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Oreo Cookie Pancakes

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These healthy and vegan Oreo pancakes are the perfect breakfast for any Oreo lover.

Homemade Oreo Cookie Pancakes

Oreo Cookie Pancakes???

With a simple cookies ‘n cream filling sandwiched between each fluffy chocolate layer, it’s enough to make Michelle Obama call a state of emergency for the breakfast table.

But the First Lady needn’t worry, as these decadent Oreo pancakes pose no threat whatsoever to her Let’s Move campaign for healthier kids. They are secretly filled with fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium, probiotics, and the most important healthy ingredient of all: chocolate.

Also try these 3-ingredient Flourless Pancakes

oreo pancakes

This weekend I had fun playing host to a friend from middle school and her daughter, Kristin (whom I’ve mentioned before on the blog).

I told Kristin I would make her anything she wanted for breakfast, and she got a mischievous look in her eye and said, “Oreo cookies!”

So I asked her, “What about Oreo pancakes?” and she decided that was an even better idea than cookies.

Leftover chocolate? Make Black Bean Brownies

cookie pancakes

If it were up to me, I would’ve made a frosting with coconut butter.

I am so predictable.

But Kristin doesn’t like coconut butter. In her words, it is “yucky.” So we went vanilla yogurt instead.

Lately I’ve been having a lot of fun experimenting with vinegar—it adds a lightness to baked goods, which can be enormously beneficial when using whole-grain flours.

oreo cookie pancakes

The pancakes turned out light and fluffy without the need for any eggs.

If desired, feel free to substitute the yogurt filling for Coconut Whipped Cream.

Secretly Healthy Vegan Oreo Pancake Recipe
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Oreo Cookie Pancakes

These healthy and vegan Oreo pancakes are the perfect breakfast for any Oreo lover.
Total Time 10 minutes
Yield 1 serving
5 from 4 votes


  • 2 Oreos or Healthy Oreos
  • 1 tsp white or cider vinegar
  • 5 tbsp milk of choice
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp oil (sub applesauce only if you like the taste of fat-free pancakes)
  • 1/4 cup spelt, white, or gf ap flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp sweetener of choice
  • 1/3 cup yogurt (I like nondairy)


  • Whisk first 4 ingredients. Set aside. Combine next 5 ingredients in a bowl and stir well. Place a non-stick pan, greased with either oil or oil spray, over medium heat. While it heats, pour wet into dry and stir until just mixed. Then cook your pancakes (I did mine in two batches), adjusting the heat a little lower if necessary. Flip when bubbles appear and the sides are just cooked enough to flip without breaking. Meanwhile, combine the final two ingredients, then spread on the pancakes. 
    View Nutrition Facts


The recipe was adapted from this basic Vegan Pancakes Recipe.

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Published on February 11, 2013

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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    • Karen says

      LOL, my husband thinks it is yucky, my 5 year old thinks it is yucky, I like it, but unfortunately, my 2 year old is allergic. So I am outvoted. So I am happy to have a recipe without it (my 5 year old’s 2 favorite things to eat are oreos and pancakes)

  1. Emilia says

    Love, love, love! Cookies and cream has got to be one of my favorite flavor combinations ever, having it for breakfast would be the icing on the cake…or in the cookie. I’ve always loved topping my pancakes with yogurt, so using it as a filling is definitely something I can get behind! 🙂

  2. Olivia @ OmNom Love says

    This post was so what I needed. After a math test, one needs to look at something chocolate-y. Or eat something with chocolate. 😉
    Good to know tomorrow’s National Pancake Day. I’ll definitely be making pancakes for breakfast! 😀 To celebrate Fat Tuesday, I’m making red velvet cake balls. 😉

  3. Hannah says

    Fat Tuesday as in “let’s get fat”? If it’s on your recipes, and popcorn, I think it’s almost worth it.

    Oreo pancakes? AWESOME! I don’t know what we’re doing tomorrow, but we live in a travel trailer, so I doubt we’ll be able to celebrate.

    I have a couple questions.

    Question #1. When you’re taking pictures of all the stuff you make, do you ever just want to forget the pictures and eat whatever your photographing? 😉

    Question #2. What would be a good, simple, chocolatey thing that wouldn’t make too much of a mess for me to make on Valentine’s Day, from your blog?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Answer #1: Yes. That is one of the reasons why I don’t do those popular “what I ate wednesday” type posts that many other bloggers do. It’s also why sometimes I make a recipe and then have to make it again because I accidentally ate all of the evidence before getting around to a photoshoot ;).

      Answer #2: Maybe the fudge babies, if you have a food processor. I also think the chocolate mayo cupcakes are pretty easy and mess-free (no food processor needed for that one).

  4. Alanna says

    Holy cow, these look amazing!! I haven’t made pancakes in far too long because my weekends have been extremely busy lately. Must try these this coming Saturday or Sunday!

  5. Samantha says

    I love the Lent season, love it. I think I will make this recipe to celebrate, but first I need to make oreos today! Maybe even the peanut butter ones.

    PS. I love coconut butter on pancakes as well. That is the direction I will be going. 🙂


  6. Elle says

    Hi! These look amazing! I looked at your nutrition info and was wondering what milk you used for the calculations and if you’ve factored in an Oreo and also which sugar you used for your calculations. Sorry for so many questions! I’m doing Weight Watchers and have to be exact 🙂 Thanks!!!

  7. jodye @ chocolate and chou fleur says

    My boyfriend, the pancake monster, will absolutely adore these! What a fantastic idea! The yogurt between all the layers makes this look like a real treat! I bet they’d be great with some coconut butter, too

  8. Shirley @ gfe & All Gluten-Free Desserts says

    Oh my goodness! I could see my hubby and I standing at the kitchen counter, each with fork in hand, sharing these as a dessert! 🙂


  9. Dayna says

    Okay. Now I’ve died and gone to food heaven. These look insanely yummy. And I’m making breakfast with my boyfriend tomorrow, so I might have to try ’em (especially since I have all the ingredients for the pancakes already!)

  10. Laura Miller says

    This looks soooo good! I showed my mom, and she said “ugh, you are going to make me fat.” I broke the news to her that these were healthy… We might have pancakes tomorrow. 🙂

  11. Kaylie @ Skinny Muffin says

    I’m pretty sure these are the answers to all of my life’s problems right now. Your back hurts? Have some pancakes. You never get scheduled to work? Here, I made pancakes for you. It’s raining and dreary? No worries. Pancakes in bed will help.

    Yes, yes, and yes.

  12. Ruth says

    I always celebrate pancake day (I didn’t know you did pancakes for shrove tuesday in the US, too!). I’ll make the normal pancakes for tea but I might make these for a dessert… I mean… you can have pancakes twice on pancake day if not any other, surely!

  13. Bianca-Vegan Crunk says

    Oooh, these look decadent! I’m pinning for a future breakfast idea! I will definitely be celebrating Fat Tuesday tomorrow with king cake and lots of Abita. But Tuesdays/Thursdays are my running days, which is when I have protein smoothies for breakfast. Maybe I can have pancakes for dessert. 🙂

  14. Robyn says

    Oh wow these look delicious! I have to say I love the look of your cheesecake pancakes as well though! I am really looking forward to pancake day, me and my friend are having a pancaked fest with strawberries and cream!

  15. Trajayjay says

    Yeah, I guess I’ll have to try these tomorrow morning. But what is the point of Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras), I know a lot of people in New Orleans wear beads and flash their tits, well, I think some of them flash their tits. It’s a really big party, right? In the streets. It’s hard for me to imagine that right now. Where I live, our streets are really filled with snow. It snowed on Friday and some of the roads are still closed today! A lot of the plowing equipment is breaking down because of the heavy snow loads. Well, I just found out that one of my cousins traveled down to New Orleans, I’ll have to ask him about what he saw, I’m kind of jealous of the less sucky weather there.

  16. Anna {Herbivore Triathlete} says

    Are you freaking kidding me? Oreo pancakes? Genius, pure genius. I make pancakes for my kids every weekend as a special breakfast. They would go bonkers for these! (So would I! PS~Have you seen the new gingerbread Oreos? Yumminess on a whole new level.)

  17. Mandie says

    This looks GREAT, Kaite! I loved oreos as a child =)

    Request….. Would you consider putting Coffee Pancakes on your list of recipes to try making, pretty please??? Regular, Mocha or something like that?

  18. andrea says

    Hey Katie : i was wondering if u posted the recipe for the icing, or im just oblivious and didn`t see it ? In any case can u post it please it looks delicious 🙂

  19. Sharla says

    I am the world’s worst about burning pancakes and yours look so thin!! It takes me at least three tries before I get the heat adjusted correctly. Any tips?

  20. Hannah says

    Hello heavenly breakfast/dessert! I am going to have to try this one out ASAP….I can’t imagine the husband would protest much to waking up to these. Love!

  21. Shannon says

    Two words: Oh Wow. Mumbled, of course, in between mouthfuls of these tasty Oreo pancakes slathered in BabyCakes NYC vanilla icing.

  22. Annie says

    My immediate reaction: >GASP< ….. OH MAN!
    lol… you did not SERIOUSLY do that.. this AMAZING!!! By far, the best post ever yet!
    And now I need to go make this right now b4 i drool all over the screen – oh wait… i cant cause i'm away ….. waaaaaaaahhhhh

  23. Leah says

    While these look delicious, I think it’s crazy misleading to call these “healthy”! Transfats, over-processed junk food is NOT doing any favors for anyone’s body–vegan or not.

    • Annie says

      Ummm….. hello? These ARE healthy, bc it uses healthy oreos, and coconut oil (unrefined, virgin) has numerous health benefits

      • Leah says

        If the only thing you can find healthy in these is coconut oil, you don’t have a healthy meal. Sorry.

        I like this blog. I’ve made numerous things off of it. I find this horrifying to tell people, “oh, it’s okay to eat oreos for breakfast because it’s VEGAN! Yay!”

        Apples are health food. Nuts are health food. Vegetables cooked in coconut oil are health food. OREOS ARE NOT HEALTH FOOD!

        Please find a doctor or nutritionist to prove me wrong.

          • Annie says

            and like she mentioned before, it’s full of protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients
            although i hear your point with the breakfast. but paired with a fruit or other whole food, i dont see why that shoud be a problem…. and they’d certainly make a healthy snack… there isn’t actually anything very UNhealthy in this recipe, unless you use regular Oreos

        • Anonymous says

          the point is they could be a whole lot unhealthier. i’ve made these w/ whole wheat flour, they turned out great.

    • Karen says

      First she gives an alternative to her healthy oreos, so maybe with those, it is healthy – I don’t know that recipe. Second, if you use normal oreos, common sense would dictate that it is no longer “healthy”. So most normal people (and I assume anyone reading this site who is interested in making healthier sweet foods) would have the ability to know the difference and not need someone point out the semantics of the post title. You may be a perfectionist, but please don’t demand perfectionism from someone else.

  24. fabtab says

    thankssssssssssssssssss katieeeeeeeeee!!!

    i made it right now, and they are amazing!!!!!

    so delicioussssssssssssssss!!!!

    greetings from méxico

  25. Lisa McIntyre says

    Hi Katie…do you mind sharing what brand of coconut oil you use? I’m new to using this type of oil and am not quite sure how to distinguish between a good quality oil and a bad one. Thank you in advance for any help you can give. I love your site and your recipes!

    • Alanna says

      Artisana is very good, and I think it’s the one Katie uses as well. I haven’t tried others (I’ve seen Spectrum, not sure how that compares), but I can vouch for Artisana. Just make sure you get coconut oil and not butter, because they look very similar at room temperature (the oil is solid below 78 degrees)! 🙂

  26. Karen says

    So I made these, but I read the directions wrong…I cook often and am pretty good, but I saw the 5 and read, the “first 5 ingredients”, and mixed the flour with the liquids. So that was ok, but then I read the next “5” and added the crushed oreos in the batter. Oh my! Well they cooked fine and my daughter loved them…but we went through a lot of milk while eating them. Honestly, I just wanted to make chocolate pancakes without the oreos (gasp I don’t like them, but my husband does) Anyway, my little accident was pretty good, and my daughter got one pancake with her other normal ones as a treat (they were that rich!)

  27. Alex says

    Hi Katie,

    First, I wanted to say how much i love your recipes and how amazing i think you are. second, i was wondering if you could do a recipe for healthy slutty brownies. in case you haven’t heard of them, slutty brownies are brownies with an oreo in the middle and a cookie on top. I’ve made them before and they are incredible. whats not incredible is the fact that just one is enough to make you feel like you’re going to have a heart attack. I’ve spent countless hours researching healthy versions of them, but i haven’t found any. PLEASE HELP

  28. Brandi says

    Ha! I made cookies n cream pancakes too on my blog! Big fluffy ones. They are very healthy, OIL free, refined sugar free. I also made my own Oreo crumbs and “cream”. Yours look really good Katie and beautiful photos!

  29. Joan says

    Hi – unfortunately I’m allergic to yogurt – all kinds. What would you substitute for the coconut yogurt?


  30. Gina B. says

    I made these this morning, and the flavors were great… but how did you get the batter to make such round, circular pancakes? Our batter seemed a little tough, and I couldn’t get enough out in time to make them thin like in the picture. I’d love to learn your tricks so I can make these again!

  31. Dru Falco says

    Hi, Katie! I’ve been meaning to comment on this for almost a week. I looove your blog. A looot. I linked these pancakes to my Pancake Links post last Sunday, they looked fantastic, I hope that’s okay! xo

  32. Violet says

    eating these now. deeeeee-licious. they totally TASTE like oreo pancakes, like a lot like oreo flavor! amazing!!!!! i love these MORE than your brownie batter pancakes which i also love! only downside was they were kinda hard to flip, but my pan is not that great.

      • Anonymous says

        I don’t know why I had trouble flipping these the first time I made them. I’ve never had a problem since! eating more of these now… stevia-sweetened kefit is a good topping for non-vegans. and walnuts… mmmmmm

  33. Jen B says

    I made these this morning and they were absolutely fantastic!! Thank you so much for creating delicious breakfast recipes for one! My husband is in the coast guard and when he is out to sea these are the perfect breakfast – when he is home I just double the recipe!

  34. Violet says

    I tried adapting this recipe into my oatmeal this morning to get an oreo flavored oatmeal! it is good but I think you could do better. I know u have multiple chocolate oatmeals posted but I love these pancakes more than those so an oreo oatmeal would probably be even more awesome!

  35. Hello says

    It is not even breakfast time and I am so going to eat them for lunch. Katie, you are amazing. Can you come over to my house and make me everything you know?

  36. Kaylee says

    These were delicious! I made them today and they were so filling! I couldn’t even finish them! However I would suggest using the whole container of yogurt because the filling is delicious and you WILL want more of it. 🙂 Thank you so much for this recipe!

  37. Lily says

    This was my first pancake recipe of yours! I could not believe how amazing these were! I followed the recipe to the T until the sweetener in which I added 1 T of coconut sugar. My pancakes turned out quite thick (they made four), but, nevertheless, they were AMAZING! Unintentionally, I let out a gleeful giggle when I took my first bite! I also made these using your oreo recipe which I made last night; they were amazing in my pancakes! (I haven’t tried them by themselves). Thank you SOSOSOSOSOSO much for your recipes!

  38. Heather says

    Made these this morning, and my husband said they were the best pancakes he’s ever had. I just had a small problem with the coconut oil. It was originally liquid form because my kitchen was a little bit hot. Then I added it into the milk-vinegar-vanilla mix and stirred. While I was getting the dry ingredients ready , the coconut oil re-solidified from the cold milk and it formed a layer on top. I had to heat it up in the microwave and re-stir it. Lesson of the story–maybe use room temperature milk if you’re using the coconut oil.

  39. Jocelyn says

    Out of eggs this morning, so all my usual breakfast faves were not an option. Made this instead ( substituting 1 tbps chopped 70% chocolate as I couldn’t possibly be trusted to keep Oreos in the cupboard) and… Wowzers! These are delicious. Thanks CCK!

  40. Sophie says

    I love your recipes! The pancake ones are absolutely amazing! 🙂 could you maybe think about doing a pumpkin pancake single serving recipe?? Thank you for all your amazing recipes!! 😀

  41. Al Green says

    These look amazing! Cookies and Cream is my favorite ice cream and my wife loves trying to make healthy pancakes.

    Right now her favorite thing to do is put protein in them. She also put yogurt, which is a little weird.

    These things look awesome though. I think I found my wife’s new favorite site.

  42. Elizabeth says

    You just combined two of my favourite things and I brought a little variation to my Pancake Saturdays. I am forever indebted to you 🙂

  43. Nesh78 says

    I’m so sick of the “secretly healthy” when I see these recipes on pinterest. It’s just yogurt. Yogurt doesn’t even mean healthy.. it’s not indulgent healthy either. It’s just yogurt… it’s not creative. You can do better.

  44. Alexis says

    Just out of curiosity, how big are those Oreos? Do they make jumbo sized ones? Cause they look almost the same size as the delicious pancakes? : P

  45. Dashona says

    Thanks a lot for this receipe. When I first say the picture I thought this would be too much to make, but when I say The ingredients and instructions,I thought to myself ok I can totally do this. I will be making these Christmas morning. Thanks again!

  46. Maddie says

    Hi Katie!
    I write for Spoon University, a food publication for college students and I’m writing an article on “guilt-free ways to eat dessert for breakfast” and I’m hoping to feature your oreo pancakes! Is it ok if I use one of the photos from the recipe? I will give credits to Chocolate Covered Katie. Thanks so much!

  47. Madeline says

    I have been looking forward to making these for about 2 weeks and finally i am having them for dinner tonight…. it’s mid afternoon and I am quite honestly wishing the hours away haha!

  48. Chocolate Covered Katie says

    Thanks for letting me know. I honestly have no idea why so many people think it’s okay to plagiarize… but it makes me happy that readers like you take the time to look out for me. At least there are some good people in the world 🙂

  49. Aimee B. says

    These look delicious! What brand of salt and baking powder do you use in this recipe? The amount of sodium you have listed in the nutrition facts seems way off to me because just 1/8 teaspoon of salt has 290 mg sodium and the 3/4 teaspoon of baking powder has 300 mg. The total that’s listed for the entire recipe is only 299 mg of sodium, and it seems it should be about double that, not including the cookie(s) and yogurt. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but I’m now on a low sodium diet for health reasons and have to be super careful, so thought I’d ask. Thanks so much.

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