. I calculated every calorie and weighed myself continuously and exercised obsessively. I was trying to compare my body to those of the supermodels on the cover of all the fashion magazines, never knowing they were photshopped and they never looked like they appeared in those magazines, and it they did, they too were starving themselves. My doctor told me if I didn’t gain weight, I would die. That got my attention and he gave me a healthy food program to follow. In the months to follow I gained some weight back and I felt healthier than I had in a long time. You my dear are NOT anorexic! You are a young lady and have a nice shape! Glad you addressed this issue and hopefully this marks the end of it for you and you can move on with what you do best…food!

  252. Sarah Burns says

    Katie, I’m so sorry you had to write that email. I’ve also been thin my whole life and have had my share of nasty comments. I’m 33 years old, 5’4″ and weigh 115. I’m vegan, exercise and do not want children. This combo, for some reason, pisses off fellow women. I’m not sure why women try to bring down other women. You are attractive, successful and healthy! Many people are miserable in their own lives and spew negativity, I’ve never been able to tolerate that behavior. Thank you for this lovely website, I make one of your recipes at least once a week. You bring happiness to my day and I’m sure others feel the same. Keep it up Katie, you have a supporter in me.

  253. Katie says

    You are the cutest & I adore all of your recipes! It’s easy for strangers to be critical of someone they don’t know- YET how many of them would die for your physique? Keep being you and making fail-proof recipes!!! I just polished off the last 2 Chocolate Chip Blondies that I made this weekend πŸ™‚ Healthy=Happy

    ~Best wishes~
    A fellow Katie

  254. Sherry Dietrich says

    Well said! And you look great! I am in my 50’s and have a friend I grew up with who has the same body shape you do, she’s remained that same size into her 50’s. And despite what strangers would say to her or think of her, she doesn’t exercise, eat properly, doesn’t have an eating disorder, eats plenty of all that’s not healthy for anyone…and still keeps that shape. It’s all in her genes. I’m not saying she’s healthy or that I support her habits, but I support her being the body shape she is and call her Lucky!

  255. Sharon Conser says

    Katie~ FIRST of all what a fantastic writing ability you have to share yourself so openly and candidly on all the blog topic’s you offer on your website. Holy Smoke, I find writing a humongous effort to achieve saying what I want cohesively and correctly, sometimes I don’t want to write at all because it is so hard… You not only have a smoothness to your writing AND have a unique gift in that you are able to express yourself to the reader a sense of being there LISTENING to you speak. Now, I am ready, to make a comment about today’s blog.

    I am sorry people insensitively indulge themselves in expressing whatever thought they want to latch onto without considering the malicious rumor they produce; and, the pain it creates for the person they talk about. It’s an ugliness within them not the recipient. You were created with great DNA, nurtured by loving & attentive parents who are very much a part of your life (as seen by the many photo’s you share), you are active physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, AND you are very well-informed about nutrition through education and interacting with doctors, specialist, and nutritionist…that said, “your readers should know your physical body has many evaluations by those who have the expertise to discuss any concern they or you might have.”

    YOU are beautiful in so many ways as a person and were graced with a beautiful face, a genetic code to be trim and burn the caloric fuel you consume that has given you a fantastic womanly body, and tenacity to succeed at whatever you do.

    BUT, your true beauty is the gentle kindness within your heart and how you treat people. May you be blessed with peace beyond understanding and the love of family and friends to be your wellspring. God bless you. Lovingly~ Sharon

  256. Kate says

    Katie, I was surprised to hear about the rumors as I have not seen them. I felt proud that you as a young woman today had the courage, insight and maturity to address these issues. You stated your feelings beautifully and I think brought many of us even closer to you by sharing such personal info. You are a gifted and beautiful woman and I treasure your blog and the role you play in my life. Thank you for sharing all that you do. I love your creativity and recipes! Keep up the great work…we love you!!!

  257. Gi says

    I think you did the right thing – address it once and let it go. People are going to say what they r going to say and there is nothing any of us can do to stop it…..Keep living your life the way you want to and just be happy….life is to short to deal with people like that…I find you to be inspirational. Thank you for that……now on with the yummy recipes…..

  258. Amy Herskowitz says

    The only thing one can tell by judging someone’s health status based on their appearance is their own prejudice and bigotry of that particular size. It happens to people across the weight spectrum. Bodies naturally come in all shapes, sizes, weights and diversity is NORMAL. The fact that our culture only idealizes one body type is the problematic issue, not you and not this website.

  259. Merrikay says

    Katie this is such a wonderful post! I applaud you for your strength. Internet bullying is a terrible thing and those that resort to it are weak and suffering from their own problems, which they take out on others. I love your blog and your delicious recipes. Thank you for everything you do to make this a wonderful place to come and enjoy.

  260. Lara says

    Congratulations! Thank you for taking a stand against the internet bulling. Stay strong. As a first time reader of your blog I am in awe. I’ll be visiting again for sure.

  261. Heather H (@YummySushiPjs) says

    Body shaming, fat or thin, is so ridiculous. It brings everyone down and perpetuates the circumstances that make little girls hate themselves. You’re beautiful, and this is a wonderfully brave post. Thanks for sharing, and I’m so thrilled to hear you’re happy and healthy. Whatever the trolls have to say can be totally ignored – someone will always find a way to be unkind. I don’t comment much, but wanted to come out of the woodwork to say thanks for this, and for so many amazing recipes.

  262. beth aldrich says

    WHAT IN GOD’s NAME is wrong with these people. It never even crossed my mind to think that you are too thin, fat or otherwise; but simply darling, clever and relevant. You inspire with your words, ideas and recipes and those who can’t appreciate you can kiss my Chocolate Covered-Snicker Bar _SS!


  263. Therese says

    Katie thank you for this post and every recipe that you take time to create. I look forward to reading your blog each day and I’m sorry that you have to be bothered by the internet haters. Best to ignore them and continue your greatness and strength.

  264. Maureen says

    Katie this is a great post. Good for you for taking a stand and telling it like it is. I think you look wonderful, but more importantly I LOVE your recipes. Thanks.

  265. Melisa says

    Katie I am so impressed. Thank you so much for this thoughtful post and for your many delicious recipes. I often bring in your creations to my office. Everyone loves them. Keep up the great work.

  266. Kate says

    From one Katie to another, way to go!!!! This post is wonderful. I hate internet bullies and how they hide. I’m sorry you had to deal with this. You look very healthy to me and I love so many of your recipes. My favorites are all the different oatmeal recipes. I feel so much better having a healthy start to my day.

  267. Erica says

    Good for you for standing up for yourself. It sounds like cyberbullying plain and simple. Even if it were true that you had an eating disorder, others should be empathetic not critical. This blog doesn’t discuss weight-loss, and many of your recipes are not low-calorie, and as you point out, all contain healthy, whole foods, so I don’t know why anyone would say this blog promotes eating disorders.

  268. DianeH says

    Katie I love this post. Internet bullies are sick, and I’m glad you ignore them. You are just fine the way you are. Beautiful inside and out. Keep up the great work and never let those hateful people get you down.

  269. Jessie says

    Katie I think this post is fantastic. The cyber bullies out there need to get a life. I think you look healthy and vibrant, and your blog encourages eating. Food is good for the mind and body and your recipes are so delicious. Keep up the good work! My family loves knowing they can have their cake and eat it, too.

  270. Whit says

    Such a beautifully considered post. Well written and dignified. People will always judge regardless, but that is to their own misfortune. Keep strong, you are an inspiration to you loyal followers and we will always be behind you every step of the way.

    Thank you for sharing your story. it adds another level of transparency to your already open character, making you as honest as they come. Maybe your story will help others to look deeper into their own wellbeing.

    You are a great inspiration and a role model,

    Thank you Katie!

  271. Shannon says

    I think you look great. Some people are just naturally thin. I can’t understand why people pick on others. How awful. I am glad you are above that and sorry that you had to deal with the haters. Stay strong and continue to make your yummy treats. I love reading your blog and trying out new things. Thanks for all your delicious creations.

  272. Carolyn says

    Katie, you are lovely and always have been. Good to understand that we can Never please and accommodate everyone’s opinions and ideas for us. And even better to know we shouldn’t try. Physical beauty is fleeting, but a beautiful heart is forever <3 Bless you dear one on your journey in being exactly who God made you to freely to be.

  273. Diana says

    You are a talented young woman. Don’t let the haters get you down. Your recipes are fabulous and as you can see you have many admirers!

  274. Madiantin says

    I normally lurkingly enjoy your posts/pins etc, but this one has brought me out of the woodwork. My first thought upon reading it was “Wait, what?!”. I must be utterly out of the loop or something because a) I’ve never seen anybody write anything like that and b) I’ve never thought anything like that. Your blog is one of the “good, healthy food” blogs I read. I love it that there are treats that are not overloaded with sugar/fat etc, but they’re still yummy! To me it’s an inspired balance between delicious treats and healthiness. It’s truly a gift of yours to be able to make these things up.

    I’m absolutely appalled at some of the past comments you have received. Kudos to you for dealing with them in a healthy way. You keep doing what you’re doing, girl, cos you’re doing awesomely. Don’t let the crazies get you down. From the looks of most of the comments here, there are many people who accept and love you for who you are.

    And appreciate you for the yummy noms. Mmmm. =)

  275. Veronica says

    Katie this is a terrific post. I’m glad you pointed out that too much exercise can cause you to not gain weight. When I was in high school, I ran track. I was often teased and told I was anorexic. High school kids can be cruel sometimes. After I stopped running, I actually had to learn to watch what I ate, so I did not gain too much weight. Now I am in my forties and glad that I can enjoy a healthy treat once in awhile. Body image should not matter. Being healthy, which is what your blog promotes, is the most important thing. Everything in moderation, right?

  276. Jen says

    AMEN! Thank you for taking a stand and speaking truth! I recently lost about 50lbs and have had everyone asking me what I’m doing. I worry because I don’t want anyone to think I’ve starved myself or been unhealthy. I have tried to eat healthier and move more. It’s that simple. I have never thought of your blog as a “diet” blog. It’s always been a “healthy” blog. A “healthy” blog that let’s you still enjoy wonderful foods πŸ™‚ Thanks for being an inspiration period πŸ™‚

  277. Polina says

    Thank you for your openness – I really appreciate it and also your approach for rumorous. For me your posts are always interesting – I like your recipes, your sense of humour, I also glad to see your personal posts – cause they are posts of thoughtful person, who respects words, who respects others and who respects himself. You are a really inspiration – and though there are people who misunderstood you there always be some of them. But I’m sure that for most you are a person with an interesting attitude to life, with a gift of chocolate creativity, not just “physical object”. Wish you a very happy smile. Right now:)

  278. Rebecca says

    Katie, you rock! Thanks for such a refreshing post. I’m really tired of our society making snap judgments about people based on what the shape of their body is. Eat healthy most of the time and have fun. That’s all. πŸ™‚

  279. Arielle says

    Hi, Katie, just wanted to add my kudos for your terrific post on this topic. I think you are absolutely beautiful and am so very grateful for your blog!

    As someone with severe gluten sensitivity, eating gluten for half a century totally messed so badly with my metabolism that I am now quite fat. And the road to self acceptance after years of brutal teasing and bullying from others has been agonizing. I too, like you, have been on exercise binges which damaged my knees and did very little, in the end, to serve my interests of how I wanted to look and be.

    There are so many mean people in the world! I too have been attacked on the internet which has often left me bewildered. I have had to accept that there are sociopaths who use such attacks as a game which they enjoy. We must see the for what they are, feel pity for them, and move on, doing what we need to do, in spite of them. Listening to them and taking it to heart gives them what they want. We must not give them what they want.

    Having spent my entire life learning about calories, fats, carbs, etc. I could easily recognize your posts for what they are, sharing fantastic recipes for healthy balanced snacks that are not about dieting, but about being whole and having fun! I LOVE your blog.

    Please keep on writing and doing what you are doing. You have the support of far more readers than you probably realize! πŸ˜€

  280. Allison says

    Thank you so much Katie for sharing! I’m so sorry that people would say those things about you. You know it’s only because they are insecure themselves. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. You are beautiful just the way you are! πŸ™‚

  281. Amy says

    Wow you were right when you said this post would be personal! Oh Katie I wouldn’t believe any of that crap online (It’s literally all lies lol-it’s sad that someone would actually believe that stuff.) What bothers me more is the people writing this stuff!! They are complete strangers and don’t know a thing about you…..stalkers perhaps? Anyway, don’t ever let that petty stuff get to you. I know it must be difficult but you MUST remember that for every one negative comment, there are HUNDREDS of positive ones.

    Oh and btw, I need your cook book to be out NOW! Not late 2014 πŸ˜› hehe. I’m demanding, I know. I’m just so excited!!!

    And yes, on to the food please. Can’t wait to see what else you’ve come up with πŸ˜‰

  282. Mia (Mia in Germany) says

    Katie, you’re a beautiful, brillant woman! I know exactly what this post is about because I have the very same problem all too often, and your answer to all the crap that comes up about your person and your features is adorable. Just keep being yourself and continue your work – I guess there are way more people around who love you and your blog than idiots who think they have to make rude or stupid comments or misuse you for their sick behaviour.
    Thanks for writing a great blog and being an inspiration to anyone who loves enjoying healthy choices!

  283. GisMe says

    Wow, I wish I was a “fat slug” like you. Most of the time, I feel that is only a dream as opposed to an attainable reality. I used to be thinner. Ive had 2 kids and am now “fat” at 5’3″ and 135 (give or take). I was on social media for a nano second. All of the “hate” out there made me discontinue use almost immediately and wonder why I even bothered. I just don’t understand why folks feel they can just be mean. Would they say those things to your face? I doubt they would. Just don’t understand the mean-spirited people out there. I’m angry at a lot of things in my life but I don’t take it out on others. I just don’t get it. But, here’s hoping to someday be a “fat slug” like you….. fingers crossed I’ll get there.

  284. Momagain says

    It seems as hard for people to accept that there are naturally slender people as it is to accept that there are naturally more rounded people. I was questioned by the guidance counselors at school, they were fishing for evidence of anorexia. As if they had never met my equally scrawny brothers! Nobody was questioning them!

    There is this ideal, vague and undefined, it is unattainable. Whatever it is, critics always claim the person in question, ain’t. Some people think it is this model or that actress, until they finally get an un-photoshopped look and realize she is actually, skinnier/rounder/taller/shorter-legged/flatter-chested/bustier than usually pictured.

  285. Olivia says

    I know you’ve already received over 300 comments stating this, but I just HAVE to agree with what everyone else is saying… you writing this post, shooting down the accusations, exposing your own flaws, and still giving encouragement to those who are struggling, makes me admire you all the more for your courage and wholesomeness. You must have the biggest heart of anyone else in the world. Keep on with the mindset you have now – you’re a wonderful person!

  286. Sara says

    Kudos, Katie, and shame on those who use the anonymity afforded by the Internet to lob proverbial grenades. It is cowardly. Thank you for your important work and for your courageousness in addressing the white elephant.

    I could go on and on, but I won’t. πŸ™‚

    Love your site, by the way.

  287. melissa @ my whole food life says

    I think you look fantastic Katie! As a longtime follower of your blog, I can happily say I had never read any of those rumors. People can be horribly mean when they are hiding behind a computer screen. Thanks for putting yourself out there with this post. I know that could not have been easy to write.

  288. Shelly says

    For what it may be worth, I came across your website about 6 months ago when I searched for “healthy clean dessert recipes”…in my opinion, that is EXACTLY what your site is all about. Thank you for sharing your culinary creativity and love of all things chocolate!

  289. Carly says

    Rise above it: they’re just a bunch of jealous trolls. I love your bravery and your posts and I second the previous comments about you being beautiful inside and out as well as a creative and talented writer. x

  290. Mary says

    Katie, you are beautiful! Don’t listen to the people who think because they are sitting at a computer means they can say anything they want, simply because you are brave enough to share your life in a blog! Keep up the awesome job you are doing here!!

  291. Natalie says

    Well said! It’s not really our business, but appreciate you taking the time to address this issue and to reiterate the purpose/philosophy of your blog.

  292. Kimmie says

    Wow! Sorry you have had to endure this kind of thing. I admire your manner in handling this situation. Just keep in mind…The people who mind don’t matter and the people who matter don’t mind. Looking great and being healthy along the way should not be insulted. No one should ever be insulted by others. I have a round rump and my face has big cheek bones—I have been accused of having implants in both places. Good heavens…what’s wrong with people? Anyway, I enjoy your blog and just because you post sweet treats (that are healthy), doesn’t mean you only eat sweet treats all day. Kudos to you for calling out the criticizers! Keep blogging and inspiring with you healthy sweet treats.

  293. Leigh Anne says

    I think you are beautiful inside & out. Cannot believe people left those comments on your posts. :(. I love your blog and have enjoyed many great recipes from here. And I’m so thankful for you & your recipe innovation! Your sweet personality shines through and I’m glad you aren’t letting the haters get you down! You are so much better than that! ;)) thank you cck!!

  294. Kimberly says

    Katie- I have followed your blog for several years and have found it to be invaluable! I have a daughter with a sweet tooth (like her mom!) and several difficult food allergies to work around. I am constantly using recipes from your site and referring other moms with food allergies to this site. I LOVE that you include options for us! On top of them being delicious I really appreciate that you do use good fats and whole grains and have so many options for making our sweets a little healthier. It is ridiculous that you even had to write this post! I am sorry that you had to. But thank you for doing so. For all of the rumor mill gossips out there you also have loyal supporters that know what this blog is really about! Thank you and much love!

  295. Norma says

    I am so glad to find your website. I am diabetic and I can use so many of your recipes. I am overweight and would love to use your recipes to be able to help my sweet tooth and not over indulge. You are such a blessing to people like me and I will tell my friends about your site. Thanks for being there to help others that are in need of some great recipes. Thanks again Norma

  296. BossQueenEJ says

    What a great post. You are a smart, strong woman with a good sense of humor. Keep on keepin’ on, ma’am. Love the #fatslug tag. πŸ™‚

  297. Laura says

    Ignore the world.
    This is a beautiful post.

    Life should be light and full of energy. When people say negative things, it has the ‘possibility’ to affect your energy. Do not let it. Stay strong. You have a powerful voice–I have been reading your blog for years… always I am inspired by your health and balance which clearly has developed to be even bolder in recent years.

    Go you! Only you know you–and that is all that matters.

  298. Beth says

    The state of our society saddens and sickens me. Why can’t someone be thin and healthy? Why does something have to be ‘wrong’ with them? I don’t see you as skinny, nor a #fatslug. Just blows my mind. Nowhere on your blog do I ever get the impression that you promote anything other than health. I can tell you that you LIVE what you promote. People really should be ashamed of themselves and need to start looking within and fixing THAT, instead of lashing out at someone who is only trying to help others live a healthy life.

    Haters gonna hate. Let them motivate. Thank you for all of your amazing recipes! I enjoy them immensely! One of my faves being the double chocolate brownie pancakes! I need to make those again, SOON!

  299. chelsy says

    Katie! You are awesome and just beautiful! I too had to learn how to have a proper relationship w/ exercise. I struggled with anorexia and over-exercising throughout college and have recovered beautifully in the past 3 years. It was a struggle but I did it! Don’t mind those haters…they are just jealous of all your delicious chocolate covered desserts! Keep on trucking sista! Thanks for sharing, so inspirational πŸ™‚ BTW, I never judged you one bit. Everyone has a story tell I was just waiting for you to tell yours πŸ™‚

  300. 2bhealthyme says


    After reading your post today I wanted to say a couple of things. First, Thank you for your blog, your recipes are great and I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your blog. I went sugar and refined grain free several years ago in order to correct a medical condition and have experienced first hand many of the things you spoke about in this post. I am sorry about the crazy things people have written about you and want you to know that I saw you and your posts in the light mine are meant to be – a way to make healthier choices and nourish our bodies properly. I learned first hand how detrimental it is to eat the way the majority of our culture does now and how we can eat tons of fabulous food and still maintain a healthy weight – I eat way more now than I did when I was “fat” and weigh quite a bit less than I ever did. When we nourish our bodies properly our bodies naturally work better… it’s that simple. I watch my friends, family and coworkers struggle with their weight, trying this diet and that and wonder why they think that I am so odd. I am happy, I am healthy, I enjoy food (lots of it and full of fat and calories) and don’t have to feel deprived of wonderful things – especially when there are people like you and I out there willing to share their recipes so we can all be healthier. Thank you for your wonderful blog and your recipes, you are an inspiration (in a good way).

  301. Christine says

    Dear Katie, how sad the world of anonymous know-it-alls and media has come to be such bullies.

    I don’t know you personally but use your website and read your various posts via your newsletter. You sound like a friendly, clever, honest young woman and I applaud your balanced careful response above. You are also beautiful and have a lovely figure – thank your ancestry for great genetics and yourself for taking care of you. If I did know you personally I think I would like you!

    Well done, ignore the haters – there are many of us that appreciate you for your talents and sharing your imaginative recipes.
    Kind regards
    Christine from Australia πŸ™‚

  302. Lori says

    Katie-Thanks for sharing with us. You are a really good writer as well as a wonderful vegan recipe developer! Keep the pictures (of the food, & of you!) coming too. Thanks for sharing the “fat slug” comment. I also laughed hysterically! Too funny! Now, a food question. I love your voluminous vanilla ice cream. I normally make it in the small containers & then use the Vitamix, per your directions. I just received a Donvier ice cream maker. I can’t get the ice cream to freeze all the way. Have you ever tried a Donvier?

  303. Julie Meulemans says

    What a beautifully written blog. Sadly, there will always be those who are nasty and unappreciative of your efforts to inspire and create food magic. You are wise to ignore those who don’t find value in your talents. Instead, feel the love and admiration from those who follow your site for the right reason. Well done!

  304. Kinsey says

    Katie, I love you! You are in shape and can eat these treats that taste naughty and that’s what people become “jealous” of- because they only go as far as unwrapping a Hostess ho-ho made of all bad ingredients making and keeping them fat. I would know, it happened to me. Speaking of which, I actually don’t have any friends to this day because of them being jealous. Seeing what I do for a job, I am all about healthy living. I look at your dessert recipes as a treat as they should be. Although being able to make them breakfast approved is always awesome πŸ˜‰ I love the sugar-free, low-fat desserts you do have on YOUR blog. After all, it is YOURS and anyone who has a problem shouldn’t read it. With that said, please continue to post low-calorie dessert recipes not only for me but for your readers who are your fans and supporters! Keep doing what you’re doing girl and with all my respect I say, middle finger to anyone else who disagrees or even has the rolls (how’s that instead of balls?) to call you any names lol!!!!

  305. Erica says

    Katie–my dietician was the one who introduced me to your blog! I was looking for “healthy” real-food desserts (which at the time seemed like an oxymoron), but I absolutely love it. I have a lot of friends in the nutrition field, so I am some basic understanding and it is obvious you put real time and thought into your recipes–and they very clearly make a lot of people happy! πŸ™‚ Everyone has different weight issues and they shouldn’t be of any concern to anyone else! My best friend is naturally very thin, loves running and eats ridiculously healthy…she has gotten a lot of criticism over the years as well and while I don’t experience it firsthand, I can easily understand how frustrating it must be to hear about on such a public platform! Anyway, I digress.

    I think what you’re doing is wonderful and I always share your website and recipes! Keep doing what you’re doing!!

    PS. The “fat slug” comment IS hilarious. Glad you can keep a good sense of humor about the whole thing.

  306. Charlotte Zweigoron says

    While you are falling over laughing about the “slug” comment, I am falling over laughing about the idea that one would be starving oneself to thinness eating your recipes!! I often read and try your recipes because I know how healthy they are. I have read what you eat for a quick breakfast (PB, coconut oil & molasses). These things have a bazillion calories in them but I know that if I ate healthy all or most of the time they would give me tons of energy and not tons of body fat. I just haven’t made that commitment at present, so I have to eat your healthy foods occasionally and in moderation (which is probably the best way to eat anything!). I have noticed that you are pleasantly slim, at least to my eye… and put it down to healthy eating rather than starvation. To me it has been a sort of proof that healthful foods don’t make people sick (and overweight is now classified as an illness). Keep up the good work, Katie.

  307. Lee says

    The stupidity and cruelty of some people never ceases to amaze me. So many times I catch myself saying (about people like that), “These people have too much time on their hands” and “These people need lives”. I don’t understand how people can read words, on your site, such as ‘healthy’ and ‘I don’t count calories’ and have your life and/or mental health decided for you. It was a great post. And you know what? I’ve always had an extremely soft spot for snails and fat slugs (to the point where I pick them up off the footpath so people don’t step on them). xxx

  308. Joanna says

    Katie – That was powerful, candid, beautifully written, and on a personal level a much needed source of healthy inspiration for me. I’m so grateful you chose to stand up and set a wonderful example for how to handle criticism (and everything else) Sending so much gratitude your way!

  309. Amy says

    I have come to your blog many, many times, especially for healthy desserts. Have noticed your photo and it never occurred to me that anyone would find you either too large or too small. You are a terrific, creative cook and I appreciate the many recipes you share. My son is a cook/kitchen manager in a Pittsburgh restaurant where they have a different vegan meal every Sunday-and I often give him suggestions based on things I see on your blog. You are terrific and creative, appreciated and your size/weight/figure is your own business. You look pretty awesome to me!

  310. Cait the Arty Runnerchick says

    Adore you Katie and always have! It’s always sad to me how quickly some are to spread rumors and tear people down. But you’ve ended this post on the exact right point: be you, find happiness, and surround yourself by the people who know he truth and who matter. Everyone else, well scr*w them and they’re likely unhappy themselves.

  311. Shanna says


    I’m so sorry you had to go through this. This post is honestly shocking to me because i actually read your blog every week, and I just never have thought any of these things. I never once thought you had an eating disorder, or that you were “skinny fat”. That’s insane. You’re beautiful and it’s unfortunate people are jealous of that. I know you don’t, but just don’t listen to any of that stuff. Please. It’s just ridiculous. It makes me so sad how women attack other women. Don’t men attack women enough? Women should be sticking together. You do not need to defend yourself. The real people in your life know the truth. Anyway, just wanted to say you’re a beautiful person inside and out. I love your blog. I’d like this blog to stick to your delicious recipes. Not clearly untrue rumors. <3

  312. Steph says

    Katie, you have always been INSPIRATION to me! I love your recipes, your writing style, your beautiful photographs, your other hobbies (cake decorating, card making etc.) your selflessness (helping out charities and everything) you are such a well-rounded person that I don’t understand why people insist on bringing you down. Your ability to brush them off and even laugh, creates your biggest inspiration to me above all.
    Your strength.
    Keep up the awesome work! x

  313. Andrea says

    I am glad you have stayed true to your authentic self. Don’t wory about the nay sayers. They are in general an untrusting and negative lot. And I could swear there was a previous post on your blog about you trying to gain weight. At any rate, you glow and look wonderful. πŸ™‚

  314. Autumn says

    I think what a lot of people who do not eat healthy realize is that most of us are naturally thin or at least will be when we eat healthy. I started eating healthier and I naturally and easily lost weight that I had been trying to loose for years, and I also felt better. I felt better because my brain was not clouded from all those nasty chemicals for the first time in a very long time. I think you are awesome and you better never close down your amazing site. =)

  315. UK to BU says

    This absolutely breaks my heart that the discussion has come to a point that you have to write a post like this, Katie! Clearly you have a passion for food and a zest for life, only a fool would misconstrue that. I’ve taken so many recipes form your blog-I’ve even turned my family onto the concept of black bean brownies-and I am so thankful I stumbled upon it so long ago. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with not only myself but all of the thousands of readers you have! Though we might not state it outright, we appreciate the recipes and and anecdotes you share from your life. So keep doing you Katie, as long as it makes you happy!!!

  316. Gigi says

    It’s unfortunate when women feel the need to feel better by putting other women down. You can’t fix other people’s insecurities. I feel bad that you had to go public to explain something that Isn’t anyone else’s business. Just keep doing what you do so well, and we’ll just keep reading πŸ™‚ btw, you looked beautiful in all the pictures.

  317. Morgan says

    Katie, I often google your website because I am bad at remembering exactly what I was looking for. Every time those searches come up I just think, man, people really have trouble finding productive and kind things to do with their days! You are great, your site is great, and “fat slug” is officially my new favorite random swear that it’s ok for my kids to copy.

  318. Amanda Miller says

    What a well written, positive and straightforward post. It’s a shame you even have to address the rumors but you squashed the gossip in such an endearing, professional and graceful way you should keep your head held high and know there are many out there who appreciate you and all you do!

  319. Ekko says

    I am sooooooooo glad you did address this. I remember the first time I went to search for your black bean brownies in google and started with chocolate covered Katie in my search and was mortified by what the search engine had the nerve to fill in! I never clicked on it because I knew you. I knew you were a dedicated runner with genetics that favored a smaller size. And heck if it did happen to be the case I have no right to judge, we all have things that we need to accept about ourselves (which in turn helps us accept others) You Rock and I love you for sharing all your time, recipes, funny, serious and heartwarming stories.

  320. Olivia Grace says

    Katie, thank you so much for this post!!! Just last year I dropped down to a healthy BMI, but then I didn’t want to stop losing weight. I’ve been struggling to figure out how many calories to eat so that I don’t gain too much weight but enough so that I stay healthy. Your blog is inspiring me to focus on the makeup of the food rather than solely counting the calories. Thank you once again for the healthspiration (Is that a thing? I hope that’s a thing.)!!! You’re seriously gorgeous by the way πŸ™‚

  321. Andrea says

    Wow, I LOVE your blog. It is actually the only blog I frequent. I never knew about these rumors and am shocked that people would say such things to you. I don’t have a clue where they get off thinking those things. I have never gotten an unhealthy vibe from you. Your blog has helped me a lot with my sweet tooth cravings. It gives me a healthy option that I don’t need to feel so guilty about. I recommend you to all of my friends and clients who are looking to make healthier diet and exercise choices. I always tell people you have healthy recipes that actually taste yummy.

  322. Kathryn says

    No one should be making remarks about your body, period (except maybe for some friendly, general compliments). We women need to stop objectifying each other–men do it to us enough! Thanks for such an honest post, and I’m glad to see you happy! Also, I love love love that green striped dress. πŸ™‚

  323. Catherine says

    You are so awesome! Never will I understand why people waste time spreading negative energy… hatefulness generates more hatefulness.

  324. Alyssa says

    I love your blog, and your message! I’ve been reading for a few years now, and I have NEVER come away with the impression of this being anything other than a place to go for healthy, yummy recipes.
    Nor have I, or will I, ever read or believe rumors about you. I don’t like gossip, and I hate that, over the past few years, commenting on the internet has become a blood sport. That there are so many people who are so unhappy that the only joy they get is from shooting other people down. And, yes, the anonymity of the ‘net allows it.
    You are a beautiful, smart, funny woman, and you have everything to be proud of, and nothing to be ashamed of. Just keep doing what you do, ignore the haters and the ones who would drag you into their own ugliness, and all will be well.
    Take care, m’dear, and know you have many, many fans, and we all support you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  325. Gabriella says

    Thank you for being so honest and open–it’s a difficult subject, I know, and you handled it really well.
    Gorgeous pictures, BTW–you look so radiant πŸ™‚

  326. K says

    I’m really glad you addressed the bullies and critics head on. I think it’s terrible for people to be evaluating women’s bodies and passing judgment. Furthermore, if someone were anorexic, that person would need love and support – not shaming and criticism.

    You do a lot of good in this world, and your recipes keep my family healthy.

    I have read your blog for a long time (many years!), and anyone who is a devoted reader knows that you are a healthy, happy, ethical, and sweet person. Whenever you have a new post, it always makes my day πŸ™‚

  327. Cristina says

    Katie, I admire your maturity and honesty handling these rumors. What many people don’t realize is that some are born with very fast metabolisms. They are the people we see eating anything and not gain an ounce, while others say they just look at food and gain weight. Knowing this, it is easier to see why there are many different body shapes. Even if someone doesn’t have a fast metabolism they can strive for a better metabolism through diet and exercise, not so much for looks, but to be healthier from the inside. Striving to live a longer life and in great health until the end is a much more realistic goal. Someone who is thin can be just as healthy or unhealthy as someone overweight. What needs to be taken into consideration is whether the person is small, medium or large-boned. Sadly, advertising has harmed our culture by creating the “ideal body”, that women believe this is what they have to look like to be admired and respected. I say “created” because every woman we see in those magazines was airbrushed to look flawless. How can we possibly see the best in ourselves when we are looking at these flawless photos?

  328. Bec says

    It’s all been said already but I wanted to chime in anyway. You are amazing, your blog is amazing, your response to the ‘haters’ is amazing! Ignore them and know how much the rest of us love you!! Xx

  329. cindy says

    Katie, you are a total inspiration, a beautiful person, and blessing to so many people!!! Thank you πŸ™‚

  330. Emilie says

    I know you don’t get your affirmation and self validation from the opinions of random internet comments(which I think is a wise choice;) but I wanted to say well done!! As women it is so easy for us to fall into the trap of sexually objectifying ourselves by judging ourselves and eachothers by physical appearance. We are so much more than the way we look! I’m not saying it’s wrong to take care and pride in our apperance, just that there many other facets of each of us and I think it close to a crime to judge by one thing alone. Any ways thank you for your article, I can imagine that it was not an easy article to write(having struggled in the past with food and exercise myself). Thank you! Well done!

  331. The Better Baker says

    Katie – I am so sorry you felt you had to address this issue, but thank you for doing it so sweetly and with so much grace. Some people make themselves feel better by criticizing others…and they only criticize themselves when they do. This is beautifully well written – Bravo to you! Healthier-than-Ever Katie! Thanks for all you share here…don’t let the ‘naysayers’ affect you in the least little bit. There will always be others who feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better. Sad but true. What these people have been saying, says much more about them, than it does you. Keep on keeping on Girl!!

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Thanks, Jill. That’s exactly how I feel! The “real women have curves” movement is baffling to me. It essentially says naturally thin women and women who are thin due to physical or mental illness are not real women. I know it’s well-meaning, but the message still focuses on the idea there should be one ideal way for everyone to look.

  332. Nancy says

    Thank you for what you do. I love your healthy recipes. You are beautiful and wonderful, and I am sorry some people are so mean and nasty. I find it hard to imagine why someone would go out of their way to try to insult someone, especially someone they don’t know. I’m glad you can let it roll off of you.

  333. Nish says

    Katie you are amazing and such an inspiration to me. When I first discovered your blog I had been vegan for two weeks and was really struggling with my diet as well as mental pressures. Your blog really helped me stick to a vegan diet for a long period by giving me delicious healthy recipes that I could enjoy. Although I am no longer vegan, but a vegetarian, I just wanted to tell you what a positive impact your blog has made on me since. I am exercising regularly (something I wasn’t doing before

  334. Nish says

    and eating a healthy balanced diet. Your blog introduced me to nutrient- rich foods and has improved my lifestyle greatly! Thank you so much!

  335. Renee Allen says

    Katie — I am so sorry that you have had to endure such opinions so tactlessly shared! I just want you to know that I’ve followed your blog (even if at times from a distance) for a few years and I never thought you were anorexic. I just thought you were blessed with a really high metabolism and were striving on a path to good health like the rest of us. Hope you are able to continue to weed through the muck out there on the internet and just know that so many think you are beautiful and are doing JUST FINE! πŸ™‚
    Hugs! — Renee

  336. Jill says

    Hi Katie, long time follower here. I’m not quite sure how I ran across your blog but I’ve been following for quite awhile and think it’s brilliant. Your recipes are genius and you are truly a talented writer. Your intelligence shines through in every post. To top it off, you are beautiful! I don’t even know you except from what I’ve read on our blog and I think you’re quite remarkable. It saddens me to know there are people out there who find it in themselves to be so cruel; quite frankly I think it’s jealously and a deep sadness they have for themselves. Please don’t let the negativity of others discourage your brilliance πŸ™‚

  337. Lina says

    Dear Katie,
    you are amazing, you know? Although I never believed any of these stupid rumors (and was quite disgusted reading some of those comments you mentioned), I think it was an important and finally inevitable thing for you to address this topic. You are doing something so great with having this blog and inspiring people to eat both super-delicious and super-healthy food. There shouldn’t be anyone out there claiming you were up to anything else than showing people how to live happily and healthily (with a lot of chocolate! ;D).
    I find your blog deeply inspiring, not only the wonderful recipes you post but also the way you write. You are an amazing person, and you already helped me a lot with my life as well. Especially your posts about how you decided to make this blog your job, the risks you are taking and how it is okay to make mistakes helped me open my eyes to what I really want in life. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
    Finally, I want to mention that I really don’t get how anyone reading your recipes properly could think you were up to starving yourself and/or other people. I mean, they are usually quite high in healthy fats which is super good but actually not very well suited for starving I guess. πŸ˜›
    Katie, thank you again – and I am always looking forward to your posts. They make me smile no matter in what mood I was before.

  338. tien says

    Katie you are awesome and a role model to many, keep up the good work and dont let anyone tell you otherwise!

  339. Sonam says


    I applaud you so much for this post. As a person recovering from an eating disorder, I am disgusted with how easily people throw around the words “anorexic” and “bulimic.” The obsession with calories and weight in our culture isn’t healthy, and I’m so happy that you published this post to say that. Thank you.

  340. Anna says

    I’m glad that you posted this, as I kind of wondered, but also thought that it was none of my business what you had going on. Fat, thin, we need to accept our bodies and widen our perception of what is healthy. Healthy comes in many shapes and sizes, and a lot of the time from genetics, which we can only keep at bay for so long. Keep doing what you love! Chocolate covered goodness. Ignore the haters, it’s rough out there in comments land.

  341. Kari @ bite-sized thoughts says

    Congratulations on this post Katie. I know enough about eating disorders to realise that some people who are thin and deny eating problems do in fact have difficulties, just as some people who are thin and deny eating problems are completely healthy (and, of course, that many people with eating problems are an average size). I’ve never known which category of thin person you fit into, but figured it wasn’t any of my business. I still don’t think it is, and I am sorry you had to defend yourself, but appreciate you taking the time to set the record straight for those who have got caught up in the matter. I’m glad you’ve found a healthier space and hope you can gain some relief from criticism and questioning, for a while at least.

  342. Alissa S. says

    I know some people who come on here looking for great, healthy alternatives. If they use you for thinspiration, then you know what? Good for them! I’d rather see someone be healthy/lose weight the right way then by starving themselves, like I’ve had an unfortunate friend do. Honestly, thanks for this post, it really shows your readers who you are as a person!

  343. Kate says

    I’m so happy you put these rumours to rest, for everyone’s peace of mind that you can be happy and healthy and at peace with your body without any unhealthy tactics. This post was super super inspiring and I hope you get ALL the positive feedback for it!


  344. Anthony says

    Katie, what a great post. Someone once told me that words are meaningless until we attach meaning to them. The people who called you those awful names obviously have bad eyesight because you are gorgeous. Thank you for your blog and delicious recipes.

  345. Erin Nichols says

    Katie, thank you so much for this post. What an honest, unapologetic, and heart-felt message! I have been a frequent visitor here for some time, and I never once thought of your site as promoting unhealthy bbehaviors. It is so sad that others are motivated to judge, especially when there is no truth or even knowledge to back up those judgements. Please continue to do what you do because there are many of us who get a lot out of your time and efforts. The others can just stop visiting…I don’t think they were invited anyway! πŸ˜‰

  346. M says

    You are totally adorable, please don’t listen to all the negative comments people make. Your website is absolutely wonderful but unfortunately any site will attract its trolls. As long as you are happy and healthy that is all that matters. Keep on keepin’ on!

  347. Amberlea says

    Katie, beautiful post. You are such a luminous gorgeous gal ! I agree with all you’ve said, judgment is no ones friend. By judging others we judge ourselves. We are all meant to be unique so really how could anyone form judgements about someone when no two people or things are comparable! Thanks for being you, for daily food inspiration and showing the love in leading a balanced fun and passionate lifestyle! xoxo All the best!

  348. Sara K. says

    Katie, you are a beautiful young lady. I wish I could say that I find it hard to believe anyone would think you are anorexic, but I have known too many other naturally slim women who have been accused of the same. We are all build differently, and our bone structure really does have something to do with our overall appearance. Myself, I’ve got rather wide shoulders and hips so even if I were to slim down to your approximate weight, I would likely not look quite as slim. Ah well πŸ™‚ Such is life!

    As for me, I have never thought you to be anything but very healthy. Your recipes have been a good source of healthy eating for me with plenty of options for adjusting calories, fat content and other nutrients depending on needs.

    Thank you for being open with your readers and also for creating so many great recipes!

  349. Bridget says

    Katie, I don’t know you but wanted to say how inspirational you are. Since writing my blog, I have discovered a wealth of people who are too happy to comment freely about how you look and not thinking that it does affect the person it’s aimed at. Good for you for dispelling the rumours, and keep going! Healthy body and mind πŸ™‚ I love your blog, it’s so beautiful!


  350. Susan W. says

    Katie, all the positive comments are amazing and I have to add my own to them. You are an awesome young woman! The only thing I can say about the people who criticize your is that they truly haven’t read your blog and are jealous of your positive attitude. I’ve been following your blog for a while and have recommended it to many people who are trying to find a balance in their diet and learning to eat healthier. One of my favorite things about your recipes is that they are adaptable to each individuals dietary wants and needs. I’ve found them very easy to adjust to my gluten free diet which helps me with my Crohn’s Disease. I just want to say Thank You for being an inspiration to me and so many other people.

  351. Allie says

    Thanks for sharing your experience so openly. Wishing you the best in health and happiness πŸ™‚ I just hope that someday we’ll all be able to communicate openly and support each other, instead of criticizing one another!

  352. Barbara C says

    Great post Katie. So sad some people waste their time being critical and judgmental.
    I love your blog and you have given me so many ideas in my quest for healthier eating.
    I think you look fabulous and happy. Thanks for the hard work you put into all this to come up with these free, amazing recipes!

  353. Christina says

    You are such an amazing person, Katie, and this post only solidifies my belief of that. You go, girl! And do please – get back to the food πŸ™‚ I love your recipes SO MUCH; I think I have some of them memorized by now!!!

  354. Teresa says

    Katie, I have been a reader of your blog for a little while now and I have to say I am shocked that people really said those things to you. I have read the more candid personal posts about your exercise issues and I always found your honesty refreshing. I myself struggle work losing weight, have all my life, so I understand the cruelty that’s out there. Internet trolls are everywhere and I picture them as really insecure people, kudos to you for not letting it get to you because your right, those people would never say it to your face. I think you’re beautiful and I truly appreciate you taking the time and effort to tweak these recipes so that we all can have some delicious things to go to on those occasions when we just need something (underline something) but don’t wanna have too much guilt involved, haha. Let the haters hate, we love you!

  355. Rebecca S says

    Katie, thank you for the awesome recipes, I love trying them out and hope that eating them and exercising in a healthy way can make me a better and stronger person. You are a rock star for rising past the nay-sayers. Keep on posting – lots of us out here really appreciate all you do and share. Thanks again!!

  356. Lara says

    The internet can be such a sad, fake place to be — and insecure people love to use it to make themselves feel better without revealing who they actually are. Way to stand up and be vulnerable! I love that your blog is full of real food that tastes really good. πŸ™‚

  357. Tash says

    Ugh!! There always has to be a SLUG somewhere trying to ruin somebody else’s glory!! You are beautiful! You know you are. Pretty much everyone on this post is telling you that you are. It is such a shame that you actually had to address this…people can be pretty sick! Your blog is explicitly a happy + healthy place with great recipes that are good for both the body and soul, I’m so sorry that you had to deal with this; because for the majority of your readers, you are definitely somebody to look up to and inspire to be like! Thanks for being so honest. xxx

  358. Aislynn says


    I have been a fan for about 2 years now and have made many of your recipes. My (almost) 10 year old son has requested your cookie pie for his birthday cake three years in a row, and of course he can have three pieces in an afternoon! He is a beanpole and I often have to deal with cracks from other parents (“what do you feed him, cheerios and water?” Yes of course… [eye roll])

    I want to thank you for being a positive inspiration to eat well and enjoy life (isn’t that a brand?). I wish I had known someone like you when I was younger and maybe I wouldn’t have the issues I do today.

    When I was 12, I was fat. Fat, fat. I learned unhealthy habits from a woman whose daughter I babysat. She would have nothing but fat free and low fat stuff in her house and her pantry looked like half of GNC was in it. Because I was there every day, I started following her example, food wise. One day I asked if I could nose around the supplements she had and she basically told me, in no uncertain terms, to go nuts. I started combining this fat burner with that fat burner, taking 6 of one and 3 of another at the same time. I got skinny in no time, and I thought I looked great.

    Fast forward 20 years (omg, has it really..?). I eat well, 6 meals a day, good carbs, white meat, fruits, veggies, no gluten. I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and lift heavy to failure. I love chest pressing 50lbs and seeing admiration in my boyfriend’s face. So what’s the problem? My body fat percentage. I am the epitome of skinny fat. Size 4, 30% BF (20% is normal for a woman; I am technically obese). I am an anomaly and no one can figure out what’s wrong with me. I am “healthy as a horse” as three doctors have told me. Mixing and overdosing on fat burners and pills as a kid has shot my metabolism. I eat and lift to stay where I am. No one knows if I will ever get below 30% BF; I’ve been here for years. I despise the way I look, I never wear shorts or a bathing suit, I can’t wear cute dresses. And no one can help me, unless I go the drastic plastic surgery route.

    My point is, please continue the way you’re going and pay no mind to the haters. You are a very good, positive role model, one that I certainly look up to. Your website is pinned to my “most visited” bar right behind my email. I cite you to all my friends who want to have sweets without the guilt, and I have been thanked numerous times for your website. My son is certainly a fan, even though he doesn’t really know it. πŸ˜‰

    Yours in health,


  359. elaine says

    I have been reading you blog and using your recipes for years! I’ve been a fan as I was so glad there was someone out there that loves sweets as much as me and wanted to try to make them “healthy”. I had no idea that you had been under so much negativity. I’ve always thought of you as a beautiful person who has a great passion! Never let the negativity get you down. Some people need to put others down to feel better about themselves and I’m certain for every negative comment there are 20 people who think you are awesome, they just didn’t realize they needed to say it!

  360. Suzette says

    I (and many, many others with a brain and a heart) know exactly what you and your blog is about and appreciate it more than you may know. You give us healthy, delicious alternatives to all the junk out there. If a smaller calorie count comes along with the deal, all the better! Sorry you felt the need to defend yourself to the rude and the ignorant out there, but you are loved, appreciated and understood by many of us! Hugs!!!

  361. Christianne says

    I rarely ever comment on any blogs that I read, but it’s disgusting that people can write things about someone they don’t know and make false accusations to make themselves feel better. I love your blog and what you promote, which I believe is a very clear message for healthy alternatives to the food we love to eat.

    Thank you for the blog and continuing to shrug off nasty haters.

  362. karryn says

    Thanks for your refreshing honesty and bravery. You are an inspiration in many ways.
    I have enjoyed your recipes over the past year, and look forward to them every few days in my in box…and to your smiling face!
    Blessings to you.

  363. KimW says

    beautifully stated, Katie!! You do seem like a beautiful person inside and out! Don’t know why people feel the need to be nasty and snarky! Thank you for posting this. You look healthy and happy and girl, that is all that matters!!

  364. Carissa Cornelius says

    That is the best and most mature response to the issue. I’m sorry that you had to deal with such toxicity and outrageous behavior from what I unfortunately assume where other adults and not children. I love your blog and I get a steady supply of vegan meal and nom nom recipes from you, and they are always healthy and scrumptious. Kudos to you and I hope the Debbie Downers that have been messing with you decide to act like mature adults very soon.

  365. EVA says

    Here I come….one of hundreds of comments that is probably going to be the exact same thing that 129 other people have already summed up, but I NEED to say it for myself!

    I didn’t know that “lazy” meant baking your ass off everyday formulating new recipes, making recipes gluten-free even though you don’t follow that lifestyle, reading and responding to almost every single commenter’s post, and the list goes on.

    Anyone that says you’re a “fat slug” or has a “boob job” is truly jealous. They WISH they had the talent and beauty you have. The inner mechanics of your brains can’t be taught; some people are just born gifted and you are one of the lucky ones!

    As one who has been having an EXTREMELY hard time gaining weight for the past 6 months, I am so happy for your success with getting the body you have always desired. S’bout damn time, right?!

    Just keep doing you. Screw everyone else. Live for yourself, live for the things you love, forget what everyone else has to say. Yes, your blog is meant to help others, but you need it to be enjoyable for you. Don’t conform, revolutionize!

  366. Dina says

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!! You ARE an inspiration.. Always have been always will be and this just proved it. Coming from a person battling an eating disorder everyday for over 35 years, I look to your blog for healthy recipes and inspiration… If I wanted to find ways to starve myself to thigh gap status or deep collar bone envy, I wouldn’t be searching this site to find non dairy chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream which I do, and have made, and love! I’d be doing what I used to do… Avoid any and all food related blogs and recipes, and starve myself for days. So people need to get a hobby and make better uses of their spare time. You are an inspiration and keep up the amazing work! I look forward to making more of non dairy ice cream using almond milk while continuing to fight my eating disorder daily! Xo

  367. C V says

    Katie! As everyone else said, you’re beautiful… And 1385829058280 times more awesome for addressing this nonsensical issue.

    I’ve always loved your blog since I was a teenager (in my early 20’s now), and your cookie dough dip always hit the spot when I wanted something to not sabotage my diet!

    Just reminding you how great you are.

  368. Gemma says

    You know what? Haters gonna hate….so don’t waste your time on things that are only stupid lies after all.
    β€œBe who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

    πŸ˜‰ xoxox

  369. Steph R says

    I just read your most recent post and just wanted to send you some encouragement. I am a mom of two little boys, and I love your blog. I love how you cut the sugar back and how you give various options on flour vs. gluten free. You are doing an amazing job and I have never looked at a picture of you and thought you were too thin. We live in a world of fallen people, and it is so sad to hear that people are trying to bring you down for being a healthy size. You are beautiful. Just. As. You. Are.
    Thank you for your blog and keep up the good work!

  370. katherine says

    Than you for the blog. I love your recipes and your writing! It takes courage to address this topic and I commend you.

  371. Caroline says

    You are a lovely young woman with a big heart. It is sickening the way that people can be so vicious against someone they don’t even know. You keep on doing what you are doing. Your blog and recipes are much appreciated and you look beautiful.

  372. Nicole says

    it’s always amazing how some people just hide behind the internet and say whatever hurtful things that come to mind :\… I love your recipes and blogs, keep up the good work girl! πŸ™‚

  373. Cheryl says

    Thanks for all the good posting on pinterest, I love the healthy eating with chocolate! You look good and it was brave of you to talk about yourself so openly. Bless you Katie for your inspiration!!

  374. Amy @ Thoroughly Nourished Life says

    Oh Katie. I am so sorry that you have had to go through so many nasty comments and speculation about your personal life and health. The truth is: it’s none of our business. The truth is: unfortunately sometimes people like to stick their noses in where they shouldn’t.
    I have been on the end of those comments myself. In the days before the internet and living on it became the thing to do, I was bullied terribly at school for being plump. I was called fatty and many other names that are not pleasant and I will not repeat here. Those names have stayed with me now even as I approach my thirties (too swiftly for my liking some days) and certainly echo in my head on days when I might not be doing too well in the self esteem department. My sister has had the opposite problem. She is naturally small (5’2″ and 110lbs soaking wet) and close friends and family (and I am ashamed to admit, myself) have often commented that she is too small and ‘needs to eat a cheeseburger’. In reality she eats a very healthy, nutrient dense, ‘normal diet’ and walks for exercise. She is just small.
    Last year I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t comment on how I thought she should put on weight, because it was just down right rude I realised. Our relationship is better for it.
    I really hope that this post clears the internet air for you. Thank you for sharing, and on days when the ‘fat slug’ comment makes you want to cry rather than laugh, remember that the rest of us love and admire you and can’t wait for the next recipe to come out!

  375. Beth says

    I’m not a regular follower of the site, and had no idea these rumors were out there. However, I think you have a fantastic view of it and it’s obviously not where you’re basing your self worth on, so go you! I think it’s sad that people are so willing to believe everything they hear, and will hate on others for silly reasons without bothering to ask the other person. Thank you for sharing your story, perhaps you’ll be able to help others with this, and thank you for posting such healthy, and delicious, recipes.

  376. Jessica says

    I am not a blog reader (so I must have missed these claims), BUT I am a foodie and I follow your recipes because you are a Chocolate Covered GODDESS! We follow the same healthy rules in our home and are happy everytime we see your beautiful face pop up on FB or Pinterest with another one of your amazing creations. It takes great courage to be in the public eye because people who cannot be happy with who they are will find some odd misplaced comfort in trying to pull you down with them. Could not imagine the chaos this has caused in your life, but you have definitely faced it with grace. We thank you, for your courage and for, without fail, bringing us recipes that make our tummies smile (or turn into fat slugs ;)….) either way, we bow down with gratitude to you, Chocolate Covered Katie Goddess <3

  377. Kristen says

    Addressing the elephant in the room is never easy, and for that, I felt the need to respond (as did many other people, clearly!). Hopefully our heartfelt responses will bear more weight for you than the numerous shallow comments you’ve acquired over the years.

    I feel a connection to your struggle since I too have always had a love for food but a passion for staying healthy. When I was in my teens, I over emphasized exercise and became too restrictive with my eating. I lost the joy that comes with having your favorite foods and special treats. I also became irritable when I missed workouts and struggled to understand my mood changes. It wasn’t until I realized my attempt to be healthy had gone to the extreme and become much the opposite! It was a slap in the face, but a wake up call I’m thankful to have made before going down the path of developing an eating disorder.

    So, I can relate to your struggle with over exercising and thinking it would give you the body you desire. But isn’t it so much more liberating to see the fabulous body you were born to have when you find a balance between eating healthy foods and being active in moderation?! I remember reading your post about how you were going to stop running and wondered if there might be and underlying concern. I’m happy you were able to make the realization and also found the side of you that thrives with better balance.

    I’ve only shared my struggles with a few people and often wonder if that hasn’t hindered my progress in overcoming them. Hopefully your willingness to “put it all out there” will aid in acceptance and growth far beyond what you thought possible.

    I wish you all the best and would agree with all the other comments above: you do amazing work and your passion for food and blogging makes it so much fun to read and recreate AND your recent photos after cutting back on exercise have definitely shown the beautiful woman you are meant to be!

    Thanks for making yourself vulnerable…from someone who never really did…it will make all the difference~

  378. Tricia says

    Thin-shaming is just as bad as fat-shaming – so many factors play a role on our individual body shapes. My body, my business. Your body, your business. I have been reading your blog for awhile and have never read you suggest ANY unhealthy habits for weight loss. Good for you for speaking out, Im sorry you have had to experience this type of negativity and applaud you for finding your own (PERSONAL) happy ground on food and excersize.

  379. Candice A says

    LOL I didn’t even know this was a thing…. silly silly people… lol.

    Keep up the good blogging. I use your recipes tailgating football games and no one knows their eating healthier versions of things.

  380. Tree says

    Thank you for posting such an open hearted post. I’ve been following your blog quietly for about two years now, after searching for ways to include chocolate in my life while attempting to lose weight . Fifty pounds later, I’m still enjoying chocolate and sweets, thanks to you and blogs like yours. I’ll never be your kind of skinny, because we’re just different people. You’re beautiful, and I am, too. This was a good reminder that we all need to worry about ourselves more, and others less πŸ™‚

  381. Deb Oswald says

    Oh for heavens sakes!

    WHEN will people stop with this craziness?? We need to begin loving others and most importantly ourselves for WHO WE ARE and not what we look like. The perpetuation of the myth that the number of our scale or the size of our bodies is equal to our self worth is such a disservice to all of us women. Our pants size is so unimportant, our character IS.
    Please ignore all the haters, Katie. You sound like you have a great attitude and I wish you peace and happiness. AND btw, you have amazing recipes! πŸ˜€

  382. Laura says

    I am glad you know: you can’t please everybody! As a sister writer, your open heart is appreciated. Love your recipes and shushing of the haters πŸ™‚
    Much love!! Laura

  383. Naoko says

    Katie, I just wanted to stop by and say a big THANK YOU.
    This post is beautiful. I don’t often comment but I love your website, love your recipes, and love the personality that shines through in everything you create. And your approach towards healthy eating has been such an inspiration for me, helping me to see the difference between my disordered eating thought patterns and my genuine love of foods that nourish me.

    I look forward to seeing many more gorgeous, soul-nourishing dessert recipes from you! Thank you so much Katie!

  384. Sarah says

    People that leave comments like that are obviously hurting and taking out their feelings of jealousy or self-hate on you and your blog is totally wrong. I can’t believe that ANYBODY could say those things to you. Shame on them. Every body is different and we all need to learn more love for self and for others. The hate people spread online is disgusting to me–there is so much hate in the world already. Much love to you and your blog from me!!

  385. katia says

    Thank u so much for writing this honest and beautiful post. As someone who is recovered from both anorexia and an exercise disorder I know whatit feels like to be judged and to work hard for something that u don’t achieve until you finally let go of unhealthy habits. Congrats on becoming healthy in your exercise and being happy with ur body what strength and beauty! I am inspired by ur honesty and your happiness as well as your positive body image because you are beautiful and the beat part isyour happy! Your blog is great πŸ™‚ thank you again

  386. Sweet-Li says

    Wow… My jaw hit the ground when I read this blog! I can’t believe people would be so mean and judgemental. Sending love your way. You are seriously gifted in baking (I recently tried your black bean brownie recipe and I almost ate the whole pan… who knew black beans and cacao could taste so good together???), and I’m glad you have stopped reading posts about you.

  387. Cannelle Kaneel says

    A few weeks ago, I discovered your website. I found it so fine to found recipes that are healthy, but, and that’s important, tasty. I don’t use photos of me at my website cause one of the reason is: I don’t wanna see people say things about me, certainly if they don’t know me.
    The only thing I can say, is that anorexia, or all alimentation disorders, are something that we can’t use to touch a person who helps, I’m sure, thousands persons to found healthy and delicious recipes.
    Like you say, we’ll go back to the food and I’m very excited to discover a new recipe of Chocolate Covered Katie!

  388. joletta says

    First of all: Hi Katie! And omg I am shocked that there has been any speculation on you like this, you are clearly so lovely and even though you do have in my opinion an amazing body, it just shouldn’t matter to anyone, what business is it of theirs ?They obviously have nothing in their lives worth being positive about so they attack others…It is awesome that you are so frank about it all, and lucky too.Thanks for your amazing website it has made such a wonderful difference to my life(recipes) and well done for doing such a fabulous job. πŸ™‚

  389. Linda says

    It’s really too bad that you even had to write a post like this and it’s very sad that there are so many haters in this world. Why can’t people just mind their own business and what business is it of theirs if you are skinny, fat, pregnant or anything else under the sun. I think that haters are so dissatisfied with their own lives that they look to tear down anyone they can to make themselves feel better. Stay strong and be happy that you came to a decision in your lifestyle that makes you happy (dropping the over exercising). I hope that this will shut up some of the haters. Good luck.

  390. Shannon says

    Katie, may I say you are wonderful, 3 years ago I found out that I had brain tumor, so one it was removed, I went to weight watchers and heard about a recipe for cookie dough dip with beans. I Googled it and I found you’re site. And have been an fan ever since, I went from 237lbs to 200lbs over the last three years( slow and steady wins the race) Changed my mind set about food with Faith, hope, love and God. But lemme tell you girl you are one of my INspirations not THINsprirations. Because it wasn’t about getting thin it was about getting healthy, learning to love myself, learning to love food. I may be considered chubby, but with you are my one my heroes. And your struggles only make you more real and personable to us(your fans) we adore you, we think you are beautiful and keep on keeping on girl, we will be behind you!! SMOOTHIES UP, 3 CHEERS FOR CCK!!! HIP-HIP HOORAY!!! HIP-HIP HOORAY!!! HIP-HIP HOORAY!!!!! IT WOULD BE A BORING WORLD IF WE ALL LOOKED THE SAME!! LOVE YOU KATE!

  391. Kathleen says

    It is a sad state when someone is doing much positive work has to defend themselves. I came to your site more recently to find recipes so that I could transition from vegetarian to vegan.

    My dishes are often the sides for the omnivores (everyone else) in my home. They love the dishes as much as I do.

    Keep doing the good work!

  392. Tina says

    I don’t really follow your blog, I only occasionally pin recipes originating from your site. That said, my first and only impression of you is that you are a health conscious woman who enjoys delicious treats made out of whole foods. Sadly, a pin mentioning β€œanorexia” immediately grabbed my attention. Thank you for the reminder that the only way to stop perpetuating these rumors is to not allow them our time or to gain undeserved β€œclicks”.

  393. Sarah says

    Katie – I hope that for every negative comment you have received at least a dozen positive ones! I agree that one of the worst things about the internet is the anonymity with which people can share their opinions – things they never would have said in person.
    Thank you so much for the WONDERFUL recipes you post – you come up with the foods I would have if I had the time to experiment πŸ™‚ – my family and I love so many of the recipes we’ve tried (even the non-dessert-y ones). Thank you for the gluten free options, since I am often baking for a mother and mother-in-law who need it.
    And thank you for being so gracious – you are wise beyond your apparent years. You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and I happen to think you look even more beautiful with curves!

  394. Brenda says

    Thanks for posting Katie and being honest. It is no one else’s business how you choose to live your life and I hope this post silences the critics. I have yet to make one of your recipes but I love the care and attention you put into producing healthy nutritious recipes. Sometimes it is enough just to look at the pictures :o). Keep doing what you do. It is appreciated by many of us. If you are a fat slug. Im a heffalump lol.

  395. Michelle says

    I didn’t get a chance to write on Monday but I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget. I think that was wonderful of you to speak so personally to us all, and while I have never seen any of those comments I can imagine it if was me I would feel the exact same way. There are many out there struggling now or that have struggled with an eating disorder and many don’t even want to admit it to themselves let alone the world. The fact of the matter is that we are all human and all go through highs and lows in our lives, but it’s facing them that lets us overcome them and come out stronger. Thank you for sharing, you clearly have overcome and are an incredibly strong confident woman inside and out! And I love all your recipes πŸ˜‰

  396. Tammy says

    I love your recipes. When my family had to make nutritional changes, you were always my go to for healthy and delicious treats. I know it’s hard to ignore when others are speaking badly of you. It’s even harder to ignore when they make assumptions without knowing you or anything about your personal life. Unfortunately, there will ALWAYS be people out there making judgements. In my opinion, that is THEIR problem. You do not owe anyone an explanation. Your site is awesome and you are a beautiful and generous person for sharing what you know. The judgements of others come from inside themselves and often have nothing to do with you. Keep doing what you do and thank you for being so brave as to put yourself out there. Just try to ignore the critics. It’s really none of your business what they think. Right? Warmest Regards!

  397. Kesia says


    I am sorry you would even feel inclined to have to post a blog in order to address such horrid accusations and badgering. It saddens me that this is the world we live in, and that females are so full of self-hate and insecurities that they have to make themselves feel better by putting other women down. I would just like to say that you are absolutely gorgeous. (I would LOVE to have your body in place of mine any day! LOL!) I absolutely love your blog and I am so grateful for what you do! OXOXO

  398. Marilyn says

    I really love your website and recipes. They’re not always for me, but the ones I’ve made are incredible and everyone that tries the food can’t believe that it’s healthy (or at least better than the regular alternatives). Your dedication to good food and your blog is so great, and clearly you are very passionate. I have almost the opposite problem. I have always eaten healthy and worked out (I just did a triathlon). I am a bigger person and people have often made fun of me for my weight/size. I just do my own thing. I love me and my friends/family/husband think I’m great. So you just keep doing what you love. I’m cheering for you.
    You go girl.

  399. Cindy says

    As someone with a gluten and rice allergy, I look for good tasting recipes and the personal experiences of the person who makes them. I cannot believe that anyone would even think about what you look like or what problems you may or may not have unless you posted about them. I guess I am more into how to heal myself and eat well rather than looking at others issues! I’m sorry that you even had to comment on it. I know it must be painful to read such rubbish but know that you have the support of your blog followers and those who feel a need to slam you are as others have said – bullies. Try to ignore them and to immerse yourself into the friendship that so many offer you!

  400. Arianna says

    Kate, I don’t know you. What we have in common are Italian roots (though mine are 100%!), an insane love for chocolate, and maybe cooking πŸ™‚

    All I can say about your post is that it was honest, totally and absolutely. It takes a great deal of courage to write that, and now I like your blog more than ever. I find it inspiring, and not anorexic at all πŸ™‚ I think you’re just a beautiful person and people sometime don’t like it.

    Keep up the good work!
    Greetings from the Netherlands

  401. A says

    I respect you so much for writing this post. I hate that part of your success as a writer/blogger is dealing with ignorant, hateful comments on the internet; you don’t deserve that.

    As someone who has actually suffered from anorexia for over half of my life now, I have a special disgust for people who make unfounded and assumptive accusations about eating disorders at all. Too many people still think of EDs as either fad diets (all skinny people must have EDS!) or as some kind of “spoiled child” syndrome, when in reality eating disorders are very real mental illnesses with the highest fatality rate of any other psychological disorder.

    And for what it’s worth, I tend to avoid pretty much all food and “healthy living” blogs due to my ED issues. Yours is the ONLY one I subscribe to, because although you provide nutrition facts you do it in a healthy context, and are never pushing dieting or restriction on people.

    Over-exercise is still my biggest ED challenge, and it’s extremely encouraging to see someone that made it over that hurdle and came out happier and healthier on the other side. Keep being strong and awesome, and thanks again for taking a stand and writing such an honest, inspiring post.

  402. Tonia says

    Thank you for being real. I enjoy your blog, and so glad you are not letting stones and arrows make you flee. Your stand is admirable. Keep on being your wonderful, humorous, fun loving self, I know I appreciate you. πŸ™‚

  403. Stacy says

    Thank you for a beautifully written blog! You are a gorgeous and amazing woman! I truly love that you have given me ways to be healthy AND still love what I eat. … what would life be without a little chocolate and peanut butter πŸ˜‰

  404. Gigi says

    It’s so disgusting that people assume things like that about you! It’s NONE OF THIER BUSINESS! And I’m sure most of these people have never even met someone with an eating disorder, because I have and, as part of their disease, they don’t have the same attitudes about fat and calories that you do. Plus, I can guarantee that few to none of the gossipers who thought you were anorexic actually cared about you getting the help you would need in that situation. They just like sticking their nose in other people’s business and passing judgement.

  405. christi says

    i have been following your blog for a few years now. you are gorgeous and i hate that the internet trolls are such jerks about things. please do not stop what you are doing!!

  406. Debbie says

    Thanks for sharing Katie! I struggled to gain weight most of my life and was teased about being skinny all through high school. It can be really tough! I am proud of you for taking charge of your situation in such a healthy way, making healthy desserts and staying active. I am in my 40s now and don’t worry about gaining weight any more, but I still love dessert. So thanks for all of the delicious, healthy recipes. I have made your deep dish chocolate-chip cookie pie and chocolate mousse for everyone I know.

  407. Haley says

    You have so much to be proud of and it’s incredible that people have the audacity to speak out like they do, even when its concerning someone they don’t even know. This post goes to show how much of a strong woman you are and that you are someone who’s more than worth looking up to. You’re a great role model and I look forward to continually following you and your delicious recipes. Take care and godbless❀

  408. Giannina says

    I’ve been reading your blog for years and as someone who has struggled with eating disorders, I never once felt that your blog encouraged them or was “pro-ana”. If anything, your blog encouraged me to eat more dessert! Your recipes always taste amazing and are actually healthy!

  409. Tori says

    LOVE this post. Haters gonna hate. You are beautiful inside and out! And thanks for all your yummy recipes, I love them!

  410. Gi says

    Yeah, I’m gonna be totally predictable and going to thank you for sharing your thoughts and insides of what – after all – is your private life.
    Take care…. and keep the food posts coming! πŸ˜€

  411. nichole says

    I have followed you forever, addicted to your recipes, never disappointed by them yet either!! πŸ™‚ Easier said than done to ignore comments and haters…but you go girl! #meanpeoplesuck #riseabove #betruetoyourself

  412. Sherri says

    Katie, I just wanted to tell you how brave it was of you to post this. It sounds like you’ve done so much work personally, and reading this post made me respect you more and it entirely humanizes you as a person and thus your blog! I hope knowing you have opened up about your issues in an honest and heartfelt way can help you to move past any further criticism or judgment you might get from others. Sometimes those with the worst issues are the first to judge. Keep up the great work on your blog and keep the superawesometastic recipes coming!!!!

  413. April says

    Love your blog! I use many of your recipes. Please dont quit. I also eat healthy fats and have a healthy body, which my family thinks is too skinny. Maybe it is because we have gotten used to either unhealthy fat or unhealthy eating habits. People dont think you can be healthy and skinny. :O I love eating healthy and feeling good.

  414. bethany says

    As a personal who has struggled with anorexia and a healthy body image, I am confident in following you as a positive role model, not someone promoting being skinny at any cost. I believe people should look to you for “Thinspiration” as you are thin while eating a healthy diet. Keep your head up and know that you are inspiring people every day.

  415. Anne says

    Hi Katie,

    I’ve followed your blog on and off for several years. Throughout this time, I’ve struggled with eating disorders ranging from anorexia, binge eating disorder, bulimia, and exercise addiction. While I still have difficult days, I feel confident saying I am in full recovery.
    No one should be making such derogatory comments on your weight. That’s rude and disrespectful. I also appreciate that you have taken the time to stand up dispel the rumors. Internet trolls are terrible.
    I’ve read a great deal of comments on this post and I have to say I disagree with a lot of comments people have made. I don’t know you, your history or your family. I was also vegan for a significant amount of time during my eating disorder. I want to be careful to not associate all vegans with eating disorders, I speak for myself alone. Recovery for me meant giving up on all food restrictions – even those based on meat and dairy. I still eat a mostly vegetarian but have found that decadent desserts and the occasional hamburger are a part of my recovery. I have made and enjoyed several of your recipes however your low calorie and fat free versions were another way for me to restrict early in my eating disorder recovery (I know that situations for everyone are different and that for many, healthy weight loss is necessary.) However in making these substituted versions of recipes often make me feel like I am missing out on something. They don’t give the same satisfaction as occasionally enjoying their full fat and non-vegan counterparts.
    I’m personally afraid that some of the individuals who claim to have reached recovery using your recipes have not reached full recovery, which I believe is completely possible. I encourage everyone to examine their motivation and reasoning for pursuing a vegan lifestyle – is it an easy way to cut out calories or genuine care for the environment and animals? Even if you are genuinely interested in improving your health and the environment by living a vegan life (as I was), there is an extreme. Orthorexia is a real and devastating disorder as well. These individuals maybe within a normal weight range but are so bound by their rules of healthy eating that they cannot enjoy restaurants or gatherings with friends if their safe and healthy foods are not available (been there).
    Additionally, exercise addiction is an eating disorder – if getting in your daily workout interferes with your ability to live your life or if missing even a minute or a rep of a workout causes you anxiety, please find someone to talk to and get help.
    Katie, I don’t mean this at all to be an attack on you. I’m just as horrified and shocked by the rude and hurtful comments of some of those slug haters on your blog. I just want to bring some additional awareness to some of these issues. I don’t often speak up but I am passionate about eating disorder recovery and prevention. I’m happy to hear anyone’s comments on my post as well.



    • Anonymous says

      Katie, myself, and many others on here are vegan for ethical reasons. It has nothing to do with restricting that we choose to eat your so called “substitutes” in stead of a burger. That does not mean we have an eating disorder. Many people eat substitutes or choose to not eat certain foods for certain reasons, and it’s not a sign of disordered eating.

  416. Kathy says

    There is nothing more impressive than a strong women standing up for herself. Our world is always quick to judge, never truly seeing somebody as a person first, never recognizing the ramifications of that judgement. I have enjoyed your recipes for a while now and love your healthy twist on sweets. Thank you .

  417. Sidney says

    I would like to just speak my mind for a moment.

    I think you are beautiful, that your food recipies are brilliant, and that the haters will hate. You must remember that it’s their problem-not yours. I read this-ironically enough- after doing my daily two mile run. I can understand the thoughts and accusations, although I myself have never experienced them. Katie, continue to love yourself and do what you love. I admire the strength behind this post.

  418. Danielle says

    Katie, I think you addressed the issue well. Whether or not you have an eating disorder is really no one’s business. Your blog promotes healthy desserts and a healthy relationship with food. People should not jump to conclusions based on pictures without knowing the “real” you. You have helped many people find healthy and delicious desserts. My children and I love your recipes. Keep your chin up, focus on all the people who love the recipes you create, and keep those fabulous recipes coming!

  419. Fat Slug. pfft! says

    Seriously? You are beautiful and inspirational. I did not think these people existed but finally, I have found someone who has brains, beauty, humour and a large appetite. You are so amazing and I am glad you don’t listen to those ridiculous posts about your weight. You look so healthy your skin glows! If sunbeams radiated from people you would burn holes in the ground where you stepped. πŸ™‚

  420. Alchibah says

    I am sorry to hear that people are giving you a hard time. It is sad they are judging you by your appearance.

    However…I would like to comment again on your advice to ‘not giving up food groups’. First, as a vegan, you have obviously given up food groups.

    Second… everyone is different, and some people do need to give up foods or food groups for good health. Just because people commonly say something is healthy or necessary doesn’t mean it is. You appear to be in good health, but not everyone is the same as you. So, please have empathy for the fact that other people are in different situations and avoid judging their choices or giving one-size-fits-all advice. ‘Giving up food groups’ is not an eating disorder, and it doesn’t help people who feel they thrive better when they give up food groups to have these common myths perpetuated.

    • Anonymous says

      Food groups, as in carbs, fat, and protein. It is not healthy for anyone to give up one of the food groups.

  421. Heather says

    Great post…never have I thought any of the above and was surprised to read about it….. Having a blog really puts you out there and those unhappy and judgmental will find someone or something to criticize. Keep up the good work and what you are doing. πŸ™‚

  422. Celine says

    Dear Katie,
    I read your post with tears in my eyes. I’m in a different situation than yours but I really identified…
    I recently lost a lot of weight because I am ill and, because I was anorexic in my teens (15 years ago), people around me started whispering that I was going through that again.
    I am struggling to accept their reactions and find myself being both very angry and sad.

    Because I’m a food blogger, people seem to think they’re even more so in the right as a someone who blogs about food MUST have a problem with food.

    I did. At 18. I had therapy, put the weight back on and moved on. I am not that person anymore.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say I admire you for being brave enough to write this post.

    I look forward to reading your next ones and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

    Love from

  423. Lorna says

    I’ve been a blog reader for a while now, and thought it might be time for my first comment! I also had a very unhealthy relationship with exercise, and for five years of my life struggled with compulsive running and undereating. In times of stress it became worse, and December of last year I was hospitalized because my heart rate was too low. I spent 9 days in the hospital, as doctors told me I was at high risk for an arrhythmia. I was woken up at 2am almost every night as my heart rate monitor beeped in warning as my heart rate dropped too low. They released me on the condition that I continued to gain weight, and eight months later I have gained twenty pounds, go on long walks and do yoga instead of running, and have learned to eat scones, sleep in with my boyfriend, and relax. The scary thing is, we still don’t know if my bones will recover fully, and I have yet to get my period back. I love children more than anything, and know that I am meant to be a mother. If compulsive exercising and not eating enough have taken that away from me, I’ll never forgive myself. My advice to anyone is that perfection in our modern society is driving women towards orthorexia, and skewing our priorities. Remember what is important, our families, friends, loved ones, nature’s beauty, naps, books, and meaningful careers. Not obsessing over our bodies to the point of cutting us out of the world. Thanks for sharing, Katie, and I am so glad you are happier where you’re at!

  424. Kerri says

    I am very glad that you addressed this on here. Hopefully it will be seen by people that need to see it.
    Though I am struggling yet again with anorexia, I have never used you as “thinspiration” I do believe that you are a great inspiration, especially the more posts I read on here. I love your site and use it as my main source of reliably vegan dessert and breakfast ideas. You are wonderful for having this sight, and I may have given up on being anywhere near healthy much longer ago without your site.
    So thank you and keep it up. You are great! πŸ™‚

  425. Alison says

    I just read your blog post about the horrible conspiracies people somehow find the time to come up with. I wanted to write you and tell you how awesome this blog is. I would describe myself as someone with a terrible sweet tooth. If someone is serving cake, I have 2 pieces. In order to do this, and not weigh 200lbs, I exercise frequently. I’ve run multiple half marathons, and I’m a weekend bike racer. Since finding this blog, I’ve been amazed at how well the “healthy” dessert options taste like the real thing. I make the chickpea cookie and black bean brownie recipes for recovery days, because they’re delicious and healthy. Also, with all the research coming out about how terrible sugar is, I’m thrilled to have healthy alternatives that use healthy sugar replacements instead of unnatural sugar substitutes. I know I’m healthier since finding this blog. And also, you’re beautiful. With so much negativity in the world, I don’t understand why people feel the need to spread it. So in an effort to spread some positivity, I love this blog. I love this blog because I love food, and because these recipes are phenomenal.

  426. Shilpa says

    Felt the need to comment for the first time on your blog. You are beautiful Katie! Keep doing what you do, and keep allowing positivity and humor to rock all of your posts. You’re super and so are your recipes!

  427. Kristen says

    I’m so sorry for the rude people. I appreciate your site more than I can say. Your posts are inspirational. You have encouraged me to get creative with my recipes. Recently married and moved, I now bake and cook way more than I had single.

    These recipes give me new creations to make. I love your photography too, and the out takes are wonderful. I appreciate you and your blog just the way you/it are/is.

    Thank you for not selling out to corporations and being a spokesperson for them.

  428. Ginny says

    Sweet Katie, I have been following your blog now for two years. I found you when my son was fighting cancer and I was trying to find healthy alternatives to our baked treats. I googled “sugar-free powdered sugar” and found you! Your blog has been a great source of inspiration to me as I continue to turn my love for baking into a healthier habit! I can’t tell you how many people I’ve recommended your blog to. You are a beautiful woman, and I appreciate your honesty. If you find yourself in Hagerstown, stop by πŸ™‚

  429. Suzanne says

    Katie – thanks for the honest post…unfortunately criticism is part of what happens when you are ‘out there’ in the internet world….remember that when people are triggered by something about you (and if they are throwing criticism, they are doing that because they are triggered)- it is ABSOLUTELY about THEM. There are NO exceptions to that. You handled this lovingly and gracefully.

  430. Amber says

    I follow you on Pintrest for your amazing recipes. I had no idea that this had been an issue for you. I greatly appreciate your openness. I am also amazed that women (and men) are so quickly able to judge people that they do not know & feel fine saying things that they never would to your face, in a post!

  431. Michelle says

    BRAVA, BRAVA, BRAVA! Thank you for speaking out and addressing this issue. It is past time we women supported each other by getting our minds off body type and concentrating instead on healthy eating and lifestyle. I gained an enormous amount of weight after chemotherapy even though I eat only whole foods and I exercise every day. Does this make me a fat slob?
    I love your web site, the real ingredients you use and how you promote healthy dessert choices. Keep up the good work of promoting healthy eating!

  432. Kat says

    Thank you for sharing, Katie. It is very brave of you to ‘come out’ with your past unhealthy relationship with food/exercise, sharing how you developed a healthier relationship, became healthier & happier in the process, gained the needed curves and it is wonderful how you are standing up against thinspo. I shared this post with my client who is working on developing a healthier relationship with food and her body, she found it very inspiring. Thanks.

  433. jazmine says

    Hi Katie thank you for sharing i have been reading your blog for years and i had the same problem where i would eat but over exercise for years and i became 79 pounds and stopped running and just walk now and its been a struggle not to exercise and allow myelf to gain weight. Thank you for sharing. because its exactly what i wen thru too

  434. megan says

    I just wanted to say that even though I’ve mostly stopped making your recipes they are so delicious and creative! I could never bring myself to use the higher calorie options you provided, so eventually I stopped reading so avidly.( I finally admitted to myself that eating nothing but 1/2 of a serving of your pancakes and a tiny dinner wasn’t healthy). At the same time I ate that I ran 3 miles on the days I didnt have 3 hour tennis practices. Now I’ve gained a bit of weight back(unfortunately all ice cream weight) and I want to have a healthy weight through a healthy diet.

    So thank you, for reminding me that everyone has issues, but they aren’t worth worrying over.

    p.s. I like running, but ultimately stopped because of the negative voice I have telling me *extremely* discouraging thoughts and I’d like to be able to run for enjoyment again.

    • Annie says

      That is so cool… I went through this exact experience – minus the soccer practice although that was replaced by other fitness as I never took soccer. But I hope you succeed, I’ve been there, “chubby-lost too much weight-gained too much from ice cream(&sugar)”-lost some now. Currently I’m abt average just a touch heavier than ideal weight few more pounds to go mostly toning but I know I’ll get there as I’ll be going on a fitness program soon I’m excited. Hope you acheive all your goals and happiness. Best of luck to you : )
      P.S. I used to have voices too, similar to hos you described them, not crazy voices but more like powerful negative thoughts orderung me to accomplish my goals… Hurt my motivation and love or running, so that i got to hate it awhile; but eventually grew to love running again. I don’t run everyday or very far, yet, but I’ve got my love for it back as well as motivation and will so that’s good for me. Wishing the same for you and only good thoughts.

  435. Marion Phelan says

    I enjoy your blog and appreciate your recipes and love that you support healthy eating and I think you look GREAT! Thanks!!

  436. Cee says

    You’re gorgeous, inside and out, and that is a special thing. I’m impressed with your ability to stick this out in the face of the internet, which can be a cruel and unpleasant thing populated by trolls. Love your recipes, and your candor.

  437. cheryl says

    hi Katie
    I have read your comments in response to the nasty words that have been said, as a middle aged women I have enjoyed your recipes and the fact that you use ingredients that I can have has been wonderful, please never loose your sense of humour and never let those who are so negative to ever make you feel you need to prove anything to them or anyone never second guess yourself you seem like a wonderful, kind lovely women who is taking the time to share your knowledge and gift with others and bringing a little joy to those of us who are limited in what we can enjoy, Bravo to you and thank you.
    all the best
    from Toronto, canada

  438. Farrah says

    I was completely unaware of the rumors, and it’s so unfortunate that you’ve had to deal with so many horrible assumptions and comments. You look gorgeous, healthy and happy, and that’s awesome. :] I also really love your